AUC-10 GARP Cryptographic Module HW Version: ROJ 208 16/3 R1A/1 FW Version: CXC 106 0272 R1C FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 1 Revision B April 30, 2008 April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 (17) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 AUC-10 GARP Cryptographic Module Overview ................................ 3 2 Security Level ........................................................................................ 7 3 Modes of Operation............................................................................... 7 4 Ports and Interfaces .............................................................................. 8 5 Identification and Authentication Policy ........................................... 10 6 Access Control Policy......................................................................... 10 6.1 Roles ..................................................................................................... 10 6.2 Services................................................................................................. 11 6.3 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) .............. 12 6.4 Definition of CSPs Modes of Access ..................................................... 13 7 Operational Environment.................................................................... 14 8 Security Rules...................................................................................... 14 9 Physical Security Policy ..................................................................... 15 9.1 Physical Security Mechanisms .............................................................. 15 9.2 Design Assurances................................................................................ 15 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy ..................................................... 15 11 Definitions and Acronyms .................................................................. 16 April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3 (17) 1 AUC-10 GARP Cryptographic Module Overview The AUC-10 GARP Cryptographic Module (CM) is a multi-chip embedded module composed of the AGEN2R WCDMA Authentication Generator software binary executing on an Ericsson proprietary Generic Application Regional Processor (GARP) board using the proprietary RAZOR operating system environment. The RAZOR OS includes the OSE Delta kernel along with other extensions such as memory management, error handling or program handling. The GARP board is a processor designed to operate in the AXE 810 telephony equipment platform. The AUC-10 GARP Cryptographic Module (CM) consists of the following components: AUC-10 GARP CM Components Version Component Type GARP Hardware (GARP-1/3) ROJ 208 16/3 R1A/1 HW CORE_PBEM_FIPS CXC 106 0272 R1C FW The AGEN2R is the application running the cryptographic services provided by the module and is a component of the CORE_PBEM_FIPS FW component. The AUC-10 GARP CM is part of the telephony solution that generates data used to provide the main security features in GSM/WCDMA networks as defined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) which defines that standards used by the telephony industry for standards for the 3G networks (WCDMA and GSM). The AUC-10 GARP CM cryptographic boundary is the GARP board and the physical boundary is also the GARP board. The GARP board is placed in the Generic Ericsson Magazine (GEM). April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 4 (17) Figure 1: Example of GEM Magazine Figure 2: Example of GARP Board Placement in GEM Magazine 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SCB-RP/3 Dummy Unit Dummy Unit GARP-1/3 for AuC CM Dummy Unit GARP-1/3 for AuC CM Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit GARP-1/3 for AuC CM GARP-1/3 for AuC CM Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit Dummy Unit SCB-RP/3 X02 X05 X08 X11 X14 X17 X20 X23 X26 X29 X32 X35 X38 X41 X44 X47 X50 X53 X56 X59 X62 X65 X68 X71 X74 X77 X80 X83 order of allocation of AUC-10 GARP CM → 3 5 14 15 The device provides network interfaces for data input and output. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 5 (17) Figure 3: GARP Board – Front and Back The AUC application firmware and the GARP platform/OS firmware is pre-loaded on the GARP board. New software executables cannot be loaded on the CM. Zeroization makes the GARP board unusable. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 6 (17) The diagram in Figure 4 illustrates the logical interfaces as well as defining the cryptographic boundary. All cryptographic keys and CSPs that are input to the cryptographic module are entered in an encrypted form. Figure 4: AUC Cryptographic Module Boundary AGEN2R ANSI X9.31 DRNG GARP Board KS/KP AUC-10 GARP CM Services RPB-S GARP APZ Platform FW OSE Operating System NDRNG AES Zeroize CK, A4KEY, OP, KI Start / Stop Invoke Power-on Self-Tests Re-encryption of Ki Re-encryption of A4KEY Re-encryption of OP Re-encryption of CK Generate Quintets Show Application Status CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE BOUNDARY CK CK, OP CKold, Cknew, A4KEY A4KEYold, A4KEYnew, CK, Ki April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 7 (17) 2 Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 1 security of FIPS 140-2. Table 1 - Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 3 Modes of Operation Approved mode of operation The AUC-10 GARP CM only supports the FIPS mode of operation. The cryptographic module supports the following FIPS Approved algorithm: • AES 128 ECB for encryption (FIPS-197) • NIST-Recommended RNG based on ANSI X9.31 Appendix A.2.4 using the AES 128 Algorithm The cryptographic module supports the following non-approved algorithm: • Non-approved RNG for seed and seed key generation Non-FIPS mode of operation The AUC-10 GARP CM does not support a non-FIPS mode of operation. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 8 (17) 4 Ports and Interfaces The AUC-10 GARP CM physical ports are those provided by the GARP board, including the Ethernet ports and RP bus. The AUC-10 GARP CM logical interface is an API defined by the Ericsson signals used by the module. Table 2: AUC CM Logical Interfaces FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface AUC Cryptographic Module Logical Interface GARP Physical Port Data Input Interface The data input is data sent into the module though input API message RP Bus (Ethernet Port) connected to the backplane in the GEM magazine Data Output Interface The data output is data sent out of the module through output API message RP Bus (Ethernet Port) connected to the backplane in the GEM magazine Control Input Interface The control input interface is API messages that controls the module RP Bus (Ethernet Port) connected to the backplane in the GEM magazine Status Output Interface API messages that indicate the status of the module Event log RP Bus (Ethernet Port) connected to the backplane in the GEM magazine Power Interface The power interface to the GARP board. XP01, XP02 (Power Port) connected to the backplane in the GEM magazine Data output is inhibited by software. Before any data output is produced the state in the FSM is checked. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 9 (17) The GARP board provides the following physical ports and logical interfaces: Figure 5: AUC-10 GARP CM Board Ports The GARP board is provided with the following interfaces to the backplane: • Two redundant -48 V • X01: Maintenance Bus: Disabled • X04: Not used • X10: Ethernet, 10/100Base-TX (RPB-S, Regional Processor Bus) • X11: P-BIST. Addressable Scan port • X480: Ethernet, 10/100 Base-TX port available at the front connector The AUC-10 GARP CM only uses the power (-48 V) and the X10 Ethernet RPB-S. GARP-1 XP01 XP02 X01 X04 X10 X11 X480 Front Connectors Back-plane Connectors Power (-48v) MB JTAG (ASP) (Not Used) Ethernet RPB-S P-BIST Address (board, mag.) V.24 ROJ 208 16/3 R1A/1 Ethernet Communication via the APi messages. 15 mm April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 10 (17) 5 Identification and Authentication Policy Assumption of roles The AUC-10 GARP CM supports two operator roles for accessing the AUC CM (See Table 3). Table 3 - Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data User Not Applicable Not Applicable Cryptographic-Officer Not Applicable Not Applicable Authentication The AUC cryptographic module itself does not perform authentication of operator or network requests. 6 Access Control Policy 6.1 Roles The AUC-10 GARP CM module receives requests for services via data input and control input interfaces (API messages). The AUC CM itself does not provide authentication of service requests (not required for FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1). The roles selected are implicit based on the service requested. All CSP values entered into the CM are encrypted. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 11 (17) 6.2 Services The AUC-10 GARP CM module receives requests for services via data input and control input interfaces (API messages). All CSP values are entered in encrypted form. All services affecting the CSPs in the AUC-10 GARP CM module are limited to User and Cryptographic Officer (CO) roles. Table 4 –Authorized Module Services Service Description Role Generate of WCDMA quintets Request one or more quintets for a specific subscriber. User Zeroize CSPs CSPs stored in the AUC-10 GARP CM are zeroized. All keys, including keys temporarily stored in RAM, are zeroized immediately. Further, the two hardcoded keys, Ks and Kp, are overwritten as well which renders the module unusable. User Re-encryption of Customer key (CK) Re-encrypts CK using AES algorithm and Ks User Adaptation of Operator Variant Algorithm Configuration Field (OP) Re-encrypts OP using AES algorithm and CK User Adaptation of the A4KEY Re-encrypts A4KEYs using AES algorithm and CK User Adaptation of the Subscriber key (Ki) Re-encrypts Ki using AES algorithm (AES) and A4KEY User Application status monitoring Outputs the status of the AUC-10 GARP on the status output interface User Start/Stop Activates/Passivates the CM Crypto Officer Invoke Power On Self Tests Reset the GARP board User April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 12 (17) 6.3 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) Table 5 - Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key / CSP Description Pre-shared Key (Kp) Key used to encrypt and decrypt the encrypted CK entered into the AUC. Known by the AUC-10 GARP CM and the user generating the CK. Ericsson Secret Key (Ks) Key used to encrypt and decrypt the encrypted CK using AES 128. Known only by the AUC-10 GARP CM. Customer Key (CK) This key is used to encrypt and decrypt the CSPs OP and A4KEY keys used in the AUC. Operator dependent Variant Algorithm Configuration Field (OP) This key is used by the customer to personalize those Function Sets (FSETs) which support its usage in the generation of quintets defined by 3GPP1 standards. Subscriber Authentication Key (Ki) AES 128 bit key used in the FSET function to derive the authentication vector A4 Key (A4Key) A4 encrypt / decrypt Key for the encrypted Subscriber Key. 1 3GPP is the 3rd Generation Partnership Project which defines that standards used by the Ericsson AUC in the generation of quintets for authentication and authorization of commercial handsets in the WCDMA network. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 13 (17) 6.4 Definition of CSPs Modes of Access Table 6 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different AUC-10 GARP CM services. The details of the service descriptions are shown in Table 4. It should be noted that the actual CSPs are stored outside the AUC-10 GARP CM and are only sent to the AUC-10 GARP CM for generation of quintets and when changing keys used to encrypt other keys, e.g. when the A4KEY value is changed, all subscriber keys (Kis) must be re-encrypted for storage with the new A4KEY. Table 6 – Specification of Service Access with Inputs & Outputs 2 The quintet does not contain cryptographic data related to the AUC-10 GARP CM and it is sent out in plaintext form. Service Role Affected Keys and CSPs Data Input Data Output Zeroize CSPs User Ks, Kp N/A N/A Re-encryption of CK User CK, Ks, Kp Encrypted data Encrypted data Adaptation of OP User OP, CK Encrypted data Encrypted data Adaptation of A4Key User A4KEY, CK Encrypted data Encrypted data Adaptation of Ki User A4KEY, Ki Encrypted data Encrypted data Generate Quintet User CK, OP, A4KEY, Ki, Ks, Kp Encrypted data Plaintext data2 Application status User N/A N/A N/A Start/Stop CO N/A N/A Invoke Power Up Self Tests User N/A N/A N/A April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 14 (17) 7 Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 Operational Environment requirements are not applicable because the AUC-10 GARP CM does not contain a modifiable operational environment. 8 Security Rules The AUC-10 GARP CM design corresponds to the following cryptographic module’s security rules. This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Level 1 module. 1 The cryptographic module shall provide at least two distinct operator roles. These are the User role and the Cryptographic-Officer role. 2 Status information shall not contain CSPs or sensitive data that, if misused, could lead to a compromise of the module. 3 The cryptographic module shall perform the following tests: A. Power up Self-Tests: 1. Cryptographic algorithm tests: a. AES Known Answer Test b. ANSI X9.31 RNG Known Answer Test 2. Software Integrity Test (16-bit Error Detection Code (EDC)) B. Conditional Self-Tests: 1. Continuous ANSI X9.31 Random Number Generator (RNG) test 2. Continuous non-approved RNG test 4 The results of the Self-Tests are available in the status output interface event log. 5 Data output shall be inhibited during self-tests, zeroization and error states. 6 The operator shall be able to initiate the power-up self-test by resetting the GARP board. 7 The cryptographic module does not support concurrent operators. . April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 15 (17) 9 Physical Security Policy 9.1 Physical Security Mechanisms A multi-chip embedded cryptographic module at Security Level 1 requires the following physical security mechanisms: • Production-grade components with standard passivation. The AUC-10 GARP CM uses production-grade components with standard passivation. 9.2 Design Assurances Ericsson follows highly stabilized and popular design procedures. The design goes through many phases of review and inspections, and implementations undergo rigorous quality assurance testing. Additionally, ClearCase Version 6.0 is used to provide configuration management for the AUC CM software and documentation. The ClearCase software provides access control, versioning, and logging. Additional security is added for the AUC software within Ericsson due to the nature of the software in securing the identities of user equipment in large commercial operator environments and government customers. 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The mitigation of other attacks is not applicable because the cryptographic module is not designed to mitigate specific attacks beyond the scope of FIPS 140-2. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 16 (17) 11 Definitions and Acronyms Term Definition 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project which defines that standards used by the telephony industry for standards for the 3G networks (WCDMA and GSM). AKA Authentication and Key Agreement – either GSM or UMTS which determines whether triplets or quintets are generated. The FIPS AUC only supports UMTS (quintets). AUC Authentication Centre – the network element in a WCDMA system that provides authentication of each UE that attempts to connect to the system. AGEN2R AGEN2 is responsible for the generation of the quintets and associated services. AGEN2 is composed of a CP unit (AGEN2U) and a RP unit (AGEN2R). The AGEN2R firmware executes on the GARP board. AV Authentication Vector – generated result of the FSETs using AUC CSPs. Also called quintet in 3GPP standards. AXE Ericsson proprietary telephony platform used to implement the AUC network element – currently the AXE 810 product line. A4KEY Internal AUC keys used to encrypt the Subscriber Key (Ki) for administration purposes. Reference by an A4IND index value. CK Internal AUC key used to encrypt and decrypt the OP key and the A4KEYs for administrative purposes.3 CP Central Processor of the AXE 810 platform. CSP Critical Security Parameters EDC Error Detection Code is a checksum for data. The EDC can be used to identify errors in data based on a specific probability. A typical example of an EDC is the XOR or CRC checksum used in various data transmission protocols. FSET Function Set – a group of functions that use CSPs to create a WCDMA quintet used to verify the user equipment attempting to access the WCDMA network the AUC supports. GARP Generic Application Regional Processor GSM Global System for Mobile Communications - a digital cellular phone technology that is the predominant system in Europe. IPSec Internet Protocol Security provides security for transmission of sensitive information over unprotected networks such as the Internet. 3 The acronym CK is also used by the 3GPP standards to identify the Cipher Key. The 3GPP CK is the result of the generation of the FSET but is not a critical security parameter in the AUC. April 30, 2008 AUC-10 GARP CM Security Policy © Ericsson Inc. 2008 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 17 (17) Term Definition Ki 128 bit Subscriber Key used to identify the device requesting authentication. In a mobile telephony network, this is the identifier programmed into the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) smart card used to authenticate the mobile phone to the network. Kp Internal hard-coded private key used to encrypt and decrypt the CK Ks Internal hard-coded shared key used to encrypt and decrypt the CK for internal storage after receiving the CK from the operator. OP 128-bit Operator Variant Algorithm Configuration Field that is a component of the functions f1, f1*, f2, f3, f4, f5 and f5* used to generate quintets as defined by 3GPP technical standards. Quintet UMTS authentication vector that is generated by using the standard 3GPP FSET and the Ki and OP keys for authentication of the UE. The transmission of the resulting values in the vector is outside the scope of the AUC CM. RAZOR An Operating System platform consisting of a number of Ericsson proprietary and OSE components combined into a complete OS for the GARP. RP Regional Processor RPB-S Serial Regional Processor Bus (Serial RP-Bus). All communication between the CP and the RPs is transported via the RP Bus. The serial RP Bus is divided into several branches. UE User Equipment UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System - the GSM implementation of the third generation (3G) wireless phone system and will deliver audio and video to wireless devices anywhere in the world through fixed, wireless and satellite systems WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access – a type of 3G cellular network. Both UMTS and GSM are supported. The FIPS AUC is defined for UMTS systems only.