This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 1 Kaspersky Cryptographic Module (Pre-Boot) Version FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Security Policy Version Number: 4.0 Date: April 6, 2017 This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 2 Table of Contents 1. Module Overview ............................................................................................................................3 2. Modes of Operation.........................................................................................................................4 2.1 Approved and Allowed Cryptographic Functions ......................................................................4 2.2 All other algorithms..................................................................................................................5 3. Ports and interfaces.........................................................................................................................6 4. Roles and Services ...........................................................................................................................6 5. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs ...........................................................................................................7 6. Self-tests..........................................................................................................................................8 This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 3 1. Module Overview Kaspersky Cryptographic Module (Pre-Boot) is a set of software libraries that provide cryptographic services for Kaspersky Lab FDE solution in pre-boot environment. The cryptographic module is a software module that is executing in a modifiable operational environment by a general purpose computer. This software module contains three components: • cm_um.dll (32-bit or 64-bit) • cm_i13_s.dll (32-bit or 64-bit) • cm_i13_a.dll (32-bit or 64-bit) FIPS 140-2 conformance testing was performed at Security Level 1. The following configurations were tested by the lab. Table 1.1: Configurations tested by the lab. Software Component Operating System Processor(s) AES NI: Yes/No cm_um.dll (32-bit) cm_i13_s.dll (32-bit) Kaspersky Preboot OS with BIOS Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo P9600 @ 2.53GHz No cm_um.dll (32-bit) cm_i13_a.dll (32-bit) Kaspersky Preboot OS with BIOS Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz Yes cm_um.dll (64-bit) cm_i13_s.dll (64-bit) Kaspersky Preboot OS with UEFI Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo P9600 @ 2.53GHz No cm_um.dll (64-bit) cm_i13_a.dll (64-bit) Kaspersky Preboot OS with UEFI Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770S CPU@ 3.10GHz Yes Table 1.2: Module Security Level Statement. FIPS Security Area Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-tests 1 This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 4 FIPS Security Area Security Level Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Figure 1: Block Diagram for Kaspersky Cryptographic Module (Pre-Boot) 2. Modes of Operation In the FIPS approved mode of operation the operator must only use FIPS-approved and allowed security functions listed in the Section 2.1. In the non-FIPS mode of operation the module performs non-approved functions listed in the Section “2.2 All Other Algorithms” of this security policy. These functions shall not be used in FIPS approved mode of operation. 2.1Approved and Allowed Cryptographic Functions The following approved cryptographic algorithms are used in FIPS approved mode of operation. General Purpose Computer hardware (Physical Boundary) Kaspersky Cryptographic Module (Pre-Boot) cm_um.dll cm_i13_s.dll cm_i13_a.dll (32-bit or 64-bit) Cryptographic Boundary Kaspersky Preboot OS This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 5 Table 2.1: Approved Cryptographic Functions. Algorithm CAVP Certificate AES (ECB, CBC, CFB8, CFB128 and XTS) using 128 and 256-bit keys Note: AES-XTS mode is only Approved for storage applications 2849, 2959, 2960, 2980 SP 800-90A DRBG (Hash, HMAC and CTR) 502, 561, 890, 891, 896, 897 HMAC (SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) 1789, 1879 SHS (SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) 2391, 2492 SHA3 (224/256/384/512) vendor affirmed RSA (FIPS 186-4) SigGen using RSA with keys = 2048 bits/SHA512 and SigVer using 1024/2048/3072 RSA keys for ANSIX9.31, RSASSA- PKCS1_V1_5 and RSASSA-PSS 1490, 1558 PBKDF vendor affirmed Note: keys derived from passwords, as shown in SP 800-132, may only be used in storage applications. The cryptographic module complies with SP 800-132 Option 2a. The operator must only use 256-bit or stronger random passwords. The upper bound for the probability of having this parameter guessed at random is 1/2256 . The following non-FIPS approved but allowed cryptographic algorithms are used in FIPS approved mode of operation. Table 2.2: Non-FIPS Approved But Allowed Cryptographic Functions. Algorithm RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 270 bits of encryption strength) using RSA with keys ≥ 2048 bits EC DH using |n| = 224, |n| = 384: CURVES(secp224k1, P-384 ) 2.2All other algorithms In the FIPS approved mode of operation the operator must not use the functions listed in the Table 2.3. These functions are available in the User role. This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 6 Table 2.3: Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions Algorithm (FIPS 186-2) RSA KeyGen EC DH using |n| = 192: CURVES(secp192k1) RSA (key wrapping; non-compliant) using RSA with keys < 2048 bits RSA SigVer using RSA with keys < 1024 bits RSA SigGen using RSA with keys ≠ 2048 bits or SHA1/SHA224/SHA256/SHA384 3. Ports and interfaces The logical interfaces of the module are implemented via an Application Programming Interface (API). The following table describes each logical interface. Table 3: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces. Logical Interface Description Data Input Input parameters that are supplied to the API commands Data Output Output parameters that are returned by the API commands Control Input API commands Status Output Return status provided by API commands 4. Roles and Services The module supports a Crypto Officer role and a User Role. The Crypto Officer installs, initializes and de- initializes the module. The Crypto Officer also uses the services provided by the module. The User uses the cryptographic services provided by the module. The module provides the following services. Table 4: Roles and Services Service Corresponding Roles Types of Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – Read or Execute W – Write or Create Z – Zeroize Initialization/ de- initialization Crypto Officer N/A Installation Crypto Officer N/A Self-test User Crypto Officer N/A Show status User Crypto Officer N/A This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 7 Service Corresponding Roles Types of Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – Read or Execute W – Write or Create Z – Zeroize Zeroization User Crypto Officer All: Z Random number generation User Crypto Officer DRBG CSPs: R, W Asymmetric key generation User Crypto Officer RSA keys: W Symmetric encryption/decryption User Crypto Officer AES key: R Message digest generation User Crypto Officer N/A Keyed Hash (Generating or verifying data integrity with HMAC) User Crypto Officer HMAC key: R Asymmetric encryption/decryption User Crypto Officer RSA keys: R Key agreement User Crypto Officer EC DH keys: R, W Digital Signature Generation/Verification User Crypto Officer RSA keys: R PBKDF key derivation User Crypto Officer AES key: W HMAC key: W Password: R Table 4: Roles and Services Non-Approved cryptographic services are implementations of Non-Approved algorithms. They are listed in the Section 2.2. 5. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs The table below describes cryptographic keys and CSPs used by the module. Table 5: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key Description/Usage Origin Zeroization AES Key Used during AES encryption and decryption Generated using DRBG, derived using PBKDF, or provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot HMAC Key Used during calculation of HMAC Generated using DRBG, derived using PBKDF, or provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 8 Key Description/Usage Origin Zeroization RSA Key Pairs Used for signature generation and verification and key wrapping Provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot DRBG CSPs Used during generation of random numbers (length of entropy input depends on security strength required by the calling application) Provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot EC DH Key Pairs Used for Key agreement Generated by the module or provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot Password Used to derive key using PBKDF Provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot The Keys and CSPs are stored in plaintext within the module. Keys and CSPs used in the FIPS Approved mode of operation shall not be used while in the non-FIPS mode of operation. CSPs shall not be established while in the non-FIPS mode of operation. 6. Self-tests The module performs the following power-up and conditional self-tests. Upon failure of a power-up self- test the module halts its operation. Table 6: Self-Tests Algorithm Test Software integrity HMAC-SHA256 KAT HMAC HMAC: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 KATs AES KAT(encryption/decryption): AES-XTS (128 and 256) AES-ECB (128 and 256) AES-CBC (128 and 256) AES-CFB8(128 and 256) AES-CFB128(128 and 256) RSA KAT: RSA2048 SHA512 PSS DRBG KATs: HASH_DRBG: SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 HMAC_DRBG: SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 CTR_DRBG: AES128, AES256 Continuous Random Number Generator test for DRBGs DRBG Health Test Continuous Random Number Generator test for entropy source This document is non-proprietary and can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 9 Algorithm Test SHA3 SHA3-224, 256, 384, and 512 KATs PBKDF PBKDF2 with HMAC-SHA512 KAT SHS KATs: SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 The module performs all power-up self-tests listed above without operator intervention using DLL entry- point mechanism.