Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document Microsoft Windows Vista Operating System FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Document This document specifies the security policy for the Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Cryptographic Module (KSECDD.SYS) as described in FIPS PUB 140-2. October 7, 2009 Document Version: 1.3 Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. 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Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION.................................................................5 1.1 Cryptographic Boundary ...............................................................................................................5 2 SECURITY POLICY ..............................................................................................................5 3 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES.................................................6 3.1 Export Functions.............................................................................................................................6 3.2 Data Input and Output Interfaces ..............................................................................................7 3.3 Control Input Interface.................................................................................................................7 3.4 Status Output Interface ................................................................................................................7 3.5 Cryptographic Bypass....................................................................................................................7 4 ROLES AND AUTHENTICATION ........................................................................................7 4.1 Roles..................................................................................................................................................8 4.2 Maintenance Roles .........................................................................................................................8 4.3 Operator Authentication ...............................................................................................................8 5 SERVICES .............................................................................................................................8 5.1 Cryptographic Module Power Up and Power Down.................................................................8 5.1.1 DriverEntry ..................................................................................................................................8 5.1.2 DriverUnload................................................................................................................................8 5.2 Key Formatting ...............................................................................................................................9 5.2.1 FipsDesKey ..................................................................................................................................9 5.2.2 Fips3Des3Key ..............................................................................................................................9 5.3 Random Number Generation........................................................................................................9 5.3.1 FipsGenRandom ..........................................................................................................................9 5.4 Data Encryption and Decryption..................................................................................................9 5.4.1 FipsDes........................................................................................................................................9 5.4.2 Fips3Des......................................................................................................................................9 5.4.3 FipsCBC .....................................................................................................................................10 5.4.4 FipsBlockCBC .............................................................................................................................10 5.5 Hashing...........................................................................................................................................11 5.5.1 FipsSHAInit................................................................................................................................11 5.5.2 FipsSHAUpdate..........................................................................................................................11 5.5.3 FipsSHAFinal..............................................................................................................................11 5.5.4 FipsHmacSHAInit.......................................................................................................................11 5.5.5 FipsHmacSHAUpdate.................................................................................................................11 5.5.6 FipsHmacSHAFinal.....................................................................................................................11 5.5.7 HmacMD5Init.............................................................................................................................12 5.5.8 HmacMD5Update.......................................................................................................................12 5.5.9 HmacMD5Final...........................................................................................................................12 5.6 Acquiring a Table of Pointers to FipsXXX Functions..............................................................13 5.7 Algorithm Providers and Properties..........................................................................................13 5.7.1 BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider...................................................................................................13 5.7.2 BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider...................................................................................................13 5.7.3 BCryptSetProperty.....................................................................................................................13 5.7.4 BCryptGetProperty.....................................................................................................................14 5.7.5 BCryptFreeBuffer.......................................................................................................................14 5.8 Random Number Generation......................................................................................................14 5.8.1 BCryptGenRandom ....................................................................................................................14 5.9 Key and Key-Pair Generation .....................................................................................................16 5.9.1 BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey ..................................................................................................16 5.9.2 BCryptGenerateKeyPair .............................................................................................................16 5.9.3 BCryptFinalizeKeyPair................................................................................................................16 Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 5.9.4 BCryptDuplicateKey...................................................................................................................16 5.9.5 BCryptDestroyKey......................................................................................................................16 5.10 Key Entry and Output...............................................................................................................16 5.10.1 BCryptImportKey.......................................................................................................................16 5.10.2 BCryptImportKeyPair.................................................................................................................17 5.10.3 BCryptExportKey........................................................................................................................18 5.11 Encryption and Decryption......................................................................................................18 5.11.1 BCryptEncrypt............................................................................................................................18 5.11.2 BCryptDecrypt ...........................................................................................................................19 5.12 Hashing and HMAC ...................................................................................................................20 5.12.1 BCryptCreateHash .....................................................................................................................20 5.12.2 BCryptHashData ........................................................................................................................21 5.12.3 BCryptDuplicateHash.................................................................................................................21 5.12.4 BCryptFinishHash ......................................................................................................................21 5.12.5 BCryptDestroyHash ...................................................................................................................21 5.13 Signing and Verification ..........................................................................................................21 5.13.1 BCryptSignHash.........................................................................................................................21 5.13.2 BCryptVerifySignature ...............................................................................................................22 5.14 Secret Agreement and Key Derivation..................................................................................22 5.14.1 BCryptSecretAgreement ............................................................................................................22 5.14.2 BCryptDeriveKey........................................................................................................................23 5.14.3 BCryptDestroySecret .................................................................................................................23 5.15 Configuration.............................................................................................................................23 5.16 Other Interfaces........................................................................................................................24 6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................25 7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ..........................................................................25 7.1 Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs......................................................................................26 7.2 Access Control Policy ...................................................................................................................26 7.3 Key Material...................................................................................................................................27 7.4 Key Generation..............................................................................................................................27 7.5 Key Establishment........................................................................................................................27 7.6 Key Entry and Output ..................................................................................................................27 7.7 Key Storage....................................................................................................................................28 7.8 Key Archival...................................................................................................................................28 7.9 Key Zeroization .............................................................................................................................28 8 SELF-TESTS ........................................................................................................................28 9 DESIGN ASSURANCE........................................................................................................28 10 ADDITIONAL DETAILS..................................................................................................29 Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 1 CryptographicModuleSpecification Microsoft Kernel Security Support Provider Interface (KSECDD.SYS) is a FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliant, general purpose, software-based, cryptographic module residing at kernel mode level of Windows Vista operating system. KSECDD.SYS (versions 6.0.6000.16386, 6.0.6000.16870, and 6.0.6000.21067) runs as a kernel mode export driver, and provides cryptographic services, through their documented interfaces, to Windows Vista kernel components. The KSECDD.SYS encapsulates several different cryptographic algorithms in an easy-to-use cryptographic module accessible via the Microsoft CNG (Cryptography, Next Generation) API. It also supports several cryptographic algorithms accessible via a Fips function table request irp (I/O request packet). Windows Vista kernel mode components can use general-purpose FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliant cryptography in KSECDD.SYS. 1.1 Cryptographic Boundary The Windows Vista kernel mode KSECDD.SYS consists of a single kernel mode export driver (SYS). The cryptographic boundary for KSECDD.SYS is defined as the enclosure of the computer system, on which KSECDD.SYS is to be executed. The physical configuration of KSECDD.SYS, as defined in FIPS-140-2, is multi-chip standalone 2 Security Policy KSECDD.SYS operates under several rules that encapsulate its security policy. • KSECDD.SYS is supported on Windows Vista. • KSECDD.SYS operates in FIPS mode of operation only when used with the FIPS approved version of CI.DLL (FIPS 140-2 Cert. #890) operating in FIPS mode • Windows Vista is an operating system supporting a “single user” mode where there is only one interactive user during a logon session. • KSECDD.SYS is only in its Approved mode of operation when Windows is booted normally, meaning Debug mode is disabled and Driver Signing enforcement is enabled. • All users assume either the User or Cryptographic Officer roles. • KSECDD.SYS provides no authentication of users. Roles are assumed implicitly. The authentication provided by the Windows Vista operating system is not in the scope of the validation. • All cryptographic services implemented within KSECDD.SYS are available to the User and Cryptographic Officer roles. • In order to invoke the approved mode of operation, the user must call FIPS approved functions. • KSECDD.SYS implements the following FIPS-140-2 Approved algorithms. o SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 hash (Cert. #618) o SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 HMAC (Cert. #298) o Triple-DES (2 key and 3 key) in ECB, CBC, and CFB with 8-bit feedback modes (Cert. #549) o AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 in ECB, CBC, and CFB with 8-bit feedback mode (Cert. #553) o RSA (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 and RSASSA-PSS) digital signatures (Cert. #257) and X9.31 RSA key-pair generation (Cert. #258) o ECDSA with the following NIST curves: P-256, P-384, P-521 (Cert. #60) o FIPS 186-2 general purpose random number generation algorithm per FIPS 186-2 (Cert. #321). • KSECDD.SYS supports the following non-Approved algorithms allowed for use in FIPS mode. o Diffie-Hellman (DH) secret agreement (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 50 and 150 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant less than 80-bits of encryption strength). Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) o ECDH with the following NIST curves: P-256, P-384, P-521 (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength) o TLS • KSECDD.SYS also supports the following non FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms, though these algorithms may not be used when operating the modules in a FIPS compliant manner. o RC2, RC4, MD2, MD4, MD5, HMAC MD51 . o DES in ECB, CBC, and CFB with 8-bit feedback o IKEv1 Key Derivation Functions The following diagram illustrates the master components of the module: KSECDD.SYS was tested using the following machine configurations: X86 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (x86 version) – Dell SC420 (Intel Pentium 2.53GHz) AMD64 Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition (x64 version) – Dell SC430 (Intel Pentium D 2.8GHz) 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3.1 Export Functions The following list contains the functions exported by KSECDD.SYS to its callers. 1 Applications may not use any of these non-FIPS algorithms if they need to be FIPS compliant. To operate the module in a FIPS compliant manner, applications must only use FIPS-approved algorithms. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) • BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider • BCryptCreateHash • BCryptDecrypt • BCryptDeriveKey • BCryptDestroyHash • BCryptDestroyKey • BCryptDestroySecret • BCryptDuplicateHash • BCryptDuplicateKey • BCryptEncrypt • BCryptExportKey • BCryptFinalizeKeyPair • BCryptFinishHash • BCryptFreeBuffer • BCryptGenerateKeyPair • BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey • BCryptGenRandom • BCryptGetProperty • BCryptHashData • BCryptImportKey • BCryptImportKeyPair • BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider • BCryptSecretAgreement • BCryptSetProperty • BCryptSignHash • BCryptVerifySignature KSECDD.SYS has additional export functions described in subsequent sections. 3.2 Data Input and Output Interfaces The Data Input Interface for KSECDD.SYS consists of the KSECDD.SYS export functions. Data and options are passed to the interface as input parameters to the KSECDD.SYS export functions. Data Input is kept separate from Control Input by passing Data Input in separate parameters from Control Input. The Data Output Interface for KSECDD.SYS also consists of the KSECDD.SYS export functions. 3.3 Control Input Interface The Control Input Interface for KSECDD.SYS also consists of the KSECDD.SYS export functions. Options for control operations are passed as input parameters to the KSECDD.SYS export functions. 3.4 Status Output Interface The Status Output Interface for KSECDD.SYS also consists of the KSECDD.SYS export functions. For each function, the status information is returned to the caller as the return value from the function. 3.5 Cryptographic Bypass Cryptographic bypass is not supported by KSECDD.SYS. 4 Roles and Authentication Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 4.1 Roles KSECDD.SYS provides User and Cryptographic Officer roles (as defined in FIPS 140-2). These roles share all the services implemented in the cryptographic module. When a kernel mode component requests the crypto module to generate keys, the keys are generated, used, and deleted as requested. There are no implicit keys associated with a kernel component. Each kernel component may have numerous keys. 4.2 Maintenance Roles Maintenance roles are not supported by KSECDD.SYS. 4.3 Operator Authentication The module does not provide authentication. Roles are implicitly assumed based on the services that are executed. The OS on which KSECDD.SYS executes (Microsoft Windows Vista) does authenticate users. Microsoft Windows Vista requires authentication from the trusted control base (TCB) before a user is able to access system services. Once a user is authenticated from the TCB, a process is created bearing the Authenticated User’s security token for identification purpose. All subsequent processes and threads created by that Authenticated User are implicitly assigned the parent’s (thus the Authenticated User’s) security token. 5 Services The following list contains all services available to an operator. All services are accessible to both the User and Crypto Officer roles. 5.1 Cryptographic Module Power Up and Power Down 5.1.1 DriverEntry Each Windows Vista driver must have a standard initialization routine DriverEntry in order to be loaded. The Windows Vista Loader is responsible to call the DriverEntry routine. The DriverEntry routine must have the following prototype. NTSTATUS (*PDRIVER_INITIALIZE) ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath); The input DriverObject represents the driver within the Windows Vista system. Its pointer allows the DriverEntry routine to set an appropriate entry point for its DriverUnload routine in the driver object. The RegistryPath input to the DriverEntry routine points to a counted Unicode string that specifies a path to the driver's registry key \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\KSECDD. 5.1.2 DriverUnload It is the entry point for the driver's unload routine. The pointer to the routine is set by the DriverEntry routine in the DriverUnload field of the DriverObject when the driver initializes. An Unload routine is declared as follows: VOID (*PDRIVER_UNLOAD) ( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject); When the driver is no longer needed, the Windows Vista Kernel is responsible to call the DriverUnload routine of the associated DriverObject. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 5.2 Key Formatting The following functions provide interfaces to the KSECDD.SYS module’s key formatting functions. 5.2.1 FipsDesKey VOID FipsDesKey( DESTable * pDesTable, UCHAR * pbKey) The FipsDesKey function formats a DES cryptographic session key into the form of a DESTable struct. It fills in the DESTable struct with the decrypt and encrypt key expansions. Its second parameter points to the DES key of DES_BLOCKLEN (8) bytes. FipsDesKey zeroizes its copy of the key before returning to the caller. 5.2.2 Fips3Des3Key VOID Fips3Des3Key( DES3TABLE * pDES3Table, UCHAR * pbKey) The Fips3Des3Key function formats a Triple DES cryptographic session key into the form of a DES3Table struct. It fills in the DES3Table struct with the decrypt and encrypt key expansions. Its second parameter points to the Triple DES key of 3 * DES_BLOCKLEN (24) bytes. Fips3Des3Key zeroizes its copy of the key before returning to the caller. 5.3 Random Number Generation 5.3.1 FipsGenRandom BOOL FIPSGenRandom( IN OUT UCHAR *pb, IN ULONG cb); The FipsGenRandom function fills the buffer pb with cb random bytes produced using a FIPS 140-2 compliant pseudo random number generation algorithm. The algorithm is the SHS based RNG from FIPS 186-2. Internally, the function compares each 160 bits of the buffer with the next 160 bits. If they are the same, the function returns FALSE. The caller may optionally specify the initial 160 bits in the pb buffer for the initiation of the comparison. This initial 160 bit sequence is used only for the comparison algorithm and it is not intended as caller supplied random seed. The seed sources are enumerated in the BCryptGenRandom() function description. 5.4 Data Encryption and Decryption The following functions provide interfaces to the KSECDD.SYS module’s data encryption and decryption functions. 5.4.1 FipsDes VOID FipsDes( UCHAR * pbOut, UCHAR * pbIn, void * pKey, int iOp) The FipsDes function encrypts or decrypts the input buffer pbIn using DES, putting the result into the output buffer pbOut. The operation (encryption or decryption) is specified with the iOp parameter. The pKey is a DESTable struct pointer returned by the FipsDesKey function. FipsDes zeroizes its copy of the DESTable struct before returning to the caller. 5.4.2 Fips3Des VOID Fips3Des( Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) UCHAR * pbIn, UCHAR * pbOut, void * pKey, int op) The Fips3Des function encrypts or decrypts the input buffer pbIn using Triple DES, putting the result into the output buffer pbOut. The operation (encryption or decryption) is specified with the op parameter. The pkey is a DES3Table struct returned by the Fips3Des3Key function. Fips3Des zeroizes its copy of the DES3Table struct before returning to the caller. 5.4.3 FipsCBC BOOL FipsCBC( ULONG EncryptionType, BYTE * output, BYTE * input, void * keyTable, int op, BYTE * feedback) The FipsCBC function encrypts or decrypts the input buffer input using CBC mode, putting the result into the output buffer output. The encryption algorithm (DES or Triple DES) to be used is specified with the EncryptionType parameter. The operation (encryption or decryption) is specified with the op parameter. If the EncryptionType parameter specifies Triple DES, the keyTable is a DES3Table struct returned by the Fips3Des3Key function. If the EncryptionType parameter specifies DES, the keyTable is a DESTable struct returned by the FipsDesKey function. This function encrypts just one block at a time and assumes that the caller knows the algorithm block length and the buffers are of the correct length. Every time when the function is called, it zeroizes its copy of the DES3Table or DESTable struct before returning to the caller. 5.4.4 FipsBlockCBC BOOL FipsBlockCBC( ULONG EncryptionType, BYTE * output, BYTE * input, ULONG length, void * keyTable, int op, BYTE * feedback) Same as FipsCBC, the FipsBlockCBC function encrypts or decrypts the input buffer input using CBC mode, putting the result into the output buffer output. The encryption algorithm (DES or Triple DES) to be used is specified with the EncryptionType parameter. The operation (encryption or decryption) is specified with the op parameter. If the EncryptionType parameter specifies Triple DES, the keyTable is a DES3Table struct returned by the Fips3Des3Key function. If the EncryptionType parameter specifies DES, the keyTable is a DESTable struct returned by the FipsDesKey function. This function can encrypt/decrypt more than one block at a time. The caller specifies the length in bytes of the input buffer in the “length” parameter. So the input/output buffer length is the arithmetic product of the number of blocks in the input/output buffer and the block length (8 bytes). When the length is 8 (i.e. one block of input buffer), FipsBlockCBC is the same as FipsCBC. Every time when the function is called, it zeroizes its copy of the DES3Table or DESTable struct before returning to the caller. DRAFT This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 5.5 Hashing The following functions provide interfaces to the KSECDD.SYS module’s hashing functions. 5.5.1 FipsSHAInit void FipsSHAInit( A_SHA_CTX * hash_context) The FipsSHAInit function initiates the hashing of a stream of data. The output hash_context is used in subsequent hash functions. 5.5.2 FipsSHAUpdate void FipsSHAUpdate( A_SHA_CTX * hash_context, UCHAR * pb, unsigned int cb) The FipsSHAUpdate function adds data pb of size cb to a specified hash object associated with the context hash_context. This function can be called multiple times to compute the hash on long data streams or discontinuous data streams. The FipsSHAFinal function must be called before retrieving the hash value. 5.5.3 FipsSHAFinal void FipsSHAFinal ( A_SHA_CTX * hash_context, unsigned char [A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN] hash) The FipsSHAFinal function computes the final hash of the data entered by the FipsSHAUpdate function. The hash is an array char of size A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN (20 bytes). 5.5.4 FipsHmacSHAInit void FipsSHAInit( A_SHA_CTX * pShaCtx UCHAR * pKey, unsigned int cbKey) The FipsHmacSHAInit function initiates the HMAC hashing of a stream of data, with an input key provided via the pKey parameter. The size of the input key is specified in the cbKey parameter. If the key size is greater than 64 bytes, the key is hashed to a new key of size 20 bytes using SHA-1. The input key is EOR’ed with the ipad as required in the HMAC FIPS. The output pShaCtx is used in subsequent HMAC hashing functions. Every time when the function is called, it zeroizes its copy of the pKey before returning to the caller. 5.5.5 FipsHmacSHAUpdate void FipsSHAUpdate( A_SHA_CTX * pShaCtx, UCHAR * pb, unsigned int cb) The FipsHmacSHAUpdate function adds data pb of size cb to a specified HMAC hashing object associated with the context pShaCtx. This function can be called multiple times to compute the HMAC hash on long data streams or discontinuous data streams. The FipsHmacSHAFinal function must be called before retrieving the final HMAC hash value. 5.5.6 FipsHmacSHAFinal void FipsHmacSHAFinal ( Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 12 A_SHA_CTX * pShaCtx, UCHAR * pKey, unsigned int cbKey, UCHAR * hash) The FipsHmacSHAFinal function computes the final HMAC hash of the data entered by the FipsHmacSHAUpdate function, with an input key provided via the pKey parameter. The size of the input key is specified in the cbKey parameter. If the key size is greater than 64 bytes, the key is hashed to a new key of size 20 bytes using SHA-1. The input key is EOR’ed with the opad as required in the HMAC FIPS. It is the caller’s responsibility to make sure that the input key used in FipsHmacSHAFinal is the same as the input key used in FipsHmacSHAInit. The final HMAC hash is an array char of size A_SHA_DIGEST_LEN (20 bytes). Every time when the function is called, it zeroizes its copy of the pKey before returning to the caller. 5.5.7 HmacMD5Init void HmacMD5Init( MD5_CTX * pMD5Ctx, UCHAR * pKey, unsigned int cbKey) The HmacMD5Init function initiates the HMAC hashing of a stream of data, with an input key provided via the pKey parameter. The size of the input key is specified in the cbKey parameter. If the key size is greater than 64 bytes, the key is hashed to a new key of size 16 bytes using MD5 as required in the HMAC FIPS. The input key is EOR’ed with the ipad. The output pMD5Ctx is used in subsequent HMAC hashing functions. Every time when the function is called, it zeroizes its copy of the pKey before returning to the caller. 5.5.8 HmacMD5Update void HmacMD5Update( MD5_CTX * pMD5Ctx, UCHAR * pb, unsigned int cb) The HmacMD5Update function adds data pb of size cb to a specified HMAC hashing object associated with the context pMD5Ctx. This function can be called multiple times to compute the HMAC hash on long data streams or discontinuous data streams. The HmacMD5Update function must be called before retrieving the final HMAC hash value. 5.5.9 HmacMD5Final void HmacMD5Final( MD5_CTX *pMD5Ctx, UCHAR *pKey, unsigned int cbKey, UCHAR *pHash) Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 13 The HmacMD5Final function computes the final HMAC hash of the data entered by the HmacMD5Update function, with an input key provided via the pKey parameter. The size of the input key is specified in the cbKey parameter. If the key size is greater than 64 bytes, the key is hashed to a new key of size 16 bytes using MD5. The input key is EOR’ed with the opad as required in the HMAC FIPS. It is the caller’s responsibility to make sure that the input key used in HmacMD5Final is the same as the input key used in HmacMD5Init. The final HMAC hash is an array char of size A_ MD5DIGESTLEN (16 bytes). Every time when the function is called, it zeroises its copy of the pKey before returning to the caller. 5.6 Acquiring a Table of Pointers to FipsXXX Functions A kernel mode user of the KSECDD.SYS driver must be able to reference the FipsXXX functions before using them. The user needs to acquire the table of pointers to the FipsXXX functions from the KSECDD.SYS driver. The user accomplishes the table acquisition by building a Fips function table request irp (I/O request packet) and then sending the irp to the KSECDD.SYS diver via the IoCallDriver function. Further information on irp and IoCallDriver can be found on Microsoft Windows Vista Driver Development Kit. 5.7 Algorithm Providers and Properties 5.7.1 BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE *phAlgorithm, LPCWSTR pszAlgId, LPCWSTR pszImplementation, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider() function has four parameters: algorithm handle output to the opened algorithm provider, desired algorithm ID input, an optional specific provider name input, and optional flags. This function loads and initializes a CNG provider for a given algorithm, and returns a handle to the opened algorithm provider on success. Unless the calling function specifies the name of the provider, the default provider is used. The calling function must pass the BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE_HMAC_FLAG flag in order to use an HMAC function with a hash algorithm. 5.7.2 BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptCloseAlgorithmProvider( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, ULONG dwFlags); This function closes an algorithm provider handle opened by a call to BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider() function. 5.7.3 BCryptSetProperty NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptSetProperty( BCRYPT_HANDLE hObject, LPCWSTR pszProperty, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptSetProperty() function sets the value of a named property for a CNG object. The CNG object is a handle, the property name is a NULL terminated string, and the value of the property is a length- specified byte string. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 14 5.7.4 BCryptGetProperty NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptGetProperty( BCRYPT_HANDLE hObject, LPCWSTR pszProperty, PUCHAR pbOutput, ULONG cbOutput, ULONG *pcbResult, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptGetProperty() function retrieves the value of a named property for a CNG object. The CNG object is a handle, the property name is a NULL terminated string, and the value of the property is a length-specified byte string. 5.7.5 BCryptFreeBuffer VOID WINAPI BCryptFreeBuffer( PVOID pvBuffer); Some of the CNG functions allocate memory on caller’s behalf. The BCryptFreeBuffer() function frees memory that was allocated by such a CNG function. 5.8 Random Number Generation 5.8.1 BCryptGenRandom NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptGenRandom( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, PUCHAR pbBuffer, ULONG cbBuffer, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptGenRandom() function fills a buffer with random bytes. There is one random number generation algorithm: • BCRYPT_RNG_ALGORITHM. This is the general purpose random number generation algorithm based on SHA-1, as defined in FIPS 186-2 Appendix 3.1 with change notice. During the function initialization, a seed, to which SHA-1 is applied to create the output random, is created based on the collection of all the following data. • The process ID of the current process requesting random data • The thread ID of the current thread within the process requesting random data • A 32-bit tick count since the system boot • The current local date and time • The current system time of day information consisting of the boot time, current time, time zone bias, time zone ID, boot time bias, and sleep time bias • The current hardware-platform-dependent high-resolution performance-counter value • The information about the system's current usage of both physical and virtual memory, and page file, Zero Page Count, Free Page Count, Modified Page Count, Modified No Write Page Count, Bad Page Count, Page Count By Priority, Repurposed Pages By Priority • The system device information consisting of Number Of Disks, Number Of Floppies, Number Of CD Roms, Number Of Tapes, Number Of Serial Ports, Number Of Parallel Ports • The local disk information including the numbers of sectors per cluster, bytes per sector, free clusters, and clusters that are available to the user associated with the calling thread • A hash of the environment block for the current process • Some hardware CPU-specific cycle counters • The system file cache information consisting of Current Size, Peak Size, Page Fault Count, Minimum Working Set, Maximum Working Set, Current Size Including Transition In Pages, Peak Size Including Transition In Pages, Transition Repurpose Count, Flags Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 15 • The system processor power information consisting of Current Frequency, Thermal Limit Frequency, Constant Throttle Frequency, Degraded Throttle Frequency, Last Busy Frequency, Last C3 Frequency, Last Adjusted Busy Frequency, Processor Min Throttle, Processor Max Throttle, Number Of Frequencies, Promotion Count, Demotion Count, Error Count, Retry Count, Current Frequency Time, Current Processor Time, Current Processor Idle Time, Last Processor Time, Last Processor Idle Time • The system page file information consisting of Next Entry Offset, Total Size, Total In-Use, Peak Usage, Page File Name • The system processor idle information consisting of Idle Time • The system processor performance information consisting of Idle Process Time, Io Read Transfer Count, Io Write Transfer Count, Io Other Transfer Count, Io Read Operation Count, Io Write Operation Count, Io Other Operation Count, Available Pages, Committed Pages, Commit Limit, Peak Commitment, Page Fault Count, Copy On Write Count, Transition Count, Cache Transition Count, Demand Zero Count, Page Read Count, Page Read Io Count, Cache Read Count, Cache Io Count, Dirty Pages Write Count, Dirty Write Io Count, Mapped Pages Write Count, Mapped Write Io Count, Paged Pool Pages, Non Paged Pool Pages, Paged Pool Allocated space, Paged Pool Free space, Non Paged Pool Allocated space, Non Paged Pool Free space, Free System page table entry, Resident System Code Page, Total System Driver Pages, Total System Code Pages, Non Paged Pool Look aside Hits, Paged Pool Lookaside Hits, Available Paged Pool Pages, Resident System Cache Page, Resident Paged Pool Page, Resident System Driver Page, Cache manager Fast Read with No Wait, Cache manager Fast Read with Wait, Cache manager Fast Read Resource Missed, Cache manager Fast Read Not Possible, Cache manager Fast Memory Descriptor List Read with No Wait, Cache manager Fast Memory Descriptor List Read with Wait, Cache manager Fast Memory Descriptor List Read Resource Missed, Cache manager Fast Memory Descriptor List Read Not Possible, Cache manager Map Data with No Wait, Cache manager Map Data with Wait, Cache manager Map Data with No Wait Miss, Cache manager Map Data Wait Miss, Cache manager Pin-Mapped Data Count, Cache manager Pin-Read with No Wait, Cache manager Pin Read with Wait, Cache manager Pin-Read with No Wait Miss, Cache manager Pin- Read Wait Miss, Cache manager Copy-Read with No Wait, Cache manager Copy-Read with Wait, Cache manager Copy-Read with No Wait Miss, Cache manager Copy-Read with Wait Miss, Cache manager Memory Descriptor List Read with No Wait, Cache manager Memory Descriptor List Read with Wait, Cache manager Memory Descriptor List Read with No Wait Miss, Cache manager Memory Descriptor List Read with Wait Miss, Cache manager Read Ahead IOs, Cache manager Lazy-Write IOs, Cache manager Lazy-Write Pages, Cache manager Data Flushes, Cache manager Data Pages, Context Switches, First Level Translation buffer Fills, Second Level Translation buffer Fills, and System Calls • The system exception information consisting of Alignment Fix up Count, Exception Dispatch Count, Floating Emulation Count, and Byte Word Emulation Count • The system look-aside information consisting of Current Depth, Maximum Depth, Total Allocates, Allocate Misses, Total Frees, Free Misses, Type, Tag, and Size • The system processor performance information consisting of Idle Time, Kernel Time, User Time, Deferred Process Call Time, Interrupt Time Interrupt Count • The system interrupt information consisting of context switches, deferred procedure call count, deferred procedure call rate, time increment, deferred procedure call bypass count, and asynchronous procedure call bypass count • The system process information consisting of Next Entry Offset, Number Of Threads, Working Set Private Size, Create Time, User Time, Kernel Time, Image Name, Base Priority, Unique Process Id, Inherited From Unique Process Id, Handle Count, Session Id, Unique Process Key, Peak Virtual Size, Virtual Size, Page Fault Count, Peak Working Set Size, Working Set Size, Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage, Quota Paged Pool Usage, Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage, Quota Non Paged Pool Usage, Pagefile Usage, Peak Pagefile Usage, Private Page Count, Read Operation Count, Write Operation Count, Other Operation Count, Read Transfer Count, Write Transfer Count, Other Transfer Count Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 16 5.9 Key and Key-Pair Generation 5.9.1 BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *phKey, PUCHAR pbKeyObject, ULONG cbKeyObject, PUCHAR pbSecret, ULONG cbSecret, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey() function generates a symmetric key object for use with a symmetric encryption algorithm from a supplied key value. The calling application must specify a handle to the algorithm provider created with the BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider() function. The algorithm specified when the provider was created must support symmetric key encryption. A key can also be generated by calling the FipsGenRandom() function in addition to the BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey() function. 5.9.2 BCryptGenerateKeyPair NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptGenerateKeyPair( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *phKey, ULONG dwLength, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptGenerateKeyPair() function creates an empty public/private key pair. After creating a key using this function, call the BCryptSetProperty() function to set its properties. The key pair can be used only after BCryptFinalizeKeyPair() function is called. 5.9.3 BCryptFinalizeKeyPair NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptFinalizeKeyPair( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptFinalizeKeyPair() function completes a public/private key pair import or generation. The key pair cannot be used until this function has been called. After this function has been called, the BCryptSetProperty() function can no longer be used for this key. 5.9.4 BCryptDuplicateKey NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptDuplicateKey( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *phNewKey, PUCHAR pbKeyObject, ULONG cbKeyObject, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptDuplicateKey() function creates a duplicate of a symmetric key. 5.9.5 BCryptDestroyKey NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptDestroyKey( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey); The BCryptDestroyKey() function destroys a key. 5.10 Key Entry and Output 5.10.1 BCryptImportKey Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 17 NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptImportKey( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hImportKey, LPCWSTR pszBlobType, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *phKey, PUCHAR pbKeyObject, ULONG cbKeyObject, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptImportKey() function imports a symmetric key from a key blob. hAlgorithm [in] is the handle of the algorithm provider to import the key. This handle is obtained by calling the BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider function. hImportKey [in, out] is not currently used and should be NULL. pszBlobType [in] is a null-terminated Unicode string that contains an identifier that specifies the type of BLOB that is contained in the pbInput buffer. pszBlobType can be one of BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB and BCRYPT_OPAQUE_KEY_BLOB. phKey [out] is a pointer to a BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE that receives the handle of the imported key that is used in subsequent functions that require a key, such as BCryptEncrypt. This handle must be released when it is no longer needed by passing it to the BCryptDestroyKey function. pbKeyObject [out] is a pointer to a buffer that receives the imported key object. The cbKeyObject parameter contains the size of this buffer. The required size of this buffer can be obtained by calling the BCryptGetProperty function to get the BCRYPT_OBJECT_LENGTH property. This will provide the size of the key object for the specified algorithm. This memory can only be freed after the phKey key handle is destroyed. cbKeyObject [in] is the size, in bytes, of the pbKeyObject buffer. pbInput [in] is the address of a buffer that contains the key BLOB to import. The cbInput parameter contains the size of this buffer. The pszBlobType parameter specifies the type of key BLOB this buffer contains. cbInput [in] is the size, in bytes, of the pbInput buffer. dwFlags [in] is a set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. No flags are currently defined, so this parameter should be zero. DES keys can also be imported into KSECDD.SYS via FipsDesKey(). DESTable struct can be exported out of KSECDD.SYS via FipsDesKey(). DESTable struct can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via FipsDes() or FipsCBC(). Triple DES keys can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via Fips3Des3Key(). DES3Table struct can be exported out of KSECDD.SYS via Fips3Des3Key(). DES3Table struct can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via Fips3Des() or FipsCBC(). HMAC keys can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via FipsHmacSHAInit and FipsHmacSHAFinal. 5.10.2 BCryptImportKeyPair NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptImportKeyPair( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hImportKey, LPCWSTR pszBlobType, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE *phKey, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptImportKeyPair() function is used to import a public/private key pair from a key blob. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 18 hAlgorithm [in] is the handle of the algorithm provider to import the key. This handle is obtained by calling the BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider function. hImportKey [in, out] is not currently used and should be NULL. pszBlobType [in] is a null-terminated Unicode string that contains an identifier that specifies the type of BLOB that is contained in the pbInput buffer. This can be one of the following values: BCRYPT_DH_PRIVATE_BLOB, BCRYPT_DH_PUBLIC_BLOB, BCRYPT_PUBLIC_KEY_BLOB, BCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_BLOB, BCRYPT_RSAPRIVATE_BLOB, BCRYPT_RSAPUBLIC_BLOB, LEGACY_DH_PUBLIC_BLOB, LEGACY_DH_PRIVATE_BLOB, LEGACY_RSAPRIVATE_BLOB, LEGACY_RSAPUBLIC_BLOB. phKey [out] is a pointer to a BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE that receives the handle of the imported key. This handle is used in subsequent functions that require a key, such as BCryptSignHash. This handle must be released when it is no longer needed by passing it to the BCryptDestroyKey function. pbInput [in] is the address of a buffer that contains the key BLOB to import. The cbInput parameter contains the size of this buffer. The pszBlobType parameter specifies the type of key BLOB this buffer contains. cbInput [in] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbInput buffer. dwFlags [in] is a set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. This can be zero or the following value: BCRYPT_NO_KEY_VALIDATION. 5.10.3 BCryptExportKey NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptExportKey( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hExportKey, LPCWSTR pszBlobType, PUCHAR pbOutput, ULONG cbOutput, ULONG *pcbResult, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptExportKey() function exports a key to a memory blob that can be persisted for later use. hExportKey [in, out] is not currently used and should be set to NULL. pszBlobType [in] is a null-terminated Unicode string that contains an identifier that specifies the type of BLOB to export. This can be one of the following values: BCRYPT_DH_PRIVATE_BLOB, BCRYPT_DH_PUBLIC_BLOB, BCRYPT_ECCPRIVATE_BLOB, BCRYPT_ECCPUBLIC_BLOB, BCRYPT_KEY_DATA_BLOB, BCRYPT_OPAQUE_KEY_BLOB, BCRYPT_PUBLIC_KEY_BLOB, BCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_BLOB, BCRYPT_RSAPUBLIC_BLOB, LEGACY_DH_PRIVATE_BLOB, LEGACY_DH_PUBLIC_BLOB, LEGACY_RSAPUBLIC_BLOB. pbOutput is the address of a buffer that receives the key BLOB. The cbOutput parameter contains the size of this buffer. If this parameter is NULL, this function will place the required size, in bytes, in the ULONG pointed to by the pcbResult parameter. cbOutput [in] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbOutput buffer. pcbResult [out] is a pointer to a ULONG that receives the number of bytes that were copied to the pbOutput buffer. If the pbOutput parameter is NULL, this function will place the required size, in bytes, in the ULONG pointed to by this parameter. dwFlags [in] is a set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. No flags are defined for this function. 5.11 Encryption and Decryption 5.11.1 BCryptEncrypt NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptEncrypt( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 19 VOID *pPaddingInfo, PUCHAR pbIV, ULONG cbIV, PUCHAR pbOutput, ULONG cbOutput, ULONG *pcbResult, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptEncrypt() function encrypts a block of data of given length. hKey [in, out] is the handle of the key to use to encrypt the data. This handle is obtained from one of the key creation functions, such as BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey, BCryptGenerateKeyPair, or BCryptImportKey. pbInput [in] is the address of a buffer that contains the plaintext to be encrypted. The cbInput parameter contains the size of the plaintext to encrypt. For more information, see Remarks. cbInput [in] is the number of bytes in the pbInput buffer to encrypt. pPaddingInfo [in, optional] is a pointer to a structure that contains padding information. The actual type of structure this parameter points to depends on the value of the dwFlags parameter. This parameter is only used with asymmetric keys and must be NULL otherwise. pbIV [in, out, optional] is the address of a buffer that contains the initialization vector (IV) to use during encryption. The cbIV parameter contains the size of this buffer. This function will modify the contents of this buffer. If you need to reuse the IV later, make sure you make a copy of this buffer before calling this function. This parameter is optional and can be NULL if no IV is used. The required size of the IV can be obtained by calling the BCryptGetProperty function to get the BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH property. This will provide the size of a block for the algorithm, which is also the size of the IV. cbIV [in] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbIV buffer. pbOutput [out, optional] is the address of a buffer that will receive the ciphertext produced by this function. The cbOutput parameter contains the size of this buffer. For more information, see Remarks. If this parameter is NULL, this function will calculate the size needed for the ciphertext and return the size in the location pointed to by the pcbResult parameter. cbOutput [in] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbOutput buffer. This parameter is ignored if the pbOutput parameter is NULL. pcbResult [out] is a pointer to a ULONG variable that receives the number of bytes copied to the pbOutput buffer. If pbOutput is NULL, this receives the size, in bytes, required for the ciphertext. dwFlags [in] is a set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. The allowed set of flags depends on the type of key specified by the hKey parameter. If the key is a symmetric key, this can be zero or the following value: BCRYPT_BLOCK_PADDING. If the key is an asymmetric key, this can be one of the following values: BCRYPT_PAD_NONE, BCRYPT_PAD_OAEP, BCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1. 5.11.2 BCryptDecrypt NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptDecrypt( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, VOID *pPaddingInfo, PUCHAR pbIV, ULONG cbIV, PUCHAR pbOutput, ULONG cbOutput, ULONG *pcbResult, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptDecrypt() function decrypts a block of data of given length. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 20 hKey [in, out] is the handle of the key to use to decrypt the data. This handle is obtained from one of the key creation functions, such as BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey, BCryptGenerateKeyPair, or BCryptImportKey. pbInput [in] is the address of a buffer that contains the ciphertext to be decrypted. The cbInput parameter contains the size of the ciphertext to decrypt. For more information, see Remarks. cbInput [in] is the number of bytes in the pbInput buffer to decrypt. pPaddingInfo [in, optional] is a pointer to a structure that contains padding information. The actual type of structure this parameter points to depends on the value of the dwFlags parameter. This parameter is only used with asymmetric keys and must be NULL otherwise. pbIV [in, out, optional] is the address of a buffer that contains the initialization vector (IV) to use during decryption. The cbIV parameter contains the size of this buffer. This function will modify the contents of this buffer. If you need to reuse the IV later, make sure you make a copy of this buffer before calling this function. This parameter is optional and can be NULL if no IV is used. The required size of the IV can be obtained by calling the BCryptGetProperty function to get the BCRYPT_BLOCK_LENGTH property. This will provide the size of a block for the algorithm, which is also the size of the IV. cbIV [in] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbIV buffer. pbOutput [out, optional] is the address of a buffer to receive the plaintext produced by this function. The cbOutput parameter contains the size of this buffer. For more information, see Remarks. If this parameter is NULL, this function will calculate the size required for the plaintext and return the size in the location pointed to by the pcbResult parameter. cbOutput [in] is the size, in bytes, of the pbOutput buffer. This parameter is ignored if the pbOutput parameter is NULL. pcbResult [out] is a pointer to a ULONG variable to receive the number of bytes copied to the pbOutput buffer. If pbOutput is NULL, this receives the size, in bytes, required for the plaintext. dwFlags [in] is a set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. The allowed set of flags depends on the type of key specified by the hKey parameter. If the key is a symmetric key, this can be zero or the following value: BCRYPT_BLOCK_PADDING. If the key is an asymmetric key, this can be one of the following values: BCRYPT_PAD_NONE, BCRYPT_PAD_OAEP, BCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1. 5.12 Hashing and HMAC 5.12.1 BCryptCreateHash NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptCreateHash( BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm, BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE *phHash, PUCHAR pbHashObject, ULONG cbHashObject, PUCHAR pbSecret, ULONG cbSecret, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptCreateHash() function creates a hash object with an optional key. The optional key is used for HMAC type keyed-hash functions. hAlgorithm [in, out] is the handle of an algorithm provider created by using the BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider function. The algorithm that was specified when the provider was created must support the hash interface. phHash [out] is a pointer to a BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE value that receives a handle that represents the hash object. This handle is used in subsequent hashing functions, such as the BCryptHashData function. When you have finished using this handle, release it by passing it to the BCryptDestroyHash function. pbHashObject [out] is a pointer to a buffer that receives the hash object. The cbHashObject parameter contains the size of this buffer. The required size of this buffer can be obtained by calling the BCryptGetProperty function to get the BCRYPT_OBJECT_LENGTH property. This will provide the size of the hash object for the specified algorithm. This memory can only be freed after the hash handle is destroyed. cbHashObject [in] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbHashObject buffer. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 21 pbSecret [in, optional] is a pointer to a buffer that contains the key to use for the hash. The cbSecret parameter contains the size of this buffer. If no key should be used with the hash, set this parameter to NULL. This key only applies to keyed hash algorithms, like Hash-Based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). cbSecret [in, optional] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbSecret buffer. If no key should be used with the hash, set this parameter to zero. dwFlags [in] is not currently used and must be zero. 5.12.2 BCryptHashData NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptHashData( BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE hHash, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptHashData() function performs a one way hash on a data buffer. Call the BCryptFinishHash() function to finalize the hashing operation to get the hash result. 5.12.3 BCryptDuplicateHash NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptDuplicateHash( BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE hHash, BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE *phNewHash, PUCHAR pbHashObject, ULONG cbHashObject, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptDuplicateHash()function duplicates an existing hash object. The duplicate hash object contains all state and data that was hashed to the point of duplication. 5.12.4 BCryptFinishHash NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptFinishHash( BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE hHash, PUCHAR pbOutput, ULONG cbOutput, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptFinishHash() function retrieves the hash value for the data accumulated from prior calls to BCryptHashData() function. 5.12.5 BCryptDestroyHash NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptDestroyHash( BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE hHash); The BCryptDestroyHash() function destroys a hash object. 5.13 Signing and Verification 5.13.1 BCryptSignHash NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptSignHash( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey, VOID *pPaddingInfo, PUCHAR pbInput, ULONG cbInput, PUCHAR pbOutput, ULONG cbOutput, ULONG *pcbResult, ULONG dwFlags); Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 22 The BCryptSignHash() function creates a signature of a hash value. hKey [in] is the handle of the key to use to sign the hash. pPaddingInfo [in, optional] is a pointer to a structure that contains padding information. The actual type of structure this parameter points to depends on the value of the dwFlags parameter. This parameter is only used with asymmetric keys and must be NULL otherwise. pbInput [in] is a pointer to a buffer that contains the hash value to sign. The cbInput parameter contains the size of this buffer. cbInput [in] is the number of bytes in the pbInput buffer to sign. pbOutput [out] is the address of a buffer to receive the signature produced by this function. The cbOutput parameter contains the size of this buffer. If this parameter is NULL, this function will calculate the size required for the signature and return the size in the location pointed to by the pcbResult parameter. cbOutput [in] is the size, in bytes, of the pbOutput buffer. This parameter is ignored if the pbOutput parameter is NULL. pcbResult [out] is a pointer to a ULONG variable that receives the number of bytes copied to the pbOutput buffer. If pbOutput is NULL, this receives the size, in bytes, required for the signature. dwFlags [in] is a set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. The allowed set of flags depends on the type of key specified by the hKey parameter. If the key is a symmetric key, this parameter is not used and should be set to zero. If the key is an asymmetric key, this can be one of the following values: BCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1, BCRYPT_PAD_PSS. 5.13.2 BCryptVerifySignature NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptVerifySignature( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hKey, VOID *pPaddingInfo, PUCHAR pbHash, ULONG cbHash, PUCHAR pbSignature, ULONG cbSignature, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptVerifySignature() function verifies that the specified signature matches the specified hash. hKey [in] is the handle of the key to use to decrypt the signature. This must be an identical key or the public key portion of the key pair used to sign the data with the BCryptSignHash function. pPaddingInfo [in, optional] is a pointer to a structure that contains padding information. The actual type of structure this parameter points to depends on the value of the dwFlags parameter. This parameter is only used with asymmetric keys and must be NULL otherwise. pbHash [in] is the address of a buffer that contains the hash of the data. The cbHash parameter contains the size of this buffer. cbHash [in] is the size, in bytes, of the pbHash buffer. pbSignature [in] is the address of a buffer that contains the signed hash of the data. The BCryptSignHash function is used to create the signature. The cbSignature parameter contains the size of this buffer. cbSignature [in] is the size, in bytes, of the pbSignature buffer. The BCryptSignHash function is used to create the signature. 5.14 Secret Agreement and Key Derivation 5.14.1 BCryptSecretAgreement NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptSecretAgreement( BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hPrivKey, BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE hPubKey, BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE *phAgreedSecret, ULONG dwFlags); Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 23 The BCryptSecretAgreement() function creates a secret agreement value from a private and a public key. This function is used with Diffie-Hellman (DH) and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) algorithms. hPrivKey [in] The handle of the private key to use to create the secret agreement value. hPubKey [in] The handle of the public key to use to create the secret agreement value. phSecret [out] A pointer to a BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE that receives a handle that represents the secret agreement value. This handle must be released by passing it to the BCryptDestroySecret function when it is no longer needed. dwFlags [in] A set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. This can be zero or the following value: KDF_USE_SECRET_AS_HMAC_KEY_FLAG. 5.14.2 BCryptDeriveKey NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptDeriveKey( BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE hSharedSecret, LPCWSTR pwszKDF, BCryptBufferDesc *pParameterList, PUCHAR pbDerivedKey, ULONG cbDerivedKey, ULONG *pcbResult, ULONG dwFlags); The BCryptDeriveKey() function derives a key from a secret agreement value. hSharedSecret [in, optional] is the secret agreement handle to create the key from. This handle is obtained from the BCryptSecretAgreement function. pwszKDF [in] is a pointer to a null-terminated Unicode string that contains an object identifier (OID) that identifies the key derivation function (KDF) to use to derive the key. This can be one of the following strings: BCRYPT_KDF_HASH (parameters in pParameterList: KDF_HASH_ALGORITHM, KDF_SECRET_PREPEND, KDF_SECRET_APPEND), BCRYPT_KDF_HMAC (parameters in pParameterList: KDF_HASH_ALGORITHM, KDF_HMAC_KEY, KDF_SECRET_PREPEND, KDF_SECRET_APPEND), BCRYPT_KDF_TLS_PRF (parameters in pParameterList: KDF_TLS_PRF_LABEL, KDF_TLS_PRF_SEED). pParameterList [in, optional] is the address of a BCryptBufferDesc structure that contains the KDF parameters. This parameter is optional and can be NULL if it is not needed. pbDerivedKey [out, optional] is the address of a buffer that receives the key. The cbDerivedKey parameter contains the size of this buffer. If this parameter is NULL, this function will place the required size, in bytes, in the ULONG pointed to by the pcbResult parameter. cbDerivedKey [in] contains the size, in bytes, of the pbDerivedKey buffer. pcbResult [out] is a pointer to a ULONG that receives the number of bytes that were copied to the pbDerivedKey buffer. If the pbDerivedKey parameter is NULL, this function will place the required size, in bytes, in the ULONG pointed to by this parameter. dwFlags [in] is a set of flags that modify the behavior of this function. This can be zero or the following value. 5.14.3 BCryptDestroySecret NTSTATUS WINAPI BCryptDestroySecret( BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE hSecret); The BCryptDestroySecret() function destroys a secret agreement handle that was created by using the BCryptSecretAgreement() function. 5.15 Configuration These are not cryptographic functions. They are used to configure cryptographic providers on the system, and are provided for informational purposes. Please see for details. Function Name Description BCryptAddContextFunction Adds a function (algorithm or cipher-suite) to a context function list. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 24 BCryptAddContextFunctionProvider Adds a provider to a context function provider list. BCryptConfigureContext Configures a context. BCryptConfigureContextFunction Configures a context function. BCryptConfigureContextFunction Configures a context function. BCryptCreateContext Creates a new configuration context. BCryptDeleteContext Deletes a configuration context. BCryptEnumAlgorithms Enumerates the algorithms for a given set of operations. BCryptEnumContextFunctionProviders Enumerates the providers in a context function provider list. BCryptEnumContextFunctions Enumerates the functions (algorithms or suites) in a context function list. BCryptEnumContexts Enumerates the configuration contexts in the specified table. BCryptEnumProviders Returns a list of providers for a given algorithm. BCryptEnumRegisteredProviders Enumerates the providers currently registered on the local machine. BCryptQueryContextConfiguration Queries the current configuration of a context. BCryptQueryContextFunctionConfiguration Queries the current configuration of a context function. BCryptQueryContextFunctionProperty Queries the current value of a context function property. BCryptQueryProviderRegistration Retrieves registration information for a provider. BCryptRegisterConfigChangeNotify This API differs slightly between User-Mode and Kernel- Mode. BCryptRegisterProvider Registers a provider for usage on the local machine. BCryptRemoveContextFunction Removes a function (algorithm or cipher-suite) from a context function list. BCryptRemoveContextFunctionProvider Removes a provider from a context function provider list. BCryptResolveProviders This is the main API in Crypto configuration. It resolves queries against the set of providers currently registered on the local system and the configuration information specified in the machine and domain configuration tables, returning an ordered list of references to one or more providers matching the specified criteria. BCryptSetContextFunctionProperty Creates, modifies, or deletes a context function property. BCryptUnregisterConfigChangeNotify This API differs slightly between User-Mode and Kernel- Mode. BCryptUnregisterProvider Removes provider registration information from the local machine. 5.16 Other Interfaces The following table lists other non-approved APIs exported from KSECDD.SYS crypto module. Function Name Description InitSecurityInterfaceW AcquireCredentialsHandleW QueryCredentialsAttributesW SetCredentialsAttributesW AddCredentialsW FreeCredentialsHandle InitializeSecurityContextW AcceptSecurityContext ImpersonateSecurityContext RevertSecurityContext DeleteSecurityContext ApplyControlToken Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 25 CompleteAuthToken QueryContextAttributesW FreeContextBuffer MakeSignature VerifySignature SealMessage = EncryptMessage UnsealMessage = DecryptMessage MapSecurityError GetSecurityUserInfo EnumerateSecurityPackagesW QuerySecurityContextToken QuerySecurityPackageInfoW ExportSecurityContext ImportSecurityContextW EfsGenerateKey GenerateDirEfs EfsDecryptFek GenerateSessionKey SecSetPagingMode SecMakeSPN SecMakeSPNEx SecMakeSPNEx2 SecLookupAccountName SecLookupAccountSid SecLookupWellKnownSid CredMarshalTargetInfo KSecValidateBuffer LsaEnumerateLogonSessions LsaGetLogonSessionData KSecRegisterSecurityProvider BCryptRegisterConfigChangeNotify BCryptUnregisterConfigChangeNotify BCryptResolveProviders BCryptGetFipsAlgorithmMode SslDecryptPacket SslEncryptPacket SslExportKey SslFreeObject SslImportKey SslLookupCipherSuiteInfo SslOpenProvider 6 Operational Environment KSECDD.SYS services are available to all kernel mode components, which are part of the TCB. 7 Cryptographic Key Management KSECDD.SYS crypto module manages keys in the following manner. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 26 7.1 Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs The KSECDD.SYS crypto module contains the following security relevant data items: Security Relevant Data Item SRDI Description Symmetric encryption/decryption keys Keys used for AES or TDES encryption/decryption. HMAC keys Keys used for HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC- SHA384, and HMAC-SHA512 ECDSA Public Keys Keys used for the verification of ECDSA digital signatures ECDSA Private Keys Keys used for the calculation of ECDSA digital signatures RSA Public Keys Keys used for the verification of RSA digital signatures RSA Private Keys Keys used for the calculation of RSA digital signatures DH Public and Private values Public and private values used for Diffie-Hellman key establishment. ECDH Public and Private values Public and private values used for EC Diffie-Hellman key establishment. 7.2 Access Control Policy The KSECDD.SYS crypto module allows controlled access to the SRDIs contained within it. The following table defines the access that a service has to each. The permissions are categorized as a set of four separate permissions: read (r), write (w), execute (x), delete (d). If no permission is listed, the service has no access to the SRDI. KSECDD.SYS crypto module SRDI/Service Access Policy Security Relevant Data Item Symmetric encryption/decryption keys HMAC keys ECDSA public keys ECDSA Private keys RSA Public Keys RSA Private Keys DH Public and Private values ECDH Public and Private values Service Cryptographic Module Power Up and Power Down Key Formatting w Random Number Generation Data Encryption and Decryption x Hashing x / w Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 27 Acquiring a Table of Pointers to FipsXXX Functions Algorithm Providers and Properties Key and Key-Pair Generation w / d w / d w / d w / d w / d w / d w / d w / d Key Entry and Output r / w r / w r / w r / w r / w r / w r / w r / w Signing and Verification x x x x Secret Agreement and Key Derivation x x 7.3 Key Material When KSECDD.SYS is loaded in the Windows Vista Operating System kernel, no keys exist within it. A kernel module is responsible for importing keys into KSECDD.SYS or using KSECDD.SYS’s functions to generate keys. 7.4 Key Generation KSECDD.SYS can create and use keys for the following algorithms: RSA, DH, ECDH, ECDSA, RC2, RC4, DES, Triple-DES, AES, and HMAC. Random keys can be generated by calling the BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey() and BCryptGenerateKeyPair() functions. Random data generated by the BCryptGenRandom() function is provided to BCryptGenerateSymmetricKey() function to generate symmetric keys. DES, Triple-DES, AES, RSA, ECDSA, DH, and ECDH keys and key-pairs are generated following the techniques given in FIPS PUB 186-2, Appendix 3, Random Number Generation. FipsGenRandom() function can also generate DES, Triple-DES, and HMAC keys. 7.5 Key Establishment KSECDD.SYS can use FIPS approved Diffie-Hellman key agreement (DH), Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key agreement (ECDH), and manual methods to establish keys. KSECDD.SYS can use the following FIPS approved key derivation functions (KDF) from the common secret that is established during the execution of DH and ECDH key agreement algorithms: • BCRYPT_KDF_HMAC. This KDF supports FIPS approved IPsec IKE v1 key derivation as specified in FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance. • BCRYPT_KDF_TLS_PRF. This KDF supports FIPS approved SSLv3.1 and TLS v1.0 key derivation as specified in FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance. 7.6 Key Entry and Output Keys can be both exported and imported out of and into KSECDD.SYS via BCryptExportKey(), BCryptImportKey(), and BCryptImportKeyPair() functions. Symmetric key entry and output can also be done by exchanging keys using the recipient’s asymmetric public key via BCryptSecretAgreement() and BCryptDeriveKey() functions. DES keys can also be imported into KSECDD.SYS via FipsDesKey(). DESTable struct can be exported out of KSECDD.SYS via FipsDesKey(). DESTable struct can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via FipsDes() or FipsCBC(). Triple DES keys can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via Fips3Des3Key(). DES3Table struct can be exported out of KSECDD.SYS via Fips3Des3Key(). DES3Table struct can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via Fips3Des() or FipsCBC(). HMAC keys can be imported into KSECDD.SYS via FipsHmacSHAInit and FipsHmacSHAFinal. Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 28 Exporting the RSA private key by supplying a blob type of BCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY_BLOB, BCRYPT_RSAFULLPRIVATE_BLOB, or BCRYPT_RSAPRIVATE_BLOB to BCryptExportKey() is not allowed in FIPS mode. 7.7 Key Storage KSECDD.SYS does not provide persistent storage of keys. 7.8 Key Archival KSECDD.SYS does not directly archive cryptographic keys. A user may choose to export a cryptographic key (cf. “Key Entry and Output” above), but management of the secure archival of that key is the responsibility of the user. All key copies inside KSECDD.SYS are destroyed and their memory location zeroized after used. It is the caller’s responsibility to maintain the security of DES, Triple DES and HMAC keys when the keys are outside KSECDD.SYS. 7.9 Key Zeroization All keys are destroyed and their memory location zeroized when the Authenticated User calls BCryptDestroyKey() or BCryptDestroySecret() on that key handle. All DES and Triple DES key copies, their associated DESTable and DES3Table struct copies, and HMAC key copies inside KSECDD.SYS are destroyed and their memory location zeroized after they have been used in FipsDes, Fips3Des, or FipsCBC. 8 Self-Tests KSECDD.SYS performs the following power-on (start up) self-tests when a caller calls its DriverEntry. • SHA-1 hash Known Answer Test • HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512 Known Answer Test . • Triple-DES encrypt/decrypt EBC Known Answer Test • Triple-DES encrypt/decrypt CBC Known Answer Test • AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 encrypt/decrypt EBC Known Answer Test • AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 encrypt/decrypt CBC Known Answer Test • AES-128, AES-192, AES-256 encrypt/decrypt CFB with 8-bit feedback Known Answer Test • RSA sign/verify test • DH secret agreement Known Answer Test • ECDSA sign/verify test • ECDH secret agreement Known Answer Test • FIPS 186-2 General Purpose Known Answer Test In all cases for any failure of a power-on (start up) self-test, KSECDD.SYS DriverEntry will fail to return the STATUS_SUCCESS status to its caller. The only way to recover from the failure of a power-on (start up) self-test is to attempt to invoke DriverEntry, which will rerun the self-tests, and will only succeed if the self-tests passes. KSECDD.SYS performs pair-wise consistency checks upon each invocation of RSA, ECDH, and ECDSA key- pair generation and import as defined in FIPS 140-2. KSECDD.SYS also performs a continuous RNG test on its implemented FIPS 186-2 General Purpose RNG. 9 DesignAssurance The KSECDD.SYS crypto module is part of the overall Windows Vista operating system, which is a product family that has gone through and is continuously going through the Common Criteria or equivalent Microsoft Kernel Mode Security Support Provider Interface (ksecdd.sys) Security Policy Document This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision) 29 Certification under US NIAP CCEVS since Windows NT 3.5. The certification provides the necessary design assurance. The KSECDD.SYS is installed and started as part of the Windows Vista operating system. 10 AdditionalDetails For the latest information on Windows Vista, check out the Microsoft web site at CHANGE HISTORY AUTHOR DATE VERSIO N COMMENT Tolga Acar 06/13/2007 1.0 FIPS Approval Submission