Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 September 6, 2002 2 Legal Notices Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this documentation, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. Further, Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any software, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any par- ticular purpose. Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of Novell software, at any time, without any obligation to notify any person or entity of such changes. This product may require export authorization from the U.S. Department of Commerce prior to exporting from the U.S. or Canada. Copyright (C)2000-2002 Novell, Inc. This document may be copied freely without the author’s permission provided the document is copied in it’s entirety without any modification. U.S. Patent Nos. 4,555,775; 5,157,663; 5,349,642; 5,455,932; 5,553,139; 5,553,143; 5,594,863; 5,608,903; 5,633,931; 5,652,854; 5,671,414; 5,677,851; 5,692,129; 5,758,069; 5,758,344; 5,761,499; 5,781,724; 5,781,733; 5,784,560; 5,787,439; 5,818,936; 5,828,882; 5,832,275; 5,832,483; 5,832,487; 5,859,978; 5,870,739; 5,873,079; 5,878,415; 5,884,304; 5,893,118; 5,903,650; 5,905,860; 5,913,025; 5,915,253; 5,925,108; 5,933,503; 5,933,826; 5,946,467; 5,956,718; 5,974,474. U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending. Novell, Inc. 1800 South Novell Place Provo, UT 84606 U.S.A. Online Documentation: To access the online documentation for this and other Novell products, and to get updates, see 3 Novell Trademarks Access Manager is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc., in the United States and other countries. ConsoleOne is a trademark of Novell, Inc. NDS is a trademark of Novell, Inc. NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Novell is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Novell Client is a trademark of Novell, Inc. Novell Directory Services is a trademark of Novell, Inc. Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure (NICI) is a trademark of Novell, Inc. It includes RSA BSAFE cryptographic software from RSA Security. Transaction Tracking System is a trademark of Novell, Inc. TTS is a trademark of Novell, Inc. Third-Party Trademarks All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 4 NICI 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 1 Introduction The Novell International Cryptographic Infrastructure (NICI) consists of a set of components that have been implemented on a number of different platforms. Versions have been implemented on Novell’s NetWare 5.x and 6.x, Microsoft’s Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Sun’s Solaris, Linux, and AIX. This document describes the Security Policy for NICI version 2.2.1 as it has been implemented for the Windows NT 4.0 C2 evaluated platform. Security Requirements 5 2 Security Requirements The Novell NICI 2.2.1 Cryptography Library for Windows NT 4.0 conforms to FIPS 140-1 Level 2 as shown in Table 2.1. Table 2.1: FIPS 140-1 Test Category Levels. FIPS140-1 Test Category Level Cryptographic Modules 2 Module Interfaces 2 Roles and Services 2 Finite State Machine Model 2 Physical Security 2 Software Security 2 Operating System Security 2 Key Management 2 Cryptographic Algorithms 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self Tests 2 2.1 Cryptographic Modules NICI consists of a set of software libraries designed to run on a wide variety of modern operating systems and hardware platforms. This particular Security Policy document pertains to the NICI configuration, running on a Windows NT 4.0 platform. In this configuration, NICI is a dynamic library (.dll). In FIPS 140-1 terms, NICI consists of a set of hardware, software, and firmware that make up a “multi-chip stand-alone module”. The module consists of the following components: • A C2 TCSEC equivalent system consisting of a hardware platform and operating system software. The test system was a C2 evaluated configuration of Windows NT 4.0 running on a Compaq Proliant 7000 . Configuration details are listed in section 3 (Installation Guidance) of this document. 6 NICI 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 • NICI 2.2.1 for Windows NT 4.0 . This consists of a matched upper library, which is linked to the application, and a lower library that is installed on the workstation. Figure 2.1: Software block diagram. CCS API Run−time Binding Bound at Link Time Authenticated by MABLE Application Program NICI Upper Library Upper MABLE NICI Lower Library Lower MABLE The cryptographic boundary is defined by the Compaq Proliant 7000 . Since NICI must be able to store at least one permanent key in order to be able to securely wrap and unwrap other keys, that key is stored in a DES encrypted form per user, encrypted under a key encryption key, protected by the C2 operating system’s mechanisms. Audit data and stored NICI keys can be zeroized by reformatting the computer’s hard drives. MABLE is the Module Authentication and Binding Library Extensions (patent pending) tech- nology used to authenticate NICI to an application and to provide ongoing binding between an application and NICI as if the application is statically linked to NICI. Upper MABLE is statically linked to an application and contains the challenge generation, certificate verification, and on- going binding mechanism functions. Lower MABLE is statically linked to NICI and contains the response-to-challenge generation, signature creation, and ongoing binding mechanism functions. 2.2 Module Interfaces FIPS 140-1 defines a cryptographic boundary, and as well as interfaces through which information is allowed to enter and leave the cryptographic boundary. Defining such interfaces is normally straightforward for developers of hardware modules, but developers of software modules are faced with the task of choosing an appropriate set of interface definitions. NICI has the following logical interfaces: data in, data out, control-in, and status out. These interfaces are supported by the API set. 2.3. ROLES AND SERVICES 7 Figure 2.2: Hardware Block Diagram. Power Supply Proliant 7000 Cryptographic Boundary Interface CPU Memory Subsystem Disk Video Subsystem Network Interface Serial Interface Mouse Interface Keyboard Motherboard 2.2.1 Data Input/Output Interface FIPS 140-1 requires the definition of Data Input/Output (I/O) and Command/Status interfaces. NICI defines these interfaces through the Controlled Cryptographic Services API. The API provides the means to input and output data. The Data Input/Output interface is active only during the User State. 2.2.2 Command/Status Interface The FIPS 140-1 Control interface is used to initiate the NICI Module. It is activated by the operating system when an application program asks the operating system to attach NICI and causes it to commence operation. It may also be activated when the operating system commands NICI to shut down. Otherwise, it is active only during the User and Crypto Officer States, when commands are issued via the API set. The Status interface is active only during the User and Crypto Officer States. 2.3 Roles and Services Novell NICI 2.2.1 is FIPS 140-1 Level 2 compliant for Roles and Services. NICI implements identity-based authentication. 2.3.1 User Role A “User” is an application program, running as a single or multiple process (perhaps multi- threaded), which has been linked with the Novell NICI interface library. This version of NICI supports multiple processes with different user identities with separation between such multiple instances relying on the access mechanisms provided by the Windows NT 4.0 operating system. 8 NICI 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 Table 2.2: Roles and Services. Operation User Role Crypto Officer Role Install NICI X Upgrade NICI X Configure NICI X Zeroize Keys X Zeroize Audit Data X Encrypt/Decrypt X Generate Keys and Random Data X Sign/Verify X Each instance of NICI has an identity and a separate memory space with access to a unique set of key materials. All NICI applications must be installed by the Crypto Officer. Access to the NICI library and configuration files are granted by the Crypto Officer using the Windows NT 4.0 file access mech- anisms. All installed applications that are granted access to the NICI dynamic library (.dll) are authenticated users. An authenticated user is able to perform crypto operations via the API set defined in the Controlled Cryptography Services Software Development Specification (CCS) document. NICI maintains a set of persistent unique keys per Windows NT 4.0 operating system user. The Windows NT 4.0 operating system maintains the separation of these sets of keys. All processes with the same Windows NT 4.0 user ID have access to a unique set of keys with independent key generation capability. 2.3.2 Crypto Officer Role A single Crypto Officer role is supported in NICI as the “Administrator ” defined on the Windows NT 4.0 operating system. Authenticating to the Windows NT 4.0 operating system assigns the Crypto Officer role to the “Administrator ” user. The purpose of the Crypto Officer is to setup, configure, and reconfigure the NICI software. In addition, the Crypto Officer can zeroize NICI keys and audit data if required. The Crypto Officer is also the security administrator as defined by the Windows NT 4.0 C2 operating system. 2.4 Finite State Machine Model NICI has an embedded finite state machine that is compliant with the FIPS 140-1 specification. The finite state machine is described fully in a separate document that is submitted during the FIPS 140-1 level 2 validation process. 2.5. PHYSICAL SECURITY 9 2.5 Physical Security As a multiple-chip stand-alone cryptographic module, the workstation enclosure for the C2 eval- uated system must have tamper evident labels placed in a manner so as to prevent undetected access to the inside of the enclosure. Please refer to section 3, ”Installation Guidance” for further details. 2.6 Software Security All NICI software including executable and data files is protected by the Windows NT 4.0 operating system’s access control mechanisms covered by its DAC (Discretionary Access Controls) policy and enforced by TSF (TOE Security Function) installed in accordance with its C2 evaluation. The shared object module is protected by file system access controls from unauthorized tampering. Windows NT 4.0 operating system’s TSF protects NICI configuration files and run-time memory image from tampering and access. Similarly, the NICI configuration file is protected by the operating system’s access control mechanisms. Table 2.3: Critical Security Parameters (CSP). CSP Crypto Officer User Key Encryption Key Read/Write Read-only DAC Key Read/Write Read-only Audit Data Read/Write Read-only Table 2.3 lists the critical security parameters and their access rights. “Key Encryption Key” is a DES key embedded in the code (see Section 2.1). “DAC Key” is a DES-MAC key embedded in the code (see Section 2.11.1). 2.7 Operating System Security NICI 2.2.1 as evaluated requires Windows NT 4.0 installed in its C2 evaluated configuration. See Chapter 3, ”Installation Guidance” for further information. 2.8 Cryptographic Key Management NICI provides cryptographic key management services using secret key (symmetric) and public key (asymmetric) algorithms. Secret keys and private keys are protected from unauthorized disclosure, modification, and substitution. Public keys are protected against unauthorized modification and substitution. 10 NICI 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 NICI key use policies are comprised of key usage flags (encrypt, wrap, sign, etc.), key types (DES, RSA, etc.), and algorithms (RSA, DES, DSA, etc.). NICI keys are listed in Table 2.4. SENSITIVE is an attribute of a key set at key generation time, and EXTRACT is a key usage flag. A key management key must have wrap and key management encrypt key usage flags set in order to wrap keys. Key type must also match the algorithm used with a particular key. For instance, a DES key can not be used with the RSA algorithm. These combined constitute the NICI key use policies. It is the application’s responsibility to use the FIPS approved APIs, algorithms, and keys to maintain the FIPS 140-1 mode of operation. Use of any one of the non-FIPS algorithms or non-FIPS approved APIs would invalidate the FIPS mode of operation. Table 2.4: NICI Keys. Key Name Key Type / Key Usages Description Algorithm STORAGE TripleDES WRAP, UNWRAP, SEN- SITIVE Symmetric key wrapping key, generated and maintained by NICI. FIPS approved. SESSION DES, TripleDES WRAP, UNWRAP, SEN- SITIVE Symmetric key-wrapping key per connection between a client and server. Generated by NICI, present while the connection is active. FIPS approved. CA RSA SIGN, VERIFY, SENSI- TIVE NICI’s machine-unique CA key- pair, 1024 bits. Generated and maintained by NICI. Not FIPS approved. PARTITION DES, TripleDES WRAP, UNWRAP, SEN- SITIVE Security Domain Keys, key wrapping purposes only. Gen- erated and maintained by NICI. FIPS approved. FOREIGN Any EXTRACT and any, but not SENSITIVE Use of these keys are not FIPS 140-1 approved. Generator un- known, maybe NICI. Other DES, TripleDES, DSA, FIPS-RSA (signature), FIPS-RSA (key distri- bution) Any, but not EXTRACT These keys are generated by NICI using a FIPS approved al- gorithm. FIPS approved. Other RSA (encryption) Any, but not EXTRACT NICI-generated, but not FIPS approved. 2.8. CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT 11 2.8.1 FIPS Approved Key Generation The G function in the pseudo-random generator described in FIPS 186-2 is constructed using the SHA-1 hash function with b=512. 2.8.2 Key Distribution NICI key distribution capabilities comply with FIPS 171 options 1 (key exchange role), 4 (MAC), 5 (key and IV generation), 6 (key generation techniques), and 14 (send IV). NICI has TripleDES and RSA key management keys. The TripleDES and RSA key management keys are generated and used in FIPS mode. NICI uses DES-MAC to ensure integrity of persistent keys in FIPS mode. NICI uses digital signatures to sign certificates. NICI does not use RSA for data encryption in FIPS mode. 2.8.3 Key Entry and Output NICI does not possess a manual key entry method; all keys are entered electronically. Aside from the Crypto Officer’s role in distributing configuration data (used under the control of the Crypto Officer at installation time), all keys are entered under the User’s control via the API interface. Typical key entry to NICI is done via key unwrapping, i.e., by decrypting the key value, and verifying the integrity of the attributes associated with the key. NICI maintains a storage key that is usable only for key wrapping for this purpose. In FIPS mode, raw key entry (key injection) and output (key extraction) are not allowed. 2.8.4 Key Storage When keys have been unwrapped within the confines of the NICI cryptographic module boundary, they are kept in plaintext form. Keys in memory are protected by the C2 operating system. NICI provides key wrapping as a secure way of transferring keys in and out of NICI. NICI maintains a persistent TripleDES key wrapping key to applications (See STORAGE key on Table 2.4). No means is provided to unauthorized applications to obtain this key-management key. NICI uses RSA digital signatures to sign certificates and to encrypt keys in FIPS mode. NICI does not use RSA for data encryption in FIPS mode. 2.8.5 Key Destruction When the particular NICI context associated with the usage of a set of keys is closed, all keys associated with that context within NICI are zeroized and destroyed in memory. When NICI itself is closed within a given process all keys in all contexts are zeroized. 12 NICI 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 In order to destroy the audit data and NICI storage keys, the Crypto Officer must perform a complete reformatting of the hard disk, thoroughly scrubbing the disk to make certain there is no readable residue. 2.9 Cryptographic Algorithms NICI 2.2.1 supports the following FIPS approved algorithms: 1. DSA (FIPS 186-2) 2. DES and Triple DES (FIPS 46-3 and 81) 3. SHA-1 (FIPS 180-1) 4. RSA (X9.31) Non-FIPS approved algorithms that also are supported include: 5. Diffie-Hellman (PKCS#3) 6. RSA encryption/decryption (PKCS#1, RFC 2437) 7. MD2 (RFC 1319) 8. MD4 (RFC 1320) 9. MD5 (RFC 1321) 10. HMAC (RFC 2104) 11. RC2 (RFC 2268) 12. RC4 13. RC5 (RFC 2040) 14. CAST128 (RFC 2144) 15. Password Based Encryption, six algorithms (PKCS#12) 16. UNIX Crypt 17. LMdigest (CIFS) 18. TLS-KeyExchange-RSASign (RFC 2246) 19. NetWarePassword (Novell) When only FIPS approved algorithms (numbers 1-4) are used, NICI is functioning in FIPS mode. If any non-FIPS approved algorithm (numbers 5-19) is used, NICI is running in non-FIPS mode. It is the application programmer’s responsibility to enforce FIPS and Non-FIPS modes of operation. 2.10. EMI/EMC 13 2.10 EMI/EMC The C2 evaluated system complies with EMI/EMC requirements. 2.11 Self-Tests NICI conforms to the FIPS 140-1 Level 2 requirements for self-test. The required start-up self-tests are performed every time the NICI is started by the operating system, prior to transitioning to the User state. If the self-tests do not run correctly, NICI will not start, and an error indication will be returned via the API. 2.11.1 Software Integrity Tests NICI satisfies the requirements for FIPS 140-1 Level 2 for Power-up Self-Tests. Cryptographic Algorithms Test Known answer tests are performed for DES, TDES, RSA, and DSA upon startup. Pair-wise consistency tests are performed for RSA and DSA upon startup. Software/Firmware Test NICI complies with FIPS 140-1 by storing a DAC for the NICI shared library when the module is installed. This DAC is under the control of the Crypto Officer and is protected by the Windows NT 4.0 C2 operating system security. The DAC for the dynamic library (.dll) is calculated using an embedded key at initialization and compared with the stored version. NICI fails initialization if the DAC does not match. NICI is using DES-MAC to compute the DAC. 2.11.2 Conditional Self Tests The following tests are performed as specified for each test: Pair-Wise Consistency Tests (for public/private key pairs) When a public/private key pair is generated the key pair is tested for pair-wise consistency. The public key is used to encrypt a plaintext value and checked to ensure that an identity mapping did not occur, and then the private key is used to decrypt that value and the value compared to the original. If the values are not identical, the tests fails. If the keys are to be used only for the 14 NICI 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 calculation of a signature, then the consistency is tested by the calculation and verification of a signature. These tests are applied to RSA and DSA keys. Continuous Random Number Test The module performs continuous random number generator tests as dictated by FIPS 140-1 . Pseudorandom numbers are generated using approved FIPS 186-2 (Appendix 3.1) standard. The random number generator generates blocks of 160 bits. Installation Guidance 15 3 Installation Guidance 3.1 FIPS 140-1 Level 2 Installation Requirements For NICI version 2.2.1 for Windows NT 4.0 to be compliant with the FIPS 140-1 Level 2 specifi- cation the following requirements must be met: 1. NICI must be installed on a C2 evaluated computing platform according to Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 C2 Administrator’s and User’s Security Guide Chapter 4 . 2. NICI must be installed using the standard NICI 2.2.1 Installation Program to insure that file permissions are correctly set. 3. The C2 evaluated system hardware must have tamper evident labels applied such that removable covers or other parts may not be removed without leaving evidence that an intrusion has taken place. These labels must be kept securely under the control of the security officer. 3.2 Evaluated Configuration NICI 2.2.1 was evaluated in the following configuration: 1. C2 evaluated computing platform consisting of a Compaq Proliant 7000 with Windows NT 4.0 installed as specified by Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 C2 Administrator’s and User’s Security Guide Chapter 4 . 2. NICI was installed using the standard installation program. 3. The labels used were Bay Area Labels Voidable Mylar Labels . As shown in figure 3.1, six labels were applied to secure all removable covers and disk drives. These labels were left in place for at least 24 hours prior to the test in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. 16 NICI 2.2.1 Security Policy for Windows NT 4.0 Figure 3.1: Tamper-evident Label Placement on a Compaq Proliant 7000 . Appendix A FIPS Mode CCS API Definitions For complete descriptions, please refer to the Controlled Cryptography Services Software Devel- opment Specifications document available from Novell. API Description CCS Init Initializes the CCS library CCS Shutdown Closes the CCS library CCS GetInfo Return information about the CCS interface CCS GetPolicyInfo Determines the policy constraints on key at- tributes for a given type and usage CCS GetKMStrength Returns the key management strength level CCS GetRandom Returns a random number CCS GetAlgorithmInfo Obtain information about a specific algorithm CCS GetAlgorithmList Obtain information about the algorithms avail- able in the system. CCS GetMoreAlgorithmInfo Obtain variable-length information about an al- gorithm. CCS CreateContext Create a cryptography context. CCS DestroyContext Destroy a cryptography context. CCS DestroyObject Destroy a CCS object. CCS FindObjectsInit Initialize a search for objects that match a tem- plate. CCS FindObjects Continue a search for objects that match a tem- plate. CCS GetAttributeValue Obtain the value of one or more object at- tributes. 17 18 APPENDIX A. FIPS MODE CCS API DEFINITIONS CCS SetAttributeValue Modify the values of one or more object at- tributes. CCS DataEncryptInit Initialize a data encryption operation. CCS Encrypt Encrypt single-part data. CCS EncryptUpdate Continue a multi-part encryption operation. CCS EncryptFinal Finish a multi-part encryption operation. CCS DataDecryptInit Initialize a data decryption operation. CCS Decrypt Decrypt encrypted data in a single part. CCS DecryptUpdate Continue a multi-part decryption operation. CCS DecryptFinal Finish a multi-part decryption operation. CCS DigestInit Initialize a message-digesting operation. CCS Digest Digest data in a single part. CCS DigestUpdate Continue a multi-part message-digesting opera- tion. CCS DigestFinal Finish a multi-part message-digesting operation. CCS SignInit Initialize a signature operation. CCS Sign Sign data in a single part. CCS SignUpdate Continue a multi-part signature operation. CCS SignFinal Finish a multi-part signature operation. CCS VerifyInit Initialize a verification operation. CCS Verify Verify data in a single part. CCS VerifyUpdate Continue a multi-part verification operation. CCS VerifyFinal Finish a multi-part verification operation. CCS GenerateKey Generate a secret key. CCS GenerateKeyPair Generate a public-key/private-key pair. CCS WrapKey Wrap (i.e. encrypt) a key for storage or distri- bution external to CCS. CCS UnwrapKey Unwrap (i.e. decrypt) a key. CCS LoadCertificate Load a public-key certificate, verify its signature and load the resulting public key. CCS LoadSelfSignedCertificate Load a self-signed public-key certificate, verify its signature and load the resulting public key. CCS LoadUnverifiedCertificate Load a public-key certificate and the resulting public key without verifying the certificate sig- nature. CCS GenerateCertificate Create and sign a public-key certificate. 19 CCS GenerateCertificateFromRequest Create and sign a public-key certificate whose public key is provided by a PKCS#10 Certifica- tion Request. CCS GetLocalCertificate Return a public-key certificate or local portion of the certification path for one of the NICI- predefined public keys. CCS GetCertificate Return a public-key certificate or complete certi- fication path for one of the NICI-predefined pub- lic keys. Appendix B Non-FIPS Mode CCS API Definitions For complete descriptions, please refer to the Controlled Cryptography Services Software Devel- opment Specifications document available from Novell. API Description CCS EncryptRestart Reinitialize an encryption operation. CCS DecryptRestart Reinitialize a decryption operation. CCS Obfuscate Obfuscates an input string. CCS DeObfuscate De-obfuscates an input string. CCS pbeEncrypt Encrypt data in a single part using a password and password-based algorithm as described in PKCS#5 or PKCS#12. CCS pbeDecrypt Decrypt data in a single part using a password and password-based algorithm as described in PKCS#5 or PKCS#12. CCS pbeSign Generate signature for input data in a single part using a password and password-based algorithm as described in PKCS#12. CCS pbeVerify Verify input data and its signature in a single part using a password and password-based algo- rithm as described in PKCS#12. CCS pbeShroudPrivateKey Encrypt a PKCS#8 private key using a password and password-based algorithm as described in PKCS#5 or PKCS#12. CCS pbeUnshroudPrivateKey Decrypt and load an encrypted PKCS#8 pri- vate key using the password and the password- based algorithm as described in PKCS#5 or PKCS#12. 20 21 CCS LoadPFXPrivateKeyWithPassword Loads zero or more private keys encrypted in a password from a PKCS#12 PFX structure. See PKCS#12 document for details. Only PKCS#8 private keys are supported. CCS LoadPFXCertificateWithPassword Loads zero or more X.509 certificates and pub- lic keys in those certificates from a PKCS#12 structure. The certificates either can be en- crypted in a safe bag or can be in plain form. See PKCS#12 and RFC 2459 documents for details. CCS DigestRestart Reinitialize a message-digesting operation. CCS SignRestart Reinitialize a signature operation. CCS VerifyRestart Reinitialize a verification operation. IKE Sign Sign using an IKE Authentication Phase 1 au- thentication algorithm. The algorithms and mechanisms are described in RFC 2409: The Internet Key Exchange. IKE Verify Verify using an IKE Authentication Phase 1 authentication algorithm. The algorithms and mechanisms are described in RFC 2409: The Internet Key Exchange. CCS InjectKey This is the raw (i.e., plaintext) key injection function that is used for legacy applications with raw key access, and required to use NICI with their existing raw keys. CCS ExtractKey Extract attributes of a key, including its value (NICI A KEY VALUE) attribute. CCS GenerateKeyExchangeParameters This is the parameter generation stage of a key agreement algorithm. CCS KeyExchangePhase1 This is the phase 1 of a key exchange algorithm. CCS KeyExchangePhase2 This is the phase 2 of a key exchange algorithm.