CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 January 2, 2014 Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 ii Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation Corporate Headquarters Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation 100 Potrero Avenue San Francisco, CA 94103-4813 USA Telephone 415-558-0200 Fax 415-863-1373 European Licensing Liaison Office Dolby Laboratories, Inc. Wootton Bassett Wiltshire SN4 8QJ England Telephone (44) 1793-842100 Fax (44) 1793-842101 Asia Dolby Laboratories International Services, Inc. Japan Branch NBF Higashi-Ginza Square 3F 13–14 Tsukiji 1-Chome, Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0045 Japan Telephone (81) 3-3524-7300 Fax (81) 3-3524-7389 Dolby Laboratories International Services, Inc. Hong Kong Branch RM5407 Central Plaza 18 Harbour Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Telephone (852) 2519-0888 Fax (852) 2519-8988 Dolby Laboratories International Services Co., Ltd. 03–07a, Floor 18 The Center 989 ChangLe Road Shanghai 200031 China Telephone (86) 21-6113-3456 Fax (86) 21-6113-3400 Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. S07/17900 All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. Version 1.3  2013 Dolby Laboratories. All rights reserved. May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 iii Contents 1 Module Overview .............................................................................................................1 2 Acronyms and Definitions...............................................................................................2 3 Security Level ..................................................................................................................2 4 Modes of Operation .........................................................................................................3 5 Ports and Interfaces ........................................................................................................3 6 Identification and Authentication Policy ........................................................................4 7 Access Control Policy .....................................................................................................5 8 Operational Environment ................................................................................................9 9 Security Rules..................................................................................................................9 10 Physical Security Policy................................................................................................11 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy................................................................................11 Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 iv Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 1 1 Module Overview The CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor is a multi-chip embedded cryptographic module partially encased in a hard opaque commercial grade metal case. The primary purpose of the module is to decrypt, decode, and encode audio/video data for a digital cinema player. The cryptographic boundary is defined as being the perimeter of the printed circuit board. The components and areas of the printed circuit board not covered by the metallic case are excluded from the requirements of FIPS 140-2, because they are non-security relevant. This document refers specifically to the CAT904 Dolby JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor hardware P/N CAT904Z revision FIPS_1.0, FIPS_1.0.1, FIPS_1.0.2 and FIPS_1.1 running firmware version Figure 1 Image of the Cryptographic Module Dolby Laboratories CAT862 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1. 2 2 Acronyms and Definitions Table 1 shows acronyms used in this document and their definitions. Table 1 Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition CPL Composition Play List HD-SDI High Definition Serial Digital Interface, as defined by the SMPTE 292M standard JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group KDM Key Delivery Message LED Light-Emitting Diode LTC Linear Time Code MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers TMS Theatre Management System 3 Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 3 security of FIPS 140-2. Table 2 shows the specific requirements sections and associated security level. Table 2 Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 3 4 Modes of Operation The cryptographic module only supports an Approved mode of operation. The Approved mode of operation can be confirmed by verifying that the firmware version matches the Approved, tested version. The firmware version number can be retrieved using the Get Status service. The following Approved algorithms are supported:  AES 128-bit – certificates #519, #520, #1067  AES 256-bit – certificate #520  SHA-1 – certificates #592, #1086  SHA-256 – certificate #592  RSA 2048 Key Gen and Sign/Verify – certificate #233  HMAC-SHA-1 – certificates #270, #676  HMAC-SHA-256 – certificate #270  FIPS 186 GP RNG – certificate #650  ANSI X9.31 RNG – certificate #296 The cryptographic module supports TLS v1.0 with AES, as well as the following non- FIPS-approved algorithms:  MD5 within TLS  RSA 2048 Encrypt/Decrypt for Key Transport (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength)  SP 800-135rev1 TLS KDF for key establishment (not CAVP tested) 5 Ports and Interfaces The cryptographic module provides the following physical ports and logical interfaces: Table 3 Module Port and Interface Specification Port Interface Compact PCI/220-pin interface Data Input, Data Output, Control Input, Status Output, Power Input Board Reset (Jumper 15) Control Input HD-SDI ports (Qty: 2) Data Output Status LEDs (Qty: 13) Status Output RS232 ports (Qty: 1) Status Output Dolby Laboratories CAT862 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1. 4 6 Identification and Authentication Policy Assumption of Roles The cryptographic module shall support two distinct operator roles: User and Cryptographic Officer. The Cryptographic Officer is assumed by Dolby Laboratories and the User is assumed by the Show Store. The cryptographic module shall enforce the separation of roles using identity-based operator authentication by means of digital signatures. Table 4 Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data User Identity-based operator authentication Digital Signature Verification using Show Store Root Public Key Cryptographic Officer Identity-based operator authentication Digital Signature Verification using Dolby Maintenance Public Key Table 5 Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism RSA 2048-bit Digital Signature verification The probability that a random attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is 1/2112 which is less than 1/1,000,000. The probability of successfully authenticating to the module within one minute through random attempts is 200/2112 (due to timing limitations in the module) which is less than 1/100,000. Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 5 7 Access Control Policy Roles and Services Table 6 Services Authorized for Roles Role Authorized Services User: Assumed by the Show Store Execute Key Delivery Message (KDM): Execute KDM, which includes the loading of an RSA wrapped Content Key. Start Suite: Initializes the playback suite. Prep Suite: Prepares the playback suite for playback of content Stop Suite: Terminates the playback suite. Purge Suite: Purges the playback suite and begins projector log extraction. CPL Validate: Validates a content play list. Playback: Control the playback of content (e.g., Play, Stop, Clear, Mute, Repeat, Step, etc.). Set Time: Sets or adjusts the current time of the cryptographic module with restrictions. Get Time Status: Retrieves the current time and adjustment settings. Check License: Verifies the playback license exists and is valid. Clear Licenses: Clears all licenses. Delete License: Deletes a single license. Get Usage Rights: Retrieves usage rights. Get All Content IDs: Retrieves all content IDs. Get Number of Keys: Retrieves the total number of keys present in a KDM. Get Audit Logs: Retrieves audit logs. ASM Send: Sends an Auditorium Security Message (ASM) to the projector. Decrypt Subtitle: Decrypts a subtitle file using a Content Key obtained from a KDM. Get ShowPlayer Certificate: Retrieves the Media Block certificate chain. Get Projector Certificate and Thumbprint: Retrieves the Projector certificate chain and certificate thumbprint. Cryptographic Officer: Assumed by Dolby Laboratories Firmware Upgrade: Updates the firmware of the module. Zeroize: This service actively destroys all plain text critical security parameters. Dolby Laboratories CAT862 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1. 6 Unauthenticated Services The cryptographic module supports the following unauthenticated services:  Self-tests: This service executes the suite of self-tests required by FIPS 140-2 and is invoked by power cycling or resetting the device.  Get Status: This service provides module status via LEDs, the RS-232 port the Compact PCI interface.  Get Time: Retrieves the current time from the cryptographic module.  Get Public Key Hash: Retrieves the pre-computed hash of the System Public Key.  Set Configuration: This service sets audio and video parameters (e.g., video format, output enable, AV mute, 3D coefficients, etc.). Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) The following are CSPs contained in the module:  System Private Key: Used to perform TLS authentication, the key transport of Content Keys, and to sign audit logs.  Key Encryption Key: Used to AES encrypt the System Private Key, Data Encryption Key, HMAC Key, and Content Keys that are stored locally. The Key Encryption Key is used automatically at system boot time to decrypt the System Private Key, Data Encryption Key and HMAC Key.  Data Encryption Key: Used to AES encrypt RNG State and firmware images that are to be stored locally.  HMAC Key: Authenticates storage of certificates, time adjustment parameters, and the file system.  Content Keys: Used to AES decrypt content received from the Show Store.  Content Integrity Keys: Used to verify content integrity.  CineLink™ Keys: AES keys used in the CineLink processor.  RNG State: The ANSI X9.31 seed and seed key.  FIPS 186-2 RNG State: The current FIPS 186-2 GP DRNG state.  TLS Session Parameters Used in Support of TLS Session Establishment:  TLS Random Number  TLS PreMaster Secret  TLS Master Secret  TLS Encryption Keys: TLS AES session keys used during TLS sessions.  TLS HMAC Keys – TLS HMAC keys used during initial TLS handshake.  Firmware Image Decryption Key – Used to AES decrypt firmware images during firmware upgrade. Definition of Public Keys The following are the public keys contained in the module:  System public Key: Used to perform the key transport of Content Keys. Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 7  Show Store Public Key: Used to support TLS operations.  Show Store Root Public Key: Used to verify Show Store certificates.  Root Public Key: Used to verify a certificate chain of trust.  Dolby Maintenance Public Key: Used to verify the digital signature over the firmware image to be loaded.  X.509 Certificates – Used when verifying a chain of trust. Definition of CSPs Modes of Access Table 7 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different module services. The modes of access shown in the tables are defined as follows:  Generate: The CSP is generated.  Use: The CSP is used.  Import: The CSP is entered into the module.  Export: The CSP is output from the module.  Wrap: The CSP is RSA wrapped.  Unwrap: The CS is RSA unwrapped.  Destroy: The CSP is actively destroyed within the module. Table 7 CSP Access Rights within Roles and Services Role C.O. User Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Access Operation X Execute KDM Import & Unwrap Content Key. Use System Private Key, Key Encryption Key, Data Encryption Key, HMAC Key, TLS Keys (i.e., TLS Session Parameters, TLS Encryption Key, TLS HMAC Key), RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Start Suite Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Prep Suite Generate CineLink Key. Use HMAC Key, TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. Export CineLink Key. X Stop suite Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Purge Suite Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. Dolby Laboratories CAT862 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1. 8 Role C.O. User Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Access Operation X CPL Validate Use HMAC Key, TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Playback Generate Content Integrity Key. Use Content Key, Key Encryption Key, HMAC Key, Content Integrity Key, CineLink Key, FIPS 186-2 RNG State. Export CineLink Key. X Set time Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State, HMAC Key. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Get Time Status Use HMAC Key, TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Check License Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State, HMAC Key. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Clear Licenses Use HMAC Key, TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Delete License Use HMAC Key, TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Get Usage Rights Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State, HMAC Key. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Get All Content IDs Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Get Number of Keys Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Get Audit Logs Use System Private Key, TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X ASM Send Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 9 Role C.O. User Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Access Operation X Decrypt Subtitle Use Content Key, Key Encryption Key, TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Get Show Player Certificate Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Get Projector Certificate and Thumbprint Use TLS Keys, Data Encryption Key, RNG State. Use Root Public Key, Show Store Public Key, Show Store Root Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Firmware Upgrade Import & Unwrap Firmware Image Decryption Key. Use Key Encryption Key, Firmware Image Decryption Key, Data Encryption Key. Use Root Public Key, Dolby Maintenance Public Key, X.509 Certificates. X Zeroize Import & Unwrap Firmware Image Decryption Key. Use Firmware Image Decryption Key. Use Root Public Key, Dolby Maintenance Public Key, X.509 Certificates. Destroy all plaintext CSPs. Self-tests None Get Status None Get Time None Get Public Key Hash None Set Configuration None 8 Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 Operational Environment requirements are not applicable because the module supports a limited operational environment; only validated and trusted software can be loaded by means of a 2048-bit RSA digital signature. 9 Security Rules The cryptographic module design corresponds to the module security rules. This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Level 3 module.  The cryptographic module provides two distinct operator roles. These are the User role and the Cryptographic-Officer role.  The cryptographic module provides identity-based authentication.  The cryptographic module does not support a maintenance interface.  The cryptographic module performs the following tests for each implemented cryptographic algorithm: Dolby Laboratories CAT862 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1. 10 Power-up Self Tests 1) Cryptographic algorithm tests: a. AES 128-bit Decrypt KAT – certificate #519 b. AES 128-bit and 256-bit Encrypt KAT – certificate #520 c. AES 128-bit and 256-bit Decrypt KAT – certificate #520 d. AES 128-bit Encrypt KAT – certificate #1067 e. RSA 2048-bit Sign KAT – certificate #233 f. RSA 2048-bit Verify KAT – certificate #233 g. RSA 2048-bit Encrypt KAT h. RSA 2048-bit Decrypt KAT i. HMAC SHA-1 KAT, 2 implementations – certificates #270, #676 j. HMAC SHA-256 KAT – certificate #270 k. SHA-1 KAT (Tested as a part of HMAC), 2 implementations – certificates #592, #1086 l. SHA-256 KAT (Tested as a part of HMAC) – certificate #592 m. RNG KATs – certificates #296. #650 2) Firmware Integrity Test (CRC-32) 3) Critical Functions Tests a. RAM Write/Read Test Conditional Self-Tests 1) Continuous Random Number Generator (RNG) test - performed on ANSI X9.31 RNG and FIPS 186-2 GP RNG 2) Firmware Load Test (RSA Digital Signature Verification)  The operator is capable of invoking power-up self-tests by power cycling or resetting the module.  Data output is inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, and error states.  Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the module.  The module does not support multiple concurrent operators.  When the cryptographic module is powered off and subsequently powered on, the results of previous authentications is not retained and the module requires the operator to be re-authenticated.  The module uses the FIPS validated nShield module to generate randomness that is injected during manufacturing. Three 64-bit random values are provided during manufacturing to account for a maximum of 192-bits of uncertainty. Dolby Laboratories CAT904 Dolby ® JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor Security Policy Version 1.3 11 10 Physical Security Policy Physical Security Mechanisms The CAT904 Dolby JPEG 2000/MPEG-2 Processor includes the following physical security mechanisms:  Production-grade components and production-grade opaque metal enclosure.  Metal enclosure with automatic zeroization when enclosure is opened via tamper detection and zeroization circuitry.  Enclosure cover screws are protected with tamper-evident expansion plugs. 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The module has not been designed to mitigate specific attacks beyond the scope of FIPS 140-2 requirements.