SecureDoc® Cryptographic Engine for Windows FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Abstract: This document specifies Security Policy enforced by SecureDoc® Cryptographic Engine compliant with the requirements of FIPS 140-2 level 1. The policy specifies security rules under which the SecureDoc® Cryptographic Engine operates. Vendor: WinMagic Corp Module Version: 8.7 Revision: 1.8 Revision date: March 14, 2022 Evaluation: FIPS 140-2 Level 1 THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE FREELY REPRODUCED AND DISTRIBUTED WHOLE AND INTACT, INCLUDING THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 2 of 9 Table of Contents 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................3 2 Cryptographic module specification ..................................................................................................................................4 2.1 Tested operational environments...................................................................................................................................4 2.2 Modes of operation........................................................................................................................................................4 2.3 Module boundary ..........................................................................................................................................................4 3 Cryptographic module interfaces .......................................................................................................................................5 4 Roles, services, and authentication.....................................................................................................................................6 5 Operational environment....................................................................................................................................................7 6 Physical security.................................................................................................................................................................8 7 Sensitive Security Parameter Management........................................................................................................................8 8 Self-Tests ...........................................................................................................................................................................9 9 Mitigation of other attacks .................................................................................................................................................9 List of Figures Figure 1 Module Block Diagram .................................................................................................................................................5 List of Tables Table 1 Security Levels ...............................................................................................................................................................3 Table 2 Approved algorithms in Approved Mode of Operation..................................................................................................4 Table 3 Ports and logical interfaces.............................................................................................................................................5 Table 4 Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output.................................................................................................................6 Table 5 Services in FIPS-Approved mode...................................................................................................................................7 Table 6 Sensitive Security Parameters.........................................................................................................................................8 Table 7 Self-tests performed by the Module................................................................................................................................9 Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 3 of 9 1 Introduction This document defines the Security Policy for the SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine version 8.7 (hence the Module) used in WinMagic software. The Module is a cryptographic software library, designed to run as a multi-chip standalone embodiment in FIPS 140 terminology. The document describes the services offered by the Module, rules under which the Module operates and mechanisms ensuring that the services meet FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements. The document has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of FIPS 140-2 and is not to be seen as a complete description of the product capabilities or applications. Please contact WinMagic at for further information. The target levels of validation by components are specified in Table 1 below. Table 1 Security Levels Section Security Requirements Section Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles and Services and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Machine Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 1 9 Self-Tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level of Certification 1 Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 4 of 9 2 Cryptographic module specification 2.1 Tested operational environments Operational testing of the Module was performed for the following Operating Environments: • Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2 64-bit, HP ProBook 440 G5, Intel® Core™ i7-8550U with AES-NI • Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 20H2 64-bit, HP ProBook 440 G5, Intel® Core™ i7-8550U without AES-NI The Module claims compliance on other operational environments under vendor affirmation following FIPS 140-2 IG G5 "Maintaining validation compliance of software or firmware cryptographic modules", clause 1.a.i). The following vendor affirmed operational environments are supported: • Any 32 or 64-bit release of Windows 10 • Any 32 or 64-bit release of Windows Server 2012 or later versions • Any Intel / AMD / Citrix or compatible CPU (at least 1 GHz) • Any GPC capable of running the specified Operating Systems No claim can be made as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of the generated keys when ported to an operational environment which is not listed on the validation certificate. 2.2 Modes of operation The Module supports Approved mode of operation only. Table 2 below lists FIPS-Approved algorithms employed by the Module. Table 2 Approved algorithms in Approved Mode of Operation Algorithm Cryptographic Function Modes / Mechanisms Key Size (bits) Certificate # AES Encryption/Decryption ECB, CBC 256 A1431 DRBG Random bit generation SP800-90A HMAC_DRBG 256 HMAC Message authentication SHA-1, 256, 384, 512 256 KTS Key wrapping/unwrapping AES and HMAC 256 PBKDF Key derivation HMAC-SHA-256 256 SHA Hashing SHA-1,256, 384, 512 ENT (NP) Entropy collection N/A This cryptographic module receives entropy from a CPU Jitter RNG that has been validated for compliance with NIST SP 800-90B. Based on noise source testing and analysis, the estimated minimum amount of entropy per the source output bit is at least 0.45 bits. The overall amount of generated entropy meets the required security strength of 256 bits based on the entropy per bit and amount of entropy requested by the module. The keys derived from passwords (PBKDF) may only be used in storage applications. 2.3 Module boundary The Module conforms to FIPS 140-2 IG 1.16 Software Module: Figure 1 depicts the Module operational environment, with the logical boundary inclusive of all Module entry points Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 5 of 9 (API calls), conformant with FIPS 140-2 IG 14.3 Logical Diagram for Software, Firmware and Hybrid Modules. Applications (out of validation scope) CPU Operating System RAM Hard disk I/O ports API calls System calls General Purpose Computer (physical boundary) API Entries SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine (logical boundary) Figure 1 Module Block Diagram The physical boundary is a general-purpose computer which wholly contains the Module and operating system. The logical cryptographic boundary is the set of binary files comprising the Module. All components are defined per AS01.08; no components are excluded from FIPS 140-2 requirements. The power-up approved integrity test is performed over all components of the logical boundary. 3 Cryptographic module interfaces The Module does not map any interfaces to physical ports. Table 3 defines the Module’s FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces. Table 3 Ports and logical interfaces Logical Interface Interface purpose API function parameters Data Input (enters data for processing by the Module) API function parameters Data Output (outputs data processed by the Module) API entry point Control Input (controls operations of the Module) API return value Status Output (result of service execution: success or error) Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 6 of 9 4 Roles, services, and authentication The Module supports two distinct operator roles, User (U) and Cryptographic Officer (CO), and does not support either of multiple concurrent operators, a maintenance role or bypass capability. The cryptographic module does not provide an authentication or identification method of its own. The CO and the User roles are implicitly identified by the service requested. The module provides no services while in non-initialized or error state. Data output is inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, and in error states. Cryptographic keys are generated by module internal RNG. Manual key input is not supported. Table 4 lists the services provided with accepted role and rights to access SSPs. Table 4 Roles, Service Commands, Input and Output Role Service Input Output CO Module Initialization C_Initialize() Return code CO Module reset C_Finalize() Return code CO On Demand Self-Test C_SendCommand( test type ) Return code U Show Status Implicitly invoked by other services Return code U Create cryptographic session C_OpenSession( ) Session handle, return code U Close cryptographic session C_CloseSession(session handle) Return code U Key Input C_CreateObject( key, attributes, key handle ) Key handle, return code U Key Transport C_KTS_WrapKey( key handles, key ) C_KTS_UnWrapKey( key handles, key ) Key or key handle, return code U Key Derivation PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256( password string, salt, iteration count) 256-bit symmetric key, return code U Random Bit Generation C_GenerateRandom() Up to 1024 random bits, return code U Encryption C_Encrypt( plaintext, key ) C_AES_EncryptBuffer( plaintext, key material) Ciphertext, return code U Decryption C_Decrypt( ciphertext, key ), C_AES_cryptBuffer( ciphertext, key material) Plaintext, return code U Message Digest C_Digest( message, algorithm ) Hash, return code U Message Authentication C_Sign( message, algorithm, key ) C_Verify( message, algorithm, key ) MAC, return code Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 7 of 9 Table 5 lists the services provided with accepted role and rights to access the SSPs. Table 5 Services in FIPS-Approved mode Service Description Roles Access to SSPs Keys RBG sta te Module Initialization Executes Power-Up test when the Module is being powered on (includes integrity test and KAT of all supported cryptographic algorithms). CO ─ ─ Module reset Moves the Module to non-initialized state. Destroys all SSP in the volatile memory. CO Z Z On Demand Self-Test Runs integrity test or KAT of all supported cryptographic algorithms by operator’s request via module API. CO ─ ─ Show Status Indicates status of the Module via the return codes provided by services. U ─ ─ Create session Create a context for performing cryptographic operations U W ─ Close session Destroyes cryptographic contexts and zeroizes memory U Z ─ Key Input Inputs keys the Module U W ─ Key Transport Wraps/Unwraps keys for distribution using AES+HMAC combination. U ER ─ Key Derivation Derives symmetric keys from password using NIST SP 800-132 PBKDF algorithm. U GR ─ Random Bit Generation Generates random bits using NIST SP800-90 HMAC_DRBG. U ─ GE Encryption Encrypts data using AES algorithm. U E ─ Decryption Decrypts data using AES algorithm. U E ─ Message Digest Calculates hash of data using SHA-1 or SHA-256,384,512 algorithm. U ─ ─ Message Authentication Creates /Verifies Message Authentication Code using HMAC based on one of the supported SHA algorithms. U E ─ • G = Generate: The module generates or derives the SSP • R = Read: The SSP is read from the module (e.g., the SSP is output) • W = Write: The SSP is updated, imported, or written to the module • E = Execute: The module uses the SSP in performing a cryptographic operation • Z = Zeroise: The module zeroises the SSP 5 Operational environment The Module conforms to FIPS 140-2 IG 6.1 Single Operator Mode and Concurrent Operators. The tested environments place user processes into segregated spaces. A process is logically removed from all other processes by the hardware and Operating System. Since the Module exists inside the process space of the application this environment implicitly satisfies requirement for a single user mode. Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 8 of 9 The Module conforms to FIPS 140-2 IG 1.21 Processor Algorithm Accelerators (PAA) and Processor Algorithm Implementation (PAI). The Intel Processor AES-NI functions are identified by FIPS 140-2 IG 1.21 as a known PAA. Updates to the Module are provided as a complete replacement in accordance with [FIPS 140-2 IG 9.7 Software/Firmware Load Test. 6 Physical security FIPS 140-2 Section 4.5 Physical Security is not applicable, as permitted by FIPS 140-2 IG 1.16, Software Module and FIPS 140-2 IG G.3. 7 Sensitive Security Parameter Management Table 6 describes SSPs the Module works with. Zeroization of SSPs located in the volatile memory is achieved by overwriting with zeros. No secret or private key is stored within the logical boundary. Secret key output for storage outside logical boundary is associated with user by applying NIST SP 800-132 Option 2a algorithm. Table 6 Sensitive Security Parameters SSP Type Generation, Input Output Storage Zeroization Use AES key 256-bit key Input electronically via API either in plaintext or wrapped by KTS Output electronically encrypted using KTS API In RAM Service completion; Module unloading; Reboot OS; Cycle host power; Encryption, Decryption HMAC key 256-bit key Input electronically via API in plaintext Never output from the module In RAM Service completion; Module unloading; Reboot OS; Cycle host power; Message Authentication HMAC_DRBG state (K,V) 64-byte value Generated internally Never output from the module In RAM Reboot OS; Cycle host power; RBG uninstantiation Internal state value used with HMAC_DRBG HMAC_DRBG entropy 192-byte value Generated internally Never output from the module In RAM Reboot OS; Cycle host power; RBG uninstantiation Entropy input and nonce for HMAC_DRBG HMAC_DRBG seed 224-byte value Generated internally Never output from the module In RAM Reboot OS; Cycle host power; RBG uninstantiation Used for seeding of HMAC_DRBG PBKDF key material 256-bit key Generated internally Never output from the module In RAM Service completion; Module unloading; Reboot OS; Cycle host power; Key derivation PBKDF password source [ 8, 128] -byte value Input electronically via API in plaintext Never output from the module In RAM Service completion; Module unloading; Reboot OS; Cycle host power; Key derivation Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 SecureDoc Cryptographic Engine v8.7 Revision 1.8 Page 9 of 9 8 Self-Tests The Module provides a default entry point to automatically run the power on self-tests compliant with FIPS 140-2 IG 9.10 Power-Up Tests for Software Module Libraries. The self-tests performed by the module are described in Table 7. If an error occurs during a self-check or a fatal error occurs during the subsequent execution of any of the services, the Module enters error state and must be re-initialized before it can be used again. Table 7 Self-tests performed by the Module Test Actions performed Cryptographic Algorithms Test Performed automatically when the Module is initialized and on demand via the self-test service. Executes Known Answer Tests for all employed algorithms (AES CBC, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC-SHA-512, HMAC_DRBG, PBKDF) Software Integrity Test Performed automatically when the Module is initialized. Checks that the Module has not been compromised by verifying an HMAC-SHA-256 message authentication code. DRBG Health Test Performed automatically when the Module is initialized. The Instantiate and Generate Random functions are verified for correct operations via Known Answer Tests with fixed values of the accepted parameters. DRBG Continuous Test Performed each time the DRBG is used to generate random bits. The output of the DRBG is compared with the previous block of the generated data. If two blocks are identical a catastrophic error is generated. Entropy Source Health Tests Start-up health test verifies sensitivity of CPU jitter measurement. At run-time, the module runs Stuck Test, Repetition Counter Test and Adaptive Proportion Test. 9 Mitigation of other attacks The module is not designed to mitigate other attacks following FIPS 140-2 Section 4.11 Mitigation of Other Attacks is not applicable per FIPS 140-2 IG G.3 Partial Validations and Not Applicable Areas of FIPS 140-2.