© Copyright 2007 NetWeave This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. NetWeave NSK/D30 by NetWeave Version 2.2v1 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Revision 1.14 Level 1 Validation June 2007 © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 2 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3 PURPOSE....................................................................................................................... 3 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 3 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................. 3 NSK/D30 BY NETWEAVE.............................................................................................. 4 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 4 MODULE INTERFACES ..................................................................................................... 4 ROLES AND SERVICES..................................................................................................... 6 Authentication Mechanisms ...................................................................................... 7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ............................................................................... 7 SELF-TESTS................................................................................................................. 10 Power-Up Self-Tests ............................................................................................... 10 Conditional Self-Tests ............................................................................................. 10 DESIGN ASSURANCE..................................................................................................... 11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS.................................................................................... 11 SECURE OPERATION................................................................................................. 11 INITIAL SETUP............................................................................................................... 11 Crypto-Officer Guidance.......................................................................................... 11 User Guidance ........................................................................................................ 11 ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................. 12 © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 3 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Introduction The sections that follow introduce this document, including the purpose for it, references used and the organizational structure of it. Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the NetWeave NonStop Kernel (NSK)/D30 by NetWeave. This security policy describes how the NetWeave NSK/D30 by NetWeave meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 and how to run the module in a FIPS 140-2 approved mode of operation. This policy was prepared as part of the Level 1 FIPS 140-2 validation of the module. FIPS 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules) details the U.S. Government requirements for cryptographic modules. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) website at http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/. References This document deals only with the operations and capabilities of the module in the technical terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. More information is available on the module from the following sources: • The NetWeave website (www.NetWeave.com) contains information on the full line of products from NetWeave. • The NIST Validated Modules website (http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov/cryptval/) contains contact information for answers to technical or sales-related questions for the module. Document Organization The Security Policy document is one document in a FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. In addition to this document, the Submission Package contains: • Vendor Evidence document • Finite State Machine • Other supporting documentation as additional references This Security Policy and the other validation submission documentation were produced by Corsec Security, Inc. under contract to NetWeave. With the exception of this Non-Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 Validation Documentation is proprietary to NetWeave and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact NetWeave. © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 4 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. NSK/D30 BY NETWEAVE Overview The NetWeave NSK/D30 FIPS-Compliant Module application is packaged as a single binary executable file (HE2X) and the signature file containing the HMAC of the executable and the signature file itself (sigfile). All libraries that the NetWeave NSK/D30 FIPS-Compliant Module utilizes are statically linked. The NetWeave NSK/D30 FIPS-Compliant Module provides the following basic functionalities: • Transparent Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) proxy server between a Hewlett-Packard (HP) Nonstop Server and arbitrary client platforms. • Encryption of NetWeave Distributed Services sessions only. • Employs the XYGATE /ESDK (Encryption Software Development Kit) to provide all cryptographic functionality • Runs on HP NonStop Servers using the Guardian D39 version of the operation system Module Interfaces NetWeave NSK/D30 by NetWeave is classified as a Multi-chip standalone module for FIPS 140-2 purposes. The module is being tested on the HP Nonstop Guardian D39 server platform. The physical boundary of the NetWeave NSK/D30 is defined by the metal enclosure over the board. The module supports the physical interfaces of a general purpose computer (GPC). The physical interfaces include the computer keyboard port, optical drives, floppy disk, mouse, serial ports, parallel ports, networks ports, monitor port and power plug. The functional module interface exists in the software. See Figure 1 for a standard GPC block diagram. © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 5 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Figure 1 - Standard GPC Block Diagram The NSK module employs the XYGATE /ESDK to provide all cryptographic functionality. The ESDK module provides scripts and graphical user interfaces to interact with the components. Figure 2 below shows the ESDK module’s logical cryptographic boundary. © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 6 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Figure 2 – Logical Cryptographic Boundary Note that the NetWeave NSK is one possible Host Application, in which case the Cryptographic Boundary extends to the NetWeave NSK as well. All of these physical interfaces are separated into logical interfaces defined by FIPS 140-2, as described in the following table: Module Physical Interface FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Module Mapping PC Network port Data Input Interface Data input is provided through IP packets over a network port PC Network Port Data Output Interface Data output is sent in the form of IP packets over a network port PC Network Port, Serial Port, Keyboard port, Mouse port, PC Power Button Control Input Interface Control Input is provided through the keyboard and mouse in the form of specific commands and command line options that dictate the module’s behavior. Light Emitting Diodes, PC Monitor, PC Network Port Status Output Interface Status output is displayed in log files and display output. PC Power Interface Power Interface Not Applicable. Table 1 – FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces Roles and Services The module supports role-based operation. There are two main roles in the module (as required by FIPS 140-2) that operators may assume: a Crypto-Officer role and User role. The Crypto-Officer is responsible for initializing the module and configuring it to run in a FIPS approved mode. After the switch to the FIPS XYPRO /ESDK Host Application Operating System Cryptographic Boundary Plaintext (Data/Control/Status) Cipher text (Data) © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 7 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. approved mode of operation both the Crypto-Officer and User will be able to utilize the functionality of the module. The various services offered by the module are described below. Operators of the module implicitly assume a role based on the services of the module that they are using. Since all services offered by the module can only be used by either the Crypto-Officer or the User (never both) the roles are mutually exclusive. Service Description Input Output CSP Role Installing the module The Crypto-Officer has the ability to install the module. Command Result of Installation None Crypto- Officer Uninstalling/ Removing the module The Crypto-Officer has the ability to delete the module. Command Uninstalled Module Integrity Check Key (delete) Crypto- Officer SSL/TLS Proxy Server All users have the ability to operate the module Command SSL/TLS session established Public/Private Keys (Read), Symmetric Key (Full), HMAC Key (Full) User Table 2 –Services, Descriptions, Inputs and Outputs Authentication Mechanisms The module does not support authentication. Cryptographic Key Management Symmetric Key Algorithms The table below lists all the symmetric-key cryptographic algorithms that the NSK supports. The following modes of operation are defined: F – Cipher Feedback, OFB – Output Feedback, ECB – Electronic Code Book, CBC – Cipher Block Chaining. Algorithm Modes Implemented Key Sizes Certificate Number AES CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB 128, 192, 256 bits 505 Triple-DES CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB 112, 168 bits 515 Hashing Algorithms Algorithm Certificate Number SHA-1 576 SHA-256 576 HMAC SHA-1 258 © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 8 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Public Key and Signature Algorithms Algorithm Key Sizes Certificate Number RSA 1024, 2048, 4096 bits 220 DSA 1024 bits 209 Non-FIPS Approved Algorithms Allowed in FIPS mode The module supports the following algorithms that are not FIPS approved but allowed in a FIPS mode of operation. Public Key Algorithms Algorithm Diffie-Hellman (provides 80 to 152 bits of encryption strength) RSA key wrapping (provides 80 to 152 bits of encryption strength) Non-FIPS Approved Algorithms The module supports the following non-approved cryptographic algorithms: Symmetric Key Algorithms Algorithm Modes Implemented Key Sizes Data Encryption Standard (DES) CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB 40 – 56 bits International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB 128 bits Rivest Cipher 2 (RC2) CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB 40-1024 bits RC4 CBC, ECB, CFB, OFB 40-2048 bits Hashing Algorithms Algorithm Message Digest 2 (MD2) MD4 MD5 HMAC MD5 Public Key Algorithms Algorithm RSA 512-bit and 768-bit Diffie-Hellman (non-compliant less than 80-bits provided down to 56- bits) RSA key wrapping (non-compliant less than 80-bits provided down to 56-bits) © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 9 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. The module supports the following critical security parameters: Cryptographic Key Description Key Type Storage and Zeroization Private/public keys These keys are either in public key certificate form or stored as private key files. These keys also included generated Diffie-Hellman keys. RSA, DSA, or Diffie- Hellman Public keys are stored in certificates. Private keys are stored as files on the hard drive. Keys can be deleted by deleting the file that stores them. Diffie-Hellman keys exist only in memory as part of an SSL/TLS session and are zeroized when a session is ended. Symmetric keys These keys are used for bulk encryption/decryption during SSL/TLS sessions AES or Triple-DES Symmetric keys are ephemeral and stored in RAM. They are used for the duration of an SSL/TLS session and then are zeroized. HMAC keys These keys are used for authentication and integrity checking during SSL/TLS sessions HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC keys follow the same storage/zeroization rules as Symmetric keys PRNG Seed Random entropy data collected from various sources that is used to seed the ANSI X9.31 PRNG. Random entropy data The PRNG seed is stored in volatile memory and is zeroized when a new seed is generated. Integrity Check Key Externally generated key used to verify integrity of the module. HMAC-SHA-1 The key is hard-coded into the source code of the module and is deleted when the module is deleted. Table 3 – Keys and CSPs Key Generation All keys are either generated by the module using the FIPS approved pseudo- random number generator included in the underlying library or provided as part of X.509 certificates in the case of Public keys. Key Establishment Diffie-Hellman keys are generated internally by the module, while all other public/private keys are generated externally or reside in X.509 public key certificates. Symmetric keys are established using either RSA or DH as part of a SSL/TLS session. Both RSA key transport and DH key agreement provide 56- bits up to 152-bits of key strength. In a FIPS approved mode of operation, the key a minimum key strength of 80-bits must be used for RSA key transport and Diffie-Hellman key agreement. © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 10 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Key Storage Public keys are stored in certificates. Private keys are stored in PKCS #15 formatted files within the file system, which have been properly encrypted to prevent access or modification. Diffie-Hellman, symmetric and HMAC keys are stored ephemerally in RAM for the duration of an SSL/TLS session then zeroized when the session ends. Key Usage Users have complete access to symmetric and HMAC keys through the SSL/TLS session services. Public key certificates and encrypted private key files are read from as part of SSL/TLS negotiations. Crypto-Officers uninstalling the module zeroize and delete the Integrity Check Key as part of uninstallation. Key Zeroization Diffie-Hellman, symmetric and HMAC keys are zeroized when their associated SSL/TLS session is terminated. Public/Private keys (except for Diffie-Hellman keys) are zeroized by deleting the file in which they reside. The Integrity Check Key is zeroized upon uninstallation of the module. Self-Tests The NSK/D30 does not perform its own self-tests; instead it relies on the self- testing functionality of the XYGATE /ESDK. The NSK/D30 statically links the ESDK library so all self-testing requirements are met. Power-Up Self-Tests The power-up self-tests implemented in the ESDK library and used by NSK include known answer tests (KAT) for Approved algorithms (Triple-DES, AES, SHA-1, SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-1, and RSA) and non-Approved algorithms (DES, IDEA, RC2, RC4, MD2, MD4, MD5, HMAC-MD5, and Diffie-Hellman). Also executed at power-up is a PRNG KAT, pairwise consistency tests for DSA (FIPS-Approved) and a software integrity check with HMAC SHA-1. Because the ESDK module is a software library, the power-up self-tests are run when a host application (such as the NSK/D30 module) performs the call to the cryptInit() function. Linking the ESDK module invokes certain API function calls, which triggers the self tests. If these self tests fail, then the API calls fail and the API will not be functional. Conditional Self-Tests The module performs two conditional self-tests: a pairwise consistency test each time the module generates a Diffie-Hellman or RSA public/private key and a © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 11 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. continuous random number generator test each time the module produces random data. The seed for the PRNG is also tested. If any error occurs during the test, the cryptographic module will be unloaded from memory Design Assurance NetWeave stores their source code within a Concurrent Versions System (CVS) repository stored in NetWeave’s data center. Code must be checked out to edit and then checked in to become part of the final source tree for the NSK/D30. Corsec Security, Inc. stores documents in Visual Source Safe to ensure that documents are not tampered with and are only edited by those who have the proper permissions. Mitigation of Other Attacks In a FIPS mode of operation the module does not claim to mitigate any additional attacks. SECURE OPERATION The NSK/D30 meets Level 1 requirements for FIPS 140-2. The sections below describe how to place and keep the module in FIPS-approved mode of operation. Initial Setup The module has to be installed on the HP Nonstop Guardian D39 server platform. The FIPS mode of operation for the NSK involves use of the ESDK to provide a software integrity test and power up cryptographic algorithm known answer tests to ensure proper functioning of the module. Through execution of the ESDK function cryptInit(), all power up self tests are performed. The module will operate in a FIPS mode when started. Crypto-Officer Guidance The Crypto-Officer is responsible for performing the steps detailed in the Initial Setup section above. User Guidance The user is responsible for ensuring that the configuration file is properly configured by setting the line ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED = 1 and the line ENCRYPTION_MODE = SSL. These two lines will ensure that the module only uses TLS and only uses TLS cipher suites that make use of FIPS approved algorithms. Please note that while ENCRYPTION_MODE is set to “SSL”, use of the XYPRO /ESDK also operating in FIPS mode ensures that the protocol used is actually TLS. The ESDK also ensures that TLS cipher suites employing only FIPS-approved algorithms are used. Included below is a sample configuration file © Copyright 2007 NetWeave Page 12 of 12 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. with the relevant lines in red text. Status output is done on a log file that is also configured in the configuration file. The line that stipulates which log file to use is in blue. [LICENSE_GROUP] * 20071231 -- LICENSE_KEY = DRLHBDGBGGFCGFQFPMCHBP [K202] PROTOCOL = TCPIP TCP_PROCESS_NAME = $ZTC0 TCPIP_ADDRESS = TCPIP_PORT = 8420 LM_PERMITTED = 1 LM_BUFFER_SIZE = 65000 ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED = 1 ENCRYPTION_TYPE = SSL NEWCALL_PUBLIC = 1 [SSL] PUBLICKEY_FILE = $lib15.xygatehe.f2srvcrt PRIVATEKEY_FILE = $lib15.xygatehe.f2srvkey CA_KEY_FILE = $lib15.xygatehe.rootcrt SSL_DEBUG = 0 SIGNATURE_FILE = $lib11.testmpx.sigfile [HE2] @TRACE_FILE@ = $s.#he2x ACRONYMS Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard CVS Concurrent Versions System DES Data Encryption Standard ESDK Encryption Software Development Kit FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GPC General Purpose Computer HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code HP Hewlett-Packard IDEA International Data Encryption Algorithm IP Internet Protocol NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NSK NonStop Kernel SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SSL Secure Sockets Layer TLS Transport Layer Security