KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Revision: 1.2 Prepared by: KeyW Corporation 7880 Milestone Parkway Suite 100 Hanover, MD 21076 410-904-5200 Phone 410-799-3479 Fax KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 2 of 44 Contents Revision History............................................................................................................................................4 Acronyms......................................................................................................................................................5 1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................7 1.1. Identification..................................................................................................................................7 1.2. Overview........................................................................................................................................7 1.3. FIPS 140-2 Security Levels..............................................................................................................7 2. Suite B Cryptographic Module ..............................................................................................................8 2.1. Cryptographic Module Specification..............................................................................................8 2.1.1. Security Functions...................................................................................................................8 2.1.2. Modes of Operation..............................................................................................................13 2.1.3. Cryptographic Boundary .......................................................................................................13 2.1.4. Determining Module Version................................................................................................14 2.2. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces................................................................................14 2.3. Roles, Services, and Authentication.............................................................................................14 2.3.1. Roles......................................................................................................................................14 2.3.2. Services .................................................................................................................................15 2.3.3. Authentication ......................................................................................................................27 2.4. Finite State Model........................................................................................................................27 2.5. Physical Security...........................................................................................................................27 2.6. Operational Environment ............................................................................................................28 2.7. Cryptographic Key Management .................................................................................................28 2.7.1. Key Zeroization......................................................................................................................36 2.8. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility.........................................................................36 2.9. Self-Tests......................................................................................................................................37 2.9.1. Invoking Self-Tests ................................................................................................................41 2.9.2. Self-Tests Results ..................................................................................................................41 2.10. Design Assurance.......................................................................................................................42 2.11. Mitigation of Other Attacks .......................................................................................................42 3. Referenced Documents.......................................................................................................................43 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 3 of 44 Tables and Figures Table 1 – Summary of Achieved FIPS 140-2 Security Levels.........................................................................7 Table 2 – FIPS-Approved and Vendor-Affirmed Security Functions...........................................................12 Table 3 – FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Security Functions ..................................................................12 Figure 1 – Module Cryptographic Boundary ..............................................................................................13 Table 4 – Module Logical Interfaces...........................................................................................................14 Table 5 – Module Services for Cryptographic Officer Role.........................................................................15 Table 6 – Module Services for User Role....................................................................................................27 Table 7 – Module Authentication...............................................................................................................27 Table 8 – Operational Environments..........................................................................................................28 Table 9 – Module Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters ...................................................36 Table 10 – Module Power-On Self-Tests ....................................................................................................40 Table 11 – Module Conditional Self-Tests..................................................................................................41 Table 12 – Module Self-Test Error Codes...................................................................................................42 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 4 of 44 Revision History Revision Date Author Changes 1.2 February 9, 2017 A. Seaman D. Mackie C. Constantinescu D. Brown Revised: Section 2.1.1, Section, Figure 1, and Table 9 1.1 January 6, 2017 A. Seaman D. Mackie C. Constantinescu D. Brown Added Security Functions 1.0 July 11, 2014 R. Glenn D. Mackie C. Constantinescu D. Wolff E. Hufford Initial Release KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 5 of 44 Acronyms AAD Additional Authentication Data AES Advanced Encryption Standard AESAVS Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm Validation Suite ANS American National Standard API Application Programming Interface CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CBC Cipher Block Chaining CDH Cofactor Diffie-Hellman CM Cryptographic Module CMAC CBC Message Authentication Code CMACVS CBC Message Authentication Code Validation System CSP Critical Security Parameters CT Ciphertext CTR Counter CVL Component Validation List DAR Data At Rest DEP Default Entry Point DIT Data In Transit DKM Derived Keying Material DLL Dynamic Link Library DOC Department of Commerce DPI Double-Pipeline Iteration DPK Data Protection Key DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DUNS Data Unit Sequence Number EC Elliptic Curve ECB Electronic CodeBook ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ECDSA2VS Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm Validation System EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FB Feedback FFC Finite Field Cryptography FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FSM Finite State Model GCM Galois/Counter Mode GCMVS Galois/Counter Mode Validation System GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code GPC General-purpose Computer HMAC Keyed-hash Message Authentication Code HMACVS Keyed-hash Message Authentication Code Validation System I/O Input/Output IAW In Accordance With IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IV Initialization Vector KAS Key Agreement Scheme KASVS Key Agreement Schemes Validation System KAT Known Answer Test KBKDF Key-Based Key Derivation Function KBKDFVS Key-Based Key Derivation Function Validation System KC Key Confirmation KDF Key Derivation Function KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 6 of 44 KW Key Wrap KWP Key Wrap With Padding KWVS Key Wrap Validation System LED Light Emitting Diode MAC Message Authentication Code MK Master Key MQV Menezes-Qu-Vanstone NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OS Operating System PBKDF Password-Based Key Derivation Function PKV Public Key Validation POST Power-On Self-Test PRF Pseudo-Random Function PT Plaintext RAM Random Access Memory RBG Random Bit Generator RFC Request For Comments S/MIME Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHAVS Secure Hash Algorithm Validation System SHS Secure Hash Standard SO Shared Object SP Special Publication SSL Secure Sockets Layer TLS Transport Layer Security USB Universal Serial Bus USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command VS Validation Specification XTS XEX Tweakable Block Cipher with Ciphertext Stealing XTSVS XTS Validation System KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 7 of 44 1. Introduction 1.1. Identification The following information identifies this document: • Title: Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy • Version: 1.2 1.2. Overview KeyW Corporation, in coordination with the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), has developed a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 1 validated, standards- based Suite B Cryptographic Module that provides an advanced layer of encrypted Data In Transit (DIT) communications and Data At Rest (DAR) encryption via an Application Programming Interface (API). The Suite B Cryptographic Module, hereafter collectively referred to as the Module, operates as one of several layers of platform encryption. The platform encryption can be invoked automatically when the Module is initialized, providing an additional layer of encryption and obfuscation above the Module. Additional encryption at the application layer can be added by enabling S/MIME encryption on emails, content protection encryption on shared data, and SSL/TLS encryption on web traffic. 1.3. FIPS 140-2 Security Levels The Module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 1 security for FIPS 140-2 as shown in the table below: # FIPS 140-2 Section Level 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2.2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 2.4 Finite State Model 1 2.5 Physical Security N/A 2.6 Operational Environment 1 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 2.8 EMI/EMC 1 2.9 Self-Tests 1 2.10 Design Assurance 1 2.11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 1 Table 1 – Summary of Achieved FIPS 140-2 Security Levels KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 8 of 44 2. Suite B Cryptographic Module The Module meets the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 specification and provides the following cryptographic services: • Data encryption and decryption • Key encryption and decryption • Message digest and authentication code generation • Digital signature generation and verification • Elliptic curve key agreement • Key derivation 2.1. Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1.1. Security Functions The Module is implemented entirely in software and contains the following FIPS-approved and FIPS non- approved, but allowed security functions: Algorithm Use Specification Mode / Key Size CAVP Specification CAVP Certificate AES Block Cipher FIPS 197, Nov 2001 (Ref. [1]) NIST SP 800- 38A, Dec 2001 (Ref. [2]) ECB-128 AESAVS, Nov 2002 (Ref. [16]) #3328 ECB-192 ECB-256 CBC-128 #4312 CBC-192 CBC-256 NIST SP 800- 38B, May 2005 (Ref. [3]) CMAC-128 CMACVS, Aug 2011 (Ref. [17]) #4312 CMAC-192 CMAC-256 NIST SP 800- 38D, Nov 2007 (Ref. [4]) GCM-128 GMAC-128 GCMVS, Aug 2012 (Ref. [18]) #3328 GCM-192 GMAC-192 GCM-256 GMAC-256 NIST SP 800- 38E, Jan 2010 (Ref. [5]) XTS-128 XTSVS, Sep 2013 (Ref. [19]) #3328 XTS-256 Key Storage NIST SP 800- 38F, Dec 2012 (Ref. [6]) KW-128 KWVS, Jun 2014 (Ref. [20]) #3328 KW-192 KW-256 IETF RFC 5649, Aug 2009 (Ref. [7]) KWP-128 #3328 KWP-192 KWP-256 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 9 of 44 Algorithm Use Specification Mode / Key Size CAVP Specification CAVP Certificate SHA Secure Hashing FIPS 180-4, Aug 2015 (Reference [8]) SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHAVS, May 2014 (Ref. [21]) #2761 SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 CMAC Message Authentication NIST SP 800-38B, May 2005 (Ref. [3]) AES-128 CMACVS, Aug 2011 (Ref. [17]) #4312 AES-192 AES-256 GMAC NIST SP 800-38D, Nov 2007 (Ref. [4]) AES-128 GCMVS, Aug 2012 (Ref. [18]) #3328 AES-192 AES-256 HMAC FIPS 198-1, July 2008 (Reference [9]) SHA-1 (SHA-160) HMACVS, July 2012 (Ref. [22]) #2119 SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 ECDSA Digital Signature Per NIST SP 800-131A, P- 192 and SHA-1 are no longer considered secure and shall not be used to generate digital signatures (Ref. [14]). FIPS 186-4, July 2013 (Reference [12]) P-192 SHA-1 (SHA-160) ECDSA2VS, Mar 2014 (Ref. [24]) #657 SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 P-224 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 P-256 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 10 of 44 Algorithm Use Specification Mode / Key Size CAVP Specification CAVP Certificate SHA-512/256 P-384 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 P-521 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 ECC KAS Key Establishment NIST SP 800-56A Rev 2, May 2013 (Reference [15]) FullUnified KC EB P-224, SHA-224 KASVS, May 2014 (Ref. [25]) #55 FullUnified KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullUnified KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullUnified KC EE P-521, SHA-512 FullMQV KC EB P-224, SHA-224 FullMQV KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullMQV KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullMQV KC EE P-521, SHA-512 ECC CDH Primitive Shared Secret Establishment NIST SP 800-56A Rev 2, May 2013 (Reference [15], Section P-224 KASVS, May 2014 (Ref. [25]) #484 (CVL) P-256 P-384 P-521 KBKDF- CMAC Key Derivation NIST SP 800-108, Oct 2009 (Reference [10]) CTR CMAC-AES- 128 KBKDFVS, Jan 2016 (Ref. [23]) #116 CMAC-AES- 192 CMAC-AES- 256 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 11 of 44 Algorithm Use Specification Mode / Key Size CAVP Specification CAVP Certificate FB CMAC-AES- 128 CMAC-AES- 192 CMAC-AES- 256 DPI CMAC-AES- 128 CMAC-AES- 192 CMAC-AES- 256 KBKDF- HMAC Key Derivation NIST SP 800-108, Oct 2009 (Reference [10]) CTR HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) KBKDFVS, Jan 2016 (Ref. [23]) #116 HMAC-SHA- 224 HMAC-SHA- 256 HMAC-SHA- 384 HMAC-SHA- 512 FB HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) HMAC-SHA- 224 HMAC-SHA- 256 HMAC-SHA- 384 HMAC-SHA- 512 DPI HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) HMAC-SHA- 224 HMAC-SHA- 256 HMAC-SHA- 384 HMAC-SHA- 512 PBKDF Key Derivation NIST SP 800-132, Dec 2010 (Reference [11]) HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) VS not yet available as of Jan. 2017 Vendor- Affirmed HMAC-SHA-224 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 12 of 44 Algorithm Use Specification Mode / Key Size CAVP Specification CAVP Certificate See Section HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 Table 2 – FIPS-Approved and Vendor-Affirmed Security Functions Algorithm Use Specification Mode / Key Size CAVP Specification CAVP Certificate N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Table 3 – FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Security Functions NIST SP 800-132 Password-Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF) Per NIST SP 800-132, Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation, December 2010 (Reference [11]), the calling application is responsible for selecting which option is used to derive the Data Protection Key (DPK) from the Master Key and shall only use keys derived from passwords in storage applications. The Module API restricts the calling application to select a password/passphrase that is at least 10 characters long in accordance with the guidelines in NIST SP 800-63-2, Electronic Authentication Guideline, August 2013 (Reference [26]) and NIST SP 800-118, Guide to Enterprise Password Management (Draft), April 2009 (Reference [27]). Acceptable values of other parameters used in key derivation are detailed below. PROTOTYPE: t_STATUS PBKDF(U8 *MK, U32 MKbytes, const U8 *Pswd, U32 Pbytes, const U8 *Salt, U32 Sbytes, U32 Icount); ARGUMENTS: MK = pointer to a byte string representing the output (derived) master key MKbytes = length of derived master key, in bytes Pswd = input password, a byte string Pbytes = password length (at least 10 bytes) Salt = input diversification value, a byte string Sbytes = Salt length (at least 16 bytes) Icount = a large iteration count (determines how many HMAC iterations are used to generate one block of the MK) RETURNS: SUCCESS if all input parameters are valid FAILURE otherwise LIMITATIONS: MKbytes >= 14 Pbytes >= 10 Sbytes >= 16 Icount >= 1000 The Counter value should fit into one byte (i.e. MKbytes / DigestLenB < 256) DESCRIPTION: Implements the Password-Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF), IAW NIST SP 800-132 (Reference [11]). An appropriate SHA environment (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512) must be KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 13 of 44 selected in advance using SHA_TypeSelect(). There is neither a Validation System in place, nor sample test vectors published by CAVP for the PBKDF algorithm, as of January 2017. 2.1.2. Modes of Operation The Module must be installed on the FIPS 140-2 certified operational environment listed in Section 2.6 manually, and once installed it runs all algorithms in FIPS-approved mode since it is explicitly compiled to only run in FIPS-approved mode. There are no algorithms or “expanded” cryptographic modes within the Module that are not FIPS-approved as listed in Table 2 when calling security functions in the Module API. The operational environment on which the Module runs shall be configured for FIPS mode when using a FIPS-approved platform-provided Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) in the following ways: • Windows Server OS: Enable the FIPS compliant algorithms mode via the Local Security Policy to guarantee the Module generates FIPS-validated random bytes. • BlackBerry OS: The Module confines its method calls to only those that have been FIPS- approved to guarantee generating FIPS-validated random bytes. 2.1.3. Cryptographic Boundary The physical boundary of the Module is the physical boundary of the operational environment hardware device that executes the Module as shown in the following figure. The following figure depicts a FIPS- approved DRBG that is provided by the operational environment cryptographic Module listed in Section 2.6 and therefore the Module is bound to either the Windows Server OS cryptographic Module or BlackBerry OS cryptographic Module. Figure 1 – Module Cryptographic Boundary KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 14 of 44 2.1.4. Determining Module Version The operator may determine the version of the Module by performing the following steps: Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Module Version 1. On Windows, right-click the KEYWcryptoModule.dll file and select view Properties 2. Select Details tab 3. The File version property displays the KEYWcryptoModule version as v3.0.0.0 Shared Object (SO) Module Version 1. On BlackBerry, run the following console command: objdump -p | grep SONAME 2. The console displays the KEYWcryptoModule version as v3 2.2. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The Module ports correspond to the physical ports of the operational environment hardware device that executes the Module: • USB devices [keyboard and mouse] • Video devices [monitors, screens, camera, and LED] • Optical drives • Audio devices [speakers, headset, and microphone] • Network devices [Ethernet and Wireless adapters] • Battery and power adapter The Module interfaces correspond to the Module API, which do not interface across any of the physical ports of the operational environment. The following table describes the Module logical interfaces. FIPS 140-2 Interface Logical Interface Data Input Input parameters of Module constructors and function calls. Data Output Output parameters of Module function calls and return values. Control Input Module function calls. Status Output Return codes of Module function calls. Table 4 – Module Logical Interfaces 2.3. Roles, Services, and Authentication 2.3.1. Roles The Module supports a Cryptographic Officer and User role. The Module does not support a maintenance role. The Module does not support multiple or concurrent operators and is intended for use by a single operator, thus it always operates in a single-user mode of operation. KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 15 of 44 2.3.2. Services The services described in the following tables are available to the operator roles: Cryptographic Officer Role Service Description Input/Output Return Load Module Performs Module initialization implicitly by the operational environment. [in]: DLL/SO binary path [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Power-On Self-Test (POST) Performs software integrity and cryptographic self-tests implicitly upon Module load. [in]: DLL/SO binary path, DLL/SO checksum path [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Zeroize Performs HMAC Integrity Checksum and Key zeroization implicitly after Module POST pass/fail. The HMAC Integrity Checksum and Key may also be zeroized by power-cycling the operational environment and reloading the Module. [in]: HMAC Integrity Checksum, HMAC Integrity Check Key [out]: VOID VOID Unload Module Performs Module destruction implicitly by the operational environment. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID Table 5 – Module Services for Cryptographic Officer Role User Role Service Description Input/Output Return Run Self Tests Performs cryptographic self- tests for the Module. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID Pass/Fail CM Show Title Gets title info for the Module. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID Title Info Version Info Gets version info for the Module. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID Version Info Self Tests Duration Get cryptographic self-tests duration for the Module. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID Duration AES Construct Constructs an AES object. [in]: AES bit mode, AES key [out]: VOID AES object Check Encrypt / Decrypt Tables Verifies integrity of encryption/decryption tables. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID Pass/Fail ReKey Rekeys an AES object with alternate AES key. [in]: AES bit mode, AES key [out]: VOID Pass/Fail ECB Encrypt Encrypts PT data. [in]: PT buffer, PT block length [out]: CT buffer VOID ECB Decrypt Decrypts CT data. [in]: CT buffer, PT block length [out]: PT buffer VOID CBC Encrypt Encrypts PT data. [in]: PT buffer, IV, PT block VOID KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 16 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return length [out]: CT buffer CBC Decrypt Decrypts CT data. [in]: CT buffer, IV, PT block length [out]: PT buffer VOID CMAC Generate Generates a Message Authentication Code (MAC). [in]: PT data, PT length [out]: CMAC buffer, CMAC length VOID Key Wrap Encrypt Encrypts PT keys. [in]: PT key buffer, PT length, Inverse cipher flag [out]: CT key buffer VOID Key Wrap Decrypt Decrypts CT keys. [in]: CT key buffer, CT length, Inverse cipher flag [out]: PT key buffer Pass/Fail KDF CTR/FB/DPI Generates a derived key. [in]: Label/IV, Label length, Context, Context length, Counter length, Counter location [out]: Derived key, Derived key length Pass/Fail Destruct Zeroizes AES key. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID GCM Construct Constructs a GCM object. [in]: AES bit mode, AES key [out]: VOID GCM object ReKey Rekeys a GCM object with alternate AES key. [in]: AES bit mode, AES key [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Encrypt Encrypts PT data. [in]: Tag length, IV, IV length, PT buffer, PT length, AAD, AAD length [out]: CT buffer, Tag Pass/Fail Decrypt Decrypts CT data. [in]: Tag, Tag length, IV, IV length, CT buffer, CT length, AAD, AAD length [out]: PT buffer Pass/Fail GMAC Encrypt Generates a Message Authentication Code (MAC). [in]: Tag length, IV, IV length, AAD, AAD length [out]: Tag Pass/Fail GMAC Decrypt Validates a Message Authentication Code (MAC). [in]: Tag, Tag length, IV, IV length, AAD, AAD length [out]: VOID Pass/Fail GCM Destruct Zeroizes AES key and hash key table. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID XTS Construct Constructs an XTS object. [in]: AES bit mode, ECB key, Tweak key, DUNS or Tweak value XTS object KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 17 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return [out]: VOID ReKey Rekeys an XTS object with alternate AES key. [in]: AES bit mode, ECB key, Tweak key, DUNS or Tweak value [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Encrypt Encrypts PT data. [in]: AES bit mode, PT buffer, Sector bit length, ECB key, Tweak key, DUNS or Tweak value [out]: CT buffer Pass/Fail Decrypt Decrypts CT data. [in]: AES bit mode, CT buffer, Sector bit length, ECB key, Tweak key, DUNS or Tweak value [out]: PT buffer Pass/Fail Destruct Zeroizes AES key and tweak value. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID ECC Construct Constructs an ECC object. [in]: EC type, SHA type [out]: VOID ECC object Type Select Changes the EC and SHA types. [in]: EC type, SHA type [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Check Params Verifies EC parameters. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Is Point Affine Determines if point is an affine coordinate. [in]: EC Affine Point [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Is Point Valid Determines if point has correct order. [in]: EC Affine Point [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Projectify Converts affine point to projective point. [in]: EC Affine Point [out]: EC Projective Point VOID Affinify Converts projective point to affine point. [in]: EC Projective Point [out]: EC Affine Point Pass/Fail Compress Converts affine point to compressed point. [in]: EC Affine Point [out]: EC Compressed Point VOID Decompress Converts compressed point to affine point. [in]: EC Compressed Point [out]: EC Affine Point Pass/Fail Double Affine Doubles an affine point. [in]: EC Affine Point [out]: EC Affine Point VOID Double Projective Doubles a projective point. [in]: EC Projective Point [out]: EC Projective Point VOID Double Projective Doubles a projective point in- place. [inout]: EC Projective Point VOID Add Affine Adds affine points. [in]: EC Affine Point, EC Affine Point [out]: EC Affine Point VOID Add Adds projective points. [in]: EC Projective Point, EC VOID KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 18 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return Projective Projective Point [out]: EC Projective Point Multiply Multiplies affine point by a scalar. [in]: Scalar, EC Affine Point [out]: EC Affine Point Pass/Fail Multiply Base Multiplies EC Base Point by a scalar. [in]: Scalar [out]: EC Affine Point Pass/Fail Double Multiply Multiplies two affine points by two scalars. [in]: Scalar, EC Affine Point, Scalar, EC Affine Point [out]: EC Affine Point Pass/Fail ECDSA Public Key Gen Computes the public ECDSA key. [in]: Private Key [out]: EC Public Affine Point Pass/Fail ECDSA Signature Gen Computes the ECDSA signature. [in]: Message, Message length, Private Key, Ephemeral Key [out]: R component, S component Pass/Fail ECDSA Signature Check Verifies the ECDSA signature. [in]: Message, Message length, R component, S component, EC Public Affine Point [out]: VOID Pass/Fail ECDSA Signature Check Private Verifies the ECDSA signature. [in]: Message, Message length, R component, S component, Private Key [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Destruct Zeroizes ECC buffers. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID FFC Construct Constructs a FFC object. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID FFC Object Ext Dec 2 Hex Converts an extended precision ("big") number from decimal to binary (hexadecimal). [in]: Decimal string buffer [out]: Word buffer, Word buffer length Pass/Fail Ext Hex 2 Dec Converts an extended precision ("big") number from binary (hexadecimal) to decimal. [in]: Word buffer, Word buffer length [out]: Decimal string buffer VOID Ext Compare Compares word buffers. [in]: Buffer A, Buffer B, Buffer A/B length [out]: VOID 1: a == b 2: A > B 4: A < B Ext Mod Reduces the a-operand modulo the n-operand. [in]: a-operand, a length, n- operand, n length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Add Multi-precision Add routine [in]: a-operand, b-operand, Final carry bit KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 19 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return for unsigned integers. a/b/x length [out]: x-operand Ext Add Multi-precision Add routine for unsigned integers. [in]: b-operand, b/x length [inout]: x-operand Final carry bit Ext Subtract Multi-precision Subtract routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, b-operand, a/b/x length [out]: x-operand Final borrow bit Ext Subtract Multi-precision Subtract routine for unsigned integers. [in]: b-operand, b/x length [inout]: x-operand Final borrow bit Ext Add Immed Multi-precision Add routine of a single-precision, signed integer to a multi-precision unsigned integer. [in]: b-operand, b/x length [inout]: x-operand Final carry Ext Mod Add Multi-precision modular Add routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, b-operand, n- operand, a/b/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Mod Add Multi-precision modular Add routine for unsigned integers. [in]: b-operand, n-operand, b/n/x length [inout]: x-operand VOID Ext Mod Subtract Multi-precision modular Subtract routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, b-operand, n- operand, a/b/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Mod Subtract Multi-precision modular Subtract routine for unsigned integers. [in]: b-operand, n-operand, b/n/x length [inout]: x-operand VOID Ext Mod Add Immed Modular Add routine of a single-precision, signed integer to a multi-precision unsigned integer. [in]: b-operand, n-operand, b/n/x length [inout]: x-operand VOID Ext Shift Left Multi-precision 1-bit Left Shift routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, Carry bit, a/x length [inout]: x-operand Final carry Ext Shift Left Multi-precision 1-bit Left Shift routine for unsigned integers. [in]: x length [inout]: x-operand Final carry Ext Mod Shift Left Performs a modular addition of a long number to itself. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Mod Shift Left Performs a modular addition of a long number to itself. [in]: n-operand, n/x length [inout]: x-operand VOID Ext Shift Right Multi-precision 1-bit Right Shift routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, a/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Shift Right Multi-precision 1-bit Right Shift routine for unsigned integers. [in]: x length [inout]: x-operand VOID KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 20 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return Ext Mod Shift Right Multi-precision modular divide-by-2 routine for unsigned integers. [in]: n-operand, n/x length [inout]: x-operand VOID Ext Shift Var Multi-precision, multi-bit Left or Right Shift routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, signed shift count, a/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Shift Var Multi-precision, multi-bit Left or Right Shift routine for unsigned integers. [in]: signed shift count, x length [inout]: x-operand VOID Ext Bin Mod Inverse Performs modular inversion 1/a with respect to a modulus n (usually a prime number) in multiple precision arithmetic. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-inverse-result VOID Ext Bin Mod Divide Performs modular division b/a with respect to a modulus n (usually a prime number) in multiple precision arithmetic. [in]: b-operand, a-operand, n- operand, b/a/n length [out]: ba-dividend-result VOID Ext Bin Mod Inverse v2 Performs modular inversion 1/a with respect to a modulus n (usually a prime number) in multiple precision arithmetic. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-inverse-result VOID Ext Multiply Multi-precision multiplication routine for unsigned integers of the same size. [in]: a-operand, b-operand, a/b/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Multiply Multi-precision multiplication routine for unsigned integers of different sizes. [in]: a-operand, a length, b- operand, b length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Mod Multiply Multi-precision modular Multiply routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, b-operand, n- operand, a/b/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Square Multi-precision squaring routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, a length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Mod Square Multi-precision modular squaring routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Ext Divide Multi-precision division routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, a length, n- operand, n length [out]: q-operand, r-operand VOID Ext Mod Inverse Performs modular inversion 1/a with respect to a modulus n (usually a prime number) in multiple precision [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-inverse-result VOID KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 21 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return arithmetic. Ext Mod Divide Performs modular division b/a with respect to a modulus n (usually a prime number) in multiple precision arithmetic. [in]: b-operand, a-operand, n- operand, b/a/n length [out]: ba-dividend-result VOID Ext Sqrt Multi-precision square-root routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, a length [out]: sqrt-result Pass/Fail Ext Sqrt v0 Multi-precision square-root routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, a length [out]: sqrt-result Pass/Fail Ext Sqrt v1 Multi-precision square-root routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, a length [out]: sqrt-result Pass/Fail Find n0 Prime Computes the Montgomery arithmetic parameter n0'. [in]: LSW of modulus [out]: VOID Montgomery arithmetic parameter Mont Image v0 Computes the Montgomery Image (aM) of an unsigned integer a with respect to a modulus n. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Mont Image Computes the Montgomery Image (aM) of an unsigned integer a with respect to a modulus n. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Mont Prod Multi-precision Montgomery Product routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, b-operand, n- operand, LSW of modulus, a/b/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Mont Square Multi-precision Montgomery Squaring routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, LSW of modulus, a/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Rev Mont Image This function converts a multi-precision integer from Montgomery representation to binary (normal) representation. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, LSW of modulus, a/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Mont Exp Multi-precision Montgomery Exponentiation routine for unsigned integers. [in]: b-operand, e-operand, e length, n-operand, b/n length [out]: x-operand VOID Mont Mod Inverse Computes a_inv = 1/aop (mod nop) using Fermat's Little Theorem. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-inverse-result VOID Mont Mod Sqrt Computes the square root of a multi-precision operand (a) modulo a prime modulus (n). [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-sqrt-result Pass/Fail Barrett Calculates the modulus- [in]: n-operand, n/x length VOID KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 22 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return Inverse dependent quantity. [out]: x-operand Barrett Mod Multiply Multi-precision modular multiplication routine for unsigned integers. [in]: a-operand, b-operand, n- operand, u-operand, a/b/n/x length [out]: x-operand VOID Barrett Exp Multi-precision exponentiation routine for unsigned integers. [in]: b-operand, e-operand, e length, n-operand, u-operand, b/n length [out]: x-operand VOID Barrett Mod Inverse Computes a_inv = 1/aop (mod nop) using Fermat's Little Theorem. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-inverse-result VOID Barrett Mod Sqrt Computes the square root of a multi-precision operand (a) modulo a prime modulus (n). [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-sqrt-result Pass/Fail Probab Mod Sqrt General probabilistic algorithm to compute the square root modulo a prime number. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-sqrt-result Pass/Fail Probab Mod Sqrt v2 General probabilistic algorithm to compute the square root modulo a prime number. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-sqrt-result Pass/Fail Probab Mod Sqrt v1 General probabilistic algorithm to compute the square root modulo a prime number. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-sqrt-result Pass/Fail Probab Mod Sqrt v0 General probabilistic algorithm to compute the square root modulo a prime number. [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: a-sqrt-result Pass/Fail Jacobi Symbol Computes the Jacobi symbol for an integer a and an odd modulus n [in]: a-operand, n-operand, a/n length [out]: VOID 1 if a in QR(n), else - 1/0 Destruct Destructs the FFC object. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID KAS ECC Construct Constructs a KAS ECC object. [in]: KAS type, initiator id, responder id, algorithm id, MAC key length, MAC tag length [out]: VOID KAS ECC object Type Select Changes the KAS type. [in]: KAS type, initiator id, responder id, algorithm id, MAC key length, MAC tag length Pass/Fail KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 23 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return [out]: VOID ECDH Init 1 Computes Phase 1 of Full Unified Model on initiator side. [in]: Initiator ephemeral private key [out]: Initiator ephemeral public key Pass/Fail ECDH Resp 1 Computes Phase 1 of Full Unified Model on responder side. [in]: Responder static private key, Responder static public key, Responder ephemeral private key, Initiator static public key, Initiator ephemeral public key, Nonce [out]: Responder ephemeral public key, MAC key, AES initiator/responder keys, Responder MAC tag Pass/Fail ECDH Init 2 Computes Phase 2 of Full Unified Model on initiator side. [in]: Initiator static private key, Initiator static public key, Initiator ephemeral private key, Initiator ephemeral public key, Nonce, Responder static public key, Responder ephemeral public key, Responder MAC tag, [out]: AES initiator/responder keys, Initiator MAC tag Pass/Fail ECDH Resp 2 Computes Phase 2 of Full Unified Model on responder side. [in]: Responder ephemeral public key, MAC key, Initiator ephemeral public key, Initiator MAC tag [out]: VOID Pass/Fail MQV Primitive Computes the full form of the ECC MQV primitive. [in]: Initiator static private key, Initiator ephemeral private key, Initiator ephemeral public key, Responder static public key, Responder ephemeral public key [out]: Shared secret Pass/Fail MQV Init 1 Computes Phase 1 of Full MQV Model on initiator side. [in]: Initiator ephemeral private key [out]: Initiator ephemeral public key Pass/Fail MQV Resp 1 Computes Phase 1 of Full MQV Model on responder side. [in]: Responder static private key, Responder static public key, Responder ephemeral private key, Initiator static Pass/Fail KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 24 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return public key, Initiator ephemeral public key, Nonce [out]: Responder ephemeral public key, MAC key, AES initiator/responder keys, Responder MAC tag MQV Init 2 Computes Phase 2 of Full MQV Model on initiator side. [in]: Initiator static private key, Initiator static public key, Initiator ephemeral private key, Initiator ephemeral public key, Nonce, Responder static public key, Responder ephemeral public key, Responder MAC tag, [out]: AES initiator/responder keys, Initiator MAC tag Pass/Fail MQV Resp 2 Computes Phase 2 of Full MQV Model on responder side. [in]: Responder ephemeral public key, MAC key, Initiator ephemeral public key, Initiator MAC tag [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Destruct Destructs the KAS ECC object. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID SHA Construct Constructs a SHA object. [in]: SHA type [out]: VOID SHA object Type Select Changes the SHA type. [in]: SHA type [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Proc Message Generates a message digest. [in]: Message, Message length [out]: Digest VOID Proc Message Generates a message digest. [in]: SHA type, Message, Message length [out]: Digest VOID Proc Init Initializes first message digest segment. [in]: Message, Message length [out]: VOID VOID Proc Init Initializes first message digest segment. [in]: SHA type, Message, Message length [out]: VOID VOID Proc Update Updates middle segment message digest segment. [in]: Message, Message length [out]: VOID VOID Proc Final Generates final message digest. [in]: Message, Message length [out]: Digest VOID 160 Proc Message Generates a message digest. [in]: Message, Message length, SHA mode [out]: Digest VOID HMAC Proc Generates a Keyed-Hash [in]: Message, Message VOID KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 25 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return Message Message Authentication Code (HMAC) digest. length, key, key length [out]: Digest HMAC Proc Message Generates a HMAC tag. [in]: Message, Message length, key, key length [out]: MAC tag, MAC tag length VOID HMAC Proc Init Initializes first HMAC message digest segment. [in]: Message, Message length, key, key length [out]: VOID VOID HMAC Proc Update Updates middle HMAC segment message digest segment. [in]: Message, Message length [out]: VOID VOID HMAC Proc Final Generates final HMAC message digest. [in]: Message, Message length [out]: Digest VOID HMAC Proc Final Generates final HMAC message digest. [in]: Message, Message length [out]: MAC tag, MAC tag length VOID KDF CTR/FB/DPI Generates a derived key. [in]: Label/IV, Label length, Context, Context length, Counter length, Counter location [out]: Derived key, Derived key length VOID PBKDF Generates a derived key from password and salt. [in]: Password, Password length, Salt, Salt length, iteration count [inout]: Derived key length [out]: Derived key VOID Destruct Zeroizes SHA buffers. [in]: VOID [out]: VOID VOID Util’s Zeroize Zeroizes fixed-size buffers. [inout]: Buffer VOID Obfuscate Zeroized fixed-size buffer with random data from DRBG. [inout]: Buffer VOID Word Str Clr Zeroizes buffer. [in]: Buffer length [inout]: Buffer VOID Word Str Cpy Copies buffer. [in]: Input Buffer, Buffer length [out]: Copied buffer VOID Word Str Diff Differences buffers. [in]: Buffer a, Buffer b, a/b length [out]: VOID Non-zero value indicates difference Word Str Cmp Compares buffers. [in]: Buffer a, Buffer b, a/b length Pass/Fail KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 26 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return [out]: VOID Word Str Cmp v0 Compares buffer to zero. [in]: Buffer, Buffer length [out]: VOID Pass/Fail Word Str Cmp v1 Compares buffer to zero. [in]: Buffer, Buffer length [out]: VOID Pass/Fail My Mem Cmp K Compares byte buffer to byte. [in]: Buffer, Buffer length, byte value [out]: VOID Pass/Fail CleanUp Zeroizes word buffer and verifies zeroed. [in]: Buffer length [inout]: Buffer VOID CleanUp Zeroizes byte buffer and verifies zeroed. [in]: Buffer length [inout]: Buffer VOID Words 2 Bytes Converts word buffer to byte buffer. [in]: Word buffer, Word buffer length [out]: byte buffer VOID Bytes 2 Words Converts byte buffer to word buffer. [in]: Byte buffer, Word buffer length [out]: Word buffer VOID DWords 2 Bytes Converts double word buffer to byte buffer. [in]: DWord buffer, DWord buffer length [out]: byte buffer VOID Bytes 2 DWords Converts byte buffer to double word buffer. [in]: Byte buffer, DWord buffer length [out]: DWord buffer VOID Quick Random Bytes Generates pseudo-random bytes from DRBG. [in]: Buffer length [out]: Buffer Pass/Fail Stristr Case-insensitive substring search [in]: Buffer, search string [out]: VOID Substring My Memi Cmp Case-insensitive byte buffer comparison [in]: Buffer a, Buffer b, a/b length [out]: VOID Non-zero value indicates difference Scan Hex Data Decodes a byte string buffer into a byte buffer. [in]: String buffer [out]: Byte buffer Length of byte buffer Scan Hex Data Decodes a byte string buffer into a word buffer. [in]: String buffer [out]: Word buffer Length of word buffer Scan Hex Align Right Decodes a byte string buffer into a word buffer with right alignment. [in]: String buffer [inout]: Word buffer length [out]: Word buffer VOID Read Dec Param Reads decimal parameter from input file stream. [in]: Input file stream, Offset header [out]: VOID Decimal parameter Scan Hex Data Decodes a byte string from an input stream into a word buffer. [in]: Input file stream, Bit length, Offset header [out]: Word buffer VOID KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 27 of 44 User Role Service Description Input/Output Return Scan Hex Data Decodes a byte string from an input stream into a byte buffer. [in]: Input file stream, Bit length, Offset header [out]: Byte buffer VOID Scan Hex Data Decodes a byte string from an input stream into a word buffer. [in]: Input file stream, Offset header [out]: Word buffer Length of word buffer Scan Hex Align Right Decodes a byte string from an input stream into a word buffer with right alignment. [in]: Input file stream, Word buffer length, Offset header [out]: Word buffer Pass/Fail Write Hex Data Encodes word buffer into string buffer. [in]: String buffer, Word buffer length [out]: Word buffer VOID Write Hex Data Encodes byte buffer into string buffer. [in]: String buffer, Byte buffer length [out]: Byte buffer VOID Write Hex Data Writes word buffer into output stream as a string. [in]: Output file stream, Word buffer length, Offset header, Skip zeros [out]: Word buffer VOID Write Hex Data Writes byte buffer into output stream as a string. [in]: Output file stream, Byte buffer length, Offset header [out]: Byte buffer VOID Table 6 – Module Services for User Role 2.3.3. Authentication The Module does not support operator authentication. Roles are selected implicitly based on the service performed by the operator. Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Cryptographic Officer N/A N/A User N/A N/A Table 7 – Module Authentication 2.4. Finite State Model The Finite State Model (FSM) describes the overall behavior and transitions the Module undergoes based upon its current state and commands received. The FSM was reviewed as part of the overall FIPS 140-2 validation. 2.5. Physical Security The Module is implemented entirely in software, thus it is not subject to the FIPS 140-2 Physical Security requirements. The operational environment that executes the Module should be located on production-grade equipment and is expected to be secured by best practices. KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 28 of 44 2.6. Operational Environment The Module runs in a single-user FIPS 140-2 certified operational environment where each calling application runs in a virtually separated, independent space and is compatible with the DRBG on which it runs based upon configuration. The Module is implemented entirely in software, and for FIPS 140-2 purposes, is classified as multi-chip standalone per the operational environment on which it runs. Module Operational Environment CMVP Certificate CAVP DRBG Certificate KEYWcryptoModule.dll Intel Xeon E5530 w/ Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) #2357 #489, #523 Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 w/ BlackBerry OS 10.3 #1578 #81 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 w/ BlackBerry OS 10.3 #1578 #81 Table 8 – Operational Environments 2.7. Cryptographic Key Management The following table describes the cryptographic keys, key components and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) utilized exclusively by the Module. Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction HMAC Integrity Check Key SHA-512 Symmetric key used for Software Integrity Checksum. Crypto Officer Role: Read & Write Symmetric key generated during each Module initialization as input where a new symmetric key is generated after each build. See Section 2.9 for more details on Software Integrity POST. Held in RAM as plaintext temporarily for single-use and is not stored during Module initialization. Zeroized immediately after Module initialization via zeroize service from Module API. HMAC Integrity Checksum CSP SHA-512 Checksum CSP used in Software Integrity Checksum. Crypto Officer Role: Read & Write Checksum CSP entered as input during each Module initialization where a new Checksum CSP is generated after each build. Held in RAM as plaintext temporarily for single-use and is not stored during Module initialization. Zeroized immediately after Module initialization via zeroize service from Module API. AES-ECB Key ECB-128 Symmetric key used for User Role: Symmetric key entered, Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is ECB-192 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 29 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction ECB-256 encryption and decryption of user data. Read & Write established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input. responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. AES-CBC Key CBC-128 Symmetric key used for encryption and decryption of user data. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and plaintext or ciphertext as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. CBC-192 CBC-256 AES-CBC IV CSP CBC-128 IV CSP used in encryption and decryption of user data. User Role: Read & Write IV CSP entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and plaintext or ciphertext as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing IV CSP via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. CBC-192 CBC-256 AES-GCM Key GCM-128 Symmetric key used for encryption and decryption of traffic data. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and plaintext or ciphertext with Tag as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. GCM-192 GCM-256 AES-GCM IV CSP GCM-128 IV CSP used in encryption and decryption of traffic data. User Role: Read & Write IV CSP entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and plaintext or Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing IV CSP via zeroize service from Module GCM-192 GCM-256 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 30 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction ciphertext with Tag as output. API or via platform- provided API. AES-XTS Keys XTS-128 Symmetric keys used for encryption and decryption of stored data. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric keys entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and plaintext or ciphertext as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. XTS-256 AES-XTS Tweak Value CSP XTS-128 Tweak value CSP used in encryption and decryption of stored data. User Role: Read & Write Tweak value CSP entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and plaintext or ciphertext as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing Tweak value CSP via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. XTS-256 AES- KW/KWP Key KW-128 Symmetric key used for encryption and decryption of other keys. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and plaintext or ciphertext as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. KW-192 KW-256 KWP-128 KWP-192 KWP-256 CMAC Key AES-128 Symmetric key used for message authentication. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and MAC as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. AES-192 AES-256 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 31 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction GMAC Key AES-128 Symmetric key used for message authentication. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and MAC as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. AES-192 AES-256 GMAC IV CSP AES-128 IV CSP used for message authentication. User Role: Read & Write IV CSP entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and MAC as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing IV CSP via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. AES-192 AES-256 HMAC Key SHA-1 (SHA-160) Symmetric key used for message authentication. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and MAC as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 ECDSA Key P-192 SHA-1 (SHA-160) Asymmetric key used for digital signature. Per NIST SP 800-131A, P- 192 and SHA-1 are no longer considered secure and shall not be used to generate digital User Role: Read & Write Asymmetric key entered or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and digital signature scalars computed as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing asymmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 P-224 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 32 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction SHA-512/224 signatures (Ref. [14]). SHA-512/256 P-256 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 P-384 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 P-521 SHA-1 (SHA-160) SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512 SHA-512/224 SHA-512/256 ECC KAS Keys FullUnified KC EB P-224, SHA-224 Asymmetric keys and MAC keys used for key establishment. User Role: Read & Write Asymmetric keys and MAC keys entered or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric keys derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing asymmetric/sy mmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. FullUnified KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullUnified KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullUnified KC EE P-521, SHA-512 FullMQV KC EB P-224, SHA-224 FullMQV KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullMQV KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullMQV KC EE P-521, SHA-512 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 33 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction ECC KAS Nonce & MAC tag CSPs FullUnified KC EB P-224, SHA-224 Nonce and MAC tag CSPs used in key establishment. User Role: Read & Write Nonce and MAC tag CSPs entered or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric keys derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing Nonce and MAC tag CSPs via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. FullUnified KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullUnified KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullUnified KC EE P-521, SHA-512 FullMQV KC EB P-224, SHA-224 FullMQV KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullMQV KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullMQV KC EE P-521, SHA-512 ECC KAS Shared Secret & DKM CSPs FullUnified KC EB P-224, SHA-224 Shared Secret and DKM CSPs derived during key establishment. User Role: N/A Shared Secret and DKM CSPs derived as output between KAS phases. Held in RAM as plaintext temporarily for single-use and is not stored between KAS phases. Zeroized immediately between KAS phases via zeroize service from Module API. FullUnified KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullUnified KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullUnified KC EE P-521, SHA-512 FullMQV KC EB P-224, SHA-224 FullMQV KC EC P-256, SHA-256 FullMQV KC ED P-384, SHA-384 FullMQV KC EE P-521, SHA-512 ECC CDH Primitive Keys P-224 Asymmetric keys used for shared secret CSP establishment. User Role: Read & Write Asymmetric keys, entered or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and shared secret CSP derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing asymmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. P-256 P-384 P-521 ECC CDH Primitive P-224 Shared secret CSPs derived User Role: Shared secret CSP derived as Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is P-256 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 34 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction Shared Secret CSPs P-384 from establishment. Read & Write output when asymmetric keys entered or generated by operational environment DRBG as input. responsible for zeroizing shared secret CSPs via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. P-521 KBKDF- CMAC-CTR Keys CMAC-AES-128 Symmetric key used for key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. CMAC-AES-192 CMAC-AES-256 KBKDF- CMAC-FB Keys CMAC-AES-128 Symmetric key used for key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. CMAC-AES-192 CMAC-AES-256 KBKDF- CMAC-FB IV CSP CMAC-AES-128 IV CSP used in key derivation. User Role: Read & Write IV CSP entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing IV CSP via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. CMAC-AES-192 CMAC-AES-256 KBKDF- CMAC-DPI Keys CMAC-AES-128 Symmetric key used for key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing CMAC-AES-192 CMAC-AES-256 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 35 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. symmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. KBKDF- HMAC-CTR Keys HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) Symmetric key used for key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. HMAC-SHA-224 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 KBKDF- HMAC-FB Keys HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) Symmetric key used for key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric keys via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. HMAC-SHA-224 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 KBKDF- HMAC-FB IV CSP HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) IV CSP used in key derivation. User Role: Read & Write IV CSP entered, established, or generated by operational environment DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing IV CSP via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. HMAC-SHA-224 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 KBKDF- HMAC-DPI Keys HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) Symmetric key used for key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key entered, established, or generated by operational environment Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric keys via HMAC-SHA-224 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 36 of 44 Key / CSP Mode / Key/CSP Size Use Access Type Input / Output Storage Destruction DRBG as input and symmetric key derived as output. zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. PBKDF Password CSP HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) Password CSP used in password- based key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Password CSP entered by calling application as input and symmetric key derived as output. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing Password CSP via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. HMAC-SHA-224 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 PBKDF Key HMAC-SHA-1 (SHA-160) Symmetric key derived from password- based key derivation. User Role: Read & Write Symmetric key derived as output when Password CSP entered by calling application as input. Held in RAM as plaintext. Calling application is responsible for zeroizing symmetric key via zeroize service from Module API or via platform- provided API. HMAC-SHA-224 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 Table 9 – Module Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters 2.7.1. Key Zeroization The Module API leverages fixed-size buffer zeroization via memset and pseudorandom buffer filling. The Cryptographic Officer operator may request HMAC Integrity Check Key zeroization at any time by power-cycling the operational environment and reloading the Module. Also, the Cryptographic Officer operator may manually uninstall the Module from the operational environment and reformat (i.e. overwrite at least once) the platform’s hard drive or other permanent storage media while only performing the procedural uninstallation of the Module is not an acceptable key zeroization method. The User operator must zeroize keys/CSPs stored in the operational environment by calling a zeroize service provided by the Module API or via platform-provided API. 2.8. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility The Module meets the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 EMI/EMC Level 1 specification as the operational environment on which the Module software runs passed validation executing upon the general-purpose computer (GPC) that confirms to the EMI/EMC requirements specific by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class A (i.e., for business use). KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 37 of 44 2.9. Self-Tests The Module implements Power-On Self-Tests (POST) and conditional self-tests that are described in the following tables: Test Description Software Integrity The Module validates its own software integrity upon load of the Module DLL/SO file. The integrity check is a two-step process consisting of an HMAC verification (based on the FIPS-approved HMAC-512 algorithm), applied to the whole Module DLL/SO image processed as a binary data file. In the first step, the 512-bit (64-byte) HMAC key for the HMAC verification is derived via a FIPS-approved KBKDF from several build- specific data fields including the current version string and build date, which are compiled into the Module and are not modifiable. This HMAC key customization is aimed at preventing malicious Module DLL/SO rebuilds and authenticating the original build only. In the second step, the 512-bit HMAC key is used to perform an HMAC- 512 integrity check of the whole Module DLL/SO image. This computation produces a 512-bit checksum that is compared against a hexadecimal value pre-stored in a properties file. AES Check Encryption/Decryption Tables Verifies the integrity of the pre-built Sbox substitution table and inverse Sbox substitution table. The Sbox substitution table is pre- converted to four 32-bit tables, in order to speed up AES encryption in 32-bit processing mode while the inverse Sbox substitution table is pre-converted to four 32-bit tables, in order to speed up AES decryption in 32-bit processing mode. GCM Encrypt/Decrypt KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) extracted from the GCM test vectors published by NIST in the GCMVS specification (Reference [18]) on all three GCM encryption modes corresponding to AES key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bits featuring the largest combinations of PT, IV and AAD. The comprehensive GCM KATs implicitly provide assurance about the validity of the underlying AES cryptographic algorithms. SHA KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) extracted from the SHA test vectors published by NIST in the SHAVS specification (Reference [21]) on all SHA versions (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256) specified in FIPS Publication 180-4 featuring mixed hash/digest size combinations with the longest input data. The comprehensive SHA KATs implicitly provide assurance about the validity of the Key Derivation Function (KDF) employed by the ECDH Key Agreement Scheme (as recommended in NIST SP 800-56A – Reference [15], a SHA-based concatenation KDF is being used). KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 38 of 44 Test Description HMAC KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) extracted from the HMAC test vectors published by NIST in the HMACVS specification (Reference [22]) featuring the largest combinations of key and tag sizes covering all versions of the underlying hashing algorithm (SHA-1, SHA- 224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256). The comprehensive HMAC KATs implicitly provide assurance about the validity of the Bilateral Key Confirmation method employed by the ECDH Key Agreement Scheme (Reference [15], Section 8.4). ECDSA KeyPair/PKV KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) adapted from the ECDSA KeyPair (private/public key verification) and PKV (Public Key Validation) test vectors published by NIST in the ECDSA2VS specification (Reference [24]) covering each version of the underlying prime-field EC (P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521). The ECDSA KeyPair tests include multiple KAT verifications of ECC point multiplication, which is the ECC primitive used for shared-secret (“Z”) computation by the ECDH Key Agreement Scheme. ECDSA SigGen KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) adapted from the SigGen test vectors published by NIST in the ECDSA2VS specification (Reference [24]). In this test category, ECDSA2VS only provides the message to be signed. The module generates a private key, computes the corresponding public key, generates an ECDSA “secret number” (ephemeral key) from the DRBG, computes the message signature using the private key and verifies the signature with the public key. For completeness, the signature is verified with the private key as well. One long test vector is exercised for each combination of prime field EC (P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521) and hashing algorithm (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 and SHA-512/256). In the latest NIST Suite B specifications P-192 EC and SHA-1 are no longer considered suitable for secure ECDSA generation (Reference [14]). ECDSA SigVer KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) adapted from the SigVer test vectors published by NIST in the ECDSA2VS specification (Reference [24]). These test cases are in compliance with the latest ECDSA specification (FIPS 186-4, Reference [12]), which allows any prime-field EC (P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384 or P-521) to be combined with each SHA version from FIPS 180-4 (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, SHA-512/224 or SHA-512/256) in an ECDSA computation. One test case from each EC/SHA combination, featuring the longest message, is exercised. KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 39 of 44 Test Description ECDH Full Unified Key Agreement Scheme (KAS) KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) adapted from the ECDH test vectors published by NIST in the KASVS specification (Reference [25]) featuring the Full Unified Model of ECDH covering each version of the underlying prime-field EC (P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521). Each test run includes both Initiator-side and Responder-side functions. The underlying cryptographic algorithms used during ECDH key agreement are fully validated via individual POSTs: • ECC point multiplication is validated via ECDSA KeyPair KATs • The Key Derivation Function is validated via SHA KATs • The Key Confirmation function is validated via HMAC KATs ECDH Full MQV Key Agreement Scheme (KAS) KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) adapted from the ECDH test vectors published by NIST in the KASVS specification (Reference [25]) featuring the Full MQV model of ECDH covering each version of the underlying prime-field EC (P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521). Each test run includes both Initiator-side and Responder-side functions. The underlying cryptographic algorithms used during ECDH key agreement are fully validated via individual POSTs: • ECC point multiplication is validated via ECDSA KeyPair KATs • The Key Derivation Function is validated via SHA KATs • The Key Confirmation function is validated via HMAC KATs XTS Encrypt/Decrypt KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) extracted from the XTS test vectors published by NIST in the XTSVS specification (Reference [19]). Both formats specified for the tweak value input (128-bit hexadecimal string or 64-bit Data Unit Sequence Number) are being tested with various, non-trivial Data Unit bit sizes in encrypt and decrypt mode. The comprehensive XTS KATs implicitly provide assurance about the validity of the underlying AES cryptographic algorithms. KW/KWP Encrypt/Decrypt KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) extracted from KW and KWP test vectors published by NIST with the Key Wrap Validation System (KWVS) specification (Reference [20]). All three encryption modes are tested for KW and KWP, corresponding to AES key sizes of 128, 192 and 256 bits. Also, the underlying AES block cipher is tested in either forward direction or inverse direction during KW/KWP encryption. Two non-trivial test vectors are exercised for each combination of AES key size, KW/KWP and forward/inverse block cipher. The comprehensive KW/KWP KATs implicitly provide assurance about the validity of the underlying AES cryptographic algorithms. KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 40 of 44 Test Description KBKDF KAT Exercises a set of Known Answer Tests (KATs) extracted from KDF test vectors published by NIST with the Key Derivation using Pseudorandom Functions (SP800-108) Validation System (KBKDFVS) (Reference [23]). Both CMAC and HMAC algorithms are exercised as underlying pseudo-random function (PRF). For each PRF, SP800-108 specifies three modes of key derivation from a set of inputs: Counter Mode (CTR), FeedBack Mode (FB) and Double-Pipeline Iteration Mode (DPI), which are all represented during a KDF self-test run. At least one non-trivial test case has been included for each input parameter combination specified in KBKDFVS, adding up to 12 KDF CTR tests, 32 KDF FB tests and 16 KDF DPI tests. PBKDF KAT The comprehensive HMAC KATs implicitly provide assurance about the validity of the Password-Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF) as recommended in IAW NIST SP 800-132 (Reference [11]). There is neither a Validation System in place, nor sample test vectors published by CAVP for the PBKDF algorithm, as of January 2017. Table 10 – Module Power-On Self-Tests Test Description ECC KAS (FullUnified, FullMQV) Conditional Pair-Wise Consistency Self-Test The ECC KAS implementation provides built-in assurance (verification) of the arithmetic validity of each newly generated key pair by performing a pair-wise consistency self-test where the key pair is used in conjunction with a second newly generated compatible key pair to calculate shared values for both sides of the key agreement algorithm such that if the resulting shared values are not equal the self-test fails. Every invocation of ECC KAS involves (within the class constructors) a verification of the arithmetic validity of the selected set of ECC domain parameters (Reference [15], Section 5.5.2). The ECC KAS implementation performs a full ECC public key validation each time such a key is being used where each side verifies both own and opposite static public keys, each side verifies opposite side’s ephemeral public key (Reference [15], Section 5.6.2). Also, during key agreement, each side renews its assurance of possessing the correct private key by using the Key Regeneration method (Reference [15], Section 5.6.3), while the ephemeral (generated) private key is subjected to the constraints specified in Reference [15], Section KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 41 of 44 Test Description ECDSA Conditional Pair-Wise Consistency Self-Test The ECDSA implementation provides built-in assurance (verification) of the arithmetic validity of each newly generated key pair by performing a pair-wise consistency self-test where the key pair is used to generate and verify a digital signature such that if the digital signature cannot be verified the self-test fails. Every invocation of ECDSA involves (within the class constructors) a verification of the arithmetic validity of the selected set of ECC domain parameters. The ECDSA implementation performs an ECC public key validation each time such a key is used during digital signature generation and verification. Table 11 – Module Conditional Self-Tests 2.9.1. Invoking Self-Tests The Cryptographic Officer operator invokes the POST automatically by loading the Module. During load the operational environment executes the following Module Default Entry Point (DEP) automatically, which invokes the self-tests. The Module does not rely on any other external service to initiate the POST and all data output via the data output interface is inhibited when the POST is performed. The POST may be invoked automatically at any time by power-cycling the operational environment and reloading the Module. Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Default Entry Point BOOL APIENTRY DLLMain( HMODULE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved) Shared Object (SO) Default Entry Point void __attribute__((constructor)) runModulePOST(void) 2.9.2. Self-Tests Results Upon successful self-test completion, the Module will complete its initialization and transition to the idle operational state. Subsequent Module self-tests are exercised automatically when any Suite B cryptographic algorithms are called by the operator, either for communications encryption/decryption, data encryption/decryption, and/or during key establishment. In the event the Software Integrity and/or KAT self-test fail, the Module will not complete loading and will transition to the error state and a specific error code will be returned indicating which self-test has failed. The Module will not provide any cryptographic services while in this error state. Recovery from the error state is possible by power- cycling the operational environment and reloading the Module. Self-Test Error Code Software Integrity 441, 444 GCM Encrypt 2100 + Test Count GCM Decrypt 2200 + Test Count SHA 2300 + Test Count HMAC 2400 + Test Count KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 42 of 44 Self-Test Error Code ECDSA Key 2800 + Test Count ECDSA SigGen 3300 + Test Count ECDSA SigVer 3400 + Test Count KAS Full Unified 2500 + Test Count (combined indicator of the EC type and failing sub-test) KAS Full MQV 3000 + Test Count XTS Encrypt 2600 + Test Count XTS Decrypt 2700 + Test Count KW Encrypt 3100 + Test Count KW Decrypt 3200 + Test Count KBKDF 3500 + Test Count Table 12 – Module Self-Test Error Codes 2.10. Design Assurance The Module meets the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 specification and provides the following Cryptographic Officer guidance and User guidance. The Cryptographic Officer is responsible for manually installing the Module on the operational environment and ensuring FIPS mode of operation as described in Section 2.1.2. Also, the Cryptographic Officer is responsible for initializing the Module causing the POST to run automatically as described in Section 2.9. The User operator is responsible for confining method calls to only FIPS 140-2 approved security functions as listed in Table 2 when calling the Module API as well as confining method calls to a FIPS 140-2 approved DRBG from the operational environment as listed in Section 2.6. 2.11. Mitigation of Other Attacks The Module has not been designed to mitigate any specific attacks outside the scope of the FIPS 140-2 requirements. The Module resides within a FIPS 140-2 operational environment, which provides an additional layer of protection to attacks of the Module. KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 43 of 44 3. Referenced Documents [1] FIPS Publication 197, The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), U.S. DoC/NIST, November 26, 2001, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [2] NIST Special Publication 800-38A, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques, December 2001, [Web page], [3] NIST Special Publication 800-38B, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication, May 2005, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [4] NIST Special Publication 800-38D, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC, November 2007, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [5] NIST Special Publication 800-38E, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the XTS- AES Mode for Confidentiality on Storage Devices, January 2010, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [6] NIST Special Publication 800-38F, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods of Key Wrapping, December 2012, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [7] RFC 5649, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Key Wrap with Padding Algorithm, August 2009, Network Working Group, [Web page], [8] FIPS Publication 180-4, Secure Hash Standard (SHS), August 2015, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [9] FIPS Publication 198-1, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), July 2008, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [10] NIST Special Publication 800-108, Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions, October 2009, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [11] NIST Special Publication 800-132, Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation, December 2010, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [12] FIPS Publication 186-4, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), July 2013, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [13] ANS X9.62-2005: Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry: The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), November 2005 [14] NIST Special Publication 800-131A, Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, January 2011, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [15] NIST Special Publication 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, Revision 2, May 2013, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [16] The Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm Validation Suite (AESAVS), November 15, 2002, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], KeyW Corporation Suite B Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Advanced Cyber Operations Sector KXD002 Page 44 of 44 [17] The CMAC Validation System (CMACVS), Updated August 23, 2011, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [18] The Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC Validation System (GCMVS), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Updated: August 30, 2012, [Web page], [19] The XTS-AES Validation System (XTSVS), Updated: September 5, 2013, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [20] The Key Wrap Validation System (KWVS), June 20, 2014, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [21] The Secure Hash Algorithm Validation System (SHAVS), Updated: May 21, 2014, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [22] The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code Validation System (HMACVS), Updated: July 23, 2012, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [23] Key Derivation using Pseudorandom Functions (SP 800-108) Validation System (KBKDFVS), Updated January 4, 2016, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [24] The FIPS 186-4 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm Validation System (ECDSA2VS), Updated: March 18, 2014, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [25] The Key Agreement Schemes Validation System (KASVS), Updated May 22, 2014, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page], [26] NIST Special Publication 800-63-2, Electronic Authentication Guideline, August 2013, National Institute of Standards and Technology [Web page], [27] NIST Special Publication 800-118, Guide to Enterprise Password Management (Draft), April 2009, National Institute of Standards and Technology, [Web page],