Doc. # 6097669 1 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. LibertyTM Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Revision No - 12 Prepared by: Thales Communications Inc. 22605 Gateway Center Drive Clarksburg, MD 20871 Doc. # 6097669 2 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Table of Contents 1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................6 1.1 Purpose ...........................................................................................................................................................6 1.2 LibertyTM Cryptographic Module Definition...................................................................................................6 1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations...........................................................................................................................8 1.4 Design Assurance............................................................................................................................................9 1.4.1 Configuration Management ...................................................................................................................9 1.5 References .....................................................................................................................................................10 2 Ports and Interfaces.........................................................................................................................................11 2.1 Host Interface SAP........................................................................................................................................11 2.2 Database Storage HAL..................................................................................................................................11 2.3 Key Fill Interface HAL..................................................................................................................................11 2.4 Logical to Physical Interface Mapping .........................................................................................................12 3 Operational Environment ...............................................................................................................................13 3.1 Test Environment...........................................................................................................................................13 3.2 Cryptographic Boundary...............................................................................................................................14 4 Roles, Services and Authentication.................................................................................................................14 4.1 Roles..............................................................................................................................................................14 4.2 Self-Tests .......................................................................................................................................................15 4.2.1 Power-Up Self-Tests............................................................................................................................15 4.2.2 Conditional Self-Tests .........................................................................................................................15 4.2.3 Continuous Random Number Generator Test......................................................................................15 4.2.4 Firmware Integrity Load Test..............................................................................................................15 4.3 Host Services.................................................................................................................................................16 4.4 Key Fill Services............................................................................................................................................23 4.5 Database HAL Services.................................................................................................................................26 4.6 Approved Modes of Operation ......................................................................................................................28 4.7 Non - Approved Mode of Operation..............................................................................................................28 4.8 Non Approved Mode Services .......................................................................................................................30 4.8.1 MAC Channel Operations ...................................................................................................................33 5 Critical Security Parameters, Cryptographic Keys ......................................................................................34 Doc. # 6097669 3 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 5.1 Reverse Warm Start Key................................................................................................................................35 5.2 KSK Seed (KSKSK) and RNG Seed Key (RSK) .............................................................................................35 5.3 Access Rights to CSP by Service ...................................................................................................................35 5.3.1 User Role .............................................................................................................................................35 5.3.2 Crypto Officer Role .............................................................................................................................36 6 Cryptographic Key Management ...................................................................................................................37 6.1 Key Generation .............................................................................................................................................37 6.2 Key Input/Output...........................................................................................................................................37 6.3 Key Storage ...................................................................................................................................................37 6.4 Key & Cryptographic Security Parameters (CSP) Zeroize...........................................................................37 6.5 APCO P25 Over The Air Rekeying (OTAR)..................................................................................................38 7 Security Policy for Mitigation of other Attacks.............................................................................................40 8 User Guidance ..................................................................................................................................................40 8.1 Interfaces and Services..................................................................................................................................40 8.2 User Responsibilities.....................................................................................................................................40 9 Crypto Officer Guidance.................................................................................................................................40 9.1 Interfaces and Services..................................................................................................................................40 9.2 Module Administration..................................................................................................................................40 9.3 Module Installation and Startup....................................................................................................................41 Doc. # 6097669 4 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Table of Figures Figure 1 LibertyTM Cryptographic Module Block Diagram ........................................................... 7 Figure 2 Logical and Physical LCM Interfaces............................................................................ 12 Doc. # 6097669 5 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Table of Tables Table 1 Single Operator Mode Roles............................................................................................ 14 Table 2 Host Services ................................................................................................................... 16 Table 3 Key Fill Device Services ................................................................................................. 23 Table 4 Database HAL Services................................................................................................... 26 Table 5 Approved Mode Security Functions................................................................................ 28 Table 6 Non - Approved Mode Security Functions...................................................................... 29 Table 7 Host Services Non Approved Modes............................................................................... 30 Table 8 Key Fill Device Non Approved Mode Services.............................................................. 32 Table 9 Database HAL Non Approved Mode Services................................................................ 32 Table 10 Critical Security Parameters, Cryptographic Keys........................................................ 34 Table 11 Host Services Access Rights to CSPs............................................................................ 35 Table 12 Key Fill Device Services Access Rights to CSPs.......................................................... 35 Table 13 Host Services Access Rights to CSPs............................................................................ 36 Table 14 Key Fill Device Services Access Rights to CSPs.......................................................... 36 Doc. # 6097669 6 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This document describes the Security Policy that governs the FIPS-approved usage of the LibertyTM Cryptographic Module. It also provides the associated User Guidance and Crypto Officer Guidance for this module. 1.2 LibertyTM Cryptographic Module Definition The LibertyTM Cryptographic Module, hereafter referred to as LCM, is defined as a firmware cryptographic module executable code. This document contains information required for a FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certification. The LCM is a stand-alone firmware module. It executes in a single operator mode, and it can operate in an Approved or Non – Approved Modes. It is intended to be used in radio communications equipment that utilizes the APCO Project 25 standard. The LCM has no bypass capabilities. Figure 1 LibertyTM Cryptographic Module Block Diagram, highlights the main blocks that make the LCM, and its interfaces. As a non-hardware cryptographic module, the FIPS 140-2 physical security requirements are not applicable to the LCM. Doc. # 6097669 7 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Interface SAP Database Storage HAL Key Fill Interface HAL Crypto Module SW KFD KMM operations Host interface Cryptographic algorithms KFD interface Database management Crypto channel operations OTAR/ Key DB primitive operations Liberty Cryptographic Module Figure 1 LibertyTM Cryptographic Module Block Diagram Doc. # 6097669 8 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 1.3 Acronyms and Abbreviations Term Elaboration AES Advanced Encryption Standard APCO Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards HAL Hardware Abstraction Layer HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code KEK Key Encryption Key KFD Key Fill Device KMF Key Management Facility KMM Key Management Message KSK Key Storage Key MAC Message Authentication Code MNP Message Number Period OTAR Over-the-Air Rekeying PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator P25 Project 25 RNG Random Number Generator RSI Radio Set Identifier RSK RNG Seed Key SAP Service Access Point SHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm-1 LCM LibertyTM Crypto Module TEK Traffic Encryption Key UKEK Unique KEK Doc. # 6097669 9 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 1.4 Design Assurance 1.4.1 Configuration Management The LibertyTM Cyptographic Module is contained in a single firmware configuration item:  FipsCryptoModule: Version This is a binary GHS integrity loadable address space. It can be loaded on a device separately or embedded in the device main operational firmware (application). In the latter case the device application must load “FipsCryptoModule”. The FIPS Crypto module maintains its own version number and can report it to the application. All source code and build files are maintained in a separate configuration database and are baselined to allow recreation of the exact binary FipsCryptoModule CI:  Baseline: Liberty_Crypto_01.00.05.0018 Doc. # 6097669 10 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 1.5 References [1] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, FIPS PUB 140-2, May 25, 2001 (Change Notices 12-03-2002). [2] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Data Encryption Standard (DES), FIPS PUB 46-3, October 25, 1999. [3] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), FIPS PUB 197, November 26, 2001. [4] National Institute of Standards and Technology, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) FIPS PUB 198-1, July 2008 [5] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Digital Signature Standard, FIPS PUB 186-2, January 27, 2000. [6] Telecommunications Industry Association, Digital Land Mobile Radio, Security Services Overview, ANSI/TIA-102.AAAB-2002, July 2002. [7] Telecommunications Industry Association, TIA/EIA STANDARD, Project 25 Digital Radio Over-the-Air Rekeying (OTAR) Protocol, TIA/EIA-102.AACA, April 2001. [8] Telecommunications Industry Association, TIA STANDARD, Project 25 Digital Radio Over-the-Air-Rekeying (OTAR) Protocol, Addendum 2 – Data Link Independent OTAR TIA-102.AACA-2, March 2003. [9] Telecommunications Industry Association, TIA STANDARD, Project 25 – Over-the-Air-Rekeying (OTAR) Operational Description, TIA-102.AACB, November 2002. [10] Telecommunications Industry Association, TIA STANDARD, Project 25 Key Fill Device (KFD) Interface Protocol, TIA-102.AACD, February 2005. Doc. # 6097669 11 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 2 Ports and Interfaces The LCM has the following Service Access Point (SAP) and Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) interfaces. 2.1 Host Interface SAP The LCM implements a messaging interface via which it receives commands from the Host and returns the results of handling those requests. The Data Input Interface for this SAP consists of the data input parameters of the SAP’s input request messages. Likewise, the Data Output Interface consists of the data output parameters of the SAP’s output confirmation messages. The Control Input Interface for this SAP consists of the control input parameters of the SAP’s input request messages. The Status Output Interface for this SAP consists of the result parameter of the SAP’s output confirmation messages. 2.2 Database Storage HAL The LCM implements management for storing and retrieving key material. The platform- dependent storage hardware is abstracted by the database storage HAL. The Data Input Interface for this HAL consists of the data input parameters of the HAL’s input request messages. Likewise, the Data Output Interface consists of the data output parameters of the HAL’s output confirmation messages. 2.3 Key Fill Interface HAL Provides the logical interface required for key fill. The platform-dependent external device interface is abstracted by the key fill interface HAL. The Data Input Interface for this HAL consists of the data input parameters of the HAL’s sole input indication message. Likewise, the Data Output Interface consists of the data output parameters of the HAL’s sole output response message. The Status Output Interface for this HAL consists of the HAL’s output response message itself. Doc. # 6097669 12 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 2.4 Logical to Physical Interface Mapping The LCM interfaces physically to the PXA-320 processor RAM, through the PXA-320 MMU memory controller. In the tested physical deployment the host platform has several physical devices that are the ultimate destination or source of the information on the logical interfaces. Logical Interface Physical Interface Host Interface Comment Host Interface SAP RAM RAM GHS Integrity inter-address space communication OS services Database Storage HAL RAM Flash ROM GHS Integrity inter-address space communication OS services. GHS file system read/write on host, which uses FLASH ROM (NAND) for storage. Key Fill Interface HAL RAM Shared RAM GHS Integrity shared RAM address space. GHS Integrity inter-address space synchronization services (semaphore). Host P25 compliant P25 key fill device (KFD) serial port and driver to transfer device data to/from shared RAM Figure 2 Logical and Physical LCM Interfaces Doc. # 6097669 13 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 3 Operational Environment The LCM executes in RAM on a general purpose processor (GPP) which is categorized as a modifiable operational environment. The LCM relies on operating system (OS) address space separation to ensure non FIPS approved software or firmware does not have access to this environment. The operating system (OS) used to support the execution of the LCM is Green Hills Integrity 5.0.10. For the LCM, the Green Hills Integrity 5.0.10 OS is restricted to a single operator mode of operation. The LCM testing and algorithm validation was performed on a Marvel PXA-320 general purpose processor (GPP). The processor interfaces to RAM (DDR SDRAM) and ROM (NAND FLASH). GHS Integrity utilizes the hardware MMU capability in the PXA-320 processor to isolate the RAM used by the LCM address space (other address spaces cannot access). The FLASH ROM is only accessed through the LCM Database Storage HAL, and all data output to the Database Storage HAL is encrypted. 3.1 Test Environment The Thales LCM was tested while running on a Thales Liberty Radio PRC7332. Doc. # 6097669 14 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 3.2 Cryptographic Boundary The cryptographic boundary, for the LCM, is made up by the compiled application executable file. 4 Roles, Services and Authentication 4.1 Roles The LCM supports a single operator mode. The single operator can assume the roles of a ‘User’ or a ‘Crypto Officer’, only one role at a time. Operator authentication is not supported. Also, no maintenance role is supported. Roles are implicitly selected when service calls are made to the LCM via its service access points. Table 1 Single Operator Mode Roles Role Authentication User None Crypto Officer None The services provided by the LCM are grouped in two main categories, Host Services and Key Fill Device Services. Despite the presence of the Database Storage HAL, there are no database services exported by the LCM. All database interaction is internally controlled by the LCM. The LCM only permits for one service to be invoked at a time. Doc. # 6097669 15 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 4.2 Self-Tests The LCM provides power-up and conditional self-tests. The LCM will enter an error state and issue a failure status indication via the Host Interface status output should any self-test fail. Once in this error state, the LCM can only be recovered by powering it off and on again. In addition, the LCM will inhibit any data output and will not perform any cryptographic operations while in this state. 4.2.1 Power-Up Self-Tests The LCM automatically runs a set of self-tests during its self-initialization sequence at power-up. These power-up self-tests include the following:  Firmware integrity test using HMAC-SHA-1  Known-answer-tests for all approved cryptographic algorithms: AES, PRNG, both implementations of SHA-1, and HMAC.  Initial iteration of the approved RNG continuous random number generator test (4.2.3 Continuous Random Number Generator Test). While performing these tests, the LCM will inhibit all data output. It will issue a success or failure indication via the Host Interface status output upon completing the tests. If a power up self test fails the LCM will enter the error state, and data output will remain inhibited. These power-up self-tests will also run on-demand, when an appropriate request is issued via the Host Interface control input. 4.2.2 Conditional Self-Tests 4.2.3 Continuous Random Number Generator Test When the approved random number generation function is invoked via the Host Interface, the LCM will perform a continuous random number generator test. If the continuous random number generator test fails the LCM will enter the error state, and data output will remain inhibited. 4.2.4 Firmware Integrity Load Test The LCM provides the following host services to allow the LCM host to allow the host software to test the integrity of a new LCM image: Firmware Integrity Test Algorithm Initialization Firmware Integrity Test Algorithm Process Firmware Integrity Test Algorithm Complete The host software may use these services to calculate the HMAC of a new image before overwriting the old image. The LCM is loaded on host restart and cannot be (re)loaded while the current LCM image is operational. Section 9.3 Module Installation and Startup contains crypto officer guidance for using this service. Doc. # 6097669 16 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 4.3 Host Services Host Services are those services provided via the Host Interface SAP. Each service is implicitly associated with only one of the single operator roles, user or crypto officer, and is assumed when the service is invoked. Table 2 shows the Host Services, the role approved for using these services, and a brief description of the service. Each Host Service takes an input handle parameter, which the LCM returns unmodified as an output handle parameter in the associated confirmation message, allowing the client to track different requests. Note that this is an unlisted input parameter for every Host Service listed in the table below. It is not explicitly listed, since every service requires it. Table 2 Host Services Host Service Approved Role Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Boot Start User None Configure LCM features and startup module. Inputs: Enabled Features Flags. Outputs: Result, scRetrieveSensitiveConfigReq scRetrieveSensitiveConfigCnf User None Provide KSK and RNG Seed keys. (KSKSK, RSK) Inputs: Sensitive configurarion data: KSK Seed Data, Entropy Data Outputs: None Channel Open User User Open cryptographic channel for data processing. Inputs: Channel Type, Channel Number, Mode, Message Length, Doc. # 6097669 17 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Service Approved Role Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Derived Key Flag, Algorithm ID, Key Address, Message Indicator (Optional). Outputs: Result, Current Message Indicator, Clocked Message Indicator. Channel Data User User Encryption/ Decryption of data in a voice or data channel, or Message Authentication Code (MAC) generation from message in a MAC channel. Inputs: Channel Type, Channel Number, Channel Data. Outputs: Result, Channel Data. Channel Close User User Close cryptographic channel. Inputs: Channel Type, Channel Number. Outputs: Result, Channel Data. Channel Short Data User User Encryption/ Decryption of data in a voice or data channel, or Message Authentication Code (MAC) generation from message in a MAC channel. Cryptographic channel state is not saved for subsequent processing. Inputs: Channel Type, Channel Number, Mode, Message Length, Derived Key Flag, Algorithm ID, Key ID, Key Address, Message Indicator (Optional), Channel Data. Outputs: Result, Channel Data, Current Message Indicator. Set Key Crypto Crypto Store a key. Doc. # 6097669 18 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Service Approved Role Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Officer Officer Inputs: Keyset ID, Key algorithm ID, Key ID, Key Type, Key Name, SLN, KEK Algorithm ID, KEK Key ID, Temporary Key Flag, Key Name, Key Material. Outputs: Result. Delete Key Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Delete a stored key. Inputs: Key Type (Optional), Algorithm ID, Key ID, Key Address (Optional). Outputs: Result. Delete Keyset Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Delete a stored Keyset. Inputs: Keyset ID. Outputs: Result. Changeover Keyset Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Change to a new active Keyset. Inputs: Superseded Keyset ID, Activated Keyset ID. Outputs: Result, Superseded Keyset ID, Activated Keyset ID. Set Keyset Info Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Stores Keyset information. Inputs: Keyset ID, Algorithm ID, Key Type, Keyset Name. Outputs: Result. Get Key Info Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Reports information on stored keys. Inputs: Iteration Marker, Filter Type, Keyset ID (Optional), Storage Location Number (Optional). Outputs: Result, Iteration Marker, Key IDs, Key Keyset IDs, Key Storage Location Numbers, Key Statuses. Doc. # 6097669 19 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Service Approved Role Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Set Key Assignment Crypto Officer None Stores Key assignment mapping information. Inputs: Key Assignment Type, Key Assignment ID, Storage Location Number. Outputs: Result. Get Key Assignment Crypto Officer None Retrieve stored key assignment mapping information. Inputs: Key Assignment Type, Iteration Marker. Outputs: Result, Iteration Marker, Key Assignments. Set RSI Crypto Officer None Store Over The Air Rekey RSI information. Inputs: Affected RSI, New RSI, Message Number. Outputs: Result. Get RSI Crypto Officer None Retrieve Over The Air Rekey RSI information. Inputs: RSI or RSI Type. Outputs: Result, KMF RSI, Incoming Message Number, Outgoing Message Number, Message Number Period, RSIs. SetKmfRsi Crypto Officer None Store Key Management Facility RSI information. Inputs: RSI. Outputs: Result. SetMnp Crypto Officer None Store Message Number Period. Inputs: MNP. Doc. # 6097669 20 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Service Approved Role Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Outputs: Result. Set Reverse Warm Start Policy Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Store policy for Over The Air Rekey reverse warm start procedure Inputs: TEK Algorithm ID. Outputs: TEK Key ID. Zeroize User None Zeroize a select portion or all critical security parameters. Inputs: Level of zeroization. Outputs: Result. Get Keyset IDs Crypto Officer None Reports IDs of stored Keysets. Inputs: None. Outputs: Result, Keyset IDs, Keyset Statuses. Get Keyset Info Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Retrieves stored Keyset information. Inputs: Keyset ID. Outputs: Result, Keyset ID, Algorithm ID, Key Type, Keyset Name. Generate Warm Start Key Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Generate a key for use in the Over The Air Rekey reverse warm state segment. Inputs: TEK algorithm ID, TEK Key ID, TEK address, KEK algorithm ID, KEK Key ID, KEK address (All optional inputs) Outputs: Result algorithm ID, Key ID, Key adresss, KEK algorithm ID, KEK address, Wrapped Key material. Validate Algorithm User None Run a validation test for an algorithm. Doc. # 6097669 21 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Service Approved Role Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Inputs: Validation mode, SHA reset, SHA complete, key, initialization vector, plain text, cipher text Outputs: Result, key, initialization vector, plain text, cipher text. Validate Key Crypto Officer None Validates the existence of a key. Inputs: Key Type, Algorithm ID, Key ID. Outputs: Result. Firmware Integrity Test Algorithm Initialization Crypto Officer None Configures the algorithm used for firmware integrity checks. Inputs: Algorithm ID*, Data, Data Length. Outputs: Result. Firmware Integrity Test Algorithm Process User None Processes one of a series of data blocks to be integrity checked. Called serially until all data blocks have been provided. Inputs: Algorithm ID*, Data, Data Length. Outputs: Result. Firmware Integrity Test Algorithm Complete User None Called after all data blocks have been provided via Firmware Integrity Test Algorithm Process in order to compute and compare the integrity check value to the expected value. Inputs: Algorithm ID*, Result Expected, Result Expected Length. Outputs: Result, Result Calculated, Result Calculated Length. Doc. # 6097669 22 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Service Approved Role Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Show Status User User The LCM supports the “Show Status” service by issuing confirmation messages for each requested Host Service. Each confirmation message contains a result parameter, which indicates the status of the associated request. Perform Self-Tests User None The self tests are performed by initializing the LCM by invoking the “Boot Start” service. The self test service cannot be run independently of the power up/self test service. *NOTE: Only HMAC-SHA-1 is supported for the Firmware Integrity Test services. Doc. # 6097669 23 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 4.4 Key Fill Services Key Fill Services are those logical services provided to an attached Key Fill Device via the Key Fill Interface HAL. The HAL consists of a single input message, the indication message, which contains the raw Key Management Message (KMM) data from the Key Fill Device. Likewise, the HAL has a single output message, the response message, which also uses KMM formatting. The incoming KMMs are decoded, in order to establish which service is being requested. Table 3 shows these logical Key Fill Device Services, the role approved for using these services, and a brief description of the service. The LCM supports the “Show Status” service by issuing the output response message for each input indication message it receives. Table 3 Key Fill Device Services Key Fill Device Service Approved Role Non Approved Role Key Fill Device Service Description KFD Inventory – List Active Keyset IDs Crypto Officer None Retrieve the active Keyset IDs. Inputs: None. Outputs: Active keyset IDs. KFD Inventory – List Active Keys Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Retrieve the stored Keyset IDs, SLNs, Algorithm IDs and Key IDs of the active keys. Inputs: Inventory marker, maximum key count. Outputs: Inventory marker, key keyset IDs, key storage location numbers, key algorithm IDs, key IDs. KFD Inventory – List RSI Items Crypto Officer None Retrieve the stored individual RSI and group RSIs. Inputs: None. Outputs: RSIs, message numbers. KFD Inventory – List KMF RSI Crypto Officer None Retrieve the stored KMF RSI. Inputs: None. Outputs: KMF RSI. KFD Inventory – List Message Number Period Crypto None Retrieve the stored MNP parameter. Doc. # 6097669 24 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Key Fill Device Service Approved Role Non Approved Role Key Fill Device Service Description (MNP) Officer Inputs: None. Outputs: Message number period. KFD Inventory – List Keyset Tagging Info Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Retrieve stored Keyset information. Inputs: None. Outputs: Keyset IDs, keyset algorithm IDs, update instruction blocks (optional), date times (optional), keyset names (optional) KFD Modify Key Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Modify, set or erase a stored key. Inputs: KEK Algorithm ID, KEK Key ID, Update Count (Optional), Message Indicator (Optional), Keyset ID, Keyset Algorithm ID, Storage Location Numbers, Key IDs, Key Materials, Key Checksums (Optional), Key Names (Optional). Outputs: Algorithm IDs, Key IDs, Modify Key Statuses. KFD Change RSI Crypto Officer None Change or set the individual RSI or a group RSI. Inputs: Changed RSIs, Added RSIs, Message Numbers. Outputs: Changed RSIs, Added RSIs, Change RSI Statuses. KFD Load Config Crypto Officer None Load KMF configuration parameters (KMF RSI, MNP) into the module. Inputs: KMF RSI, Message Number Period. Outputs: KMF RSI, Message Number Period, Result. KFD Zeroize Crypto Officer None Zeroize all critical security parameters. Doc. # 6097669 25 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Key Fill Device Service Approved Role Non Approved Role Key Fill Device Service Description Inputs: None. Outputs: None. KFD Changeover Crypto Officer Crypto Officer Perform a keyset changeover from one stored keyset to another stored keyset. Inputs: Superseded Keyset IDs, Activated Keyset IDs. Outputs: Superseded Keyset IDs, Activated Keyset IDs. Doc. # 6097669 26 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 4.5 Database HAL Services The client software/platform provides non volatile storage for the crypto module. The crypto module will read/write encrypted data for non volatile storage using this HAL. The client software has no means of determining or understanding this “black” data. Table 4 Database HAL Services Database HAL Service Approved Role Non Approved Role Database HAL Service Description dsReadPhysicalPageReq Crypto Officer None Issued by the Crypto Module to read a physical page of data from database storage. Inputs: Physical Page Address Outputs: None dsReadPhysicalPageCnf Crypto Officer None Issued to the Crypto Module to return the result of a database page read. Inputs: Result - Success/Fail(reason) Page Data - The page data if success Outputs: None dsWritePhysicalPageReq Crypto Officer None Issued by the Crypto Module to write a physical page of data to database storage. Inputs: Physical Page Address Page Data Outputs: None dsWritePhysicalPageCnf Crypto Officer None Issued to the Crypto Module to return the result of a database page write. Inputs: Physical Page Address Result - Success/Fail(reason) Outputs: None dsErasePhysicalPageReq Crypto Officer None Issued by the Crypto Module to erase a physical page of database storage. Inputs: Physical Page Address Outputs: None Doc. # 6097669 27 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Database HAL Service Approved Role Non Approved Role Database HAL Service Description dsErasePhysicalPageCnf Crypto Officer None Issued to the Crypto Module to return the result of a database page erase. Inputs: Result - Success/Fail(Reason) Physical Page Address Outputs: None Doc. # 6097669 28 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 4.6 Approved Modes of Operation Table 5 lists the approved mode of operation security functions and the purpose for their use. Invoking an approved mode of operation requires the host to request the creation of a cryptographic channel. The cryptographic channel is closed when the host no longer requires it. A cryptographic channel is initialized with a channel type, a mode (encrypt/decrypt), algorithm identification, key identification, and an initialization vector. The AES MAC PRNG, SHA-1 and HMAC functions only operate in approved mode. The LCM is always in approved mode for these functions as long as the power on self tests pass. If a power on self test fails the LCM will enter the error state. The user is informed of the LCM error state, and the LCM cannot be in an approved mode if in this state. For the AES-256 algorithm the user (client software) must query the LCM for the mode of the current cryptographic channel. An initialized cryptographic channel using AES algorithm indicates approved mode operation. Typically the client software will provide an indication to the device HMI of approved operation – for example a “AES” ICON. If the algorithm type is DES the LCM is operating in a non-approved mode. If no cryptographic channel is initialized the LCM is not operating so it is of course not operating in an approved mode. Table 7 below contains details on specific services which may change the LCM to/from approved mode operation. Table 5 Approved Mode Security Functions Algorithm (approved security function) Purpose Validation Certificate AES – 256 Key Wrapping and transport, P25 Data Confidentiality #2185 AES MAC, Vendor Affirmed P25 AES OTAR #2185 PRNG Key generation #1106 SHA – 1 PRNG #1893 SHA – 1 Firmware Load and Integrity Tests #1894 HMAC Firmware Load and Integrity Tests #1338 4.7 Non - Approved Mode of Operation Doc. # 6097669 29 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Table 6 lists the non - approved mode of operation security functions and the purpose for their use. These non – approved modes of operation are for backward interoperability purposes or to satisfy import/export restrictions. Table 6 Non - Approved Mode Security Functions Algorithm (non approved security function) Purpose DES Key wrapping, P25 data confidentiality, P25 OTAR / KFD MAC calculation. Doc. # 6097669 30 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 4.8 Non Approved Mode Services Services that can be used in a non approved mode are identified in the previous service definition paragraphs. The services have the same inputs and outputs and are identified as being used in a non approved mode by the algorithm type (DES) or channel type (MAC). This section provides a brief description of possible non approved mode operation for each of these services. If a service supports a non approved mode of operation, it will provide the algorithm type of the key used for that service (i.e. “DES”), or the channel type for MAC operations. Each service operates only on the key/algorithm type indicated for that service invocation. The user of the LCM can always determine the approved/non approved mode of each service. Table 7 Host Services Non Approved Modes Host Service Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Channel Open User A channel may be open with a DES key. The DES algorithm type of the channel key indicates non approved mode of operation. Channel Data User The algorithm type of the key passed to the channel open is used for the channel operations. DES algorithm type indicates a non approved mode of operation, as does a MAC channel type. Channel Close User A DES channel may also be closed. Channel Short Data User The algorithm type of the key passed to the channel open is used for the channel operations. DES algorithm type indicates a non approved mode of operation, as does a MAC channel type. Set Key Crypto Officer This service may be used to set a DES key. The DES algorithm type of the key indicates non approved mode of operation. Delete Key Crypto Officer This service may be used to delete a DES key. The DES algorithm type of the key indicates non approved mode of operation. Delete Keyset Crypto Officer This service may be used to delete a keyset which includes DES keys. The DES algorithm type of the keys indicates non approved mode of operation. Changeover Keyset Crypto This service may be used to change to a keyset Doc. # 6097669 31 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Host Service Non- Approved Role Host Service Description Officer which includes DES keys. The DES algorithm type of the keys indicates non approved mode of operation. Set Keyset Info Crypto Officer This service may be used to change a keyset algorithm type to DES. The DES algorithm type of the keyset indicates non approved mode of operation. Get Key Info Crypto Officer This service may be used to retreive key info for a DES key. The DES algorithm type of the key indicates non approved mode of operation. Set Reverse Warm Start Policy Crypto Officer This service may be used to set a DES key for use by the Over The Air Rekey reverse warm start procedure. The DES algorithm type of the key indicates non approved mode of operation. Get Keyset Info Crypto Officer This service may be used to retreive keyset info for a DES keyset. The DES algorithm type of the keyset indicates non approved mode of operation. Generate Warm Start Key Crypto Officer This service may be used to generate a DES warmstart key for use by the Over The Air Rekey reverse warm start procedure. The DES algorithm type of the key indicates non approved mode of operation. Show Status User The key or keyset algorithm type, and channel type (MAC channel) are available in all affected services. Doc. # 6097669 32 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. Table 8 Key Fill Device Non Approved Mode Services Key Fill Device Service Non Approved Role Key Fill Device Service Description KFD Inventory – List Active Keys Crypto Officer This service will retrieve key information for DES keys. The DES key algorithm type indicates a non approved mode of operation. KFD Inventory – List Keyset Tagging Info Crypto Officer This service will retrieve keyset information for DES keysets. The DES keyset algorithm type indicates a non approved mode of operation. KFD Modify Key Crypto Officer This service may be used to modify, set or erase a stored DES key. The DES key algorithm type indicates a non approved mode of operation. KFD Changeover Crypto Officer This service may be used to perform a keyset changeover from one stored keyset to another stored keyset. Either or both of the keysets may be DES keysets. The DES keyset algorithm type indicates a non approved mode of operation. Table 9 Database HAL Non Approved Mode Services Database HAL Service Approved Role Key Fill Device Service Description None None The database HAL uses only approved mode algorithms for raw data storage and retrieval. The included raw data may be used for non approved modes of operations as defined in the Host and KFD Non approved service tables. Doc. # 6097669 33 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 4.8.1 MAC Channel Operations A channel used for MAC operations will use the algorithm type of the key used to open the channel. The MAC is calculated using the key, algorithm, and either fixed initialization data, or a portion of the message data as defined in [7]. Either a DES key or AES key may be used for MAC calculations. A DES key indicates a unapproved mode of operation. Doc. # 6097669 34 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 5 Critical Security Parameters, Cryptographic Keys Table 10 lists all critical security parameters. Entropy data to initialize the RNG seed key is provided to the LCM at boot up, as is the KSK seed key. Table 10 Critical Security Parameters, Cryptographic Keys Critical Security Parameter Purpose Key Stored Key Generated Key Zeroizable Key Storage Key (KSK) An AES 256 key. The KSK is used to encrypt keys prior to storage. No Yes Yes Traffic Encryption Key (TEK) An AES 256 key. The TEK provides confidentiality to data traffic. It is also used to perform OTAR MAC calculations. Yes No Yes Key Encryption Key (KEK) An AES 256 key. The KEK provides confidentiality to TEKs or other KEKs. Yes No Yes Unique Key Encryption Key (UKEK) This is a KEK. The first KEK loaded in the LCM is treated as the OTAR “UKEK”. This KEK will be selected for OTAR warm start procedures. It is otherwise identical to other KEK’s. Yes No Yes Working Key (WK) An AES 256 key. The WK is a working copy of key types, KSKs, TEKs or KEKs. No Reverse Warm Start Key Only Yes HMAC Key (HK) A 256 bit secret key. The HK is used by the firmware boot integrity test. Yes No No KSK Seed Key (KSKSK) Seeds the PRNG used to generate the KSK. No No Yes RNG Seed Key (RSK) Seeds the PRNG used to generate the OTAR Reverse Warm Start Key*. No No Yes Doc. # 6097669 35 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 5.1 Reverse Warm Start Key The Reverse Warm Start Key is a Working Key and a temporary TEK used for OTAR radio initiated message authentication when the radio has no TEKs available. The Reverse Warm Start Key is generated using the approved PRNG in response to the “Generate Warm Start Key” host service call. The algorithm of the resulting key will be the same as the algorithm if the passed in TEK. Use of a DES algorithm TEK will result in a DES Reverse Warm Start Key, for unapproved (DES) mode of operation. 5.2 KSK Seed (KSKSK) and RNG Seed Key (RSK) The KSK and RSK seed data keys are stored in internal LCM RAM in plain text form. They are protected from access by software or firmware outside of the LCM address space. The KSK and RSK seed data are cleared on zeroize. The LCM will request a new KSK and RSK seed on zeroize as a new KSK must be generated to allow loading of new KEK or TEK keys post zeroization. 5.3 Access Rights to CSP by Service 5.3.1 User Role W: Write, the module modifies the Key/CSP. Table 11 Host Services Access Rights to CSPs Host Service KSK KSKSK RSK KEK TEK WK Set Key - - - - - - Delete Key - - - - - - Delete Keyset - - - - - - Generate Warm Start Key - - - - - - Partial Zeroize - - - W W W Zeroize W W W W W W Table 12 Key Fill Device Services Access Rights to CSPs Key Fill Device Service KSK KSKSK RSK KEK TEK WK KFD Modify Key - - - - - - KFD Zeroize - - - - - - Doc. # 6097669 36 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 5.3.2 Crypto Officer Role W: Write, the module modifies the Key/CSP. Table 13 Host Services Access Rights to CSPs Host Service KSK KSKSK RSK KEK TEK WK Set Key - - - W W - Delete Key - - - W W - Delete Keyset - - - W W - Generate Warm Start Key - - - - - W Partial Zeroize - - - W W W Zeroize W W W W W W Table 14 Key Fill Device Services Access Rights to CSPs Key Fill Device Service KSK KSKSK RSK KEK TEK WK KFD Modify Key - - - W W - KFD Zeroize W W W W W W Doc. # 6097669 37 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 6 Cryptographic Key Management 6.1 Key Generation The Reverse Warm Start Key is generated using the approved PRNG in response to the Generate Warm Start Key host service request. It is generated rather than being read from the Database. 6.2 Key Input/Output Key material is input/output via the key fill interface service access point. Any Key Fill Device that complies with the APCO Project 25 standard KFD interface specification is authorized to invoke the KFD Services exported by the LCM. Such a device will use the KMM formatting expected by the KFD Interface. 6.3 Key Storage Key material is encrypted using the KSK prior to being stored. The data storage area itself lies outside the boundary of the LCM. The LCM will only store encrypted key data in this database. 6.4 Key & Cryptographic Security Parameters (CSP) Zeroize The LCM provides three different levels of zeroization via the Host Interface:  0 – Zeroizes all CSP data including the RSK, UKEK, KSK and the KSKSK. The individual RSI and MN, the KMF RSI and the MNP non-CSP OTAR configuration data are reset. The RSK and KSK are regenerated.  1 – Zeroizes all CSP data including the RSK, UKEK and the KSK. The individual RSI and MN, the KMF RSI and the MNP non-CSP OTAR configuration data are preserved. The RSK and KSK are regenerated. Note that Level 0 is the only level that is equivalent to zeroization as defined by FIPS PUB 140- 2. KFD Zeroize, which may be invoked via the KFD Interface, is the same as Level 1 zeroization above. Doc. # 6097669 38 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 6.5 APCO P25 Over The Air Rekeying (OTAR) The LCM module does not directly support the APCO Project 25 Over The Air Rekeying (OTAR) protocol – it does however provide the cryptographic services required to implement that protocol. The user (client software) must implement the P25 OTAR protocol while using the LCM services for any and all required cryptographic processing of the OTAR messages.  OTAR cryptographic keys. o The LCM provides storage for OTAR keys as defined in 5 Critical Security Parameters, Cryptographic Keys:  UKEK  Reverse Warm Start Key  Key privacy o The LCM stores the KEK and provides AES encryption/decryption services for TEK’s transported in the OTAR messages.  Message Authentication o The LCM provides the vendor affirmed AES-MAC service to support MAC authentication on OTAR messages  Message Privacy o The LCM provides the AES-256 service for encryption/decryption of OTAR message contents.  Key Input/Storage/Management o The user invokes Host Services (4.3) to add, delete or modify keys or keysets as directed by OTAR messages. Refer to the Host Services section for details on these services.  Set Key  Delete Key  Delete Keyset  Changeover Keyset  Set Keyset Info  Get Key Info  Get Keyset IDs  Get Keyset Info Doc. # 6097669 39 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice.  Generate Warm Start Key  Zeroize  These services affect OTAR operational parameters, not keys but are similarly managed using OTAR  Set RSI  Get RSI  Set KmfRsi  SetMnp  SetReverseWarmStartPolicy Doc. # 6097669 40 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. 7 Security Policy for Mitigation of other Attacks The LCM is not designed to mitigate specific attacks. 8 User Guidance 8.1 Interfaces and Services The LCM offers the following to the User:  Host Logical Interfaces as described in Section 2.  Host Services for the User as described in Section 4.3. 8.2 User Responsibilities The LCM provides both FIPS-approved and non-FIPS-approved modes of operation. It is the responsibility of the User to only invoke Host Services using the approved algorithms listed in Section 4.5 Approved Modes of Operation, in order to ensure that the module operates in a FIPS-approved mode of operation. Requesting the use of the DES or AES MAC algorithms for any purpose will cause the module to operate in a non-FIPS-approved mode of operation, although only for the duration of the request. Any subsequent requests to use FIPS-approved algorithms will cause the LCM to operate in a FIPS-approved mode. 9 Crypto Officer Guidance 9.1 Interfaces and Services The LCM offers the following to the Crypto Officer:  Host and KFD Logical Interfaces as described in Section 2.  Host Services for the Crypto Officer o A high-level overview can be found in Section 4.3. o Keys and CSPs are accessed via these services as described in Section 5.  KFD Services o A high-level overview can be found in Section 4.4. o Keys and CSPs are accessed via these services as described in Section 5. 9.2 Module Administration After manufacture or full zeroization, the LCM will contain no key data. The Crypto Officer must load key data via the Host or KFD interfaces. The radio level key management procedures are described in the LibertyTM Land Mobile Radio User’s Manual. At a software interface level, the client software must clear the buffer used to transfer the key data, when using the Host interface to perform the Set Key service. Doc. # 6097669 41 (41) © Thales Communications, Inc., 2013 This document is non‐proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety including this copyright notice. It is assumed that any key fill device that conforms to the APCO Project 25 standard KFD interface specification is authorized to invoke KFD services on the module. It is the responsibility of the Crypto Officer to only employ such key fill devices. 9.3 Module Installation and Startup The LCM is distributed as part of a suite of radio software or firmware that automatically handles its secure installation and ensures that only an authenticated LCM firmware image is loaded by using the FIPS-approved HMAC supplied by the currently operating LCM to check it. The firmware download procedure is described in the LibertyTM PC Programmer User’s Manual. As with installation, the accompanying radio firmware or software must also initialize the LCM, when the radio is turned on.