Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 Using CoCo’s DLL of cryptographic functions for compliance with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 CoCo Communications Corporation 999 3rd Ave, Suite 3700 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: 206-284-9387 Fax: 206-770-6461 Toll free: 866-657-COCO Copyright © 2002-2007 CoCo Communications Corporation. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact, including this Copyright Notice. CoCo is a trademark of CoCo Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Patents Pending. The names of actual companies or products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Usage Policy Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 Using CoCo’s DLL of cryptographic functions for compliance with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Document Revision 122 28 January 2008 coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 i Table of Contents I. Summary ................................................................................................... 4 1. Document References..................................................................................4 2. Documentation Conventions......................................................................4 II. CoCo Crypto Module Overview.......................................................... 5 1. Supported Algorithms....................................................................................6 a. Approved Algorithms...............................................................................6 b. Non-Approved Algorithms......................................................................6 2. Supported Platforms......................................................................................7 3. Product Components....................................................................................7 a. Core Components ...................................................................................8 i. Dynamically-Linked Library File (DLL) .................................................8 ii. Signature File..........................................................................................8 b. Software Development Kit (SDK) ...........................................................8 i. Import Library..........................................................................................8 ii. C/C++ Headers.....................................................................................9 4. Build Configuration ........................................................................................9 5. Module Architecture ...................................................................................10 III. Roles and Authentication................................................................... 11 1. Role Definitions .............................................................................................11 a. User............................................................................................................11 b. Crypto Officer .........................................................................................11 2. Restrictions and Privileges...........................................................................11 3. Authentication..............................................................................................12 4. Multiple user concurrent access ...............................................................12 IV. Secure Operation and Security Rules.............................................. 12 1. Preparing a Secure Operating Environment...........................................12 a. Availability of the DLL file.......................................................................12 b. Availability of the signature file ............................................................13 c. Running the host OS in single-user mode ...........................................13 i. Windows XP ..........................................................................................13 ii. Debian Linux ........................................................................................13 2. Activating the module................................................................................14 3. Self-Tests.........................................................................................................14 a. Power-On Self-Tests ................................................................................14 Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 coco communications ii i. List of Power-On Self Tests...................................................................14 ii. Inducing the Power-On Self Tests.....................................................15 b. Conditional Continuous Self-Tests ........................................................15 c. Checking for Self-Test Failure ................................................................16 4. Physical Security ...........................................................................................17 5. Ports and Interfaces.....................................................................................18 a. Data Input Interface ..............................................................................18 b. Data Output Interface...........................................................................18 c. Control Input Interface ..........................................................................18 d. Status Output Interface .........................................................................18 V. Using CoCo Crypto functions and objects...................................... 19 1. Usage Requirements....................................................................................19 2. Usage restrictions by role and API section...............................................19 3. Application Programming Interface.........................................................19 4. Cryptographic Key Management ............................................................20 a. Sensitive values used internally by the module.................................20 b. Key-Handling Functions .........................................................................21 i. Key Generation....................................................................................21 ii. Key Serialization and De-serialization ..............................................21 c. Zeroization ................................................................................................22 i. Zeroizing Keys in Storage ....................................................................22 ii. Zeroizing Keys in Memory...................................................................23 5. Pseudorandom Number Generation .......................................................24 a. Strength of Key Generation Methods .................................................24 b. Protection Against Weak Seeding.......................................................24 VI. Service Information............................................................................. 25 Appendix A: Function Catalog.............................................................. 26 Primary Functions..............................................................................................26 Core Cryptographic Functions .................................................................26 Key Generation.......................................................................................26 Key Zeroization and Destruction ..........................................................27 Cryptographic Algorithms.....................................................................27 Storing and Loading Cryptographic Information ..................................28 Serialization ..............................................................................................28 Deserialization .........................................................................................28 Basic Support Functions..............................................................................28 Mathematics Data Structures...............................................................28 Basic Input and Output Operations ....................................................29 coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 iii Library Information Functions ....................................................................29 Advanced Functions.......................................................................................30 Advanced Input and Output Operations ..............................................30 Mathematical Operations.........................................................................31 Memory and Data Structure Management Functions.........................31 Abstraction Functions......................................................................................32 EVP Functions...............................................................................................32 EVP Digest Functions..............................................................................32 EVP Cipher Functions.............................................................................32 EVP Subsystem Support .........................................................................34 X.509 Certificate Functions........................................................................34 X.509 Data Structure Creation and Initialization...............................34 X.509 Data Structure Inspection ..........................................................35 X.509 Data Structure Destruction.........................................................35 X.509 Serialization ...................................................................................36 X.509 Deserialization ..............................................................................36 X.509 Cryptographic Operations.........................................................36 Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 4 I. Summary This document contains the security policy for the CoCo Crypto Module, a dynamically-linked library (DLL) and corresponding C++ -oriented Software Development Kit (SDK) intended for use in other CoCo Communications products in order to facilitate compliance with FIPS 140-2 requirements. The DLL contains cryptographic algorithms implemented in a manner compliant with FIPS 140-2 Level 1. 1. Document References This document is part of a set of documents that collectively comprise the usage guidelines for the cocoCrypto module. The following list enumerates the documents in this collection. • Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 • Finite State Model for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 • API Reference for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 • Configuration Management List for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 (proprietary document; distribution is limited exclusively to individuals and agencies involved in the process of acquiring FIPS 140-2 certification for this module) 2. Documentation Conventions Within the scope of documentation and reference for the CoCo Crypto Module, the CoCo Crypto Module may be abbreviated as “CoCo Crypto”, “cocoCrypto”, or simply as “the Module” or “the module”. As a general rule, the camel-cased moniker “cocoCrypto” is used to refer to the module when discussing its API, build configuration, or component files (particularly the DLL binary file containing the module’s implemented algorithms), whereas other abbreviations are typically used when discussing the module’s behavior and functionality. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 5 II. CoCo Crypto Module Overview CoCo Communications Corporation is a Seattle-based technology company specializing in next-generation communications software. The company’s operational focus is a patent-pending cryptographic mesh protocol that solves many of the problems currently plaguing the communications industry. The initial application of this breakthrough capability is helping to solve the interoperability, availability, and security challenges facing our nation's first responders. When called to dangerous and potentially hostile environments, first response teams need to know that they can communicate in a secure and reliable manner – they depend on their equipment to keep them connected with local, state, and federal agencies. However, they also must keep sensitive tactical information from reaching potentially harmful recipients, whether that be terrorists or combatant forces, or simply a panicked civilian populace. CoCo Communications is dedicated to providing emergency response personnel with equipment they can trust. To this end, all CoCo products rely on a routing protocol that has cryptographic guarantees built into its framework. CoCo software uses a dynamically-linked library containing FIPS-approved implementations of cryptographic algorithms such as encryption/decryption, signed hashing, and certificate validation. CoCo’s products rely on this library for all cryptographic operations. The library is referred to as the CoCo Crypto Module and is the topic of this security policy document. The CoCo Crypto Module is an integral component of CoCo Communications' product offerings and its certification by the CMVP establishes its adherence to FIPS 140-2 Level 1 guidelines. The Module is critical to providing CoCo’s customers the secure, reliable, and trustworthy communication systems on which they depend. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 6 1. Supported Algorithms a. Approved Algorithms The Module implements the following cryptographic algorithms. The module’s implementations of these algorithms have been tested and validated for FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliance by Atlan Laboratories. • AES o Supported modes: ECB, CFB128 o Supported functions: Encrypt, Decrypt o Supported key sizes (in bits): 128, 192, 256 • SHA-1 (byte-oriented) • HMAC SHA-1 o MAC sizes (in bytes): 10, 12, 16, 20 • Pseudorandom number generator using 2-Key Triple-DES o Adheres to ANSIX9.31 standard, Appendix A.2.4 o Usage  General-purpose random number generator  All FIPS Approved key generation • DSA o Implemented according to FIPS 186-2 standard o Features Supported  PQG Generation  Key Pair Generation  Signature Generation  Signature Verification o Modulus Sizes Supported (in bits): 1024, non-compliant less than 1024 bits. The user should not use non-compliant moduli less than 1024 bits in the Approved mode. b. Non-Approved Algorithms In addition to the validated algorithms listed above, the module also contains implementations of algorithms without FIPS validation certificates. These algorithms are listed as follows. • Diffie-Hellman Primitives coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 7 o Features Supported  Key Pair Generation  Shared Secret Computation o Strength: The Diffie-Hellman key establishment primitives calculate shared secrets providing between 80 and 256 bits of encryption strength; non-compliant less than 80 bits of encryption strength. Diffie-Hellman parameters less than 1024 bits in length, which can generate shared secrets with less than 80 bits of encryption strength, should not be using in the Approved mode. • SSLeay RNG o Usage: Seeding the Approved PRNG o Continuous RNG Test: Loop detection by comparison of each generated value with previous 2. Supported Platforms The module has received explicit testing and verification by Atlan Laboratories for FIPS 140-2 Level 1 compliance on the following platforms. • Microsoft Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 on Intel x86 or compatible chipsets. • Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch) on Intel x86 or compatible chipsets. CoCo Communications also affirms the CoCo Crypto Module on additional platforms, listed below. When building the module for these additional platforms, CoCo Communications uses the same toolset and source code as used for the explicitly approved platforms listed above. As per FIPS 140-2 IG G.5, the module maintains Level 1 compliance on these platforms. • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server on Intel x86 or compatible chipsets. • Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC Edition on an ARM chipset. • Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.0 Pocket PC Edition on an ARM chipset. • Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch) on a MIPS chipset. • Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 (Etch) on an ARM chipset. 3. Product Components The module, being a software product, consists of a set of files. This section enumerates the files that comprise the CoCo Crypto Module. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 8 a. Core Components This section lists the necessary and sufficient components that need to be installed on a host computer in order to make use of the cryptographic capabilities of the module. i. Dynamically-Linked Library File (DLL) This binary file contains the compiled implementations of the methods and objects exposed and supported by the module. It is the functional core of the module, and was the primary focus of testing during the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certification process. On Windows platforms, this file is called ”cocoCrypto.dll”. On Debian platforms, this file is called ””. ii. Signature File When the CoCo Crypto Module enters FIPS mode, it performs a test to verify the integrity of the DLL. This test takes the form of computing the signed HMAC-SHA1 hash of the DLL and comparing it against a known value. This known value resides in a small standalone file. On all supported platforms, this file is called ”cocoCrypto.sig”. b. Software Development Kit (SDK) When CoCo Communications provides the CoCo Crypto Module to third-party or internal customers, the module comes with files that software developers might find useful for authoring applications that leverage the module’s capabilities. These files are not necessary for the operation of the CoCo Crypto Module by the end user of the application, and are not included in application packages that aren’t intended for software developers. The SDK performs no cryptographic operations of its own and did not receive validation as part of the CoCo Crypto Module. It exists solely to provide software developers with a mechanism which to access the functions in the DLL. i. Import Library When building C++ applications for the supported Microsoft Windows platforms, a software developer generally needs to link against an import library, a small static library containing stubs for the methods in a DLL, in order to resolve references at compile time. On all Windows-related platforms, this file is called ”cocoCrypto.lib”. Import libraries are not necessary for Debian Linux and related platforms, and are therefore not provided. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 9 ii. C/C++ Headers The module’s SDK includes a header file which presents the C++ functional entry points and object declarations, which together form the user interface to the module. On all supported platforms, this file is called ”cocoCrypto.h”. 4. Build Configuration The CoCo Crypto Module was built by CoCo Communications Corporation on a set of Intel x86 or compatible machines, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 Enterprise Edition on Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 and gcc 3.4.4 on Debian (Sarge) Linux. The source code comprising the CoCo Crypto module was stored in a repository managed by Subversion (SVN) v1.4.2 (more information about SVN available at ). A full listing of the files in the SVN repository, including revision numbers at the time of FIPS submission of this module, is available in the accompanying document, Configuration Management List for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 (proprietary distribution only). Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 10 5. Module Architecture CoCo Crypto is a multi-chip standalone module. As a software module, CoCo Crypto’s physical cryptographic boundary is the computer case of the machine on which the cocoCrypto DLL is installed. Its logical boundary is the two files that comprise the module – the cocoCrypto DLL and the signature file, as described in this document section II.3.a, Core Components. The following illustration is a logical diagram that describes the interaction between each of the module’s components (DLL and signature file), the operating system, and a calling application. Filesystem Operating System cocoCrypto DLL 1. Calling Application calls OS to load DLL 2. OS maps DLL to Calling Application’s process space Calling Application cocoCrypto DLL (mapped inside calling application’s process space) 3. Upon loading, cocoCrypto calls filesystem to open signature file and its own DLL file cocoCrypto signature file 4. Filesystem opens DLL and signature files to perform integrity self-test Logical cryptographic boundary coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 11 III. Roles and Authentication This section defines and discusses the various roles of the intended users of the CoCo Crypto Module. 1. Role Definitions a. User The module, as it is a software library, defines its “user” to be the application process which invokes the loading and run-time linking of the cocoCrypto DLL. For purposes of classification, when referred to as a “User”, such an application process runs with restricted permissions on the host computer. For example, such a process would be launched by a generic account on a Linux-based machine, or a guest or restricted account on a Windows-based machine. b. Crypto Officer The module, as it is a software library, defines its “Crypto Officer” to be the application process which invokes the loading and run-time linking of the cocoCrypto DLL. For purposes of classification, when referred to as a “Crypto Officer”, such an application process runs with elevated permissions on the host computer. For example, such a process would be launched by a root user account or privileged daemon on a Linux-based machine, or an administrator account on a Windows-based machine. 2. Restrictions and Privileges As permitted by FIPS 140-2 Level 1 guidelines, the module enforces no functional difference between a user and a crypto officer. The user and the crypto officer both have full access to the complete set of functions in the module. The remainder of this document will employ the term “user” to refer to either a User or a Crypto Officer, since both have the same capabilities with regard to the module. The reader should bear in mind that the term refers specifically to an application process running on a host computer, and not to a human operator. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 12 3. Authentication As a software module with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 certification, CoCo Crypto does not provide authentication mechanisms of its own. It depends on the operating system of the host computer to enforce the access privileges of any given process and to invoke the loading and run-time linking of the cocoCrypto DLL. 4. Multiple user concurrent access When a process links against a dynamically-linked library, the operating system provides that process with its own copy of the library’s data segment. This means that any such process has no way to alter the behavior of any other process by way of the DLL. Therefore, we place no procedural restrictions on the number of concurrent users (i.e. processes) accessing the CoCo Crypto Module on a given host computer at any one time. Any practical limits on such a number come from the CPU, memory, and operating system constraints of the host computer. IV. Secure Operation and Security Rules In order to use CoCo Crypto securely in a manner compliant with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements, a system administrator should adhere to the policies and procedures described in this section. 1. Preparing a Secure Operating Environment a. Availability of the DLL file The CoCo Crypto Module requires the system administrator to place the cocoCrypto DLL file in a specific location on the file system. The module needs to perform an integrity check on the file image of the cocoCrypto DLL when entering FIPS mode. Therefore, failure to place this file in the proper location will result in termination of the calling process upon an attempt to enter FIPS mode. The system administrator must ensure that the user’s library load path specifies this location, and that no other file exists in any library load path with the same name as the cocoCrypto DLL. Failure to do so could result in a client application linking to some different DLL, which may contain malicious code. On Windows systems, the DLL must be located in the file system under the path C:\WINDOWS\system32\. On Linux systems, the DLL (shared object file) must be located in the file system under the path /opt/coco/lib/. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 13 b. Availability of the signature file To make use of the CoCo Crypto Module, the user must have permission to read the signature file, which must be in a specific location on the host computer’s file system. It is the system administrator’s responsibility to ensure that the signature file exists and is accessible at the appropriate location. Failure to do so will result in termination of the calling process upon an attempt to enter FIPS mode. On Windows systems, the signature file must be located in the files system under the path C:\WINDOWS\System32\. On Linux systems, the signature file must be located in the file system under the path /opt/coco/etc/. c. Running the host OS in single-user mode Each operating system supported by the Module has a means by which to be placed into single-user mode. This subsection contains instructions on how to do so. i. Windows XP The user must configure the Windows XP machine to run in single user mode, ensuring that remote login is disabled and that the workstation cannot be accessed as a server. 1. ii. Debian Linux Debian uses a boot loader called GRUB to bootstrap the operating system. Upon starting (or restarting) the machine, GRUB will present the user with a menu of boot options (in order to see this menu, the user may need to hit the Escape key during boot, much like hitting the F8 key during booting of Windows XP). Most individual Debian systems will come configured with a “single-user mode” entry in this menu. The user should use the arrow keys to select this entry and press “Enter” to boot the system into single-user mode. If the system does not have a “single-user mode” menu entry on the GRUB menu, the user can follow these steps in order to make one of the existing menu entries cause the system to boot into single-user mode. 1. Use the arrows to select the boot entry to modify. 2. Press e to edit the entry. 3. Use the arrows to go to the “kernel” line. 4. Press e to edit this entry. 5. At the end of the line add the word “single”. 6. Press ESC to go back to the parent menu. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 14 7. Press b to boot this kernel. The kernel will begin booting as usual (except without a graphical splash screen if one is normal for that system), and the user will receive a command- line interface from which the user can log in as root. 2. Activating the module A process activates the CoCo Crypto Module by issuing a request to the host computer’s operating system to load the DLL. If the process has sufficient permission, the operating system responds to this request by loading the DLL and granting the calling process access to its memory space. Upon the loading of the DLL, the module will automatically run a series of tests to confirm that it is functioning properly (described in further detail below). If any of these tests fail, the CoCo Crypto Module will immediately terminate the calling process. This eliminates any possibility of the user intentionally or accidentally invoking a corrupted or altered version of the module’s cryptographic services. 3. Self-Tests In compliance with FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements, the CoCo Crypto Module performs a series of tests on itself to assure the user of its own proper functionality. a. Power-On Self-Tests Upon starting, the module performs a series of self-tests, listed below. If any of these tests fail, the module will immediately terminate the calling process. i. List of Power-On Self Tests The list of tests that the module performs upon starting is as follows. • Library Load Path Test. As described in “1. Preparing a Secure Operating Environment”, the cocoCrypto DLL must be loaded from a specific location on the computer’s file system in order to be compliant with proper usage guidelines. It is the system administrator’s responsibility to place the file in the proper location and to configure the system’s library load paths to ensure that the library is loaded properly. In order to enforce this policy from within the module itself, the CoCo Crypto Module verifies, on start-up, that it has been loaded from the proper location as per usage guidelines. This test only occurs on Windows systems. • Module Integrity Test. The module computes an HMAC SHA-1 signed hash of the DLL file containing the module’s executable binary code, and compares the result against a known value. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 15 • Known Answer Tests. The module performs a series of Known- Answer Tests (KATs) upon startup. The following table lists these tests. Algorithm Known Answer Test AES • Encryption • Decryption HMAC HMAC-SHA-1 RNG Random number generation from known initialization vector. • Sign-Verify Test for DSA. The module performs a Sign-Verify Test to confirm that DSA is functioning properly. This test consists of signing and signature verification of a generated key. ii. Inducing the Power-On Self Tests The module automatically runs the power-on self-tests whenever the cocoCrypto DLL loads. The user can run the power-on self-tests on demand by unloading and then re-loading the DLL. The following table presents the most commonly used API for performing these tasks. Platform Function to load DLL Function to unload DLL Header file Linux dlopen() dlclose() dlfcn.h Windows LoadLibrary() FreeLibrary() windows.h b. Conditional Continuous Self-Tests The module performs conditional continuous self-tests to verify the correctness of certain mathematical operations during the course of normal operation. Failure of any self-test at any time will cause the module to immediately terminate the calling process. The table below lists these tests. Algorithm Operation Conditional Continuous Self-Test Exposed function(s) that induce(s) self-test DSA Key Generation Pairwise consistency (signing and signature verification) DSA_generate_key() Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 16 RNG Pseudorandom number generation Repetition test (FIPS 140-2 §4.9.2) DH_generate_key() DSA_generate_key() DSA_generate_parameters() c. Checking for Self-Test Failure The module causes the calling process to immediately terminate upon a self- test failure. When it does so, the process’s exit code indicates the general reason for the termination. Reason for Process Termination Exit code Notes Normal (Clean) Exit 0 The developer of the calling application should adhere to software design best practices and consistently use an exit code of 0 to indicate clean exit. Failure of Power-On Self-Test Decimal: -1 (255 in one- byte two’s complement) Hex: 0xFF The developer of the calling application must refrain from using an exit code of -1, so as to ensure that this code reliably and consistently indicates failure of a power-on self-tests. Failure of Conditional Continuous Self-Test Decimal: -3 (253 in one- byte two’s complement) Hex: 0xFD The developer of the calling application must refrain from using an exit code of -3, so as to ensure that this code reliably and consistently indicates failure of a conditional continuous self-test. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 17 Because the module terminates the calling process upon error, checking for self-test failure cannot be done from within the calling application, and must be performed as an out-of-band operation. Typically, the user of a computer can check an application’s return code by launching that application from a command-line interface and subsequently echoing the return code. On Linux systems, the user can echo the most recently run application’s return code with the command: echo $? On Windows systems, the same effect can be achieved with the command: echo %ERRORLEVEL% Note that, depending on the configuration of the user’s system, the command- line interface will print the resultant error code as either a signed decimal integer with a negative value (i.e. -1 or -3), or as an unsigned integer in one- byte two’s complement arithmetic (i.e. 255 or 253, respectively). 4. Physical Security As a software module, CoCo Crypto relies on the host system for all forms of physical security. The system administrator must ensure that the host system is built with production grade components and incorporates safeguards against physical tampering. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 18 5. Ports and Interfaces As a software module, CoCo Crypto’s interfaces are defined by the functions exposed by the cocoCrypto DLL, as listed in Appendix A of this document and described in the accompanying API Reference document. (Note that only those functions listed under the Primary Functions subsection in Appendix A are approved for secure operation.) When mapping the module’s API to the defined FIPS interfaces, it is important to recognize that any one function can have aspects of functionality that logically map to two or more interface categories. For this reason, the appropriate mapping occurs not only at the level of the functions themselves, but also at the arguments and return values of those functions. This section elaborates on the exact means by which the CoCo Crypto API maps to the FIPS interfaces. a. Data Input Interface The Data Input Interface consists of all function arguments that pass data into the function. This data can be passed in through a variety of mechanisms, such as by value, by reference, by pointer to a memory buffer, and so on. b. Data Output Interface The Data Output Interface consists of all variables and function arguments that enable a function to pass out processed data. This data can be passed out of a function through a variety of mechanisms, such as by return value, by setting the value of a return argument, by populating a memory buffer, and so on. c. Control Input Interface The Control Input Interface consists of all function calls (and corresponding arguments) that change or affect the overall operational state of the module. d. Status Output Interface The Status Output Interface consists of all variables and function arguments that enable a function to provide the user with information about the operational status of the module. This data can be passed out through a variety of mechanisms, such as by return value, by setting the value of a return argument, by populating a memory buffer, and so on. This interface would include, for example, the return values of functions that return status codes indicating success or failure of an operation. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 19 V. Using CoCo Crypto functions and objects This section describes usage policies for the functions and objects exposed by the header files in the CoCo Crypto Module and implemented in the cocoCrypto DLL. 1. Usage Requirements To ensure secure operation, when accessing the module, the user must only call those functions and instantiate those objects that have public definitions in the cocoCrypto header files. 2. Usage restrictions by role and API section Both the User and the Crypto Officer have equal access to all services offered by the module. As a software module, CoCo Crypto’s services are defined as the functions exposed by the cocoCrypto DLL. Please refer to Appendix A for a full listing of every function offered by the module. The user may wish to adhere to additional usage restrictions based on the section of the API in which a function appears. The cocoCrypto API is divided into three sections. 1. Primary Functions 2. Advanced Functions 3. Abstraction Functions The first, “Primary Functions”, contains implementations of cryptographic algorithms as well as support functions necessary to invoke those implementations. This section is of predominant interest to a user of CoCo Crypto who wishes to leverage the library’s cryptographic capabilities, and therefore is the section that received focus during the FIPS validation process. In order to ensure FIPS compliance, the user should only call functions from the “Primary Functions” section, and should avoid calling “Advanced Functions” and “Abstraction Functions” while in FIPS mode. 3. Application Programming Interface The document API Reference for the CoCo Crypto Module contains calling conventions and usage instructions for every function offered by the cocoCrypto library. Please consult that document for detailed function-by- function usage information. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 20 4. Cryptographic Key Management a. Sensitive values used internally by the module This section lists all keys and other cryptographically sensitive data that CoCo Crypto uses for its operation. Name / Summary Integrity Check HMAC Key FIPS Rand Seed Keys FIPS Rand Seed Usage Used to compute HMAC signed hash of the cocoCrypto DLL file for power-on self-test. When cocoCrypto DLL loads, it performs an integrity check by computing a signed hash of its DLL file and comparing against a known value. Used in setting up and running the FIPS PRNG (a 2- Key Triple DES algorithm) Used in seeding the FIPS PRNG Parameter Type HMAC-SHA1 key Two 2-Key Triple DES keys Plain in-memory byte array Size 104 bits 128 bits total (64 bits per key) 64 bits Storage Plaintext, hard-coded inside DLL binary file Not placed in persistent storage (volatile RAM only) Not placed in persistent storage (volatile RAM only) Methods permitted to User Zeroize Zeroize Write, Zeroize Methods permitted to Crypto Officer Zeroize Zeroize Write, Zeroize Methods to write value None None RAND_seed() Methods to read value None None None Methods to zeroize value Erase the DLL file (see section V.4.c of this document) Power down the host machine to clear RAM Power down the host machine to clear RAM coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 21 Name / Summary AES Key Objects DSA Key Objects DH Keys Objects Parameter Type AES keys DSA keypairs DH keypairs Size 128-, 192-, or 256-bits 1024-bit in FIPS mode; less than 1024 bits in non-FIPS mode 1024- to 15360- bits in FIPS mode; less than 1024 bits in non-FIPS mode Storage Ephemerally in volatile RAM Ephemerally in volatile RAM Ephemerally in volatile RAM Methods permitted to User Zeroize Zeroize Zeroize Methods permitted to Crypto Officer Zeroize Zeroize Zeroize Methods to write value None None None Methods to read value None None None Methods to zeroize value Power down the host machine to clear RAM Power down the host machine to clear RAM Power down the host machine to clear RAM b. Key-Handling Functions This subsection lists the functions that the module provides for generating, computing, and re-formatting cryptographic keys. For details on the proper usage of each function listed in this subsection, the reader should consult the Application Programming Interface documentation. i. Key Generation Except for the HMAC key used in the self-test, the module does not perform persistent storage of any cryptographic keys. When a user generates or accesses a key using cocoCrypto functions, that key initially exists only in volatile memory. It is up to the user to use the key and then discard it or to store it securely as appropriate to the user’s needs. All cryptographic key generation methods offered by the cocoCrypto library are listed in Appendix A, “Key Generation” section. ii. Key Serialization and De-serialization In addition to computing or generating new keys, the module also provides means by which to serialize and de-serialize existing data structures containing key information. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 22 The core functions that perform serialization and de-serialization of potentially sensitive cryptographic information are listed in Appendix A, “Serialization” section, and Appendix A, “Deserialization” section, respectively. In addition to these core serialization and de-serialization functions, the user can also induce the serialization or the de-serialization of cryptographic keys indirectly by using the X.509 API. Functions that operate on X.509 certificates do not contain their own implementations of serialization and de-serialization, but rather rely on the functions already mentioned in the above sections of Appendix A; the exact underlying function that any given X.509-handling function invokes depends on the contents of the X.509 certificate and the kinds of keys used therein. The X.509 serialization and de-serialization functions are listed in Appendix A, “X.509 Serialization” section, and Appendix A., “X.509 Deserialization” section, respectively. c. Zeroization This section describes the mechanisms available to a user for discarding cryptographic keys once a user is finished with them. i. Zeroizing Keys in Storage The only key that the cocoCrypto module stores on disk is the HMAC key used in its integrity test. A system administrator (or a User or Crypto Officer with write permissions on the host machine’s file system granted by the host’s system administrator) can zero out this HMAC key by overwriting and deleting the DLL file in which the key is embedded. A very effective way to do this on a Linux system is to use the GNU “shred” utility. This utility is part of the GNU coreutils package, and is available on all supported versions of Linux. From a command prompt, the user can zeroize the key using the following command: shred -f –z -u /opt/coco/lib/ On Windows, Microsoft offers a utility called SDelete to perform a comparable level of data elimination. The following table lists information about SDelete and how to use it for the specific task of zeroing out cocoCrypto’s keys. Platform Windows XP Tool Name SDelete Current Version 1.51 Provider Microsoft Corporation, through Windows SysInternals URL mspx Notes This utility explicitly implements the Department of Defense clearing and sanitizing standard DOD 5220.22-M. Usage 1. Install the SDelete executable file into a directory. 2. Open a command prompt window. 3. Change your current working directory to the one in which you installed SDelete. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 23 4. Execute the command: sdelete c:\WINDOWS\system32\cocoCrypto.dll ii. Zeroizing Keys in Memory The CoCo Crypto Module passes keys that it has generated or computed back to the user in the form of in-memory data structures. The user can explicitly zero out these keys with a call to the memset() function from the standard C library. Because in-memory data exists in volatile RAM, any such keys will also be zeroed out if a system administrator powers down the host machine. The module also provides functions to explicitly zero out keys in memory. These functions are listed in Appendix A, “Key Zeroization and Destruction” section. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 24 5. Pseudorandom Number Generation Pseudorandom number generation is an important part of secure operation. Because almost every key generation algorithm relies on the system’s pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), this component warrants some additional discussion within this section. a. Strength of Key Generation Methods The CoCo Crypto Module implements a FIPS-approved 2-key Triple DES algorithm as a PRNG for use in cryptographic key generation. The module’s various key generation functions in turn call the function RAND_bytes() to invoke the PRNG to produce random values from which to construct keys. The module bootstraps this PRNG using an SSLeay RNG algorithm. The SSLeay RNG generates the PRNG’s two Triple DES keys and a seeding vector. By FIPS calculations, the two Triple DES keys together account for 80 bits of entropy, while the seed is 64 bits long. This means that the SSLeay RNG initializes the PRNG with a total of 144 bits of entropy. The Triple DES algorithm that drives the PRNG only produces 64 bits of output at a time before changing the seed value. Because this is less than the 144 bits of entropy with which the PRNG is initialized, CoCo Crypto’s initialization mechanism for the FIPS-approved PRNG provides the PRNG with adequate strength to produce secure keys. The SSLeay RNG, in turn, uses a continuous self-test to verify that it is producing adequately unpredictable values. This self-test consists of comparing each value output by the SSLeay RNG with the previous one; if the two prove equal, the SSLeay RNG reports an error. If such an error occurs while the CoCo Crypto Module is loading, during the process of bootstrapping the FIPS-approved PRNG, then it is treated as a fatal error; the module will fail to load, and will immediately terminate the calling application. In this manner, the user always has assurance that, upon successful entry into FIPS mode, the PRNG has adequate entropy to perform key generation. b. Protection Against Weak Seeding When the module enters FIPS mode (i.e. when the DLL is loaded), the SSLeay RNG algorithm bootstraps the PRNG by generating two 64-bit Triple DES keys and a 64-bit initial seeding vector. CoCo Crypto ensures that all three of these 64-bit values are unique. It compares the two keys against one another, and then compares the seed against each of the keys. If any two of these three values match, CoCo Crypto treats it as a fatal error; the module will fail to load, and will immediately terminate the calling application. In this manner, the user always has assurance that, upon successful entry into FIPS mode, the PRNG has been initialized with strong seeding parameters. coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 25 In addition, as noted in section V.4.a, the user has the ability to call the function RAND_seed() to write seed values to the FIPS-approved PRNG. Because the module uses a 2-key Triple DES algorithm for a PRNG, it is possible that the user may try to input a value that is equal to one of the two keys used for the Triple DES algorithm, which would weaken the PRNG’s effectiveness. The module’s function RAND_seed() performs a comparison check to safeguard against this eventuality. When the user tries to set the PRNG’s seed to some value, the module performs a comparison of the requested seed value to each of the two keys. If the requested seed value matches either of the two keys, the module will not set the PRNG’s seed to that value. Instead, it will zero out the memory buffer with which the user passed the requested seed value into the function, signaling to the user that an error has occurred and to try a different seed value. VI. Service Information If you have questions that this document does not answer to your satisfaction, please feel free to contact CoCo Communications Corporation at 1-206-284-9387, or toll-free at 1-866-657-COCO. Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 26 Appendix A: Function Catalog This section lists all of the functions available through the CoCo Crypto Module. Each of the listed functions has a corresponding entry point in the cocoCrypto library and a declaration in the header files distributed with the module. Please refer to the document API Reference for the CoCo Crypto Module for more information. Each function listed in this section (i.e. all functions in the module) can be accessed by the User, the Crypto Officer, or both. The tables in this section list each function’s availability to the User (under the “Usr” column) and Crypto Officer (under the “Crp Ofc” column) roles. For the Primary Functions in the API, this function catalog also lists the following information about a function, as appropriate. (This function catalog does not list this information for the Advanced Functions since they do not contain cryptographic implementations, nor for the Abstraction Functions since, by design, those functions can perform a number of different cryptographic operations or use a variety of encoding formats based on their arguments.) • For functions that contain implementations of specific algorithms, the relevant algorithm is specified. This applies also to functions that generate, destroy, save, and load keys for specific algorithms. The possible values for the “Algorithm” (or “Algo”) column are “AES” for AES, “DH” for Diffie-Hellman, “SHA1” for SHA-1, “HMAC” for HMAC, and “PRNG” for the 2-key Triple-DES pseudorandom number generator. • Functions that perform serialization or de-serialization of cryptographic keys (or of data structures that can contain cryptographic keys) are specified as such, using the terms “SAVE” and “LOAD”, respectively, in the “Save/Load” column. • Functions that perform serialization or de-serialization (as mentioned in the bullet point above) are labeled with the format in which they read or write data. This will be either “PEM” for PEM encoding, “DER” for DER encoding, or “TEXT” for human-readable hexadecimal text, in the “Format” or “Fmt” column. Primary Functions Core Cryptographic Functions Key Generation Function Name Algo Usr Crp Ofc AES_set_decrypt_key AES Yes Yes coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 27 AES_set_encrypt_key AES Yes Yes DH_check DH Yes Yes DH_compute_key DH Yes Yes DH_generate_key DH Yes Yes DH_generate_parameters DH Yes Yes DH_new DH Yes Yes DH_size DH Yes Yes DH_up_ref DH Yes Yes DSA_generate_key DSA Yes Yes DSA_generate_parameters DSA Yes Yes DSA_new DSA Yes Yes DSA_size DSA Yes Yes DSA_up_ref DSA Yes Yes HMAC_CTX_init HMA C Yes Yes Key Zeroization and Destruction Function Name Algo Usr Crp Ofc DH_free DH Yes Yes DSA_free DSA Yes Yes HMAC_CTX_cleanup HMA C Yes Yes Cryptographic Algorithms Function Name Algo Usr Crp Ofc AES_cfb128_encrypt AES Yes Yes AES_decrypt AES Yes Yes AES_encrypt AES Yes Yes DSA_sign DSA Yes Yes DSA_verify DSA Yes Yes HMAC_Final HMA C Yes Yes HMAC_Init_ex HMA C Yes Yes HMAC_Update HMA C Yes Yes RAND_bytes PRNG Yes Yes RAND_seed PRNG Yes Yes SHA1_Final SHA1 Yes Yes SHA1_Init SHA1 Yes Yes SHA1_Update SHA1 Yes Yes Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 28 Storing and Loading Cryptographic Information Serialization Function Name Alg o Fmt Save/ Load Us r Cr p Ofc DHparams_print DH TEX T SAVE Yes Yes DSA_print DSA TEX T SAVE Yes Yes DSAparams_print DSA TEX T SAVE Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_DHparams DH PEM SAVE Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_DSAPrivateKey DSA PEM SAVE Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_DSA_PUBKEY DSA PEM SAVE Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_DSAparams DSA PEM SAVE Yes Yes i2d_DSAPrivateKey_bio DSA DER SAVE Yes Yes i2d_DSA_PUBKEY_bio DSA DER SAVE Yes Yes Deserialization Function Name Alg o Fmt Save/ Load Us r Cr p Ofc PEM_read_bio_DHparams DH PE M LOAD Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_DSAPrivateKey DSA PE M LOAD Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_DSA_PUBKEY DSA PE M LOAD Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_DSAparams DSA PE M LOAD Yes Yes d2i_DSAPrivateKey_bio DSA DER LOAD Yes Yes d2i_DSA_PUBKEY_bio DSA DER LOAD Yes Yes Basic Support Functions Mathematics Data Structures Function Name Us r Crp Ofc ASN1_INTEGER_free Yes Yes ASN1_INTEGER_get Yes Yes ASN1_INTEGER_new Yes Yes ASN1_INTEGER_set Yes Yes ASN1_INTEGER_to_BN Yes Yes ASN1_TIME_free Yes Yes ASN1_TIME_new Yes Yes ASN1_TIME_set Yes Yes coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 29 ASN1_UTCTIME_print Yes Yes BN_bin2bn Yes Yes BN_bn2bin Yes Yes BN_bn2dec Yes Yes BN_bn2hex Yes Yes BN_clear Yes Yes BN_clear_free Yes Yes BN_cmp Yes Yes BN_copy Yes Yes BN_dec2bn Yes Yes BN_dup Yes Yes BN_free Yes Yes BN_hex2bn Yes Yes BN_init Yes Yes BN_new Yes Yes BN_num_bits Yes Yes BN_print Yes Yes BN_swap Yes Yes BN_to_ASN1_INTEGER Yes Yes BN_value_one Yes Yes X509_gmtime_adj Yes Yes X509_time_adj Yes Yes Basic Input and Output Operations Function Name Us r Crp Ofc BIO_free Yes Yes BIO_gets Yes Yes BIO_new_fd Yes Yes BIO_new_file Yes Yes BIO_new_fp Yes Yes BIO_new_mem_buf Yes Yes BIO_puts Yes Yes BIO_read Yes Yes BIO_write Yes Yes Library Information Functions Function Name Us r Crp Ofc ERR_error_string Yes Yes ERR_error_string_n Yes Yes ERR_free_strings Yes Yes ERR_func_error_string Yes Yes ERR_get_error Yes Yes ERR_lib_error_string Yes Yes ERR_load_crypto_strings Yes Yes Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 30 ERR_print_errors Yes Yes ERR_reason_error_string Yes Yes getCocoCryptoVersion Yes Yes Advanced Functions The functions listed under this heading may not be used in FIPS mode. Advanced Input and Output Operations Function Name Us r Crp Ofc BIO_callback_ctrl Yes Yes BIO_copy_next_retry Yes Yes BIO_ctrl Yes Yes BIO_ctrl_get_read_request Yes Yes BIO_ctrl_get_write_guarantee Yes Yes BIO_ctrl_pending Yes Yes BIO_ctrl_reset_read_request Yes Yes BIO_ctrl_wpending Yes Yes BIO_debug_callback Yes Yes BIO_dump Yes Yes BIO_dump_indent Yes Yes BIO_dup_chain Yes Yes BIO_f_base64 Yes Yes BIO_f_buffer Yes Yes BIO_f_cipher Yes Yes BIO_f_md Yes Yes BIO_f_null Yes Yes BIO_find_type Yes Yes BIO_free_all Yes Yes BIO_get_retry_BIO Yes Yes BIO_get_retry_reason Yes Yes BIO_int_ctrl Yes Yes BIO_new Yes Yes BIO_next Yes Yes BIO_pop Yes Yes BIO_ptr_ctrl Yes Yes BIO_push Yes Yes BIO_s_bio Yes Yes BIO_s_fd Yes Yes BIO_s_file Yes Yes BIO_s_mem Yes Yes BIO_s_null Yes Yes BIO_set Yes Yes BIO_set_cipher Yes Yes coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 31 Mathematical Operations Function Name Us r Crp Ofc BN_CTX_free Yes Yes BN_CTX_init Yes Yes BN_CTX_new Yes Yes BN_add Yes Yes BN_add_word Yes Yes BN_clear_bit Yes Yes BN_div Yes Yes BN_div_word Yes Yes BN_generate_prime Yes Yes BN_get_word Yes Yes BN_is_bit_set Yes Yes BN_is_prime Yes Yes BN_lshift Yes Yes BN_mask_bits Yes Yes BN_mod_word Yes Yes BN_mul Yes Yes BN_mul_word Yes Yes BN_rshift Yes Yes BN_set_bit Yes Yes BN_set_word Yes Yes BN_sqr Yes Yes BN_sub Yes Yes BN_sub_word Yes Yes Memory and Data Structure Management Functions Function Name Us r Crp Ofc CRYPTO_free Yes Yes CRYPTO_malloc Yes Yes sk_delete Yes Yes sk_delete_ptr Yes Yes sk_dup Yes Yes sk_find Yes Yes sk_free Yes Yes sk_insert Yes Yes sk_is_sorted Yes Yes sk_new Yes Yes sk_new_null Yes Yes sk_num Yes Yes sk_pop Yes Yes sk_pop_free Yes Yes sk_push Yes Yes Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 32 sk_set Yes Yes sk_set_cmp_func Yes Yes sk_shift Yes Yes sk_sort Yes Yes sk_unshift Yes Yes sk_value Yes Yes sk_zero Yes Yes Abstraction Functions The functions listed under this heading may not be used in FIPS mode. EVP Functions EVP Digest Functions EVP Digest Algorithm Specifiers Function Name Us r Crp Ofc EVP_dss1 Yes Yes EVP_get_digestbyname Yes Yes EVP_sha1 Yes Yes EVP Digest Context Management Function Name Us r Crp Ofc EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup Yes Yes EVP_MD_CTX_create Yes Yes EVP_MD_CTX_destroy Yes Yes EVP_MD_CTX_init Yes Yes EVP Digest Operations Function Name Us r Crp Ofc EVP_Digest Yes Yes EVP_DigestFinal_ex Yes Yes EVP_DigestInit_ex Yes Yes EVP_DigestUpdate Yes Yes EVP_SignFinal Yes Yes EVP_VerifyFinal Yes Yes EVP Cipher Functions EVP Key Handling Functions Function Name Us r Crp Ofc EVP_PKEY_assign Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_bits Yes Yes coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 33 EVP_PKEY_cmp_parameters Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_copy_parameters Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_free Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_get1_DH Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_missing_parameters Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_new Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_save_parameters Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_set1_DH Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_set1_DSA Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_size Yes Yes EVP_PKEY_type Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_PrivateKey Yes Yes EVP Cipher Algorithm Specifiers Function Name Us r Crp Ofc EVP_CIPHER_type Yes Yes EVP_aes_256_cfb128 Yes Yes EVP_get_cipherbyname Yes Yes EVP Cipher Context Management Function Name Us r Crp Ofc EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup Yes Yes EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init Yes Yes EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length Yes Yes EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding Yes Yes EVP Cipher Context Operations Function Name Us r Crp Ofc EVP_CipherFinal_ex Yes Yes EVP_CipherInit_ex Yes Yes EVP_CipherUpdate Yes Yes EVP_DecryptFinal_ex Yes Yes EVP_DecryptInit_ex Yes Yes EVP_DecryptUpdate Yes Yes EVP_EncryptFinal_ex Yes Yes EVP_EncryptInit_ex Yes Yes EVP_EncryptUpdate Yes Yes EVP_OpenFinal Yes Yes EVP_OpenInit Yes Yes EVP_OpenUpdate Yes Yes Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 34 EVP_SealFinal Yes Yes EVP_SealInit Yes Yes EVP_SealUpdate Yes Yes EVP Subsystem Support Function Name Us r Crp Ofc ENGINE_by_id Yes Yes ENGINE_cleanup Yes Yes ENGINE_finish Yes Yes ENGINE_free Yes Yes ENGINE_init Yes Yes ENGINE_load_builtin_engines Yes Yes ENGINE_register_all_ciphers Yes Yes ENGINE_register_all_digests Yes Yes OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_conf Yes Yes OPENSSL_add_all_algorithms_noconf Yes Yes X.509 Certificate Functions X.509 Data Structure Creation and Initialization Function Name Us r Crp Ofc NCONF_WIN32 Yes Yes NCONF_default Yes Yes NCONF_new Yes Yes X509V3_EXT_add_nconf Yes Yes X509V3_set_ctx Yes Yes X509V3_set_nconf Yes Yes X509_EXTENSION_dup Yes Yes X509_EXTENSION_new Yes Yes X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID Yes Yes X509_NAME_add_entry_by_txt Yes Yes X509_NAME_delete_entry Yes Yes X509_NAME_dup Yes Yes X509_NAME_new Yes Yes X509_REQ_new Yes Yes X509_REQ_set_pubkey Yes Yes X509_REQ_set_subject_name Yes Yes X509_REQ_set_version Yes Yes X509_STORE_CTX_init Yes Yes X509_STORE_CTX_new Yes Yes X509_STORE_CTX_set_time Yes Yes X509_STORE_add_cert Yes Yes X509_STORE_new Yes Yes X509_add1_ext_i2d Yes Yes coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 35 X509_add_ext Yes Yes X509_dup Yes Yes X509_new Yes Yes X509_set_issuer_name Yes Yes X509_set_notAfter Yes Yes X509_set_notBefore Yes Yes X509_set_pubkey Yes Yes X509_set_serialNumber Yes Yes X509_set_subject_name Yes Yes X509_set_version Yes Yes X.509 Data Structure Inspection Function Name Us r Crp Ofc NCONF_get_number_e Yes Yes NCONF_get_section Yes Yes NCONF_get_string Yes Yes OBJ_ln2nid Yes Yes OBJ_nid2ln Yes Yes OBJ_nid2obj Yes Yes OBJ_nid2sn Yes Yes OBJ_obj2nid Yes Yes OBJ_sn2nid Yes Yes OBJ_txt2nid Yes Yes OBJ_txt2obj Yes Yes X509V3_EXT_get_nid Yes Yes X509_NAME_cmp Yes Yes X509_NAME_entry_count Yes Yes X509_NAME_get_entry Yes Yes X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID Yes Yes X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID Yes Yes X509_REQ_get_pubkey Yes Yes X509_cmp Yes Yes X509_find_by_issuer_and_serial Yes Yes X509_find_by_subject Yes Yes X509_get_issuer_name Yes Yes X509_get_pubkey Yes Yes X509_get_serialNumber Yes Yes X509_get_subject_name Yes Yes X509_verify_cert_error_string Yes Yes X.509 Data Structure Destruction Function Name Us r Crp Ofc NCONF_free Yes Yes NCONF_free_data Yes Yes X509_EXTENSION_free Yes Yes Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 36 X509_INFO_free Yes Yes X509_NAME_free Yes Yes X509_REQ_free Yes Yes X509_STORE_CTX_free Yes Yes X509_STORE_free Yes Yes X509_free Yes Yes X.509 Serialization Function Name Us r Crp Ofc NCONF_dump_bio Yes Yes PEM_X509_INFO_write_bio Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_X509 Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_X509_AUX Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ Yes Yes PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW Yes Yes X509V3_EXT_print Yes Yes X509_NAME_oneline Yes Yes X509_NAME_print Yes Yes X509_NAME_print_ex Yes Yes X509_REQ_print Yes Yes X509_REQ_print_ex Yes Yes X509_print Yes Yes X509_print_ex Yes Yes i2d_X509_REQ_bio Yes Yes i2d_X509_bio Yes Yes X.509 Deserialization Function Name Us r Crp Ofc NCONF_load Yes Yes NCONF_load_bio Yes Yes PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_X509 Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL Yes Yes PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ Yes Yes d2i_X509_REQ_bio Yes Yes d2i_X509_bio Yes Yes X.509 Cryptographic Operations Function Name Us r Crp Ofc X509_NAME_digest Yes Yes X509_REQ_digest Yes Yes X509_REQ_sign Yes Yes coco communications Security Policy for the CoCo Crypto Module v1.0 37 X509_REQ_to_X509 Yes Yes X509_REQ_verify Yes Yes X509_check_private_key Yes Yes X509_check_trust Yes Yes X509_digest Yes Yes X509_pubkey_digest Yes Yes X509_sign Yes Yes X509_to_X509_REQ Yes Yes X509_verify Yes Yes X509_verify_cert Yes Yes