Oct 01, 2015 1 FIPS 140‐2 Security Policy for: Toshiba TCG Enterprise SSC Self-Encrypting Hard Disk Drive (AL14SEQ model) TOSHIBA CORPORATION Rev 1.0.0 Oct 01, 2015 2 TOSHIBA TCG ENTERPRISE SSC SELF-ENCRYPTING HARD DISK DRIVE..................................... 1 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................ 3 ACRONYMS............................................................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 1 – MODULE SPECIFICATION............................................................................................... 5 SECTION 1.1 – PRODUCT VERSION ...................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 2 – ROLES SERVICES AND AUTHENTICATION.................................................................. 5 SECTION 2.1 – SERVICES ....................................................................................................................... 6 SECTION 3 – PHYSICAL SECURITY ...................................................................................................... 7 SECTION 4 – OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT..................................................................................... 8 SECTION 5 – KEY MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................... 9 SECTION 6 – SELF TESTS....................................................................................................................... 9 SECTION 7 – DESIGN ASSURANCE....................................................................................................... 9 SECTION 8 – MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS............................................................................... 10 Oct 01, 2015 3 Overview The Toshiba TCG Enterprise SSC Self-Encrypting Hard Disk Drive (AL14SEQ18/12/09EQB, AL14SEQ18/12/09EPB) is used for hard disk drive data security. This Cryptographic Module (CM) provides various cryptographic services using FIPS approved algorithms. Services include hardware-based data encryption, cryptographic erase, and FW download. This CM is a multiple-chip embedded, and the physical boundary of the CM is the entire HDD. The physical interface for power-supply and communication is one SAS connector. The CM is connected with host system by SAS cable. The logical interface is the SAS, TCG SWG, and Enterprise SSC. The CM has the non-volatile storage area for not only user data but also the keys, CSPs, and FW. The latter storage area is called the “system area”, which is not logically accessible / addressable by the host application. Section Level 1. Cryptographic Module Specification 2 2. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 3. Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 4. Finite State Model 2 5. Physical Security 2 6. Operational Environment N/A 7. Cryptographic Key Management 2 8. EMI/EMC 2 9. Self‐Tests 2 10. Design Assurance 2 11. Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 2 Table 1 ‐ Security Level Detail Interface Ports Data Input SAS connector Control Input SAS connector Data Output SAS connector Status Output SAS connector Power Input SAS connector Table 1-1 ‐ Physical/Logical Port Mapping This document is non-proprietary and may be reproduced in its original entirety. Acronyms AES Advanced Encryption Standard CM Cryptographic Module CSP Critical Security Parameter DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator EDC Error Detection Code FW Firmware Oct 01, 2015 4 HMAC Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication code KAT Known Answer Test LBA Logical Block Address MSID Manufactured SID NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator PCB Printed Circuit Board POST Power on Self-Test PSID Printed SID SED Self-Encrypting Drive SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SID Security ID Oct 01, 2015 5 Section 1 – Module Specification The CM has one FIPS 140 approved mode of operation and CM is always in approved mode of operation. The CM provides services defined in Section 2.1 and other non-security related services. Section 1.1 – Product Version The Toshiba Enterprise SSC Self-Encrypting Hard Disk Drive has been validated: HW version: A0 with AL14SEQ18EQB, AL14SEQ12EQB, AL14SEQ09EQB, AL14SEQ18EPB, AL14SEQ12EPB, AL14SEQ09EPB FW version: 0101 AL14SEQxxEQB is 512 byte emulation sector drive. AL14SEQxxEPB is 4K sector drive. Section 2 – Roles Services and Authentication This section describes roles, authentication method, and strength of authentication. Role Name Role Type Type of Authentication Authentication Authentication Strength Multi Attempt strength EraseMaster Crypto Officer Role PIN 1/248 < 1/1,000,000 15,000 / 248 < 1 / 100,000 SID Crypto Officer Role PIN 1/248 < 1/1,000,000 15,000 / 248 < 1 / 100,000 BandMaster0 User Role PIN 1/248 < 1/1,000,000 15,000 / 248 < 1 / 100,000 BandMaster1 User Role PIN 1/248 < 1/1,000,000 15,000 / 248 < 1 / 100,000 … … … … … … BandMaster8 User Role PIN 1/248 < 1/1,000,000 15,000 / 248 < 1 / 100,000 Table 2 Identification and Authentication Policy Per the security policy rules, the minimum PIN length is 6 bytes. Therefore the probability that a random attempt will succeed is 1/248 < 1,000,000 (the CM accepts any value (0x00-0xFF) as each byte of PIN). The CM waits 5msec when authentication attempt fails, so the maximum number of authentication attempts is 12,000 times in 1 min. Therefore the probability that random attempts in 1min will succeed is 12,000 / 248 < 1 / 100,000. Oct 01, 2015 6 Section 2.1 – Services This section describes services which the CM provides. Service Description Role(s) Keys & CSPs RWX(Read, Write,eXecute ) Algorithm(CAVP Certification Number) Method Band Lock/Unlock Block or allow read (decrypt) / write (encrypt) of user data in a band. Locking also requires read/write locking to be enabled BandMaster0 … BandMaster8 N/A N/A N/A SECURITY PROTOCOL IN(TCG Set Method Result) Cryptographic Erase Erase user data (in cryptographic means) by changing the data encryption key EraseMaster MEK(s) W Hash_DRBG(#895) SECURITY PROTOCOL IN(TCG Erase Method Result) RKey X AES256-CBC(#3537) Data read/write(decr ypt/encrypt) Encryption / decryption of unlocked user data to/from band None MEKs X AES256-XTS(#3538) SCSI READ/WRITE Commands Firmware Download Enable / Disable firmware download and load a complete firmware image, and save it. If the code passes "Firmware load test", the device is reset and will run with the new code. SID PubKey X RSASSA-PKCS#-v1_ 5(#1818) SECURITY PROTOCOL IN(TCG Set Method Result), SCSI WRITE BUFFER RandomNumbe r generation Provide a random number generated by the CM None Seed R Hash_DRBG(#895) SECURITY PROTOCOL IN(TCG Random Method Result) Reset(run POSTs) Runs POSTs and delete CSPs in RAM None N/A N/A N/A Power on reset Set band position and size Set the location and size of the LBA range BandMaster0 … BandMaster8 N/A N/A N/A SECURITY PROTOCOL IN(TCG Set Method Result) Set PIN Setting PIN (authentication data) All for their PIN RKey X AES256-CBC(#3537) SECURITY PROTOCOL IN(TCG Set Method Result) SHA256(#2916) Show Status Report status of the CM None N/A N/A N/A SCSI REQUEST SENSE Zeroization Erase user data in all bands by changing the data encryption key, initialize range settings, and reset PINs for TCG None1 RKey X,W AES256-CBC(#3537) SECURITY PROTOCOL IN(TCG RevertSP Method Result) MEKs W Hash_DRBG(#895) PIN W Table 3 – FIPS Approved services Algorithm CAVP Certification Number AES256-CBC #3537 AES256-XTS #3538 SHA256 #2916 RSASSA-PKCS#1-v1_5 #1818 Hash_DRBG #895 Table 4 ‐ FIPS Approved Algorithms Algorithm Description NDRNG Software RNG used to seed the approved Hash_DRBG. Minimum entropy of 8 bits is 7.28. Table 4-1 ‐ Non-FIPS Approved Algorithms 1 Need to input PSID, which is public drive-unique value used for the TCG RevertSP method. Oct 01, 2015 7 Section 3 – Physical Security The CM has the following physical security:  Production-grade components with standard passivation  Three tamper-evident security seals are applied to the CM in factory  One opaque and tamper-evident security seal (PCB SEAL) is applied to PCB of the CM. This seal prevents an attacker to remove the PCB and survey electronic design  Two tamper-evident security seals (TOP SEAL 1 and TOP SEAL 2) are applied to top cover of the CM. These seals prevent top cover removal  Exterior of the drive is opaque  The tamper-evident security seals cannot be penetrated or removed and reapplied without tamper-evidence The operator is required to inspect the CM periodically for one or more of the following tamper evidence. If the operator discovers tamper evidence, the CM should be removed. Oct 01, 2015 8  Message “VOID” on security seal or top plate  Text on security seals does not match original  Cutting line on security seal  Security seal cutouts do not match original Section 4 – Operational Environment Operational Environment requirements are not applicable because the CM operates in a “non-modifiable”, that is the CM cannot be modified and no code can be added or deleted. Oct 01, 2015 9 Section 5 – Key Management The CM uses keys and CSPs in the following table. Key/CSP Length Type Zeroize Method Establishment Output Persistence/Storage BandMaster/Erase Master/SID PINs 256 PIN Zeroization service Electronic input No SHA digest/System Area MEKs 512 Symmetric Zeroization service DRBG No Encrypted by RKey / System Area MSID 256 Public N/A(Public) Manufacturing Output: Host can retrieve Plain / System Area PubKey 2048 Public N/A(Public) Manufacturing No Plain / System Area RKey 256 Symmetric Zeroization service DRBG No Obfuscated(Plain in FIPS means) / System Area Seed 440 DRBG seed Power-Off Entropy collected from NDRNG at Power-On No Plain/RAM Note that there is no security-relevant audit feature and audit data. Section 6 – Self Tests The CM runs self-tests in the following table. Function Self-Test Type Abstract Firmware Integrity Check Power-On EDC 32-bit FW SHA256 Power-On Digest KAT AES(AES CBC) Power-On Encrypt and Decrypt KAT AES(AES XTS) Power-On Encrypt and Decrypt KAT FW Hash_DRBG Power-On DRBG KAT FW RSASSA-PKCS#-v1_5 Power-On Signature verification KAT FW Hash_DRBG Conditional Verify newly generated random number not equal to previous one NDRNG Conditional Verify newly generated random number not equal to previous one Firmware load test Conditional Verify signature of downloaded firmware image by RSASSA-PKCS#-v1_5 When the CM continuously enters in error state in spite of several trials of reboot, the CM may be sent back to factory to recover from error state. Section 7 – Design Assurance Refer to the guidance document provided with the CM. Oct 01, 2015 10 Section 8 – Mitigation of Other Attacks The CM does not mitigate other attacks beyond the scope of FIPS 140-2 requirements.