Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. 7F Qiming International Mansion, No.101, Wangjing Lize Middle Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R.China, 100102 Phone : (8610)6472 2288 (8610)8047 8166 Email : Website : WatchKey ProX USB Token Cryptographic Module Hardware Version: K023314A Firmware Version: 36410101 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Policy Version 1.0.2 Last Updated: 2015-06-11 © Copyright Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation 2015. This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety without revision, including this copyright notice. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 3 of 43 Table of contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 5 2 Cryptographic Module Specification....................................................................................... 6 2.1 Module Overview .......................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Cryptographic Module Description................................................................................ 6 2.3 Block Diagram .............................................................................................................. 8 2.4 Cryptographic Module Security Level ........................................................................... 9 2.5 Approved Mode(s) of operation..................................................................................... 9 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces.......................................................................... 14 4 Roles, Services and Authentication ...................................................................................... 15 4.1 Roles........................................................................................................................... 15 4.2 Services ...................................................................................................................... 15 4.3 Operator Authentication ............................................................................................. 24 4.3.1 Authentication in Manufacture stage................................................................. 24 4.3.2 Authentication in Issue stage ............................................................................ 25 4.3.3 Authentication in Application Stage................................................................... 25 4.3.4 Security Rules for PINs ...................................................................................... 25 4.4 Password Strength...................................................................................................... 25 4.4.1 Initializing Module/Application Key .................................................................... 25 4.4.2 User and Security Officer Password................................................................... 25 5 Physical Security .................................................................................................................. 27 6 Operational Environment ..................................................................................................... 28 7 Key Management ................................................................................................................. 29 7.1 Random Number Generator........................................................................................ 30 7.2 Key Generation ........................................................................................................... 30 7.3 Key Entry and Output ................................................................................................. 31 7.4 Key Storage, Protection and Destruction .................................................................... 32 8 EMI/EMC ............................................................................................................................... 36 9 Self-Tests ............................................................................................................................. 37 9.1 Power-Up Tests ........................................................................................................... 37 9.1.1 Integrity Test ..................................................................................................... 37 9.1.2 Cryptographic algorithm KAT ............................................................................ 37 9.2 Conditional Tests ........................................................................................................ 38 9.2.1 Pair-wise consistency test ................................................................................. 38 9.2.2 Continuous DRBG test ....................................................................................... 38 10 Design Assurance............................................................................................................... 39 WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 4 of 43 10.1 Configuration Management ...................................................................................... 39 10.2 Guidance and Secure Operation ............................................................................... 39 10.2.1 Cryptographic Officer Guidance ...................................................................... 39 10.2.2 User Guidance ................................................................................................. 39 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks................................................................................................. 41 Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 42 Reference................................................................................................................................ 43 WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 5 of 43 1 Introduction This document is the non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the WatchKey ProX USB Token (“WatchKey”, “module” or “token”) cryptographic module manufactured by Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. It describes how the token meets the requirements as specified in FIPS PUB 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2) for a Security Level 3 multi-chip standalone hardware module. The security policy is required for FIPS 140-2 validation and is intended to be part of the package of documents that are submitted to Crypto Module Validation Program (CMVP). It describes the capabilities, protection, and access rights provided by the cryptographic module. It also contains a specification of the rules under which the module must operate in order to be in the FIPS mode. This security policy allows individuals and organizations to determine whether the cryptographic token meet their security requirements and to determine whether the module, as implemented, satisfies the stated security policy. The targeted audience of this document consists of, but not limited to, the WatchKey ProX users and its application developers, testers at the Cryptographic Services Testing (CST) lab, and reviewers from CMVP. The WatchKey ProX USB Token is a PKI-based client network security suite which contains both software and hardware to balance security with ease-to-use. It is a combination of cryptography, smartcard, and other advanced technologies. The WatchKey ProX USB Token is used as the carrier of keys and certificates, and the processor of cryptographic algorithms. The WatchKey ProX USB Token communicates with the computer via its USB interface and is opened to various applications including software protection, ID authentication, online transaction, digital security, etc. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 6 of 43 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 Module Overview The WatchKey ProX USB Token is a hardware cryptographic module validated against the FIPS 140-2 at security level 3. It is a USB-based PKI, two-factor authentication token device. It provides digital signature generation/verification for online authentications and data encryption/decryption for online transactions. The user’s private and public key pairs can be generated and stored on the embedded chip. WatchKey has 100K FLASH for the on-card file system. The user’s key pairs reside in the FLASH. The private key can never be exported. The implementation of FIPS-Approved cryptographic algorithms are tested under the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP) and have certificate numbers as specified in section 2.5 of this document. The WatchKey provides a USB interface that can connect the module to a General Purpose Computer (GPC) in a “plug and play” manner, which eliminates the need to install Smart Card Reader drivers. The WatchKey implements type A USB 2.0 (full speed) specifications and USB CCID (Circuit(s) Cards Interface Device) protocol which enables communicating with ISO/IEC 7816 smart cards over USB. The Module also embodies an internal SPI Flash simulating CD-ROM, which provides the software package of mini-driver and allows the user to have a convenient experience. 2.2 Cryptographic Module Description The cryptographic boundary of the module is defined as the entire WatchKey ProX USB Token itself. The physical boundary of the WatchKey ProX USB Token cryptographic module is defined as the opaque enclosure surrounding the token device as shown in the picture below. Figure 1. WatchKey ProX USB Token-4 angles The weight of the module is 7g and three dimension sizes of the module are approximately 52.1mm * 16.8mm * 7.9mm. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 7 of 43 The module components within the logical boundary of the WatchKey ProX USB Token are specified in Table 1. Component Type Part Number or File Name and Version Hardware Smart Card Chip AS518, K023314A Module Number K8 Firmware 36410101.bin( include Watchdata-FIPS-TimeCOS Hardware Cryptographic Library V1.0.0.2) Documentation Security Policy for WatchKey ProX USB Token V1.0.2 TimeCOS_PK Technique Manual V4.2 WatchKey ProX USB Token_User Guidance V1.0.1 WatchKey ProX USB Token _Finite State Module V1.10 WatchKey ProX USB Token_High Level Design V1.7 WatchKey ProX USB Token_Key Management Design V1.5 WatchKey ProX USB Token_Configuration Management Overview V1.1 WatchKey ProX USB Token_Configuration Output Detail List V1.0.0 Table 1. WatchKey ProX USB Token Cryptographic Module Components WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 8 of 43 2.3 Block Diagram Figure 2. WatchKey ProX USB Token Hardware Block Diagram Note: 100 K of 257K Flash is used for file system, and 157 K left is used for code storage. Figure 3. WatchKey ProX USB Token Logic Cryptographic Component Block Diagram WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 9 of 43 2.4 Cryptographic Module Security Level The module is validated as a multi-chip standalone hardware module against FIPS 140-2 at an overall Security Level 3. The following table shows the security level claimed for each of the eleven sections that comprise the FIPS 140-2: FIPS 140-2 Sections Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 2. Security Levels for Eleven Sections of the FIPS 140-2 Requirements 2.5 Approved Mode(s) of operation When the WatchKey ProX USB Token is plugged-in to a host PC, the module performs power- up self-test automatically. Once the successful completion of the power-up self-test, the module will enter FIPS mode automatically. In FIPS mode, the module provides the FIPS-Approved algorithms, along with RSA encrypt/decrypt with 2048-bit keys and HW RNG. RSA encrypt/decrypt are FIPS-Allowed algorithms to be used in FIPS mode for key wrapping (also known as key transport) as a method of key establishment. WatchKey uses RSA encrypt/decrypt to wrap data in transit. The HW RNG is a Non-Approved nondeterministic RNG implemented in the module for seeding the Approved DRBG. The WatchKey ProX USB Token implements the list of FIPS-Approved algorithms shown in Table 3 when operated in FIPS-mode. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 10 of 43 Algorithm w/modes Keys/CSPs Usage Standards Algorithm Certificate # AES (ECB, CBC,OFB) 128, 192, 256 bit keys Encryption/ Decryption FIPS 197 3196 Triple-DES (ECB,CBC,OFB) 3-key 168 bits Encryption/ Decryption SP 800-67 1822 CMAC (AES) 128, 192, 256 bit AES keys Calculate MAC (Generation/ Verification) SP 800-38B 3196 CMAC (Triple- DES) 3-key Triple-DES 168 bits Calculate MAC (Generation/ Verification) SP 800-38B 1822 RSA Key Generation Modulus sizes: 2048 Public Key values: 65537 Generate 2048 bits RSA Key pairs FIPS 186-4 1630 RSA (PKCS#1 1.5) Signature Generation Modulus sizes: 2048 Public Key values: 65537 Generate RSA signature with SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 RSA (PKCS#1 1.5) Signature Verification Modulus sizes: 1024, 2048 Public Key values: 65537 Verify RSA signature with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 ECDSA Key Generation P-256 Generate ECDSA Key pairs FIPS 186-4 585 ECDSA Public Key Validation P-192, P-256 Public Key Validation ECDSA Signautre Generation P-256 Generate ECDSA signature with SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 ECDSA Signautre Verification P-192, P-256 Verify ECDSA signature with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 11 of 43 Algorithm w/modes Keys/CSPs Usage Standards Algorithm Certificate # SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 (BYTE-only) N/A Hashing FIPS 180-4 2647 DRBG (Hash based with SHA-256) Entropy input string, seed, V and C Random number generation SP 800-90A 673 Table 3. FIPS-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms The module also supports non-compliant key size of FIPS-Approved algorithms in Non-FIPS Mode. When the Non-Approved services are called, the module will enter the Non-FIPS mode automatically with the Red LED on and Green LED off as Non-FIPS mode indicators. The module cannot switch back to FIPS mode unless the power-up self-tests is called again (i.e. the token is unplugged and then plug in the host again, or on-demand self-test APDU command is called.) The module does not share the non-compliant key pairs between FIPS and Non-FIPS mode, and the non-compliant key pairs are generated by the non-Approved HW RNG in non-FIPS mode. The Non-FIPS-Approved algorithms implemented by the WatchKey ProX USB Token are listed in Table 4. Algorithm w/modes Keys/CSPs Usage Operate in FIPS-mode HW RNG N/A Generate entropy bits for seeding the Approved DRBG Yes and No RSA Key Generation Modulus sizes: 1024 Public Key values: 65537 Generate 1024 RSA Key pairs No RSA (PKCS #1 1.5) Signature Generation Modulus sizes: 1024 Public Key values: 65537 Generate RSA signature with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 No WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 12 of 43 Algorithm w/modes Keys/CSPs Usage Operate in FIPS-mode RSA Encryption and Decryption Modulus sizes: 1024 Public Key values: 65537 RSA Key Wrapping and Unwrapping No Modulus sizes: 2048 Public Key values: 65537 Yes RSA (PKCS #1 1.5) Signature Generation Modulus sizes: 1024 Public Key values: 65537 Generate RSA signature with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 No ECDSA Key Generation P-192 Generate ECDSA Key pairs No ECDSA Signature Generation P-192 Generate ECDSA signature with SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA-512 No ECDSA Encryption P-192 Calculate ECDSA encryption No ECDSA Decryption P-192 Calculate ECDSA decryption No Table 4. Non-FIPS-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms Note: The module supports 2048 bits RSA Key Wrapping and Unwrapping in FIPS mode which provides 112 bits of encryption strength, and 1024 bits non-compliant RSA Key Wrapping and Unwrapping in non-FIPS mode. The module uses 2 LEDs (red and green) to differentiate the FIPS relevant state. The module also provides an APDU command (i.e. APDU 808A000003) for the user (through the host PC application) to query the state which the module is in at any time. The module returned three bytes in response to indicate its current state. The interpretation of the response values is documented in detail in TimeCOS_PK Technique Manual V4.2. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 13 of 43 Red LED Green LED State off off Power off off blink Self Test on off Non-FIPS off on FIPS blink off Error Table 5. LED for Current State Indicator WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 14 of 43 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The interfaces for the cryptographic module include the physical ports of the WatchKey ProX USB Token and APDU command fields. The physical ports of the module and APDU command fields are mapped to four FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces: Data Input, Data Output, Control Input, and Status Output. The mapping between the logical interfaces, the module physical ports and APDU command fields is provided in the following table: FIPS 140-2 Required Logical Interface WatchKey ProX USB Token Physical Ports APDU Command Fields Data Input Data pins within the USB Port Lc, Command Data Field Data Output Data pins within the USB Port Response Data Field Control Input Data pins within the USB Port CLA, INS, P1, P2, Le Status Output Data pins within the USB Port LED SW1, SW2 Power Input Power pin within the USB Port Table 6. Ports and Interface of the WatchKey ProX USB Token The USB 2.0 specification with CCID protocol ensures that these logical interfaces are distinct. The module does not support bypass capability. For details about structure of APDU commands applied by WatchKey ProX USB Token refer to Chapter 8 Command and Response of TimeCOS_PK Technique Manual V4.2. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 15 of 43 4 Roles, Services and Authentication The module has an embedded smart card chip, which has an on-Card Operating System (COS) and on-Card File System (CFS). The CFS of the module complies with ISO/IEC 7816-4 and supports multiple levels of directory structure. Basically, there are three types of file: Master File (MF), Dedicated File (DF) and Elementary File (EF). MF is the root directory of the entire file system, DF is the directory file that contains child directory files or EF, and EF is the file that storage the data. The life cycle of the module is described in order: Manufacture stage, Issue stage and Application stage. Manufacture stage is only available in the factory to setup the file structure and generate default keys and authentication data. Issue stage is available to the token issuers (e.g. banks) to change the keys and CSPs. Application stage is available to end user to perform the services provided by the module. Once the module moves from one stage to another which requires Security Office authentication, it cannot go back to the previous stage(s). 4.1 Roles The WatchKey ProX USB Token supports two types of roles: User Role and Security Officer Role. The Security Officer role is equivalent to the Crypto Officer role in FIPS 140-2 validation. The User Role can execute all of the approved algorithms, read and update User files and change the User PIN. In Application stage, the Security Officer Role can create files, read and update the Security Officer files, unblock the User PIN and manage the token in Application stage. In addition to the services available in Application stage, the Security Officer Role can also initialize the application, initialize the Module, import and update keys, configure the Module, set Life Cycle and serial number of the token in the Manufacturer stage and Issue stage. The details of the available services for each role are given in the following sections. 4.2 Services Available services for an operator depend on the type of role he or she is authenticated and the identity he or she is verified. Each operator does not have access right to the files that belong to other operators. The services provided by the WatchKey ProX USB Token are through the documented APDU commands. They are invoked by the host application toolkit (i.e. WatchSafe 4.2.0). All services that required authentication provided by the WatchKey ProX USB Token are listed in Table 7 below, along with their associated CSPs and modes. Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode User Login A successful external entity authentication and verification of USER PIN User PIN FIPS/ Non-FIPS WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 16 of 43 Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode Change User PIN Verify and change PIN User PIN FIPS Unblock User PIN Unblock PIN Security Officer PIN User PIN FIPS Security Officer Login A successful external entity authentication and verification of Security Officer PIN Security Officer PIN FIPS/ Non-FIPS Change Security Officer PIN Verify and change PIN Security Officer PIN FIPS Security Officer File Read Read Binary Security Officer PIN Secure Messaging Key Secure Messaging Mac Key FIPS/Non- FIPS Security Officer File Update Update Binary Security Officer PIN Secure Messaging Key Secure Messaging Mac Key FIPS/ Non-FIPS User File Read Read Binary User PIN Secure Messaging Key Secure Messaging Mac Key FIPS/ Non-FIPS User File Update Update Binary User PIN Secure Messaging Key Secure Messaging Mac Key FIPS/ Non-FIPS Initialize the Application Erase DF that holds application in order for the application related files to be re-created Initializing Application Key FIPS Restore Default Application Clear the content for all the files under the DF that holds application, except for secret key files, and restore Security Officer PIN and User PIN to default value. Security Officer PIN FIPS WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 17 of 43 Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode Initialize the Module Erase MF Initializing Module Key FIPS RSA Signature Verification (1024/2048) Verify Signatures User PIN RSA Public Key FIPS RSA Signature Generation (2048) Generate Signatures with SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA- 512 User PIN RSA Private Key FIPS RSA Signature Generation (1024) Generate Signatures User PIN RSA Private Key Non-FIPS RSA Encrypt/Decrypt (2048) RSA encryption/decryption for data transit User PIN RSA Public Key RSA Private Key FIPS RSA Encrypt/Decrypt (1024) RSA encryption/decryption for data transit User PIN RSA Public Key RSA Private Key Non-FIPS ECDSA Signature Verification (P-192/P-256) Verify Signatures User PIN ECDSA Public Key FIPS ECDSA Signature Generation (P-256) Generate Signatures with SHA-256, SHA-384 or SHA- 512 User PIN ECDSA Private Key FIPS ECDSA Signature Generation (P-192) Generate Signatures User PIN ECDSA Private Key Non-FIPS ECDSA Encrypt/Decrypt (P-192) ECDSA encryption/decryption for data transit User PIN ECDSA Public Key ECDSA Private Key Non-FIPS Generate RSA Key(2048) Generate RSA Key User PIN RSA Public Key RSA Private Key FIPS WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 18 of 43 Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode Generate RSA Key(1024) Generate RSA Key User PIN RSA Public Key RSA Private Key Non-FIPS Generate ECDSA Key(P-256) Generate ECDSA Key User PIN ECDSA Public Key ECDSA Private Key FIPS Generate ECDSA Key(P-192) Generate ECDSA Key User PIN ECDSA Public Key ECDSA Private Key Non-FIPS Import RSA Key Pair (1024/2048) Import RSA key pair User PIN RSA Public Key RSA Private Key FIPS Import Key Write key User PIN Security Officer PIN KEK Secure Messaging Key Secure Messaging Mac Key Initializing Module Key Initializing Application Key Device Encryption Key Encryption/Decryption Key External Entity Authentication Key FIPS Update key Modify key User PIN Security Officer PIN KEK FIPS WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 19 of 43 Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode Secure Messaging Key Secure Messaging Mac Key Initializing Module Key Initializing Application Key Device Encryption Key Encryption/Decryption Key External Entity Authentication Key Create Application Create Application related files Initializing Application Key FIPS Create User File Create file that owned by User User PIN FIPS Delete User File Delete file that owned by User User PIN FIPS Create SO File Create file that owned by Security Officer Security Officer PIN FIPS Delete SO File Delete file that owned by Security Officer Security Officer PIN FIPS Data Encrypt/Decrypt AES /Triple-DES Algorithm Encryption/Decryption Key User PIN Security Office PIN FIPS Set Life Cycle Set the life cycle of module Security Officer PIN FIPS Erase RSA Key Destruct the key value User PIN RSA Public Key RSA Private Key FIPS Erase ECDSA Key Destruct the key value User PIN ECDSA Public Key ECDSA Private Key FIPS WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 20 of 43 Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode Set Serial Number Set the unique serial number Security Officer PIN FIPS Initiate Configuration Information Initiate non-security relevant configuration information of module in Manufacture stage only. N/A FIPS Table 7. Authenticated Services with CSPs and modes All services that do not require any authentication provided by WatchKey ProX USB Token are listed in Table 8 below, along with their associated CSPs and modes. Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode Get Challenge Get random digits Seed, Entropy Input String, V and C FIPS/ Non-FIPS External entity Authentication External entity authentication is used for the Token to authenticate the external entity. External Entity Authentication Key KEK FIPS/ Non-FIPS Internal Authentication Internal Authentication is used for the external entity to authenticate the Token Encryption/Decryption Key Secure Messaging Mac Key FIPS/ Non-FIPS Select File The file access rights will be effective only when the DF is re-selected after the file is created for the first time. When the DF is selected successfully, the current operation state will be reset. N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Data Compress Data Compress(SHA-1/SHA- 256/SHA-384/SHA-512) N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Restart Reset the state N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Self Test Self-test N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Get State Get the operational state N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Inquire Life Cycle Inquire the life cycle of module N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 21 of 43 Service Description Keys/CSPs Mode Inquire Serial Number Inquire serial number of module N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Get COS Information Get the information about the security functions that the Token supports N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Get Release Space Get the size of space left in the Token N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Get Device Information Get the device descriptor or the firmware check code of the Token N/A FIPS/ Non-FIPS Session Key Management Create a security channel between module and GPC Device Encryption Key Session Key FIPS/ Non-FIPS Table 8. Un-authenticated Services with CSPs and modes For details regarding service inputs, corresponding service outputs and description of each service, please refer to Chapter 9, 10 and 11 of TimeCOS_PK Technique Manual V4.2. The relations between services, role of operator and life cycle are listed in Table 9 below. Service User Security Officer Manu- facture Stage Issue Stage Appli- cation Stage User Login √ √ √ √ Change User PIN √ √ √ √ Unblock User PIN √ √ √ √ Security Officer Login √ √ √ √ Change Security Officer PIN √ √ √ √ Get Challenge* √ √ √ External entity Authentication* √ √ √ Internal Authentication* √ √ √ Select File* √ √ √ WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 22 of 43 Service User Security Officer Manu- facture Stage Issue Stage Appli- cation Stage Security Officer File Read √ √ √ √ Security Officer File Update √ √ √ √ User File Read √ √ √ √ User File Update √ √ √ √ Initialize the Application √ √ Restore Default Application √ √ √ √ Initialize the Module √ √ RSA Signature Verification (1024/2048) √ √ RSA Signature Generation (2048) √ √ RSA Signature Generation (1024) √ √ RSA Encrypt/Decrypt (2048) √ √ RSA Encrypt/Decrypt (1024) √ √ ECDSA Signature Verification (P-192/P- 256) √ √ ECDSA Signature Generation (P-256) √ √ ECDSA Signature Generation (P-192) √ √ ECDSA Encrypt/Decrypt (P-192) √ √ Data Compress* √ √ √ WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 23 of 43 Service User Security Officer Manu- facture Stage Issue Stage Appli- cation Stage Generate RSA Key(2048) √ √ Generate RSA Key(1024) √ √ Generate ECDSA Key(P-256) √ √ Generate ECDSA Key(P-192) √ √ Import RSA Key Pair (1024/2048) √ √ Import Key √ √ Update key √ √ √ Create Application √ √ Create User File √ √ Delete User File √ √ Create SO File √ √ √ Delete SO File √ √ √ Restart* √ √ √ Data Encrypt/Decrypt √ √ √ √ √ Self Test* √ √ √ Get State* √ √ √ Set Life Cycle √ √ √ Inquire Life Cycle* √ √ √ Erase RSA Key √ √ Erase ECDSA Key √ √ Set Serial Number √ √ WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 24 of 43 Service User Security Officer Manu- facture Stage Issue Stage Appli- cation Stage Inquire Serial Number* √ √ √ Get COS Information* √ √ √ Get Release Space* √ √ √ Get Device Information* √ √ √ Session Key Management* √ √ √ Initiate Configuration Information √ √ Table 9. Services Authorized for Roles and Life Cycle Note: A * indicates that the service does not require any authentication. 4.3 Operator Authentication The WatchKey ProX USB Token supports identity-based authentication to authenticate different identities. The authentication method in Manufacture stage, Issue stage and Application stage is described in the following sections. Only one operator can login to the WatchKey ProX USB Token at the same time. The module does not support concurrent operators. The module ensures that there is no visible display of the authentication data. The authentication data is stored in the key file which can never be exported outside the Token. All of the authentication states are stored in the RAM area. When the power of module is off, all of the states will be cleared and when the module is powered on again, all of the states will be initialized to zero. While the status information indicated by the LEDs is available to all operators, the services described in Table 7 are available only to operators with the authenticated role(s). 4.3.1 Authentication in Manufacture stage Only Security Officer is allowed in Manufacture stage. The operator is required to perform external authentication with the Initializing Module Key or Initializing Application Key to grant their Security Officer role. These two keys are only known by the manufacturer. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 25 of 43 4.3.2 Authentication in Issue stage Only Security Officer is allowed in Issue stage. The operator can authenticate his or her identity by entering the Security Officer PIN to perform Update Key or Restore Default Application at Issue Stage. 4.3.3 Authentication in Application Stage Identities of operators of the WatchKey ProX USB Token with the User Role or the Security Officer Role are authenticated by successful verifying the corresponding password (i.e. User PIN or Security Officer PIN.) Each operator of the Token has his or her unique PIN, while files in the Token are assigned to each operator when created during the initialization phase at the factory. The operator can only perform services with files assigned to him or her after authenticating their identity. 4.3.4 Security Rules for PINs The initial Security Officer Passwords and default User Password are written into the WatchKey ProX USB Tokens when they are manufactured. The initial Security Officer Passwords are for token issuers (e.g. banks) who use the Security Officer Role to initialize the Application before they are issued to the final users. Both the initial Security Officer Password and default User Password are distributed via a User Guide brochure in a secure manner, which is compliant to the corporation security handling process and procedure of manufacturer and the token issuers. When the Security Officer and User receive the WatchKey ProX USB Token at the first time, he or she should change their Password immediately by using the ‘Verify and Change PIN’ command. 4.4 Password Strength 4.4.1 Initializing Module/Application Key The Initializing Module Key and the Initializing Application Key are either an AES 128/192/256 Key or a 3–key Triple-DES key. The minimum length of the key is 128 bits. The probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is 1/2128 , which is less than 1/1,000,000. The probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one minute interval is definitely less than 1/100,000. 4.4.2 User and Security Officer Password Passwords for User and Security Officer Role authentication must be in the range of 6-32 characters. The Password must contain a mix of letters, numeric characters, and special characters. Assuming a mix of lower case letters, upper case letters, numeric characters, the Password can consist of the following set: [a-zA-Z0-9], yielding 62 choices per character. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 26 of 43 The probability of a successful random attempt is 1/626 , which is less than 1/1,000,000. Assuming 10 attempts per second via a scripted or automatic attack, the probability of a success with multiple attempts in a one minute period is 600/626 , which is less than 1/100,000. The module will lock an account after, at most, 15 consecutive failed authentication attempts; thus, the maximum number of attempts in one minute is 15. Therefore, the probability of a success with multiple consecutive attempts in a one-minute period is 15/626 , which is less than 1/100,000. The password will be turned into a 24 byte PIN by an algorithm (SHA-256 hashed calculation to get first 24 bytes of 32 bytes). PINs are stored in the WatchKey ProX USB Token in a hashed form with 32-byte fixed length, while the first 24 bytes are used as PIN. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 27 of 43 5 Physical Security The module is a multiple-chip standalone module and conforms to Level 3 requirements for physical security. The module is composed of production-grade components with standard passivation (a sealing coat applied over the chip circuitry to protect it against environmental and other physical damage) and is housed in a sealed, hard plastic enclosure that has no openings, vents or doors. It cannot be opened without damage. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 28 of 43 6 Operational Environment The module operates in a limited operational environment and does not implement a General Purpose Operating System. Once the firmware of the module is loaded on the WatchKey ProX USB Token, it cannot be modified or erased. The operational environment requirements do not apply to the module. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 29 of 43 7 Key Management The module supports keys for normal usages and a key encryption key (KEK). The following table lists all keys including the key encryption key (KEK) and CSPs that reside within the WatchKey ProX USB Token. Key/CSP Key Type Description KEK AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key Used to wrap the other keys External entity Authentication Key AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key Involved in authenticating to the further use of Roles Initializing Module Key AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key To Erase MF in factory ONLY Initializing Application Key AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key To Delete DF in factory ONLY Device Encryption Key AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key Used to generate Session Key by encrypting a random number generated by SP 800-90A DRBG Secure Messaging Key AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key Used for secure transmission of files between module and the external entity Secure Messaging Mac Key AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key For computing the MAC Encryption/ Decryption Key AES 128/192/256 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key Cryptographic operation with AES/Triple-DES Session Key AES 128 Key, 3–key Triple-DES key Do cryptographic operation with AES/Triple-DES on the data transmitted between module and GPC RSA Private Key 1024/2048 RSA private key Generates Signatures, Decryption User Role only WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 30 of 43 Key/CSP Key Type Description RSA Public Key 1024/2048 RSA public key e = 010001 Verifies Signature, Encryption User Role only ECDSA Private Key P-192/P-256 ECDSA private key Generates Signatures, User Role only ECDSA Public Key P-192/P-256 ECDSA public key Verifies Signature, User Role only User PIN 24 bytes PIN Involved in authenticating User Role Security Officer PIN 24 bytes PIN Involved in authenticating Security Officer Role or unblocking User PIN Seed for SP 800- 90A DRBG 256 bits random number Seeding the SP 800-90A DRBG Table 10. Keys and CSPs 7.1 Random Number Generator The WatchKey ProX USB Token uses a FIPS-Approved Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) based on SP 800-90A for random number generation and asymmetric key generation. The module implements a hash based DRBG, Hash_DRBG, which generates 256- bits random value per request. The 256-bit seeds for SP 800-90A DRBG are provided by the IC hardware-based non- deterministic random number generator (HW RNG). The module also implements the health checks described in section 11.3 of SP 800-90A and Continuous Random Number Generator Test to ensure that two consecutively seeds are not identical before the later one is used as a valid input to seed the SP 800-90A DRBG. 7.2 Key Generation The module uses an FIPS-Approved SP 800-90A DRBG as inputs to create the following keys/CSPs:  RSA key pairs  ECDSA key pairs  Session key RSA key pairs can be generated inside the module by using the Generate RSA Key service. They can also be imported by a User who uses the Import RSA Key Pair service. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 31 of 43 The ECDSA key pair can only be generated inside the module by using the Generate ECDSA Key service. The Session Key is generated automatically at the Application stage of the life cycle for each secure channel. It is generated by using the FIPS-Approved 3-keyed Triple-DES or AES 128- bit algorithm to encrypt a random number provided by SP 800-90A DRBG with the Device Encryption Key. When generating a pair of RSA Keys, the module uses the algorithm specified in SP 800-90A DRBG to generate a group of random numbers as prime numbers, and then uses these random numbers to generate the key pair in accordance with the RSA key generation algorithm described in the standard FIPS 186-4. When generating a pair of ECDSA Keys, the module uses the algorithm specified in SP 800- 90A DRBG to generate a random numbers as prime numbers, and then uses the random number to generate the key pair in accordance with the ECDSA key generation algorithm described in the standard FIPS 186-4. 7.3 Key Entry and Output Columns “Generate/Input”and “Output”in Table 11 show the key entry and output for all keys and CSPs used by the WatchKey ProX. All keys except the RSA key, ECDSA key and Session Key are imported in the factory. Other than the passwords, the module does not support manual key entry. In addition, the module does not output keys/CSPs or their intermediate values in plaintext format outside its physical boundary. When a User or Security Officer enters his or her password manually using the keyboard of the host GPC to which the WatchKey is connected, the device manager that runs on the host GPC turns the password into a 24-byte PIN and sends it using the Verify PIN & Change PIN APDU command to WatchKey for verification or changing of the PIN stored on the device. In the Issue and Application stage, all the data transactions between the module and external entity such as host PC are protected by a secure channel. When connecting the WatchKey ProX USB Token to an external entity, the “Session Key Management” service is required by the module to establish a secure channel before performing cryptographic or security service. All the APDU commands in the secure channel are protected by the Session Key. The Session Key between the Token and the external entity is a 3-key Triple-DES key or AES 128/192/256 Key. This is a diversified key obtained by using the Device Encryption Key to encrypt a random number. The Device Encryption Keys for all tokens are diversified keys obtained from the unique serial number of the Token, and are pre-computed and entered into tokens during the initialization phase at the factory. The external entity (e.g., the backend server, the application running on the host GPC, or a combination of both) knows the algorithm used for the key diversification. When the external entity establishes a secure channel with the Token, it retrieves the serial number from the Token and calculates the Device Encryption Key for this Token. Then the external entity uses the Device Encryption Key to encrypt the random number to get the Session Key. The external entity uses the Session Key to encrypt the random number and send the result to the Token for authentication. If the calculated key matches with the Session key stored on the Token, then the secure channel is established successfully. If the “Session Key Management” service is not preformed, no cryptographic or security function is allowed. Only the non-security relevant services such as Get Response, Inquire Life Cycle, Self-Test, Get Device Information and Restart can be executed. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 32 of 43 7.4 Key Storage, Protection and Destruction The module stores the keys in the FLASH of the embedded Smart Card chip. Data in the FLASH is protected by the secure design of the Smart Card chip. The memory is scrambled and obfuscated. In the Manufacture stage, all the keys under the Application DF can be deleted by the Security Officer using the erase EF/DF APDU command (i.e. Initialize the Application.) All the keys under the MF file structure can be deleted by the Security Officer using the erase MF APDU command (i.e. Initialize the Module.) In the Application stage, only the RSA key pair and ECDSA key pair can be deleted by the User using the erase File Content APDU command. The zeroization is performed by filling the memory area with “FF”. It is performed immediately after the zeroization APDU commands are called. The following table describes key generation, key input, key output, key storage and key zeroization for each key and KEK in the module. Key/CSP Generate/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Key Encryption Key (KEK) Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer The key is encrypted by Initializing Application Key to enter the module for services. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under DF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” External entity Authentication Key Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer The key is encrypted by KEK to enter the module for services. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under DF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” Initializing Module Key Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer The key is encrypted by Initializing Application Key to enter the module for services. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under MF By Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 33 of 43 Key/CSP Generate/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Initializing Application Key Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under MF By Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” Device Encryption Key Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer The key is encrypted by Initializing Application Key to enter the module for services. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under MF By Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” Secure Messaging Key Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer If this key is stored under MF, it is encrypted by Initializing Application Key. If this key is stored under DF, it is encrypted by KEK to enter the module for services. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under MF or DF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” Secure Messaging Mac Key If this key is stored under MF, it is externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer If this key is stored under DF, it is encrypted by KEK to enter the module for services. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under MF or DF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” Session Key Generated by the module using Triple-DES or AES encryption on a random number generated by SP 800-90A DRBG with Device Encryption Key Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in volatile memory Power off or by Session Key Management APDU command “84EF020005Data” WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 34 of 43 Key/CSP Generate/ Input Output Storage Zeroization Encryption/ Decryption Key Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer The key is encrypted by KEK to enter the module for services. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored DF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” RSA Private Key Generated by the module using RSA Key Generation APDU command or Imported by User using Import RSA Key Pair APDU command. Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under EF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000”or by Erase File Content APDU command “807AP1P200” RSA Public Key Generated by the module using RSA Key Generation APDU command or Imported by User using Import RSA Key Pair APDU command. By Read Binary APDU command “00B00000Le” Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under EF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” or by Erase File Content APDU command “807AP1P200” ECDSA Private Key Generated by the module using ECDSA Key Generation APDU command Never exits the module Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under EF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” or by Erase File Content APDU command “807AP1P200” ECDSA Public Key Generated by the module using ECDSA Key Generation APDU command By Read Binary APDU command “00B00000Le” Stored in plaintext in FLASH Stored under EF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” or by Erase File Content APDU WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 35 of 43 Key/CSP Generate/ Input Output Storage Zeroization command “807AP1P200” User PIN Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer The hashed and truncated User PIN is encrypted by KEK to enter the module for authentication. Never exits the module Stored in SHA-256 hashed form in FLASH Stored under DF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” Security Officer PIN Externally generated and initially entered in plaintext form in factory by Security officer The hashed and truncated Security Officer PIN is encrypted by KEK to enter the module for authentication. Never exits the module Stored in SHA-256 hashed form in FLASH Stored under DF By Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002Data” or by Erase MF APDU command “800E000000” Seed for SP800-90A DRBG Internally generated by the HW RNG within the module. Never exists the module Stored in plaintext in volatile memory Internal API function call Table 11. Key Generation, Input/Output, Storage and Zeroization Note: 1. The “Data” field in the Erase DF/EF APDU command “00E4000002 Data” is a 2-byte file identifier of a DF/EF to be erased. 2. The “P1P2” field in the Erase File Content APDU command “807AP1P200” is a 2-byte file identifier of an EF to be erased. 3. The “Data” field in the Session Key Management APDU command “84EF020005Data is combination of one byte channel number and four bytes process ID encrypted with Session Key. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 36 of 43 8 EMI/EMC The module meets the requirements of 47 CFR PART 15 regulation & ANSI C63.4 and ICES- 003 for the evaluation of Class B of electromagnetic compatibility. This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Class B rules for home or office use, with FCC ID: Y97-PROXKEY001. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 37 of 43 9 Self-Tests The WatchKey ProX USB Token implements a number of self-tests to ensure proper functioning of the module. This includes power-up and on-demand self-tests, as well as conditional self-tests. The power-up self-test can be initiated by inserting the WatchKey ProX USB Token into a USB port of a GPC. The on-demand self-test can be invoked by the Self-Test APDU command, or unplugging the token and plugging it back to reinitiated the power-up self-test. If the self-test is successful, then the module enters the FIPS-Approved operational state and it is indicated by a steady green LED indicator. If any self-test fails, the module enters an error state and returns an error code with a description of the error. The error state is indicated by a blinking red LED indicator, as well as the Get State APDU command. Once in the error state, no services are available and no data output is possible from the module. Only self-test can be executed in the error state to return FIPS Mode. In addition, when the module is performing self-tests, no APDU commands are available and no data output is possible until the self-tests are successfully completed. 9.1 Power-Up Tests The WatchKey ProX USB Token performs power-up self-tests automatically without any operator intervention when it is plugged into a USB port of a GPC. Whenever the power-up self-tests is initiated, the module performs the integrity test and the cryptographic algorithm Known Answer Test (KAT). If the self-test result does not match with the expected result, the self-test fails. If any of these tests fails, the module enters the error state. 9.1.1 Integrity Test The WatchKey ProX USB Token uses CRC-16 for the integrity test of its firmware. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is an error detecting code to calculate a check value that is based on the remainder of a polynomial division of the input content. CRC-16 means the polynomial length is 17 bits. When the module is power-up, the module will generate the check value of the memory that stores the executing code and compare with the existing value stores in the FLASH memory. If the values do not match, the integrity test fails and the module enters the error state. 9.1.2 Cryptographic algorithm KAT Upon power-up, a KAT is performed for the following FIPS-Approved algorithms:  AES encryption and decryption tested separately  Triple-DES encryption and decryption tested separately  CMAC for Triple-DES and AES  RSA signature generation and verification tested separately  RSA encryption and decryption tested separately WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 38 of 43  ECDSA signature generation and verification tested separately  SP 800-90A DRBG  SHA-1  SHA-256  SHA-512 9.2 Conditional Tests 9.2.1 Pair-wise consistency test The WatchKey ProX USB Token performs the pair-wise consistency test for each pair of RSA keys and ECDSA keys that it generates. The consistency of the key pair used for signature generation and verification is tested by calculating and verifying a digital signature. The consistency of the key pair used for encryption and decryption is tested by encrypting and decrypting a given data. 9.2.2 Continuous DRBG test The WatchKey ProX USB Token implements a continuous test for the DRBG based on NIST SP 800-90A. The token generates a minimum of 4 bytes per request. The n(4≤n≤128) bytes data generated for every request is compared with the n bytes data generated for the previous request. If the generated data for two requests are identical, a conditional test error flag is raised. For the first request made to any instantiation of the DRBG SP 800-90A implemented in the module, two internal 32 bytes cycles are performed and the generated data are compared. The SP 800-90A DRBG is seeded by the output of the IC hardware-based non-deterministic random number generator (HW RNG). Each new seed is compared with the previously saved generated seed. When two seeds have the same value, the module enters an error state. If the new seed is not identical to the previous one the DRBG accepts it as a valid input. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 39 of 43 10 Design Assurance 10.1 Configuration Management The WatchKey ProX USB Token development team utilizes ClearCase and ClearQuest, a software versioning and a revision control system, to maintain current and historical versions of files, such as source code and design documentation that contribute to the formation of the module. ClearCase and ClearQuest integrate several aspects of the software development process in a distributed development environment to facilitate project-wide coordination of development activities across all phases of the product development life cycle:  Configuration Management – the process of identifying, managing, and controlling software modules as they change over time  Version Control – the storage of multiple versions of a single file along with details about each version  Change Control – centralizes the storage of files and controls changes to files through the process of checking files in and out The list of files that are relevant to the WatchKey ProX USB Token and subject to ClearCase control is detailed in the WatchKey ProX USB Token_Configuration Output Detail List V1.0.0 provided by Watchdata. 10.2 Guidance and Secure Operation This section describes how to configure the module for FIPS-Approved mode of operation. Operating the module without maintaining the following settings will remove the module from the FIPS-Approved mode of operation. 10.2.1 Cryptographic Officer Guidance The initial login Password must be delivered to the Security Officer in a secure manner (e.g. in a sealed envelope via a trusted carrier). The Security Officer must change the initial login Password of the module as soon as he or she receives the module. The Security Officer must not disclose the Password and must store passwords in a safe location, adhering to his/her organization’s systems security policies for Password storage. The Security Officer must initialize the file structure and configure the cryptographic operations in accordance to the guidance given in WatchKey ProX USB Token_User Guidance V1.0.1. 10.2.2 User Guidance The details about the initialization procedures are described in the dedicated document WatchKey ProX USB Token_User Guidance V1.0.1. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 40 of 43 As soon as the correctly initialized WatchKey token is plugged into a USB port of a host GPC, the red LED will remain off while the green LED will blink, indicating the ongoing self-test. When the power-on self-test completes successfully, the green LED will remain on while the red LED will remain off, indicating that the token is in FIPS mode. If the power-on self-test fails, then the token enters the error state. Assuming that the user has also correctly installed the WatchSAFE Manager Tools on the host GPC by following instructions given in the User Guidance, he or she can confirm FIPS mode status by invoking WatchSAFE Manager Tools and observe the FIPS icon in the upperleft corner of its GUI window. If a user invokes RSA signature generation/verification with a 1024-bit key or ECDSA signature generation/verification with a P-192 key, the token enters into the non-FIPS mode. The non-FIPS mode is indicated by the red LED. The user can also observe the non-FIPS icon on the upper-left corner of WatchSAFE Manager Tools GUI window. If the WatchKey Prox USB token enters the non-FIPS mode, or is in an error state (which can be observed either by the status of LEDs or through the WatchSAFE Manager Tools), the token can be unplugged from its host GPC and re-plugged back into the GPC to enforce a power-up self-test. If the self-test completes successfully, the token will enter FIPS mode. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 41 of 43 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks No other attacks are mitigated. WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 42 of 43 Glossary Term Explanation APDU Application Protocol Data Unit and is the standard logical packet to communicate with a smartcard CLA Instruction class in a command APDU indicates the type of command DF Dedicated File in a smart card file structure, equivalent to an intermediate directory EF Elementary File in a smart card file structure, equivalent to a file GPC General Purpose Computer INS Instruction code in a command APDU indicates the specific command KEK Key Encryption Key Lc The number of bytes of command data in a command APDU to follow Le The maximum number of response bytes to expected after a command APDU MF Master File in a smart card file structure, equivalent to the root directory of a file system P1, P2 Instruction parameters for a command APDU PCB Printed Circuit Board SW1,SW2 Status words in a response APDU indicates the command processing status WatchKey ProX FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy ©2015 Watchdata Technologies Pte Ltd. and atsec information security corporation Page 43 of 43 Reference [1] FIPS 140-2 Standard, [2] FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance, [3] FIPS 140-2 Derived Test Requirements, [4] FIPS 197, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), [5] FIPS 180-4 Secure Hash Standard, 180-4.pdf [6] FIPS 186-4, Digital Signature Standard, [7] NIST SP 800-67 Revision 1, Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher, Rev1.pdf [8] NIST SP 800-90A, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, 90A.pdf [9] NIST SP 800-38B, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication,