Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 1 of 15 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 3Com Embedded Firewall PCI Cards 3Com Corporation 5403 Betsy Ross Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA February 24, 2006 Revision Version 0.4 Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 2 of 15 1. Introduction The following describes the security policy for 3Com Corporation’s 3Com Embedded Firewall PCI Cards. The card is available as a copper NIC (3CRFW200B) and a fiber NIC (3CRFW220B). The hardware version number for 3CRFW200B PCI Copper NIC is 03- 0229-501 while that for 3CRFW220B PCI Fiber NIC is 03-0347-501. The 3CRFW200B family of NICs provides FIPS 140-2 validated IPSec (TDES/SHA-1) offloading and Embedded Firewall functionalities. The firmware version of the sleep image and reflash image running on the card is 03.101.015. The runtime and diagnostic images have firmware version number 03.101.015. The module is referred to as the 3CRFW200B throughout this document. The 3CRFW200B is a PCI 2.2 based Ethernet Network Interface Card. It has an embedded ASIC that consists of among others ARM9 processor and an IPSec offload engine. The PCI interface allows the NIC to communicate with the host computer. The associated device driver, agent and the firmware for 3CRFW200B allow the Operating System to offload IPSec functionality to the NIC adapter, and afford the embedded firewall function. The embedded firewall provides a centrally managed and distributed firewall capability, in which the distributed policy enforcement takes place on the NIC. The embedded firewall functionality involves secure exchange of cryptographic sessions keys that are then used to communicate firewall policy and new keys between the NIC and the remote policy server. Additionally, the flash firmware present on the NIC performs image authentication for all firmware modules downloaded to the NIC by the host system. And EFW session keys, IPSec SA keys and random seed keys entered into 3Com NIC cross PCI bus from the host, are encrypted. Overall 3CRFW200B meets FIPS 140-2 compliance of security Level 1. The 3Com NIC is considered a multi-chip embedded module for FIPS 140-2 purposes. 1.1. Purpose This document covers the secure operation of 3CRFW200B, including the initialization and the responsibilities for operating the product in a secure, FIPS-compliant manner. 1.2. Glossary Term/Acronym Description NIC Network Interface Card OS Operating System PC Personal Computer MMC Microsoft Management Console SA Security Association CO Crypto Officer Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 3 of 15 EDC Error Detection Code PS Policy Server EFW Embedded Fire Wall RNG Random Number Generator PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 4 of 15 2. Roles, Services, and Authentication 2.1. Roles The module supports the following two roles: User Role The User role is assumed by any entity requesting the services of the card, both cryptographic and non-cryptographic. The User can send and receive both encrypted and unencrypted data using the NIC. The User can also configure the NIC settings using the NIC Doctor diagnostic utility and gather and view NIC statistics. In the User Role, i.e. when a non-administrative user is logged on the OS, the user cannot enable or disable 3CRFW200B. They also cannot alter the IPSec policy or EFW policy setup on the PC. They can only transmit and receive packets as per the IPSec or EFW policy active on the PC. Only one User role is supported. Crypto-officer Role The Crypto-Officer (CO) is responsible for installing the NIC and corresponding drivers, diagnostic software and EFW Agent Software on the PC. Typically a user needs administrative privileges for the OS to be able to install a NIC. 3CRFW200B is first installed on the PC system using the conventional installation procedures as pertains to the underlying OS. The Crypto-officer Role (i.e. the Administrator in OS context) has privilege to install/uninstall, enable/disable and configure the NIC. The CO must configure the Windows Operating System for IPSec and ensure that encryption and data-authentication offloads are done on the NIC. They can setup policies (i.e. IPSec offload, TDES, SHA-1) for the PC. Setting up the IPSec policies also requires Administrative privileges on the PC. Such policies are then enforced on any user that uses the PC. Only one Crypto Officer role is supported. The CO must also update and configure the FLASH for EFW operations. 2.2. Services At any given time 3CRFW200B can execute only one firmware image. The following images provide services to the User and Crypto Officer. 1. Runtime image: This firmware image is the operational image of the module and is responsible for providing the IPSec offload functionality to the host OS and EFW functionality to the remote Policy Server. This image must be loaded on the card memory by the device driver 2. Diagnostic image: In addition to the services provided the runtime image the diagnostic image also provides additional diagnostic capabilities. This image must be loaded on the card memory by the device driver 3. Sleep image: This image is stored in the FLASH memory on the card and is automatically loaded when the module powers-up. Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 5 of 15 4. Reflash image: This image allows the flash memory to be upgraded to a new digitally signed flash image. The device driver must load this image on the card memory when the FLASH image needs to be updated. The services provided by the respective images are defined below. Common Services are services that are provided by all images. Service Description Role COMMON SERVICES Transmit enable Enable packet transmission onto Ethernet interface User/Crypto-Officer Transmit disable Disable packet transmission onto Ethernet interface User/Crypto-Officer Receive enable Enable packet reception from Ethernet interface User/Crypto-Officer Receive disable Disable packet reception from Ethernet interface User/Crypto-Officer Read receive filter Read current receive filters User/Crypto-Officer Set receive filter Set receive filter to given value User/Crypto-Officer Read Statistics Return the Statistics table to host User/Crypto-Officer Cycle Statistics Initiate or disable a periodic transfer of statistics User/Crypto-Officer Clear Statistics Clear Statistics Counter User/Crypto-Officer Read Var Section Read VAR section of flash Crypto-Officer Write Var Section Write VAR section of flash Crypto-Officer Read Static Section Read Static section of flash Crypto-Officer Read flash page Read the specified flash page Crypto-Officer Write flash page Write to the “data only” flash pages Crypto-Officer Select Tranceiver Setup PHY to advertise configuration User/Crypto-Officer Test Mux Test MII pin Crypto-Officer Enable PHY loopback Enables loopback of packets at the PHY interface User/Crypto-Officer Disable PHY loopback Disables loopback of packets at the PHY interface User/Crypto-Officer Read Mac Control Return MAC Control Register Value User/Crypto-Officer Write Mac Control Set MAC Control Register User/Crypto-Officer Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 6 of 15 Read Max Packet Size Read Max Packet Size User/Crypto-Officer Write Max Packet Size Write Max Packet Size User/Crypto-Officer Read Media Status Read Link Status User/Crypto-Officer Write Media Status Set Media Status Register User/Crypto-Officer Read Network Diag Read Network Diag Register User/Crypto-Officer Write Network Diag Set Network Diag Register User/Crypto-Officer Read Physical MGMT Read MII Register User/Crypto-Officer Write Physical MGMT Write MII Register User/Crypto-Officer Write Multicast Hash Mask Enable/disable hash bit in the mcast hash register User/Crypto-Officer Add multicast address Adds a new multicast address to receive packets User/Crypto-Officer Set MAC address Sets the station MAC address to that specified User/Crypto-Officer Read MAC address Reads the current MAC address User/Crypto-Officer Read VLAN type Reads the current VLAN type User/Crypto-Officer Write VLAN type Sets the VLAN type to that specified User/Crypto-Officer Write Broadcast Throttle Set Broadcast Limit User/Crypto-Officer Read Broadcast Throttle Read Broadcast Limit User/Crypto-Officer Issue software reset Performs software reinitialization User/Crypto-Officer Issue software halt Stops the current firmware image from executing User/Crypto-Officer Read version information Reads the current image’s version information User/Crypto-Officer Set interrupt coalescing Enables/Disables interrupt coalescing User/Crypto-Officer Read PCI config register Reads the specified PCI Configuration register User/Crypto-Officer Write PCI config register Sets the specified PCI Configuration register User/Crypto-Officer Read/Write Offload Capability Read or write Offload Capability option User/Crypto-Officer Read SOS Read SOS pin status User/Crypto-Officer Get link status Returns the link status (connected/disconnected) User/Crypto-Officer Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 7 of 15 Read IPSEC Info Read IPSec Statistics User/Crypto-Officer Get IPSEC Enable Return current Ipsec enable state of the card User/Crypto-Officer Test Get/Set Power Get or Set current power mode User/Crypto-Officer SLEEP SERVICE Goto Sleep Set adapter to sleep power state Crypto-officer Add wakeup packet Allows host to add wakeup patterns to 3CRFW200B Crypto-officer Enable sleep events Allows host to perform events like Respond to Ping Crypto-officer Enable wakeup events Allows host set wakeup events like Wake-On-Ping Crypto-officer Firmware Image Download Allows download of firmware images to 3CRFW200B User/Crypto-Officer RUNTIME SERVICE Add Security Association Adds a new security association provided by host User/Crypto-officer Delete Security Association Deletes an offloaded security association User/Crypto-officer Transmit IPSec packets Encrypts and transmits IPSec packets User/Crypto-officer Receive IPSec packets Decrypts and receives IPSec packets User/Crypto-officer Transmit EFW packets Encrypts, authenticates and transmits EFW packets to Policy Server. Also enforces EFW filtering rules to allow or deny the packet transmission. User/Crypto-officer Receive EFW packets Decrypts, authenticates and receives EFW packets from Policy Server. Also enforces EFW filtering rules to allow or deny the received packets User/Crypto-officer DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE Test ARM2HOST registers Tests the ARM to HOST registers Crypto-officer Test HOST2ARM registers Tests the HOST to ARM registers Crypto-officer Test PCI DMA Tests the PCI DMA interface Crypto-officer Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 8 of 15 Test PCI interrupt Tests the PCI interrupts Crypto-officer Test receive interrupt Tests receive MAC interrupts Crypto-officer Test transmit interrupt Tests transmit completion interrupts Crypto-officer Test oneshot timer Tests the one shot timer on 3CRFW200B Crypto-officer Test Crypto Algorithm Tests PRNG, T-DES, HMAC SHA1 algorithm Crypto-officer Transmit Waveform Transmit Waveform setup by TestMux Crypto-Officer Test Rings Diagnostic Ring Buffer problem Crypto-Officer REFLASH SERVICE Flash Image Update Allows flash image to be updated Crypto-officer Zeroize EFW Keys Sets the TDES & HMAC SHA-1 EFW session keys, Policy Server Public key, and Random Seed key to zeros Crypto-officer Zeroize HMAC SHA-1 and Encryption Secret Keys Sets the HMAC SHA-1 and Encryption Secret keys to zeros Crypto-officer 2.3. Authentication Mechanisms and Strength The module does not provide authentication for any role. A role can be assumed implicitly by requesting services which have been assigned to that role. Firmware Authentication The module does authenticate firmware uploads by using an Approved authentication technique in the form of HMAC-SHA1. 3CRFW200B requires the host to download a digitally signed firmware image from 3Com. The NIC authenticates the firmware module by re-computing and comparing the HMAC SHA-1 digest, using 3Com’s HMAC-SHA1 Secret Key stored in FLASH. If the firmware module fails authentication, 3CRFW200B enters a failure mode and becomes non-functional. Crypto offloads and packet transmission or reception are blocked. To recover such 3CRFW200B NIC the PC has to be reset. Any new firmware that is uploaded on the card must be FIPS 140-2 validated. Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 9 of 15 3. Secure Operation and Security Rules In order to operate 3CRFW200B and to utilize the IPSec offload function the Crypto Officer must know how to configure Microsoft Management Console (MMC) for Windows Operating System. Once the policies are setup to offload IPSec session, the OS will automatically initiate and setup IPSec session with a remote client and then offload the crypto functions for that session to the NIC. In order for 3CRFW200B to communicate with a remote Policy Server, the NIC must be setup to operate in EFW mode. And the NIC must communicate with the Policy Server securely. 3.1. Security Rules The security rules enforced by 3CRFW200B include both the security rules that 3Com Corporation has imposed and the security rules that result from the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. 3Com Security Rules The following are 3Com security rules: 1. 3CRFW200B shall store the HMAC SHA-1 Secret Key. 2. 3CRFW200B shall store the TDES encryption secret key. 3. 3CRFW200B shall never output the TDES encryption secret key. 4. 3CRFW200B shall never output the HMAC SHA-1 Secret Key or the IPSec Session Key. 5. 3CRFW200B will not store any IPSec session keys in its non-volatile memory. 6. 3CRFW200B shall encrypt EFW data sent to Policy Server using TDES. 7. 3CRWW200B shall authenticate EFW messages sent to Policy Server using HMAC SHA-1. 8. All EFW packets received from Policy Server shall be encrypted using TDES and authenticated suing HMAC SHA-1. FIPS 140-2 Security Rules The following are security rules that stem from the requirements of FIPS PUB 140-2. The module enforces these requirements when initialized into FIPS Level 1. 1. When initialized to operate in Level 1 mode, 3CRFW200B shall only use FIPS- approved cryptographic algorithms. 2. 3CRFW200B shall provide the Crypto Officer the capability to zeroize the HMAC SHA-1 secret and encryption secret keys stored in the flash. It will also zeroize the IPSec session key when the OS deletes the Security Association (SA). 3. 3CRFW200B will only allow to load and run digitally signed firmware module from 3Com Corporation. Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 10 of 15 4. 3CRFW200B will also perform firmware integrity self-test, know answer tests of all crypto components and PRNG Know Answer Test during power-up. On any failure the unit will become non-functional. 5. 3CRFW200B will validate the on-board firmware using 16bit EDC checksum. 6. Flash firmware on 3CRFW200B shall be upgraded only with a digitally signed flash image from 3Com. 7. The Crypto-Officer shall not configure IPSec policies that use MD5, HMAC-MD5, DES for IPSec. 8. The module must be run on a Windows 2000 OS and the associated device driver provided by 3Com. 9. The module is always in an alternating bypass mode providing cryptographic and bypass services depending on the packet IP header. 10. The Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG) in the firmware shall confirm to ANSI X9.31 using 3-Key TDES; a FIPS 140-2 approved algorithm. 11. The Random Seed Key shall be encrypted when entering the NIC across PCI bus during network installation process. 12. The EFW session and authentication keys shall be encrypted when entering the NIC across PCI bus during diskette installation process. 13. The IPSec SA key shall be encrypted across PCI bus when written to NIC memory. 14. The EFW session and authentication keys shall be zeroed out when re-keyed, session shutdown, system reboot, or re-initialized. 3.2. Secure Operation Initialization Rules 3CRFW200B provides many different cryptographic algorithms to ensure compatibility with today’s marketplace. Specifically, the 3CRFW200B provides the following algorithms: Algorithm Type Key Sizes/ Modes FIPS-approved Symmetric Algorithms TDES (Cert. #212) 168-bit, CBC & ECB Yes DES (Cert. #234) 56-bit, CBC & ECB No Hashing Algorithms SHA-1 (Certs. #188 and #189) Byte-oriented Yes MD5 No Authentication Algorithms HMAC-SHA1 (Certs. #120 and #130) Yes HMAC-MD5 No Random number generation algorithms ANSI X9.31 RNG (Cert. #139) 3Key TDES Yes Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 11 of 15 Key transport algorithm RSA (PKCS#1) Provides 80-bits of security No1 Because FIPS 140-2 prohibits the use of non-FIPS approved algorithms while operating in a FIPS compliant manner, the Crypto Officer should follow the following rules to initialize a new 3CRFW200B to invoke the Approved mode of operation. 1. Power-up the PC with 3CRFW200B. 2. After the OS loads, install the device driver for 3CRFW200B using the installation CD. 3. After the NIC is installed, setup the system IPSec policy using MMC. Refer to Microsoft System Administrator’s Guide for more details on MMC. The Crypto Officer must create such IPSec policies on the Windows Operating System that only use FIPS Approved algorithms (SHA-1 for AH and TDES, SHA1 for ESP). DES, MD5 and HMAC-MD5 should not be used in an Approved mode. Furthermore, the IP Security rules and IP Filter actions must be configured to only allow IPSec traffic to flow on all network connections. The configuration must disallow communication with computers that do not support IPSec. 4. Once the IPSec policies are defined, all sessions initiated or received by the PC will be encrypted. 5. The OS will then offload the IPSec session and its SA’s to 3CRFW200B. 6. Once IPSec sessions are offloaded to 3CRFW200B, it will encrypt/decrypt any IPSec traffic that matches the SA. 3.3. EFW Operation Initialization Rules and Cryptographic Activities To ensure the integrity of the EFW system, cryptography is used not only during normal EFW operation but also during the installation of the system components. An EFW system is assembled using the following sequence of events: • The NIC hardware is deployed. NICs to host an embedded firewall must be deployed and operate properly on the network using the standard 3Com drivers provided with 3CRFW200B. • Policy Servers and Consoles are installed. One or more policy servers and management consoles are installed and configured. • Installation package construction. Using the management console, the administrator creates installation packages that are distributed to hosts intended to become part of the domain. Two mechanisms for creating and distributing these packages are afforded by the EFW: diskette keyed and network based. 1 RSA is allowed for key transport in FIPS mode Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 12 of 15 1. Diskette based Installation- the administrator creates a keying diskette for an individual NIC to be added to the EFW system. This diskette is a DOS bootable floppy that contains the policy server public RSA key and an initial shared private TDES session key for the NIC. The diskette itself is encrypted with an administrator-chosen password. The host for the NIC for which this keying diskette was created, is then booted from the floppy disk to accomplish the portion of the embedded firewall installation that modifies NIC non-volatile memory. The EFW session keys, the policy server public key and the hashes are subsequently stored in the NIC’s non-volatile memory using programs running under DOS. At this point the NIC and the Policy Server share a DES/TDES encryption key and an authentication key. 2. Network Installation- The administrator constructs a custom InstallShield installation package and writes it to a Windows folder. This package is custom to the domain because it contains the policy server public key. When this package is executed on any target host, all three aspects of embedded firewall installation take place in one step. This includes writing the policy server public key and the hashes as well as the random seed key to the NIC’s non-volatile memory. The random seed key is encrypted using a secret TDES key stored in NIC’s FLASH before written to the non-volatile memory cross PCI bus. The first time the NIC boots up after this installation, it creates an initial TDES encryption key and an authentication key when it sees there are no EFW session keys present in its non-volatile memory. Random seed key is used in a FIPS compliant pseudo random number generator to generate this key. Upon receiving the wakeup from the NIC, the policy server can use its RSA private key to decrypt the initial EFW session keys and then use them to authenticate and decrypt the wakeup packet. If the packet authenticates and decrypts properly, the keys contained in the packet are saved in the database as the NIC’s keys. The NIC and the server now have a shared encryption and authentication key. The Policy Server immediately changes the encryption key on the NIC after the NIC is initially established, and at every wake-up of the NIC after that point during the life of the system. "Rekey" is a command to the NIC from the policy server, and is accomplished by encrypting the new key with the old key. Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 13 of 15 4. Definition of SRDIs Modes of Access This section specifies 3CRFW200B’s Security Relevant Data Items (SRDIs) as well as the access control policy enforced by it. 4.1. Cryptographic Keys, CSPs, and SRDIs While operating in a level 1 FIPS-compliant manner, the 3CRFW200B NIC contains the following security relevant data items: Security Relevant Data Item SRDI Description HMAC SHA-1 Secret Key A 512-bit HMAC SHA-1 secret key embedded within the 3CRFW200B’s Flash memory. This key is used to verify the signature attached to a downloaded firmware image. IPSec Session Keys The OS offloads the IPSec session keys (TDES keys for encryption and HMAC-SHA1 keys for data authentication) to 3CRFW200B and they are stored in the volatile RAM memory on 3CRFW200B. These keys are zeroized when the OS deletes the SA or when 3CRFW200B is powered off. Encryption Secret Key A 168-bit TDES key embedded within the 3CRFW200B’s Flash memory. This key is used to encrypt the IPSec session key, Random Seed key and EFW session keys transferred from the Host to NIC across PCI bus. Policy Server Public Key A 1024-bit RSA public key. The public key is used for initial session key exchange for NIC/PS communication under network installation method. A network installed NIC generates and sends an initial key to policy server encrypted with this policy server public key. There is one RSA key pair for an EFW domain. EFW Session Keys A 168-bit TDES key and a 160-bits HMAC SHA1 key. The keys are used for communications between Policy Server and NIC. Under the diskette-keyed installation method, the keying diskettes contain initial EFW session keys for individual EFW NICs. Under the network installation method, the keys are generated by firmware in the NIC. These keys are often rekeyed. Random Seed Key Random seed key is used as a seed to a PRNG in the firmware that is used to create EFW session keys. 4.2. Access Control Policy 3CRFW200B allows controlled access to the SRDIs contained within it. The following table defines the access that an operator or application has to each SRDI while operating the NIC in a given role. These access control policies cannot be changed or modified by any role within the module. The permissions are categorized as a set of three separate permissions: read (R), write (W) and use (U). If no permission is listed, then an operator has no access to the SRDI. Only those services that provide any access to the SRDIs are listed below. All other services from the Services table in Section 3 above do not provide any access to the SRDIs of the module. Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 14 of 15 3CRFW200B SRDI/Role/Service Access Policy Security Relevant Data Item HMAC SHA-1 Secret Key IPSec Session Keys Encryption Secret Key Policy Server Public Key EFW Session Keys Random Seed Key Role/Service User role Transmit IPSec packets (encrypt) U Receive IPSec packets (decrypt) U Add Security Association W Delete Security Association W Firmware Image Download R/U Transmit EFW packets U U Receive EFW packets U/W Crypto-Officer Role Transmit IPSec packets (encrypt) U Receive IPSec packets (decrypt) U Add Security Association W Delete Security Association W Firmware Image Download R/U Flash Image Update R/U R/U W W W Zeroize HMAC SHA-1 & Encryption Secret Keys W W Transmit EFW packets U U Receive EFW packets U U/W Zeroize EFW Keys W W W Copyright 2005 3Com Corporation This document may freely be reproduced and distributed in its entirety. Page 15 of 15 5. Self-tests The module provides the following power-up and conditional self-tests 5.1. Power-Up Tests These are performed when the module boots up. • TDES CBC Known Answer Test for the hardware implementation • HMAC-SHA-1 Known Answer Test for the hardware implementation • SHA-1 Known Answer Test for the hardware implementation • HMAC-SHA-1 Known Answer Test for the firmware implementation • A 16-bit Firmware Integrity Check on all firmware • HMAC-SHA-1 Known Answer Test for the firmware implementation in the flash upgrade utility. • PRNG Know Answer Test. 5.2. Conditional Tests The following load test is performed when a firmware image download is requested. • Firmware Load test: The module performs an HMAC-SHA-1 keyed hash verification of each image that is downloaded on the card. The module enters an error state in case of self-test failures and does not provide any functionality. It must be reset to recover from the error state. • Bypass self-test: The module performs a bypass self-test on each packet which is sent out in plaintext. If the test fails, the packet is dropped. • PRNG Continuous RNG Test. 6. Mitigation of Other Attacks This section is not applicable as the module does not provide mitigation against any commonly known attacks.