Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non- Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security LTD Prepared by jtsec Beyond IT Security SL Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 2/38 Index 1 Revision History....................................................................................................................................6 2 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................7 2.1 Overview.....................................................................................................................................7 2.2 Document organization ..............................................................................................................7 3 Module specification ............................................................................................................................8 3.1 Module description and cryptographic boundary ......................................................................8 3.2 Modes of operation and security functions..............................................................................11 3.3 Critical security parameters......................................................................................................13 4 Cryptographic module ports and interfaces.......................................................................................15 5 Roles, authentication and services.....................................................................................................21 5.1 Roles and authentication..........................................................................................................21 5.2 Services .....................................................................................................................................21 6 Physical security .................................................................................................................................25 7 Operational environment...................................................................................................................26 8 Cryptographic key management ........................................................................................................27 8.1 Random Number Generation....................................................................................................27 8.2 Key generation..........................................................................................................................27 8.3 Key establishment.....................................................................................................................27 8.4 Key entry and output................................................................................................................27 8.5 Key storage ...............................................................................................................................28 8.6 Key zeroization..........................................................................................................................28 9 EMI/EMC ............................................................................................................................................29 10 Self-Test..............................................................................................................................................30 10.1 Power-up self-test.....................................................................................................................30 10.1.1 Firmware integrity test.....................................................................................................30 10.1.2 Cryptographic algorithm tests..........................................................................................30 10.2 Conditional self-test..................................................................................................................31 Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 3/38 10.2.1 Pairwise consistency test .................................................................................................31 10.2.2 Continuous random generator test..................................................................................31 10.2.3 Continuous health-tests...................................................................................................32 10.2.4 Conditional test for assurance .........................................................................................32 11 Mitigation of other attacks.................................................................................................................33 12 Design assurance................................................................................................................................34 12.1 Configuration management......................................................................................................34 12.2 Configuration items identification method ..............................................................................34 13 Crypto officer and user guidance .......................................................................................................35 13.1 Operation rules .........................................................................................................................35 13.2 Secure distribution....................................................................................................................35 13.3 Integrity and confidentiality assurance.....................................................................................36 13.4 Installation and initialization instructions.................................................................................36 13.5 Secure Operation ......................................................................................................................36 14 Glossary and abbreviations ................................................................................................................37 15 Reference document..........................................................................................................................38 Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 4/38 Index of tables TABLE 1: REVISION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................6 TABLE 2: SECURITY REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................................7 TABLE 3: MODES OF OPERATION AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS.....................................................................................12 TABLE 4: VENDOR AFFIRMED MODES OF OPERATION ..............................................................................................12 TABLE 5: LIST OF CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS (CSPS) AND PRIVATE KEYS USED BY THE HS-MODULE.........................13 TABLE 6: PUBLIC KEYS USED BY THE HS-MODULE ..................................................................................................13 TABLE 7: HB-MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES.....................................................................................................20 TABLE 8: USERS ROLE AND AUTHORIZED SERVICES..................................................................................................21 TABLE 9: DESCRIPTION OF AUTHORIZED SERVICES ..................................................................................................23 TABLE 10: UNAUTHENTICATED SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE MODULE .........................................................................24 TABLE 11: CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS POWER-UP SELF-TEST DESCRIPTION.............................................................31 TABLE 12: PAIRWISE CONSISTENCY TESTS.............................................................................................................31 TABLE 13: CONTINUOUS RANDOM GENERATOR TEST..............................................................................................32 TABLE 14: CONTINUOUS HEALTH-TESTS ..............................................................................................................32 TABLE 15: CONDITIONAL TEST FOR ASSURANCE.....................................................................................................32 Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 5/38 Index of figures FIGURE 1: PHYSICAL AND LOGICAL BOUNDARY OF THE HS-MODULE..........................................................................10 FIGURE 2: PHYSICAL AND LOGICAL BOUNDARY OF THE HS-MODULE..........................................................................10 FIGURE 3: MODULE EXTERNAL PORTS AND ENCLOSURE...........................................................................................15 FIGURE 4: DETAILED EXTERNAL DB37 CONNECTOR PINS .........................................................................................15 Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 6/38 1 REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Remark 01.11.2019.1.0 01/11/2019 Initial version 13.04.2020.1.1 13/04/2020 Overall document modification 13.08.2020.1.2 13/08/2020 Overall document modification 01.09.2020.1.3 01/09/2020 Updated sections 2.1, 3.2, 3.3, 5.2, 8.3 and 13.3 23.10.2020.1.4 23/10/2020 Fixed some minor issues 15.12.2020.1.5 15/12/2020 Updated sections 3.2, 3.3, 5.2, 8 and 10 21.12.2020.1.6 21/12/2020 Fixed some minor issues in sections 3.1, 3.2, 5.2, 8.4, 10, 13.1 and 15 24.11.2021.1.7 24/11/2021 Fixed some minor issues in sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 5.2, 6, 8, 8.1, 8.4, 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.2 and 10.2.3 15.12.2021.1.8 15/12/2021 Fixed some minor issues in sections 5.2, 8.5, 13.1 and 15 20.12.2021.1.9 20/12/2021 Added the note below the figure 4 and updated the section 15. Table 1: Revision history Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 7/38 2 INTRODUCTION 2.1 OVERVIEW This document is the non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the Hub Security Cryptographic Module V4.4.0 (firmware version V2.0002.0050.0503.0725.080 and hardware version V.0002) which will also be referred to as “HS-Module” and “the module” though this document. This Security Policy specifies the security rules under which the module should operate to meet FIPS 140-2 Level 3 requirements. This cryptographic module is an HSM Vault developed by Hub Security LTD to be used in a security and privacy solution. It is a keys management solution for safely storing and using all the company’s sensitive data. The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the module are as follow: Security Requirements Security Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 3 5 Physical Security 3 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 3 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-Test 3 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 3 Table 2: Security requirements 2.2 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION This security policy is one part in a FIPS 140-2 submission package. The submission package contains: - Security Policy: This document. - Algorithm certificates: See section “3.2 Modes of operation and security functions”. - Functional specification and design documentation: See sections “3.1 Module description and cryptographic boundary”, “4 Cryptographic module ports and interfaces” and [HSFS]. - User guide: See section “13 Crypto officer and user guidance”. - Finite state machine model: See [HSFSM]. - Configuration item list: See [HSCIL]. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 8/38 3 MODULE SPECIFICATION The HS-Module is a multiple-chip standalone cryptographic module composed by an FPGA connected to an MCUs that is a bare-metal device whose responsibility is providing the module with tamper monitoring and cryptographic capabilities. 3.1 MODULE DESCRIPTION AND CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY As detailed above, the HS-Module is composed by: 1. One FPGA whose main responsibility is running a “mailbox” interface for all incoming messages and another one for all outgoing messages. The purpose of these “mailboxes” is to store and check every message going through Data input Interface, Data Output Interface, Control Input interface and Status Output interface to delete all the messages that do not comply with the correct format. Moreover, it is the one in charge of interconnecting the components related to the cryptographic operations, which are the MCU_S and the QRNG module. The FPGA also manages the Status output interfaces and the control input interfaces. 2. One MCU named as “MCU_S” that is responsible for the processing of the incoming and data messages to carry out the required cryptographic operations using a WolfSSL library instance. MCU_S uses a dedicated memory (Flash) for its operation and it is also connected to temperature and accelerometer sensors to monitor the tamper events created after configuring the sensor threshold. The version of the firmware running in this MCU is V2.0002.0050.0503.0725.080. 3. A debouncer IC that is connected to the MCU_S to detect the transition from logical ‘0’ value to logical ‘1’ and vice versa to avoid possible false transitions. 4. One Flash memory with a FAT filesystem that is used to store the internal data required for the module operation such as COs and users identifiers and their associated encrypted keys. The module stores all sensitive data on the internal flash memory encrypted with a Local Master Key, which is stored and protected in the internal volatile memory of MCU_S. 5. One RTC dedicated IC used to keep accurate timestamp. 6. One QRNG module, that is a physical quantum random number generator that uses quantum optics process to create true quantum randomness. 7. One power distribution IC responsible for regulating the input level of voltage and distribute the power to the components of the module. 8. One internal battery that is used by the module when it is not connected to an external power source. 9. An accelerometer and a temperature sensor responsible for implementing the tamper detection detailed in section 6 Physical security. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 9/38 Considering the functionality depicted above, the physical and logical boundaries encompass all the components described above because all of them are related to the secure cryptographic operation of the module. The “Figure 1: Physical and logical boundary of the HS-Module” depicts the block diagram of the module specifying the physical and logical boundaries for the HS-Module and showing the control input interfaces, status output interfaces, the input/output interfaces and the information flow: - The messages arrive at the FPGA through the Data input bus that is the only Data input interface of the module and through the Control input bus that is the Control input interface. - Once a message is inside the module it follows the information flow indicated by the blue arrows: a) The FPGA checks the message validity verifying the values of its fields. If the message is invalid, then it is deleted. If the message is valid, FPGA stores the message in the internal buffer for retrieval by the MCU_S and indicates MCU_S that there is a waiting message. b) The MCU_S is responsible for carrying out the cryptographic operation required by the message. c) In case the cryptographic operation produces a result, it will be output from the module through the Data output bus that is the only data output interface of the module. d) The module contains three control input interfaces whose functionality is described below: o Sleep/Wake Up logic input pin: The default state of this input is logical ‘1’. A transition from logical ‘1’ to logical ‘0’ can be used to cause the module goes to “sleep state“ (to reset the module in case of error or finish the initialization process). Moreover, once the module is in “sleep state”, a new transition from logical ‘1’ to logical ‘0’ can be used to wake up the module causing it starts to perform the power-up self-tests. o Wipe logic input pin: The default state of this input is logical ‘1’. A transition from logical ‘1’ to logical ‘0’ can be used to indicate the module to go to “Zeroization state”. o Control synchronous interface: This interface can be used to introduce the correct wiping confirmation code causing the zeroization of the module, to import or export keys from the module, to perform user management and to send system request to the module. The commands are passed as specific bit sequences (messages) into the module. e) The module contains three status output interfaces: o Mode logic output pin: The default state of this output is logical ‘0’. The output is logical ‘1’ only when the module is in the approved mode of operation. o Error logic output pin: The default state of this output is logical ‘0’. The output is logical ‘1’ only when the module is in an error state. o Status synchronous interface: This status interfaces can be used to output the current state of the module as a sequence of bits (messages) when the user sends Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 10/38 “GetFsmStateRequest” request to the module. This interface is also used to output response messages to the control requests. f) The module contains one power interface to power the module and the internal battery through the power distribution IC. Cryptographic module enclosure is a sealed metal box with a single DB37 standard connector. All module external interfaces are passing through a DB37 connector to an external host system. The metal enclosure is also the physical cryptographic boundary of the module. Figure 1: Physical and logical boundary of the HS-Module Figure 2: Physical and logical boundary of the HS-Module Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 11/38 3.2 MODES OF OPERATION AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS The module only operates in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode because it implements the same FIPS-approved and vendor affirmed cryptographic operations as the WolfSSL library. Algorithm Mode Key Sizes, Curves or Modulo (in bits) Purpose Cert AES [FIPS 197] and KTS [SP 800- 38F] CBC [SP 800-38A] Key sizes: 128, 192, 256 Encryption and decryption #C2014 CTR [SP 800-38A] Key sizes: 128, 192, 256 Encryption and decryption #C2014 CCM [SP 800- 38C] Key sizes: 128, 192, 256 Authenticated encryption and decryption Message authentication #C2014 CMAC [SP 800- 38B] Key sizes: 128, 192, 256 Generation and Verification, Message authentication #C2014 ECB [SP 800-38A] Key sizes: 128, 192, 256 Encryption and decryption #C2014 GCM [SP 800- 38D] Key sizes: 128, 192, 256 Tag length: 96, 104, 112, 120 and 128 Authenticated encryption and decryption Message authentication #C2014 KW [SP 800-38F] Key sizes: 256 Encryption and decryption and key transport #A876 DRBG [SP 800- 90Arev1] Hash_DRBG SHA-256 Random bit generation #C2014 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] P-224, P-256, P-384, P- 521 SHA-1 (Disallowed for signature generation) SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 ECC key generation, Public key validation, Signature Generation, Signature Verification #C2014 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3- 512 Signature Generation, Signature Verification #A876 HMAC [FIPS 198-1] SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384, SHA- 512, SHA3-224, SHA3- 256, SHA3-384 and SHA3-512 Generation and Verification, Message authentication #C2014 RSA [FIPS 186-4] PKCS v1.5 and PSS K = 2048, 3072 SHA-1 (Disallowed for signature generation) SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 Key generation, signature generation and signature verification #C2014 SHA [FIPS 180-4] SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA- 256, SHA-384 and SHA- 512 Message digest generation #C2014 Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 12/38 SHA-3 [FIPS 202] SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384 and SHA3- 512 Message digest generation #C2014 ENT (P) [SP 800-90B] N/A N/A Entropy Generation for the DRBG Note: The module’s entropy source produces a minimum estimated entropy of 0.82 bits for 1 of output. If the module’s entropy source deteriorates to the point when the generation of a sufficient amount of entropy can no longer be guaranteed, this is detected by the module’s health tests and will cause the module to enter an error state requiring a reset to recover (as detailed in [140IG] 7.18 bullet #2. N/A Table 3: Modes of operation and security functions Note: Note that the module’s algorithm implementation was CAVP tested for more algorithms/options than are actually implemented/used by the module. Only the algorithms listed above are actually implemented/used by the module The vendor affirmed cryptographic operations are detailed in the following table: Algorithm Mode Key Sizes, Curves or Modulo (in bits) Purpose Cert CKG [SP 800- 133rev2] Cryptographic key generation Vendor Affirmed KAS-SSC (Key Agreement Scheme - Shared Secret Computation) [SP 800- 56Arev3] ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography) P-256, P-384 and P-521 Key Agreement primitives Vendor affirmed KAS-KDF [SP 800-56Crev1] One step key derivation Key size:256 bits Key Derivation Vendor Affirmed Table 4: Vendor affirmed modes of operation Note: In accordance with FIPS 140-2 IG D.12, the module performs Cryptographic Key Generation (CKG) as per SP800-133rev2 (vendor affirmed). The resulting symmetric keys and seed used for asymmetric key generation are an unmodified output from a DRBG. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 13/38 3.3 CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS This section details all the critical security parameters and public keys used by the HS-Module to be able to use the security functions and cryptographic operations detailed in the section above. This table lists and describes the CSPs used by the HS-Module: CSPs Description RSA_PK Private component of an RSA key pair (2048 or 3072 bits) with the use determined by the caller. EC_PK Private component of an ECDSA key pair (P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521) with the use determined by the caller. ECDH_KAS_Priv_K Private component of EC_Diffie Hellman Key Agreement with curves (P-256, P- 384 and P-521). ECDH_KAS_SS The ECDH shared secret with 128,192 or 256 bits of security strength. KH_Key Keyed Hash key. Can be 128, 192 or 256 bits for CMAC and GMAC or 160, 256, 512 bits for HMAC. RBG_Seed The SHA-256 Hash_DRBG uses 1024 bits of entropy input, 128-256 bits of Nonce and 440 bits of Seed. RBG _State Hash_DRBG (SHA-256) state V(440 bits) and C(440 bits). AES_EDK AES (128, 192 or 256 bits) key used for symmetric encryption/decryption (including AES authenticated encryption). In case of AES-GCM, the module generates IVs internally using Approved DRBG with 96 bits in length. LMK AES 256 bits Local Master Key to encrypt/decrypt the keys stored in the internal flash memory KD_DKM Key Derivation derived keying material with 256 bits in length obtained through one step key derivation. Table 5: List of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) and private keys used by the HS-Module The public keys used by the HS-Module are listed below: CSPs Description RSA_Pub_K Public component of an RSA key pair (2048 or 3072 bits) with the use determined by the caller. EC_Pub_K Public component of an ECDSA key pair (P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521) with the use determined by the caller. ECDH_KAS_Pub_K Public component of EC_Diffie Hellman Key Agreement with curves (P-256, P- 384 and P-521). Table 6: Public keys used by the HS-Module Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 14/38 Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 15/38 4 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES The table summarizes the associations between the logical interfaces required by FIPS 140-2 and the physical ports of the HS-Module shown in the following pictures: Figure 3: Module external ports and enclosure Figure 4: Detailed external DB37 connector pins Note: The ground pin is related to power input because it is used as a reference point for measuring the voltage. It is not in itself providing any power to the module. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 16/38 FIPS 140-2 logical interface Pin ports Cryptographic module physical port Description and purpose Data input interface Data In Data Clock Data CS DATA RTR DB37 connector This is a synchronous digital interface for data input to the module. This interface works as a basic SPI interface, Data CS pin (SPI Chip Select) is set to ‘1’ by the external host to indicate that a new request is ready to be injected. Once Data RTR pin (Ready to receive) that is used by the module to indicate to the external host that it is ready to receive a new request is set to ‘1’, the module samples the information entered through the Data In pin synchronized to the rising edge of the Data Clock line. The module will disregard input data through Data In pin as long as Data RTR is ‘0’. The Data In, Data Clock and Data CS pins are input only configuration while the Data RTR is output only configuration. They can be used to: - Input messages to be verified and processed by the module using one of the cryptographic algorithms supported by the module. This can be done using one of the following request messages: AesCbcRequest, AesEcbRequest, AesGcmRequest, AesCcmRequest, AesCmacRequest, DrbgRequest, EcdsaRequest,RsaRequest or ShaHmacRequest. - Input keys and CSPs into the module when it receives one of the following request messages through the control input interface: ImportKeyRequest, CreateKeyRequest or AddUserRequest. Data Output interface Data Out Data Clock DB37 connector This is a synchronous digital interface for data output from the module. This Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 17/38 Data CS Data RTT interface works as a basic SPI interface, the Data CS pin is set to ‘1’ by the external host to indicate that is ready to read a new response. Once the module has a data to be output, the Data RTT pin (Ready to Transmit) is set to ‘1’ by the module and starts to output the information though the Data Out pin synchronized to the rising edge of the Data Clock line. The Data Out, Data Clock and Data RTR pins are output only configuration while the Data CS is input only configuration. This interface can be used to: - Output the result of the cryptographic operations carried out by the module. - Output keys and CSPs from the module when it receives one of the following request messages through the control input interface: ExportKeyRequest or GetHSMPublicKeyRequest. Control input interface Wipe DB37 connector This is the Wipe logic pin used to indicate the module to begin with the zeroization process if it is set to logical ‘0’ value. Sleep/Wakeu p DB37 connector This is the sleep/wakeup logic pin used to resume the normal operation of the module when it is in Error state and to power on the module when it is in sleep mode state. The sequence of changing the pin value from the default ‘1’ to ‘0’ will switch the module state between sleep and normal operation. Control In Control Clock Control CS Control RTR DB37 connector This is a synchronous digital interface for control input to the module. This interface works as a basic SPI interface, Control CS pin (SPI Chip Select) is set to ‘1’ by the external host to indicate that a new control message is ready to be injected. Once Control RTR pin (Ready to receive) that is used by the module to indicate to the external host that it is ready to receive a new control message is set to ‘1’, the module samples the Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 18/38 information entered through the Control In pin synchronized to the rising edge of the Control Clock line. The module will disregard input data through Control In pin as long as Control RTR is ‘0’. This interface will be used as a control interface to: - Request the current FSM state using the GetFsmStateRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request to perform the backup of the ECDSA public key of the CO or the public/private application keys using the ExportKeyRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request to zeroize the Flash Memory using the WipeRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request to import keys public/private application keys using the ImportKeyRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Create or delete application keys using the CreateKeyRequest and the DeleteKeyRequest messages detailed in [HSFS] document. - Add and remove user authorization to use key using the AddUserToKeyRequest and DeleteUserFromKeyRequest messages detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request the output of the HS- Module public certificate (ECC (P- 521, SHA-512) using the GetHSMPubKeyRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request to create a CO in the HS- Module using the Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 19/38 CoCreationRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request to configure the wiping code using the WipeCodeSetRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Create or delete users from the module using the AddUserRequest and DeleteUserRequest messages detailed in [HSFS] document. - Configure the HS-module date and time using the SetDateTimeRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request to execute a firmware integrity test using the RunFirmwareIntegrityRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Configure the tamper sensors and thresholds using the SetTamperRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request the detailed status log of the system and it firmware version using the GetDetailedInfoRequet message detailed in [HSFS] document. - Request the firmware version of the module using the GetShortInforRequest message detailed in [HSFS] document. Status output interface Mode DB37 connector This pin is used to indicate when the module is operating using a FIPS 140-2 Approved cryptographic algorithm. Error DB37 connector This pin is used to indicate when the module is in the Error state. Status Out Control Clock Control CS Status RTT DB37 connector This is a synchronous digital interface for control input to the module. This interface works as a basic SPI interface, the Control CS pin is set to ‘1’ by the external host to indicate that is ready to read a new status output. Once the module has the status value to be output, the Status RTT pin (Ready to Transmit) is set to ‘1’ by the module and starts to output the information status though the Status Out pin Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 20/38 synchronized to the rising edge of the Control Clock line. This output interface is used to display the current status of the module based on the states defined in the [HSFSM] document. Power in interface Power In DB37 connector This pin is used to provide incoming power 5V-9V/500mA. Table 7: HB-Module ports and interfaces When the module is performing self-test, key zeroization, key generation or is in error state, all data output interfaces (except status output interface) are inhibited. In addition, the HS-Module does not support the maintenance role, therefore it does not require to implement a maintenance interface. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 21/38 5 ROLES, AUTHENTICATION AND SERVICES 5.1 ROLES AND AUTHENTICATION The HS-Module supports identity-based authentication to all operators. The module supports a User and Crypto Officer roles to access to the services detailed in the table and does not provide maintenance role, nor bypass capability nor concurrent operators since it is a single thread module due to the FPGA only stores a single message at a time that is processed by the MCU_S. The module requires authentication for each request received, therefore the module does not save authentication data between requests. Role Authorized services User - Power up the module - Call any approved cryptographic operation Crypto Officer (CO) - Secure initialization of the module - Secure key entry/output (Backup and restore) - Application keys management. - Key zeroization (wiping process). - Add/remove users and create keys for users. Table 8: Users role and authorized services Regarding the identity-based authentication, the user and crypto officer roles will be authenticated separately by the module using asymmetric key authentication (ECDSA) with 521 bits in length when accessing the specified services (P-521/SHA512). The module does not allow to assume a different role to the authenticated user. Hence, the probability that a random attempt succeeds or a false acceptance occurs is 𝑃 = 1 2256 that is less than 1 106. Moreover, the fastest time to reject an authentication message is 45 milliseconds, therefore, in the worst case the module will limit the user to perform a maximum of 1333 authentication attempts per minute, hence, the probability of a successful authentication attempt during one minute period is 𝑃 = 1333 2256 that is less than 1 105. 5.2 SERVICES Once the crypto officer has emplaced the HS-Module in the secure room the user and crypto officer can use the following services and keys/CSPs depending on its type of access and the device functional specification. The access types to CSPs are denoted as follows: - ‘R’: Reading access - ‘W’: Writing access - ‘X’: Execution access Authorized Services Role Description Keys and CSPs API function Access Module Initialization CO Secure initialization of the module EC_Pub_K LMK CoCreationRequest, WipeCodeSetRequest W Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 22/38 setting the wiping confirmation number and creating the COs Generate key CO Generate a symmetric key or an asymmetric key pair AES_EDK RSA_PK, RSA_Pub_K, EC_PK, EC_Pub_K, ECDH_KAS_Priv_K, ECDH_KAS_Pub_K, CreateKeyRequest W Signature generation/ve rification CO User Generate or verify a signature RSA_PK EC_PK RSA_PUB_K EC_PUB_K RsaRequest ECDSARequest RW Keyed hash Co User Generate or verify data integrity with CMAC, GMAC or HMAC KH_Key ShaHmacRequest RX Message Digest CO User Generate a message digest N/A ShaHmacRequest N/A Random CO User Generate random bits using the DRBG RBG_Seed, RBG _State DrbgRequest RWX Symmetric cipher CO User Encrypt/Decrypt data (Including authenticated encryption/decr yption) AES_EDK AesCbcRequest, AesEcbRequest, AesGcmRequest, AesCcmRequest, AesCmacRequest RX Create user CO Create a new user in the HS- Module EC_Pub_K AddUserRequest W Delete user CO Delete a user in the HS-Module All user keys DeleteUserRequest W Key output (Perform backup) CO Output the keys backup from the module EC_Pub_K for CO EC_Pub_K and EC_PK for application ECDH_KAS_SS KD_DKM ExportKeyRequest RX Key input (Restore backup) CO Input keys into the module performing a backup restore EC_Pub_K ECDH_KAS_SS KD_DKM ImporKeyRequest W Zeroization CO Functions that destroy CSPs and public keys stored into the module. Clean up of the internal non- volatile flash All keys and CSPs WipeRequest W Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 23/38 memory of the MCU_S Tamper Configuration CO Enable/Disable tamper sensors and set the tamper response thresholds. N/A SetTamperRequest N/A Full System log CO Show detailed status of the module including the firmware version N/A GetDetailedInfoRequ est N/A Configure the date and time CO Configure the date and time in the RTC N/A SetDateTimeRequest N/A Obtain ECDSA HS-module public key CO User Obtain ECDSA HS-module public key for communication purposes EC_Pub_K GetHSMPubKeyRequ est R Delete application key CO Delete a symmetric key or an asymmetric key pair AES_EDK RSA_PK, RSA_Pub_K, EC_PK, EC_Pub_K, ECDH_KAS_Priv_K, ECDH_KAS_Pub_K, DeleteKeyRequest W Associate a key with a user CO Add user authorization to use a key All type of keys AddUserTokeyReque st W Disassociate a key from a user CO Remove user authorization to use a key All type of keys DeleteUserFromKey Request W Table 9: Description of authorized services The HS-Module will provide the following services as unauthenticated services: Authorized Services Description Keys and CSPs API function Access Self-test Run power-on self-test on demand N/A Module Reset/Reboot N/A Show-status Show the current state of the module N/A GetFsmStateRequest N/A Get firmware version Get the firmware version of the module N/A GetShortInfoRequest N/A Firmware integrity test Perform firmware integrity check N/A RunFirmwareIntegrityTestRequest N/A Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 24/38 and return the result. Table 10: Unauthenticated services provided by the module Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 25/38 6 PHYSICAL SECURITY The HS-Module is a multiple-chip standalone cryptographic module composed by an FPGA, an MCU and a QRNG physical module as detailed in “Figure 2: Physical and logical boundary of the HS-Module”. It is composed by production-grade components, it does not have any ventilation holes or slits and it is covered with a hard and opaque epoxy within the visible spectrum. Moreover, the module is contained in a sealed metal production-grade enclosure whose screws are covered with the same glue epoxy used to seal the enclosure in order to provide tamper evidence to comply with SL3 physical requirements. Moreover, the module contains an accelerometer and temperature tamper sensors connected to the “MCU_S”. These sensors are configurable by the COs, according to the customer needs using the SetTamperRequest detailed in the [HSFS] document. The thresholds of each sensor can be configured to create a tamper event. If a tamper event occurs, the module will be zeroized and reset to the factory state requiring the CO to perform the initialization from the beginning before allowing access to the cryptographic functionality. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 26/38 7 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT Because of the HS-Module is composed by an FPGA and an MCU in charge of providing the cryptographic functionality and the anti-tamper measures of the module, its operational environment can be classified as limited operational since it is a non-modifiable operational environment. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 27/38 8 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT This section encompasses the entire lifecycle of the CSPs detailed in the section “3.3 Critical security parameters” from its generation using the approved Hash_DRBG that uses QRNG module as ENT (P) to their zeroization. The HS-Module can perform symmetric and asymmetric key generation to carry out operations related to encryption/decryption, signature generation/verification, key establishment and key transport. In addition to the key generation, the module allows the CO to perform key entry and key output by performing backup and restore of the CO public keys. In addition, the HS-Module allow the CO to delete a user and its associated keys from the system and it will zeroize all the secrets, private keys and CSPs in case of tamper event as detailed in section “6 Physical security”. 8.1 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION The module uses an [SP 800-90Arev1] compliant Hash_DRBG for the generation of random numbers and also uses an ENT (P) for DRBG seeds. This ENT (P) is based on the QRNG module as a source of randomness and the WolfSSL library instance run in the MCU. The module performs symmetric or asymmetric key generation after receiving a CreateKeyRequest message. 8.2 KEY GENERATION The HS-Module uses the DRBG detailed in the section above for the creation of random data, which is used to generate symmetric keys and seeds for RSA, ECC key pair generation. The module does not return intermediate key generation values. 8.3 KEY ESTABLISHMENT The HS-Module implements key establishment protocol based on ECDH providing 128 or 256 bits of strength, in order to securely exchange secret keys. 8.4 KEY ENTRY AND OUTPUT The module allows the CO to perform backup and restore of the public keys associated with all the crypto officers and the public and private keys application keys. The backup process consists of outputting the keys backup from the module and on the other side, the restore backup consists of entering the keys of the COs and/or application keys into the module. The keys are electronically entered into and output from the module using a key transport method based on one of the key ECDH establishment methods (as detailed in [140IG] 7.7 that states “EXT CM Hardware to/from networked GPC”, which qualifies as electronic distribution and electronic entry) detailed in the section above and ciphered with an AES 256 bits key which corresponds to the 32 bytes of the SHA-512 (KDA [SP 800-56Crev1]) of the shared secret derived by ECDH. Each key entered into or output from the module is associated with one of the COs or with one of the users created by the CO using the AddUserToKeyRequest. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 28/38 To proceed with the entry or output of the keys from the module, the CO must first initialize the module as detailed in the section “13.4 Installation and initialization instructions” and once the modules reaches the “Approved Mode Operation” then the CO can send either the ImportKeyRequest or ExportKeyRequest which are signed by the CO P-512/SHA512 Key. The module does not support manual key entry. Moreover, in order to comply with FIPS 140-2 standard requirements, all data output interfaces except the status output interface are inhibited during the key entry/output processes. 8.5 KEY STORAGE The HS-Module stores entered and generated keys into the internal non-volatile flash memory. The stored keys are encrypted with the Local Master Key (LMK) that is an AES 256 key. The LMK is generated inside the MCU_S at the beginning of the initialization and never leaves the internal memory of MCU_S. Secret and private keys will not be accessible from outside of the module. Each stored key will be associated with the allowed users using an internal table to specify the user, key usage and algorithm. 8.6 KEY ZEROIZATION All the secret, private keys and CSPs stored into the module (including intermediate values generation keys) will be zeroized in one of the following two cases: a) If the Wipe pin is set to logical ’0’ value and the wiping code is entered correctly by the CO. b) As a tamper-event response. All data output interfaces except the status output interface are inhibited during the key zeroization process. During this process the module overwrites the memory occupied by keys with 1s when the module receives the WipeRequest signed by the CO. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 29/38 9 EMI/EMC The module has been tested (at minimum) conform to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for business use). Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 30/38 10 SELF-TEST This section specifies the power-up and conditional self-tests performed by the HS-Module to ensure its correct functionality. If an error occurs during a self-test, the state of the module will be updated to “Error state” and indicated to the user via the status output interface. In addition, while the module is in error state, all data output interfaces except the status output interfaces are inhibited. The self-tests will be executed in the MCU_S that provides the module with cryptographic functionalities. 10.1 POWER-UP SELF-TEST Once the HS-Module is powered, the power-up self-tests are executed automatically updating its state from “Sleep mode” to “Self-test”. These tests consist of checking the firmware integrity of the source code contained in the module and checking the correct operativity of each cryptographic algorithm. To execute the power-up self-test, the module calls the ResetHandler() function. 10.1.1 FIRMWARE INTEGRITY TEST The firmware integrity tests will check the integrity of the firmware contained in the FPGA in charge of receiving the messages to be processed by the module and will check the integrity of the MCU_S that provides the module with the cryptographic functionalities and the anti-tamper measures. Considering the exposed above, the module will carry out the following integrity tests: - Microcontroller Bootloader: The bootloader validates its own code integrity on each power up by verifying the error detection code (EDC) of 256 bits in length. - FPGA code integrity verification carried out by the bootloader on each power up and based on verifying the 256 bits ECD of the FPGA image file. In addition, the FPGA itself has internal CRC32 check and will not work in case of CRC error. - Integrity verification of the code flashed in the ROM of the MCU_S based on verifying the digital signature of the code SHA256 hash using ECDSA-SECP-256. The function associated with this test is the DoIntegrityTest(). 10.1.2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHM TESTS The module will perform the Known Answer Test (KAT) of the cryptographic operations implemented by the module to ensure the correct operativity of each cryptographic algorithm. These KATs involves operating the cryptographic algorithms on data for which the correct output is already known and comparing the calculated output with the previously generated output. To execute the power-up self-test, the module calls the DoSelfTest() function which is responsible for calling the DoKnownAnswerTests() that will execute the KAS for all the cryptographic algorithms supported by the module: Algorithm Description AES KAT based on a separate encryption and decryption test using a 128 bits key and CBC mode. The function associated with this test is AesKnownAnswerTest(). Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 31/38 AES GCM KAT based on a separate authenticated encryption and decryption test using 128 bits key and GCM mode. The function associated with this test is AesGcm_KnownAnswerTest(). DRBG KAT of the HASH_DRBG using SHA-256. The function associated with this test is DRBG_KnownAnswerTest(). ECC PCT Performs an ECC PCT (Pairwise Consistency Test) using the P-256 curve. The function associated with this test is ECDSA_PairwiseAgreeTest(). HMAC HMAC-SHA-1 (160-bit-key), HMAC-SHA-512 (512-bit key) and HMAC-SHA3-256 (256- bit key) KATs. The function associated with this test is HMAC_KnownAnswerTest(). KAS ECC [SP 800-56Arev3] Section primitive “Z” computation KAT (per[140IG] 9.6), using P-256. The function associated with this test is EccPrimitiveZ_KnownAnswerTest(). RSA Separate Signature generation and signature verification KATs (k=2048), inclusive of the embedded SHA-256 (per FIPS 140-2 IG 9.2). The function associated with this test is RsaSignPKCS1v15_KnownAnswerTest(). ENT (P) Performs the start-up health tests. The function associated with this test is QRNG_HEALTH_TEST(). Table 11: Cryptographic algorithms power-up self-test description Power-up self-test function returns 0 if all self-test succeeds, and 1 if not. If a self-test fails, the type of error is written in the log file and the module enters the error state and all data output interfaces except status output interface will be inhibited. The cryptographic operations will not be able to be used until the self-tests are finished successfully. If a self-test fails, the invocation of any cryptographic operation will fail. The only way to resume the normal operation of the module from a self-test failure is by resetting the module and setting the Sleep/Wakeup pin to logical ‘0’ value. 10.2 CONDITIONAL SELF-TEST Because the module implements the public/private key generation and employs continuous random bit generation, it is necessary to implement the conditional self-tests specified in this section. 10.2.1 PAIRWISE CONSISTENCY TEST The following pairwise consistency tests will be executed in order to check the correct operativity of the module during the public/private keys generation: Algorithm Description ECC PCT ECC key Generation Pairwise Consistency Test performed on ECC key pair generation. The function associated with this test is wc_ecc_check_key(). RSA PCT RSA key Generation Pairwise Consistency Test performed on RSA key pair generation and signature generation and verification. The function associated with this test is wc_CheckRsaKey (). Table 12: Pairwise consistency tests 10.2.2 CONTINUOUS RANDOM GENERATOR TEST Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 32/38 The module will execute the following tests continuous random generator test for ENT and DRBG algorithms as required by the FIPS 140-2 standard: Algorithm Description DRBG [SP 800-90Arev1] section 11.3 instantiates, generate, reseed health tests for SHA-256 Hash_DRBG. The function associated with this test is RNG_HealthTest_fips (). ENT (P) Continuous Random Generation Test of 64 bits block on the output. The function associated with this test is wc_RNG_TestSeed. Table 13: Continuous random generator test 10.2.3 CONTINUOUS HEALTH-TESTS The module will execute the following continuous Health-tests for the ENT (P) in compliance with the [SP 800-90B] document: Algorithm Description RCT The Repetition Count Test is performed as specified in section 4.4.1 of the [SP 800- 90B]. The function associated with this test is Repetition_Count_Test(). APT The Adaptative Proportion test is performed as specified in section 4.4.2 of the [SP 800-90B]. The function associated with this test is Adaptive_Proportion_Test(). Table 14: Continuous Health-tests 10.2.4 CONDITIONAL TEST FOR ASSURANCE The module will execute the following conditional test for assurance as stated in [IG 9.6] and [SP 800- 56Arev3]: Algorithm Description ECC conditional Test for assurance Conditional Tests for Assurances are performed following sections 5.5.2, 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 of [SP 800-56Arev3]. Table 15: Conditional test for assurance Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 33/38 11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS The module is not designed to mitigate other attacks which are outside of the scope of FIPS 140-2. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 34/38 12 DESIGN ASSURANCE 12.1 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT The configuration management list is composed by the Configuration Items version control, change control, flaw remediation tracking and the source code revision which are managed by Hub Security LTD in a private Gitlab repository with write access restricted to the authorized developers and multifactor authentication processes. 12.2 CONFIGURATION ITEMS IDENTIFICATION METHOD The internal versioning of the VHDL FPGA source code and C/C++ MCU source code is performed automatically and the assigned version and revision are used internally to control the code development. However, this version and revision are not the same as the final released version of the VHDL and C/C++ codes assigned manually using a comment. The firmware version of the MCU will be assigned with the following format “MODULE.HHHH.FFFFF.BBBB.VVVV.SSS”, where: - MODULE - unique module name. - HHHH - hardware version number between 0000 and 9999. - FFFFF - FPGA version number between 0000 and 9999. - BBBB – MCU_S Bios version number between 000 and 9999. - VVVV - MCU_S bootloader version number between 0000 and 9999. - SSS - MCU_S FIPS application version number between 000 and 999. Moreover, the HS-Module will be able to return the source code version after receiving the GetShortInfoRequest message. The associated module documentation is manually versioned by appending the date, the major version and minor version on their name as following “” with the following naming convention: - NAME - unique document name. - dd - day number between 01 and 31. - mm - month number between 01 and 12. - yyyy - year number between 0000 and 9999. - A - major version number. - B - minor version number. The configuration item list can be consulted in the [HSCIL] document. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 35/38 13 CRYPTO OFFICER AND USER GUIDANCE 13.1 OPERATION RULES When the module is installed and securely initialized as detailed in the section “13.4 Installation and initialization instructions”, it is initialized in FIPS mode that is the only mode of operation that complies with the following rules: 1. The HS-Module is initialized in FIPS mode of operation automatically after the self-test are completed successfully. 2. The replacement or modification of the module by unauthorized users is prohibited. 3. Once the module is powered, the power-up self-tests are executed automatically without requiring any operator additional action to be executed. 4. All data output interfaces except status output interfaces will be inhibited during the key entry, power-up and conditional self-tests, keys zeroization and error state. 5. The module does not implement critical security functions to be tested during the self-test. 6. The zeroization affects the internal volatile and non-volatile flash memory of the MCU_S that is in charge of executing the instance of the WolfSSL library in order to provide the module with cryptographic operativity. 7. The HS-Module does not support a maintenance interface nor maintenance role. 8. The HS-Module does not provide bypass capability. 9. The module provides identity-based authentication using asymmetric key authentication (ECDSA) with 521 bits in length to comply with the authentication requirements for Security Level 3. 10. The module does not support manual key entry, because all the keys will be entered using electronic input and output methods as stated in [140IG] 7.7. 11. The module implements power-up self-tests to ensure the integrity of the firmware and the correct cryptographic operation of each approved cryptographic algorithm supported by the module. The power-up self-test can be performed on demand by resetting the module. 12. The module implements conditional self-test to ensure the correctness of the random number generation process, the asymmetric key generation process and key establishment process. 13. The public and private keys are entered into or output from the module using a valid key establishment method via software ciphered with an AES 256 bits key. 14. All the keys are stored into the internal non-volatile flash memory encrypted using the LMK and specifying the type of key and associated with its owner using the user ID. 15. The crypto officer is in charge of uploading the keys backup of the CO during the module initialization and inserting the wiping confirmation code to perform the key zeroization. 16. If the module is in error state, the cryptographic operativity of the module will be disabled. 17. The normal operation of the HS-Module can be resumed from an Error state by resetting the module by setting the Sleep/Wakeup pin to logical ‘0’ value. 18. The CO is responsible for performing periodic inspection of the epoxy applied to the screws of the module in order to ensure the physical security maintenance of the module. Moreover, if evidence of tamper, the CO should contact Hub Security immediately. 13.2 SECURE DISTRIBUTION The module will be shipped to the costumers via certified courier service by Hub Security LTD, and it will be shipped in boxes and contained in bags with Hub Security tamper-evident and labelled with a serial Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 36/38 number that is provided to the customer when the module is acquired; therefore, the customer will be able to check the integrity box and the tamper seals before opening it. 13.3 INTEGRITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURANCE When the module is received, the Crypto officer can verify the HS-module integrity verifying that the tamper seals of the shipping box,bag and the HS-Module has not been tampered. The CO can also compare the serial numbers on the tamper evident bags with the information as provided by Hub Security. If the epoxy applied to the screws of the enclosure is intact, the serial numbers are correct, the module metal enclosure is intact and the module is operative, the CO can verify firmware version of the module by following the installation and initialization instructions detailed in the following section. Otherwise, if the Crypto Officer notices that the evident bag or the epoxy that protects the screws of the enclosure of the HS-Module have been manipulated, then the HS-Module should not be initiated nor used for secure operation. Hub Security should be contacted to arrange the return of the module to Hub Security facilities for inspection and any necessary repair. 13.4 INSTALLATION AND INITIALIZATION INSTRUCTIONS Once the shipping box or bag and the module have been physically inspected by the CO to ensure they have not tampered (the tamper-evident is intact), the CO must use the following instructions in order to emplace, install and initialize the module in a secure manner: a) Plug the module to the electric network and connect it to the host PC (or equivalent appliance with the necessary SPI ports and GPIO ports). b) Set the Sleep/Wakeup pin in sequence ‘1’-‘0’-‘1’ logical value in order to make the module, to begin with, the power-up self-tests. c) Enter the COCreationRequest through the Data Input Interface once the power-up self-tests have been finished with success. d) The first CO is added using the manufacturer supplied initialization code. The additional two COs are added by the majority of digital signatures of existing COs. e) Set the Wipe code using the SetWipeCodeRequest. f) Set the Sleep/Wakeup pin from logical '1' to logical '0' (falling edge) to switch the module from Sleep state to Powerup state and wait until the power-up self-tests are finished with success. g) Once the power-up self-tests are successfully passed, the module is set in Approved Mode of Operation. h) Sent to the module the GetShortInfoRequest to verify the correct version of the firmware (V2.0002.0050.0503.0725.080) 13.5 SECURE OPERATION After the CO installs and initializes the module as described in the previous section, the module will be in the ApprovedMode state and will allow the user and crypto officer to use the authorized services and API functions detailed in section “5.2 Services” related to any cryptographic operation, key zeroization, module configuration, user management, obtain the module status or perform a self-test. To interact with the module, the user and the CO can use the ports defined in section “4 Cryptographic module ports and interfaces” without any additional measure or special behavior, due to the module is always operating in FIPS mode. Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 37/38 14 GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS AES Advanced Encryption Standard CBC AES Cipher Bloc Chaining CCM Counter with CBC-MAC CMAC Cipher-based Message Authentication Code CO Crypto Officer CRC32 Cyclic Redundancy check of 32 bits CRNGT Continuous Random Number Generator Test CTR AES Counter Mode DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECB Electronic Code block ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EDC Error Detection Code EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array GCM Galois Counter Mode GPIO General Purpose Input/Output HMAC Hash-Based Message Authentication Code HSM Hardware Security Module HS-Module Hub Security Cryptographic Module V4.4.0 IG Implementation Guidance IUT Instrument Under Test KAT Known Answer Test LAN Local Area Network LMK Local Mater Key MCU Microcontroller Unit NDNRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator NIST National Institute of Standard and Technology OTP One Time Programable PCT Pairwise Consistency Test PKCS Public-Key Cryptographic Standards PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir y Adleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SP Security Policy USB Universal Serial Bus FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array Version: 20.12.2021.1.9 Date: 20/12/2021 Hub Security Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Hub Security This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirely. PAGE 38/38 15 REFERENCE DOCUMENT 140IG Implementation Guidance for FIPS 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program HSSP Hub Security FIPS 140-2 Security Policy.20.12.2021.1.9 HSCIL Hub Security FIPS 140-2 Configuration Item List.20.12.2021.1.9 HSFSM Hub Security FIPS 140-2 Finite State Model.20.12.2021.1.9 HSFS Hub Security FIPS 140-2 Functional Specification.20.12.2021.1.9 FIPS 197 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Federal Information Processing standards publication 197 SP 800-38A Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation, Methods and techniques SP 800-38B Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: the CMAC Mode for Authentication SP 800-38C Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality SP 800-38D Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC SP 800-90Arev1 Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators SP 800-56Arev3 Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography FIPS 186-4 Digital Signature Standard (DSS) FIPS 198-1 The Keyed-hash Message Authentication Code FIPS 180-4 Secure Hash Standard (SHS) SP 800-133rev2 Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation SP 800-56Crev1 Recommendation for key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes FIPS 202 SHA-3 Standard: Permutation-Based hash and Extendable-Output Functions