PreVeil Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Security Level 1 Validation PreVeil, Inc. Document Version 1.07 Module Version 2.0.0 January 2021 PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 1 Table of Contents, Table of Figures, List of Tables Table of Contents Table of Contents, Table of Figures, List of Tables 1 Table of Contents 1 Table of Figures 2 Table of Tables 2 1. Overview 3 2. Introduction 3 3. Cryptographic Module Specification 3 3.1. Security Level Summary 3 3.2. Cryptographic Boundary 3 3.3. Block Diagram 4 3.4. Secure Initialization 4 3.5. Approved Algorithms 5 3.6. Allowed Algorithms 6 3.7. Non-Approved Algorithms Table 6 4. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 6 4.1. Logical Interfaces 6 5. Roles, Services, and Authentication 7 5.1. Roles 7 5.2. Services 7 5.2.1. User and Crypto-Officer Services 7 5.2.2. Non-Approved Services 9 5.3. Authentication 10 6. Physical Security 10 7. Operational Environment 10 8. Cryptographic Key Management 10 9. EMI / EMC 11 10. Self-Tests 11 10.1. Power-on Self-Tests 12 10.2. Conditional Self-Tests 12 A. Appendices 13 PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 2 Table of Figures Figure 1 Security Level Summary .............................................................................................. 3 Figure 2 Block Diagram.............................................................................................................. 4 Table of Tables Table 1 Approved Algorithms...................................................................................................................6 Table 2 Allowed Algorithms......................................................................................................................6 Table 3 Non-Approved Algorithms ..........................................................................................................6 Table 4 Logical Interfaces.........................................................................................................................7 Table 5 User and Crypto-Officer Services..............................................................................................9 Table 6 Non-approved Services ............................................................................................................10 Table 7 Cryptographic Keys and CSPs ................................................................................................11 PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 3 1. Overview This document is a non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the PreVeil Cryptographic Module. This policy describes how the PreVeil Cryptographic Module (hereafter referred to as “fips-crypto” or “module”) meets the requirements of FIPS 140-2. This document also describes how to configure the module into the FIPS 140-2 Approved mode. This document was prepared by Leidos as part of a FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 validation. The Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 - Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules (FIPS 140-2) details the United States Federal Government requirements for cryptographic modules. Detailed information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) website at This document may be reproduced in its entirety, without modification, and freely distributed in written or electronic form. Permission is required for any other use. 2. Introduction PreVeil Cryptographic module is a PreVeil code module that provides various cryptographic operations in a secure, uniform way to the other components in the PreVeil SaaS platform and client software that make up PreVeil's end-to-end encrypted messaging and file sharing service currently available for free individual and paid enterprise use. The PreVeil Cryptographic Module is being validated as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module at FIPS 140-2 overall Security Level 1. 3. Cryptographic Module Specification 3.1. Security Level Summary The security level claimed for each section of the FIPS 140-2 standard are as follows: Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 1 9 Self-Tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A1 Overall 1 Figure 1 Security Level Summary 3.2. Cryptographic Boundary The physical cryptographic boundary for the PreVeil Cryptographic Module is the edge (front, back, left, 1 There are no special mechanisms built into or designed into the module to mitigate any specific attacks beyond those required by the FIPS 140-2 standard. PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 4 right, top, and bottom surfaces) of the physical enclosure for the physical appliance that the module is running on. The logical cryptographic boundary for the module is the fips-crypto library (libfips-crypto.dll) file itself. 3.3. Block Diagram Figure 2 Block Diagram 3.4. Secure Initialization The following steps must be followed to initialize the module into the FIPS Approved mode of operation. No special installation or start-up procedures need to be performed beyond just loading the module via a calling application and adhering to the steps below. ● The calling application of the module must use Approved algorithms (see section Approved Algorithms) in contexts which require security. No non-Approved algorithms shall be used in a context which requires security. ● Per the guidance in FIPS 140-2 IG 1.23, calling applications may use non-Approved algorithms in contexts where security is not required or being claimed. ● When utilizing the module, the following APIs are whitelisted and Approved for usage in the module’s FIPS Approved mode of operation. Anything outside of this whitelist (below) of APIs is disallowed by policy. The full list of APIs supported by the module can be obtained from PreVeil’s FIPS Crypto API specification: o fips_crypto_free o fips_crypto_last_error o aes_encrypt_init PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 5 o aes_encrypt_update o aes_encrypt_finalize o aes_decrypt_init o aes_decrypt_update o aes_decrypt_finalize o generate_ec_key o ec_key_to_binary o ec_key_from_binary o ec_key_free o ec_sign o ec_verify o box_encrypt o box_decrypt o box_derive_key o hybrid_encrypt o hybrid_decrypt o verify_checksums ● When making usage of the ‘box_encrypt’, ‘box_decrypt’, ‘box_derive_key’, ‘hybrid_encrypt’, or ‘hybrid_decrypt’ APIs, the ‘kdf_type’ argument must be set to a value of ‘KDF_FIPS’. Anything outside of this whitelisted value is disallowed by policy. ● When making usage of the ‘hybrid_encrypt’ and ‘hybrid_decrypt’ APIs, the ‘use_iv’ argument must be set to a value of ‘true’. Anything outside of this whitelisted value is disallowed by policy. Failure to follow the above procedures will result in the module operating in a non-approved manner. When transitioning the module between the FIPS Approved mode (i.e.: adherence to the steps outlined above) and being utilized in a non-approved manner, the operator of the module must zeroize all Keys and CSPs. Similarly, in order to re-establish a FIPS Approved mode after utilizing the module in a non- approved manner, the operator shall once again zeroize all Keys and CSPs and adhere to the steps outlined above. 3.5. Approved Algorithms The module supports the following approved algorithms for use in the approved mode. Although the module’s cryptographic implementation supports more options than listed below, only those listed are usable by the module’s APIs. CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use #C1714 AES2 FIPS 197 SP 800-38D ECB3, GCM4 256 Data Encryption / Decryption Vendor Affirmed CKG SP 800-133 rev1 Section 5 Asymmetric Key Generation #C1714 DRBG SP 800-90A CTR_DRBG w/ AES-256 Deterministic Random Bit Generation 2 The module supports the use of AES-NI hardware acceleration if available. 3 While the module supports AES-ECB, it is only used in the context that it is a prerequisite for GCM mode as well as the module’s CTR_DRBG. The module does not provide a standalone ECB encryption/decryption service. 4 The module supports AES-GCM encryption using an internally generated IV. The 96-bit IV is generated using the module’s Approved DRBG (which is seeded from within the module’s physical boundary with 256 bits of entropy and supports a security strength of 256 bits). This is compliant with FIPS 140-2 IG A.5 scenario 2. PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 6 #C1714 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 - P-256 (w/ SHA- 256) ECC Key Generation5 Signature Generation Signature Verification #C1714 HMAC FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA-256 256 Integrity Check Vendor Affirmed KAS-SSC SP 800-56A rev3 P-2566 Key Agreement Vendor Affirmed KDA SP 800-56C rev1 One-step KDF using SHA-256 256 Key Derivation #C1714 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-256 Message Digest Table 1 Approved Algorithms 3.6. Allowed Algorithms The following algorithms are non-approved but allowed for use in the approved mode. Algorithm Caveat Use NDRNG This implementation satisfies scenario 1(b) of IG 7.14. The module obtains a minimum of 256 bits of entropy before generating keys. Seeding the DRBG Table 2 Allowed Algorithms 3.7. Non-Approved Algorithms Table The following algorithms are non-approved for use in the approved mode in any context requiring security. See section Secure Initialization for more detail on acceptable usage. Algorithm Caveat Use EdDSA (with Curve25519) No security claimed Signature Generation Signature Verification X25519 No security claimed Key Agreement Table 3 Non-Approved Algorithms 4. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 4.1. Logical Interfaces The module’s interfaces can be categorized under the following FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces.  Data Input  Data Output  Control Input 5 The ECC keys used for EC Diffie-Hellman and ECDSA are generated according to FIPS 186-4. 6 KAS-SSC with P-256 is used to produce AES-256 keys. Due to P-256 providing an equivalent security strength of only 128 bits (vs. the expected 256 for an AES-256 key), the following caveat applies to KAS-SSC per FIPS 140-2 IG 7.5: Key establishment methodology provides 128 bits of encryption strength PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 7  Status Output The following table provides a mapping of the module’s interfaces to the FIPS 140-2 defined interface categories. FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface(s) PreVeil Cryptographic Module Interface Data Input API Input Parameters Data Output API Output Parameters Control Input Exported API Functions Status Output API Return Values Specific Exported API Functions Power Input N/A Table 4 Logical Interfaces 5. Roles, Services, and Authentication 5.1. Roles The PreVeil Cryptographic Module does not implement any form of authentication of users, as no authentication is required for a Level 1 module. The PreVeil Cryptographic Module defines a logical ‘User’ and ‘Crypto Officer’ role, both of which have access to the same set of services. The only differentiator between a User and Crypto Officer would be whether the operator (i.e.: calling application) is calling with elevated privileges (like ‘Administrator’ on Windows) or not. 5.2. Services Listed below are the services for each of the module’s roles that are approved for use in the FIPS approved mode. The access qualifiers that appear in the Key/CSP Access column are described as follows:  Write: The Key/CSP is either written for the first time (like by being input into the API), or is otherwise overwritten by this service  Execute: The Key/CSP is utilized by this service in a cryptographic operation  Agree: The Key/CSP is established by this service using an Approved key agreement scheme  Derive: The Key/CSP is derived by this service using an Approved key derivation algorithm  Generate: The Key/CSP is generated by this service using an Approved key generation algorithm  Delete: The Key/CSP is zeroized by this service 5.2.1. User and Crypto-Officer Services Name Associated API(s) Description Inputs Outputs Key/CSP Access AES Key Establishment box_derive_key Produce AES-GCM key Key Pairs KDF Type Derived Key  ECDH Public Key (write, execute)  ECDH Private PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 8 Key (write, execute)  Shared Secret (agree, execute)  AES Key (derive)  DRBG CSPs (write, execute) AES Encryption aes_encrypt_init aes_encrypt_update aes_encrypt_finalize box_encrypt hybrid_encrypt Perform AES-GCM encryption based on a derived or entered key Key Pairs KDF Type Key Plaintext Ciphertext  All Keys/CSPs from AES Key Establishment row if ‘box’ or ‘hybrid’ APIs are used  AES Key (write, execute)  DRBG CSPs (write, execute) AES Decryption aes_decrypt_init aes_decrypt_update aes_decrypt_finalize box_decrypt hybrid_decrypt Perform AES-GCM decryption based on a derived or entered key Key Pairs KDF Type Key IV Ciphertext Plaintext  All Keys/CSPs from AES Key Establishment row if ‘box’ or ‘hybrid’ APIs are used  AES Key (write, execute) EC Key Generation generate_ec_key ec_key_to_binary Generate Elliptic Curve Key Pairs for ECDSA / ECDH Key Type Key Usage Key Pair  ECDSA Public Key (generate)  ECDSA Private Key (generate)  ECDH Public Key (generate)  ECDH Private Key (generate)  DRBG CSPs (write, execute) PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 9 Digital Signature Generation ec_key_from_binary ec_sign Generate ECDSA digital signature Key Pair Message Signature  ECDSA Private Key (write, execute)  DRBG CSPs (write, execute) Digital Signature Verification ec_key_from_binary ec_verify Verify ECDSA digital signature Key Pair Message Signature True or False  ECDSA Public Key (write, execute) Zeroization aes_encrypt_finalize aes_decrypt_finalize ec_key_free fips_crypto_free Zeroize key material Memory Reference None  All Keys and CSPs (delete) Show Status fips_crypto_last_error Output status information None Status String  None Self-Tests DllMain (Default Entry Point) Load the module and execute the power-on self-tests (automatic) None Status String  Integrity Test Key (execute) Table 5 User and Crypto-Officer Services 5.2.2. Non-Approved Services The following services are non-approved for use in the FIPS approved mode, but are otherwise available to the User and Crypto-Officer roles. Name Description AES Key Establishment with Non-Approved KDF The module supports multiple methods for key derivation for AES-GCM keys. Per FIPS 140-2 Annex D, only the module’s SP 800-56C Rev. 1 KDF is Approved. Using any other KDF type beyond what is designated in Secure Initialization is Non-Approved and is disallowed by policy. AES Encryption with External IV The module supports two methods for IVs for AES-GCM encryption; internal generation and external input. Per FIPS 140-2 IG A.5, the external input of IVs is not allowed for usage in the FIPS Approved mode. Non-Whitelisted Exported APIs This Security Policy (section Secure Initialization) provides a whitelist of the exported APIs that can be utilized in the FIPS approved mode. The usage of any APIs outside of this white list is considered to be Non- Approved and is disallowed by policy. PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 10 Table 6 Non-approved Services 5.3. Authentication The module does not support any authentication methods as it is a Level 1 module. Roles are logically assumed based on the privilege level of the calling application as determined by the operating system. 6. Physical Security The module is a software module whose host must run on a production grade platform (e.g. commercially made server or general purpose computer). 7. Operational Environment The module is operating in a modifiable operational environment. For this FIPS 140-2 certification effort, the module was tested on the following platforms:  Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit on x86-64) running on a Dell XPS 8700 with an Intel Core i7 with PAA (AES-NI)  Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit on x86-64) running on a Dell XPS 8700 with an Intel Core i7 with PAA (AES-NI)  Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit on x86-64) running on a Dell XPS 8700 with an Intel Core i7 without PAA (AES-NI)  Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit on x86-64) running on a Dell XPS 8700 with an Intel Core i7 without PAA (AES-NI) 8. Cryptographic Key Management Key/CSP Name Key/CSP Type Key/CSP Size Generation/ Input7 Output Storage Zeroization Use8 AES Key AES-GCM 256 bits Input via the API in plaintext; Derived from Shared Secret N/A N/A Zeroization Service AES Encryption and AES Decryption ECDH Public Key P-256 256 bits Generated; Input via the API in plaintext Output when Generated N/A Zeroization Service Producing Shared Secret via Key Agreement 7 For all keys marked as “generated”, the resulting symmetric key or the generated seed to be used in the asymmetric key generation is an unmodified output from the DRBG unless otherwise noted. 8 Keys/CSPs established in FIPS mode shall not be used in a non-Approved mode/service and vice-versa. PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 11 ECDH Private Key P-256 256 bits Generated; Input via the API in plaintext Output when Generated N/A Zeroization Service Producing Shared Secret via Key Agreement ECDSA Public Key P-256 256 bits Generated; Input via the API in plaintext Output when Generated N/A Zeroization Service Verifying Digital Signatures ECDSA Private Key P-256 256 bits Generated; Input via the API in plaintext Output when Generated N/A Zeroization Service Generating Digital Signatures Shared Secret Shared Secret 256 bits Established via Key Agreement N/A N/A Zeroization Service Deriving AES Keys DRBG CSPs Entropy Input, Seed, V and Key Entropy Input (256 bits), Seed (384 bits), V (128 bits) and Key (256 bits) Entropy Input is Generated via NDRNG N/A N/A Zeroization Service Generating Random Numbers Integrity Test Key HMAC- SHA-256 256 bits Hard-Coded N/A Hard-Coded N/A (Not Required per FIPS 140-2 IG 7.4) Integrity Check Table 7 Cryptographic Keys and CSPs 9. EMI / EMC The tested platform conformed to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class A (i.e., for business use). 10. Self-Tests Output via the Data Output interface is inhibited during the performance of self-tests. The module enters the error state upon any self-test failure. The following self-tests are executed automatically without any need for input or actions from the user. PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 12 10.1. Power-on Self-Tests The following self-tests are automatically executed upon loading the module (via the module’s default entry point), and can be repeated on demand by reloading the module: ● Integrity Test (HMAC-SHA-256 with 256-bit Key) ● SHA-256 Known Answer Test ● HMAC-SHA-256 Known Answer Test ● AES-256 ECB encrypt / decrypt Known Answer Test ● AES-256 GCM encrypt / decrypt Known Answer Test ● ECDSA sign / verify Pairwise Consistency Test (P-256 with SHA-256) ● CTR_DRBG w/ AES-256 Known Answer Tests (Instantiate, Reseed, Generate) ● Primitive “Z” Computation Known Answer Test for Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman (P-256) 10.2. Conditional Self-Tests ● Health Tests (Instantiate, Reseed, Generate) on the SP800-90A CTR_DRBG w/ AES-256 ● Repetition Count Test (RCT) on the NDRNG ● Adaptive Proportion Test (APT) on the NDRNG ● ECDSA Pair-wise Consistency Test ● Elliptic-Curve Diffie-Hellman Pair-wise Conditional Test ● Conditional Tests for Assurances (as specified in SP800-56A Sections 5.5.2, 5.6.2 and 5.6.3) PreVeil Cryptographic Module PreVeil Cryptographic Module | FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy 13 A. Appendices Table of Acronyms: Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard AES-NI Advanced Encryption Standard – New Instructions API Application Programming Interface APT Adaptive Proportion Test CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CKG Cryptographic Key Generation CPU Central Processing Unit CRNGT Continuous Random Number Generator Test CSP Critical Security Parameter CVL Component Validation List DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator EC Elliptic Curve ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EdDSA Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMI Electromagnetic Interference EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GCM Galois Counter Mode HDD Hard Disk Drive HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code IG Implementation Guidance KAS Key Agreement Scheme KAS-SSC Key Agreement Scheme – Shared Secret Computation KDA Key Derivation Algorithm KDF Key Derivation Function NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator RAM Random Access Memory RCT Repetition Count Test SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHS Secure Hash Standard SSD Solid State Drive