1 Communication Devices, Inc. Port Authority Series Hardware Version: PA111-SA CDI 01-03-0912I PA111-RM CDI 01-03-0912I PA121-RM CDI 01-03-0912I PA155-RM CDI 01-03-0912I PA199-RM CDI 01-03-0912I Firmware Version: 1.0.0 FIPS 140-3 Non-Proprietary Security Policy This document is copyright © Communication Devices, Inc. 2024 Document Version: 1.2 Date: 9/6/2024 2 Table of Contents 1 General Information..................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Security Levels....................................................................................................... 4 2 Cryptographic Module Specification............................................................................ 4 2.1 Description ............................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification ...................... 11 2.3 Excluded Components......................................................................................... 12 2.4 Modes of Operation............................................................................................ 12 2.5 Algorithms........................................................................................................... 12 2.6 Security Function Implementation...................................................................... 15 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information........................................................................... 15 2.8 RNG and Entropy................................................................................................. 16 2.9 Key Generation.................................................................................................... 16 2.10 Key Establishment............................................................................................... 16 2.11 Industry Protocols ............................................................................................... 17 2.12 Design and Rules ................................................................................................. 17 2.13 Initialization......................................................................................................... 17 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces............................................................................... 18 3.1 Ports and Interfaces ............................................................................................ 18 3.2 Trusted Channel Specification............................................................................. 19 3.3 Control Interface Not Inhibited........................................................................... 19 4 Roles, Services and Authentication ............................................................................ 19 4.1 Authentication Methods..................................................................................... 19 4.2 Roles.................................................................................................................... 21 4.3 Approved Services............................................................................................... 22 4.4 Non-Approved Services....................................................................................... 25 4.5 External Software/Firmware Loaded.................................................................. 25 4.6 Bypass Actions and Status................................................................................... 25 4.7 Cryptographic Output Actions and Status .......................................................... 26 5 Software/Firmware Security ...................................................................................... 26 3 5.1 Integrity Techniques............................................................................................ 26 5.2 Initiate on Demand.............................................................................................. 26 6 Operational Environment........................................................................................... 26 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements............................................ 26 6.2 Configuration Settings and Restrictions.............................................................. 26 7 Physical Security ......................................................................................................... 26 7.1 Mechanisms and Actions Required..................................................................... 26 7.2 Factory Placed Tamper Seals............................................................................... 28 8 Non-Invasive Security................................................................................................. 29 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management ............................................................. 29 9.1 Storage Areas ...................................................................................................... 29 9.2 SSP Input-Output Methods ................................................................................. 29 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods .................................................................................... 30 9.4 SSPs...................................................................................................................... 31 10 Self-Tests..................................................................................................................... 35 10.1 Pre-Operational Self-Tests .................................................................................. 35 10.2 Conditional Self-Tests.......................................................................................... 35 10.3 Periodic Self-Tests ............................................................................................... 38 10.4 Error States.......................................................................................................... 38 11 Life-Cycle Assurance................................................................................................... 38 11.1 Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures............................................. 38 11.2 Administrator Guidance...................................................................................... 38 11.3 Non-Administrator Guidance.............................................................................. 39 11.4 Maintenance Requirements................................................................................ 39 11.5 End of Life............................................................................................................ 39 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks........................................................................................ 39 13 Acronyms.................................................................................................................... 39 4 1 General Information 1.1 Overview This document sets forth to describe the security rules under which the Port Authority Series cryptographic module (the “module”) will operate, using the terminology contained in the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-3, which is available at https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.140-3.pdf on the NIST website. The format of this document follows the requirements specified in NIST SP 800-140Br1. This non-proprietary security policy may be reproduced or distributed in its entirety, without revision and with copyright notices. 1.2 Security Levels ISO/IEC 24759 Section 6 FIPS 140-3 Section Title Security Level 1 General 2 2 Cryptographic module specification 2 3 Cryptographic module interfaces 2 4 Roles, services and authentication 2 5 Software/Firmware security 2 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Physical security 2 8 Non-invasive security N/A 9 Sensitive security parameter management 2 10 Self-tests 2 11 Life-cycle assurance 2 12 Mitigation of other attacks N/A Table 1: Security Levels Overall security level 2. 2 Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1 Description Purpose and Use: Out of Band Management, or OBM, refers to products that permit secured technician access to "management elements" (e.g. Firewalls, Routers, Bridges, SONET, Switches, Servers, etc.) via dial up telephone lines, isolated cellular networks and other communication channels not in bandwidth of the primary network. As in-band, or part of the primary network, control 5 channels both rely on connectivity in the primary network, they can become useless if there is a failure in primary network. In-band control channels are also subject to interception and other compromised conditions that the primary network could be experiencing. When the primary network goes down or is severely disrupted, control traffic has no way to get between the managed elements and the management workstations. Quite often when a managed element goes down, it loses its network connection, which renders in-band management useless. This is where the Port Authority cryptographic module always works flawlessly for OBM. To augment the Port Authority usefulness, access via local networks is available. The module is designed primarily to enable remote access to a device’s console port and provide the capability to remotely power the device on or off. The module can address the limitations of network-dependent remote authentication, which can fail if the network is not operational. The module stores its own database of user rights on board or establish a cryptographic Chain-of-Trust, allowing it to operate even in situations where the primary network is inaccessible. The module supports: • Dialup speed up to 115.2 Kbps via an internal V.92 modem • Cellular speed up to 1Mbps via an internal cellular modem • Network link speed at 1G or 100M • Power cycling of managed devices via Power Control Module ports (PCM ports) • Access to managed device’s physical console ports via Host ports The module utilizes TLSv1.3 with AES128-GCM-SHA256 or AES256-GCM-SHA384 cipher suites to safeguard both User-Module and Crypto-Officer-Module connections. For instance, an operator can establish a secure TLS connection to another module located at a remote site, enabling the operator to securely manage devices at that remote site through TLS connection. Module Type: Hardware Module Embodiment: Multi-chip standalone Module Characteristics: None Cryptographic Boundary: The enclosure defines the cryptographic boundary of the module. The cryptographic boundary for the Port Authority consists of several components. The Port Authority consists of a modem, cellular modem, a Power Control port, a Network port, RJ45 or USB Host ports, and I/O Modules. The firmware consists of component parts such as the Encryption Module, the User Authentication Module, the Databases, and the interface buffers. The block diagram is depicted in figures below: 6 Figure 1: Block Diagram Depicting the Cryptographic Boundary Figure 2: PA111-SA and PA111-RM Hardware Diagram 7 Figure 3: PA121 Hardware Diagram 8 Figure 4: PA155 Hardware Diagram 9 Figure 5: PA199 Hardware Diagram 10 Figure 6: PA111-SA Figure 7: PA111-RM Figure 8: PA121-RM 11 Figure 9: PA155-RM Figure 10: PA199-RM 2.2 Tested and Vendor Affirmed Module Version and Identification The module operates in a limited operational environment. The module has been tested on the following operating environments: Tested Module Identification - Hardware: Model/Part Number Hardware Version Firmware Version Processor Features PA111-SA CDI 01-03-0912l 1.0.0 i.MX6 Ultralite (NXP, IMX6, ARM32) N/A PA111-RM CDI 01-03-0912l 1.0.0 i.MX6 Ultralite (NXP, IMX6, ARM32) N/A PA121-RM CDI 01-03-0912l 1.0.0 i.MX6 Ultralite (NXP, IMX6, ARM32) 3 expansion boards (20 serial host ports) PA155-RM CDI 01-03-0912l 1.0.0 i.MX6 Ultralite (NXP, IMX6, ARM32) 1 expansion board (4 serial host ports and 4 PCM ports) PA199-RM CDI 01-03-0912l 1.0.0 i.MX6 Ultralite (NXP, IMX6, ARM32) 2 expansion boards (8 serial host ports and 8 PCM ports) Table 2: Tested Module Identification - Hardware 12 2.3 Excluded Components There are no excluded components for this cryptographic module. 2.4 Modes of Operation Modes List and Description: Name Description Type Status Indicator Approved mode The module only supports the approved mode of operation Approved SEC LED on Table 3: Modes of Operation When the module starts up successfully, after passing all the pre-operational self-tests, the module uses the approved mode and all communication is based on authenticated and encrypted access. The device authenticates itself via a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority (CA), allowing clients, possibly other Port Authorities, to verify the authentication of the device. Operators can be authenticated by credential or via being issued a certificate with permissions embedded within. Certificates are verified by checking the presented certificate against securely stored Certification Authority (CA) Certificates. Each of the authentication methods results in the issuance of a session token that gives access to a REST API that controls all public functions of the device. Login, token issuance and finally API usage are all secured by TLSv1.3. More detail can be found in section 11.1 and 11.2 Startup Procedures and Administrator Guidance. Mode changes instructions and status indicators This is not applicable to this module which implements only one mode of operation, the approved mode of operation. Degraded Mode Description The module does not implement degraded operation. 2.5 Algorithms The table below lists the approved security functions (or cryptographic algorithms) of the module, including specific key lengths employed for approved services, and implemented modes or methods of operation of the algorithms. CAVP Cert Algorithm and Standard Mode/Method Description / Key Size(s) / Key Strength(s) Use / Function A3214 SHA-3 [FIPS 202] SHA3-256 Conditioning 13 CAVP Cert Algorithm and Standard Mode/Method Description / Key Size(s) / Key Strength(s) Use / Function function A4440 AES [SP 800-38A] ECB1 128 and 256-bit keys with 128 and 256-bit key strengths Encrypt/Decrypt A4440 AES [SP 800-38D] GCM 128 and 256-bit keys with 128 and 256-bit key strengths Encrypt/Decrypt A4440 DRBG [SP 800-90A] HMAC DRBG SHA2-256 with 128-bit key strength Deterministic Random Bit Generation A4440 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] KeyGen P-256 with 128-bit key strength Asymmetric Key Generation A4440 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] KeyVer P-256 with 128-bit key strength Asymmetric Key Verification A4440 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] SigGen P-256/SHA2-256 with 128-bit key strength Signature Generation A4440 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] SigVer P-256/SHA2-256 with 128-bit key strength Signature Verification E100 ESV [SP 800-90B] CPU Jitter Source CDI CPU Time Jitter, 8-bit samples Non-Deterministic Random Bit Generation A4440 HMAC [FIPS 198-1] HMAC2 SHA-1 / 128 – 1024-bit keys with 112-bit key strength, SHA2-256 / 256 – 512-bit keys with 128-bit key strength, SHA2-384 / 256 – 512-bit keys with 192-bit key strength Message Authentication A4440 KAS [SP 800-56Arev3] KAS-ECC-SSC [SP 800-56Arev3]/A4440 TLS 1.3 KDF/A4440 P-256 with 128-bit key strength TLS key agreement A4440 KAS-ECC-SSC [SP 800- 56Arev3] Ephemeral Unified P-256 with 128-bit key strength Shared Secret Computation for Key Agreement A4440 SHS [FIPS 180-4] SHA-13 , SHA2-256, SHA2-384 Message Digest A4440 TLS 1.3 KDF [RFC 8446] CVL HMAC-SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2-384 Key Derivation Function No parts of these 1 AES-ECB is CAVP tested but not used by the module. This algorithm can only be executed when running a self-test 2 HMAC-SHA-1 is CAVP tested but not used by the module. 3 SHA-1 is CAVP tested but not used by the module. 14 CAVP Cert Algorithm and Standard Mode/Method Description / Key Size(s) / Key Strength(s) Use / Function protocols, other than the approved cryptographic algorithms and the KDFs, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. Table 4: Approved Algorithms No parts of the TLS 1.3 protocol, other than the approved cryptographic algorithms and the KDF, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. Vendor-Affirmed Algorithms The table below lists the vendor affirmed algorithms that are allowed in the approved mode of operation. Name Properties Implementation Reference CKG Cryptographic key generation per SP 800- 133rev2 and IG D.I - Generation of asymmetric keys for signature generation per [133] section 5.1. - Generation of asymmetric keys for key establishment per [133] section 5.2. - Symmetric key derivation for industry standard protocols from a key agreement shared secret per [133] section 6.2.1. IG.D.H Table 5: Vendor-Affirmed Algorithms Non-Approved, Allowed Algorithms The module does not implement any non-approved security functions that are allowed in approved services. Non-Approved, Allowed with No Security Claimed The module implements the SNMPv3 protocol which is not conformed to RFC 2574 which mandates the use of the HMAC-SHA-96 authentication protocol and CBC-DES symmetric encryption protocol. The module SNMPv3 protocol uses the HMAC-SHA2-256 and AES-CFB8 instead. Data transmits over the SNMP protocol only contains network metrics data that is non- sensitive and is considered plaintext. Name Caveat Use and Function AES-CFB8 Network metrics output over SNMPv3 protocol is obfuscated and considered plaintext SNMPv3 privacy protocol SNMP KDF Key localization function uses a SHA2-256 hash function not SNMPv3 key derivation 15 the SHA-1 specified in SP 800-135r1 Table 6: Non-Approved Allowed in the Approved Mode of Operation with No Security Claimed Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms The module does not implement any non-approved security functions that are not allowed in approved services. 2.6 Security Function Implementation Name Type Description Properties Algorithms KAS-ECC KAS Uses the KAS-ECC-SSC shared secret computation which is then fed into the module's TLS 1.3 KDF to derive keys for the TLS 1.3 protocol IG D.F scenario 2, path (2), no key confirmation, key derivation per IG 2.4.B, resolution (7). P-256 curve providing 128 bits of encryption strength KAS-ECC-SSC SP 800- 56Ar3/A4440 TLS v1.3 KDF/A4440 TLS-KTS KTS PSP transmitted as TLS payload SP 800-38D and SP 800-38F. KTS (key wrapping and unwrapping), per IG D.G., providing 128 bits of encryption strength AES-GCM/A4440 Table 7: Security Function Implementation (SFI) 2.7 Algorithm Specific Information AES-GCM IV Generation The module implements the TLS protocol version 1.3 defined in RFC 8446. The module’s TLS implementation only uses AES-GCM cipher suites, and the IV is generated and only used within the TLS implementation within the cryptographic boundary of the module. The GCM IV generation complies with IG C.H under scenario 5. When the IV exhausts the maximum value of 264 – 1, the module will establish a new encryption key. The output (key, IV) pair collision probability is less than 2-32. In the event the module’s power is lost and restored, the module will establish a new key for use with the AES-GCM encryption/decryption. 16 2.8 RNG and Entropy Name Type Operating Environment Sample Size Entropy per Sample Conditioning Component CDI CPU Time Jitter Non-Physical Linux 4.14, i.MX6 Ultralite (NXP, IMX6, ARM32) 8 bits 1 SHA3-256 (A3214) Table 8: Entropy Sources Entropy Information: The module provides the CDI CPU Time Jitter for generation of random numbers with a validated SHA3-256 conditioning component (cert. #A3214). The entropy source has undergone the Entropy Server Validation program, obtaining the following cert. #E100. For more information, the following link can be consulted: https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/cryptographic- module-validation-program/entropy-validations/certificate/100. DRBG Information Besides the Entropy Source, the module offers a SP 800-90A compliant HMAC DRBG mechanism with an HMAC SHA2-256 for creation of key components of asymmetric keys, and random numbers. The DRBG is instantiated with 128 bits of encryption strength. 440 bits of entropy input is used to seed the DRBG. 2.9 Key Generation For generation of ECDSA key pairs, the module implements approved key generation services compliant with [FIPS 186-4] where the key material is directly obtained from an approved [SP 800-90Arev1] HMAC DRBG. The public and private key pair used in the EC Diffie-Hellman KAS are generated internally. They are compliant with NIST [SP 800-56Arev3]. The symmetric keys used in the TLSv1.3 and SNMPv3 contexts are derived using an approved KDF and this method is compliant with section 6.2 of [SP 800-133rev2]. 2.10 Key Establishment Key Agreement The module provides EC Diffie-Hellman as shared secret computation method to obtain “shared secrets” values. The security strength of the preceding algorithms is as follows: • EC Diffie-Hellman key agreement provides 128 bits of encryption strength. 17 In addition, the module does support Key Derivation methods, listed below: • Protocol-Suite Key Derivation: TLS 1.3 KDF and SNMPv3 KDF4. Key Transport The module does not transport secret key or private key. However, the module supports public key input and output in TLS payload. 2.11 Industry Protocols Note: no parts of the TLS v1.3 and SNMPv35 protocols, other than the approved cryptographic algorithms and KDFs, have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. The following table shows the cipher suites information available for this cryptographic module: Protocol Key Exchange Server/Host Authentication Cipher Integrity TLSv1.3 TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 ECDH ECDSA AES-GCM SHS TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 ECDH ECDSA AES-GCM SHS Table 9: Security Relevant Protocols 2.12 Design and Rules The base and primary applications installed at factory contains the Build server public key. When the module receives an update, the operator executes the Firmware Upload service and uses the mentioned public key to validate the package. The verification is done before installation and corresponding integrity self-tests are executed as well. 2.13 Initialization No guidance for initialization is declared. 4 This SNMP KDF is a non-approved algorithm used by the module as a non-security function with no security claimed. 5 This SNMPv3 protocol implements a KDF using SHA2-256, not SHA-1 as specified in SP 800-135r1. The module can only output network metrics containing only non-sensitive status data obfuscated using AES-CFB8. The status data transmitted over this protocol is considered plaintext. No security is claimed for this protocol. 18 3 Cryptographic Module Interfaces 3.1 Ports and Interfaces Physical Port Logical Interface Data that passes over the port/interface LEDs • Status Output Device Status Network • Control Input • Control Output* • Status Output CO traffic • Data Input • Data Output User traffic Cellular Antennas • Control Input • Control Output* • Status Output CO traffic • Data Input • Data Output User traffic Telco • Control Input • Control Output* • Status Output CO traffic • Data Input • Data Output User traffic Host(s) • Data Input User traffic from managed device • Data Output User traffic to managed device PCM(s) • Control Output User traffic to Power Control Module Console • Control Input • Status Output CO traffic Reset Switch • Control Input Hardware reset signal Power(s) • Power VAC and VDC USBs • Data Input User traffic from managed device • Data Output User traffic to managed device Table 10: Ports and Interfaces Note*: A module can be used to remotely administer another module. User Traffic Port Authority User Traffic associated with Control Output, Data Input and Data Output logical interfaces is defined as traffic meant to access the control interfaces of external devices or toggle those device's power via a PCM. The traffic comes into the device via the FIPS secured mechanism and is then acted upon. In the case of accessing another device's control interface, this is typically done via the RJ45 or USB Host Ports; however, it may also include using the Network Port to access TCP/IP based control interfaces. 19 In the case of toggling another device's power, the Port Authority will send a signal via a RJ-11 PCM port that will tell connected PCM modules to toggle the power on or off. Crypto Officer Traffic Port Authority Crypto Officer (CO) Traffic is associated with Control Input and Control Output logical interfaces and is defined as traffic meant to configuring and securing the Port Authority device. 3.2 Trusted Channel Specification The module does not implement any trusted channels. 3.3 Control Interface Not Inhibited The control output interface is inhibited when the module is running any self-tests specified in Section 10. 4 Roles, Services and Authentication The module includes authentication mechanisms compliant with security level 2 as well as User and Crypto Officer roles. The cryptographic module does support concurrent operators using TLS connections, but it does not support concurrent operators using dialup or cellular connection. The Port Authority does not support bypass capability or maintenance role. 4.1 Authentication Methods The Port Authority supports two types of authentication mechanisms, certificate and credential. The authentication strength objectives for the modules are: • a probability of less than one in 1,000,000 that a single attempt will succeed, and • a probability of less than one in 100,000 that a random attempt will succeed for multiple attempts during a one-minute period. Certificate Either via an existing TLS connection between non-user entities or initiating an TLS connection directly, an operator presents a valid certificate that the operator has been granted as the Crypto Officer or User role. The certificate is checked in the following way: 1. The certificate is checked against loaded certificate authority certificates. 2. The x509v3 extension OID is checked to determine if the operator is a User: a. If the extension is present, then the user's Common Name become the name used by the module and is added to the access token. 20 b. If not, check to determine if operator is a Crypto Officer. 3. The x509v3 extension OID is checked to determine if the operator is a Crypto Officer: a. If yes, then the admin flag is set for this operator, else not set. 4. The x509v3 extension OID is checked to determine the operator's port permissions (access tag): a. These tags are added to the access token. b. If omitted, the operator will have no access to ports. This login method relies on ECDSA P-256 and SHA2-256 to secure the certificate. Historically, certificate attacks tend to target the hash function via a collision attack. This type of attack would require 2128 hashes to be computed. Even if the attack can leverage precomputation, hash generation is bottlenecked by computation power. The device can only produce a few hundred hashes per second, and even specially designed farms filled with devices meant to only generate hashes can produce Gigahashes per second. If all the hash farms worked together and produced 500 Exahashes second. Putting this all together a single attempt has a 1/(2128) chance of succeeding and even using all the hashing power the chance of success in a minute would be: 500𝑥1018 ℎ𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑠 1 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑥 60 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠 1 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒 2128ℎ𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑒𝑠 ≅ 8.8𝑥10−17 Credential Either via an existing TLS connection between non-user entities or initiating a TLS connection directly, the user presents credentials that correspond to a record in the device indicating User or Crypto Officer permissions. The Port Authority provides identity-based authentication. Users do not have access until a valid ID and Password are entered. The User ID and Password each has a minimum of 8 printable characters. The chance that a random attempt will be accepted is less than 1 in 1,000,000; every graphic ASCII character can be used (958 = 6.6x1015). For analog calls, after 3 failed attempts the call will be dropped and require re-dialing. At most 30 logins can be attempted in 1 minute; therefore, multiple attempts in 1 minute, yielding a strength per minute of (30/958). For cellular calls, each login attempt takes approximately 150ms. This means 400 login attempts per minute, yielding a strength per minute of (400/958 ). Name Description Mechanism Strength of Each Attempt Strength per Minute Certificate X509v3 for CO and User roles Signature Verification 2128 8.8x10-17 Credential ID and Password for CO and User roles over analog Identity-based authentication 958 4.5x10-15 21 Credential ID and Password for CO and User roles over cellular Identity-based authentication 958 6.0x10-14 Table 11: Authentication Methods 4.2 Roles The Port Authority unit supports the Crypto Officer and User roles. The module also allows concurrent operators with an associated TLS connection. The table below lists the available roles: Name Type Operator Type Authentication Methods Crypto Officer Identity CO Credential, Certificate User Identity User Credential, Certificate Table 12: Roles Crypto Officer role The module supports the Crypto Officer role for the purpose of programming the user and parameters. The Crypto Officer will either connect to the device via two possible methods using a TLSv1.3-based API or with a serial connection and terminal emulator. The Crypto Officer can either authenticate to the module via credential or certificate. In both situations, a time-limited access token will be issued and used by the operator when making requests to perform configuration and management actions restricted to the Crypto Officer role. User role The module supports the User role to access a remote device via the module’s Host, PCM, or Network port. To gain access to a module’s Host, PCM or Network port, a User must first create a secure TLS connection and authenticate to the module, either using certificate or credential authentication. Once authenticated, the User will be granted access to use the User Access service of the module. The User needs at minimum a User ID and Password to authenticate to the module. Certificate-based authentication is also possible if the User is set up to use certificate-base authentication by the Crypto Officer. 22 4.3 Approved Services The Roles SSP Access column has entries for each SSP accessed by that role using that service with the appropriate access indicators ▪ G: The module generates or derives the SSP. ▪ R: The SSP is read from the module (e.g. the SSP is output). ▪ W: The SSP is updated, imported, or written to the module. ▪ E: The module uses the SSP in performing a cryptographic operation. ▪ Z: The module resets the SSP to zero. The module provides services to operators who assume one of the roles. Only approved services are offered and listed below: Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Function Implementation Roles Roles SSP Access Login Operator login Function returns without error Login request, Password, Operator Certificate Login failure, login success and access token generated AES ECDSA SigVer KAS-ECC SHA2-256 TLS KDF CO User Access Token: E, R Password: E, Z Operator Certificate: E, Z CA Certificate: E AES-GCM Key: G, E TLS Pre-master Secret: G, E TLS Master Secret: G, E EC Diffie- Hellman Public Key: G, E, R EC Diffie- Hellman Private Key: G, E ECDSA Public Key: G, E, R 23 Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Function Implementation Roles Roles SSP Access ECDSA Private Key: G, E User Access Allow user access to control interfaces and managed elements Function returns without error Data to and from managed external device Plaintext traffic to and from managed external device CO User Password: Z AES-GCM Key: E Audit Log Download event from the device Function returns without error Request for module logs Response containing module logs CO AES-GCM Key: E Certificate Management Downloading CSR and uploading certificates and CA certificates Function returns without error Request to get a device’s CSR, set devices’s certificate, or set CA certificate Response containing a CSR or the status of the set action HMAC DRBG ECDSA KeyGen ECDSA KeyVer ECDSA SigGen ECDSA SigVer CO Certificate: W, Z AES-GCM Key: E Firmware Upload Uploading device firmware to be installed Function returns without error Request to upload and install new firmware or get install process Response containing upload or install process status ECDSA SigVer CO AES-GCM Key: E Module Management Configuration of the module Function returns without error Request to get or set module parameters Response containing parameters or status of the set action CO Password: W, Z AES-GCM Key: E On-demand Integrity Test Perform integrity self- test ALM LED blinks, function returns without error Request to run integrity self-test ALM LED blinks Response containing integrity test status (test is running, test passed, or test ECDSA SigVer CO AES-GCM Key: E 24 Name Description Indicator Inputs Outputs Security Function Implementation Roles Roles SSP Access failed) On-demand Self-test Perform self- test ALM LED blinks, function returns without error Request to run self- test besides integrity ALM LED blinks Response containing self-test status (test is running, test passed, or test failed) CO AES-GCM Key: E Reset Reset the device to factory default SEC LED blinks, function returns without error Request to reset SEC LED blinks (begin boot sequence) Device reset to factory default CO All SSPs: Z Show Status Return status of the module Function returns without error Request for the status of the module SEC LED on Response containing module status and peripheral hardware status CO AES-GCM Key: E Show Version Return version and name of the module Function returns without error Request for the module version Response containing the module version CO AES-GCM Key: E Zeroisation Zeroize all SSPs SEC LED blinks, function returns without error Request for zeroization or tamper switch triggered SEC LED blinks Device set to factory default CO All SSPs: Z Table 13: Approved Services 25 4.4 Non-Approved Services The cryptographic module supports the following non-approved services. Name Description Security Functions Role Network Metrics Transmit network polling metrics data via non-approved SNMPv3 protocol Crypto Officer Table 14: Non-Approved Services 4.5 External Software/Firmware Loaded There are two main integrity mechanisms: one for updating packages and one runtime. Both of these mechanisms rely on: 1. The build server having a local only private key, and 2. The build server’s public key being embedded into the primary application at compilation time. The build server builds the primary application then creates a signature file for it. For other files in an update, corresponding signature files are created (which may be combined). These files are then bundled into a single update file that will also be signed by the build server. At this point, the update file is securely transferred to a customer for update. An operator acting as the Crypto Officer then uses the REST API and an admin token to send the package to the device. The device will first verify the package file has been signed by the trusted build server, else it will not proceed. It will then install the primary application and other files to their desired directories. Finally, it will fail over the new code and trigger a runtime integrity check. A runtime integrity check will be performed at boot. It will first find the signature file for the primary application and verify its own integrity before proceeding. It will verify the integrity of all files in other signature files. Assuming all the files pass this verification the integrity check passes. Only firmware validated by the CMVP shall be loaded to maintain module validation. Loading firmware updates that have not been validated means the module is no longer a validated module. 4.6 Bypass Actions and Status The Port Authority does not support bypass capability. 26 4.7 Cryptographic Output Actions and Status No output of CSPs are declared for this cryptographic module. 5 Software/Firmware Security 5.1 Integrity Techniques The software components of the module are validated by using a Digital Signature (ECDSA P- 256) approved technique. A runtime integrity check will be performed at boot automatically and can be run on demand. It will first find the signature file for the primary application and verify its own integrity before proceeding. It will verify the integrity of all files in other signature files. If all the files pass this verification the integrity check passes. 5.2 Initiate on Demand The module provides on-demand integrity test. The integrity test is performed by the On- demand Integrity test service, which is called on request and verifying the signature as explained in the Integrity Techniques section. 6 Operational Environment 6.1 Operational Environment Type and Requirements The Port Authority uses a limited operational environment. The code is stored in a FLASH chip in binary executable format. A Crypto Officer can only modify the existing code in the Port Authority by issuing an authenticated update command with a signed firmware package. Type of Operational Environment The module works in a limited operational environment. 6.2 Configuration Settings and Restrictions The module should be installed as stated in section 11. 7 Physical Security 7.1 Mechanisms and Actions Required Physical security Mechanism Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details 27 Physical security Mechanism Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details Tamper Seal 12 months A pristine tamper evident seal appears smooth and uniform, firmly adhering to the surface of the device. By closely examining the seal, one can determine whether any tampering has occurred. Attempted removal of the seal may exhibit one or more of the following signs: 1. The silver adhesive layer displays separation or irregularities, forming a noticeable pattern. The printed text may become separated or misaligned from the silver adhesive layer. 2. Blistering, bubbling, or the presence of bumps on the seal's surface, causing it to lose its smooth and flat appearance. These surface irregularities may become apparent when tilting the seal in the light. 3. The edges of the seal show signs of lifting or failing to stay adhered. It can be easily lifted by gently sliding a pick or fingernail under its edge. 4. Residue of adhesive is detectable around the edges of the seal, indicating it has been removed and replaced. Tamper Switch The tamper switch will trip if an attempt is made to remove the top cover. The top cover for all units must be removed in order to access the chassis base and Printed Circuit Board(s).If the tamper switch is tripped, the SRAM containing the unit parameters, audit trail, keys and operator information will be zeroed. The zeroization circuit will activate regardless of if the SRAM is powered by the battery backup or powered by AC. Table 15: Mechanisms and Actions Required The Port Authority series module is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module, consisting of a number of IC chips mounted on a printed circuit board contained within a protected enclosure. The enclosure contains tamper seals that will be destroyed if an attempted is made to remove them. Each cryptographic module has a number of tamper evident seals applied as shown in the following section. 28 7.2 Factory Placed Tamper Seals The Crypto Officer may replace damaged tamper seals. The Crypto Officer must ensure the module surface is clean and dry before applying the tamper seals. Number: ▪ PA111-SA: 2 tamper seals ▪ PA111-RM, PA121-RM, PA155-RM, PA199-RM: 4 tamper seals Placement: ▪ middle of left side and right side (all models) ▪ middle of front seam (PA111-RM, PA121-RM, PA155-RM, and PA199-RM) ▪ middle of back seam (PA111-RM, PA121-RM, PA155-RM, and PA199-RM) Surface Preparation: cleaned with alcohol before placement Operator Responsible for Securing Unused Seals: Crypto Officer Part Numbers: NOVA Vision XUG6-K222-60S Below are the pictures illustrating the placement of the tamper seals on the modules: PA111-SA Figure 11: PA111-SA Tamper Seal at Side/Bottom Figure 12: PA111-SA Tamper Seal at Side/Bottom PA121-RM Figure 13: PA121-RM Tamper Seals at Side/Bottom and Front/Bottom 29 Figure 14: PA121-RM Tamper Seals at Side/Bottom and Rear/Top PA111-RM, PA155-RM, and PA199-RM Figure 15: PA111-RM, PA155-RM, PA199-RM Tamper Seals at front/Top and Side/Bottom Figure 16: PA111-RM, PA155-RM, PA199-RM Tamper Seals at Rear/Bottom 8 Non-Invasive Security The module does not implement any non-invasive mitigation techniques. 9 Sensitive Security Parameters Management 9.1 Storage Areas Name Description Persistence Type SRAM Port Authority backup memory Volatile Flash Port Authority non-volatile memory Non-volatile RAM Port Authority working memory Volatile Table 16: Storage Areas 9.2 SSP Input-Output Methods Name From To Format Type Distribution Type Entry Type SFI or Algorithm 30 Name From To Format Type Distribution Type Entry Type SFI or Algorithm TLS Payload-Out6 RAM Outside the crypto boundary Encrypted Manual Electronic TLS-KTS Factory Pre-load7 Manufacturer Flash Plaintext N/A N/A N/A KAS-In Outside the crypto boundary RAM Plaintext Automated Electronic KAS-SSC KAS-Out RAM Outside the crypto boundary Plaintext Automated Electronic KAS-SSC Load Cert Outside the crypto boundary SRAM Encrypted Manual Electronic TLS-KTS Operator Password Entry Outside the crypto boundary RAM Encrypted Manual Electronic SHA2-256 Operator Set Password Entry8 Outside the crypto boundary SRAM Encrypted Manual Electronic SHA2-256 Token-In Outside the crypto boundary RAM Encrypted Automated Electronic ECDSA SigVer Token-Out RAM Outside the crypto boundary Encrypted Automated Electronic ECDSA SigGen TLS Handshake-In Outside the crypto boundary RAM Plaintext Automated Electronic N/A TLS Handshake- Out RAM Outside the crypto boundary Plaintext Automated Electronic N/A TLS Payload-In Outside the crypto boundary RAM Encrypted Automated Electronic AES Table 17: SSP Input-Output Methods 9.3 SSP Zeroization Methods Method Description Rationale Operator Initiation 6 Server public key outputs as certificate signing request. 7 Key is pre-loaded by manufacturer and new firmware may contain the key for validating the next firmware. 8 Only Crypto Officer can create new operator (Crypto Officer or User) and set the password for the operator. The module does not allow User to change password; only Crypto Office can change password on behalf of User. 31 Capability Reset/Zeroization service Zeroization of persistent SSPs SSPs are zeroed when the operator invokes the service Yes Tamper response Zeroization of persistent SSPs SSPs are zeroed when tamper switch is tripped N/A Per connection Zeroization of ephemeral SSPs Ephemeral SSPs related to TLS and SNMP protocols are zeroed when connection closed N/A Table 18: SSP Zeroization 9.4 SSPs Name Description Size - Strength Type Generated By Established By Used By AES-GCM Key / CSP Session key for TLS connection 128 - 128, 256 - 128 Symmetric key Derived from TLS Master Secret TLSv1.3 KDF TLS TLS Pre- master Secret / CSP Pre- master secret for TLS connections 384 – 128 Keying material N/A TLS handshake TLS handshake TLS Master Secret / CSP Master secret for TLS connection 384 – 128 Keying material Internally derived by TLSv3 KDF from TLS Pre-master Secret N/A TLS handshake EC Diffie- Hellman Public Key / PSP Asymmetric key used during EC Diffie-Hellman P-256 - 128 Public key Internal ly generated per SP 800- 56Arev3 N/A KAS-SSC EC Diffie- Hellman Public Key (operator) / PSP Asymmetric key used during EC Diffie-Hellman P-256 – 128 Public key N/A N/A KAS-SSC EC Diffie- Hellman Private Key / CSP Asymmetric key used during EC Diffie-Hellman P-256 – 128 Private key Internally generated per SP 800- 56Arev3 N/A KAS-SSC ECDSA Public Key / PSP Asymmetric key used during TLS authentication P-256 – 128 Public key Internally generated per FIPS N/A TLS handshake 32 Name Description Size - Strength Type Generated By Established By Used By 186-4 ECDSA Private Key / CSP Asymmetric key used during TLS authentication P-256 – 128 Private key Internally generated per FIPS 186-4 N/A TLS handshake ECDSA Public Key Certificate / PSP ECDSA Public Key Certificate issued by a CA P-256 - 128 Public key External N/A TLS handshake Server Self- signed Certificate / PSP ECDSA Public Key Certificate P-256 - 128 Public key Internal N/A TLS handshake ECDSA Public Key Certificate (operator) / PSP ECDSA Public Key Certificate issued by a CA P-256 - 128 Public key External N/A TLS handshake CA Certificate / PSP CA public key for certificate validation P-256 - 128 Public key External N/A mTLS DRBG V / CSP DRBG internal state 256 - 128 DRBG secret Internal N/A DRBG DRBG Key / CSP DRBG internal state 256 - 128 DRBG secret Internal N/A DRBG Entropy Input / CSP Bit string for seed generation 440 - 128 Entropy bit string Internal N/A DRBG DRBG Seed / CSP Bit string to instantiate the DRBG 440 - 128 DRBG secret Internal N/A DRBG Password / CSP Credential for operator authentication (Salted SHA2- 256 protected) Minimum of 8 characters Authentication N/A N/A SHA2-256 Hashed Password / CSP Password hash 256 Authentication Internal N/A SHA2-256 Operator Certificate / PSP Client ECDSA public key certificate for mTLS P-256 - 128 Public key External N/A TLS handshake / Login Access Token / CSP Time-limited access token P-256 - 128 Signature Internal N/A ECDSA SigGen / ECDSA SigVer Table 19: SSP Table 1 33 Name Input - Output Storage Storage Duration Zeroization Related SSPs AES-GCM Key / CSP N/A - N/A RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service Derived from TLS Master Secret TLS Pre- master Secret / CSP N/A - N/A RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service EC Diffie- Hellman Private Key, EC Diffie Hellman Public Key TLS Master Secret / CSP N/A - N/A RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service Derived from TLS Pre- master Secret EC Diffie- Hellman Public Key / PSP N/A - KAS-Out RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service EC Diffie- Hellman Private Key, EC Diffie-Hellman, TLS Pre-master Secret EC Diffie- Hellman Public Key (operator) / PSP KAS-In - N/A RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service TLS Pre-master Secret EC Diffie- Hellman Private Key / CSP N/A - N/A RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service EC Diffie- Hellman Public Key, EC Diffie- Hellman Public Key (operator), TLS Pre-master Secret ECDSA Public Key / PSP N/A - TLS Payload-Out SRAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service ECDSA Private key ECDSA Private Key / CSP N/A - N/A SRAM Until replace by new ECDSA Key Pair by CO Tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service ECDSA Public key ECDSA Public Key Certificate / PSP Load Cert - TLS Handshake- Out SRAM - RAM Until replace by new ECDSA Key Pair by CO - Per connection Tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service ECDSA Public Key, ECDSA Private Key Server Self- signed N/A - TLS Handshake- SRAM Until replace by new ECDSA Tamper response, Reset/Zeroization ECDSA Public Key 34 Name Input - Output Storage Storage Duration Zeroization Related SSPs Certificate / PSP Out Key Pair by CO service ECDSA Public Key Certificate (operator) / PSP TLS Handshake-In - N/A RAM N/A Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service CA Certificate CA Certificate / PSP Load Cert - N/A SRAM N/A Tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service Used to verify the trusted chain of certificate DRBG V / CSP N/A / N/A RAM Periodically updated Reboot DRBG Seed DRBG Key / CSP N/A / N/A RAM Periodically updated Reboot DRBG Seed Entropy Input N/A / N/A RAM DRBG reseed Automatic at end of function call DRBG Seed DRBG Seed / CSP N/A / N/A RAM DRBG reseed Automatic at end of function call Entropy Input Password / CSP TLS Payload-In - N/A SRAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service N/A Hashed Password / CSP N/A – N/A RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service Password Operator Certificate / PSP KAS-In - N/A RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service N/A Access Token / CSP Token-In - Token-Out RAM Per connection Per connection, tamper response, Reset/Zeroization service ECDSA Public Key - ECDSA Private Key Table 20: SSP Table 2 35 10 Self-Tests 10.1Pre-Operational Self-Tests The module performs pre-operational self-test automatically when the module powers on. The ECDSA SigVer and SHA2-256 conditional known answer tests are performed before performing the pre-operational module integrity test. The integrity of the software component is then verified according to section 5, using a digital signature. If the known answer test or integrity test fails, the module transits to the Error state. The module also performs the cryptographic algorithms self-tests and critical function test defined in section 10.2. In addition, the CDI CPU Time Jitter entropy source performs start-up health testing as part of the Critical Function Tests. Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Type Indicator Details ECDSA P-256 Signature Verification Software Integrity SEC LED blinking Signature Verification Table 21: Pre-Operational Self-Tests 10.2Conditional Self-Tests Cryptographic Algorithm Self-Tests The module performs self-tests on approved cryptographic algorithms supported in the approved mode of operation. Data output is inhibited during the self-tests. The cryptographic algorithm self-tests are performed in the form of Known Answer Tests (KATs), in which the calculated output is compared with the expected known answer. The module performs testing on the continuous outputs of the entropy source. The CDI CPU Time Jitter entropy source executes the APT, RCT and Lag tests as approved health testing. If any of these self-tests fails, the module transitions to the Error state. Conditional Pairwise Consistency Tests The module implements the ECDSA algorithm and key generation and performs the pairwise consistency test using sign and verify functions when the keys are generated. In addition, the assurance for the KAS-ECC-SSC (per section 5.6.2 of SP 800-56Arev3, required by [IG] D.F) is verified by running conditional testing on the ephemeral key pairs created during the key agreement. 36 Conditional Software/Firmware Load Test When the module receives an update as a result of the execution of the Firmware Upload service, the conditional software load test is executed and the module applies a digital signature integrity technique to verify the validity of the firmware. Conditional Manual Entry Test When setting or changing a password, the module uses duplicate entries to prevent error on the part of the human operator could result in the incorrect entry of the intended value. 37 The following table summarizes the content of the previous subsections: Algorithm or Test Test Properties Test Method Type Indicator Details Condition AES-ECB 128, 256 KAT CAST LED signal Encrypt / Decrypt Run during power-up AES-GCM 128, 256 KAT CAST LED signal Encrypt / Decrypt Run during power-up HMAC SHA2-256, SHA2-384 KAT CAST LED signal Message Authentication Code Run during power-up SHS SHA2-256, SHA2-384 KAT CAST LED signal Message Digest Run during power-up SHS SHA3-256 KAT CAST LED signal ENT conditioner Run during power-up ECDSA P-256 KAT CAST LED signal Sign / Verify Run during power-up KAS-ECC- SSC P-256 KAT CAST LED signal Shared Secret Computation Run during power-up TLSv1.3 KDF KAT CAST LED signal Key Derivation Run during power-up DRBG HMAC_DRBG, Instantiate, Reseed and Generate KAT CAST LED signal Random Bit Generation Run during power-up ECDSA P-256 PCT CPCT LED signal Sign / Verify Key Pair Generation KAS-ECC- SSC P-256 PCT CPCT LED signal SP 800-56Arev3 assurance checks Shared Secret Computation ECDSA P-256 Signature Verification CFLT LED signal Digital Signature Software update signature verification ENT APT, RCT and Lag health tests CCFT LED signal SP 800-90B Health tests for Entropy Sources Run during power-up (on 1,024 samples) and runtime health tests Table 22: Conditional Self-Tests 38 10.3Periodic Self-Tests On demand self-tests can be invoked by executing the services On-demand Self-tests and On- demand Integrity test. The services request the self-test after the boot initialization sequence. During the execution of the on-demand self-tests, cryptographic services are not available, and no data output or input is possible. 10.4 Error States State Name Description Conditions Recovery Method Indicator Error Any pre- operational self- test, cryptographic algorithms self- tests, or critical function test failure Initialization error, self-test error or general error from any state lead to the Error state Reboot or hard reset ALM LED on Table 23: Error States If the module fails any of the self-tests, or receives an error from the system initialization or any other operational state, the module outputs an error and stops functioning, and the output interface is inhibited as well. To recover from the Error state, the operator must perform a reboot or hard reset, and the module will execute all the pre-operational self-tests again. 11 Life-Cycle Assurance 11.1Installation, Initialization, and Startup Procedures The base image and the primary applications are installed at factory and no other startup steps are needed. 11.2 Administrator Guidance CDI will send a serial number list electronically and securely to the customer. When the module is delivered the Crypto Officer can compare the serial number of the module against the list CDI provided and check against tampering following the Inspection/Test Guidance in Section 7.1. If any tamper evident seal is damaged, the Crypto Officer shall contact manufacturer to replace the module. The module requires the Crypto Officer to reset the default the CO password upon accessing the module for the first time or after a hard reset. The Crypto Officer should choose a password of minimum length of 8 characters with sufficient complexity and secrecy. 39 The Crypto Officer should check the name and version information matches the following by a request to “/v1/fips/versions”: {"Hardware":"PA111","FirmVer":"1.0.0","BldVer":"F13-1","RepoVer":" c406cc110c5c8422440c8a6ca79838238ae8f5ea "}, {"Hardware":"PA121","FirmVer":"1.0.0","BldVer":"F13-1","RepoVer":" c406cc110c5c8422440c8a6ca79838238ae8f5ea "}, {"Hardware":"PA155","FirmVer":"1.0.0","BldVer":"F13-1","RepoVer":" c406cc110c5c8422440c8a6ca79838238ae8f5ea "}, or {"Hardware":"PA199","FirmVer":"1.0.0","BldVer":"F13-1","RepoVer":" c406cc110c5c8422440c8a6ca79838238ae8f5ea "} The Crypto Officer is in charge of executing the Firmware Upload service when an update is released. The CO shall only upload firmware validated by the CMVP. If a tamper evident seal is damaged by accident, the CO shall replace the damaged seal following the instructions illustrated in Section 7. 11.3 Non-Administrator Guidance There is no specific procedures for non-administrator operators. 11.4 Maintenance Requirements There are no maintenance requirements or maintenance role. 11.5 End of Life To decommission the module, the CO shall execute the Reset/Zeroization service. This process will erase all SSPs contained within the cryptographic module. After that, the module shall be disposed of or distributed to other operators. 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not mitigate other attacks outside the scope of FIPS 140-3. 13 Acronyms AES Advance Encryption System ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange CA Certificate Authority CAST Cryptographic Algorithm Self-test CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program 40 CCFT Conditional Critical Function Test CDI Communication Devices, Inc. CFLT Conditional Firmware Load Test CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CPCT Conditional Pair-Wise Consistency Test CO Crypto Officer CSR Certificate Signing Request DH Diffie-Hellman DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory EC Elliptical Curve EIA/RS232 Modem/Host Serial Interface EIA/RS232 Signals DCD Data Carrier Detect DTR Data Terminal Ready RTS Request to Send CTS Clear to Send GND Signal Return (Ground) Data Set Ready TxD Transmit Data RxD Received Data Flash Flash Solid State Memory HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code KAT Known Answer Test Kbps Kilo Bauds per Second Mbps Mega Bits per second MAC Message Authentication Code NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OBM Out of Band Management PA Port Authority PCM Power Control Module RM Rack Mounted RNG Random Number Generator SRAM Static Random Access Memory SA Stand Alone VAC Voltage Alternating Current VDC Voltage Direct Current