Hughes Network Systems, LLC Hughes Crypto Kernel Firmware Version: FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS Security Level: 1 Document Version: 0.5 Prepared for: Prepared by: Hughes Network Systems, LLC Corsec Security, Inc. 11717 Exploration Lane, Germantown, MD 20876 United States of America 10340 Democracy Lane, Suite 201 Fairfax, VA 22030 United States of America Phone: +1 (301) 428-5500 Phone: +1 (703) 267-6050 Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 2 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................3 1.1 PURPOSE................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................................................3 1.3 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION............................................................................................................................3 2 HUGHES CRYPTO KERNEL .................................................................................................4 2.1 OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................................................4 2.2 MODULE SPECIFICATION.....................................................................................................................................6 2.3 MODULE INTERFACES ..........................................................................................................................................7 2.4 ROLES AND SERVICES...........................................................................................................................................8 2.4.1 Crypto-Officer Role.................................................................................................................................................8 2.4.2 User Role...................................................................................................................................................................9 2.5 PHYSICAL SECURITY...........................................................................................................................................10 2.6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT.........................................................................................................................10 2.7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................10 2.8 SELF-TESTS ..........................................................................................................................................................13 2.8.1 Power-Up Self-Tests............................................................................................................................................13 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests.........................................................................................................................................13 2.8.3 Critical Functions Self-Tests..............................................................................................................................13 2.9 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ..................................................................................................................13 3 SECURE OPERATION .........................................................................................................14 3.1 SECURE MANAGEMENT .....................................................................................................................................14 3.1.1 Initialization...........................................................................................................................................................14 3.1.2 Management ........................................................................................................................................................14 3.1.3 Zeroization ............................................................................................................................................................14 3.2 USER GUIDANCE................................................................................................................................................14 4 ACRONYMS ..........................................................................................................................16 Table of Figures FIGURE 1 - HUGHES HX SYSTEM TYPICAL DEPLOYMENT....................................................................................................4 FIGURE 2 - HX280 MESH/STAR BROADBAND ROUTER ......................................................................................................5 FIGURE 3 – HUGHES CRYPTO KERNEL CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY .............................................................................6 FIGURE 4 – HUGHES CUSTOM HARDWARE BLOCK DIAGRAM...........................................................................................7 List of Tables TABLE 1 – SECURITY LEVEL PER FIPS 140-2 SECTION .........................................................................................................5 TABLE 2 – FIPS 140-2 LOGICAL INTERFACE MAPPINGS ......................................................................................................8 TABLE 3 – CRYPTO-OFFICER SERVICES ..................................................................................................................................8 TABLE 4 – USER SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................................9 TABLE 5 – FIPS-APPROVED ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTATIONS .......................................................................................... 10 TABLE 6 – LIST OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEYS, CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY COMPONENTS, AND CSPS................................. 11 TABLE 7 – ACRONYMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 3 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the Hughes Crypto Kernel (Firmware version: from Hughes Network Systems, LLC. This Security Policy describes how the Hughes Crypto Kernel meets the security requirements of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-2, which details the U.S. and Canadian Government requirements for cryptographic modules. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) website at This document also describes how to run the module in a secure FIPS-Approved mode of operation. This policy was prepared as part of the Level 1 FIPS 140-2 validation of the module. The Hughes Crypto Kernel is referred to in this document as the HCK, the crypto-module, or the module. 1.2 References This document deals only with operations and capabilities of the module in the technical terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. More information is available on the module from the following sources: • Hughes corporate website ( contains information on the full line of products from Hughes. • The CMVP website ( contains contact information for individuals to answer technical or sales-related questions for the module. 1.3 Document Organization The Security Policy document is one document in a FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. In addition to this document, the Submission Package contains: • Vendor Evidence document • Finite State Model document • Other supporting documentation as additional references This Security Policy and the other validation submission documentation were produced by Corsec Security, Inc. under contract to Hughes. With the exception of this Non-Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 Submission Package is proprietary to Hughes and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact Hughes. Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 4 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 Hughes Crypto Kernel 2.1 Overview Geostationary satellite coverage available from Hughes Network Systems, LLC provides the capability to deliver broadband internet service to anywhere around the world. Optimized for broadband IP1 services, Hughes systems support a wide variety of applications, from high-speed Internet/intranet access, to video conferencing, to voice over IP (VoIP), and adhere to industry standards for voice, video, and serial data protocols. The Hughes HX system is a broadband satellite system, designed and optimized for carrier- grade IP broadband networking and specialized for applications such as mobility and mesh networking. The system includes an economical gateway earth station and high performance remote terminals. Figure 1 - Hughes HX System Typical Deployment The HX system provides secure communication with the global IPoS2 standard over an IPSec3 protocol, using an array including several specialized HX components. The design of the HX system includes the centralization of cryptographic functionality into a common cryptographic engine called the Hughes Crypto Kernel (HCK). The HCK is used by the following components of the HX systems for internal secure communications: • HX Gateway: The core component of an HX System deployment is the HX Gateway which acts as the system master and includes the network management and dynamic bandwidth assignment manager. HX Gateways, also called the IP Gateways (IPGWs), are intended to be deployed in a Network Operations Center (NOC) where uplinks to the satellite and Internet infrastructure are available. • HX280: The HX280 is a high-performance satellite router that enables carrier-grade broadband IP services with enhanced security and on-the-move (OTM) capabilities. The HX280 (Figure 2) is one of several models of broadband satellite routers within the HX System family. 1 IP – Internet Protocol 2 IPoS – IP over Satellite 3 IPSec – IP Security Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 5 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Figure 2 - HX280 Mesh/Star Broadband Router HX280 routers are intended to be deployed in the field, acting as the local access points to the satellite communication system and, ultimately, the network infrastructure in a NOC. • Dynamic Network Control Cluster (DNCC): The DNCC is a high-performance appliance that performs dynamic bandwidth allocation for communications between the HX280s and other HX System appliances. DNCCs are intended to be deployed in the NOC, providing signaling data to the deployed HX280s and the HX Gateway. The HCK provides the following basic functionalities: • Creation of dynamically-generated shared session keys using Internet Key Exchange (IKE) • Establishment and teardown of IPSec tunnels between two or more hosts • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128- or 256-bit encryption on all data transfer within an IPsec tunnel • Message authentication and integrity using Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) with SHA4 -256 The module provides cryptographic and secure communication services for other applications developed by Hughes as described above. In this document, those applications will be collectively referred as a host application. The Hughes Crypto Kernel is validated at the following FIPS 140-2 Section levels: Table 1 – Security Level Per FIPS 140-2 Section Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security 1 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC5 1 9 Self-tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 4 SHA – Secure Hashing Algorithm 5 EMI/EMC – Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 6 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Section Section Title Level 14 Cryptographic Module Security Policy 1 2.2 Module Specification The Hughes Crypto Kernel is a firmware module with a multi-chip standalone embodiment. The overall security level of the module is 1. The physical cryptographic boundary of the Hughes Crypto Kernel is the appliance upon which it runs; however, the module is in the form of a shared library. The HCK has been evaluated and tested for use a custom-built Hughes appliance running VxWorks 5.4 OS. The HCK comprises a single library file named “libhck.a”. The library has separate constituent parts that include: IKE, IPSec, and Common Crypto Interface (CCI) components. The IKE and IPSec components implement a set of protocols developed by the IETF6 to support secure exchange of packets at the IP layer. The CCI component provides cryptographic functionalities, such as encryption and decryption, random number generation, hashing, and MACs7 . The logical cryptographic boundary of the module is shown in Figure 3 and indicated with a teal-colored dotted line. Operating System Host Application Cryptographic Boundary Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Common Crypto Interface (CCI) Plaintext Encrypted text Control Input Status Output Figure 3 – Hughes Crypto Kernel Cryptographic Boundary Libhck.a runs on a VxWorks operating system on a custom-built Hughes appliance. Figure 4 shows the block diagram of the appliance. 6 IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force 7 MAC – Message Authentication Code Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 7 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 8 Figure 4 – Hughes Custom Hardware Block Diagram 2.3 Module Interfaces The HCK implements distinct module interfaces in its firmware design. Physically, the module ports and interfaces considered to be those of the appliance that the firmware runs upon. However, the firmware communicates through an Application Programming Interface (API), which allows a host application to access the shared library. Both the APIs and the physical ports in interfaces can be categorized into following logical interfaces defined by FIPS 140-2: • Data Input Interface • Data Output Interface • Control Input Interface • Status Output Interface These logical interfaces (as defined by FIPS 140-2) map to the platform’s physical interfaces, as described in Table 2. All of these physical interfaces are separated into the logical interfaces required by FIPS 140-2 as described in the following table: 8 ODU – Out-Door Unit Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 8 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Table 2 – FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Mappings FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Physical Port/Interface Hughes Crypto Kernel Port/Interface Data Input Interface Ethernet port, Satellite IN port, 10MHz IN port, serial port Arguments for a function that takes the data to be used or processed by the module Data Output Interface Ethernet port, Satellite OUT port, 10MHz OUT port, serial port Arguments for a function that specify where the result of the function is stored Control Input Interface Ethernet port, Satellite IN port, Rescue button port, power switch Function arguments used to control the operation of the module Status Output Interface Ethernet port, Satellite OUT port, LEDs Return values for function calls or function argument in ‘hck_module_status_t’ data structure Power Interface Power interface, 48V DC9 power supply Not Applicable 2.4 Roles and Services There are two roles in the module (as required by FIPS 140-2) that operators may assume: a Crypto-Officer role and a User role. 2.4.1 Crypto-Officer Role The Crypto-Officer (CO) role is responsible for initializing the module, zeroizing keys and CSPs10 , perform self-tests, and monitoring status. Descriptions of the services available to the Crypto-Officer role are provided in the table below. Please note that the keys and CSPs listed in the table indicate the type of access required using the following notation: • R – Read access: The CSP may be read. • W – Write access: The CSP may be established, generated, modified, or zeroized. • X – Execute access: The CSP may be used within an Approved or Allowed security function or authentication mechanism. Table 3 – Crypto-Officer Services Service Description CSP and Type of Access hck_init Validates input parameters before performing power-on self-tests; Initializes configuration Integrity Test Key – X PRNG seed key – W PRNG seed – W hck_zeroize_csp Zeroizes IKE/IPSec ephemeral CSPs IKE Key Agreement key – W IPSec Traffic key – W IPSec MAC key – W 9 DC – Direct Current 10 CSP – Critical Security Parameter Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 9 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Service Description CSP and Type of Access hck_shutdown Shuts down all crypto functionality None hck_do_self_tests Performs power-on self-tests Integrity Test Key – X hck_get_status Retrieves the crypto-module status None hck_get_name_ver Retrieves the module name and version number None hck_get_version Retrieves the module’s major and minor version numbers None hck_get_fips_mode Determines whether or not FIPS mode has been enabled None hck_print_status Prints module status variables and statistics to a display or log file None hck_update_parms Sets configuration parameters based on module’s current mode of operation PRNG seed key – W PRNG seed – W 2.4.2 User Role The User role establishes IKE/IPSec sessions and utilizes secure communication functionality provided by the module. Descriptions of the services available to the User role are provided in the table below. Type of access (R, W, or X) is defined in section 2.4.1 of this document. Table 4 – User Services Service Description CSP and Type of Access hck_process_ike_event Ensures that the crypto-module is active and validates input parameters before processing a received IKE packet or provides a timer event to the IKE state machine Preshared key – R, W, X IPSec Traffic key – W IPSec MAC key – W IKE Key Agreement key – W PRNG seed key – W, X PRNG seed – W, X hck_process_tx_pkt Ensures that the crypto-module is active and validates input parameters before processing IPSec transmission packet IPSec Traffic key – X IPSec MAC key – X PRNG seed key – W, X PRNG seed – W, X hck_process_rx_pkt Ensures that the crypto-module is active and validates input parameters before processing IPSec received packet IPSec Traffic key – X IPSec MAC key – X PRNG seed key – W, X PRNG seed – W, X hck_send_ike_msg Ensures that the crypto-module is active and validates input parameters before invoking IKE transmit function IKE Key Agreement key – R HMAC_CTX_init Initializes HMAC context None Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 10 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.5 Physical Security Since this is a firmware module, the module relies on the target platform (a purpose-built Hughes appliance) to provide the mechanisms necessary to meet FIPS 140-2 physical security requirements. All components of the target platform are made of production-grade materials, and all integrated circuits are coated with commercial standard passivation. The FIPS 140-2 test platform has been tested for and meets applicable Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic Compatibility requirements for business use as defined in Subpart B of FCC Part 15. 2.6 Operational Environment On a Hughes custom appliance, VxWorks 5.4 is a non-modifiable OS. Hence, the operational environment requirements do not apply to the firmware module. 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management The module implements the FIPS-Approved algorithms listed in Table 5 below. Table 5 – FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations Algorithm Certificate Number AES CBC11 (128-, 256-bit key) 1453 SHA-1, SHA-256 1316 HMAC SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-256 853 DSA (Signature Verification, 1024-bit) 463 ANSI12 X9.31 PRNG13 (AES-128) 796 Additionally, the module utilizes the following non-FIPS-Approved algorithm implementations: • MD514 used in the IKE/IPSec protocol • Diffie-Hellman key agreement (caveat: 1024-bit Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol provides 80 bits of encryption strength) 11 CBC- Cipher Block Chaining 12 ANSI – American National Standard Institute 13 PRNG – Pseudo Random Number Generator 14 MD5 – Message Digest 5 Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 11 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. The module supports the critical security parameters (CSPs) listed below in Table 6. Table 6 – List of Cryptographic Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and CSPs Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Preshared key Generated externally, enters the module in plaintext Never exits the module Resides in plaintext on volatile memory Reboot or session termination Generation of the IPSec Traffic key and Internal IKE authentication Diffie-Hellman public key Generated internally Exits the module in plaintext Plaintext in volatile memory Reboot or session termination Generation of IKE Key Agreement key Diffie-Hellman private key Generated internally Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Reboot or session termination Generation of IKE Key Agreement key IKE Key Agreement key Generated during IKE negotiation Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Reboot, session termination, or by calling to ‘hck_zeroize_csp’ function Exchanging shared secret during IKE IPSec Traffic key Generated during IKE negotiation Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Reboot, session termination, or by calling to ‘hck_zeroize_csp’ function Encryption or decryption of IPSec ESP packets IPSec MAC key Generated during IKE negotiation Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Reboot, session termination, or by calling to ‘hck_zeroize_csp’ function Authentication of IPSec ESP packets PRNG seed Generated externally, enters the module via application software Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Reboot, session termination Random number generation Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 12 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Key Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use PRNG seed key Generated externally, enters the module via application software Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Reboot, session termination Random number generation Integrity Test Key Generated externally, hard-coded in module Never exits the module Hard-coded N/A Verification of module integrity Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 13 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.8 Self-Tests The HCK performs a set of self-tests upon power-up and conditionally as required in FIPS 140-2. 2.8.1 Power-Up Self-Tests Power-up self tests are executed automatically when the module is loaded into memory space. If any one of the self-tests fails, the module enters an error state and prevents all cryptographic data processing and functionality. The Hughes Crypto Kernel performs the following power-up self-tests: • Firmware integrity test using a DSA public key • Known Answer Tests (KATs) o AES 128-, 256-bit key CBC mode KAT (encryption and decryption) o SHA-1 and SHA-256 KATs o HMAC-SHA-1 and HMAC SHA-256 KATs o ANSI X9.31 PRNG KAT 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests The module performs a Continuous RNG Test (CRNGT) for the Approved PRNG to ensure that the 128-bit random result is not equivalent to the previous result. 2.8.3 Critical Functions Self-Tests At the power-up, the module also tests for the following: • Minimum available memory on the host device • Operating system version 2.9 Mitigation of Other Attacks This section is not applicable. The module does not claim to mitigate any additional attacks in its FIPS- Approved mode of operation. Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 14 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3 Secure Operation The Hughes Crypto Kernel meets Level 1 requirements for FIPS 140-2. The sections below describe how to place and keep the module in FIPS-Approved mode of operation. Section 3.1 below provides guidance to the Crypto-Officer for managing the module. 3.1 Secure Management The Hughes Crypto Kernel is distributed by Hughes installed on a custom appliance as part of a single monolithic binary image containing the Hughes’ HX system applications, and is not distributed as a separate binary. Thus, module operators are not required to perform any steps to ensure that the module is running in its FIPS-Approved mode of operation. Host applications must first call the function hck_init() to load and initialize the module. This function call is the entry point to the module, and ensures that all necessary power-up self-tests are called. When properly initialized, the HCK will only operate in its defined FIPS-Approved mode of operation. Any use of the module without proper initialization will result in the module operating in a non-Approved manner. The module implements a firmware integrity test that consists of a DSA signature computed over the image that comprises the module. During the power-up self-tests phase, the signature is verified over the stored HCK instance. If the stored signature is verified, then the test is passed. Otherwise, the test is failed and the module enters an error state where no cryptographic functionality is allowed. 3.1.1 Initialization On a Hughes custom appliance, VxWorks 5.4 is a non-modifiable operating system, hence it does not require to be configured for single user mode. The module itself checks for the OS version on this platform at the startup. 3.1.2 Management The Crypto-Officer should monitor the module’s status regularly and make sure only the services listed in Table 3 and Table 4 are being used. If any irregular activity is noticed or the module is consistently reporting errors, then Hughes Network Systems customer support should be contacted. 3.1.3 Zeroization The module does not persistently store any key or CSPs. All ephemeral keys used by the module are zeroized upon reboot, session termination, or if the Crypto-Officer calls the hck_zeroize_csp function. 3.2 User Guidance Only the module’s cryptographic functionalities are available to the User. Users are responsible to use only the services that are listed in Table 4. Although the User does not have any ability to modify the configuration of the module, they should report to the Crypto-Officer if any irregular activity is noticed. Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 15 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 16 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 4 Acronyms This section lists acronyms used in the document in the following table. Table 7 – Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standard Institute API Application Programming Interface CBC Cipher Block Chaining CCI Common Cryptographic Interface CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto-Officer CRNGT Continuous Random Number Generator Test CSEC Communications Security Establishment Canada CSP Critical Security Parameter DC Direct Current DNCC Dynamic Network Control Cluster DSA Digital Signature Algorithm EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HCK Hughes Crypto Kernel HMAC (Keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IKE Internet Key Exchange IP Internet Protocol IPGW IP Gateway IPoS IP over Satellite IPsec IP Security KAT Known Answer Test LED Light Emitting Diode MAC Message Authentication Code MD Message Digest NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NOC Network Operations Center Security Policy, Version 0.5 October 14, 2010 Hughes Crypto Kernel Page 17 of 18 © 2010 Hughes Network Systems, LLC This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Acronym Definition ODU Out-Door Unit OS Operating System OTM On-The-Move PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator RAM Random Access Memory SHA Secure Hash Algorithm VoIP Voice over IP Prepared by: Corsec Security, Inc. 10340 Democracy Lane, Suite 201 Fairfax, VA 22030 United States of America Phone: +1 (703) 267-6050 Email: