Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 1 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). UnaliWear, Inc. Kanega Watch FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version: 1.1 Date: January 20, 2017 Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 2 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table of Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................4 1.1 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary.........................................................................5 1.2 Software and Logical Cryptographic Boundary............................................................................5 1.3 Modes of Operation.....................................................................................................................6 2 Cryptographic Functionality.............................................................................................7 2.1 Critical Security Parameters.........................................................................................................8 2.2 Public Keys....................................................................................................................................8 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication.................................................................................9 3.1 Assumption of Roles.....................................................................................................................9 3.2 Services.........................................................................................................................................9 4 Self-tests........................................................................................................................12 5 Physical Security............................................................................................................12 6 Operational Environment ..............................................................................................12 7 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy.................................................................................12 8 Security Rules and Guidance..........................................................................................12 9 References and Definitions............................................................................................13 10 Appendix A – Installation Instructions ...........................................................................16 10.1 OpenRTOS INSTALLATION......................................................................................................... 16 10.2 Kanega Watch FIPS API.............................................................................................................. 17 Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 3 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). List of Tables and Figures Table 1 – Tested Operating Environment..................................................................................................... 4 Table 2 - Security Level of Security Requirements........................................................................................5 Table 3 – Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 1 – Module Block Diagram................................................................................................................. 6 Table 4 – Approved and CAVP Validated Cryptographic Functions..............................................................7 Table 5 – Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) ...............................................................................................8 Table 6 – Public Keys..................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 7 – Roles Description........................................................................................................................... 9 Table 8 – Authorized Services available in FIPS mode..................................................................................9 Table 9 – CSP Access Rights within Services ...............................................................................................11 Table 10 – Power-on Self-tests ...................................................................................................................12 Table 11 – References................................................................................................................................. 13 Table 12 – Acronyms and Definitions .........................................................................................................14 Table 13 – Source Files................................................................................................................................ 15 Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 4 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1 Introduction This document defines the Security Policy for the UnaliWear, Inc. Kanega Watch (Software Version 3.9.2) module, hereafter denoted the Module. The Module is a cryptography software library. The Module meets FIPS 140-2 overall Level 1 requirements. The Module is intended for use by US Federal agencies and other markets that require FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic functionality. The Module is a software-only module, multi-chip standalone module embodiment; the cryptographic boundary is the collection of object files from the source code files listed in Table 13 – Source Files. console.bin is the compiled binary executable that is the module’s cryptographic boundary. No software components have been excluded from the FIPS 140-2 requirements. Operational testing was performed for the following Operating Environment: Table 1 – Tested Operating Environment Operating System Processor Platform 1 OpenRTOS v9.0.0 ATMEL ATSAM4L Atmel Sam4L8 Xplained Pro Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 5 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the Module are as follows: Table 2 - Security Level of Security Requirements Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 1.1 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary The physical cryptographic boundary is the general purpose computer where the Module is installed. The Module relies on the computer system where it is running for input/output devices. Table 3 – Ports and Interfaces Description Logical Interface Type API entry point Control in API function parameters Data in API return value Status out API function parameters Data out 1.2 Software and Logical Cryptographic Boundary Figure 1 depicts the Module operational environment. Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 6 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Figure 1 – Module Block Diagram The above diagram shows the Logical Boundary highlighted in red contained within the Physical Boundary. The Logical Boundary contains all FIPS API entry points. The Logical Boundary is invoked by the Application through the API Calls. 1.3 Modes of Operation The Module supports a FIPS Approved mode of operation only. FIPS Approved algorithms are listed in Table 4. For installation instructions, see Appendix A – Installation Instructions. The conditions for using the module in an Approved mode of operation are: 1. The module is a cryptographic library and it is intended to be used with a calling application. The calling application is responsible for the usage of the primitives in the correct sequence. Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 7 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2. The keys used by the module for cryptographic purposes are determined by the calling application. The calling application is required to provide keys in accordance with FIPS 140-2 requirements. The command “wolfCrypt_GetStatus_fips()” can be called to verify that the module is in the FIPS mode. 2 Cryptographic Functionality The Module implements the FIPS Approved cryptographic functions listed in the tables below. Table 4 – Approved and CAVP Validated Cryptographic Functions Algorithm Description Cert # AES [FIPS 197, SP 800-38A] Functions: Encryption, Decryption Modes: CBC, CTR Key sizes: 256 bits 4012 HMAC [FIPS 198-1] Functions: Generation, Verification SHA sizes: SHA-256 2617 SHA [FIPS 180-4] Functions: Message Digest SHA sizes: SHA-256 3310 Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 8 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2.1 Critical Security Parameters All CSPs used by the Module are described in this section. All usage of these CSPs by the Module (including all CSP lifecycle states) is described in the services detailed in Section 3. The CSP names correspond to the API parameter inputs. Table 5 – Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) CSP Description / Usage HMAC Key KeyedHash key .This key is greater or equal to 112 bits. AES EDK AES (256) encrypt/decrypt key 2.2 Public Keys Table 6 – Public Keys Key Description / Usage None No public keys are used in this build Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 9 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3.1 Assumption of Roles The Module supports two distinct operator roles, User and Cryptographic Officer (CO). The cryptographic module does not provide an authentication or identification method of its own. The CO and the User roles are implicitly identified by the service requested. Table 7 lists all operator roles supported by the Module. The Module does not support a maintenance role or bypass capability. Table 7 – Roles Description Role ID Role Description Authentication Type Authentication Data CO The Cryptographic Officer Role is assigned the Zeroize service. The installation of the module should also be done by the CO. None None User The User Role is assigned all services except Zeroize. None None 3.2 Services All services implemented by the Module are listed in the tables below with a description of service CSP access. Table 8 – Authorized Services available in FIPS mode Service Description Role Module Reset (Self-test) Reset the Module by restarting the application calling the Module. Does not access CSPs. User Show status Functions that give module status feedback. Does not access CSPs. The calling application may use the wolfCrypt_GetStatus_fips() API to determine the current status of the Module. A return code of 0 means the Module is in a state without errors. Any other return code is the specific error state of the Module. User Zeroize Functions that destroy CSPs. All services automatically overwrite memory bound CSPs. Cleanup of the stack is the duty of the application. Restarting the general purpose computer clears all CSPs in RAM. CO Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 10 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Service Description Role Symmetric encrypt/decrypt Used to encrypt and decrypt data using AES-256 EDK. CSPs passed in by the application API’s are listed in this public document: wolfcrypt-api-aes.html User Message digest Used to generate a SHA-256 message digest. Does not access CSPs. API’s are listed in this public document: wolfcrypt-api-sha256.html User Keyed hash Used to generate or verify data integrity with HMAC-SHA256. The HMAC Key is passed in by the application. API’s are listed in this public document: wolfcrypt-api-hmac.html User Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 11 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 9 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different module services. The modes of access shown in the table are defined as: • R = Read: The module reads the CSP. The read access is typically performed before the Module uses the CSP. • E = Execute: The module executes using the CSP. • Z = Zeroize: The module zeroizes the CSP. Table 9 – CSP Access Rights within Services Service CSPs HMAC Key AES EDK Module Reset (Self-test) - - Show Status - - Zeroize Z Z Symmetric encrypt/decrypt - R,E,Z Message digest - - Keyed hash R,E,Z - Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 12 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4 Self-tests Each time the Module is powered up, it tests that the cryptographic algorithms still operate correctly and that sensitive data have not been damaged. The Module provides a default entry point to automatically run the power on self-tests compliant with IG 9.10. Power on self–tests are available on demand by reloading the Module. On power-on or reset, the Module performs the self-tests described Table 10. All KATs must complete successfully prior to any other use of cryptography by the Module. If one of the KATs fails, the Module enters the self-test failure error state. To recover from an error state, reload the Module into memory. Table 10 – Power-on Self-tests Test Target Description Software Integrity HMAC-SHA-256 AES KATs: Encryption, Decryption Modes: CBC Key sizes: 256 bits HMAC KAT (includes SHA-256 KAT) SHA sizes: SHA-256 5 Physical Security The FIPS 140-2 Area 5 Physical Security requirements do not apply because the Module is a software module. 6 Operational Environment The tested environments place user processes into segregated spaces. A process is logically removed from all other processes by the hardware and Operating System. Since the Module exists inside the process space of the application this environment implicitly satisfies requirement for a single user mode. See Table 1 for specific operating environment details. 7 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The Module is not intended to mitigate against attacks that are outside the scope of FIPS 140-2. 8 Security Rules and Guidance The Module design corresponds to the Module security rules. This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Level 1 module. 1. The Module provides two distinct operator roles: User and Cryptographic Officer. 2. Power-on self-tests do not require any operator action. Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 13 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3. Data output is inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 4. Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the Module. 5. There are no restrictions on which keys or CSPs are zeroized by the zeroization service. 6. The calling application is the single operator of the Module. 7. The Module does not support manual key entry. 8. The Module does not have any external input/output devices used for entry/output of data. 9. The module does not support key generation. 9 References and Definitions The following standards are referred to in this Security Policy. Table 11 – References Abbreviation Full Specification Name [FIPS140-2] Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 [SP800-131A] Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, January 2015 Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 14 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 12 – Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface CO Cryptographic Officer CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman Algorithm TDES (DES3) Triple-DES SHA Secure Hash Algorithm RNG Random number generator THREAD_LS Thread Local Storage MD(4/5) Message Digest (4/5) ASN Abstract Syntax Notation Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2017 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 15 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The source code files in Table 13 create the object files of the Kanega Watch module on the supported operating environment. console.bin is the compiled binary executable. Table 13 – Source Files Source File Name Description aes.c AES algorithm fips.c FIPS entry point and API wrappers fips_test.c Power on Self Tests hmac.c HMAC algorithm sha256.c SHA-256 algorithm wolfcrypt_first.c First FIPS function and Read Only address wolfcrypt_last.c Last FIPS function and Read Only address Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2016 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 16 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 10 Appendix A – Installation Instructions This Appendix describes using Kanega Watch in FIPS 140-2 mode as a software component. The intended audience is Users and Crypto Officers using/needing FIPS software. 10.1 OpenRTOS INSTALLATION Kanega Watch in FIPS mode for OpenRTOS requires the wolfCrypt FIPS library version 3.9.2. The wolfCrypt FIPS releases can be obtained with a link provided by wolfSSL through direct email. To verify the fingerprint of the package, calculate the SHA256 sum using a FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module. The following command serves as an example: shasum a 256 wolfssl3.9.2commercialfipsfreertos.7z Compare the sum to the sum provided with the package. If for some reason the sums do not match stop using the module and contact wolfSSL. To unpack the bundle: 7za x wolfssl3.9.2commercialfipsfreertos.7z When prompted, enter the password. The password is provided in the distribution email. The wolfCrypt FIPS for OpenRTOS bundle contains the wolfSSL library and the wolfCrypt FIPS library. To build wolfCrypt with FIPS for OpenRTOS: 1. Build and link the library against the application or pull the source code and header files into the project with these preprocessor definitions: - FREERTOS - NO_FILE_SYSTEM - HAVE_FIPS - CYASSL_API - HAVE_THREAD_LS - USE_CYASSL_MEMORY - WOLFCRYPT_ONLY - NO_RC4 - NO_RABBIT - NO_PWDBASED - NO_RSA - NO_MD4 - NO_DES3 - NO_SIG_WRAPPER NO_MD5 - NO_ASN - NO_SHA Copyright © UnaliWear, Inc., 2016 Kanega Watch 3.9.2 Page 17 of 17 UnaliWear, Inc. Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). - NO_SHA384 - NO_SHA512 - NO_RNG 2. Get the In Core Integrity check value from the target platform by running the application on the target platform and obtaining the “hash” value that is given in the output. The first run should indicate the In Core Integrity check has failed: in my Fips callback, ok = 0, err = 203 message = In Core Integrity check FIPS error hash = 622B4F8714276FF8845DD49DD3AA27FF68A8226C50D5651D320D914A566 0B3F5 In core integrity hash check failure, copy above hash into verifyCore[] in fips_test.c and rebuild The In Core Integrity checksum will vary with compiler versions, runtime library versions, target hardware, and build type. 3. Copy the value given for "hash" in the output, and replace the value of "verifyCore[]" in ctaocrypt/src/fips_test.c with this new value. 4. Rebuild the library. 5. Relink it into the application. 10.2 Kanega Watch FIPS API Kanega Watch adds the string _fips to all FIPS mode APIs and removes all wc_ from FIPS mode APIs. For example, wc_ShaUpdate() becomes ShaUpdate(), and ShaUpdate() becomes ShaUpdate_fips(). The FIPS mode functions can be called directly, but they can also be used through macros. HAVE_FIPS is defined when using Kanega Watch in FIPS mode and that creates a macro for each function with FIPS support. For the above example, a User with an application calling ShaUpdate() can recompile with the FIPS module and automatically get ShaUpdate_fips() support without changing their source code. Of course, recompilation is necessary with the correct macros defined. A new error return code: FIPS_NOT_ALLOWED_E May be returned from any of these functions used directly or even indirectly. The error is returned when the Power-On Self-Tests (POST) are not yet complete or they have failed. POST is done automatically as a default entry point when using the library, no user interaction is required to start the tests. To see the current status including any error code at any time call wolfCrypt_GetStatus_fips(). For example, if the AES Known Answer Test failed during POS GetStatus may return: AES_KAT_FIPS_E