P a g e | 1 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Security Policy Version 15o Non-Proprietary Security Policy. This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification. P a g e | 2 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Table of Contents Table of Tables..............................................................................................................................................4 Table of Figures.............................................................................................................................................4 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................5 1. Cryptographic Module Specification.....................................................................................................6 1.1 Security Level ................................................................................................................................6 1.2 Mode of Operation .......................................................................................................................6 1.2.1 FIPS Approved Mode.............................................................................................................6 Error State.............................................................................................................................6 1.2.2 Lost Cert Ratchet...................................................................................................................6 1.3 Specifications ................................................................................................................................7 1.3.1 Block Diagram and Images....................................................................................................7 1.3.2 Security Anchor.....................................................................................................................8 1.3.3 Cryptographic Boundary .......................................................................................................8 1.4 Module Hardware Versioning: Excluded Components.................................................................8 2. Module Ports and Interfaces ................................................................................................................9 3. Roles and Authentication....................................................................................................................10 3.1 Initialization.................................................................................................................................11 4. Cryptographic Key Management ........................................................................................................12 4.1 Algorithms...................................................................................................................................12 4.1.1 FIPS Approved Algorithms ..................................................................................................12 4.1.2 FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Algorithms......................................................................16 4.1.3 FIPS Non-Approved, not Allowed Algorithms.....................................................................16 4.2 Critical Security Parameters........................................................................................................16 4.2.1 Critical Security Parameter Management...........................................................................16 4.2.2 General Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) .......................................................................17 4.2.3 DRBG CSPs...........................................................................................................................22 4.2.4 TLS 1.2 .................................................................................................................................24 Trusted Path: TLS 1.2 Implementation ...............................................................................24 P a g e | 3 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification TLS CSPs...............................................................................................................................24 4.2.5 KMIP Cryptographic Objects (CSPs and Public Keys) ..........................................................27 4.3 General Public Keys and Parameters (PSPs) ...............................................................................28 4.4 User Data Storage .......................................................................................................................33 4.5 Zeroization ..................................................................................................................................34 4.5.1 Tamper Response................................................................................................................34 4.5.2 Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization) ...................................................................................34 4.5.3 Procedural Zeroization........................................................................................................34 4.5.4 Reset Service and Other Zeroization Methods ...................................................................34 4.5.5 Summary of CSP Zeroization...............................................................................................34 5. Services ...............................................................................................................................................35 5.1 Services Implementation ............................................................................................................35 5.2 Service Access .............................................................................................................................35 5.3 Approved Services.......................................................................................................................35 5.3.1 KMIP Key Management Service..........................................................................................46 5.4 Non-Approved Services...............................................................................................................49 6 Security Rules......................................................................................................................................49 6.1 Vendor-Imposed Security Rules..................................................................................................50 7 Physical Security Policy .......................................................................................................................50 7.1 Tamper Detection .......................................................................................................................50 7.2 Tamper Inspection ......................................................................................................................50 7.3 Environmental Failure Protection (EFP) and Testing (EFT) .........................................................50 8 Operational Environment ...................................................................................................................50 9 EMI/EMC.............................................................................................................................................50 10 Self-Tests.........................................................................................................................................51 10.1 Power-up Self-Tests ....................................................................................................................51 10.2 Conditional Self-Tests .................................................................................................................53 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks ............................................................................................................54 12 Abbreviations and Definitions.........................................................................................................55 13 References ......................................................................................................................................55 P a g e | 4 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification TABLE OF TABLES Table 1 : Hardware and Firmware Versions .................................................................................................5 Table 2 : FIPS 140-2 [2] Security Requirements..........................................................................................6 Table 3 : Compute Engine Inner Enclosure Compatibility List....................................................................8 Table 4 : Compute Engine RAM and Storage Configurations .....................................................................9 Table 5 : Module Ports and Interfaces ..........................................................................................................9 Table 6 : LED states....................................................................................................................................10 Table 7 : Roles ............................................................................................................................................10 Table 8 : Authentication for Roles..............................................................................................................11 Table 9 : FIPS Approved Algorithms .........................................................................................................12 Table 10 : FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Algorithms ..........................................................................16 Table 11 : General Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) ............................................................................17 Table 12 : DRBG CSPs...............................................................................................................................22 Table 13 : Cipher Suite Supported by the Module’s TLS Implementation in FIPS Mode .........................24 Table 14 : TLS CSPs...................................................................................................................................24 Table 15 : KMIP Cryptographic Objects (CSPs and Public Keys).............................................................27 Table 16 : General Public Keys and Parameters (PSPs).............................................................................28 Table 17 : Custom Storage Objects.............................................................................................................33 Table 18 : Module Zeroization....................................................................................................................34 Table 19 : Generic CSP Accesses (in Addition to Table 20)......................................................................36 Table 20 : Services Available in FIPS Approved Mode.............................................................................37 Table 21 : Key Management User Operations............................................................................................47 Table 22 : Key Management State Operations ...........................................................................................47 Table 23 : KMIP v1.4 Operations...............................................................................................................48 Table 24 - Firmware Power-up Self-test.....................................................................................................51 Table 25 : Algorithm Power-up Self-tests (all modes of operation)...........................................................51 Table 26 : Conditional Self-tests.................................................................................................................53 Table 27 - Mitigations of Other Attacks .....................................................................................................54 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1 : Module Block Diagram ................................................................................................................7 Figure 2 : Module Image...............................................................................................................................7 P a g e | 5 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification INTRODUCTION This document is the Security Policy for the Private Machines Inc. ENFORCER R1. Table 1 lists the hardware and firmware versions covered by this document. Hereafter, the term “Security Anchor Firmware” refers to the combination of firmware specified in Table 1. Table 1 : Hardware and Firmware Versions Hardware (The module may have any one of the listed versions)  ENFORCER.R1.A2SDi.1.0.0 (1)  ENFORCER.R1.X10SDV.1.0.0 (1)  ENFORCER.R1.M11SDV.1.0.0 (1)  ENFORCER.R1.X11SDV.1.0.0 (1) (1) Plus other excluded components described in section 1.4 Firmware (The module includes all the listed components)  Security Anchor Firmware 1.2.0  Libdrbg: 1.0.2  Libucl: 2.5.13 The “ENFORCER R1” is a single-user, multi-chip stand-alone cryptographic module. Hereafter, we refer to the ENFORCER R1 as the “module”. The module serves the following purposes: 1. Provides a physically secure, Level 4 enclosure protecting CSPs and cryptographic data. A physical tamper event on the enclosure immediately zeroizes module CSPs (Section 4.5). 2. Provides a KMIP (Key Management Interoperability Protocol [1]) service (Section 5.3.1) for key management to external users. 3. Provides additional services (Section 5.3) for module management, module configuration, and for building higher-level application scenarios such as integration into cloud and data center environments. The key security component within the module is the “Security Anchor”. All module services are provided by the Security Anchor. The module uses a secure microcontroller as the Security Anchor. The Security Anchor also provides CSP zeroization as a tamper response (Section 4.5.1). This security policy applies to all module components within the cryptographic boundary (Section 1.3.3). A general- purpose computer (GPC) termed the “Compute Engine” is contained within the cryptographic boundary, but it is excluded from the requirements of FIPS 140-2 [2] per AS.01.09. The Compute Engine remains powered off during the FIPS lifecycle of the module. Turning on the Compute Engine permanently and irreversibly invalidates the FIPS certificate, as indicated by the Lost Cert Ratchet (Section 1.2.2). Compute Engine components are indicated in 1.4. After factory initialization, the module operates in FIPS approved mode (Section 1.2). All authenticated services are accessible over the module’s serial interface using a secure, encrypted TLS connection between an external user (or Crypto Officer) and the Security Anchor (Section 5.1). P a g e | 6 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 1. CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION 1.1 Security Level The module meets the overall security requirements of FIPS 140-2 Level 4 (Table 2). Table 2 : FIPS 140-2 [2] Security Requirements FIPS Area Security Requirements Section Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 4 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 4 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 4 4 Finite State Model 4 5 Physical Security (Multi-chip, stand-alone) 4 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 4 8 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) 4 9 Self-Tests 4 10 Design Assurance 4 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks 4 1.2 Mode of Operation The module has only one mode of operation – “FIPS approved” mode (approved mode). The module’s mode of operation can be verified using the “Get Status” service (Section 5). Additionally, the external FIPS Status LED indicates whether the module is in an error state. 1.2.1 FIPS Approved Mode After factory initialization, the module operates in FIPS approved mode. The FIPS approved mode is invoked by powering on the module. The module implements the approved algorithms listed in Table 9 and the allowed algorithms listed in Table 10. The module does not support any other mode of operation. Error State The following requirements must be met for the module to operate without entering an error state.  The Security Anchor is loaded with the correct, verified firmware.  All power-up and self-tests pass.  No tamper event is triggered. If any of the above conditions are violated, the module transitions to an error state. In an error state, all services except “Get Status” are disabled (Section 5). The “Get Status” service indicates whether the module has met the conditions above or is in an error state. To exit an error state, the module must be power cycled and all conditions must be satisfied (Section 1.2.1). 1.2.2 Lost Cert Ratchet The module supports an irreversible lost cert ratchet. The lost cert ratchet indicates whether the module’s FIPS certificate has been invalidated. The lost cert ratchet is set when the Compute Engine is powered on. The status of the ratchet can be verified using the “Get Status” service. P a g e | 7 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 1.3 Specifications The module is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. 1.3.1 Block Diagram and Images Figure 1 : Module Block Diagram Figure 2 : Module Image P a g e | 8 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 1.3.2 Security Anchor The key security component within the module is the “Security Anchor”. All module services are provided by the Security Anchor, and all CSPs are stored within the Security Anchor. The Security Anchor features embedded voltage, temperature, and membrane sensors that constantly monitor the module for tamper attempts. When a tamper attempt is detected the Security Anchor zeroizes all CSPs as part of its tamper response mechanism. The Security Anchor provides additional anti-tamper and zeroization features as outlined in “Mitigation of Other Attacks” (Section 11). 1.3.3 Cryptographic Boundary The FIPS 140-2 cryptographic boundary is the outer metal box (Figure 1). The entire module is protected by the physical security policy described in Section 7. 1.4 Module Hardware Versioning: Excluded Components The module is composed of the hardware components specified in Table 1. The components excluded from FIPS 140- 2 comprise the Compute Engine. The Inner Enclosure may be configured to contain exactly one Compute Engine (with components as indicated in Table 3 and Table 4), or it may be left empty. The table below lists which Compute Engine Motherboard Models are compatible with which Inner Enclosures. For each Model, one hardware version exists (version 1.0.0.modelnumber). Table 3 lists which Compute Engines are compatible with which Inner Enclosures. Table 3 : Compute Engine Inner Enclosure Compatibility List Inner Enclosure Version Compute Engine Motherboard Model Numbers 1.0.0.A2SDi-A.9  A2SDi-2C-HLN4F  A2SDi-4C-HLN4F  A2SDi-8C-HLN4F  A2SDi-8C+-HLN4F  A2SDi-12C-HLN4F  A2SDi-16C-HLN4F  A2SDi-H-TP4F  A2SDi-H-TF 1.0.0.X10SDV-A.7  X10SDV-2C-TLN2F  X10SDV-4C-TLN2F  X10SDV-4C-TLN4F  X10SDV-4C+-TLN4F  X10SDV-6C-TLN4F  X10SDV-6C+-TLN4F  X10SDV-8C+-LN2F  X10SDV-8C-TLN4F  X10SDV-12C-TLN4F  X10SDV-12C+-TLN4F  X10SDV-16C-TLN4F  X10SDV-16C+-TLN4F  X10SDV-TLN4F  X10SDV-F 1.0.0.M11SDV-A.6  M11SDV-4C-LN4F  M11SDV-4CT-LN4F  M11SDV-8C+-LN4F  M11SDV-8C-LN4F  M11SDV-8CT-LN4F 1.0.0.X11SDV-A.1  X11SDV-8C-TLN2F  X11SDV-8C+-TLN2F  X11SDV-4C-TLN2F  X11SDV-16C-TLN2F  X11SDV-16C+-TLN2F  X11SDV-12C-TLN2F The Compute Engine itself may be configured with various amounts of storage and RAM in addition to the motherboard. The allowed part numbers of each component, along with the number of components that can be present in a valid configuration, are described below. P a g e | 9 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Table 4 : Compute Engine RAM and Storage Configurations Component Type Component Part Number Number of Components Allowed RAM  RAM.00000000.4GB  RAM.00000000.8GB  RAM.00000000.16GB  RAM.00000000.32GB  RAM.00000000.64GB 1 - 4 SATA SSD  SSD.SATA.00000000.512GB  SSD.SATA.00000000.1TB  SSD.SATA.00000000.2TB  SSD.SATA.00000000.4TB  SSD.SATA.00000000.8TB 0 - 4 M.2 SSD  SSD.M2.00000000.512GB  SSD.M2.00000000.1TB  SSD.M2.00000000.2TB  SSD.M2.00000000.4TB  SSD.M2.00000000.8TB 0 - 1 An example Compute Engine configuration consists of four 8 GB RAM sticks (RAM.00000000.8GB), two 4 TB SATA SSDs (SSD.SATA.00000000.4TB) and one 512 GB M.2 SSD (SSD.M2.00000000.512GB). 2. MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES Module ports and interfaces are described in Table 5. All module interfaces are pins on two ribbon cables that pass directly into the module’s internal circuitry, but additional vendor-supplied components outside the module boundary are required for the full functionality specified in the tables below. Status output LEDs are described in Table 6. Access to authenticated services occurs over a Trusted Path (per IG 2.1), which relies on TLS 1.2 as described in Section Trusted Path: TLS 1.2 Implementation. Table 5 : Module Ports and Interfaces Logical Interface Data Flow Hardware Data input Service inputs User data  Encrypted (TLS) communication between an external user and the Security Anchor  Unauthenticated services only: Unencrypted communication between an external user (“General” role) and the Security Anchor External comms serial port and Security Anchor Data output Service outputs User data Control input Service inputs Control inputs  Encrypted (TLS) communication between an external user and the Security Anchor  Unauthenticated services only: Unencrypted communication between an external user (“General” role) and the Security Anchor External comms serial port and Security Anchor External factory reset (deactivation) to Security Anchor External loop wire and jumper External power button to module interior Power circuit Status output FIPS status Security Anchor to an external user External comms serial port and Security Anchor; external status serial port and Security Anchor Security Anchor to external status LED External FIPS Status LED P a g e | 10 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Logical Interface Data Flow Hardware Low battery Indicator External battery to external Low Battery Indicator LED Security Anchor Power Status Power circuit to external Security Anchor Power Status LED Power inputs  External battery to Security Anchor  DC Power port inputs Table 6 : LED states LED (outside module boundary) LED State Status External FIPS Status LED Green Module is in FIPS approved mode and not in an error state Red and blinking Module is in error state Blue FIPS certificate has been invalidated Low battery indicator LED Off External battery is OK On (Red) External battery is low (<3.0 V) Security Anchor Power Status LED Off Security Anchor firmware is not executing On (Green) Security Anchor firmware is executing 3. ROLES AND AUTHENTICATION The module implements three authenticated roles: Crypto Officer, KMIP Admin User and KMIP User. The module implements identity-based authentication with explicit role selection (Table 8). Authentication is required for each individual service request. Table 7 : Roles Role Description Crypto Officer Privileged services, such as module configuration, are permitted only to the Crypto Officer role. KMIP Admin User The KMIP Admin User role is permitted to perform KMIP user management (Table 21), and KMIP state management (Table 22) operations KMIP User The KMIP User role is permitted to perform KMIP1.4 operations (Table 23). The KMIP User role is not permitted to perform KMIP user management (Table 21) (with the exception of updating a user’s own password), or KMIP state management (Table 22) operations. General No authentication is required for non-critical services. P a g e | 11 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Table 8 : Authentication for Roles Role Role Selection Auth. Type Auth. Info Auth. Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Crypto Officer Based on service requested Identity- based CO User ID: fixed value provided by CO (cannot consist of only zeroes). Only one Crypto Officer is permitted. 256-bit token Comparison to token saved in the Security Anchor (time- independent token comparison1 )  For a random attempt, the probability of success is 1/(2256 – 1), which is less than 1/1,000,000.  Because the Security Anchor enforces an exponentially increasing delay for each failed authentication attempt, a maximum of 350 failed attempts can be made in one minute. The probability of a successful random attempt2 in one minute is therefore 350/(2256 ), which is significantly less than 1/100,000. KMIP Admin User Based on service requested Identity- based User name: fixed user name for KMIP admin. Only one KMIP Admin User is permitted. Password: Between 64 and 1024 bits. Comparison to a salted password hash (SHA-256 w/ 256-bit salt) stored encrypted by the Flash Encryption Key in Security Anchor flash storage.  If the minimum length password (64 bits) is used, the probability that a random attempt to guess the password will succeed is 1/(2^64), which is less than 1/1,000,000.  Because the Security Anchor enforces an exponentially increasing delay for each failed authentication attempt, a maximum of 350 failed attempts can be made in one minute. The probability of a successful random attempt in one minute is therefore 350/(2^64), which is significantly less than 1/100,000. KMIP User Based on service requested Identity- based User name: Unique to each user Password: Between 64 and 1024 bits 3.1 Initialization After factory initialization, the module operates in FIPS approved mode. The Crypto Officer role is initialized in factory using the “Set Crypto Officer Token” service (Section 5.3). The initial Crypto Officer Token is communicated to the customer via a separate, secure channel (outside the module). Upon receipt of the module, customers are recommended to change the Crypto Officer Token using the “Set Crypto Officer Token” service. KMIP user management operations are part of the module’s “KMIP Key Management” service (Section 5.3.1). After module receipt, customers need to first set up an “admin” KMIP user using the following steps: 1. Invoke the KMIP “Create Admin” operation to create a KMIP Admin User with the desired password. 2. Using the KMIP Admin User, create additional users as desired using the “Create KMIP User” operation (Table 21). 1 For a time-independent comparison function, the time required to compare two fixed-size bit strings is independent of the content of bit strings. 2 1/(2256 – 1) is effectively 1/(2256 ) P a g e | 12 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 4. CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT 4.1 Algorithms 4.1.1 FIPS Approved Algorithms The Module supports the following FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms (Table 9). Table 9 : FIPS Approved Algorithms3 Algorithm & Cert. Standard(s) Modes / Methods Key Bit Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use AES #5073 FIPS 197 [3] SP800-38A [4] SP800-38D [5] CBC CTR ECB GCM45 128, 192, and 256 bits  KMIP operations: Encrypt, Decrypt  To encrypt and decrypt all KMIP cryptographic objects stored in flash storage (AES CBC 256)  To encrypt and decrypt KMIP data during KMIP Import/Export (AES GCM 256)  TLS (AES GCM 256) AES #C1028 FIPS 197 [3] SP 800-38A [4] ECB 256 bits  To encrypt and decrypt items stored in the NVSRAM (zeroizable, battery-backed RAM) using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key CKG (vendor affirmed) SP 800-133r1 [6] 256 (Security Strength)  The unmodified output of the DRBG #C558 is used for symmetric key generation and as seeds for asymmetric key generation. See DRBG uses for a full list. 3 Not all algorithms/modes verified through CAVS certificates are implemented in the module. 4 IVs are generated according to FIPS 140-2 IG A.5 (refer to the CSP entry for AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV for more detail). 5 GMAC is validated by the CAVP but not used in the module P a g e | 13 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Algorithm & Cert. Standard(s) Modes / Methods Key Bit Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use DRBG #C558 SP 800-90Ar1 [7] HMAC-SHA-256 Prediction resistance enabled 256 (Security Strength)  KMIP operations: Create, Create Key Pair, Encrypt (IV generation), Sign (PSS salt generation), RNG Retrieve  Ephemeral Key Pair and Ephemeral Public Key Certificate generation, KMIP Key Management Import/Export Key Pair and KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key Certificate generation, Get Randoms, Set Crypto Officer Token, KMIP User creation and password update (256-bit password salt), KMIP Import/Export (AES GCM 256) by KMIP storage layer (AES CBC 256 key and IV)  TLS DSA #1336 FIPS 186-4 [8] Key pair generation (2048, 256)6 DH key generation for TLS (Section 4.2.4) (DSA sign/verify functionality is not implemented) ECDSA #1316 FIPS 186-4 [8] Key pair generation P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 KMIP operations: Create Key Pair, Sign, Signature Verify Signature generation P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 with SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 Signature verification 7 P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 with SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 HMAC #3385 FIPS 198-1 [9] HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-224 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-384 HMAC-SHA-512 KS < BS KS > BS KS = BS KS and BS are the sizes of keys/blocks. The module supports all key lengths between 112 and 1024 bits, inclusive (multiples of 8).  KMIP operations: MAC, MAC Verify  DRBG implementation (Cert #C558, 256-bit key)  TLS (as part of KDF CVL #1633, 384-bit key) 6 Validated sizes (2048, 224) and (3072, 256) are not used in the module. 7 P-192 signature verification is validated by the CAVP but not used in the module. P a g e | 14 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Algorithm & Cert. Standard(s) Modes / Methods Key Bit Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use KAS-SSC (vendor affirmed) SP 800-56Ar3 [10] FFC DH dhEphem, C (2e, 0s, FFC DH) Scheme using 186- type primes (2048, 256)  Key agreement using FFC DH for shared secret computation in accordance with IG D.1-rev3 (with DSA #1336 prerequisite for key pair generation) and TLSv1.2 KDF (CVL #1633) for key derivation. Derives TLS Ks for Trusted Path.  Key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength KDF TLS CVL #1633 SP 800-135r1 [11] TLSv1.2 with SHA-384  Application-specific Key Derivation Function (KDF) used by TLS.  The module’s TLS implementation conforms to IG D.11, option 2. The module implements a validated KDF from SP 800-135rev1. No parts of this protocol other than the KDF have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. KTS (AES #5073) SP 800-38F [12] AES GCM 256  TLS Ks (TLS Session Keys) are used for encryption and decryption for TLS, as described in section 4.2.4.  The KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (established using Allowed RSA key wrapping) is used to protect transported KMIP CSPs (ref. Table 15) and KMIP data during KMIP Import/Export (ref. Table 22). RSA #2751 FIPS 186-4 [8] Key generation 2048, 3072, 40968  KMIP operations: Create Key Pair, Sign, Signature Verify  Signature generation and verification for KMIP Signature generation PKCS 1.5 2048, 3072, 40969 with SHA-256, SHA-512 Signature generation PKCSPSS 2048, 3072, 409610 with SHA-256, SHA-512 8 Per IG A.14, CAVP certification is not required for RSA 4096 key generation because CAVP testing is unavailable 9 4096 is tested to FIPS 186-2 [22] because CAVP testing is unavailable for 4096 testing to FIPS 186-4 [8]. See IG G.18. 10 4096 is tested to FIPS 186-2 [22] because CAVP testing is unavailable for 4096 testing to FIPS 186-4 [8]. See IG G.18. P a g e | 15 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Algorithm & Cert. Standard(s) Modes / Methods Key Bit Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use Signature verification PKCS 1.511 2048, 3072, 409612 with SHA-256, SHA-512 import and export RSA key wrapping (Section 5.3.1)  Generate Ephemeral Keypair, Generate Ephemeral Public Key Certificate, Generate KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key Certificate, Get Signed Witness, Get Status, Set Module Configuration  TLS (Section 4.2.4) Signature verification PKCSPSS13 2048, 3072, 409614 with SHA-256, SHA-512 RSASP1 component CVL #1634 PKCS#1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard RSASP1 Signature Primitive 204815 3072 4096 KMIP Operations: Sign KMIP Users may call the signature primitive directly and perform padding/hashing separately. RSADP Component CVL #1635 SP 800-56B [13] RSA Decryption Primitive 2048 As part of the RSA key wrapping used in the KMIP Key Management Import/Export operations (Section 5.3.1) SHS #4131 FIPS 180-4 [14] SHA-1 SHA-224 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512  To generate the Ephemeral Public Key Certificate and KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key Certificate (Generation of X509 Subject/Key ID) (SHA-1).  KMIP operations: Sign, Signature Verify, Hash (Sign and Signature Verify do not support SHA-1)  Integrity checks on Security Anchor KMIP storage layer (SHA-256)  To hash the provided KMIP Admin User/KMIP User password for all such authenticated services (SHA-256)  TLS (SHA-384) 11 The following RSA PKCS signature verification is CAVP validated, but not used in the module: 186-2 PKCS 1.5 (1024, 1536, 2048, 3072), 186-4 PKCS 1.5 (1024) 12 4096 is tested to FIPS 186-2 because CAVP testing is unavailable for 4096 testing to FIPS 186-4. See IG G.18. 13 The following RSA PKCSPSS signature verification is CAVP validated, but not used in the module: 186-2 PKCSPSS (1024, 1536, 2048, 3072), 186-4 PKCSPSS (1024) 14 4096 is tested to FIPS 186-2 because CAVP testing is unavailable for 4096 testing to FIPS 186-4. See IG G.18. 15 Only 2048 is CAVP testable, but 3072 and 4096 are Approved as per IG A.14 P a g e | 16 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 4.1.2 FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Algorithms Table 10 : FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Algorithms Algorithm Strength/Caveats Use NDRNG The NDRNG entropy rate and the DRBG implementation ensure that the DRBG has a full entropy output (256 bits) Entropy source for seeding DRBG #C558 RSA (CVL Cert. #1635, key wrapping) RSA: 2048, 3072, 4096 Key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 149 bits of encryption strength Allowed RSA-OAEP key wrapping used in the KMIP Key Management Import/Export operations (Section 5.3.1) to establish KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES GCM 256) The RSA decryption primitive has been tested for conformance to SP 800-56B [13], as indicated by the CVL. This key wrapping is considered Allowed per IG D.9. 4.1.3 FIPS Non-Approved, not Allowed Algorithms The module does not support any non-approved, not allowed algorithms. 4.2 Critical Security Parameters 4.2.1 Critical Security Parameter Management All CSPs are stored within the Security Anchor. CSPs are stored in the Security Anchor NVSRAM (zeroizable, battery-backed memory) and in the Security Anchor flash storage. The entire NVSRAM (including stored CSPs and keys) is encrypted with the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key (AES ECB 256, AES #C1028). The entire flash storage is encrypted using the Flash Encryption Key (AES CBC 256, AES #5073). The Flash Encryption Key in turn is stored in NVSRAM, encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key. The Security Anchor Hardware AES Key is stored in a separate battery-backed key register and destroyed upon zeroization. Zeroizing the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key prevents access to all other CSPs (NVSRAM and flash). This is because all CSPs are either encrypted directly with the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key or the Flash Encryption Key (AES CBC 256), which in turn is encrypted by the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key. All CSPs that are input or output are encrypted by at least one of the following methods: 1. Communication over the module’s Trusted Path relying on TLS 1.2. The Trusted Path is encrypted by TLS Ks (AES GCM 256, key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength). Details are provided in Section Trusted Path: TLS 1.2 Implementation. 2. Imported or exported key management states are encrypted by the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES GCM 256, key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 149 bits of encryption strength). 3. The KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key is wrapped by the KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key or KMIP Key Management Client Import/Export Public Key (RSA 2048, 3072, or 4096 allowed key wrapping, key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 149 bits of encryption strength). P a g e | 17 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 4. The TLS session ticket is wrapped by the TLS Session Ticket Encryption Key (TLS STEK) (AES GCM 256, full 256-bit encryption strength). Note that this is not a KTS because keys are not transported. Module CSPs are divided into the following categories (specified in the tables below): General CSPs, DRBG CSPs, TLS CSPs, and KMIP Cryptographic Objects (CSPs and Public Keys). 4.2.2 General Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) Table 11 : General Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use Security Anchor Hardware AES Key The AES key used to encrypt and decrypt the Security Anchor’s zeroizable, battery- backed memory which stores other CSPs. The AES key cannot be read by the module’s firmware, Crypto Officer, or users. Format: 256-bit AES key in ECB mode Storage: Security Anchor’s 256-bit, battery-backed key register. Protection: Stored in plaintext, not accessible to firmware. Use: Used by all module services when accessing Security Anchor battery-backed memory Generation:  In-factory activation (DRBG #C558) Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization Flash Encryption Key The Flash Encryption Key is used to encrypt and decrypt objects that comprise the KMIP Key Management state (Section 4.2.5). Format: 256-bit AES key in CBC mode. Storage: Zeroizable, battery-backed memory (NVSRAM). Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Used to encrypt and decrypt all KMIP Cryptographic Objects (Section 4.2.5) stored within the Security Anchor flash storage. Generation:  In-factory activation (DRBG #C558)  Key Management State Operations Configure KMIP Storage and Import Init (Section 5.3.1) (DRBG #C558) Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  KMIP Key Management State Operation: Reset  KMIP Key Management State Operation: Import Init  KMIP Key Management State Operation: Import Cancel  Power on Compute Engine P a g e | 18 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use Crypto Officer Token The token used to authenticate the Crypto Officer role. Only the Crypto Officer (after successful authentication) can request a new token to be generated. Format: The Crypto Officer token is a 256- bit value. A valid token contains at least one non-zero bit. Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Used by module services for Crypto Officer authentication Generation:  First, during in-factory activation (DRBG #C558)  Via the set Crypto Officer Token service (DRBG #C558) Input: Input for all Crypto Officer authenticated services. Input over TLS, encrypted by TLS Ks (AES GCM 256) Output: When a new token is set using the Set Crypto Officer Token service, the new token is communicated over TLS, encrypted by TLS Ks (AES GCM 256) Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) The Device Private Key is used by the Security Anchor to sign data. The Device Private Key is generated once during factory initialization and cannot be changed after the module has shipped. The Device Key Pair also serves as a unique module identifier. Format: RSA private exponent. Can be 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits. Size is configurable using the “Set Module Configuration” service (Section 5.3). Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Used by the following services:  Get Signed Witness  Get Status  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair  Generate KMIP Key Management Import/Export Key Pair  Get Device Public Key  KMIP Key Management State Operation: Export Init (Section 5.3.1)  Part of the TLS trust chain Generation: In factory (RSA #2751) Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv) The Ephemeral Key Pair is used during TLS session negotiation. It is Format: RSA private exponent. Can be 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits. Size is configurable using Use: By the Security Anchor to sign its public DHE parameters before sending them to a TLS client (PKCS 1v1.5 SHA-512, RSA #2751) P a g e | 19 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use periodically regenerated by the Security Anchor, the frequency of which can be modified via the module’s configuration. the Set Module Configuration service. Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Generation:  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair service (RSA #2751)  Set Module Configuration (RSA #2751)  Auto-generated periodically by the Security Anchor (RSA #2751) Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Power on Compute Engine KMIP Key Management Import/Export Private Key The RSA key used in the KMIP Import/Export Allowed RSA key wrapping. It is periodically regenerated by the Security Anchor, the frequency of which can be modified via the module’s configuration. Format: RSA private exponent. Can be 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits. Size is configurable using the Set Module Configuration service. Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: In the KMIP Import/Export RSA key wrapping to decrypt the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (CVL #1635) Generation:  Generate KMIP Import/Export Key Pair service (RSA #2751)  Auto-generated periodically by the Security Anchor (RSA #2751) Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Set Module Configuration Service  Power on Compute Engine KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key The AES GCM 256 (AES #5073) key used to encrypt and decrypt data during the KMIP Export/Import procedure. Format: 256-bits Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: To encrypt and decrypt KMIP Cryptographic Objects during the KMIP Import and Export operations Generation: Generated by the module's DRBG (#C558) during KMIP Export Init Input: Via the KMIP Import Init operation as part of the KMIP Import/Export RSA allowed key wrapping. Encapsulated by KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key (RSA 2048, 3072, or 4096). P a g e | 20 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use Output: Via the KMIP Export Init operation as part of the KMIP Import/Export RSA allowed key wrapping. Encapsulated by KMIP Key Management Client Import/Export Public Key (RSA 2048, 3072, or 4096). Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  KMIP Key Management State Operations: Reset, Configure KMIP Storage  On completion or termination of Key Management Import/Export operation  Power on Compute Engine AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV The IV to be used in the GCM authenticated Format: 96, 104, 112, 120, 128 bits Use: KMIP Encrypt and Decrypt operations, KMIP Import/Export, and TLS P a g e | 21 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use encryption function. As per SP 800-38D [5], section 9.1, the IV is no longer considered a CSP after it is used in an invocation of the authenticated encryption function. Storage: NVSRAM and RAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key unless stored in RAM, where it is stored in plaintext. Generation: Either generated entirely randomly using the DRBG (#C558) as per IG A.5 Scenario 2:  KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key  TLS STEK  KMIP Cryptographic Objects: AES GCM Keys Or, for TLS Ks: IV is generated in conformance to IG A.5 Scenario 1a whereby: 1. IV generation is performed according to the TLS 1.2 protocol and the GCM cipher suite as described in RFC 5288 [15] and included in SP 800-52 Rev 2 [16]. 2. IV is used only in the context of the AES GCM mode encryption within the TLS protocol 3. The operations of one of the parties included in the TLS scheme is performed entirely within the module 4. The counter portion of the IV is set by the module within its cryptographic boundary and the requirements of IG A.5 Scenario 3 for the counter field are met, including IV Restoration Condition 3 When nonce_explicit exhausts the maximum values for a given key (64 bits) the module aborts the session and a new TLS session with a new encryption key must be established.16 Both portions of this IV are stored in RAM. Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Start TLS Session, End TLS Session, Clear TLS State  64-bit GCM IV counter used with TLS Ks reaches maximum value  KMIP v1.4 Operation: Encrypt  Key Management State Operation: Export  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair, Set Module Configuration, Reset, Power on Compute Engine 16 If the security anchor's power is lost a new TLS session must be established with the security anchor as per scenario 3 of IG A.5, restoration condition 3. P a g e | 22 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 4.2.3 DRBG CSPs All DRBG CSPs are used whenever the DRBG is accessed. Many services access the DRBG, view Services 5 for a complete list. Table 12 : DRBG CSPs CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use Entropy Input Input string provided to the HMAC DRBG during its initialization and reseeding Format: 464 bits Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: As part of the seed of DRBG #C558 (initialization and re-seeding) Generation: By the Security Anchor’s NDRNG Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Immediately after DRBG initialization/reseeding  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Power on Compute Engine  Perform Self-Tests  Power-up Self-Tests Nonce Input string provided to the HMAC DRBG during its initialization Format: 216 bits Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: As part of the seed of DRBG #C558 (initialization only) Generation: By the Security Anchor’s NDRNG Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Immediately after DRBG initialization  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Power on Compute Engine  Perform Self-Tests  Power-up Self-Tests Seed The seed provided to the HMAC DRBG during its initialization Format: 744 bits (initialization only) or 464 – 720 bits Storage: NVSRAM Use: As the seed material of DRBG #C558 Generation: By the Security Anchor’s NDRNG P a g e | 23 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use and reseeding. Comprised of the Entropy Input CSP, Nonce CSP (initialization only), a Personalization String (initialization only), and additional input (reseed only) Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Immediately after initialization/reseeding  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Power on Compute Engine  Perform Self-Tests  Power-up Self-Tests HMAC V The DRBG’s internal HMAC V value Format: 256 bits Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: As part of the internal HMAC state Generation: As part of the DRBG generation function (see NIST SP 800-90Ar1 [7], section Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Immediately after initialization/reseeding  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Power on Compute Engine  Perform Self-Tests  Power-up Self-Tests HMAC K The DRBG’s internal HMAC Key Format: 256-bit HMAC key Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: As part of the internal HMAC state Generation: As part of the DRBG generation function (see NIST SP 800-90Ar1 [7], section Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Immediately after initialization/reseeding  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Power on Compute Engine  Perform Self-Tests  Power-up Self-Tests P a g e | 24 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 4.2.4 TLS 1.2 Trusted Path: TLS 1.2 Implementation The module is compatible with TLSv1.2 [17], which it uses to establish a Trusted Path (per IG 2.1) for the protection of plaintext CSPs. The Trusted Path is used for all authenticated services; the operator may choose to use the trusted path for unauthenticated services as well (refer to Section 5.2 Service Access). To set up the Trusted Path, the operator establishes and operates the TLS session as specified below. Table 13 describes the Cipher Suite Supported by this implementation of TLS, which is specified in SP 800-52 Rev 2 [16], Section TLS key establishment is per the vendor affirmed SP 800-56Ar3 [10] KAS-SSC (dhEphem, C(2e, 0s, FFC DH) Scheme with 186-type primes) specified in Table 9. The module implements a validated KDF (CVL #1633) from SP 800-135rev1. No parts of this protocol other than the KDF have been tested by the CAVP and CMVP. TLS generates AES GCM 256 keys (key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) that are used to encrypt the session. These AES 256 GCM keys provide authenticated encryption in conformance with SP 800-38F [12]. TLS does not implement RSA key encapsulation. The Ephemeral private (KRsaPriv) and public (KRsaPub) keys are used as the TLS key pair for session negotiation. The Ephemeral Public Key (KRsaPub) is signed by the Device Private Key (CARsaPriv). The Device Public Key (CARsaPub) is in turn signed by the Manufacturer Private Key. The resulting trust chain is: Manufacturer Public Key  Device Public Key (CARsaPub)  Ephemeral Public Key (KRsaPub)  public DHE parameters  TLS Pre-MS (Z)  TLS MS  TLS Session Keys. During TLS connection establishment, clients (Crypto Officer or users) validate the entire trust chain to identify the module as the source of the Trusted Path and prevent MiTM and other attacks. Table 13 : Cipher Suite Supported by the Module’s TLS Implementation in FIPS Mode TLS Implementation Suite Name TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 Authentication RSA (RSA #2751; 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits) Key Establishment DHE (DSA #1336; L: 2048, N: 256) Symmetric Cryptography AES GCM 256(AES #5073) Hash SHA-384 (SHA #4131) TLS CSPs Table 14 : TLS CSPs CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use DHE private (rU) 2048-bit Diffie- Hellman ephemeral private key Format: 2048-bit Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Establish TLS Pre-MS (Z) Generation: Generated using DRBG (#C558) during TLS session initialization in accordance with FIPS 186-4 and NIST SP 800-56Ar3 [10] (DSA #1336) Input: N/A P a g e | 25 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  64-bit GCM IV counter used with TLS Ks reaches maximum value  Start TLS Session, End TLS Session, Clear TLS State  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair, Set Module Configuration, Reset, Power on Compute Engine Pre-MS (Z) TLS pre-master secret Format: 2048-bit Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Derive TLS MS Generation: Derived from the client DH public parameters in accordance with NIST SP 800-56Ar3 [10], Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  64-bit GCM IV counter used with TLS Ks reaches maximum value  Start TLS Session, End TLS Session, Clear TLS State  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair, Set Module Configuration, Reset, Power on Compute Engine MS TLS master secret Format: 384 bits Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Derive TLS Ks Generation: Derived from Pre-MS (Z) using a KDF in accordance with SP 800-135r1 (CVL #1633) Input: Input as part of a session ticket, encrypted by the TLS STEK (AES GCM 256) Output: Output as part of a session ticket, encrypted by the TLS STEK (AES GCM 256) P a g e | 26 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  64-bit GCM IV counter used with TLS Ks reaches maximum value  Start TLS Session, End TLS Session, Clear TLS State  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair, Set Module Configuration, Reset, Power on Compute Engine TLS Ks TLS Session Keys (AES GCM 256-bit) Format: 256 bits Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Encrypt and decrypt data over TLS (AES GCM 256-bit, AES #5073) Generation: Derived from MS using a KDF in accordance with SP 800-135r1 (CVL #1633) Input: N/A Output: N/A Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  64-bit GCM IV counter used with TLS Ks reaches maximum value  Start TLS Session, End TLS Session, Clear TLS State  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair, Set Module Configuration, Reset, Power on Compute Engine TLS STEK TLS Session Ticket Encryption Key (AES GCM 256-bit) Format: 256 bits Storage: NVSRAM Protection: Encrypted using the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Use: Encrypt and decrypt TLS Sessions containing the MS (RFC5077 [18]) (AES GCM 256-bit, AES #5073). Generation: Generated internally using DRBG (#C558). Session tickets are regenerated using the DRBG when a new TLS connection is initiated and the current session key expires. The lifetime of a session key is configurable via the Set Module Configuration service. Input: N/A Output: N/A P a g e | 27 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification CSP Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle and Use Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Generate Ephemeral Key Pair, Set Module Configuration, Reset, Power on Compute Engine 4.2.5 KMIP Cryptographic Objects (CSPs and Public Keys) Table 15 describes KMIP cryptographic objects stored within the Security Anchor as part of the “KMIP Key Management” service (Section 5.3.1). KMIP objects are protected by the tamper detection and response mechanisms (Section 4.5.1). Key management state includes all KMIP CSPs and cryptographic objects. Table 15 : KMIP Cryptographic Objects (CSPs and Public Keys) Type and Format Storage and Protection Lifecycle User Passwords Format: between 64 and 1024 bits in length Storage: Security Anchor flash storage Protection: Encrypted using the Flash Encryption Key (AES CBC 256 #5073) User passwords are first salted with a 256-bit random salt retrieved from the DRBG (#C558), then encrypted (AES CBC 256 #5073) Use: Passwords are used for user role authentication (KMIP Admin User or KMIP User). Use of keys is KMIP User-specific. Generation: As part of KMIP Key Management service (Section 5.3.1) Input:  As part of KMIP Key Management Operations (Section 5.3.1) over Trusted Path with TLS, encrypted by TLS Ks (AES GCM 256)  Key Management State Operations: Import, encrypted by KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES GCM 256) Output:  As part of KMIP Key Management Operations (Section 5.3.1), with the exception of User Passwords, over Trusted Path with TLS, encrypted by TLS Ks (AES GCM 256) Symmetric Keys Format: 128, 192, or 256-bit Encryption/Decryption Modes: CBC, CTR, ECB, GCM17 (AES #5073) HMAC Keys HMAC (#3385) Format: 112 to 1024 bits RSA Keys (public and private) Format: 2048, 3072, or 4096-bit Sign/Signature Verify Modes: PKCS 1v1.5/PSS with SHA256/SHA512 (RSA #2751), no padding method with SHA256/SHA512/none (RSA Signature Primitives RSASP1 Component CVL #1634)18 17 As per [5] keys used in GCM mode must not have been, or ever be, used in any other mode. The same key may however be used in ECB, CBC and CTR modes. 18 As per [8], section 5.1, an RSA key pair may only be used with a single signature scheme throughout its lifetime. P a g e | 28 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Type and Format Storage and Protection Lifecycle ECDSA Keys (public and private) Format: P-224, P-256, P-384, P- 521 Sign/Signature Verify Modes: ECDSA with SHA224/SHA256/SHA384/SH A512 (ECDSA #1316)  Key Management State Operations: Export, encrypted by KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES GCM 256) Zeroization:  Tamper response  Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization)  Procedural Zeroization  Reset Service  Power on Compute Engine  KMIP Key Management State Operations: Reset, Import Init, Import Cancel  Key Management User Operation: Delete User  KMIP v1.4 Operation: Destroy (except for User Passwords) 4.3 General Public Keys and Parameters (PSPs) In addition to CSPs, the Security Anchor stores certain public parameters. Public parameters do not require protection from distribution outside of the module. Hence, any role can read public parameters. Modification of public parameters however, is role-dependent. Public parameters are summarized in Table 16 (in addition to the public parameters specified in Table 15). Table 16 : General Public Keys and Parameters (PSPs) Public Parameter Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle Witness Register Allows the creation of a public, historical record. Format: 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits. Storage: Non- Zeroizable, non- battery-backed memory. Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: User-specific Generation: Cleared (set to 0) on module power on. No other modifications are allowed while the Compute Engine is powered off. Input: N/A Output: Get Signed Witness service Deletion: Reset on power cycle DHE Public Key (tU) 2048-bit Security Anchor Diffie- Hellman public key. Format: 2048 bits Storage: Security Anchor volatile RAM Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: Establish TLS Pre-MS (Z) Generation: Generated using DRBG (#C558) during TLS session initialization in accordance with FIPS 186-4 and NIST SP 800-56Ar3 [10] (DSA #1336) Input: N/A P a g e | 29 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Public Parameter Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle Output During the establishment of a TLS session (Start TLS Session service) Deletion Whenever the DHE private (rU) is zeroized Client DHE Public Key (tV) 2048-bit client Diffie-Hellman public key. Format: 2048 bits Storage: Security Anchor volatile RAM Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: Establish TLS Pre-MS (Z) Generation: Generated by an external TLS client during the establishment of a TLS session. Input: During the establishment of a TLS session (Start TLS Session service) Output: N/A Deletion Whenever the DHE private (rU) is zeroized Device Public Key (CARsaPub) The public key corresponding to the CSP “Device Private Key (CAPsaPriv)”. Format: 2048, 3072, or 4096-bit RSA modulus Storage: Security Anchor flash storage. Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: By external clients to verify signatures by the Device Private Key. Generation: In factory (RSA #2751) Input: N/A Output:  Get Device Public Key service  As part of a plaintext X509 certificate via the Get Device Public Key Certificate service Deletion: Rendered unusable on zeroization of the Device Private Key Device Public Key Certificate The public key certificate for the Device Key Pair (CARsaPub and CARsaPriv). Proves the module’s endorsement by the signer. When the module is shipped, the module comes with a certificate signed by the manufacturer (Private Machines Inc.). Format: X.509 certificate (1-4092 bytes) Storage: Security Anchor flash storage Protection: Stored in plaintext Use:  To uniquely identify the Security Anchor  Verification of data signed by the Device Private Key Generation: Generated by the manufacturer outside of the module during factory initialization. Input: N/A Output: Get Device Public Key Certificate service Deletion: Rendered unusable on zeroization of the Device Private Key Client Device Public Key The client Device Public Key provided to the Security Anchor during a KMIP Import/Export Init operation. Format: 2048, 3072, or 4096-bit RSA modulus Storage: Security Anchor RAM Use: To help validate the KMIP Importer/Exporter's root of trust (Section 5.3.1) Generation: Obtained by the module from an external client (the importing/exporting module.) P a g e | 30 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Public Parameter Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle Protection: Stored in plaintext Input:  Key Management State Operation: Import/Export – Init service Output: N/A Deletion: On the completion of the KMIP Key Management Import/Export - Init service Client Device Public Key Certificate The certificate for the Client Device Public Key. Provided to the Security Anchor during a KMIP Import/Export Init operation. Format: X.509 certificate (1-4092 bytes) Storage: Security Anchor flash storage Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: To help validate the KMIP Importer/Exporter's root of trust (Section 5.3.1) Generation: Obtained by the module from an external client (the importing/exporting module). Input:  Key Management State Operation: Import/Export – Init service Output: N/A Deletion: On the completion of the KMIP Key Management Import/Export – Init service Ephemeral Public Key (KRsaPub) The public key corresponding to the CSP Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv). Format: 2048, 3072, or 4096-bit RSA modulus Storage: Security Anchor flash storage. Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: By clients in the TLS trust chain to verify signatures by the Ephemeral Private Key. Generation: When a new Ephemeral Private Key is generated Input: N/A Output:  Get Ephemeral Public Key service  As part of a plaintext X509 certificate via the Get Ephemeral Public Key Certificate service Deletion: Rendered unusable on zeroization of the Ephemeral Private Key Ephemeral Public Key Certificate The public key certificate for the Ephemeral Public Key (KRsaPub). Format: X.509 certificate (1-4092 bytes) Storage: Security Anchor flash storage. Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: TLS trust chain Generation When a new Ephemeral Private Key is generated Input N/A Output Get Ephemeral Public Key Certificate service Deletion Rendered unusable on zeroization of the Ephemeral Private Key P a g e | 31 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Public Parameter Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle Manufacturer Public Key (Device Certificate signer’s public key) The manufacturer’s public key. This is the public key that endorses the Device Public Key. Format: 2048, 3072, or 4096-bit RSA modulus and 32-bit public exponent Storage: Security Anchor flash storage Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: To identify the module’s manufacturer. Used by the KMIP Key Management services’ Import/Export operations for signature verification in conjunction with the Device Public Key Certificate. Generation: Generated by the manufacturer outside of the module. Cannot be changed after the module is shipped.19 Input: N/A Output: Get Device Public Key Certificate service Deletion: Rendered unusable on zeroization of the Device Private Key Security Anchor Customer Root Key (SA CRK) ECDSA P-256 public key. Format: 512 bits (256-bit x and y offline coordinates) Storage: Security Anchor one-time programmable (OTP) flash Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: To verify Security Anchor firmware integrity (ECDSA-SHA-256) Generation: Generated by manufacturer outside of the module. Cannot be changed after the module ships. Input: N/A Output: N/A Deletion: N/A Lost Cert Ratchet Indicates whether the FIPS certificate is invalidated. FIPS Format: 1 byte Use: Indicates whether the FIPS certificate is invalidated 19 The SHA-512 hash of the Manufacturer Public Key that is loaded onto the module during manufacturing is: d3ddcc162c06714affee7f26dd418046e984a3d03243e7be9e2321c1436959ba3e155bcf9663a b9491701531bda4eebe3d3fbf0263718abbc255f59db935fcb8 ff9f010b5bdd7591d052fdb8cfc6e7b842f8f973ab37a91ea5e16449c17e9278d9f95f265b050 8f083348376aeb16d7f02b7b86cde634e8c9f875287049360de d3ddcc162c06714affee7f26dd418046e984a3d03243e7be9e2321c1436959ba3e155bcf9663a b9491701531bda4eebe3d3fbf0263718abbc255f59db935fcb8 ff9f010b5bdd7591d052fdb8cfc6e7b842f8f973ab37a91ea5e16449c17e9278d9f95f265b050 8f083348376aeb16d7f02b7b86cde634e8c9f875287049360de The corresponding private key is used by the manufacturer to sign the Device Private Key. See also https://privatemachines.com/ P a g e | 32 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Public Parameter Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle certificate is invalidated when the Compute Engine is powered on. Storage: Security Anchor flash storage Protection: Stored in plaintext Generation:  Set to zero when the module ships indicating that the FIPS certificate is valid  Set to one when the Compute Engine is powered on indicating that the FIPS certificate is invalid. Cannot be reset back to zero. Input: N/A Output:  Get Status service  All non KMIP v1.4 services, as well as the KMIP v1.4 Query service Deletion: N/A KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key The public key corresponding to the CSP KMIP Import/Export Private Key. Format: 2048, 3072, or 4096-bit RSA modulus Storage: Security Anchor flash storage Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: Used by an external client to encrypt the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key as part of the KMIP Import/Export RSA key wrapping Generation: When a new KMIP Key Management Import/Export Private Key is generated Input: N/A Output:  Get KMIP Import/Export Public Key service  As part of a plaintext X509 certificate via the Get KMIP Import/Export Public Key Certificate service Deletion: Rendered unusable on zeroization of the KMIP Key Management Import/Export Private Key KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key Certificate The public key certificate for the KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key. Format: X.509 certificate (1-4092 bytes) Storage: Security Anchor flash storage Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: Used by an external client to validate the KMIP Importer/Exporter's root of trust (Section 5.3.1) Generation: When a new KMIP Import/Export Private Key is generated Input: N/A Output: Get KMIP Import/Export Public Key Certificate service Deletion: Rendered unusable on zeroization of the KMIP Key Management Import/Export Private Key KMIP Key Management Client Import/Export Public Key The client public key for KMIP Import/Export. Format: 2048, 3072, or 4096-bit RSA modulus Storage: Security Anchor RAM Use: To encrypt the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key as part of the KMIP Import/Export RSA key wrapping Generation: Generated by an external client. P a g e | 33 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Public Parameter Description Format, Storage, and Protection Lifecycle Protection: Stored in plaintext Input: Key Management State Operation: Export – Init service Output: N/A Deletion: On completion of the KMIP Key Management Client Export - Init service KMIP Key Management Client Import/Export Public Key Certificate The certificate for the KMIP Key Management Client Import/Export Public Key. Format: X.509 certificate (1-4092 bytes) Storage: Security Anchor RAM Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: To validate the KMIP Importer/Exporter's root of trust (Section 5.3.1) Generation: Generated by an external client. Input: Key Management State Operation: Export – Init service Output: N/A Deletion: On completion of the KMIP Key Management Export - Init service 4.4 User Data Storage The Security Anchor also provides the “Volatile Access” service to allow users to store and retrieve arbitrary data. Table 17 describes the available storage. Table 17 : Custom Storage Objects Type Description Format Lifecycle Volatile RAM storage RAM storage organized as slots Format: 16 slots, 4096 bytes each Storage: Security Anchor RAM Protection: Stored in plaintext Use: User specific Generation: N/A Input: Input by external user via the Volatile Access service Output: Output to external user via the Volatile Access service Zeroization:  On module power cycle  Reset  Power on Compute Engine P a g e | 34 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 4.5 Zeroization The module implements several mechanisms to protect CSPs. The module’s tamper detection, response and zeroization mechanisms are discussed in detail in Section 7. Refer to the paragraphs below and Table 18. 4.5.1 Tamper Response In the case of a tamper event, the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key (which encrypts the NVSRAM) is zeroized, rendering all other CSPs inaccessible. All memory that may temporarily contain CSPs, such as RAM, is also zeroized. After zeroization the module is also power cycled, after which all services are disabled and the module is in an error state. 4.5.2 Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization) Factory Reset is triggered by bringing the Deactivate GPIO pin low for two consecutive seconds. The Deactivate pin is exposed outside the cryptographic boundary via one of the pins on the two ribbons described in Section 2. This pin is brought low by removing a jumper or cutting a loop wire located outside the module’s cryptographic boundary. Factory Reset zeroizes the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key, which renders all other CSPs inaccessible (see Section 4.5.1). All memory that may temporarily contain CSPs, such as RAM, is also zeroized. The module is then power cycled, after which all services are disabled and the module is deactivated. After deactivation the module can only be reactivated in factory. 4.5.3 Procedural Zeroization Procedural zeroization is an authenticated service available to the Crypto Officer role. Procedural zeroization achieves the same effect as Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization), the only difference being that procedural zeroization is triggered by explicit communication with the Security Anchor. 4.5.4 Reset Service and Other Zeroization Methods The authenticated “Reset” service zeroizes all CSPs except the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key. It also zeroizes User Data Storage (volatile RAM storage). CSPs can later be generated within the Security Anchor in a FIPS conformant manner using appropriate services. The “Reset” service, as well as any other zeroization event (with the exception of the Tamper, Factory Reset and Procedural Zeroization events) zeroizes CSPs by overwriting their memory locations with zeroes. 4.5.5 Summary of CSP Zeroization Table 18 : Module Zeroization Event Zeroization Time CSPs that are zeroized on event occurrence Tamper Event Less than 1 µs if the ARM core is off, 300 µs if it is on. All CSPs Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization) 300 µs All CSPs Procedural Zeroization 300 µs All CSPs Reset 4 ms or less All CSPs except the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Power on Compute Engine 4 ms or less All CSPs except the following20 : 20 These CSPs are not zeroized because: a) the Security Anchor Hardware AES key encrypts the memory region where the other two are stored b) the Crypto Officer Token is used to maintain the module’s ownership by the operator c) the Device Private Key is used to confirm the module’s provenance (i.e. from the manufacturer) P a g e | 35 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Event Zeroization Time CSPs that are zeroized on event occurrence  Security Anchor Hardware AES Key  Crypto Officer Token  Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) 5. SERVICES 5.1 Services Implementation All services are implemented by the Security Anchor firmware. The firmware is stored on the Security Anchor’s flash memory during factory initialization. The firmware cannot be altered after factory initialization. 5.2 Service Access Physical connectivity for service access spans over the external comms serial port and the Security Anchor. TLS communication is employed over this physical channel. TLS is used to establish a Trusted Path per IG 2.1, as specified in Trusted Path: TLS 1.2 Implementation. The Trusted Path is encrypted by TLS Ks (AES GCM 256, key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength). The module requires TLS be used for all authenticated services. The operator may choose to use TLS for all other services21 . 5.3 Approved Services Services available in FIPS approved mode are described in Table 20. Table 20 also lists the CSPs accessed by an operator performing a service under an assumed role along with the access type. The following access types are covered:  SA-Read: The CSP is read by the Security Anchor Firmware but is not returned to the operator.  Operator-Read: The CSP is read by the Security Anchor Firmware and returned to the operator. The corresponding SA-Read is omitted.  Operator-Generate: The CSP is generated at the specific request of the operator. The CSP is generated by the Security Anchor using approved algorithms.  SA-Write: The CSP is written by the Security Anchor Firmware.  Operator-Write: The CSP contents are provided by the operator to the Security Anchor and are written by the firmware. The corresponding SA-Write is omitted.  SA-Zeroize: The CSP is zeroized by the Security Anchor Firmware.  Operator-Zeroize: The CSP is zeroized by the Security Anchor Firmware at the specific request of the operator. The corresponding SA-Zeroize is omitted. 21 Authenticated services must be executed via a TLS connection established between the operator and the module via the Start TLS Session service. The module will reject all such services sent in plaintext. This falls under IG 3.1 scenario (d): initialization procedures to set up the operator’s authentication credentials. P a g e | 36 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Table 19 : Generic CSP Accesses (in Addition to Table 20) Role Service Reason for Access Algorithms CSP/ Key Access All All services that access CSPs CSPs are stored in NVSRAM and any access to this memory region requires the MAX32550 Memory Encryption Unit (MEU) hardware [19] to read this key to decrypt or encrypt the memory. #C1028 MEU-Read: Security Anchor Hardware AES Key All All services executed over TLS Encryption of TLS records sent to the operator. AES #5073 SA-Read/SA- Write: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV, TLS Ks Crypto Officer All Crypto Officer Services Crypto Officer Authentication SA-Read Crypto Officer Token All All services except KMIP v1.4 operations, Tamper Response, Factory Reset, and End TLS Session Internal state check performed by the Security Anchor firmware. SA-Read: Crypto Officer Token KMIP Admin User, KMIP User, General All KMIP services (KMIP v1.4, User and State) KMIP objects are stored encrypted by this key AES #5073 SA-Read: Flash Encryption Key KMIP Admin User, KMIP User All KMIP services (KMIP v1.4, User and State) Access to KMIP services via password authentication AES #5073 SHA #4131 SA-Read: User Passwords P a g e | 37 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Table 20 : Services Available in FIPS Approved Mode Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access Crypto Officer Set Module Configuration Sets the following module configuration parameters.  Witness Size: 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits  Ephemeral RSA key size: 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits  Ephemeral key pair auto-generation interval  KMIP Import/Export RSA key size: 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits  KMIP Import/Export key pair auto-generation interval  Flash access time and number of Flash accesses allowed per time interval  Manufacturer Set: Read-only parameter. If set, indicates the Manufacturer Public Key is set  TLS DH modulus size: 2048  TLS session ticket lifetime in seconds  Flush communication buffers: If set, any transport-level communication buffers within the Security Anchor are flushed before each new connection  Compute engine power option. Can be auto or manual. Default is manual (Compute Engine not powered on). Powering on the Compute Engine calls the Power On Compute Engine service. DRBG #C558 RSA #2751 SHS #4131 SA-Read/SA- Write: Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv) SA-Zeroize: KMIP Import/Export Private Key, AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV, All TLS CSPs DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses22 22 To simplify the table, “DRBG Reseed CSP accesses” indicates: SA-Read/SA-Write: HMAC V/K, SA-Read/SA- Write/SA-Zeroize: Entropy Input/Seed P a g e | 38 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access Crypto Officer Generate Ephemeral Key Pair Generates a new Ephemeral key pair. The Ephemeral key pair is also auto-generated by the Security Anchor at a fixed interval. DRBG #C558 RSA #2751 SHS #4131 SA-Read: Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv) SA-Zeroize: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV, All TLS CSPs Operator- Generate: Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv) DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses Crypto Officer Generate KMIP Key Management Import/Export Key Pair Generates a new Key Management Import/Export key pair. The Key Management Import/Export key pair is also auto-generated by the Security Anchor at a fixed interval. DRBG #C558 RSA #2751 SHS #4131 SA-Read: Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: KMIP Import/Export Private Key Operator- Generate: KMIP Import Export Private Key DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses Crypto Officer Procedural Zeroization Zeroizes all CSPs. N/A Operator- Zeroize: All CSPs P a g e | 39 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access Crypto Officer Reset Functional zeroization; zeroizes all CSPs except the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key. N/A Operator- Zeroize: All CSPs except the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key Crypto Officer Set Crypto Officer Token Generates and returns to the caller a new Crypto Officer token. DRBG #C558 Operator- Read: Crypto Officer Token Operator- Generate: Crypto Officer Token DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses KMIP Admin User KMIP Key Management Operations: User (Table 21) For details regarding the Security Anchor’s KMIP Key Management service refer to Section 5.3.1. Management of KMIP users and clock. AES #5073 DRBG #C558 SHA #4131 Operator- Write: KMIP User Passwords Operator- Zeroize: All KMIP Cryptographic Objects23 Operator- Write: KMIP User Passwords DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses 23 See Key Management User Operation: Delete User P a g e | 40 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification KMIP Admin User KMIP Key Management Operations: State (Table 22) For details regarding the Security Anchor’s KMIP Key Management service refer to Section 5.3.1. Retrieve status information regarding the key management state and perform an Import or Export of the key management state. The key management state is encrypted by the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES GCM 256 #5073), which is generated by the exporting module and shared via an allowed key wrapping using the KMIP Import/Export Key Pair. AES #5073 DRBG #C558 RSA #2751 SHA #4131 KTS (AES #5073) RSA (CVL Cert. #1635, key wrapping) SA-Read: KMIP Import Export Private Key SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key, AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV SA-Write/SA- Zeroize: Flash Encryption Key Operator- Read/Operator -Write: KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key24 , All KMIP Cryptographic Objects25 Operator- Generate: KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key, AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV Operator- Zeroize: All KMIP Cryptographic Objects DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses P a g e | 41 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access KMIP Admin User KMIP Key Management Operations: KMIP v1.4(Table 23) No KMIP v1.4 operations are available to the KMIP Admin User. N/A N/A KMIP User KMIP Key Management Operations: User (Table 21) For details regarding the Security Anchor’s KMIP Key Management service refer to Section 5.3.1. Update the password of the caller to the specified value. KMIP Users can change their own passwords (DRBG used for password salt). AES #5073 DRBG #C558 SHS #4131 Operator- Write: KMIP User Passwords DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses KMIP User KMIP Key Management Operations: State (Table 22) No State operations are available to KMIP Users. N/A N/A 24 Wrapped via the KMIP Import/Export Public Key or corresponding Client Public Key; transferred during Export/Import. 25 Encrypted via the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key; transferred during Export/Import. P a g e | 42 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access KMIP User KMIP Key Management Operations: KMIP v1.4 (Table 23) For details regarding the Security Anchor’s KMIP Key Management service refer to Section 5.3.1. Execute any of authenticated KMIP v1.4 services provided by the module. AES #5073 DRBG #C558 ECDSA #1316 HMAC #3385 RSA #2751 SHA #4131 RSASP1 component CVL #1634 SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV Operator- Read/Operator -Write/ Operator- Zeroize: All KMIP Cryptographic Objects26 except User Passwords Operator- Generate: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV, All KMIP Cryptographic Objects27 except User Passwords DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses General KMIP Key Management Operations: User (Table 21) For details regarding the Security Anchor’s KMIP Key Management service refer to Section 5.3.1. Create the module’s KMIP Admin User and set the provided password (DRBG used for password salt). Only available if a KMIP Admin User does not exist, during the initialization of the KMIP layer. AES #5073 DRBG #C558 SHS #4131 Operator- Write: User Password (only to set the initial password) DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses 26 All KMIP Cryptographic Objects belonging to the KMIP User. 27 All KMIP Cryptographic Objects belonging to the KMIP User. P a g e | 43 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access General KMIP Key Management Operations: State (Table 22) For details regarding the Security Anchor’s KMIP Key Management service refer to Section 5.3.1. Configure the KMIP storage layer if not already configured or reset the KMIP storage layer. AES #5073 RSA #2751 DRBG #C558 SA-Read: Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) SA-Write: Flash Encryption Key Operator- Zeroize: Flash Encryption Key, KMIP Import Export Data Encryption Key DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses General KMIP Key Management Operations: KMIP v1.4 (Table 23) For details regarding the Security Anchor’s KMIP Key Management service refer to Section 5.3.1. Execute the Discover Versions and Query KMIP v1.4 services. N/A N/A General Power on Compute Engine Powers on the Compute Engine. When the Compute Engine is powered on, all CSPs are cleared with the exception of the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key28 , Crypto Officer Token and Device Private Key. Additionally, the FIPS certificate for the module is permanently invalidated by setting the Lost Cert ratchet. Certificate invalidation can be checked using the “Get Status” service or via the external status LED. N/A Operator- Zeroize: All CSPs except the Security Anchor Hardware AES Key, Crypto Officer Token, and Device Private Key General Get Compute Engine Power State Returns a value indicating whether the Compute Engine is powered on or powered off. N/A N/A 28 The Security Anchor Hardware AES key is not zeroized only because it encrypts the memory region in which the Crypto Officer Token and Device Private Key reside. P a g e | 44 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access General Start TLS Session Negotiate a TLS session with the module. TLS sessions are protected by AES GCM 256 #5073, which is conformant to SP 800-38F. TLS STEK are used by the server (module), but not known to the operator. AES #5073 DSA #1336 DRBG #C558 HMAC #3385 KAS-SSC (vendor affirmed) KDF CVL #1633 RSA #2751 SHS #4131 SA-Read: Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv) SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV, All TLS CSPs Operator- Read/Operator -Write: TLS MS (encrypted via the STEK) Operator- Generate: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV, All TLS CSPs with the exception of the STEK DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses General End TLS Session Terminate a TLS session with the module. AES #5073 SA-Read/SA- Zeroize: TLS Ks SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV Operator- Zeroize: All TLS CSPs with the exception of the STEK P a g e | 45 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access General Clear TLS State Clears the current TLS state between an external client and the Security Anchor. After this service, a new TLS session must be negotiated. N/A Operator- Zeroize: AES GCM Authenticated Encryption IV, All TLS CSPs with the exception of the STEK General Factory Reset (Physical Zeroization) When triggered, all CSPs are zeroized. N/A Operator- Zeroize: All CSPs General Get Module Configuration Returns the module configuration that was set using the “Set Module Configuration” service. N/A N/A General Get Device Public Key Returns the Device Public Key. N/A SA-Read: Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) General Get Device Public Key Certificate Returns the Device Public Key Certificate and the certificate signer’s public key. This can be used to verify data signed within the Security Anchor using the Device Private Key. N/A N/A General Get Ephemeral Public Key Returns the Ephemeral Public Key. N/A SA-Read: Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv) General Get Ephemeral Public Key Certificate Returns the Ephemeral Public Key Certificate. This can be used for TLS trust chain verification N/A SA-Read: Ephemeral Private Key (KRsaPriv) General Get KMIP Import/Export Public Key Returns the KMIP Key Management Import/Export public key. N/A SA-Read: KMIP Import/Export Private Key General Get KMIP Import/Export Public Key Certificate Returns the KMIP Key Management Import/Export Public Key Certificate. N/A N/A General Get Randoms Returns the requested number of random bytes generated within the Security Anchor Random number generation is implemented using an HMAC-based DRBG with a security strength of 256 bits and with entropy input by the Security Anchor’s NDRNG. DRBG #C558 DRBG Reseed CSP Accesses General Get Signed Witness The module signs and returns the Witness Register concatenated with the user-provided nonce. RSA #2751 SA-Read: Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) P a g e | 46 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Role Service Service Function Algorithms CSP/ Key Access General Get Status Returns the module’s status, which also indicates whether the FIPS certificate has been invalidated (lost cert ratchet is set). RSA #2751 SA-Read: Device Private Key (CARsaPriv) General Perform Self- Tests Perform power-up self-tests, excluding the Firmware integrity test. For details, refer to Section 10. All SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: All DRBG CSPs General Power Cycle Power cycles the module. N/A N/A General Power-up Self- Tests Power-up self-tests (Section 10) are automatically triggered each time the module is powered on. All SA-Read/SA- Write/SA- Zeroize: All DRBG CSPs General Tamper Response The Tamper Response service is triggered by physically manipulating the module (penetrating the protecting membrane, bringing the module outside of the valid temperature range etc.). In response to a tamper event all CSPs are zeroized and the module enters an error state. See (Section 7) for more information. N/A Operator- Zeroize: All CSPs General Volatile Access Stores or reads data to/from a specified slot in the Security Anchor’s User Data Storage. N/A N/A General Get Error Returns information about any critical and non- critical errors that occurred during service execution. N/A N/A General Configure Critical Error Log The critical error log contains information about fatal system errors. Using this service, the critical error log can be enabled, disabled, or cleared. (This service does not impact reporting or response to critical errors.) If disabled, no new entries are added to the critical error log. N/A N/A General Get Version Returns the version of the Security Anchor firmware, API, KMIP Data Import/Export format, libucl and libdrbg versions. N/A N/A 5.3.1 KMIP Key Management Service The Security Anchor provides a KMIP29 1.4 compliant key management service to users. Key management enables users to manage cryptographic keys and objects stored securely in the Security Anchor’s flash storage. Keys and objects are stored encrypted with the CSP “Flash Encryption Key”. Like other CSPs, cryptographic keys and objects managed via the key management service are protected through zeroization as part of the module’s tamper detection and response mechanisms (Section 7). 29 KMIP: Key Management Interoperability Protocol [1]. P a g e | 47 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Table 21 : Key Management User Operations Accessible to Operation Description General Accessible only when the KMIP Admin User is not already set (e.g. during initialization). Create Admin Creates the KMIP Admin User with the password provided by the operator. Only one KMIP Admin User can exist at a time. KMIP Admin User Create User Create a new KMIP User with a given username and password. The KMIP Admin User can only be created using the “Create Admin” operation. KMIP Admin User List Users List all users. KMIP Admin User Delete User Delete the KMIP User with the given username. The KMIP Admin User may not be deleted. KMIP Admin User Set User Password Change the password of any user. KMIP User Set User Password Change the password of a KMIP User. A KMIP User can only change their own password. KMIP Admin User Set Time Set the Security Anchor’s system time. The time is used only for KMIP operations, including import and export, and during the generation of the Ephemeral and KMIP Import/Export Public Key certificates. KMIP Admin User Get Time Get the Security Anchor’s current system time. KMIP Admin User Set Trim Set the Security Anchor’s RTC trim value to improve clock accuracy. KMIP Admin User Get Trim Get the Security Anchor’s RTC trim value. Table 22 : Key Management State Operations Accessible to Operation Description General Accessible only when the KMIP storage layer is not already configured. Configure KMIP Storage The total available storage within the Security Anchor for KMIP objects is approximately 800KB. The “Configure KMIP Storage” operation is used to specify how the total available storage in the storage layer is distributed among different KMIP object types. Storage allocation is specified as the number of 4096-byte pages. KMIP objects are specified in Table 15. KMIP Admin User Get KMIP Storage Configuration Get the KMIP configuration that was previously set using the “Configure KMIP Storage” operation. KMIP Admin User Get KMIP Storage Usage Get details of how the storage layer is being used, including the amount of space available to store the various supported cryptographic objects. KMIP Admin User Export Exports the Security Anchor’s key management state. Key management state includes all KMIP CSPs and cryptographic objects (Table 15). The exported state is encrypted by the Security Anchor using the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES GCM 256 #5073), which is encrypted using the importing module’s KMIP Import/Export Public Key as part of the allowed RSA key wrapping. Sub-operations:  Export Init: Initialize the KMIP export operation. The Security Anchor verifies the importer’s root of trust, generates the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES key using DRBG P a g e | 48 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Accessible to Operation Description #C558), encrypts it using the importer’s KMIP Import/Export Public Key (KMIP Key Management Client Import/Export Public Key) and returns the result to the caller. The result is also signed by the exporter’s Device Private Key and the resulting signature returned as well.  Export: Start export of KMIP state. Security Anchor encrypts the KMIP state using the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES #5073) and exports the encrypted KMIP state.  Export Cancel: Cancel an in-progress KMIP export operation. KMIP Admin User Accessible only when the KMIP storage layer is configured and a KMIP Admin User is set. Import Imports a given key management state (KMIP Cryptographic Objects) into the Security Anchor. Only a key management state exported from a module with the same root of trust30 and firmware version can be imported. The imported state is encrypted using the KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key (AES GCM 256 #5073). The AES key is provided to the Security Anchor via the KMIP Import/Export RSA key wrapping. Sub-operations:  Import Init: Initialize the KMIP import operation. The KMIP Import/Export Data Encryption Key is transferred to the importing Security Anchor via the KMIP Import/Export RSA key wrapping. The importing Security Anchor decrypts the Data Encryption Key using the module's KMIP Import/Export Private Key  Import: Start import of KMIP state (AES #5073)  Import Cancel: Cancel an in-progress KMIP import operation. General Triggered by three consecutive failed authentication attempts for the KMIP Admin User. Reset Resets the key management state. Reset zeroizes the CSP “Flash Encryption Key” which renders all cryptographic objects created via the KMIP-compliant operations irrecoverable. Also, zeroizes other KMIP- relevant CSPs. This does not zeroize other CSPs. Table 23 : KMIP v1.4 Operations31 Accessible to Operation32 Description KMIP User Create Create an AES or HMAC Key and store the resulting KMIP Cryptographic Object (DRBG #C558) KMIP User Create Key Pair Generate an RSA or ECDSA key pair and store the resulting KMIP Cryptographic Object (RSA #2751, ECDSA #1316, DRBG #C558) KMIP User Register Register an AES, HMAC, RSA or ECDSA key/key pair and store the resulting KMIP Cryptographic Object KMIP User Locate Locate all or a subset of the KMIP Cryptographic Objects the caller has access to KMIP User Check Verify a KMIP Cryptographic Object’s Cryptographic Usage Mask attribute 30 Same root of trust implies that the Device Public Key of both the exporting and importing modules is certified by the same authority. 31 These operations touch all KMIP Cryptographic Object CSPs with the exception of the KMIP User Password CSP, which is not specified in the KMIP 1.4 [1] specification. 32 See KMIP 1.4 [1] and the module’s KMIP user guide for implementation details. P a g e | 49 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Accessible to Operation32 Description KMIP User Get Return a KMIP Cryptographic Object KMIP User Get Attributes Return the attributes of a KMIP Cryptographic Object KMIP User Get Attributes List Return a list of the attributes set for a KMIP Cryptographic Object KMIP User Add Attribute Add an attribute to a KMIP Cryptographic Object KMIP User Destroy Destroy a KMIP Cryptographic Object KMIP User Encrypt Encrypt data using the AES key stored in a KMIP Cryptographic Object (AES #5073, DRBG #C558)33 KMIP User Decrypt Decrypt data using the AES key stored in a KMIP Cryptographic Object (AES #5073) KMIP User Sign Generate a signature using the key pair in a KMIP Cryptographic Object (RSA #2751, RSASP1 component CVL #163434 , ECDSA #1316, DRBG #C558, SHS #4131) KMIP User Signature Verify Verify a signature using the key pair in a KMIP Cryptographic Object (RSA #2751, ECDSA #1316, SHS #4131) KMIP User MAC Perform a MAC using the key in a KMIP Cryptographic Object (HMAC #3385) KMIP User MAC Verify Verify a MAC using the key in a KMIP Cryptographic Object (HMAC #3385) KMIP User RNG Retrieve Generate and return random bytes using the module’s DRBG (DRBG #C558) KMIP User RNG Seed A no-operation (NOP) (does nothing) KMIP User Hash Hash the provided data (SHS #4131) General Discover Versions Return the KMIP versions supported by the module General Query Return the capabilities of the KMIP server implemented by the module, including what operations are supported 5.4 Non-Approved Services The module does not implement any non-approved services or functions. 6 SECURITY RULES This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of a FIPS 140-2 Level 4 Module.  Secret Keys, Private Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and all other CSPs are protected from unauthorized disclosure, modification, and substitution.  Public keys are protected from unauthorized modification and substitution.  In the event of tamper, all CSPs are zeroized.  On change of certain module configuration parameters, user data and cryptographic objects are zeroized.  After factory initialization, the module is shipped in FIPS approved mode.  The module does not support a bypass or maintenance role  The module does not support concurrent operators.  If a self-test fails, the module transitions to an error state.  All services except “Get Status” are disabled in an error state. 33 For AES-GCM keys registered or created in the KMIP layer, a KMIP user may encrypt arbitrary data using IV lengths of >=96 bits and a valid tag. IVs are always generated internally via the DRBG, and in compliance with FIPS 140-2 IG A.5 case 2. 34 KMIP Users may call the signature primitive directly and perform padding/hashing separately P a g e | 50 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification  All data output via the data output interface is inhibited during self-tests, key generation and when in an error state. 6.1 Vendor-Imposed Security Rules Following additional security rules are imposed by the vendor  Key management state can only be exported between modules with the same root of trust35 . 7 PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY The module implements several mechanisms to protect CSPs. The module’s physical design implements mechanisms to detect tamper events. CSPs are zeroized as a response to tamper events or by using certain module services. Table 18 summarizes zeroization. 7.1 Tamper Detection Module’s cryptographic boundary is the outer metal box (Figure 1). The inner metal box is completely enveloped by a tamper-sensitive membrane. Any attempt to gain access to components within the cryptographic boundary by physical tamper of the membrane is detected by the Security Anchor. Once physical tampering is detected, all CSPs are immediately zeroized. 7.2 Tamper Inspection An operator can inspect the module for tamper and status using either (1) the external FIPS status LED (Table 6) or (2) the “Get Status” service (Section 5.3). If the module reports that it has been tampered with, the operator may check the source of the tamper event via the "Get Status" service. The tamper source returned by the service should be used for informational purposes only as a tampered Security Anchor may not be trusted. Once tampered, the module will not be reinitialized by the manufacturer. Any attempted reinitialization, even if successful, will not contain the manufacture-signed certificates and hence clearly indicates to clients (users, Crypto Officers, KMIP users) that the module is not as per its original FIPS certified state. 7.3 Environmental Failure Protection (EFP) and Testing (EFT) In addition to tamper detection mechanisms, the module also provides Environmental Failure Protection (EFP) features. EFP features are provided by the Security Anchor for temperature and voltage extremes. Environmental Failure Testing (EFT) demonstrated that if the operating temperature or battery voltage varies outside of the module's normal operating range, the module does not compromise CSPs. 8 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The FIPS 140-2 operational environment requirements for the module are not applicable because the device does not contain a modifiable operational environment. Security Anchor firmware is loaded in factory and cannot be modified once the module has shipped. 9 EMI/EMC The module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for home use). 35 Same root of trust implies that the Device Public Key of both the exporting and importing modules is certified by the same authority. P a g e | 51 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 10 SELF-TESTS Self-tests are performed by the Security Anchor. Self-tests cover all cryptographic functions used by the module’s services. A reboot of the module automatically triggers the self-tests irrespective of the mode of operation. Self- tests, excluding the “Firmware tests”, can also be performed via the ‘Perform Self-Tests’ service. Firmware tests are part of the power-up tests. Algorithm self-tests are performed as Known Answer Tests (KATs) or Pairwise Consistency Tests (PWCTs). If any self-test fails the module enters an error state. In an error state, all Crypto Officer and user services except “Get Status” are disabled. To restore functionality, the module must be power-cycled and all self-tests must pass. 10.1 Power-up Self-Tests Table 24 - Firmware Power-up Self-test Tested Function Self-Test Error Error Indicator Access Error Resolution  Security Anchor Firmware  Libdrbg  Libucl Firmware integrity test: Verification of the ECDSA P- 256 Signature using the Security Anchor Customer Root Key (SA CRK) (ECDSA #1316) Power-on failure Module does not boot All services (cryptographic operations and data output) are disabled Power cycle the module Table 25 : Algorithm Power-up Self-tests (all modes of operation) Tested Function Self-Tests Error Response AES Tests (AES #5073)  AES ECB Encrypt KAT  AES ECB Decrypt KAT  AES CBC Encrypt KAT  AES CBC Decrypt KAT  AES CTR Encrypt KAT  AES CTR Decrypt KAT  AES GCM Encrypt KAT  AES GCM Decrypt KAT Error: Self-test failure Error Indicator: Get Status service indicates Error State. External FIPS Status LED is red and blinks. Access: All services (cryptographic operations and data output) are disabled Error Resolution: Power cycle the module and all self- tests must pass AES Tests (#C1028)  AES ECB Encrypt KAT  AES ECB Decrypt KAT DRBG Health Tests36 for HMAC DRBG (#C558)  DRBG instantiate KAT  DRBG generate KAT  DRBG reseed KAT ECDSA Tests (ECDSA #1316)  ECDSA sign/verify PWCT HMAC Tests (HMAC #3385)  HMAC-SHA-384 KAT 36 In accordance with IG 9.8, the SP 800-90Ar1 [7] compliant DRBG does not perform the continuous random number generator test described in FIPS 140-2 section 4.9.2 P a g e | 52 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Tested Function Self-Tests Error Response KAS (SP 800-56Ar3 with FFC DH and KDF CVL #1633)  DH primitive Z computation KAT  KDF KAT SHA-384 (covered by SHA KAT) RSA Tests (RSA #2751)  RSA PKCS signature generation KAT  RSA PKCS signature verification KAT SHA Tests (SHA #4131)  SHA-1 KAT  SHA-224 KAT  SHA-256 KAT  SHA-384 KAT  SHA-512 KAT Critical Function Test: Check Past Tamper Record Check if a tamper event occurred previously Critical Function Test: Compute Engine Status Check whether the Compute Engine (CE) has ever been powered on by checking if the LOST_CERT ratchet is set. Error: Lost cert ratchet is set; module has lost its FIPS 140-2 certificate Error Indicator: Get Status service indicates the certificate has been lost. External FIPS Status LED turns blue. Access: All services remain enabled, All CSPs are zeroized except for the Security Anchor Hardware AES key, Crypto Officer Token and Device Private Key. See Table 18 and the Power on Compute Engine service for more information. Error Resolution: No resolution possible, certificate is lost for the lifetime of the module. Critical Function Test: Security Monitor External Sensor Check Check whether the MAX32550 [19] Security Monitor external sensors are properly configured. Error: The module fails to ensure that the external sensors are configured properly. Error Indicator: The module clears all CSPs (Procedural Zeroization) and power cycles the module. Access: The module is reverted to factory state. Error Resolution: No resolution possible; CSPs are cleared and module is returned to factory state. Critical Function Test: Ephemeral Key Pair and Ephemeral Public Key Certificate are present Check whether the Ephemeral Key Pair and Ephemeral Public Key Certificate are present. If not, an attempt is made to generate them. Error: The module fails to generate an Ephemeral Key Pair and/or the Ephemeral Public Key Certificate. Error Indicator: Get Status service indicates Error State. External FIPS Status LED is red and blinks. Access: All services (cryptographic operations and data output) are disabled Error Resolution: Power cycle the module and all self- tests must pass, including this critical function test. P a g e | 53 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 10.2 Conditional Self-Tests Table 26 : Conditional Self-tests Tested Function Self-Tests Initiation Error Response NDRNG37 Continuous Random Number Generator Test (CRNGT) By a service that uses the DRBG (Table 9) Error: Conditional-test failure Error Indicator: Get Status service indicates error state. External FIPS Status LED is red and blinks. Access: All services (cryptographic operations and data output) are disabled Error Resolution: Power cycle the module and all self-tests must pass KAS (SP 800-56Ar3 with FFC DH and KDF CVL #1633) Pairwise consistency for Diffie Hellman keys (DSA #1336) (per a of [10]) TLS (Section 5.1) FFC Full Public Key Validation (per of [10]) Assurance of Domain Parameter Validity (per 5.5.2 option 3 [10]) ECDSA (ECDSA #1316) Pair-wise consistency test for KMIP key generation (ECDSA) using ECDSA- SHA256 Each new key pair for service: KMIP Key Management RSA Sign/Verify (RSA #2751) Pair-wise consistency test for Security Anchor key generation (RSA) of keys used for signature generation and verification. The PKCS1v1.5-SHA256 or SHA512 method is used. Each new key pair for services: Generate Ephemeral Key Pair, and KMIP Key Management RSA Key Wrapping (CVL #1635) Pair-wise consistency test for Security Anchor key generation (RSA) of keys used in allowed RSA key wrapping using OAEP-SHA256 The Generate KMIP Import/Export Key Pair service Critical Function Test: Ephemeral Key Pair and Ephemeral Public Key Certificate Generation Ensure that the Ephemeral Key Pair and Certificate are successfully regenerated Execution of the Generate Ephemeral Key Pair or the Set Module Configuration service. Critical Function Test: Compute Engine Status Check whether the CE has ever been powered on by checking if the Lost Cert ratchet is set. Execution of the Get Status or Power on Compute Engine service Error State: Lost Cert Ratchet is set or Compute Engine is powered on. Error Indicator: External status LED turns blue indicating the FIPS certificate is invalidated. 37 The NDRNG performs the continuous random number generator test described in FIPS 140-2 section 4.9.2 P a g e | 54 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification Tested Function Self-Tests Initiation Error Response Get Status service indicates the same. Access: All services remain enabled. All CSPs are zeroized except for the Security Anchor Hardware AES key, Crypto Officer Token and Device Private Key. See Table 18 and the Power on Compute Engine service for more information. Error Resolution: No resolution possible, FIPS certificate is invalidated for the lifetime of the module. 11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS In addition to the protections provided by FIPS 140-2 Level 4, the module mitigates the following attacks: Table 27 - Mitigations of Other Attacks Other Attacks Mitigation Mechanism Specific Limitations Invasive Attacks: Membrane A random signal is constantly sent out across the module’s membrane by the Security Anchor and checked for correctness. Any break in the membrane will result in a different than expected value being received by the Security Anchor. N/A Invasive Attacks: Chip The System on a Chip (SoC) on which the Security Anchor executes has a protective shield built into the chip that triggers a tamper response when it is penetrated. N/A SPA/DPA Attacks The module employs protections against SPA/DPA attacks by internally regulating and filtering the voltage lines to the Security Anchor. The amplitude of the power signal an attacker observes is significantly reduced from the actual power draw of the Security Anchor. Additionally, the input power to the Compute Engine is low-pass filtered. An attacker’s observable signal is 100-350 dB below the true power draw of the Compute Engine. N/A SEMA/DEMA Attacks The module grounds the inner enclosure containing all cryptographically sensitive module circuitry. This creates a Faraday cage that significantly reduces EM radiation entering or leaving the module. N/A Timing Attacks The module employs RSA blinding and constant time comparisons when appropriate. N/A P a g e | 55 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification 12 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Compute Engine General purpose motherboard that remains off during the FIPS lifecycle of the module. Security Anchor The security module that generates and stores CSPs, and provides tamper response and CSP zeroization DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator SHA Secure Hash Algorithm AES Advanced Encryption Standard OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding KAT Known Answer Test ROM Read Only Memory OTP One-time Programmable Storage GPIO General Purpose Input Output KMIP Key Management Interoperability Protocol Root of Trust For the purpose of this policy, the authority that signs the Security Anchor’s Device Public Key ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm SPA/DPA Simple power analysis/differential power analysis SEMA/DEMA Simple electromagnetic analysis/differential electromagnetic analysis 13 REFERENCES [1] OASIS, "KMIP (Key Management Interoperability Protocol) v1.4," 22 November 2017. [Online]. Available: http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.4/kmip-spec-v1.4.html. [Accessed 21 June 2018]. [2] NIST, "FIPS 140-2," 25 May 2001. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.140-2.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [3] NIST, "FIPS 197 - Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)," 26 November 2001. [Online]. Available: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [4] NIST, "SP 800-38A - Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation," December 2001. [Online]. Available: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38a.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [5] NIST, "SP 800-38D - Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC," November 2007. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38d.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [6] NIST, "SP 800-133 r1 - Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation," July 2019. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-133r1.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. P a g e | 56 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification [7] NIST, "SP 800-90A r1 - Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators," June 2015. [Online]. Available: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-90Ar1.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [8] NIST, "FIPS 186-4 - Digital Signature Standard (DSS)," July 2013. [Online]. Available: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [9] NIST, "FIPS 198-1 - Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)," July 2008. [Online]. Available: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips198-1/FIPS-198-1_final.pdf. [Accessed 2019 21 November]. [10] NIST, "SP 800-56A r3 - Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography," April 2018. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-56Ar3.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [11] NIST, "SP 800-135 r1 - Recommendation for Existing Application-Specific Key Derivation Functions," December 2011. [Online]. Available: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-135r1.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [12] NIST, "SP 800-38F - Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping," December 2012. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-38F.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [13] NIST, "SP 800-56B - Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Integer Factorization Cryptography," August 2009. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-56b.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [14] NIST, "FIPS 180-4 - Secure Hash Standard," August 2015. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.180-4.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [15] IETF, "RFC5288 - AES Galois Counter Mode (GCM) Cipher Suites for TLS," August 2008. [Online]. Available: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5288. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [16] NIST, "SP 800-52 r2 - Guidelines for the Selection, Configuration, and Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) Implementations," August 2019. [Online]. Available: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-52r2.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. P a g e | 57 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification [17] IETF, "RFC5246 - The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2," August 2008. [Online]. Available: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5246. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [18] IETF, "RFC5077 - Transport Layer Security (TLS) Session Resumption without Server-Side State," January 2008. [Online]. Available: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5077. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [19] MAXIM, "MAX32550: DeepCover Secure Arm Cortex-M3 Flash Microcontroller," MAXIM, [Online]. Available: https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/products/microcontrollers/MAX32550.html. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [20] OASIS, "KMIP (Key Management Interoperability Protocol) v1.3," [Online]. Available: http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.3/os/kmip-spec-v1.3-os.pdf. [21] F. 186-4., "NIST FIPS 186-4: Digital Signature Standard, Jul-2013.". [22] NIST, "FIPS 186-2 - Digital Signature Standard (DSS)," 27 January 2000. [Online]. Available: https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Publications/fips/186/2/archive/2000-01- 27/documents/fips186-2.pdf. [Accessed 21 November 2019]. [24] "Max v2," [Online]. Available: http://www.minnowboard.org/meet-minnowboard-max/. [25] MAX32550, [Online]. Available: https://www.maximintegrated.com/en/products/digital/microcontrollers/MAX32550.html. [26] "FIPS 197 - ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD (AES)," [Online]. Available: http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips197/fips-197.pdf. P a g e | 58 of 58 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy This document may only be reproduced in its entirety and without modification © 2021 Private Machines Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document is provided “AS IS” for informational purposes only, and specifically not for the purpose of providing legal advice. Use at your own risk. Further, the opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the individual author and may not reflect the opinions of Private Machines Inc. Private Machines makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express of implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Private Machines, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Third-party trademarks and tradenames appearing in this document are the property of their respective owners. Such third-party trademarks have been printed in caps or initial caps and are used for referential purposes only. The use or display of other companies’ tradenames, trademarks, or service marks does not imply a relationship with, or endorsement or sponsorship of us by, these other companies. Private Machines Inc. 164 20 Street, 4th floor Brooklyn, NY 11232 https://privatemachines.com info@privatemachines.com +1 - 631 - 731 - 1695 +1 - 8777 - CIPHER