Non-Proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Google LLC Inline Crypto Engine (ICE) Hardware version: 1.0 Date: 05/23/2024 Prepared By: 1223 Michael St, Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1J 7T2 Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 2 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Introduction Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules specifies requirements for cryptographic modules to be deployed in a Sensitive but Unclassified environment. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) run the FIPS 140 program. NVLAP accredits independent testing labs to perform FIPS 140-2 testing; the CMVP validates modules meeting FIPS 140-2 validation. Validated is the term given to a module that is documented and tested against the FIPS 140-2 criteria. More information is available on the CMVP website at: About this Document This non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for Inline Crypto Engine (ICE) from Google LLC. provides an overview of the product and a high-level description of how it meets the overall Level 1 security requirements of FIPS 140-2. The Inline Crypto Engine may also be referred to as “ICE” or the “module” in this document. Disclaimer The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to continued progress in methodology, design, and manufacturing. Google LLC. shall have no liability for any error or damages of any kind resulting from the use of this document. Notices This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 3 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................2 Disclaimer......................................................................................................................................................2 Notices ..........................................................................................................................................................2 1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Scope.............................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Overview.......................................................................................................................................4 2. Security Level ........................................................................................................................................4 3. Cryptographic Module Specification.....................................................................................................5 3.1 Cryptographic Boundary...............................................................................................................5 4. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces.........................................................................................6 5. Roles, Services and Authentication.......................................................................................................7 5.1 Roles..............................................................................................................................................7 5.2 Services .........................................................................................................................................7 5.3 Authentication ..............................................................................................................................8 6. Physical Security....................................................................................................................................8 7. Operational Environment .....................................................................................................................8 8. Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Management.................................................................................9 8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms.............................................................................................................9 8.2 Cryptographic Key Management ................................................................................................10 8.3 Key Generation and Entropy.......................................................................................................12 8.4 Key Storage and Zeroization .......................................................................................................12 9. Self-tests..............................................................................................................................................12 9.1 Power-On Self-Tests....................................................................................................................12 9.2 Conditional Self-Tests .................................................................................................................13 9.3 Critical Function Tests.................................................................................................................13 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks ................................................................................................................13 11. Crypto Officer and User Guidance ......................................................................................................14 11.1 Usage of AES-GCM in the Module ..............................................................................................14 11.2 IV construction for Secure SADB 14 11.3 IV construction for IPSEC 14 11.4 IV construction for PSP 15 12. Glossary...............................................................................................................................................16 Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 4 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope This document describes the cryptographic module security policy for Google LLC. Inline Crypto Engine (ICE) (Hardware Version: 1.0) (also referred to as the “module” hereafter). It contains a specification of the security rules, under which the cryptographic module operates, including the security rules derived from the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 standard. 1.2 Overview The Inline Crypto Engine (ICE) module is comprised of a sub-chip cryptographic subsystem in the Google IN762 C1 System On Chip (SoC). The module provides a cryptographic engine supporting cryptographic offload for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) and Paddywhack Security Protocol (PSP) protocols. The ICE module processes network infrastructure packets in both the Ingress and Egress directions. In addition to providing the cryptographic primitives for the security protocols it also provides packet integrity authentication and anti-replay protection. 2. Security Level The following table lists the level of validation for each area in FIPS 140-2: FIPS 140-2 Section Title Validation Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 1 Table 1 - Security Level Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 5 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 3. Cryptographic Module Specification 3.1 Cryptographic Boundary The physical boundary of the module is the single-chip physical embodiment of the IN762 C1 SoC. The module’s logical boundary is the hardware-based functionality contained within the ICE IP1 Block and ECQ Block at the sub-chip level. The module only supports one mode of operation where only Approved cryptographic functions and services are available. The cryptographic boundary of the module and the relationship among the various internal components of the module are depicted in Figure 1 below. Figure 1 - ICE Block Diagram The module consists of the ICE sub-chip cryptographic subsystem within the IN762 C1 SoC which includes the Ingress and Egress Pipelines and Egress Arbiter and Class of Service (CoS) Queues (ECQ). Security protocol processing and cryptography services performed by the module include full data-plane protocol termination for IPsec ESP2 , and PSP. ESP is implemented using AES-GCM and AES-GMAC. PSP supports AES-GCM only. The module also includes a KBKDF used for PSP key derivation. Within the ICE IP block are an Ingress and Egress Pipeline. The Ingress and Egress Pipelines each contain a GCM/GMAC encryption/decryption and authentication engine (identified as ICE Ingress and ICE Egress, respectively). ICE Ingress also contains a KBKDF implementation. In addition, the Ingress and Egress 1 Hard circuitry core 2 Note that data plane functionality represents the second-phase IPSec SA payload encryption. The IKE protocol is not implemented by the module. Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 6 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). pipelines provide an Ingress and Egress Security Association Database (SADB) for decrypting keys imported from or encrypting keys exported to the SADB in the external on-chip SRAM or host DRAM using GCM. The module is connected to the ARM Cortex A53 running inside the Integrated Management Complex (IMC) via the NIC Management Fabric (NMF) and the Coherency Mesh Network (CMN). Also attached to the CMN is the ARM Compute Complex (ACC) which contains a number of general-purpose compute cores and on-chip SRAM. TX and RX network packet data and metadata (PMD) are received on either the Ingress or Egress data path to be processed by the module. The module is connected to other subsystems via an AMBA3 on-chip system bus, though as described below, the specific protocol may vary between Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) and AXI Coherency Extensions (ACE/ACE-Lite). AXI is used for CSR writes (via NMF) when programming PSP master keys and SADB keys. AXI4 streams are used for config packets. ACE/ACE-Lite is used when the module reads/writes data to and from SADB memory (external DRAM or on-chip SRAM in the ACC). Through the Security Association Database (SADB), ICE supports the ability to add, delete and read SA entries. When a Security Association (SA) is created, a config packet is read from FIFO buffers in the Ingress and Egress data paths. SA keys, data and statistics are fetched from and stored to external DRAM or ACC SRAM using a single ACE-Lite interface in each direction. The SADB is managed in two SA tables, one each for the Ingress and Egress directions. A separate AXI Control Status Register (CSR) configuration interface is provided and connected to the NIC Management Fabric (NMF). Access to the CSRs and external DRAM is controlled by the underlying SoC configuration. Access requests are passed through the NIC Management Fabric which provides fixed routes between all AMBA-connected endpoints. 4. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The module provides the following number of physical and logical interfaces to the device, and the physical interfaces provided by the module are mapped to the FIPS 140-2 defined logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, status output, and power. The logical interfaces and their mapping are described in the following table: FIPS Logical Interface Physical Ports Description Data Input AMBA (On-chip system bus) ● Inbound AXI4-Stream Packet data and config packets (SA Add data) ● Inbound SA entries from DRAM ● AXI CSR writes from NMF containing PSP Master Key and Secure SADB Key Data Output AMBA (On-chip system bus) ● Outbound AXI4-Stream Packet data from ECQ to ICQ ● Outbound SA entries to DRAM Control Input AMBA (On-chip system bus) ● AXI CSR writes from the NMF ● Control bits in Ingress packet metadata (PMD) 3 ARM Microcontroller Bus Architecture Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 7 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). FIPS Logical Interface Physical Ports Description from CXP (crypto packet processor) ● Control bits in Egress packet metadata (PMD) from FXP (flexible packet processor) Status Output AMBA (On-chip system bus) ● AXI CSR status output to NMF ● Status bits in packet metadata (PMD) Power Input Power ● Provides power to the module Table 2 – Physical Port and Logical Interface Mapping 5. Roles, Services and Authentication 5.1 Roles The module meets all FIPS 140-2 level 1 requirements for Roles and Services, implementing both User and Crypto Officer roles. The module does not allow concurrent operators. The User and Crypto Officer roles are implicitly assumed by the entity accessing services implemented by the module. No further authentication is required. The Crypto Officer is responsible to set the key for the cipher operation. 5.2 Services The module provides only Approved services which utilize algorithms listed in Table 3: Service Roles CSP CSP Access User C O R = Read W = Write X = Execute Transmit/receive encrypted data plane packet4 ✔ ✔ ESP / PSP Encryption Key ESP Authentication Key PSP Master Key Secure SADB Key R, W, X Transmit/receive plaintext data plane packet ✔ ✔ N/A N/A Perform diagnostic functions ✔ ✔ N/A N/A Self-Test (Self-Test is executed automatically at power-on) ✔ ✔ N/A N/A Initialization ✔ ✔ N/A N/A Zeroization ✔ ✔ All Keys W Status Output ✔ ✔ N/A N/A Table 3 - Approved Services and Role allocation 4 Based on the service requested the module will perform an exclusive bypass service (plaintext packet transmission) or an exclusive cryptographic service (encrypted packet transmission). On ingress, PSP Master Key is used to derive PSP Encryption Key. Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 8 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 5.3 Authentication There is no operator authentication; assumption of role is implicit by the used service(s). The User and CO roles have access to all module services; there is no separation of role access. 6. Physical Security ICE is a sub-chip module implemented as part of the IN762 C1 SoC, which is the physical boundary of the sub-chip module. The IN762 C1 SoC is a single chip with a production grade enclosure and hence conforms to the Level 1 requirements for physical security. 7. Operational Environment The module is a sub-chip cryptographic subsystem implemented within a single-chip hardware embodiment. No firmware is implemented by the module. Google LLC, 2024 Version 1.3 Page 9 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 8. Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Management 8.1 Cryptographic Algorithms The module implements the following approved algorithms in hardware: CAVP Cert # Algorit hm Sizes Standard Mode/Method Use ICE Ingress A4689 AES 128, 256 bits SP 800-38D SP 800-38A GCM/GMAC ECB5 Decryption and Authentication AES 256 bits SP 800-38B CMAC Key Derivation for PSP KBKDF (Counter Mode with CMAC) 256 bits SP 800-108 CMAC Key Derivation for PSP ICE Egress A4690 AES 128, 256 bits SP 800-38D GCM/GMAC ECB Encryption and Authentication ICE SADB A4691 AES 128, 256 bits SP 800-38D SP 800-38A GCM ECB Encryption, Decryption and Authentication KTS 256 bits IG D.9 GCM Key Transport Table 4 - ICE Approved Algorithms 5 ECB mode was tested under ACVTS, however is not an available algorithm in the module’s operational state. The same applies for all other instances of ECB. 8.2 Cryptographic Key Management The module supports the following CSPs listed below in Table 5. The CSP access policy is denoted in Table 3 above. Keys and CSPs Description Algorithm and Key Size Generation Input / Output Method Storage Zeroization ESP Encryption Key Used to encrypt packet payload. AES-GCM 128, 256-bit value N/A Retrieved in plaintext from FIFO buffers in the control plane during SA creation, then output to SADB in external DRAM or on-chip SRAM in encrypted format. During data plane operations, retrieved from SADB in external DRAM or on-chip SRAM in encrypted format (KTS). Internal memory (registers, register files, SRAM) On ICE reset ESP Authentication Key Used to authenticate packet payload AES-GMAC 128, 256-bit value N/A Retrieved in plaintext from FIFO buffers in the control plane during SA creation, then output to SADB in external DRAM or on-chip SRAM in encrypted format. During data plane operations, retrieved from SADB in external DRAM or on-chip SRAM in encrypted format (KTS). Internal memory (registers, register files, SRAM) On ICE reset PSP Encryption Key Used to encrypt packet payload. AES-GCM 128, 256-bit value Derived from PSP Master Key Retrieved in plaintext from FIFO buffers in the control plane during SA creation, then output to SADB in external DRAM or on-chip SRAM in Internal memory (registers, register files, SRAM) On ICE reset encrypted format (KTS). During data plane operations, retrieved from SADB in external DRAM or on-chip SRAM in encrypted format (KTS). PSP Master Key Key derivation key for PSP encryption keys. AES-CMAC 256-bit value N/A Input in plaintext via direct internal CSR write. Never exits the module Internal memory (registers, register files, SRAM) On ICE reset Secure SADB key Used to encrypt/decrypt PSP and ESP encryption keys in DRAM. AES-GCM 256-bit value N/A Input in plaintext via direct internal CSR write. Never exits the module Internal memory (registers, register files, SRAM) On ICE reset Table 5 – Approved Keys and CSPs Table Google LLC, 2022 Version 1.3 Page 12 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 8.3 Key Generation and Entropy The module does not provide any key generation service or perform key generation for any of its Approved algorithms. The caller provides the keys for encryption and/or decryption. Keys are stored in hardware registers (write-only by software) by the Crypto Officer or User. Once the keys are written to the hardware registers, they are not readable from outside the module. The cryptographic module does not provide any asymmetrical algorithms or key establishment methods. The module supports an SP 800-108 KBKDF for deriving PSP encryption and authentication keys using CMAC in Counter Mode. 8.4 Key Storage and Zeroization CSPs stored within ICE memory and FIFOs are zeroized as part of the reset process, which may be performed via the System Control block (SYSCON) within the Integrated Management Complex. While this action will clear all secrets internal to ICE it will also leave the module in a non-usable state as standalone reset is not supported. This process will result in returning the module to its default state. For normal data path operations, when a session is terminated, the SA is deleted via command initiated by external software and zeroes are written to the entire SA entry. 9. Self-tests FIPS 140-2 requires self-tests to ensure the correctness of the cryptographic functionality at start-up. Some functions require conditional tests during normal operation of the module. If any of the tests fail, the module will return an error code and transition to an error state where no functions can be executed. An operator can attempt to reset the state by cycling the power. However, the failure of a self-test may require the module to be replaced. 9.1 Power-On Self-Tests Power-on self-tests are run upon the initialization of the module and do not require operator intervention to run. If any of the tests fail, the module will not initialize, and no traffic is forwarded. In this state, control requests are returned without processing the requests. The module implements the following power-on self-tests in the ICE Cryptographic Module: ● ICE Ingress AES-GCM 256 Decrypt KAT ● ICE Ingress SP 800-108 CMAC KBKDF KAT ● ICE Egress AES-GCM 256 Encrypt KAT ● ICE SADB AES-GCM 256 Encrypt KAT ● ICE SADB AES-GCM 256 Decrypt KAT The module performs all power-on self-tests automatically when it is initialized. Power-on self-tests must pass before a User/Crypto Officer can perform services. The Power-on self-tests can be run on demand by rebooting the module. Google LLC, 2022 Version 1.3 Page 13 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Note: The module is implemented entirely in hardware and is non-modifiable. Therefore, the integrity test requirements do not apply. 9.2 Conditional Self-Tests The module supports an exclusive bypass mode where packets may be transmitted or received in plaintext or with cryptographic processing on both Ingress and Egress data paths. Each packet contains packet metadata (PMD) which contains control bits which determine if the packet will be processed with encryption or as plaintext. The module tests for the correct operation of the exclusive bypass by performing a continuous bypass test. This test is triggered upon receipt of each packet on the Ingress and Egress directions. The module will inspect the PMD structure for each packet, as follows: For Ingress, 1. The CXP (in a block outside the module logical boundary but inside the physical boundary) must send the module a packet and PMD in the Ingress (Rx) direction queue via the AMBA bus interfaces. 2. For each packet & PMD, the CXP must set a number of control bits correctly in PMD to mark for crypto processing. 3. If the PMD bits are set properly then crypto processing will be carried out. 4. If the PMD bits are not set properly then there will be no crypto processing carried out, i.e., bypassed, and the CRYPTO_STATUS bit will be set to 0. For Egress, 1. The FXP (in a block outside the module logical boundary but inside the physical boundary) must send the module a packet and PMD in the Egress (Tx) direction queue via the AMBA bus interfaces. 2. For each packet & PMD, the FXP must set a number of control bits correctly in PMD to mark for crypto processing. a. If the PMD bits are set properly then crypto processing will be carried out b. If the processing has been successful, then the PMD DROP is set to 0. c. If the processing has not been successful (Soft Error) then the PMD DROP is set to 1. This packet will be marked to be dropped. 3. If the PMD bits are not set as above then there will be no crypto processing carried out, i.e., bypassed, and the PMD DROP bit will be set to 0. If there are any ECC failures on the Packet or PMD memories (SRAMs and RFs) then ICE generates a fatal interrupt (entering a hard error state) and freezes the data output interfaces (inhibiting any further cryptographic output). 9.3 Critical Function Tests The module does not implement any specific critical function tests. 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks No specific claims for this section. Google LLC, 2022 Version 1.3 Page 14 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 11. Crypto Officer and User Guidance The module only supports an Approved mode of operation. No configuration of the module or installation steps are required from the operator. When the module is powered on its power-up self- tests are executed without any operator intervention. The module’s cryptographic functions will only be available after all self-tests have passed successfully. If any of the self-tests fail, the module will transition to an error state. 11.1 Usage of AES-GCM in the Module The Initialization Vector (IV) used by ICE is considered a CSP. In all of the supported cases the AES-GCM IV for encryption is constructed deterministically per Section 8.2.1 of NIST SP 800-38D. AES-GCM IV construction is performed within the ICE boundary in accordance with FIPS IG A.5 scenario 4 using a deterministic method. The IV is constructed using a 32-bit salt allowing for 232 possible values and 64-bit counter value to form a 96 bit IV. Per the requirements specified in Section 8 in NIST SP 800-38D, the probability that the authenticated encryption function ever will be invoked with the same IV and the same key on two (or more) distinct sets of input data is no greater than 2-32. The IV construction method for each implementation is described in the following sections. 11.2 IV construction for Secure SADB The 96-bit IV is internally constructed using the Secure SADBs 32-bit salt allowing for 232 possible values and the 64-bit value which is sampled from the SADB add counter to form a 96 bit IV. IV uniqueness is guaranteed by the module (ICE). The IV counter will automatically pause data output over the data output interface until the IV has a timer value greater than that of the previous IV. The module does not implement any 64-bit rollover detection on the SADB add counter. ICE supports 10,000 SADB adds per second which would require 58 Million years of operation to roll over the add counter. Therefore, the vendor asserts that it is not possible for the secure SADB keys to be used with the same IV more than once for the lifetime of the Secure SADB. 11.3 IV construction for IPSEC The 96-bit IV is internally constructed using the Security Association’s 32-bit salt allowing for 232 possible values and the 64-bit value which is sampled from Security Association’s packet sequence number to form a 96 bit IV. IV uniqueness is guaranteed by the module (ICE), the IV counter automatically will pause data output over the data output interface until the IV has a timer value greater than that of the previous IV. The module implements a 64-bit rollover detection on the packet sequence number. ICE deactivates Security Associations when the sequence number rollover is detected. Therefore, it is not possible for a Security Association (and its key) to be used with the same IV more than once for the IPsec ESP protocol AES- GCM encryption requests. Google LLC, 2022 Version 1.3 Page 15 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 11.4 IV construction for PSP The 96-bit IV is internally constructed using the Security Association’s 32-bit SPI allowing for 232 possible values and 64-bit value which is sampled from a master timer to form a 96 bit IV. IV uniqueness is guaranteed by the module (ICE). The IV counter automatically will pause data output over the data output interface until the IV has a timer value greater than that of the previous IV. The module implements a 64-bit rollover (once every 213 days). Security Associations in the module are limited in lifetime to no more than ~2 days. Therefore, the vendor asserts that it is not possible for a Security Association (and its key) to be used with the same IV more than once for the PSP protocol AES- GCM encryption requests. Google LLC, 2022 Version 1.3 Page 16 of 16 Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 12. Glossary Term Description ACC ARM Compute Complex ACE AXI Coherency Extensions AES Advanced Encryption Standard AMBA ARM Microcontroller Bus Architecture AXI Advanced eXtensible Interface CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CCCS Canadian Centre for Cyber Security CM Cryptographic Module CMAC Cipher-based Message Authentication Code CMN Coherency Mesh Network CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CSP Critical Security Parameter CSR Control/Status Register CTR Counter Mode CXP Crypto Packet Processor DRAM Dynamic Random-Access Memory ECC Error Correction Code ECQ Egress Arbiter and Class of Service (COS) Queue ESP Encapsulating Security Payload FIFO First In First Out FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards FXP Flexible Packet Processor GCM Galois Counter Mode GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code ICE Inline Crypto Engine ICQ Ingress Arbiter and Class of Service (COS) Queue IG Implementation Guidance IMC Integrated Management Complex IP Intellectual Propety IPSEC Internet Protocol Security IV Initialization Vector KAT Known answer test KBKDF Key Based Key Derivation Function NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NMF NIC Management Fabric PMD Packet Metadata SA Security Association SADB Security Association Database SRAM Static Random Access Memory SoC System On Chip Table 6 - Glossary of Terms