© 2018 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC Brocade Communications Systems LLC grants permission to freely reproduce in entirety without revision Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Revision 1.3 May 24, 2019 Prepared for: Brocade Communications Systems LLC 1320 Ridder Park Drive San Jose, CA 95131 USA Prepared By: www.gossamersec.com Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 2 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. REVISION HISTORY Revision Date Authors Summary 1.0 July 20, 2018 Brocade/Gossamer Release Version 1.1 November 28, 2018 Brocade A. Added new operational environments to table 8 (the Vendor Affirmed Operational Environments.) B. Corrected misspelled / incorrect kernel reference; was corrected to (reference: table 8) C. Corrected misspelled command reference in section 2.10.1 (fipscfg) 1.2 March 12, 2019 Brocade A. Added new operational environments to table 8 (the Vendor Affirmed Operational Environments.) B. Corrected compiler version for couple of entries for kernel (compiler version was corrected to say “GCC 3.4.6”; reference: table 8) 1.3 May 24, 2019 Brocade Update to table 8 Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 3 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................................4 2. Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 ...............................................................................................5 2.1 Module Specification ...................................................................................................................................5 2.1.1 Security Level...........................................................................................................................................6 2.1.2 FIPS Mode of Operation ..........................................................................................................................6 2.1.3 FIPS-Approved and FIPS-Allowed Cryptographic Algorithms ..................................................................6 2.1.4 Non-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms ...............................................................................................7 2.2 Module Interfaces........................................................................................................................................7 2.3 Roles, Services and Authentication..............................................................................................................8 2.4 Finite State Model......................................................................................................................................15 2.5 Physical Security.........................................................................................................................................15 2.6 Operational Environment...........................................................................................................................15 2.7 Key Management.......................................................................................................................................16 2.8 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility.......................................................................................17 2.9 Self-Tests....................................................................................................................................................17 2.10 Guidance and Secure Operation ................................................................................................................18 2.10.1 Crypto-officer Guidance ....................................................................................................................18 2.10.2 User Guidance ...................................................................................................................................19 2.11 Mitigation of Other Attacks .......................................................................................................................19 Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 4 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. 1. INTRODUCTION This non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 security policy for the Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module details the secure operation of the Brocade Communications Systems LLC Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module as required in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) as published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United State Department of Commerce. This document, the Cryptographic Module Security Policy (CMSP), also referred to as the Security Policy, specifies the security rules under which the module must operate. The Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module underpins Brocade’s Fabric Operating System equipment. The Brocade Fabric OS is the software foundation for Brocade’s purpose-built network infrastructure for mission-critical storage. The Brocade Fabric OS family of supported products includes Fiber Channel directors, switches, embedded switches and network extension switches. In addition to supporting the switching functionality of these product lines, Fabric OS supports Fabric Vision Technology features for network monitoring, management, and diagnostics, as well as advanced features that help ensure the highest level of reliability, availability, and serviceability. Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 5 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. 2. BROCADE FABRIC OS FIPS CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE 8.2 2.1 MODULE SPECIFICATION The Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module (hereinafter referred to as the “Library”, “cryptographic module” or the “module”) is a software only cryptographic module composed of a single shared object (libfipscrypto.so) executing on a general-purpose computer (GPC) system (referred to as “switch hardware” or just “hardware” hereafter) running Brocade’s Fabric Operating System. The physical perimeter of the switch hardware comprises the module’s physical cryptographic boundary, while the logical interface of the Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module shared object constitutes the module’s logical cryptographic boundary. Physical Cryptographic Boundary (General Purpose Computing Environment) Brocade Fabric Operating System Calling Applications (e.g., SSH deamon, HTTP deamon) Calling Applications Figure 1 - Logical Diagram Logical Cryptographic Boundary Module Shared Object /dev/random Entropy Source Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 6 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. 2.1.1 SECURITY LEVEL The module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 1 security of FIPS 140-2 and the below specified section security levels. Table 1 - Module Security Level Specification # FIPS 140-2 Section Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 1 9 Self-tests 1 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 1 2.1.2 FIPS MODE OF OPERATION The module provides a comprehensive set of cryptographic algorithms which includes FIPS-Approved algorithms, FIPS-Allowed algorithms, and non-Approved algorithms. A caller wishing to operate the module in a FIPS compliant manner must first configure the module to act as a FIPS module (either in normal mode or in IG 9.11 mode, which is named “9.xx” mode as development occurred while the IG was in draft form), then can call FIPS-Approved and Allowed APIs, and finally must not call any non- Approved APIs. The following tables describe which of the module’s services are FIPS-Approved, FIPS- Allowed, and non-Approved. 2.1.3 FIPS-APPROVED AND FIPS-ALLOWED CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS The module uses cryptographic algorithm implementations that have received the following certificate numbers from the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program. Table 2 – FIPS-Approved Algorithm Certificates FIPS-Approved Algorithm CAVP Certificate AES-128/192/256 ECB/CBC and CFB128 5006 DRBG AES-256 CTR_DRBG 1827 CVL KAS ECC/FFC 1557 ECDSA KeyGen, PKV, Sign/Verify P-256/384/521 1275 HMAC-SHA-1/224/256/384/512 3328 RSA KeyGen, Sig(gen), Sig(ver) 2048/3072 2700 SHA-1/224/256/384/512 4071 Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 7 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Table 3 – FIPS-Allowed Algorithms FIPS-Allowed Algorithms Diffie-Hellman (CVL Cert. #1557, key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength) EC Diffie-Hellman (CVL Cert. #1557, key agreement; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength) NDRNG (used to seed the FIPS-Approved DRBG) RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 128 bits of encryption strength) 2.1.4 NON-APPROVED CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS The module provides the following non-approved cryptographic algorithms. In order to operate the module in a FIPS compliant manner, one cannot call the services (and instead may only utilize FIPS- Approved cryptography). Calling these services would put the module into the non-FIPS mode. Table 4 – Non-Approved Algorithm s Non-Approved Algorithm AES-GCM (non-compliant) DSA (non-compliant) TDES (non-compliant) CAST Aria Poly1305 Chacha20 CAMELLIA SEED AEAD 2.2 MODULE INTERFACES The module is classified as a multiple-chip standalone module for FIPS 140-2 purposes. As such, the module’s physical cryptographic boundary encompasses the general-purpose computer running Brocade’s Fabric Operating System and interfacing with the peripheral devices (USB devices, network devices [Ethernet and Wireless adapters], and power adapter). However, the module provides only a logical interface via an Application Programming Interface (API) and does not interface or communicate with or across any of the physical ports of the GPC. This logical interface exposes service that calling applications may use directly. The API interface provided by the module is mapped onto the four FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, and status output. It is through this logical API that the module Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 8 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. logically separates them into distinct and separate interfaces. The mapping of the module’s API to the four FIPS 140-2 interfaces is as follows:  Data input – input arguments to all functions specifying input parameters  Data output – modified input arguments (those passed by reference) and return values for all functions modifying input arguments and returning values  Control input – invocation of all functions  Status output – information returned by the functions and the output of the RAND_status API (which includes the module’s current status) 2.3 ROLES, SERVICES AND AUTHENTICATION The module supports both of the FIPS 140-2 required roles, the Crypto-officer and the User role. An operator implicitly selects the Crypto-officer role when loading (or causing loading of) the library and selects the User role when soliciting services from the module through its API (for example, Fabric OS’s SSH daemon acts in the User role when calling the library’s API’s to obtain cryptographic services). Note that while the Fabric Operating System (Fabric OS) itself provides other roles, these roles are outside the scope of the Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module and thus outside the scope of this security policy. The Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module requires no operator authentication, and the below table enumerates the module’s services. Table 5 - Service Descriptions for Crypto-officer and User Roles Service Description Crypto-Officer services Library Loading The process of loading the shared object/library User services AES_decrypt AES operations AES_encrypt AES_set_encrypt_key DH_OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman parameter operations DH_get_default_method DH_generate_parameters_ex DH_compute_key DH_generate_key DH_free DH_new EC_KEY_new Elliptic Curve operations EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name EC_KEY_generate_key EC_KEY_free ECDH_compute_key ECDH Key Agreement ECDSA_DATA_new_method ECDSA (signature/verification) operations Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 9 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Service Description ECDSA_do_sign ECDSA_do_sign_ex ECDSA_do_verify ECDSA_sign ECDSA_verify EVP_Cipher Envelop (higher-level) function for cipher operations EVP_Digest Envelop (higher-level) function for hashing operations EVP_sha1 EVP_sha224 EVP_sha256 EVP_sha384 EVP_sha512 EVP_SignFinal Envelop (higher-level) function for asymmetric EVP_VerifyFinal sign/verify FIPS_selftest_des_cbc Self-test functions FIPS_sha1_test FIPS_sha256_test FIPS_sha384_test HMAC_Final HMAC operations HMAC_init HMAC_Update OPENSSL_clense Zeroization function used on keying material OPENSSL_init Initialization function for the library RAND_add DRBG functions RAND_bytes RAND_get_rand_method RAND_init_fips RAND_load_file RAND_poll RAND_pseudo_bytes RAND_SSLeay RAND_status Module status function RSA_sign RSA asymmetric operations RSA_verify RSA_public_encrypt RSA_private_decrypt RSA_generate_key RSA_generate_key_ex SHA1_Final SHA hashing functions SHA1_Init SHA1_Update SHA224_Final SHA224_Init SHA224_Update Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 10 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Service Description SHA256_Final SHA256_Init SHA256_Update SHA384_Final SHA384_Init SHA384_Update SHA512_Final SHA512_Init SHA512_Update Table 6 - Service Inputs and Outputs Service Data Input Data Output CSP Access1 Status Out Crypto-Officer services Library Loading N/A N/A N/A N/A Flag User services BrocadeCryptoLibraryCryptosystem AES_decrypt ciphertext plaintext AES Key X Pass/Fail AES_encrypt plaintext ciphertext AES Key X Pass/Fail AES_set_encrypt_key AES Key None AES Key W Pass/Fail DH_OpenSSL None Method (Function list) N/A N/A Pass/Fail DH_get_default_method None Pointer to default method N/A N/A Pass/Fail DH_generate_parameters_ex DH context, prime len, generator, callback DH parameters (PQG) N/A G,R Pass/Fail DH_compute_key DH context (private key), peer DH public key DH shared secret DH Private key, DH shared secret X,R Secret size/0 if fail DH_generate_key DH context DH Private & Public key DH Private & Public key G,R Pass/Fail DH_free DH context None DH Private & Public key Z Pass/Fail DH_new None DH Context None N/A Pass/Fail EC_KEY_new None EC context N/A N/A Pass/Fail 1 (G)enerate, (R)ead, (W)rite, e(X)ecute, (Z)eroize Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 11 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Service Data Input Data Output CSP Access1 Status Out EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name Curve EC context N/A N/A Pass/Fail EC_KEY_generate_key EC context EC Pub & Priv key EC Priv & Pub key G,R Pass/Fail EC_KEY_free EC context None EC Priv & Pub key Z Pass/Fail ECDH_compute_key EC context, EC Priv key, peer EC Pub key ECDH shared secret ECDH secret G,R Pass/Fail ECDSA_DATA_new_method Engine Memory allocated for ECDSA data N/A N/A Pass/Fail ECDSA_do_sign EC context, Digest ECDSA signature EC Priv key X Pass/Fail ECDSA_do_sign_ex EC context, Digest, EC Priv key ECDSA signature EC Priv key W,X Pass/Fail ECDSA_do_verify EC context Digest, sig, EC Pub key N/A EC Pub key X Pass/Fail ECDSA_sign EC context Digest, EC Priv key Signature EC Priv key X Pass/Fail ECDSA_verify EC context, Digest, sig, EC Pub key N/A EC Pub key X Pass/Fail EVP_Cipher plain text, plain text length Cipher text AES key X Pass/Fail EVP_Digest data to update the context with, data length output data of EVP_MD_size() length, length of hash N/A N/A Pass/Fail EVP_sha1 data to update the context with, data length Message digest structure N/A N/A Pass/Fail EVP_sha224 data to update the context with, data length Message digest structure N/A N/A Pass/Fail Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 12 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Service Data Input Data Output CSP Access1 Status Out EVP_sha256 data to update the context with, data length Message digest structure N/A N/A Pass/Fail EVP_sha384 data to update the context with, data length Message digest structure N/A N/A Pass/Fail EVP_sha512 data to update the context with, data length Message digest structure N/A N/A Pass/Fail EVP_SignFinal Message context, RSA or EC Priv key signature, output length RSA or EC Priv key X Pass/Fail EVP_VerifyFinal message context, public key, signature, signature length N/A RSA or EC Public key X Pass/Fail FIPS_selftest_des_cbc N/A success/failure N/A N/A Pass/Fail FIPS_sha1_test N/A success/failure N/A N/A Pass/Fail FIPS_sha256_test N/A success/failure N/A N/A Pass/Fail FIPS_sha384_test N/A success/failure N/A N/A Pass/Fail HMAC_Final hmac context, md md HMAC key X Pass/Fail HMAC_init hash function, key, key length hmac context HMAC key W Pass/Fail HMAC_Update Plain text, plain text length N/A HMAC key X Pass/Fail OPENSSL_cleanse input data pointer, length output data pointer All CSP types Z Pass/Fail OPENSSL_init N/A N/A N/A N/A Pass/Fail RAND_add seed length, seed Random bytes DRBG V, DRBG key W Pass/Fail RAND_bytes Random bytes len Random bytes DRBG V, DRBG key W/X # of bytes returned Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 13 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Service Data Input Data Output CSP Access1 Status Out RAND_get_rand_method N/A pointer to random method N/A N/A Pass/Fail RAND_init_fips N/A success/failure N/A N/A Pass/Fail RAND_load_file random file, bytes to read bytes read DRBG V, DRBG key W Pass/Fail RAND_poll N/A success/failure of random number generation using specific entropy source N/A N/A Pass/Fail RAND_pseudo_bytes random bytes len pseudo random bytes DRBG V, DRBG key W/X # of bytes returned RAND_SSLeay N/A returns default RAND_method N/A N/A Pass/Fail RAND_status N/A success/failure status N/A N/A Current module state RSA_sign message digest algorithm, message, message len, RSA private key signature, signature len RSA private key W/X Pass/Fail RSA_verify message digest algorithm, message, message len, RSA public key signature, signature len RSA public key X Pass/Fail RSA_public_encrypt Exchanged keying material, RSA public key ciphertext RSA public key X Pass/Fail RSA_private_decrypt Ciphertext, RSA private key Exchanged keying material RSA Priv key X Pass/Fail RSA_generate_key N/A RSA context with pub/priv key RSA priv/pub keys G/W Pass/Fail Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 14 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Service Data Input Data Output CSP Access1 Status Out RSA_generate_key_ex N/A RSA context with pub/priv key RSA priv/pub keys G/W/R Pass/Fail SHA1_Final message digest, md context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA1_Init message digest context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA1_Update message digest context, input message message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA224_Final message digest, md context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA224_Init message digest context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA224_Update message digest context, input message message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA256_Final message digest, md context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA256_Init message digest context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA256_Update message digest context, input message message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA384_Final message digest context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA384_Init message digest context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA384_Update message digest context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA512_Final message digest, md context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA512_Init message digest context message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail SHA512_Update message digest context, input message message digest context N/A N/A Pass/Fail Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 15 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. 2.4 FINITE STATE MODEL The module has a Finite State Model (FSM) that describes the module’s behavior and transitions based upon its current state and the command received. The module’s FSM was reviewed as part of the overall FIPS 140-2 validation. 2.5 PHYSICAL SECURITY The physical security requirements do not apply to the module. The module is a software-only module that executes upon a general-purpose computer. 2.6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The module executes on a general purpose operating system running in single user mode that segregates processes into separate process spaces. Thus, the operating system separates each process space from all others. The below table lists the specific versions of Fabric Operating System (Fabric OS) upon which validation testing was performed. Table 7 – Tested Operational Environments # Test Platform Operating System Kernel Compiler 1 NXP Semiconductors T1042 (e5500 core) on Brocade G630 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 4.3.2 2 NXP Semiconductors MPC8548 (e500v2 core) on Brocade DCX 8510-8 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 3.4.6 In addition, Brocade affirms the module’s continued compliance when operating on ABI-compatible operating environments including but not limited to: Table 8 – Vendor Affirmed Operational Environments # Test Platform Operating System Kernel Compiler 1 NXP Semiconductors T1022 (e5500 core) on Brocade G620 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 4.3.2 2 NXP Semiconductors MPC8548 (e500v2 core) on Brocade DCX 8510-4 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 3.4.6 3 NXP Semiconductors P3041 (e500mc core) on Brocade 7840 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 3.4.6 4 NXP Semiconductors P4080 (e500mc core) on Brocade X6-8 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 4.3.2 5 NXP Semiconductors P4080 (e500mc core) on Brocade X6-4 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 4.3.2 6 Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (AMCC) 440EPx (e500v2) on Brocade 6510 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 3.4.6 7 NXP Semiconductors MPC8548 (e500v2 core) on Brocade 6520 Switch Fabric OS 8.2 GCC 3.4.6 8 NXP Semiconductors (Freescale) T1022 (e5500 core) on 16Gb FC Switch Blade for Huawei E9000 (BR 6543) Fabric OS 8.2.0a GCC 4.3.2 Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 16 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. # Test Platform Operating System Kernel Compiler 9 Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (AMCC) PowerPC 440EPx (e500v2) on FC5022 16Gb SAN Scalable Switch for Lenovo Flex System™ (BR 6547) Fabric OS 8.2.0a GCC 3.4.6 10 NXP Semiconductors (Freescale) T1022 (e5500 core) on BRCD 16Gb FC Switch for HPE Synergy (BR 6558) Fabric OS 8.2.0a GCC 4.3.2 11 Applied Micro Circuits Corporation (AMCC) PowerPC 440EPx (e500v2) on Brocade M6505 Fibre Channel Switch for Dell™ PowerEdge™ M1000e (BR M6505) Fabric OS 8.2.0a GCC 3.4.6 12 NXP Semiconductors T1022 (e5500 core) on Brocade 7810 Extension Switch Fabric OS 8.2.1 GCC 4.3.2 13 NXP Semiconductors (Freescale) T1022 (e5500 core) on Brocade 32Gb Fibre Channel SAN Switch Module for HPE Synergy (BR G648) Fabric OS 8.2.0_GFT GCC 4.3.2 14 NXP Semiconductors (Freescale) T1022 (e5500 core) on HPE Virtual Connect SE 32Gb FC Module for HPE Synergy Fabric OS 8.2.0_CBN GCC 4.3.2 Please note that the CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of the generated keys when ported to an operational environment which is not listed on the validation certificate. 2.7 KEY MANAGEMENT The module possesses only one key, its self-integrity test HMAC key. Beyond that key, the module does not store any other keys persistently, and it is the calling applications responsibility to appropriately manage keys. The module cannot generate keys but can accept keys entered by an operator, and affords an operator the ability to zeroize keys held in RAM. The following table describes the module’s Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) including asymmetric and symmetric keys. Table 9 - Module Keys/CSPs Key Type Size Description Origin Stored Zeroized AES key AES 128/ 192/ 256 Symmetric keys used for encryption & decryption Entered by calling application RAM / plaintext Zeroize context DH Parameters DH 2048- 4096 PQG tuplet Entered by calling application or generated by module RAM / plaintext Zeroize context DH Private & Public Key DH 112- 256, 2048- 4096 Asymmetric keys used for key exchange Entered by calling application or generated by module RAM / plaintext Zeroize context DH Shared- Secret Secret 2048- 4096 Shared Secret resulting from the DH exchange Key agreement RAM / plaintext Zeroize context DRBG key AES-256 256-bits Internal state of the CTR_DRBG Seeding from DRBG entropy RAM / plaintext Module unload DRBG V DRBG 128-bits Internal state of the CTR_DRBG Seeding from DRBG entropy RAM / plaintext Module unload Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 17 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. Key Type Size Description Origin Stored Zeroized DRBG entropy random 384-bits Used to instantiate, reseed, or add to CTR_DRBG /dev/random RAM / plaintext After use EC Private & Public Key EC Curves P-256, 384, 521 Asymmetric keys used for key exchange or for signatures Entered by calling application or generated by module RAM / plaintext Zeroize context ECDH Shared- Secret Secret 256, 384, 521 Shared Secret resulting from the ECDH exchange Key agreement RAM / plaintext Zeroize context HMAC Key HMAC 112-512 bits Secret key used for HMAC-SHA computation Entered by calling application RAM / plaintext Zeroize context RSA Private & Public Key RSA 2048- 4096 Asymmetric keys used for signature generation or key exchange Entered by calling application or generated by module RAM / plaintext Zeroize context Self- integrity HMAC Key HMAC 128-bits HMAC key used by the module for its power up integrity test Compiled into the module Module image N/A (see 140-2 IG 7.4) 2.8 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND COMPATIBILITY The module meets level 1 security for FIPS 140-2 EMI/EMC requirements as the Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module passed validation executing upon general-purpose computers that conform to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart A, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class A (i.e., for office use). 2.9 SELF-TESTS Upon installation and configuration by the Crypto-officer, the module automatically performs either a complete set of power-up self-tests during library load to ensure proper operation or performs an initial set of complete power-up self-tests after boot and (assuming those tests pass) thereafter performs only its integrity test in accordance with IG 9.11. 1. Power-On Self-Tests: a. AES encryption and decryption KATs b. ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Test (PWCT) c. RSA (sign/verify) KATs d. SP 800-90A CTR_DRBG KAT (Note: DRBG Health Tests as specified in SP800-90A Section 11.3 are performed) e. HMAC KATs (HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC- SHA-512) f. SHA KATs (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) g. ECC DH Primitive Z Computation KAT h. Software Integrity Check (HMAC-SHA256) 2. Conditional Tests Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 18 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. a. Continuous Random Number Test of the SP800-90A DRBG b. Continuous Random Number Test of the NDRNG c. RSA Pairwise Consistency Test d. ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Test An operator has no access to cryptographic functionality unless the cryptographic module self-tests pass and the library load succeeds. The power-up self-tests include an integrity check of the module’s software using verification of an HMAC signature calculated over the module’s file image. Should the module fail a self-test, the module will return an error and inhibit all cryptographic operations. Finally, an operator may invoke all power-up self-tests at any time by power-cycling the GPC and then reloading the module. 2.10 GUIDANCE AND SECURE OPERATION The Module meets overall Level 1 requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2. In accordance with 140-2 Implementation Guidance 7.14 section 1.(b) the module gets a minimum of 384-bits of entropy (contained within 384-bits of data) from module call to the NDRNG. The sections below describe the Crypto-officer and User guidance. 2.10.1 CRYPTO-OFFICER GUIDANCE The Crypto-officer or operator responsible for configuring the operational environment upon which the module runs must ensure FIPS compliant operation (as described in section 2.1.2, FIPS Mode of Operation, of the Security Policy). The Crypto-officer can configure the module to operate in a FIPS compatible mode by modifying the module’s configuration flag in the overall Fabric OS configuration by executing the fipscfg CLI command available with Fabric OS as shown below. To Show FIPS Mode fipscfg --show To Enable FIPS Inside Mode fipscfg --enable fipsinside To Enable FIPS Inside IG 9.11 draft mode fipscfg --enable fipsinside -9.xx To Disable FIPS Inside Mode fipscfg –disable fipsinside To Disable FIPS Inside IG 9.11 draft mode fipscfg --disable fipsinside -9.xx or fipscfg --disable fipsinside Additionally, the Crypto-officer is defined to be the operator responsible for loading the library, thus when invoked by a calling application (either at library load or dynamically), the operating system loader Revision 1.3, May 24, 2019 Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module 8.2 Security Policy Page 19 of 19 Copyright 2018 Brocade Communications Systems LLC All rights reserved. will load the module, causing it to automatically perform its power-up self-tests. Should the module fail its power-up self-tests, the module sets a status indicator and inhibits its cryptographic functions. 2.10.2 USER GUIDANCE Once the operating system has been properly configured by the Crypto-officer (if needed), a user (calling application) of the Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module must adhere to the rules of section 2.1.2 and only call FIPS-Approved and Allowed services/APIs in order to operate the module in a FIPS- compliant manner. The module utilizes only FIPS-Approved cryptographic algorithms. The calling application must assume responsibility for managing keys, as the module does not provide any persistent key storage. 2.11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS The Brocade Fabric OS FIPS Cryptographic Module does not claim to mitigate any attacks beyond the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements for validation.