REV EN NO. SECTION DESCRIPTION BY DATE A CO14985 All Initial Release David Collings 3/30/2007 PRODUCT CODE NO. CSO APPROVALS Pitney Bowes BY DATE TITLE Pitney Bowes Cryptographic Coprocessor for Virtual Meter (CCV) Security Policy PREPARED David Collings DATE 3/30/2007 CHECKED DATE SHEET 1 OF 13 SHEETS EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001A TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. MODULE OVERVIEW 3 1.1 Scope 3 2. SECURITY LEVEL 3 3. MODES OF OPERATION 4 4. PORTS AND INTERFACES 4 5. ROLES AND SERVICES 5 5.1 CCV Roles &Services 5 5.2 IBM Roles & Services 5 6. ALGORITHMS 6 7. SELF-TEST 6 8. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT 7 9. SECURITY RULES 7 10. CSPS AND PUBLIC KEYS 8 11. DESCRIPTION OF MODES OF ACCESS 8 12. PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY 11 13. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY 11 14. REFERENCES 11 15. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS 11 15.1 Acronyms 11 16. CHANGE HISTORY 13 Table of Figures Figure 1 - Top View of IBM 4764 Cryptographic Boundary .......................................................3 Figure 2 - Bottom Image of 4764 Cryptographic Boundary.......................................................3 Table of Tables Table 1 - Module Security Level Specification............................................................................4 Table 2 - Role and Authentication Type ......................................................................................5 Table 3 - Authentication Strength Table......................................................................................5 Table 4 - Approved Algorithms....................................................................................................6 Table 5 - Table of CCV CSPs........................................................................................................8 Table 6 - Table of CCV Public Keys .............................................................................................8 Table 7 – Roles, Services and CSPs............................................................................................9 Sheet 3 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 1. Module Overview The cryptographic module is the Pitney Bowes Cryptographic Coprocessor for Virtual Meter (CCV). The CCV consists of the FIPS 140-2 validated IBM eServer Cryptographic Co- Processor Security Module (IBM CCM, Certificate #661) (Model 4764–001; HW P/Ns 41U0438 and 12R8561; Miniboot Firmware version 1.25), Segment 2 FW v1.3 (Linux OS MCP) and the CCV application (FW v03.02.05). Figure 1 - Top View of IBM 4764 Cryptographic Boundary Figure 2 - Bottom Image of 4764 Cryptographic Boundary 1.1 Scope This document describes the security policy for the CCV. Where appropriate, this document references the security policy for the previously validated IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module (Cert. #661). 2. Security Level The CCV cryptographic module embodiment is classified as a multi-chip embedded module as defined by FIPS 140-2. The physical cryptographic boundary is defined by the outer metal enclosure on five of the module’s six sides and the epoxy surface on the sixth side. The encapsulated module is mounted on a PCI-X card. The cryptographic module shall meet the overall requirements applicable to Level 3 security of FIPS 140-2. Sheet 4 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 Table 1 - Module Security Level Specification Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module 3 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Machine 3 Physical Security 4 Operational Environment N/A Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self Test 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 3. Modes of Operation The module shall not be designed with a non-FIPS Approved mode of operation. Hence, the module as configured for the current validation will always be in a FIPS Approved mode of operation. 4. Ports and Interfaces The module communicates with its host through a PCI-X bridge chip, hosted on a PCI-X main board. Three flex-cable connectors connect the secure module to the PCI-X board; these connectors carry the following signals: • PCI-X bus data/addresses (the module is a PCI-X master) • PCI-X control signals • Power, 3.3 V from PCI-X bus • Power from batteries mounted on the PCI-X main board • RS-232 signals • Ethernet connector signals • External warning control The flex-cable connectors support the power interface and the following logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input and status output. The module does not support a maintenance interface. Sheet 5 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 The logical interface for the CCV is command based where each command contains authentication/authorization elements to the application. Please see the IBM eServer Cryptographic Coprocessor Security Policy (Cert. #661) for more details. 5. Roles and Services The CCV application supports two distinct roles, the PB Crypto-Officer and the User. The module authenticates the Crypto-Officers and Users per service request. This is performed by verifying the Triple-DES MAC of the message. The message type specifies the key to be used. Table 2 - Role and Authentication Type Role Authentication Method Authentication Type PB Crypto-Officer 2 Key TDES MAC Verification Identity-based PB User 2 Key TDES MAC Verification Identity-based Table 3 - Authentication Strength Table Authentication Mechanism Strength Mechanism 2 Key TDES MAC Based on the number of protected bits in key or MAC, the probability is 1 in 2x tries where x is the number of protected bits. The cryptographic key provides 80 bits of key strength. The MAC provides a probability of random success of 1 in 264 . The module can execute 4,800 transactions per minute therefore the probability of a success in a one minute period is approximately 1 in 3.84 x 1015 5.1 CCV Roles &Services All services available to each role are listed in Table 7 – Modes of Access. 5.2 IBM Roles & Services The IBM CCM (cert. #661) provides additional roles and services. The roles supported by the IBM CCM include the following: • Crypto Officer 1 • Crypto Officer 2 • Crypto Officer 3 These roles are authenticated by the IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module using DSA Signatures. Sheet 6 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 For additional information regarding the IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module roles, services and authentication policy please refer to the security policy for Certificate # 661. 6. Algorithms The cryptographic module uses the following FIPS approved algorithms provided by the IBM 4764 crypto card (certificate #661): Table 4 - Approved Algorithms Algorithm Certificate Usage TDES 215 Encryption, decryption, message verification SHS 194 Message hash for authentication DSA 147 Message Signature, Message verification RNG 132 Key generation The module also includes the following non-approved algorithms: • A hardware non-deterministic random number generator per IBM CCM design used for seeding the approved RNG. • DES MAC used in the EDC calculation for the software/firmware integrity power up self-test The IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module supports other algorithms. However, the module as configured does not provide for the use of these algorithms, including: • DES • AES • RSA • MD5 7. Self-Test The Cryptographic Module provides power-on and conditional self-tests as required by FIPS 140-2. The module performs the following self-tests: 1. Power up tests a. Cryptographic algorithm tests, including: - AES: ECB and CBC encryption/decryption (128/192/256-bit key sizes) - TDES: ECB and CBC encryption/decryption (128/192-bit key sizes) - DES: ECB and CBC encryption/decryption Sheet 7 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 - SHA-1 hashing - DSA: Signature/verification (1024-bit key size) - RSA: Signature/verification (512-bit key size) - DRNG KAT b. Software/Firmware Integrity test: A 16-bit checksum is performed on Segment 0 firmware. An EDC calculated as a DES MAC is verified on Segments 1 through 3. c. Critical functions test: - RAM test - EEPROM test - Statistical random number generator tests are performed on the NDRNG at power up - Interactive communications tests of the IBM 4764-001 bus - Continuous integrity tests on modular math hardware for RSA and DSA - Cross-checks between redundant, independent DES and TDES implementations - Bi-directional consistency checks on AES encryption and decryption (results are run through the reverse operation to verify that the original input is restored properly) 2. Conditional tests a. Pairwise consistency tests for RSA and DSA key pair generation b. Continuous tests on outputs of NDRNG and DRNG c. Software/firmware load test (DSA signature verification) 8. Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 Operational Environment requirements for the CCV are not applicable because the operational environment is non-modifiable. 9. Security Rules This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this module. 1. The cryptographic module shall provide the PB Crypto-Officer Role. 2. The cryptographic module shall provide the User Role. 3. The cryptographic module shall provide identity-based authentication. 4. The IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module shall provide all required power-on self-tests. Sheet 8 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 5. CCV shall not input or output plaintext CSPs. 10. CSPs and Public Keys Table 5 - Table of CCV CSPs Key Description Communication Key TDES MAC key used to authenticate the PB Crypto-Officer. UNIQUE_VPSD_AUTH_COMM_3DES2_SECRET KDVAC Key Encryption / Update Key TDES key used for data confidentiality. UNIQUE_VPSD_PRIVACY_KEY_ENCRYPTION_3DES2_SECRET KDVPU VPSD Record Encryption Key TDES key used for data confidentiality. UNIQUE_VPSD_PRIVACY_UPDATE_3DES2_SECRET KDVPA VPSD Record Signature Key TDES MAC key used for data integrity. UNIQUE_VPSD_AUTH_DISTR_3DES2_SECRET KDVAA VPSD IBIP Private Key DSA private key used to sign IBIP messages. UNIQUE_VPSD_AUTH_DISTR_DSA1024_PRIVATE P'UVPA-DRD VPSD Authentication Key (VPSD Comm Key) TDES MAC key used for data integrity. UNIQUE_VPSD_AUTH_NONE_3DES2_SECRET KUVPA-NAD1 VPSD User Key TDES MAC key used to authenticate the User. UNIQUE_VPSD_AUTH_USER_3DES2_SECRET KUVPA-USD1 Please see the IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module Security Policy (Cert. #661) for a list of CSPs supported by the IBM CCM module. Table 6 - Table of CCV Public Keys Public Keys Description VPSD IBIP Public Key DSA public key Please see the IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module Security Policy (Cert. #661) for a list of public keys supported by the IBM CCM module. 11. Description of Modes of Access The table below provides a cross correlation between all roles, services, and CSPs. Sheet 9 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 Table 7 – Roles, Services and CSPs Role Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Access Operation C.O. User Unauthenticated Service KDVAC KDVPU KDVPA KDVAA P'UVPA-DRD KUVPA-NAD1 KUVPA-USD1 x x x Get Audit Status e x x x Get Status x x x Get Key Information e* x x x Read Time e* x x x Prepare Device (IBIP) Audit e* e e e x x x Create Freshness Record e x x x Finish Freshness Record Creation e* x x x Generate Freshness Data Export Request e* x x x Get Last Freshness Response e* x x x Get Last IBIP Response e* x Update TDES Key er er r r x Zeroize CCV Keys ez z z z z z z x Synchronize Time e x Set CCV Node ID e x Export Freshness Record Counters e x Import Freshness Record Counters e x Update CCV Freshness Counter e e x Update VPSD Freshness Record e e x Initialize VPSD Freshness Record e e x Overwrite Stale Freshness Record e e x Overwrite VPSD Record Freshness Counter e e x IBIP Initialize e e e e gre gr x Authorize VPSD e e e x Refill e e e x Refill Error e e e x Audit Device (Process Audit Response) e e e Sheet 10 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 Role Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Access Operation C.O. User Unauthenticated Service KDVAC KDVPU KDVPA KDVAA P'UVPA-DRD KUVPA-NAD1 KUVPA-USD1 x Rekey VPSD e e e e gr gre x Set Authorization Parameters e e e x Disable VPSD e e e x Enable VPSD e e e x Cancel VPSD e e e x Withdraw e e e e x Generate User Key e e e e gr x Update VPSD Certificate e e e x Prepare Refill e e e e x Dispense Indicium e e e e x Dispense Correction Indicium e e e e x Dispense Correction Indicium2 e e e e x x x XcAdapterCount. x x x XcOpenAdapter x x x XcCloseAdapter x x x XcMBOpenAdapter x x x XcMBRequest x x x XcRequest1 e e e e e e e * - Note: The module uses the command key to calculate a MAC on the reply. CSPs are not modified, substituted or disclosed in the process. e = Employed for encryption, decryption, MAC or signature generation / verification g = Generated r = Replaced z = Zeroized 1 XcRequest is a service provided by the IBM segement 2 code. This service passes application level commands to the CCV application. 12. Physical Security Policy The cryptographic module contains tamper detection and response mechanisms and an EFP mechanism. Please see the IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module security policy for a full description of the physical security mechanisms employed by the module. 13. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy Please see the IBM eServer Cryptographic Co-Processor Security Module security policy for a full description of the physical security. 14. References The following documents are referenced by this document, are related to it, or provide background material related to it: 1. Security Policy for IBM eServer Cryptographic Coprocessor Security Module - Model 4764–001 - Firmware (MiniBoot) version 1.16, Certificate #661. 2. Data Encryption Standard – FIPS PUB 46-2, March 28, 1994 3. Digital Signature Standard (DSA) – FIPS PUB 186, 1992 4. Financial Institution Retail Message Authentication – ANSI X9.19, August 13, 1986 5. Performance Criteria for Information-Based Indicia and Security Architecture for Information-Based Indicia Postage Metering Systems (PCIBISAIBIPMS), August 19, 1998 6. Performance Criteria for Information-Based Indicia and Security Architecture for Open IBI Postage Evidencing Systems (PCIBI-O), June 25, 1999 7. Secure Hash Standard – FIPS PUB 180-1, April 17, 1995 8. Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules – FIPS PUB 140-2 15. Definitions and Acronyms 15.1 Acronyms ANSI American National Standards Institute BBRAM Battery Backup Random Access Memory CM Cryptographic Module CSP Critical Security Parameter DEA Data Encryption Algorithm DES Data Encryption Standard DSA Digital Signature Algorithm DSS Digital Signature Standards EFP Environmental Failure Protection EFT Environmental Failure Testing Sheet 12 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards FRDI Funds Relevant Data Items HMAC A hashing algorithm used for message authentication IBI Information Based Indicia ISO International Standards Organization MAC Message Authentication Code NVM Nonvolatile Memory PB Pitney Bowes PCN Product Code Number PKCS Public Key Cryptography Systems PSD Postal Security Device PSN Postal Serial Number (Indicia Serial Number) PVD Postage Value Download SDR Signed Data Record SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SKR Signed Key Record TDEA Triple Data Encryption Algorithm UIC User Interface Controller VPSD Virtual Postal Security Device Sheet 13 of 13 REV A REV DATE 3/30/2007 EN NO. CO14985 DWG NO. K100001 55019 16. Change History Version Section Date Author Description A All 12/8/06 David Collings Initial Revision of previous document for new hardware Multiple 12/20/06 David Collings Revisions based on InfoGard review Multiple 3/15/07 David Collings Final Revisions to Public Policy from Private Multiple 3/30/2007 David Collings Changed photos and added IBM services to services and tables