Aviat Networks Eclipse Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 2 Validation Document Revision 080, August 8, 2024 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. The information in this document is provided only for educational purposes and for the convenience of the customers of Aviat Networks, Inc. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is provided “as is” without guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy or applicability of the information to any specific situation or circumstance. Aviat Networks, Inc. 200 Parker Drive, Suite C100A Austin, Texas 78728 United States (512) 265-3680 www.aviatnetworks.com Prepared for Aviat Networks by Rycombe Consulting Limited http://www.rycombe.com +44 1273 476366 www.aviatnetworks.com 2 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Contents 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Identification .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Purpose .......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 References...................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Document Organization.................................................................................................................. 5 1.5 Document Terminology.................................................................................................................. 6 2 Aviat Networks Eclipse.......................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Module Specification...................................................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 Hardware and Firmware Components .................................................................................... 7 2.2.2 Cryptographic Boundary........................................................................................................ 11 2.2.3 Scope of Validation................................................................................................................ 12 2.2.4 Cryptographic Algorithms...................................................................................................... 12 2.2.5 Components Excluded From the Security Requirements of the Standard............................. 14 2.3 Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces............................................................................................ 15 2.4 Roles, Services and Authentication............................................................................................... 16 2.4.1 Roles...................................................................................................................................... 16 2.4.2 Services ................................................................................................................................. 16 2.4.3 Authentication ...................................................................................................................... 20 2.5 Physical Security........................................................................................................................... 22 2.6 Operational Environment............................................................................................................. 29 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management.................................................................................................. 29 2.7.1 Random Number Generators ................................................................................................ 29 2.7.2 Key Generation...................................................................................................................... 29 2.7.3 Key Table............................................................................................................................... 29 2.7.4 CSP Destruction..................................................................................................................... 33 2.7.5 Access to Key Material .......................................................................................................... 33 2.8 Self-Tests ...................................................................................................................................... 35 2.8.1 Power-up Self-tests ............................................................................................................... 36 2.8.2 Conditional Self-tests ............................................................................................................ 37 2.8.3 Critical Functions Self-tests ................................................................................................... 37 2.9 Design Assurance.......................................................................................................................... 37 2.10 Mitigation of Other Attacks ...................................................................................................... 38 3 FIPS Mode of Operation...................................................................................................................... 39 www.aviatnetworks.com 3 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Tables Table 1: Module Hardware ........................................................................................................................... 4 Table 2: Document Terminology................................................................................................................... 6 Table 3: Required Baseline Components Cards............................................................................................. 9 Table 4: Hardware Components ................................................................................................................. 10 Table 5: Security Level Specification per Individual Areas of FIPS 140-2..................................................... 12 Table 6: Approved Algorithms .................................................................................................................... 14 Table 7: Module Interfaces ......................................................................................................................... 15 Table 8: LED Status Indicators..................................................................................................................... 15 Table 9: Roles.............................................................................................................................................. 16 Table 10: User Services ............................................................................................................................... 17 Table 11: Crypto-Officer Services................................................................................................................ 18 Table 12: Other Services ............................................................................................................................. 18 Table 13: Module Cryptographic Keys and CSPs ......................................................................................... 30 Table 14: Module Public Keys ..................................................................................................................... 30 Table 15: Key Table Part 1........................................................................................................................... 31 Table 16: Key Table Part 2........................................................................................................................... 33 Table 17: Public Key Table Part 1 ................................................................................................................ 33 Table 18: Public Key Table Part 2 ................................................................................................................ 33 Table 19: Access to Keys by Services........................................................................................................... 35 Table 20: Power-up Self-Tests..................................................................................................................... 36 Table 21: Conditional Self-Tests.................................................................................................................. 37 Table 22: Critical Functions Self-Tests......................................................................................................... 37 Figures Figure 1 Example INUe................................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 2 Module Hardware Variant Locations for INUe ................................................................................ 8 Figure 3 Block Diagram of the Cryptographic Boundary ............................................................................. 11 Figure 4 Location of Fan Air Filter in INUe................................................................................................... 19 Figure 5 INUe Enclosure.............................................................................................................................. 22 Figure 6 Tamper-Evident Seal Locations (Front) ......................................................................................... 23 Figure 7 Louver Panel.................................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 8 Left Hand Louver Panel ................................................................................................................. 24 Figure 9 Fitting the Left-Hand Louver Panel - 1........................................................................................... 25 Figure 10 Fitting the Left-Hand Louver Panel – 1 and Position of “Top” Tamper-Evident Seals.................. 25 Figure 11 Right-Hand Louver Panel............................................................................................................. 26 Figure 12 Fitting the Right-Hand Louver Panel - 2....................................................................................... 26 Figure 13 Fitting the Right-Hand Louver Panel – 2...................................................................................... 27 Figure 14 Location of Security Seals on Louver Panel (Left Side) ................................................................ 28 Figure 15 Location of Security Seals on Louver Panel (Right Side) .............................................................. 28 www.aviatnetworks.com 4 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1 Introduction This section identifies the cryptographic module; describes the purpose of this document; provides external references for more information; and explains how the document is organized. 1.1 Identification Module Name Aviat Networks Eclipse Cryptographic Module Module Hardware Component Part number INUe 2RU Chassis EXE-002 Fan Card EXF-101 Fan Card EXF-103 Node Controller Card EXN-004 Node Controller Card V3 (NCC V3) EXN-005 Either FIPS Installation Kit (customer fitted) 179-530153-001 or FIPS Installation Kit (partially factory fitted) 179-530153-002 Replacement Seals 007-600331-001 At least one of: RAC 6X EXR-600-001 RAC 6XE EXR-600-002 RAC 60 EXR-660-001 RAC 60E EXR-660-002 RAC 70 EXR-700-001 RAC 70 V2 EXR-700-002 RAC 7X EXR-770-001 RAC 7X V2 EXR-770-002 All remaining slots may be filled by one of the components listed in Table 4 Table 1: Module Hardware Firmware Versions 08.13.97, 08.14.91, 08.16.94, and 08.18.91 with Bootloader version 1.0.36 1.2 Purpose This is the non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the Aviat Networks Eclipse Cryptographic Module, also referred to as “the module” within this document. This Security Policy details the secure operation of Aviat Networks Eclipse Cryptographic Module as required in Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) as published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States Department of Commerce and the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS). www.aviatnetworks.com 5 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1.3 References For more information on Aviat Networks Eclipse please visit: http://aviatnetworks.com/products/microwave-switches/eclipse-carrier-ethernet-microwave-platform/ For more information on NIST and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP), please visit http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/index.html. 1.4 Document Organization This Security Policy document is one part of the FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. This document outlines the functionality provided by the module and gives high-level details on the means by which the module satisfies FIPS 140-2 requirements. With the exception of this Non-Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 submission documentation may be Aviat Networks proprietary or otherwise controlled and releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact Aviat Networks. The various sections of this document map directly onto the sections of the FIPS 140-2 standard and describe how the module satisfies the requirements of that standard. www.aviatnetworks.com 6 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 1.5 Document Terminology TERM DESCRIPTION ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CSP Critical Security Parameters CVL Component Validation List DAC Digital Access Card DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm ECCCDH Elliptic Curve Cryptography Cofactor Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve DSA eM Electrical MUX FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GUI Graphical User Interface HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code INU Intelligent Node Unit IRU Indoor Radio Unit NCC Node Control Card NMS Network Management System NPC Node Protection Card ODU Outdoor Unit OS Operating System RAC Radio Access Card RSA An algorithm for public-key cryptography. Named after Rivest, Shamir and Adleman who first publicly described it. SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SP Security Policy Storage Media Any media for which Cryptographic Module protection in the form of data encryption is required. Storage Media include internal and external hard drives, memory sticks and floppy disks. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol TDM Time-Division Multiplexing TLS Transport Layer Security XPIC Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation Table 2: Document Terminology www.aviatnetworks.com 7 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2 Aviat Networks Eclipse This section provides the details of how the module meets the FIPS 140-2 requirements. 2.1 Overview Aviat Networks' Eclipse is an all-in-one next generation dual hybrid and packet microwave radio. Eclipse provides superior networking features to address cost-optimized mobile backhaul, public, and private networking applications, along with high performance RF and Carrier Ethernet capabilities. Aviat Eclipse delivers a "complete" set of microwave nodal networking capabilities. Eclipse delivers multi- directional integrated microwave switching within a single system, supporting up to 6 RF or up to 45 Ethernet radios in a single rack unit. Eclipse also supports both native TDM and Ethernet services and provides fully integrated Ethernet switching and IP networking, eliminating the need for external TDM grooming or Ethernet aggregation devices. Additionally, Eclipse can deliver greater than 2Gbps wireless transport with intelligent and fully integrated bandwidth optimization features like XPIC, ACM, and data compression. The cryptographic module is housed within the Eclipse Intelligent Node Unit (INUe) chassis. The Eclipse INUe supports hardware redundancy to maintain data traffic by protecting a link with a backup card that takes over in the event of hardware failure. It is possible to have up to 6 non-protected links or: • 1 protected/diversity and 4 non-protected links • 2 protected/diversity and 2 non-protected links • 3 protected/diversity links The module provides data security by encrypting the payload traffic on the microwave link between up to three radios. It also provides the Strong Encryption Suite for secure module management and uses AES encryption to secure SNMP v3 management traffic1 . 2.2 Module Specification 2.2.1 Hardware and Firmware Components The module runs on proprietary hardware. The hardware consists of a number of plug-in cards housed in a proprietary chassis in 2RU format. The module consists of an Eclipse Node Control Card (NCC), one or more Radio access card (RAC) and a number of other plug-in cards in combination. Only the NCC and RAC cards are involved with 1 The module does not contain an SNMP KDF. SNMP keys are derived externally to the module, and so no claims are made regarding SNMP v3 management traffic. www.aviatnetworks.com 8 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. cryptography. The remaining cards provide physical security via tamper evidence but do not provide any other security relevant functionality. Figure 1 Example INUe Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 F Slot 4 Slot 5 Slot 6 A Slot 7 Slot 8 Slot 9 N NCC only Slot 10 S Figure 2 Module Hardware Variant Locations for INUe • Any of the Slots 1 through 10 may be covered with a blank panel. They shall not be left unpopulated and shall have tamper seals applied per Section 2.5 below. • Slots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are universal. Any RAC, DAC, NCM or AUX plug-in card. • Slots 7, 8, and 9 are restricted: any DAC, NCM or AUX, except DAC 155oM/eM where NMS is required. • Slot 10 is for NPC option only • NCC and FAN slots are dedicated – the INUe is supplied as standard with a single 2RU FAN, although it accepts two 1RU FANs. • RAC/RAC or RAC/DAC 155oM/eM protected pairings must be installed in paired slots (Slot 1 and Slot 4, Slot 2 and Slot 5, or Slot 3 and Slot 6). • For protected DACs or NCMs, the protection partners can be installed in Slots 1 through 9, except for the case of DAC 155oM/eM where NMS access is needed, which is restricted to Slots 1 through 6. NCC: Node control card FAN: Fan card (cooling) RAC: Radio access card (supports the ODU/IRU) DAC: Digital access card (user interfaces) AUX: Auxiliary card (auxiliary data and alarm I/O) NPC: Node protection card (NCC protection) NCM: Node Convergence Module Interface traffic options include: • Ethernet, E1/DS1, E3/DS3, STM1/OC3 • Auxiliary data and alarm I/O www.aviatnetworks.com 9 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. The minimum module configuration requires baseline components, an NCC card, and at least one suitable security relevant RAC card to be installed in order to support the Payload Encryption and Payload Decryption services (see Table 3). ITEM PART NUMBER AND REVISION FIRMWARE/FPGA VERSION INFORMATION QUANTITY IN MODULE CRYPTOGRAPHIC FUNCTIONALITY BASELINE CONFIGURATION INUe 2RU Chassis EXE-002 N/A 1 No Node Controller Card EXN-004 Firmware: 08.13.97 Bootloader: 1.0.36 FPGA_NCCV2_E1_DS1_004.bit FPGA_NCCV2_STM1_006.bit 1 Yes Node Controller Card V3 (NCC V3) EXN-005 Firmware 08.13.97 Bootloader: 1.0.36 FPGA_NCCV3_E1_DS1_011.bit FPGA_NCCV3_STM1_033.bit 1 Yes Fan Card EXF-101 N/A 1 No Fan Card EXF-103 N/A 1 No FIPS Installation Kit Either: 179-530153-001 (customer fitted) or: 179-530153-002 (partially factory fitted) N/A 1 No Replacement Seals 007-600331-001 N/A 1 No And at least one of the following: RAC 6X EXR-600-001 FPGA_RAC6X_PDH_ACM-14.29.4.bit FPGA_RAC6X_SDH-2.6.10.bit 0-6 Yes RAC 6XE EXR-600-002 FPGA_RAC6X_PDH_ACM-14.29.4.bit FPGA_RAC6X_SDH-2.6.10.bit 0-6 Yes RAC 60 EXR-660-001 FPGA_RAC6X_PDH_ACM-14.29.4.bit FPGA_RAC6X_SDH-2.6.10.bit 0-6 Yes RAC 60E EXR-660-002 FPGA_RAC6X_PDH_ACM-14.29.4.bit FPGA_RAC6X_SDH-2.6.10.bit 0-6 Yes RAC 70 EXR-700-001 FPGA_RAC7X_PDH_ACM-2.34.10.bit 0-6 Yes RAC 70 V2 EXR-700-002 FPGA_RAC7X_PDH_ACM-2.34.10.bit 0-6 Yes RAC 7X EXR-770-001 FPGA_RAC7X_PDH_ACM-2.34.10.bit 0-6 Yes RAC 7X V2 EXR-770-002 FPGA_RAC7X_PDH_ACM-2.34.10.bit 0-6 Yes Table 3: Required Baseline Components Cards www.aviatnetworks.com 10 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. If a suitable card is not installed, then the Payload Encryption and Payload Decryption services are not available. All other cards that can be installed in the 2RU chassis are interchangeable (see Table 4). No slot shall be left unpopulated. ITEM PART NUMBER AND REVISION FIRMWARE/FPGA VERSION INFORMATION QUANTITY IN MODULE CRYPTOGRAPHIC FUNCTIONALITY Fan filter kit, 2RU 131-501768-001 N/A 0-1 No Aux EXA-001 FPGA_AUX_132.bit 0-5 No DAC 4x EXD-040-001 FPGA_DAC_4E1_DS1-15.1.4.bit FPGA_DAC_4E1_WAYSIDE-15.1.4.bit 0-5 No DAC 155o EXD-152-001 FPGA_DAC_155_MUXV2-2.2.2.bit 0-5 No DAC 155o v2 EXD-150-001 FPGA_DAC_155o_v2-0.6.12.bit 0-5 No DAC 155oM v3 EXD-155-001 FPGA_DAC_155_MUXV3-0.6.1.bit 0-5 No DAC 155oM (long) EXD-153-001 FPGA_DAC_155_MUX_001.bit 0-5 No DAC 155oM (short) EXD-156-001 FPGA_DAC_155_MUXV2-2.2.2.bit 0-5 No DAC 155eM EXD-158-001 FPGA_DAC_155_MUXV2-2.2.2.bit 0-5 No DAC 16x EXD-160-001 FPGA_DAC_16E1_DS1-15.1.4.bit 0-5 No DAC 16xV2 EXD-161-001 FPGA_DAC16V2_E1_DS1-3.1.4.bit 0-5 No DAC 16xV3 EXD-161-002 FPGA_DAC16V2_E1_DS1-3.1.4.bit 0-5 No DAC ES EXD-171-001 FPGA_DAC_ES_018.bit 0-5 No DAC GE v2 EXD-180-002 N/A 0-5 No DAC LL EXD-180-005 N/A 0-5 No DAC GE v2 no SFP EXD-180-102 N/A 0-5 No DAC GE3 EXD-181-001 FGPA_DACGEV3-9.0.30.bit 0-5 No DAC GE3 EXD-181-002 FGPA_DACGEV3-9.0.30.bit 0-5 No DAC 2x155o EXD-252-001 FPGA_DAC_2STM1_020.bit 0-5 No DAC 3xE3M EXD-331-001 N/A 0-5 No NCM EXD-400-002 FPGA_NCM-1.1.112.bit FPGA_NCM_CES-1.1.417.bit FPGA_NCM_CES1-1.1.474.bit FPGA_NCM_HSF-1.0.133.bit FPGA_NCM_HSF_FIX-1.1.152.bit 0-5 No 24V card EXP-024 N/A 0-1 No RAC LL EXR-910-001 FPGA_RACLL_IFC-3.1.8.bit 0-6 No RAC 30v3 EXR-999-003 FPGA_RAC30_E3_DS3_002.bit 0-6 No NPC EXS-001 N/A 0-1 No NPC, high output EXS-002 N/A 0-1 No Blank panel EXX-001 N/A 0-10 No Table 4: Hardware Components www.aviatnetworks.com 11 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.2.2 Cryptographic Boundary The cryptographic boundary of the module is the hardware chassis. The module is a hardware module with firmware running on the NCC card within the chassis. The processor of this platform executes all firmware. All firmware components of the module are persistently stored within the device and, while executing, are stored in the device local RAM. Optionally, an ASIC on the RAC card provides the necessary functionality to support the Payload Encryption and Payload Decryption services. Figure 3 Block Diagram of the Cryptographic Boundary www.aviatnetworks.com 12 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.2.3 Scope of Validation The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 2 security of FIPS 140-2, with Cryptographic Module Specification at Level 3 and Design Assurance at Level 3. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS SECTION LEVEL Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self-Tests 2 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 5: Security Level Specification per Individual Areas of FIPS 140-2 2.2.4 Cryptographic Algorithms Approved algorithms The following table provides details of the Approved algorithms that are included within the module: ALGORITHM TYPE ALGORITHM CAVP CERTIFICATE USE Symmetric key AES-128-CBC, AES-256– CBC and AES-128-GCM* AES-CFB128 AES-128-ECB, AES-192- ECB, AES-256-ECB, AES- 128-CCM, AES-192-CCM and AES-256-CCM (Encryption only) #A1361 #C1 #C5 Strong Security Suite and Encryption of TLS sessions. * For TLS, the GCM implementation meets Option 1 of IG A.5: it is used in a manner compliant with SP 800-52 and in accordance with Section 4 of RFC 5288 for TLS key establishment. During operational testing, the module was tested against an independent version of TLS and found to behave correctly. SNMPv3 Encryption Payload Encryption www.aviatnetworks.com 13 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. ALGORITHM TYPE ALGORITHM CAVP CERTIFICATE USE Cryptographic Key Generation CKG VA SP 800-133 compliant key generation. Cryptographic key generation compliant with 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.4. Keys result from unmodified output from the DRBG. SP 800-135 component (CVL) Section 4.2, TLS #A1361 Within TLS (v1.2) Cipher suites supported: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA, TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA Deterministic Random Bit Generator SP 800-90A Hash-based DRBG #A1361 Key generation. Hash used is SHA-256. Note: All entropy is loaded into the module. There is no assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys and the strength of these keys are modified by available entropy. Asymmetric key ECDSA #A1361 TLS cipher suites. NIST defined P-256 and P-384 curves. Cipher suite uses signature generation and verification. Key Generation: P-256, P-384 Signature Generation: P-256, P-384 with SHA-256 Signature Verification: P-256, P-384 with SHA-1, SHA-256 Authentication HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-256 HMAC-SHA-1 #A1361 #C1 Within TLS Within SNMPv3 Key Agreement Scheme SP 800-56Arev3 ECC KAS-SSC #A1361 TLS cipher suites. Key establishment methodology provides 128 or 192 bits of encryption strength. Scheme: Ephemeral Unified using curves P-256, P-384 KDF: CVL cert. #A1361. SP 800-135 TLS KDF (v1.2) Key Transport Scheme KTS #A1361 (AES), #A1361 (HMAC) TLS used to transport the Payload Encryption Key Meets the SP800‐38F §3.1 requirements for symmetric key wrapping. AES mode and key Size: CBC, 256 HMAC Key and Hash Size: 160, 160 Asymmetric key RSA (186-4) RSA (186-2) #C1 #2239 Firmware load test, module integrity test. Image has been hashed using SHA-256 and then signed with a 2048-bit RSA key (ANSI X9.31). RSA signature verification is used in the self-test procedure. Bootloader integrity test. 2048-bit RSA with SHA-256 (PKCS v1.5). Hashing SHA-1 SHA-256 #A1361 Firmware load test, Module integrity test, Hash DRBG, TLS cipher suite. www.aviatnetworks.com 14 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. ALGORITHM TYPE ALGORITHM CAVP CERTIFICATE USE SHA-1 SHA-256 #C1 #3397 Used by SNMPv3 to obfuscate authentication messages. Bootloader integrity test. Table 6: Approved Algorithms For each Approved Key Derivation Function the module supports or uses a corresponding protocol. Any such related protocol can be used in the Approved mode of operation but has not been reviewed or tested by the CAVP and CMVP as testing such protocols is not within the scope of CMVP or CAVP activities. Algorithms tested but not used are not present in Table 6 of this Security Policy. Non-Approved algorithms allowed in Approved mode • MD5 (no security claimed) The module uses MD5 to hash firmware components to check integrity. This check is run in addition to the RSA integrity test and predates the FIPS Firmware integrity test. It is not security relevant. MD5 is also employed in RADIUS. Non-Approved algorithms The following algorithms are also included within the module and available in the Approved mode but are only used by RADIUS for tasks related to authentication. • MD5-CFB for encrypted password output to RADIUS server (RFC 2865 §5.2) • MD5-MAC for authentication of RADIUS server (RFC 2865 §3, “Response Authenticator”) The following algorithms are also included within the module but are only available within the module services in a non-FIPS mode of operation: • DES • Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) • Triple-DES DES is used for securing the management interface (Portal) in a non-Approved mode of operation. Diffie- Hellman is used for Payload Encryption key exchange. 2.2.5 Components Excluded From the Security Requirements of the Standard The following observable, non-security relevant components are excluded from FIPS 140-2 requirements: • The components of all cards are listed in Table 4 except the faceplates. Since tamper-evident seals are applied and necessary for physical security protection, the faceplates are security relevant and cannot be excluded. All other card components are excluded from FIPS requirements because they are non-security relevant. • Components along both left and right sides of the RAC cards with the exception of U42 on cards RAC 6X, RAC 6XE, RAC 60, RAC 60E, RAC 70, RAC 70 V2, RAC 7X and RAC 7X V2. www.aviatnetworks.com 15 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.3 Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces The module is classified as a multi-chip standalone module for FIPS 140-2 purposes. The module’s physical boundary is that of the INUe chassis. The module provides its logical interfaces via the physical interfaces provided in the chassis. These logical interfaces expose the services (described in section 2.4.2) provided by the module. The logical interfaces provided by the module are mapped onto the FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, and status output as follows: FIPS 140-2 LOGICAL INTERFACE MODULE MAPPING Data Input INUe Front panel sockets. The NCC component has four NMS connectors, providing Ethernet access for Portal or ProVision (http://www.aviatnetworks.com/products/network-managementoss/provision/). Pin assignments represent industry-standard LAN cable assembly for a 10/100Base-T, RJ-45 connector. It also has a V.24 connector providing serial data access for Portal. (See Figure 5 for an image of the physical ports.) Data enter and leave RAC adapters via a single RJ-45 Ethernet socket. There is an RF socket to connect the RAC to a radio transceiver so that the data can be sent and received on a microwave link. Data Output INUe Front panel sockets Control Input INUe Front panel sockets Status Output INUe Front panel sockets and LEDs Power Interface NCC power interface and optional NPC. Power input limits are -40.5 to -60 V DC. The power connector is a D-Sub M/F 2W2. The positive DC return pin is connected to chassis ground. Table 7: Module Interfaces LED status indicators: EVENT NCC STATUS LED NCC TEST LED RAC STATUS LED FIPS Power-up self-tests in progress Flashing orange Flashing orange Solid red Power-up self-test failure Solid red Off Solid red Self-tests pass/FIPS (Approved) mode enabled Solid green Solid green Solid green Table 8: LED Status Indicators When the three indicated LEDs are green, the module is in the Approved mode of operation. The use of the Approved mode locks out the use of non-Approved algorithms. www.aviatnetworks.com 16 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.4 Roles, Services and Authentication 2.4.1 Roles The Cryptographic Module implements both a Crypto-Officer role and a User role. Roles are assumed explicitly using the authentication mechanisms described in Table 9 below. Section 2.4.2 summarizes the services available to each role. ROLE DESCRIPTION Crypto-Officer Mapping to a combination of the Eclipse’s “Crypto”, “Engineer” and “Admin” users. Crypto-Officer is able to configure security settings and payload encryption and manage user accounts. User Mapping on to the Eclipse “Read-only” user. A User is able to view the configuration for a specific link. Maintenance This role supports the capability for users to add or remove plug-in cards to the module to provide extra bandwidth or different data formats. It also allows for the insertion and removal of an optional fan air filter. Crypto-Officer support is required to perform Maintenance services. Table 9: Roles Multiple concurrent operators are allowed. Up to five operators may be logged on to the module at any one time. It is possible for an operator in the User role and one in the Crypto-Officer role to be logged on concurrently. 2.4.2 Services User Services The following services may only be performed by an operator with “User” access permissions who has been successfully authenticated to the module. SERVICE SERVICE INPUT SERVICE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION RADIUS Authentication request, username and password Success/fail User authentication using RADIUS. Successful authentication permits the identified User access to Craft Tool User Services. Craft Tool Authentication Authentication request, username and password Success/fail User authenticated locally by module. Successful authentication permits the identified User access to Craft Tool User Services. These allow a User to configure the characteristics of a specific microwave radio links, including enabling or disabling that link. ADFS Authentication Authentication request, SAML 2.0 token Success/Fail Authentication is handled entirely by a remote ADFS server outside the module. www.aviatnetworks.com 17 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. SERVICE SERVICE INPUT SERVICE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION No usernames and passwords are sent from Eclipse. The user is simply redirected to the server URL in a browser to enter their details. Upon successful authentication, a SAML 2.0 token is sent to Eclipse which contains a username and credentials along with time range the token is good for. No password is contained within the token. View Configuration View Configuration Request Event log entry Provides a user with configuration information as an event log Table 10: User Services Crypto-Officer Services The following services may only be performed by an operator with “Crypto-Officer” access permissions who has been successfully authenticated to the module. SERVICE SERVICE INPUT SERVICE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION Enable Payload Encryption Request to switch on payload encryption for a specific link Success/Fail A Crypto-Officer may configure a secure data link to enable payload encryption. Disable Payload Encryption Request to switch off payload encryption for a specific link Success/Fail Although only a Crypto-Officer may configure a secure data link, a User may enable and disable encryption on a specific microwave radio link. Craft Tool Authenticatio n Authentication request, username and password Success/fail Crypto-Officer authenticated locally by module. Successful authentication permits the identified Crypto-Officer access to Craft Tool Services. Firmware Upgrade Update request and firmware image Success/fail Successfully updating the firmware loads the new image into module and reboots the module to allow the new firmware to become operational. If the firmware update fails, then the new image is not loaded and the module rolls back to the original firmware and this remains operational. Zeroize Zeroize request Success/fail Zeroizes all plaintext secret and private cryptographic keys and CSPs within the module, specifically those listed in section 2.7.3. Key Management Link ID. Service accessed via Craft tool GUI Event log entry indicates success/failure Generates a new key for the selected link. www.aviatnetworks.com 18 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. SERVICE SERVICE INPUT SERVICE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION (Payload Encryption) Key Management (Secure Management) Enable strong security via GUI Event log entry indicates success/failure Enabling strong security is a requirement of the FIPS mode of operation. Once enabled, the key management is automatic. Keys are established as required and used to secure the appropriate services. Module Configuration Craft tool GUI Confirmation of parameters and actions The Craft tool is used to configure the “strong security suite” within the module. SNMP v3 Secure SNMP session request Secure SNMP session There is no internal key derivation and so for the purposes of validation, no claims are made for the security of the SNMPv3 service. RADIUS Authentication request, username and password Success/fail Crypto-Officer authentication using RADIUS. Successful authentication permits the identified Crypto-Officer access to Craft Tool Services. ADFS Authenticatio n Authentication request, SAML 2.0 token Success/Fail See Table 10. View Status Request View Status Request Event log entry Provides a Crypto-Officer with status information as an event log. Add external entropy 196 to 960 bytes of external entropy Success/Fail Before the module is in the approved mode of operations, the module uses internal entropy. This gives a warning alarm. The Crypto-Officer switches to external entropy by adding entropy via Portal and pressing “Send”. Table 11: Crypto-Officer Services Unauthenticated Services SERVICE SERVICE INPUT SERVICE OUTPUT DESCRIPTION Payload Encryption Plaintext payload data Encrypted payload data Once a microwave link is configured and keys are established, any data sent on the link will be encrypted Payload Decryption Encrypted payload data Plaintext payload data Decrypts payload data received on a secure microwave link. Perform Self-Tests Power-up module Self-test status Self-tests are performed automatically at startup. If the self-tests fail, the module enters an error state. If they succeed, the module becomes operational. View Status indicators N/A LED indicators LED indicators provide information about the state of the payload encryption service and the self-test results. Table 12: Other Services www.aviatnetworks.com 19 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Maintenance Maintenance consists of inserting, removing or replacing plug-in cards and the fan air filter. The Crypto- Officer must perform the zeroize service and then power down the module. The module must remain powered down during maintenance and then the Crypto-Officer must power up the module and perform the zeroize service to complete the maintenance. Plug-in Cards To remove a plug-in card or blank, remove its tamper-evident seals, loosen its front-panel fastening screws and pull it towards you. Inserting a card may require the removal of a blank to access the card slot. To insert a plug-in card, push it into the appropriate slot. Ensure its backplane connector is correctly engaged before applying sufficient pressure to bring the plug-in panel flush with the front panel. Secure the card using its fastening screws. Fan Air Filter For the INUe, a fan air filter kit is supplied, comprising a filter frame, filter element, and fastening screw. It is installed in the INUe to the right side of the FAN module, as illustrated below. Remove the FAN module and slide the air filter into the chassis so that it locates to the right side of the FAN module backplane connector, and up against the chassis side. FAN module removal and replacement does not affect traffic. Installation instructions are included with the fan filter kit. Figure 4 Location of Fan Air Filter in INUe www.aviatnetworks.com 20 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Renewing Physical Security Following a Maintenance Task The physical security measures must be checked and renewed as appropriate following any module maintenance. When replacing a tamper-evident seal, any residue from a previous seal must be removed before a new seal is applied. 2.4.3 Authentication The module uses role-based and identity-based operator authentication. RADIUS may be used for user authentication and RADIUS is authenticated to the module using a shared secret. The RADIUS authentication is role-based. All other authentication is identity based. User and Crypto-Officers are authenticated by presenting a username and password to the module for authentication. This is either done locally by the module using its own list of local users and their credentials or remotely using a RADIUS server and a centrally held database of users and credentials. If the user identity and password match stored values, then authentication is successful. Alternatively, an ADFS server may be used for operator authentication, in which case no usernames and passwords are sent from Eclipse. The user is simply redirected to the server URL in a browser to enter their details. Upon successful authentication, a SAML 2.0 token is sent to Eclipse which contains a user name and credentials along with time range the token is good for. No password is contained within the token. Locally defined passwords: The passwords for the User and Cryptographic Officer roles, authenticating via the Portal GUI, are alphanumeric strings of between 15 and 32 alphanumeric characters comprised of at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, one special character and one number. The minimum number of possible passwords is, therefore, 94^15 or 3.95x10^29, which exceeds the minimum requirement of 1 in 1,000,000 for unsuccessful authentication probability. With the minimum 15-character password of the required composition, that still gives a random chance of guessing the correct password in a single attempt of 1 in 9415 or 1 in 3.95x1029 . Real-world passwords will normally be more complex than this. The module locks out user logon attempts for one minute after three consecutive logon failures. Assuming the weakest password and the ability of an attacker to make three logon attempts in a minute, this still gives the random chance of successfully guessing correctly a password given multiple attempts in a minute at slightly less than three times the single attempt chance, or very roughly 1 in 1x1029 , which is significantly more secure than the than the 1 in 100,000 required. RADIUS passwords: The passwords for the User and Cryptographic Officer roles, authenticating via RADIUS, are alphanumeric strings consisting of a minimum of 5 characters. The minimum number of possible passwords is therefore 94^5, which is less than the minimum requirement of 1 in 1,000,000 for unsuccessful authentication probability. www.aviatnetworks.com 21 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. The module only allows three consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts in any one minute period. Therefore, the probability of successfully authenticating to the module within one minute through random attempts is 3/94^5 which is less than 1/100,000. ADFS passwords: The passwords for the User and Cryptographic Officer roles, authenticating via ADFS, are alphanumeric strings consisting of a minimum of 5 characters. The minimum number of possible passwords is therefore 94^5, which is less than the minimum requirement of 1 in 1,000,000 for unsuccessful authentication probability. The module only allows three consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts in any one minute period. Therefore, the probability of successfully authenticating to the module within one minute through random attempts is 3/94^5 which is less than 1/100,000. www.aviatnetworks.com 22 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.5 Physical Security The module is entirely encased by a thick steel chassis. The back of the chassis is completely closed off and internally has a backplane into which plug-in cards may be inserted. The front of the chassis, where plug-in cards are inserted, must be sealed in a commissioned module. The sides of the chassis have vent holes to allow air to flow across components within the module to provide cooling and prevent overheating. The INUe enclosure (Figure 5) has an NCC card and ten expansion slots, each of which must either contain a plug-in card or be covered by a blanking plate. Figure 5 INUe Enclosure Physical security kits 179-530153-001 and 179-530153-002 are identical in content. However, for each installation only one kit is required. Kit 179-530153-001 is used where the operator installs the louvers and kit 179-530153-002 is used when the louvers are factory fitted. All parts of Kit 179-530153-001 are installed by the operator. Kit 179-530153-002 is partially factory fitted. The louvers shown in Figure 7 and its tamper-evident seals are installed in the factory. The INUe is then installed in its equipment rack prior to shipment. The operator applies all of the front panel tamper-evident seals. The module is supplied with a set of twenty-three (23) tamper-evident seals consisting of two (2) different types of seals. There are fifteen (15) white narrow seals that are used on the top front and on the front panel and must be fitted correctly to satisfy the physical security requirements for the module (see Figure 6 and Figure 10). In addition, there are eight (8) wider holographic seals used for the side louver panels (see Figure 14 and Figure 15). Once a module is commissioned, the seals must be applied by the operator to the NCC, plug-in cards and blanking plates, such that for each item that borders that chassis, there is a seal joining the item to the chassis. For each item that does not border the chassis, there is a seal linking it to its neighbor. To install the tamper-evident seals on front panel (physical security kits 179-530153-001 and 179-530153- 002): • Verify that the front panel is contiguous • For slots that do not contain plug-in cards, fit a blank panel (HW P/N EXX-001 per Figure 1) www.aviatnetworks.com 23 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. • Remove excessive grease, dirt, or oil from the cover if appropriate by using alcohol-based cleaning pads before applying the tamper evident seals. The chassis temperature should be above 10° C (50° F). • Affix (12) narrower tamper-evident seals as indicated in Figure 6 below such that it is not possible to remove either a single card or a group of cards without also removing a seal and leaving tamper evidence. • Install the INUe shelf into the rack and apply security seals over front of the cards in the chassis as shown. Use caution to avoid touching the adhesive with fingerprints to avoid damaging the seals. Allow the seal adhesive at least sixty (60) minutes to cure. • The tamper-evident seals should be replaced whenever components are added or removed from the module. Replacement seals can be ordered from Aviat Networks, part number 007-600331- 001 • Tamper-evident seals should be inspected for integrity at least once every six (6) months • If tamper is suspected, remove the INUe from the network immediately and return the module to Aviat for examination. Figure 6 Tamper-Evident Seal Locations (Front) Opacity: The module enclosure has vent holes at the sides. The vent holes are covered by louver panels that provide no line of sight view of any internal components that are affixed with double sided PSA foam tape. Once secured, four (4) tamper-evident seals are fitted to each louver panel (see Figure 14 and Figure 15). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 www.aviatnetworks.com 24 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Figure 7 Louver Panel The tamper-evident seals and louver panels/filters shall be installed for the module to operate in a FIPS Approved mode of operation. The Crypto-Officer is responsible for the application and maintenance per the physical security policy: To fit and affix the louver panels (physical security kit 179-530153-001): All surfaces must be clean and dry prior to installation. Wipe the side of the INUe surfaces with isopropyl alcohol and let dry. Place the INUe shelf on flat surface and install the louver panels as shown below. Left Hand Side (as viewed from the front) • Locate the louver panel and remove the paper backing from the double-sided pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) foam tape. Figure 8 Left Hand Louver Panel • Align the front edge of the louver panel with the edge of the radius near the front mounting ear. • Align the bottom edge of the louver panel with the bottom edge of the INUe shelf. www.aviatnetworks.com 25 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Figure 9 Fitting the Left-Hand Louver Panel - 1 • Apply strong pressure to the side of the louver panel to bond the PSA to the INUe shelf. Figure 10 Fitting the Left-Hand Louver Panel – 1 and Position of “Top” Tamper-Evident Seals • Let the louver panel PSA cure for at least five (5) minutes before proceeding to install the right-hand side. Right Hand Side (as viewed from the front) • Locate the louver panel and remove the paper backing from the double-sided PSA foam tape. 13 14 15 13 www.aviatnetworks.com 26 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Figure 11 Right-Hand Louver Panel • Align the front edge of the louver panel with the edge of the radius near the front mounting ear. • Align the bottom edge of the louver panel with the bottom edge of the INUe shelf. Figure 12 Fitting the Right-Hand Louver Panel - 2 • Apply strong pressure to the side of the louver panel to bond PSA to the INUe shelf. www.aviatnetworks.com 27 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Figure 13 Fitting the Right-Hand Louver Panel – 2 • Let the louver panel PSA cure for at least five (5) minutes then proceed to installing the security seals to both sides. www.aviatnetworks.com 28 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Apply security SEALS over louver panels: Left hand side (as viewed from the front) • Apply the wider security seal over louver panel and across INUe chassis. Use caution to avoid touching the adhesive with fingerprints to avoid damaging the seals. Allow the seal adhesive at least sixty (60) minutes to cure. Figure 14 Location of Security Seals on Louver Panel (Left Side) Right hand side (as viewed from the front) • Apply the wider security seal over louver panel and across INUe chassis. Use caution to avoid touching the adhesive with fingerprints to avoid damaging the seals. Allow the seal adhesive at least sixty (60) minutes to cure. Figure 15 Location of Security Seals on Louver Panel (Right Side) Immediately before the INUe is installed into its rack/cabinet, apply the narrower tamper evident seals as shown in Figure 10 with a seal over each of the three (3) top-front screw heads, and apply the four (4) wider seals per side as indicated in Figure 14 and Figure 15. • Clean the areas where the seals are to be applied as appropriate using alcohol-based cleaning pads or a rag moistened with isopropyl alcohol and let dry. • When peeling and placing the seals avoid finger contact with the seal backing/adhesive to prevent damage to the seal. The use of tweezers applied on the edge of the seal is recommended. • Ensure the seals are not damaged when installing the INUe into its rack/cabinet. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 www.aviatnetworks.com 29 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Louver panels (physical security kit 179-530153-002): • Louvers and all associated tamper evident seals (detailed in the section above for kit 179-530153- 001) will already be installed to the INUe. • The operator must fully check the condition of the louvers and tamper evident seals applied to the louvers and replace any physical security items that are not fully intact. 2.6 Operational Environment The module operational environment is derived from a version of embedded Linux. This has been adapted such that there is no general purpose operating system functionality available to an operator. The only firmware that can be loaded is the module firmware. The module firmware can be updated using the “Firmware Upgrade” service. This requires the verification of a digital signature. The Operating Environment of the module is a limited operational environment and so the Section 6 Operational Environment requirements are not applicable. 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management 2.7.1 Random Number Generators The module contains an Approved SP 800-90A Hash-based DRBG. 2.7.2 Key Generation Keys generated internally are generated by the SP 800-90A DRBG seeded by system entropy. In the approved mode of operation, the module seeds the SP 800-90A DRBG using external entropy. By default, there is no external entropy and the module uses an internal source. There is a warning alarm to indicate this. When the user adds entropy in Portal and presses “Send”, the module will perform a key zeroization service and reboot. It will then seed the DRBG with the supplied external entropy. Adding fresh external entropy while already using external entropy does not cause a reboot, but the Crypto-Officer may manually trigger a zeroization/reboot if required. The module uses the Hash-based DRBG to generate symmetric AES keys and Asymmetric ECDSA key pairs. 2.7.3 Key Table The following tables list all of the keys and CSPs within the module, describe their purpose, and describe how each key is generated, entered and output, stored and destroyed. www.aviatnetworks.com 30 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. KEY PURPOSE TLS Private Key ECDSA/ECDH P-256 or P-384 key used to establish TLS tunnel for HTTPS and WMTS ports for managing remote radio. TLS Tunnel Keys Encrypt TLS session for the Craft tool and web server. AES-128 or AES- 256, depending on cipher suite. TLS HMAC Keys Message authentication within TLS. HMAC/SHA-1 or HMAC/SHA-256, depending on cipher suite. RADIUS Shared Secret Used to verify RADIUS messages. SNMPv3 Privacy Key Used for encrypting SNMPv3 packets. AES-256. SNMPv3 Authentication Key Used for authenticating SNMPv3 packets. HMAC/SHA-1. Payload Encryption Private Key ECDSA/ECDH P-256 key used to establish the Payload Encryption DTLS tunnel key. Payload Encryption DTLS Tunnel Keys Used to encrypt the tunnel established using DTLS. AES-256. Payload Encryption DTLS HMAC Keys Used to authenticate the tunnel established using DTLS. HMAC/SHA- 1. Payload Encryption Key Used to encrypt/decrypt payload. Only AES-128, 192 or 256 bits are used for payload encryption. Hash DRBG C and V These are variables used internally by the Hash DRBG that are required by Implementation Guidance 14.5 to be listed in the Cryptographic Module Security Policy document. They represent the internal state of the DRBG. Hash DRBG Seed Seed for the Hash DRBG. User Password Used to authenticate User to Craft Tool. Crypto-Officer Password Used to authenticate Crypto-Officer to Craft Tool. Table 13: Module Cryptographic Keys and CSPs KEY PURPOSE TLS Certificate This is used to establish TLS tunnel for HTTPS and WMTS ports for managing remote radio. Certificate’s public key is ECDSA/ECDH. There are two options for the TLS Certificate. The default option is for a self-generated and self-signed certificate. The second option is for a user-uploaded, CA signed certificate that takes the place of the self- signed one when configured. Payload Encryption Certificate Self-generated and self-signed certificate used to generate the Payload Encryption Tunnel Key and Payload Encryption HMAC Key. Certificate’s public key is ECDSA/ECDH. ADFS Server Certificate This is a user provided certificate for decrypting SAML 2.0 responses from an ADFS server (Microsoft Active Directory Federated Sevices) for user authentication. Integrity key A fixed and hard coded key used in the firmware load conditional self-test. Table 14: Module Public Keys www.aviatnetworks.com 31 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. KEY KEY TYPE AND STRENGTH GENERATION/ESTABLISHMENT STORAGE LOCATION TLS Private key ECDSA/ECDH P-256 or P-384 curve Generated by module or loaded by Crypto-Officer. Flash memory TLS tunnel keys 128 or 256 bits depending on TLS cipher suite used Key is established using TLS. RAM TLS HMAC keys 160 bits Established using TLS. RAM RADIUS shared secret 5-32 characters Entered by Crypto-Officer. RAM, Flash memory SNMPv3 privacy key 128 bits Entered by Crypto-Officer. RAM, Flash memory SNMPv3 authentication key 128 bits Entered by Crypto-Officer. RAM, Flash memory Payload Encryption Private key ECDSA/ECDH P-256 curve Generated by module. Flash memory Payload Encryption DTLS tunnel keys 256 bits Symmetric key Generated by the module and established using DTLS. RAM Payload Encryption DTLS HMAC keys 160 bits Symmetric key Generated by the module and established using DTLS. RAM Payload encryption key 128, 192 or256 bits Generated by module. RAM Hash DRBG C and V CSP 440 bits Hash of entropy bits, nonce bits, and personalization string. RAM Hash DRBG Seed [Entropy seed] Loaded from external entropy source. RAM User Password 8-32 characters N/A A hash of the password is stored persistently although the password itself is only held in RAM until authentication is completed. Crypto-Officer Password 8-32 characters N/A Not persistently stored, held in RAM until authentication is completed. Table 15: Key Table Part 1 www.aviatnetworks.com 32 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. KEY ARE KEYS SUPPLIED ENCRYPTED OR PLAINTEXT? ENTRY/OUTPUT DESTRUCTION TLS Private key Plaintext Generated in module, or entered by Crypto-Officer. May be viewed by Crypto- Officer in portal. Key is zeroized. TLS Tunnel keys Encrypted Established using TLS. Key is zeroized. TLS HMAC keys Encrypted Established using TLS. Key is zeroized. RADIUS shared secret Encrypted Entered by Crypto-Officer through Craft tool. Not output. Key is overwritten. When the key is updated using portal, the new key is transmitted over TLS to the INU. The INU zeroizes the existing key in the encrypted key object. The INU then stores the new key in the encrypted key object. This key is used in all future requests to the RADIUS server. Encryption of the key is done using AES-128 in CBC mode. SNMPv3 privacy key Plaintext Entered by Crypto-Officer through Craft tool. Not output. Key is overwritten. To zeroize the key, the CO needs to overwrite it by entering a new key. SNMPv3 authentication key Plaintext Entered by Crypto-Officer through Craft tool. Not output. Key is overwritten. To zeroize the key, the CO needs to overwrite it by entering a new key. Payload Encryption Private key Plaintext The key neither enters nor leaves the module. Key is zeroized Payload Encryption DTLS Tunnel keys Encrypted Established using DTLS Key is zeroized Payload Encryption DTLS HMAC keys Encrypted Established using DTLS Key is zeroized Payload Encryption key Encrypted Exchanged with peer module using existing DTLS tunnel. Key is zeroized Hash DRBG C and V Plaintext N/A Key is zeroized Hash DRBG Seed Plaintext N/A Key is zeroized User Password N/A Entered by User during Craft Tool operator authentication. Not output. Hashed passwords are stored to allow authentication. Actual passwords are zeroized once authentication is completed. www.aviatnetworks.com 33 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Crypto-Officer Password N/A Entered by Crypto-Officer during Craft Tool operator authentication. Not output. Hashed passwords are stored to allow authentication. Actual passwords are zeroized once authentication is completed. Table 16: Key Table Part 2 KEY KEY LENGTH/STRENGTH GENERATION/ESTABLISHMENT STORAGE LOCATION TLS Certificate ECDSA/ECDH P-256 or P-384 curve Generated by module or entered by Crypto-Officer. Flash memory Payload Encryption Certificate ECDSA/ECDH P-256 curve Derived from private key Flash memory ADFS Server Certificate 2048-bit RSA certificate Entered by Crypto-Officer Flash memory Integrity key 2048-bit RSA certificate Fixed key Public integrity key will be stored within the module, the private key will not. Table 17: Public Key Table Part 1 KEY ARE KEYS SUPPLIED ENCRYPTED OR PLAINTEXT? ENTRY/OUTPUT TLS Certificate Signed by ECDSA Generated in module, not entered. May be output. Payload Encryption Certificate Plaintext Generated in module, not entered. May be output. ADFS Server Certificate Plaintext Entered by Crypto-Officer through Craft tool. Not output. Integrity key Plaintext Fixed Table 18: Public Key Table Part 2 2.7.4 CSP Destruction All secret and private key material managed by the module can be zeroized using the key zeroization service. This is a Crypto-Officer service requiring Crypto-Officer authentication. CSP zeroization is performed procedurally and requires the Crypto-Officer to enter zero values for the SNMPv3 csp’s and RADIUS shared secret and also perform the key zeroization service to zeroize the other secret and private keys. A reboot of the module is required to complete the CSP zeroization and the Crypto-Office should remain in control of the module until the module self-tests have completed following the reboot. 2.7.5 Access to Key Material The following table shows the access that an operator has to specific keys or other critical security parameters when performing each of the services relevant to his/her role. www.aviatnetworks.com 34 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Access Rights Blank Not Applicable R Read W Write X Execute Z Zeroize KEY TLS P RIVATE KEY TLS T UNNEL K EYS TLS HMAC K EYS TLS C ERTIFICATE RADIUS SHARED SECRET ADFS C ERTIFIACATE SNMP V 3 P RIVACY K EY SNMP V 3 A UTHENTICATION K EY CA P UBLIC KEY CA C ERTIFICATE P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION C ERTIFICATE P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION P RIVATE KEY P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION K EY P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION DTLS T UNNEL KEYS P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION DTLS HMAC K EYS F IRMWARE I NTEGRITY KEY H ASH DRBG “ C” CSP H ASH DRBG “ V” CSP H ASH DRBG S EED U SER P ASSWORD C RYPTO -O FFICER P ASSWORD User Services View Configuration R R R R R R R Craft Tool R R R R R R R X ADFS Authentication R Crypto-Officer Services Disable Payload Encryption R R R R R R R Enable Payload Encryption R R R R R R R Craft Tool R R R R R R R X Firmware Upgrade R Zeroize Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Key Management (Payload Encryption) R R R R W X X X Key Management (Secure Management) R R R R R R R www.aviatnetworks.com 35 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. KEY TLS P RIVATE KEY TLS T UNNEL K EYS TLS HMAC K EYS TLS C ERTIFICATE RADIUS SHARED SECRET ADFS C ERTIFIACATE SNMP V 3 P RIVACY K EY SNMP V 3 A UTHENTICATION K EY CA P UBLIC KEY CA C ERTIFICATE P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION C ERTIFICATE P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION P RIVATE KEY P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION K EY P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION DTLS T UNNEL KEYS P AYLOAD E NCRYPTION DTLS HMAC K EYS F IRMWARE I NTEGRITY KEY H ASH DRBG “ C” CSP H ASH DRBG “ V” CSP H ASH DRBG S EED U SER P ASSWORD C RYPTO -O FFICER P ASSWORD Module Configuration R R R R R SNMP v3 R, W R, W RADIUS R, W View Status Request R R R R R R R ADFS Authentication R Unauthenticated Services X Payload Encryption X Payload Decryption Perform Self- Tests Z Z Z Z Z View Status indicators Table 19: Access to Keys by Services Note: Key zeroization zeroizes all keys and CSPs; this is a “write” operation in that all keys are overwritten with zeroes. 2.8 Self-Tests The module implements both power-up and conditional self-tests as required by FIPS 140-2. The following two sections outline the tests that are performed. www.aviatnetworks.com 36 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.8.1 Power-up Self-tests After power cycling or booting the appliance the module executes the Power-Up Self-Tests with no further inputs or actions by the operator. The module implements the following power-up self-tests. The module inhibits all data output while it is operating in the Self-Test state. OBJECT TEST AES (#A1361) AES-128-CBC Encrypt Known answer test AES-256-CBC Encrypt Known answer test AES-128-GCM Encrypt Known answer test AES-128-CBC Decrypt Known answer test AES-256-CBC Decrypt Known answer test AES-128-GCM Decrypt Known answer test AES (#C5) AES-128-CCM Encrypt Known answer test AES-192-CCM Encrypt Known answer test AES-256-CCM Encrypt Known answer test AES (#C1) AES-CFB128 Encrypt Known answer test AES-CFB128 Decrypt Known answer test RSA Known answer test (signature verification; RSA Cert. #C1) ECDSA Known answer test (signature generation) Known answer test (signature verification) DRBG SP 800-90A Hash-based DRBG Known answer test SP 800-90A Section 11.3 Health Tests KAS-SSC Performs an ECC shared secret Z KAT using a NIST defined P-256 curve. Bootloader Integrity test performed by verifying the RSA-2048 signature of a SHA-256 hash of the bootloader image (RSA Cert. #2239; SHS Cert. #3397) Module firmware Firmware Integrity test performed by verifying the RSA- 2048 signature of a SHA-256 hash of the firmware image (RSA Cert. #C1; SHS Cert. #A1361) HMAC-SHA-1 Known answer test (SHS Cert. #A1361) Known answer test (SHS Cert. #C1) HMAC-SHA-256 Known answer test (SHS Cert. #A1361) SHA-1 Known answer test (SHS Cert. #A1361) Known answer test (SHS Cert. #C1) SHA-256 Known answer test (SHS Cert. #A1361) Table 20: Power-up Self-Tests Note: For historical reasons, the module also performs an RSA signature generation known answer test at power-up, but the module no longer uses RSA signature generation in an Approved mode of operation. www.aviatnetworks.com 37 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 2.8.2 Conditional Self-tests EVENT TEST CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE Module requests a random number from the FIPS Approved SP 800-90A DRBG A continuous random number generator test Random number is not generated, and module enters an error state Firmware upgrade Firmware load test – Approved integrity technique using SHA-256 and RSA. (RSA Cert. #C1; SHS Cert. #A1361) Firmware upgrade fails Asymmetric key pair generated ECDSA Pairwise Consistency test Key rejected and module enters an error state RAC enters switches between a bypass mode and cryptographic mode of operation Exclusive Bypass test – two independent actions are required to change mode (encrypted to bypass and vice versa) and test the correct operation of the services providing cryptographic processing when the switch occurs RAC is disabled and no data is passed Table 21: Conditional Self-Tests 2.8.3 Critical Functions Self-tests EVENT TEST CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE Entropy is supplied to the FIPS Approved SP 800-90A Hash-based DRBG An entropy input test on supplied entropy to confirm length Entropy is not added SNMP or RADIUS CSP’s entry test Duplicate Entries Key not loaded Table 22: Critical Functions Self-Tests 2.9 Design Assurance Aviat Networks employ industry standard best practices in the design, development, production and maintenance of the Aviat Networks Eclipse product, including the FIPS 140-2 module. Aviat Networks has an ISO 9001 Quality Management System. This includes the use of an industry standard configuration management system that is operated in accordance with the requirements of FIPS 140-2, such that each configuration item that forms part of the module is stored with a label corresponding to the version of the module and that the module and all of its associated documentation can be regenerated from the configuration management system with reference to the relevant version number. Design documentation for the module is maintained to provide clear and consistent information within the document hierarchy to enable transparent traceability between corresponding areas throughout the document hierarchy, for instance, between elements of this Cryptographic Module Security Policy (CMSP) and the design documentation. www.aviatnetworks.com 38 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Guidance appropriate to an operator’s Role is provided with the module and provides all of the necessary assistance to enable the secure operation of the module by an operator, including the Approved security functions of the module. Delivery of the Cryptographic Module to customers from the vendor is via third party couriers. The parcels are sealed in tamper evident packaging and each parcel is tracked from vendor to customer. Once on site, the customer must follow vendor guidance to securely install and configure the module. 2.10 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not mitigate any other attacks. www.aviatnetworks.com 39 © 2024 Aviat Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. 3 FIPS Mode of Operation Once the module has been commissioned, the front panel of the module should be sealed, with no visible gaps and tamper evident seals applied as described in section 2.5 above. The tamper-evident seals shall be installed for the module to operate in the approved mode of operation. The module is set into FIPS mode as follows: 1. Install FIPS capable NCC with CF card containing FIPS validated firmware 2. Power up NCC 3. Connect to NCC with Portal 4. Install S/W license containing Strong Security, FIPS compliance, and optional Payload Encryption 5. Set security mode to “FIPS” 6. Select “Yes” when Portal asks for confirmation 7. NCC reboots 8. Connect to NCC using Portal 9. Log in to NCC using a default Crypto-Officer 10. Configure desired security settings and add local users and/or RADIUS servers as required 11. By default, internal entropy is used, internal entropy warning alarm raised against NCC 12. Login as a user with Crypto-Officer permissions and enter a hex string containing up to 980 bytes of entropy then press “Send” 13. The module will zeroize internal keys and reboot. Once restarted the module will be using the supplied entropy source. 14. By default, Payload Encryption is disabled, Bypass warning alarm raised against RAC 15. Log in as a user with Crypto-Officer permissions 16. Perform other RAC and Payload Encryption configuration and enable Payload Encryption 17. The use of the Approved mode locks out the use of non-Approved algorithms. For more details, please see the Eclipse User Manual Addendum for FIPS 140-2.