TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 1 TOP DL V2- FIPS 140-2 L3 Security Policy TITLE TOP DL V2- FIPS 140-2 L3 - Security Policy REF. SP01R20033G - _11 DATE: March 2009, the 30 th AUTHOR FDefrance, SL, R&D, Gemalto Frederic Garnier, IAM R&D, Gemalto APPROVED Arnaud Lotigier, Program Manager, Gemalto TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 2 REVISION HISTORY Release (Xyy) Date (dd/mm/yy) Author Modifications 01 17/03/09 F.Defrance Initial issue. 02 30/03/09 F.Defrance Take into account Frederic Garnier remarks 03 05/06/09 F.Garnier/ F.Defrance Product name is now TOP DL V2, Update GP references, Add table “Table 5 – Additional Security Functions”, … 04 17/07/09 F.Garnier/ F.Defrance Add CMAC reference 05 29/09/09 F.Defrance Update configuration list 06 14/01/10 F.Garnier/ F.Defrance Review William’s comments; minor updates; 07 26/01/10 F.Garnier/ F.Defrance After Ed/William comments: add DAP verification and Security Domain (ISD/SD) precisions. 08 29/01/10 F.Garnier/ F.Defrance Only esthetic updates (Accept a change, update color of text) 09 05/03/10 F.Garnier/ F.Defrance Add Softmask number due to CRC 16 10 15/10/10 F.Defrance Following remarks : updates table 16 and 17 11 19/10/10 F.Defrance Update softmask version in appendix TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 3 DISTRIBUTION LIST N° Name Role Society 1 F.Defrance FIPS Coordinator Gemalto 2 E. Morris FIPS Evaluator SAIC Laboratories 3 A.Lotigier Program Manager Gemalto 4 F. Garnier Project Leader Gemalto TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Scope..............................................................................................................................................7 2 Introduction.....................................................................................................................................8 2.1 Gemalto Smart Card Overview ....................................................................................................8 2.2 Gemalto Smart Card Open Platform.............................................................................................8 2.3 Security Level............................................................................................................................9 3 Cryptographic Module Specification..................................................................................................10 3.1 Gemalto Crypto-Module Cryptographic Boundary ........................................................................10 3.2 ROM.......................................................................................................................................12 3.3 EEPROM – Applets ...................................................................................................................13 3.4 Hardware Chip.........................................................................................................................13 3.5 FIPS Approved Security Functions .............................................................................................14 4 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces.......................................................................................15 4.1 Physical Port – Contact mode....................................................................................................15 4.1.1 PIN assignments and contact dimensions: ...........................................................................15 4.1.2 Conditions of use ..............................................................................................................15 4.2 Physical Port – Contact-less mode .............................................................................................16 4.2.1 Contacts assignments ........................................................................................................16 4.2.2 Condition of uses ..............................................................................................................16 4.2.3 Picture – Dual Mode ..........................................................................................................17 4.3 Logical Interface......................................................................................................................17 4.3.1 APDU commands...............................................................................................................17 4.3.2 API interface.....................................................................................................................18 5 Roles, Services and Authentication...................................................................................................19 5.1 Identification and Authentication Policy......................................................................................19 5.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................19 5.1.2 Identity based authentication policy....................................................................................19 5.1.3 Mechanism interfaces ........................................................................................................21 5.1.4 Security rules....................................................................................................................21 5.1.5 Mechanism strengths.........................................................................................................22 5.2 Access Control Policy................................................................................................................22 5.2.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................22 5.2.2 Services............................................................................................................................23 5.2.3 Security rules....................................................................................................................25 5.3 Additional Gemalto Security Rules .............................................................................................25 5.4 Security Relevant Data Item .....................................................................................................26 6 Finite State Model ..........................................................................................................................27 7 Physical Security ............................................................................................................................28 7.1 Manufacturing Process .............................................................................................................28 7.2 Hardware Security Mechanisms.................................................................................................28 8 Operational Environment.................................................................................................................29 9 Cryptographic Key Management ......................................................................................................30 9.1 Issuer Security Domain Keys.....................................................................................................30 9.2 Application provider Security Domain Keys.................................................................................30 9.3 Key Generation........................................................................................................................31 9.4 Key Entry................................................................................................................................31 9.4.1 Input Data........................................................................................................................31 9.5 Key Storage ............................................................................................................................31 9.6 Key Zeroization........................................................................................................................32 TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 5 10 EMI/EMC .......................................................................................................................................32 11 Self Tests ......................................................................................................................................33 11.1 Self-Test Execution...............................................................................................................33 11.2 Self-Test Failure ...................................................................................................................34 12 Mitigation of other attacks...............................................................................................................34 13 Appendix A – GP Specification .........................................................................................................35 14 Appendix B – Identification and FIPS mode : ....................................................................................36 Table of figures: Figure 1- Cryptographic Module Boundary...............................................................................................11 Figure 2 - Contact plate example – Contact physical interface...................................................................15 Figure 3 - Contact plate example - Contact-less antenna contacts .............................................................16 TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 6 References [1] FIPS PUB 140-2 – Federal Information Processing Standard Publication – Security requirements for cryptographic modules – 2001, May the 25th , with change notice (12-03-2002). [2] Derived Tests Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2 - Federal Information Processing Standard Publication – Security requirements for cryptographic modules – 2004, March the 24th . [3] NIST Web site, [4] Global Platform – Release 2.1.1 Amdt A [5] Java Card API Specification – (SUN) – Release 2.2.1, release 2.2.2 for SHA-2 & JC3.0.1 for ECDSA; [6] Java Card Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specification (SUN) – 2.2 [7] Java Card Virtual Machine (VM) Specification – SUN – Release 2.2 [8] RSA PKCS#1: RSA Cryptographic Standard (RSA Laboratories) – 2.1 [9] ISO 7816 parts 1-6 (ISO / IEC) [10] ISO X9.31 [11] ISO 14443 RF Interface (ISO / IEC) [12] Global Platform – Release 2.2 Amdt D (Secure Channel Protocol 03) TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 7 1 Scope This Security Policy specifies the security rules under which the Gemalto Smart Card, herein identified as the “TOP DL V2” platform, must operate. Some of these rules are derived from the security requirements of FIPS140-2’ standard [1], others are derived from the Gemalto experience in embedded security software. These rules define the interrelationships between the: ƒ Module users and administrators, ƒ Module services, ƒ Security Relevant Data Items (SRDIs). TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 8 2 Introduction 2.1 Gemalto Smart Card Overview Gemalto aims to provide FIPS140-2 Level 3 cryptographic smart cards. The cards are based on a Gemalto Open OS Platform and on which FIPS 140-2 L3 validated platform-independent applets may be loaded and instantiated at post issuance. As a basis the card provides authentication, encryption and digital signature cryptographic services. It is under the charge of the applets to be loaded and instantiated within the card to use in conformance with specifications the different services offered by the platform. Moreover, FIPS 140-2 L3 validation is required for the applets to be loaded and instantiated within the card in order to reach the FIPS 140-2 L3 compliance for the whole and composite product (i.e. platform plus post issued applets).Together, the card and applets provide authentication, encryption, and digital signature cryptographic services. This whole product, made up of the Gemalto platform and the applet suite is aimed to reach FIPS 140-2 L3 compliance. However, the present document is only dedicated and focused to the Gemalto TOP DL V2 platform part without any installed applet or package other than the Issuer Security Domain (ISD) and Supplementary Security Domain (SSD or SD) if any. This security policy specifies the security rules under which the Java Card TOP DL V2 (cryptographic module) platform operates. 2.2 Gemalto Smart Card Open Platform The cryptographic module is a state of the art Java Open Platform-based smart card. This highly secure platform benefits from all the Gemalto expertise in Java Card security, and provides FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms and self-tests. This cryptographic module uses a state of the art manufacturing flow in terms of security and provides applets with memory, cryptographic and I/O services. The cryptographic module ensures on-card applets safe coexistence thanks to its Virtual Machine (VM) and firewall. The Java VM is fully compliant with the Java Card standard [7]. The card life cycle is managed according to the Global Platform (GP) specification The security implementation is fully compliant with the Global Platform (GP) specification [4][12]. The cryptographic module integrates symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms as specified in the Java Card specification [5] and offers RSA & ECDSA for Signature/Verification, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 hashing functions, on-board RSA Key generation, on-board ECC key generation, Triple-DES CBC and ECB , AES ECB and CBC and CMAC algorithms. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 9 2.3 Security Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to FIPS140-2 Level 3. The individual security requirements meet the level specifications as follows. Security Requirements Section Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 Table 1 – FIPS 140-2 Security Levels TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 10 3 Cryptographic Module Specification 3.1 Gemalto Crypto-Module Cryptographic Boundary The Cryptographic Boundary is defined to be the ‘module edge’ of the TOP DL V2 referred to hereafter as the Micro Module, a set of “embedded” hardware and software that implements cryptographic functions and processes, including cryptographic algorithms and key generation. TOP DL V2 – Micro-Module is a single chip implementation of a cryptographic module. The micro-module is designed to be embedded in a plastic card body to provide an ISO-7816 [9] compliant smart card. The Cryptographic Module provides dual interfaces (i.e. contact and contact-less) where the same security level is achieved. Depending on the market and the end-customer requirements, PK support (i.e. PK enabled or PK disabled) and Secure Channel Protocol can be configured during the manufacturing in order to answer as precisely possible to the market and the end-customer requirements: - CONFIGURATION 1: The product is initialized in dual interface mode; it means that both contact and contact-less mode are operated, with FIPS PK self-tests and PK services enabled. The secure channel protocol is based on AES keys : GP-SCP03-00 (option i=00 as per GP specification [12]).. - CONFIGURATION 2: The product is initialized in dual interface mode; it means that both contact and contact-less mode are operated, with FIPS PK self-tests and PK services enabled. The secure channel protocol is based on AES keys : GP-SCP03-10 (option i=10 as per GP specification [12]) - CONFIGURATION 3: The product is initialized in dual interface mode; it means that both contact and contact-less mode are operated, with FIPS PK self-tests and PK services enabled. The secure channel protocol is based on Triple-DES : GP-SCP01 The following table gives an overview of those 3 different configurations regarding SCP (Secure Channel Protocol) support. SCP (Secure Channel Protocol) CONFIGURATION 1 SCP03-00 CONFIGURATION 2 SCP03-10 CONFIGURATION 3 SCP01 Table 2 –SCP support configurations During the Gemalto manufacturing process, the chip (ICC) is wire-bonded on the inner side of a contact plate, then globe-topped with resin. The resulting Micro-Module meets the physical security requirements of FIPS140-2 Level 3. The contact-less antenna is not within the cryptographic boundaries of the module. All the components of the TOP DL V2 – Micro-Module that are included in the cryptographic module boundaries, are those as shown in the following figure: TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 11 HARDWARE RNG RAM Cryptographic processors CPU Hardware Security EEPROM ROM JKERNEL Card Factory API VM JCRE OPEN CRYPTO MEMORY MANAGER COM DRIVERS RESET MEM COM SEC CRY Figure 1- Cryptographic Module Boundary The following sections provide a description of the different entities presented in this scheme. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 12 3.2 ROM The chip’s ROM includes the TOP DL V2 Operating System (OS) meaning that the OS is protected against disclosure and modification. Some applets are present in the ROM code. However, the applets are to be independently validated for FIPS 140-2 compliance and this is not the scope of this security policy that is only focused on the Java Card Platform. The cryptographic module is implemented using a high level language, a limited number of software modules that require fast processing have been written in a low-level language. This OS includes the following design entities: Design item Functionality JKERNEL layer The Jkernel sub-system provides a Java Card-oriented environment for the Applications sub-system, including: - (JCRE) the Java Card [6] runtime environment including OS dispatcher, registry, loader, logical channel management, RMI. - (API) the public JC API: JavaCard [5] and other optional APIs (e.g. proprietary…). - (VM) the virtual machine, Java Card standard [7], including byte code interpreter, firewall, exception management, VM extension for byte code optimizer. - (OPEN) the Global Platform environment [4] [12] including card content management, key management, card and applet life cycle management, security policy. - (Card Factory) the Card Factory, including OS bootstrap, OS initialization, self-tests, industrialization command. - (MEMORY MANAGER) the Memory Manager including services such as memory access, allocation, delete, GC. - (COM) the Communication handler including services, such as ATR, PSS, T=0, T=1, T=CL. - (CRYPTO) the Cryptography engines including services such as Triple-DES (ECB, CBC), hash functions (SHA), RSA (including paddings such as PKCS), ECC, on-board key generation (RSA, ECC), AES (ECB, CBC), CMAC. DRIVERS layer The drivers layer provides the following services: - (RESET) OS startup and chip initialization, IT/exception vectors, MMU/banking configuration… - (MEM) memory module including NVM access, atomicity and transaction management… - (COM) communication module including IO exchanges, timing control… - (SEC) security module including counter-measures and fault attack management, CRC, RNG… - (CRY) Cryptography module including basic algorithms such as Triple-DES, AES, SHA, RSA, ECC Table 3 – ROM – content description TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 13 3.3 EEPROM – Applets The chip’s EEPROM can store applets. However, in order to remain FIPS 140-2 L3 validated for the resulting TOP DL V2 with subsequently instantiated applets, those applets would have to be FIPS 140-2 L3 validated independently and are not tested as part of this validation. As such, these applets are outside the scope of this Security Policy that only focuses on the Java Card platform. 3.4 Hardware Chip The cryptographic module includes the 66CLX1280PEM chip from Infineon. It includes: ƒ EEPROM 128 KB ƒ ROM 240KB ƒ XRAM 6KB ƒ Active shield ƒ Hardware and enhanced security sensors ƒ Memory Security for XRAM, EEPROM and ROM. ƒ Memory Management and Protection Unit through MMU, ƒ Random Generator, ƒ Cryptographic coprocessor ƒ Hardware high speed 16bits CRC. ƒ Both contact and contact-less interfaces. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 14 3.5 FIPS Approved Security Functions The following table gives the list of FIPS approved security functions that are provided by the TOP DL V2 Java Card API. SECURITY FUNCTION DETAILS FIPS APPROVED ECB mode in encryption Yes ECB mode in decryption Yes CBC mode in encryption Yes Triple-DES CBC mode in decryption Yes SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA- 384, SHA-512 Hashing operation Yes ECFP Key pair generation following X9.62 Yes Signature following X9.62 with SHA-1 hashing Yes ECDSA (P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521) Verification following X9.62 with SHA-1 hashing Yes Key generation No Signature following PKCS#1with SHA-1 hashing Yes RSA Verification following PKCS#1with SHA-1 hashing Yes P-RNG Pseudo Random Number Generation following X9.17 Yes ECB mode in encryption Yes ECB mode in decryption Yes CBC mode in encryption Yes AES CBC mode in decryption Yes CMAC Mode for authentication Yes Table 4 – FIPS Approved Security Functions Additional cryptographic algorithms: The following algorithms are part of the JavaCard 3.0.1 specification: SECURITY FUNCTION DETAILS FIPS APPROVED Signature following X9.62 with SHA-256 / SHA-384 / SHA- 512 hashing Yes ECDSA (P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521) Verification following X9.62 with SHA-256 / SHA-384 / SHA- 512 hashing Yes Table 5 – Additional Security Functions TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 15 4 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The TOP DL V2 – Micro-Module restricts all information flow and physical access. Physical and logical interfaces define all entry and exit points to and from the micro module. 4.1 Physical Port – Contact mode 4.1.1 PIN assignments and contact dimensions: TOP DL V2 – Micro-Module follows the standards ”ISO 7816-1 Physical characteristics” [9] and ”ISO 7816-2 Dimensions and contact location” [9]. C2 C3 C4 C1 C6 C7 C8 C5 LA LB Figure 2 - Contact plate example – Contact physical interface Contact No. Assignments Contact No. Assignments C1 VCC (Supply voltage) C5 GND (Ground) C2 RST (Reset signal) C6 Not connected C3 CLK (Clock signal) C7 I/O (Data Input/Output) C4 Not connected C8 Not connected Table 6 - Contact plate pin list – Contact mode 4.1.2 Conditions of use The electrical signals and transmission protocols follow the ISO 7816-3 [9]. Conditions Range Voltage 1,62 V and 5.5 V Frequency 1 MHz to 7,5 MHz Table 7 - Voltage and frequency ranges TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 16 4.2 Physical Port – Contact-less mode 4.2.1 Contacts assignments In the contact-less mode the TOP DL V2 cryptographic module follows the standard “ISO 14443 RF Interface” [11] and only uses two connections that are physically different and distinct from the connections used in the contact mode. Those electrical connections, LA and LB, are placed on the module backside and are used to connect an external antenna loop C2 C3 C4 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 LA LB Figure 3 - Contact plate example - Contact-less antenna contacts Contact No. Assignments Contact No. Assignments LA Antenna coil connection LB Antenna coil connection Table 8- Contact plate pin list – Contact-less mode 4.2.2 Condition of uses The radiofrequences and transmission protocols follow the “ISO 14443 RF Interface” [11]. Conditions Range Supported bitrate 106 Kbits/s, 212 Kbits/s, 424 Kbits/s and 848 Kbits/s Frequency 13.56 MHz Table 9 - Voltage and frequency ranges TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 17 4.2.3 Picture – Dual Mode Thermal black resin process, contact and contactless technology WORLD module dual interface design Thermal black resin Technology 4.3 Logical Interface TOP DL V2 – Micro-Module provides services to both external devices and internal applets with services. External devices have access to services by sending APDU commands while internal applets have access to services through internal API entry points. For security reasons, TOP DL V2 – Micro-Module inhibits all data output via the data output interface when an error state is reached and during self-tests. 4.3.1 APDU commands The data exchange protocol between the cryptographic module and an outside device follows the ISO 7816- 4 [9] standard. The cryptographic module acts as a slave device, receiving and executing APDU commands from outside devices. The cryptographic module receives APDU commands, performs the related internal processes according to its security policy, and then answers with APDU responses. An APDU command consists of a mandatory command header of four bytes conditionally followed by a command body (Input Data). The response APDU consists of a conditional response body followed by a mandatory response trailer of two bytes. ISO APDU Types 1, 2, 3 and 4 are supported. ISO Command Type Description Type 1 – ISO command No input data, no response data Type 2 – ISO “Out” command No input data, response data Type 3 – ISO “In” command Input data, no response data Type 4 – ISO “In” and “Out” command Input data, response data Table 10 - Accepted ISO APDU types The cryptographic module enforces the establishment and use of a secure path for exchanging sensitive data with an external device. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 18 4.3.2 API interface TOP DL V2 – Micro-Module provides trusted applets with internal services through its JavaCard [5] and GP[4] APIs. The cryptographic module provides an execution sandbox for the applets and performs the requested services according to its roles and services security policy. Internal applets are not part of this validation; however, the JavaCard API and services are defined in the following section for informational purposes. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 19 5 Roles, Services and Authentication Roles, Services and Authentication This section specifies the roles, security rules, services, and Security Relevant Data Items (SRDI) of the cryptographic module. The Identification and Authentication Policy, and the Access Control Policy define the interrelationships between roles, identities, through the services and security rules. The services that are provided by the cryptographic module are listed in the subsection labeled "SERVICES" in the Access Control Policy description. The Cryptographic module introduces particular user classification. The external boundaries of the cryptographic module allow applets to use it. Thus, the communication between the cryptographic module and outside is not restricted to APDU communication. Actually, applets can interact with the cryptographic module by using Java interfaces (methods or object references). Some of these interfaces are identity-based services and require authentication. Some are not. 5.1 Identification and Authentication Policy 5.1.1 Introduction This section is dedicated to our identity-based authentication policy, and the related security rules of the mechanism interfaces and SRDI. 5.1.2 Identity based authentication policy In order to describe our authentication policy we introduce the following diagram. It shows the links between the different roles, and helps rationalization of a complete trust chain. Both off-card and on-card entities are represented. The following table describes the two roles associated to the Cryptographic Module: Cryptographic Officer Role Description Cryptographic Officer Cryptographic Officer is considered as the smart card administrator of the Issuer Security Domain (ISD) and the Supplementary Securiy Domains (SSD). The Cryptographic Officer has possession of the Secure Channel keyset stored within the Security Domain (ISD and SSD if any). User Role Description User User is considered as an entity which has possession of the secure channel keyset and can request services provided by either the Issuer Security Domain or a dedicated Security Domain on the card. User authenticates in the same way as a Cryptographic Officer. Maintenance Role Description None Table 11 - Role profile definitions TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 20 Each role is assumed implicitly as the module does not provide for explicit role selection. The services provided by the module to each role is specified in the table below Roles/Services Crypto Officer role Authenticated User role Authenticated No role Unauthenticated INSTALL Χ Χ LOAD Χ Χ DELETE Χ Χ EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE Χ Χ Χ GET DATA Χ Χ Χ GET STATUS Χ Χ INITIALIZE UPDATE Χ Χ Χ PUT DATA Χ Χ PUT KEY Χ Χ SELECT Χ Χ Χ SET STATUS Χ Χ STORE DATA Χ Χ SET ATR Χ Χ GET MEMORY SPACE Χ Χ MANAGE CHANNEL Χ Χ Χ Table 12- Issuer Security Domain services Vs Roles An operator can initiate module self-tests by issuing a card reset and issuing an APDU command. A user can also retrieve the module ATR on card power-up TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 21 5.1.3 Mechanism interfaces The following table describes the mechanisms for identity authentication: Interface Description INITIALIZE UPDATE APDU This APDU command initiates the setting up of a secure channel. The card generates the session keys and exchanges data with the host. EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE APDU This APDU command is used by the card to authenticate the host and to determine the level of security required for all subsequent commands. A previous and successful execution of the INITIALIZE UPDATE command is necessary prior to processing this command. Table 13 - Mechanism interfaces 5.1.4 Security rules The following table presents the security rules applied to these mechanisms: Rule Identifier Description IA_PIN_RULE.1 It is not possible to get authenticated through the PIN authentication mechanism if the authorized number of attempts is reached. IA_PIN_RULE.2 It is not possible to get authenticated through the PIN authentication mechanism if the PIN is corrupted. ia_co_rule.1 The Cryptographic Officer cannot get authenticated if the authorized number of attempts is reached. ia_co_rule.2 The Cryptographic Officer must be re-authenticated if the card is reset. ia_co_rule.3 The Cryptographic Officer must be re-authenticated if the cryptographic module detects APDU communication corruption. Table 14 - Security rules TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 22 5.1.5 Mechanism strengths The strength of the mechanism used for GP authentication depends on the Secure Channel Protocol: SCP01 or SCP03. For Configuration 1 and 2 (SCP03), the strength of GP mutual authentication relies on AES key length: - ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ 256 2 1 for AES 32-byte-long keys (default); - ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ 128 2 1 for AES 16-byte-long keys; For Configuration 3 (SCP01), the strength of GP mutual authentication: ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ 112 2 1 5.2 Access Control Policy 5.2.1 Introduction This chapter is dedicated to access control security rules. Some services provided by the cryptographic module are subject to privileges. Privileges can be obtained by construction (for example at applet initialization) or by being identified as a privileged user. ƒ The PIN can only be managed by the applet that owns this PIN. ƒ The administrative commands are restricted: these APDU commands can be used only in a secure channel (session). A secure channel is open when the card user has been authenticated through the GP mechanism as being the owner of the Cryptographic Officer secrets. The secure channel is closed if the card is reset or if the system closes it. ƒ The Java objects created by the applets are protected by the Firewall mechanism of the JCRE. The rules that are applied to Java object accesses are specified in the JCRE specification [5]. The firewall is a means of protecting applet information. ƒ The Cryptographic Officer can manage loaded applets life cycle state (Issuer Security Domain applet included). It ensures that the proposed transitions are coherent with the GP specification. An applet can manage its own life cycle state under the same conditions. An additional condition is imposed to applets that attempt to change the Issuer Security Domain life cycle state: they must have the privilege for Card life cycle management. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 23 5.2.2 Services The rules are applied to all the following service interfaces. (The service interfaces have been grouped according to the role to which they provide a service.) Interface Service Description DELETE – APDU This APDU is used to delete a uniquely identifiable object such as an Executable Load File, an application, optionally an Executable Load File and its related Applications or a key. EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE – APDU This APDU command is used by the card to authenticate the host and to determine the level of security required for all subsequent commands. A previous and successful execution of the INITIALIZE UPDATE command is necessary prior to processing this command. GET DATA – APDU This APDU command is used to retrieve a single data object. GET STATUS – APDU This APDU command is used to retrieve the Issuer Security Domain, load file (package), and application life cycle data specific to the GP specification. INITIALIZE UPDATE – APDU This APDU command initiates the setting up of a secure channel. The card generates the session keys and exchanges data with the host. INSTALL – APDU This APDU command informs the card of the various steps required to load, install and make an applet selectable within the card. LOAD – APDU One or more LOAD commands are used to load the byte code of the load file (package) defined in the previously issued INSTALL command to the card. MANAGE CHANNEL - APDU This command is used to open and close supplementary logical channels. PUT DATA – APDU This APDU command is used to set the value of the various data elements used and managed by the Issuer Security Domain (deprecated OP command) PUT KEY – APDU This APDU is used to: 1. Replace a single or multiple keys within an existing key set version; 2. Replace an existing key set version with a new key version; 3. Add a new key set version containing a single or multiple keys Key value is encrypted. SELECT – APDU This APDU command is used for selecting an application (Issuer Security Domain, Security Domain or applet instance).. SET STATUS – APDU This APDU command is used to change the state of a Security Domain (ISD / SD) or to change the life cycle state of an application. STORE DATA – APDU This APDU command is used to transfer data to an application or the security domain (ISD / SD) processing the command. Table 15 - Cryptographic officer accorded interfaces and services TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 24 Interface Service Description EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE – APDU This APDU command is used by the card to authenticate the host and to determine the level of security required for all subsequent commands. A previous and successful execution of the INITIALIZE UPDATE command is necessary prior to processing this command. GET DATA – APDU This APDU command is used to retrieve a single data object. INITIALIZE UPDATE – APDU This APDU command initiates the setting up of a secure channel. The card generates the session keys and exchanges data with the host. MANAGE CHANNEL - APDU This command is used to open and close supplementary logical channels. SELECT – APDU This APDU command is used for selecting an application (Issuer Security Domain, Security Domain or applet instance). Table 16 – Unauthenticated role accorded interfaces and services Cryptographic officer role Authenticated User role Authenticated User role Unauthenticated DELETE X X EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE X X X GET DATA X X X GET STATUS X X INITIALIZE UPDATE X X X INSTALL X X LOAD X X MANAGE CHANNEL X X X PUT DATA X X PUT KEY X X SELECT X X X SET STATUS X X STORE DATA X X DAP VERIFICATION X Table 17 – Authenticated and unauthenticated role accorded interfaces and services Regarding the applet allowed interfaces; those interfaces are this API defined in [5] and [4] TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 25 5.2.3 Security rules The following table presents the security rules applied: Rule Identifier Description ac_co_rule.1 Administrative commands can only be used by the Cryptographic Officer. ac_java_rule.1 JCRE firewall checks are enforced by the cryptographic module to ensure Java object protection. ac_life_rule.1 The Card Life Cycle Manager and the Cryptographic Officer are responsible for locking and terminating the Issuer Security Domain life cycle state. ac_life_rule.2 An applet is responsible for managing its own life cycle state, in accordance with the GP specification. ac_life_rule.3 The Cryptographic Officer is responsible for managing the life cycle state of any applet (including system applets), in accordance with the GP specification. Table 18 - Security rules 5.3 Additional Gemalto Security Rules The following rules apply in addition to the FIPS140-2 requirements. The cryptographic module: Rule Identifier Description AD_RULE.1 Does not input/output plain-text private/secret keys or other critical security parameters. AD_RULE.2 Does not support a multiple concurrent operators. AD_RULE.3 Does not support a bypass mode. AD_RULE.4 Does not provide a maintenance role/interface. AD_RULE.5 Requires re-authentication when changing roles. AD_RULE.6 Does not allow the loading of Software/Firmware - only applets. Table 19 - Gemalto additional security rules TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 26 5.4 Security Relevant Data Item The Security Relevant Data Items (SRDIs) of the cryptographic module are the following: ƒ GP key set of a Security Domain (ISD/SD) ƒ Secure channel session key ƒ DRNG seed and DRNG key ƒ RSA public key for DAP verification The following table proposes an association between the services or authentication mechanisms (the interface name is provided) and the SRDI they access. The access types are labeled as follows: ƒ ƒ W: write access ƒ U: the value is not explicitly read, but used within the scope of a comparison or computation process Interface SRDI Access type DELETE Secure channel session keys U EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE GP key set of a Security Domain (ISD/SD) Secure channel session leys U U GET STATUS Secure channel session keys U INITIALIZE UPDATE Secure channel session keys U INSTALL Secure channel session keys U LOAD Secure channel session keys U PUT DATA Secure channel session keys U PUT KEY [TRIPLE-DES, AES] GP key set of a Security Domain (ISD/SD) Secure channel session leys W U PUT KEY [RSA] RSA public key for DAP verification W U SET STATUS Secure channel session keys U STORE DATA Secure channel session keys U Table 20 - Security Relevant Data Items TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 27 6 Finite State Model The TOP DL V2 is designed using a finite state machine model that explicitly specifies every operational and error state. The cryptographic module includes Power on/off states, Cryptographic Officer states, User services states, applet loading states, Key/PIN loading states, Self-test states, Error states, and the GP life cycle states. An additional document (Finite State Machine document) identifies and describes all the states of the module including all corresponding state transitions. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 28 7 Physical Security The TOP DL V2 single chip module is designed to meet the FIPS140-2 level 3 Physical Security requirements. 7.1 Manufacturing Process The manufacturing process consist of wire bonding the ICC over printed circuit plate providing ISO contacts and sealing the chip and wires in a ‘glue globe’: - Opaque black hard epoxy coating polymerized with temperature Any mechanical attack attempting to extract the chip from the micro-module results in damaging the chip so that it cannot work anymore. Furthermore, attempts to attack the chip or micro-module will result in signs of tampering such as scratches and deformation. The module is designed for embedding in a plastic card body for Smart Card manufacturing. 7.2 Hardware Security Mechanisms Though not tested as part of the module’s FIPS 140-2 validation conformance testing, the embedded 66CLX1280PEM chip from Infineon provides the cryptographic module with hardware security mechanisms such as probing detection, low frequency, high temperature, light intensity and supply voltage monitoring. The chip reacts to a light attack, temperature range exceeded, low/high clock frequency, and low/high power supply voltage by resetting the cryptographic module. Any unprotected sensitive data are lost. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 29 8 Operational Environment This section does not apply to TOP DL V2. No code modifying the behavior of the cryptographic module operating system can be added after its manufacturing process. Only authorized applets can be loaded at post-issuance under control of the Cryptographic Officer. Their execution is controlled by the cryptographic module operating system following its security policy rules. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 30 9 Cryptographic Key Management 9.1 Issuer Security Domain Keys The cryptographic module implements GP[4] & GP[12] specifications. The card Issuer Security Domain includes key sets for card administration purposes. These key sets are used to establish a secure communication between the Issuer Security Domain applet and the Cryptographic Officer. When the Issuer Security Domain is the selected applet, all commands besides those required to set up the secure channel must be performed within a secure channel. The one exception to this rule relates to the GET DATA APDU command that can be issued to the Issuer Security Domain without first setting up a secure channel. The card life cycle state determines which modes are available for the secure channel. In the SECURED card life cycle state, all command data must be secured by at least a MAC. As specified in the GP specification, there exist earlier states (before card issuance) in which a MAC might not be necessary to send Issuer Security Domain commands. The key set associated with the secure channel is such that: Secure Channel Protocol is either SCP01 or SCP03 [4][12], depending on configuration (see Table 2 –SCP support configurations): SCP01 uses Triple-DES keys 16 bytes: ƒ All Triple-DES keys are double length keys (16 bytes), ƒ All Triple-DES operations are performed using triple DES encryption or decryption. ƒ All MAC generations are computed on 8 bytes. SCP03 uses AES keys 16 or 32 bytes ƒ All AES operations are performed using AES encryption or decryption. ƒ All MAC generations are computed on 16 bytes. Key sets are identified by Key Version Numbers (‘01’ to ‘7F’). The keys within a key set version are used to derive secure channel session keys for the following functionalities: ƒ Secure Channel Encryption (S-Enc) is used for secure channel authentication and encryption. ƒ Secure Channel Message Authentication Code Key (S-Mac) is used for secure channel MAC verification. ƒ Data Encryption Key (DEK) is used for sensitive data encryption. 9.2 Application provider Security Domain Keys As the Issuer Security Domain is the on-card representative of the Card Issuer, an Application Provider Security Domain, or simply a Security Domain, is the on-card representative of an Application Provider. Applets may rely on a Security Domain different from the Issuer Security Domain and use keys of various types through the cryptographic services of the module: Triple-DES keys, AES keys, RSA public and private keys, RSA Chinese Remainder public and private keys, and ECDSA public and private keys. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 31 In addition, a Public RSA key (1024 bits) may be loaded into the module, to verify the Data Authentication Pattern (DAP) when loading an applet. This feature is only available in a Security Domain with DAP verification privilege. For more detail, see GP[4] specification. Applet key management is out of the scope of this security policy. 9.3 Key Generation The cryptographic module on-board key generation is able to generate ECDSA key, RSA key and RSA Chinese Remainder Keys. This functionality is available to on-board applets only, which are not part of this validation. 9.4 Key Entry Keys are entered in the cryptographic module using the PUT KEY APDU command and under the responsibility of the applets. Non-system applets are out of the scope of this Security Policy. The Issuer Security Domain or a Security Domain enforces entering cryptographic symmetric keys securely within a secure channel. The Cryptographic Officer (of the Card Issuer) sends the PUT KEY APDU command to: ƒ Replace multiple keys within an existing key set version. ƒ Replace an existing key set version with a new key set version. ƒ Add a new key set version containing multiple key(s). The Security Domain key set already present within the cryptographic module is the default key set. If this key set version is replaced, the replacement becomes the default. The User (of the Application Provider) sends the PUT KEY APDU command to: ƒ Add a RSA public key for DAP verification. 9.4.1 Input Data While the key set structure can be presented to the card in encrypted form or in plaintext, the key values are always encrypted with the Data Encryption Key. The key set structure includes a check value for each key in order to ensure their integrity. 9.5 Key Storage Keys are protected against unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized modification, and unauthorized substitution. Secret and private keys are Java objects. As a consequence, they are protected by the firewall from illegal access. An applet that owns a key is responsible for not sharing it. The Java inheritance mechanism ensures that a created Java object such as a key belongs to its owner, that is an applet and its execution context. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 32 The cryptographic module stores key components according to the key type. KEY TYPE KEY COMPONENT Triple-DES keys Key value component AES keys Key value component RSA keys Public exponent e component Modulus N component Private exponent d component ECDSA Private scalar d RSA Keys CRT Chinese Remainder P component Chinese Remainder Q component Chinese Remainder PQ component Chinese Remainder DP1 component Chinese Remainder DQ1 component Table 21 - Key types and components mapping table The PIN is a critical security parameter that is a java object and is stored encrypted. 9.6 Key Zeroization The cryptographic module provides applets with the capability to set all plaintext cryptographic keys and other unprotected critical security parameters within the module to zero. All CSPs, including the GP key set, Secure channel session key, DRNG seed and DRNG key, and RSA public key can be zeroized by setting the card state to TERMINATED. 10 EMI/EMC The TOP DL V2 cryptographic module has been tested to meet the EMI/EMC requirements specified in FCC Part 15 Subpart J, Class B. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 33 11 Self Tests The TOP DL V2 performs the following self-tests to ensure that the module works properly. SELF-TESTS EXECUTION Cryptographic algorithm test (Known-answer tests for Triple-DES, AES, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, RSA, ECDSA) At Power-Up Software/firmware integrity test. At Power-Up Pseudo Random Number Generator test. (Known-Answer Test for P-RNG output) At Power-Up Pair-wise consistency test (RSA On Board key Generation and EC Key Generation) Conditional Software load test. Conditional Continuous random number generator test. Conditional Table 22 - Self-tests list 11.1 Self-Test Execution After TOP DL V2 is powered up and before executing any APDU commands, the module enters the self-test state and performs all cryptographic algorithm and software integrity self-tests as specified in FIPS 140-2 standard [1]. The cryptographic module start-up process has been designed in such a way that it cannot be bypassed. This enforces the execution of self-tests before allowing any use and administration of the module, thus guaranteeing a secure execution of the module cryptographic services. If these self-tests are passed successfully, incoming APDUs are processed. All data output via the output interface are inhibited while any power-up and conditional self-test is running. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 34 11.2 Self-Test Failure No cryptographic operations can be processed and no data can be output via the data output interface, while in the error state. If an error occurs during the SW load self-test, an error code is returned via the status interface and the secure channel is closed (loading is aborted). If an error occurs during another self-test, the card enters a state where no more command can be performed. The behavior of the card depends on error: - Severity level 1 error: • integrity test, internal error counter is incremented, the card returns an error status before becoming mute. - Severity level 2 error: • cryptographic algorithms tests, internal error counter is incremented, the card returns an error status before becoming mute. • conditional self-tests (DRNG continuous test and pair wise consistency test), internal error counter is incremented, the card returns an error status before becoming mute. An error while loading an applet closes the secure channel with the Issuer Security Domain. It shall be re- opened, to retry applet loading: the Cryptographic Officer has to be re-authenticated. Other errors require resetting the card. 12 Mitigation of other attacks The TOP DL V2 has been designed to mitigate the following attacks: - Timing Attacks, - Differential Power Analysis, - Simple Power Analysis, - Electromagnetic Analysis, - Fault Attack. - Card Tearing A separate and proprietary document describes the mitigation of attacks policy provided by the TOP DL V2 platform. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 35 13 Appendix A – GP Specification This chapter provides relationships between the cryptographic module APDU commands and the GP specifications. APDU COMMAND DOCUMENTATION: GLOBAL PLATFORM SPECIFICATION GP211 [4] OR GP22 [12]. DELETE CHAPTER 9 SECTION 2 EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE APPENDIX D SECTION 4 (SCP 01) EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE CHAPTER 7 SECTION 1 (SCP 03 – GP22) GET DATA CHAPTER 9 SECTION 3 GET STATUS CHAPTER 9 SECTION 4 INITIALIZE UPDATE APPENDIX D SECTION 4 (SCP 01) INITIALIZE UPDATE CHAPTER 7 SECTION 1 (SCP 03 – GP22) INSTALL CHAPTER 9 SECTION 5 LOAD CHAPTER 9 SECTION 6 MANAGE CHANNEL CHAPTER 9 SECTION 7 PUT DATA CHAPTER 4 SECTION 12 (OP 2.0.1’ SPECIFICATION) PUT KEY CHAPTER 9 SECTION 8 PUT KEY CHAPTER 7 SECTION 2 (AES KEYS – GP22) SELECT CHAPTER 9 SECTION 9 SET STATUS CHAPTER 9 SECTION 10 STORE DATA CHAPTER 9 SECTION 11 Table 23 - Relationships between APDU commands and GP Specifications The constraints of use for each APDU commands are described in subsection 1 “Definition and scope”. The correct values of the APDU parameters (P1, P2, LC, and LE) are described in subsection 2 “Command message”. The conditions of use of the APDU commands correspond to the authorized sequences of APDU commands. TOP DL V2 Security Policy This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety (Copyright GEMALTO Group) 36 14 Appendix B – Identification and FIPS mode : 1. CPLC data element can be read with a Get Data command (tag 9F7Fh): In the FIPS mode, the first 6 bytes of the CPLC data (tag 9F 7Fh) must be : IC Fabricator – 40 90h IC Type – 61 28h Operating System Identifier: 12 91h Operating System release level: 01 00h These values identify clearly: The Firmware version: Build#11 - M1005011 + Softmask V03 and the Part (Hardware version): A1023378 of the validated module. 2. The flow Identification byte must be 1x value to indicate FIPS configuration. x depends on the SCP configuration of the card (x = 11h for SCP01, x = 13h for SCP03-00 and x = 17h for SCP03-10) This byte can be retrieved issuing a Get Data using tag 01 01h. The tag 01 01h can be broken down as follow: Card serial number: 8 bytes Reserved bytes: 3 bytes Flow identification: 1 byte Reserved bytes: 4 bytes 3. A card in FIPS configuration must have following historical bytes T5-T9 in the ATR : T5 = FMN B0h Gemalto Family Name – JavaCard financial/e-business T6 = PRN 83h Gemalto Product Name – TOP DL V2 T7 = OSV 11h Gemalto OS Version – TOP DL V2 T8 = PRV 1xh Gemalto Program Version or Custom – Flow ID byte T9 = CID E5h Gemalto Chip Identifier – Infineon SLE66CLX1280PE “SECURED” must be the required state for card delivery outside Gemalto. The CO must check the state to ensure it is OP_SECURED to be in FIPS mode. If card state is not OP_SECURED both CO and User must open secure channel in at least MAC mode. - END OF DOCUMENT -