Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 1 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). FEITIAN Technologies Co., LTD FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module Non-Proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Document Version: V1.0 Date: April 27, 2021 Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 2 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table of Contents 1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................4 1.1 Module Description and Cryptographic Boundary ......................................................................5 1.2 Mode of Operation.......................................................................................................................6 1.2.1 Non-Approved mode ......................................................................................................................7 2 Cryptographic Functionality.............................................................................................7 2.1 Critical Security Parameters.........................................................................................................9 2.2 Public Keys................................................................................................................................... 12 3 Roles, Authentication and Services................................................................................13 3.1 Assumption of Roles.................................................................................................................. 13 3.2 Authentication Methods ........................................................................................................... 13 3.3 Services...................................................................................................................................... 14 4 Self-tests........................................................................................................................19 5 Physical Security Policy..................................................................................................19 6 Operational Environment ..............................................................................................19 7 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy.................................................................................20 8 Security Rules and Guidance..........................................................................................20 9 References and Definitions............................................................................................21 Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 3 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). List of Tables Table 1 – Cryptographic Module Configurations..........................................................................................4 Table 2 – Security Level of Security Requirements.......................................................................................4 Table 3 – Ports and Interfaces ...................................................................................................................... 6 Table 4 – Approved Algorithms .................................................................................................................... 7 Table 5 – Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions ..................................................................8 Table 6 – Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions available in Non-Approved Mode only.........................8 Table 7 – Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) ..............................................................................................9 Table 8 – Public Keys................................................................................................................................... 12 Table 9 – Roles Description......................................................................................................................... 13 Table 10 – Authentication mechanisms......................................................................................................14 Table 11 – Authenticated Services..............................................................................................................14 Table 12 – Unauthenticated services..........................................................................................................15 Table 13 – FIDO2 command format............................................................................................................16 Table 14 – FIDO2 response format .............................................................................................................16 Table 15 – APDU Command format............................................................................................................16 Table 16 – APDU response format..............................................................................................................16 Table 17 – Security Parameters Access by Service .....................................................................................18 Table 18 – References................................................................................................................................. 21 Table 19 – Acronyms and Definitions .........................................................................................................22 Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 4 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1 Introduction This document defines the Security Policy for the FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module, hereafter denoted the Module. The FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module is built on FIDO2 and U2F specifications which are issued and promoted by the FIDO Alliance to drive and enable a real password-less multi- factor authentication. The module does not implement any of the biometric features or store any biometric data, but instead communicates with an external fingerprint module within the FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key fob. For enterprises who use passwords today and have a shared PC environment, security keys for Windows Hello provide a more seamless way for employees to authenticate without entering a username or password. Unlike passwords, using a security hardware device equipped with FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module will provide lower IT management costs, improved productivity, enhanced security, and privacy for both employees and employers. Table 1 – Cryptographic Module Configurations Module HW P/N and Version FW Version 1 FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module Z32HUB 1.0.03 The Module is intended for use by US Federal agencies or other markets that require FIPS 140-2 validated FIDO Authenticator. The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the Module are as follows: Table 2 – Security Level of Security Requirements Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 2 Design Assurance 2 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall 2 Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 5 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1.1 Module Description and Cryptographic Boundary The Module is a single-chip embodiment. The cryptographic boundary is defined as the outer perimeter of the IC as shown in Figure 1. The physical form of the module is depicted in Figure 1. The FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module is a hardware type module with a single-chip embodiment that meets overall level 2 FIPS 140-2 requirements. The module consists of two major components, a 32-bit Integrated Circuit (IC) and a COS. The cryptographic boundary of FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module is the outer IC packaging, which encompasses all module components. The physical ports provided by the module are shown on the right in Figure 1. It should be noted that although the module provides 32 physical pins, only 8 pins are enabled. The module’s pins are described in Table 3. Figure 1 – FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module (Top and Bottom) Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 6 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 3 – Ports and Interfaces Port/Pin Description Logical Interface Type VDD33 Provides power to the module Power in USBDP – USB D+ USBDM – USB D- Data transfer through USB Data in Data out Control in Status out USB_VDD33 Provides power to the module Power in GPIO8 RX, Serial port input, get data from fingerprint module (Biometric functionality not available in Approved mode) Data in Control in GPIO9 TX, Serial port output, send data to fingerprint module (Biometric functionality not available in Approved mode) Data out Status out GPIO1 Output to external red LED (Only used with biometric functionality, not available in Approved mode) Status out GPIO2 Output to external green LED Status out 1.2 Mode of Operation The Module supports an Approved and a non‐Approved mode of operation. The module can switch between Approved mode and non-Approved mode by the “Switch mode” service, which zeroizes all plaintext CSPs. In order to confirm the Approved mode of operation has been selected, the operator may invoke the “Get Device Information” service; the third byte of the return value specifies the mode of operation (0x01 for Approved and 0x00 for non-Approved). The operator must also update the CO PIN from its default value. Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 7 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1.2.1 Non-Approved Mode When configured for the non-Approved mode, no CO PIN or pinToken are supported and non-Approved security functions are available (Table 6). All biometric services (enrollment, remove enrollment, enum enrollment, etc.) are only available in the non-Approved mode, as well. Please see Section 3.3 for a full list of services available in the non-Approved mode. 2 Cryptographic Functionality The Module implements the FIPS Approved and Non-Approved but Allowed cryptographic functions listed in the tables below. Non-Approved cryptographic functions only available in the non-Approved mode of operation are specified in Table 6. Table 4 – Approved Algorithms Cert Algorithm Mode Description Functions/Caveats C1901 AES [197] ECB [38A] Key Sizes: 128, 256 Encrypt, Decrypt CMAC [38B] Key Sizes: 128, 256 Tag Len: 64, 128 Message Authentication VA CKG [133] [133] Section 6.1: Direct symmetric key generation using unmodified DRBG output Key Generation C1901 DRBG [90A] CTR Use_df AES-128 Deterministic Random Bit Generation Security Strength = 112 bits. Key strength is modified by available entropy. C1901 ECDSA [186] P-256 KeyGen P-256 SHA-256 SigGen C1901 HMAC [198] SHA-256 Key Size: 128, 256 Message Authentication; KDF Primitive VA KAS-SSC [56Ar3] ECDH using P-256 only Ephemeral Unified Key Establishment; Key Agreement Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 8 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Cert Algorithm Mode Description Functions/Caveats VA KDA [56Cr1] SHA-256 One-Step Key Derivation Function C1901 KTS [IG D.9] AES and CMAC AES-ECB w/ 128 or 256-bit keys with CMAC using 128 or 256-bit keys Key Transport (AES Cert.#C1901 and AES Cert. #C1901; key establishment methodology provides 128 or 256 bits of security strength) C1901 KTS [IG D.9] AES and HMAC AES-ECB w/ 128-bit keys with HMAC SHA-256 using 128 or 256-bit keys Key Transport (AES Cert.#C1901 and HMAC Cert. #C1901; key establishment methodology provides 128 bits of security strength) C1901 SHS [180] SHA-256 Message Digest Generation, Password Obfuscation Table 5 – Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions Algorithm Description NDRNG [Annex C] Non-Deterministic RNG; minimum of 8 bits per access. The NDRNG output is used to seed the FIPS Approved DRBG to a security strength of 112-bits. Table 6 – Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions available in Non-Approved Mode only Algorithm Description AES CBC mode (non-compliant) ECDH Non-SP800-56a-rev3 conformant ECDH KDF Non-compliant SHA-256 based KDF Triple-DES Triple-DES (non-compliant) Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 9 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2.1 Critical Security Parameters All CSPs used by the Module are described in this section. All usage of these CSPs by the Module (including all CSP lifecycle states) is described in the services detailed in Section 3.3. Table 7 – Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) CSP Usage Storage Generation Input Output Zeroization DRBG EI 128-bit entropy and 64bit nonce input collected from the NDRNG, used to derive the DRBG seed RAM plaintext Internally generated using the NDRNG No No Overwritten with new values after power cycle DRBG V Value Internal CTR_DRBG state value is used for SP 800-90A CTR_DRBG (consists of 128 bits) RAM plaintext Internally generated using the NDRNG No No Overwritten with new values after power cycle DRBG Key Value Internal CTR_DRBG state value is used for SP 800-90A CTR_DRBG (Consists of 128 bits) RAM plaintext Internally generated using the NDRNG No No Overwritten with new values after power cycle Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 10 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). CSP Usage Storage Generation Input Output Zeroization Agreeme nt ECC private key ECDH P-256 private key, used for ECDH Key agreement with client to get sharedSecret RAM plaintext Internally, using the DRBG during power on, ReFactory, Authenticat orClientPIN, Authenticat orAdminPIN, or Switch Mode service No No Overwritten with new values after power cycle U2F Device ECDSA private key ECDSA P-256 private key. Used for signature in U2F registration Flash ciphertext, encrypted by Managing Key Installed during production No No N/A - Encrypted by Managing Key FIDO2 device ECDSA private key ECDSA P-256 private key. Used for signature in FIDO2 registration Flash ciphertext, encrypted by managing key Installed during production No No N/A - Encrypted by Managing Key User ECDSA private key ECDSA P-256 private key. Used for signature in U2F and FIDO2 authentication Flash ciphertext, encrypted by managing key Internally using the DRBG and ECDSA Key Generation algorithm during U2F_Registr ation or FIDO2_ MakeCreden tial service Encrypted by Init_Keyenc & Init_keymac Encrypted by Init_Keyen c & Init_keyma c Zeroized by Switch Mode and ReFactory services Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 11 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). CSP Usage Storage Generation Input Output Zeroization Managin g Key 128-bit AES- ECB key, used to encrypt CSPs and keys Flash plaintext Generated during production using the DRBG, Switch Mode, or ReFactory service No No Overwritten in Switch Mode and ReFactory services Init_Keye nc 128-bit AES- ECB key, used for encrypting the User ECDSA Private key info generated and returned to server by U2F and FIDO2 Flash ciphertext, encrypted by managing key Internally, using the DRBG during production, Switch Mode, or ReFactory service No No Overwritten in Switch Mode and ReFactory services Init_key mac AES128-CMAC (U2F) and SHA256- HMAC (FIDO2) calculation against User ECDSA Private key info returned by U2F and FIDO2 Flash ciphertext, encrypted by managing key Internally, using the DRBG during production, Switch Mode, or ReFactory service No No Overwritten in Switch Mode and ReFactory services SharedSe cret key 256-bit AES key, used for ECB mode encryption and CMAC calculation of pin related operations RAM plaintext N/A. Established via KAS-SSC and KDA No No Zeroized after each use and by Switch Mode and ReFactory services Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 12 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). CSP Usage Storage Generation Input Output Zeroization User pinToken 256-bit HMAC key for FIDO2 and U2F operations RAM plaintext Internally, using the DRBG by Authenticat orClientPIN service No Encrypted and authenticat ed by SharedSecr et key Zeroized when power cycle and by Switch Mode and ReFactory services CO pinToken 256-bit HMAC key for FIDO2 and U2F operations RAM plaintext Internally, using the DRBG in Authenticat orAdminPIN command No Encrypted and authenticat ed by SharedSecr et key Zeroized when power cycle and by Switch Mode and ReFactory services User PIN Authenticate the User Flash SHA-256 hash of PIN encrypted by Managing Key No Encrypted and authenticate d by SharedSecre t Key No Overwritten with new values after PIN update, zeroized by ReFactory and Switch Mode services CO PIN Authenticate the CO Flash SHA-256 hash of PIN encrypted by Managing Key No Encrypted and authenticate d by SharedSecre t Key No Overwritten with new values after PIN update, set to factory default by ReFactory and Switch Mode services 2.2 Public Keys Table 8 – Public Keys Key Usage Storage Generatio n Input Output Agreement ECC public key Agreement ECC P-256 public key returned to Client for key agreement Plaintext in RAM DRBG No Plaintext during KAS-SSC Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 13 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Key Usage Storage Generatio n Input Output Client ECC public key Client ECC P-256 public key for key agreement Plaintext in RAM No Plaintext during KAS-SSC No U2F device ECC public key ECC P-256; In U2F registration, the module returns it to the Client via attestation for verification of the signature returned during U2F registration Plaintext in Flash Installed during productio n No Plaintext FIDO2 device ECC public key ECC P-256; In FIDO2 registration, the module returns it to the Client via attestation for verification of the signature returned during FIDO2 registration Plaintext in Flash Installed during productio n No Plaintext User ECDSA public Key ECC P-256; Returned to Client in U2F and FIDO2 registration, for verifying signature returned in U2F and FIDO2 authentication Plaintext in RAM DRBG No Plaintext 3 Roles, Authentication and Services 3.1 Assumption of Roles The module supports two distinct operator roles, User and Cryptographic Officer (CO). The CO is the role responsible for U2F and FIDO2 registration, resetting module and credential management. The user is allowed to perform cryptographic authentication operation with the U2F key handles and FIDO2 credentials. Table 9 lists all operator roles supported by the module. The Module does not support a maintenance role and bypass capability. The Module does not support concurrent operators. Table 9 – Roles Description Role ID Role Description Authentication Type Authentication Data 1 CO (Cryptographic-Officer) Role-based CO PIN 2 User Role-based User PIN 3.2 Authentication Methods Please see Table 10 for details regarding the authentication mechanisms. Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 14 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 10 – Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Method Probability Justification User PIN 6‐63 bytes The PIN is a 6 byte (48 bit) binary string with no restrictions on character space. The probability that a random attempt will succeed, or a false acceptance will occur is 1/2^48 which is less than 1/1,000,000. The module is limited by the retry counter of 3 tries before it power cycles. After 8 total failed attempts, it will block further authentication attempts. Therefore, the probability of successfully authenticating to the module within one minute through random attempts is 8/2^48, which is less than 1/100,000. Admin PIN 6‐63 bytes The PIN is a 6 byte (48 bit) binary string with no restrictions on character space. The probability that a random attempt will succeed, or a false acceptance will occur is 1/2^48 which is less than 1/1,000,000. The module is limited by the retry counter of 3 tries before it power cycles. After 8 total failed attempts, it will block further authentication attempts. Therefore, the probability of successfully authenticating to the module within one minute through random attempts is 8/2^48, which is less than 1/100,000. 3.3 Services All services implemented by the Module are listed in the tables below. Table 11 – Authenticated Services Service Description CO U MakeCredential(0x01) This service is used to generate a new credential in the module. X GetAssertion(0x02) This service is used to generate a cryptographic proof of user authentication. X GetNextAssertion(0x08) The client calls this service when the GetAssertion response contains the numberOfCredentials and the number of credentials exceeds 1. X ReFactory(0x07) This service is used by the client to zeroized all plaintext CSPs, reset the module back to a factory default state, invalidating all generated credentials and key handles, and regenerating the Managing Key. X Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 15 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Service Description CO U AuthenticatorClientPIN(0x06) This service is used by the platform to establish the sharedSecret key, setting a new user PIN, changing existing user PIN, and getting User pinToken from the module. X AuthenticatorAdminPIN(0x46) This service is used by the platform to establish the sharedSecret key, setting a new CO PIN, changing existing CO PIN, and getting CO pinToken from the module. X CredentialManagement(0x41) This service is used by the platform to manage resident credentials on the module. X U2F_Registration(0x01) This service is used to generate a new key handle from the module. (AES ECB encrypt with Init_Kenc and AES CMAC with Init_Kmac of User ECDSA Private Key). X U2F_Authentication(0x02) This service is used to verify a cryptographic proof by the key handle of user authentication (signing with User ECDSA Private Key. X Switch mode(0x47) This service is used to switch between Approved and non-Approved mode and zeroizes all plaintext CSPs X Table 12 – Unauthenticated Services Service Description GetInfo(0x04) Using this service, the host can request that the module report a list of all supported protocol versions, supported extensions, AAGUID of the device, and capabilities. U2F_GetVersion(0x03) This service is used to get the U2F version. Get Challenge(0xF2) This service is used to get a challenge. Get Device Information(0xE3) This service is used to get device information. Self-Tests Self-tests may be invoked by power cycling the module. Show Status Provided by return codes for each service, as well as the external LED FIDO2 proprietary services are: MakeCredential(0x01), GetAssertion(0x02), GetnextAssertion(0x08), GetInfo(0x04), Refactory(0x07), AuthenticatorClientPIN(0x06), CredentialManagement(0x41). U2F proprietary services are: U2F_Registration(0x01), U2F_Authentication(0x02), U2F_GetVersion(0x03). The above services are provided in both the FIPS Approved mode and non-Approved mode; in non- Approved mode, the services are available with non-Approved security functions. In addition, the non- Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 16 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Approved mode supports biometric services (enrollment, remove enrollment, enum enrollment) and does not support a CO PIN or pinToken. The FIDO2 instruction format uses the CBOR encoding method, and the other instructions use the APDU encoding format. The command and response formats are as follows. Table 13 – FIDO2 Command Format Offset Field Size Description 0 CMD 1 Command byte 1-N DATA N Command data in CBOR encoding format Table 14 – FIDO2 Response Format Offset Field Size Description 0 STATUS 1 Response byte 1-N DATA N Response data in CBOR encoding format Table 15 – APDU Command Format Header Lc Field Data Field Le Field CLA INS P1 P2 (P3) 1 or 2 bytes Input Data 1 or 2 bytes APDU command structure descriptions: CLA – The Class byte indicates the class of the command. INS – The Instruction byte indicates the command to process. P1\P2 –The command parameters. P3 –When the length of Lc or Le is two bytes, P3 exist and a value of '0'. Lc – Length in bytes of the data field Data Field – Data input with command for processing Le – Maximum number of bytes expected in the response Table 16 – APDU Response Format Data Field Trailer Response data Status word Table 17 defines the relationship between access to Security Parameters and the different module services. The ReFactory service is used to clear and invalidate all keys. The modes of access shown in the table are defined as: • G = Generate: The service generates the CSP. • O = Output: The service outputs the CSP. Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 17 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). • E = Execute: The service uses the CSP in an algorithm. • I = Input: The service inputs the CSP. • Z = Zeroize: The service zeroizes the CSP. Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 18 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 17 – Security Parameters Access by Service Service CSPs and Public Keys DRBG EI DRBG V Value DRBG Key Value Agreement ECC private key U2F device ECDSA private key FIDO2 device ECDSA private key User ECDSA private key Managing Key Init_Keyenc Init_keymac sharedSecret User pinToken CO pinToken User PIN CO PIN Agreement ECC public key Client ECC public key U2F device ECC public key FIDO2 device ECC public key User ECDSA public key MakeCredential(0x01) G/E G/E G/E - - E G/O E E E - - E - - - - - O G/O GetAssertion(0x02) G/E G/E G/E - - - I/E E E E - E - - - - - - - - GetNextAssertion(0x08) G/E G/E G/E - - - E E - - - - - - - - - - - - ReFactory(0x07) G/E G/E G/E G - - Z GZ GZ GZ Z Z Z Z Z G - - - - AuthenticatorClientPIN(0x06) G/E G/E G/E G/E - - - E - - G/E G/O - I/E - O/G I - - - AuthenticatorAdminPIN(0x46) G/E G/E G/E G/E - - - E - - G/E - G/O - I/E O/G I - - - CredentialManagement(0x41) - - - - - - E E - - - - E - - - - - - G/O U2F_Registration(0x01) G/E G/E G/E - E - G/O E E E - - - - - - - O - G/O U2F_Authentication(0x02) - - - - - - I/E E E E - - - - - - - - - - Switch Mode(0x47) G/E G/E G/E G - - Z GZ GZ GZ Z Z Z Z Z G - - - - GetInfo(0x04) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U2F_GetVersion(0x03) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get Challenge(0xF2) G/E G/E G/E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get Device Information(0xE3) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Self-Tests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Show Status - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 19 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4 Self-Tests The module performs self-tests to ensure the proper operation of the module. Per FIPS 140-2 these are categorized as either power-on self-tests or conditional self-tests. Power-on self–tests are available on demand by power cycling the module. Power-on self-tests must be completed successfully prior to any other use of cryptography by the Module. If one test fails, the Module enters the error state. When receiving an instruction, the module first checks whether it is currently in an error state. If it is in an error state, it directly returns an error code (6F00), otherwise it processes the instruction. The module must be power cycled to exit the error state. The module performs the following algorithm self-tests at power-on. • Firmware Integrity: 16-bit CRC • AES-ECB 128 and 256-bit Encrypt/Decrypt KAT • AES-CMAC 128 and 256-bit KAT • CTR_DRBG KAT • HMAC SHA-256 KAT • SHA-256 KAT • KAS-SSC KAT • KDA KAT • ECDSA Signature Generation/Verification PCT The module performs the following conditional self-tests as indicated. • NDRNG Continuous Random Number Generator Test • DRBG Continuous Random Number Generator Test • SP800-90A DRBG Health Tests • ECDSA Pairwise consistency test on ECDSA key pair generation • EC-DH Pairwise consistency test on EC-DH key pair generation 5 Physical Security Policy The Module is opaque and meets Level 2 for tamper resistance and evidence. The Module is encased in a removal‐resistant IC packaging material. The physical security mechanism is a hard, opaque tamper evident coating. The Module should be inspected for tamper before each use. Tamper will be indicated by scratches or other damage to the coating. 6 Operational Environment The operational environment requirements do not apply to FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module as it only supports a non-modifiable operational environment. Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 20 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 7 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy FEITIAN Biometric FIDO Key Module is not designed to mitigate any specific attacks outside of those required by FIPS 140-2, including but not limited to power consumption, timing, fault induction, or TEMPEST attacks. 8 Security Rules and Guidance This section documents the security rules for the secure operation of the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. 1. The module provides two distinct operator roles: User and Cryptographic Officer. 2. The module provides role-based authentication. 3. The module allows the operator to initiate power-up self-tests by power cycling the module. 4. Power up self-tests do not require any operator action. 5. Data output are inhibited during key generation, self-tests, zeroization, and error states. 6. Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the module. 7. There are no restrictions on which plaintext keys or CSPs are zeroized by the zeroization service. 8. The module does not support concurrent operators. 9. The module does not support a maintenance interface or role. 10. The module does not support manual key entry. 11. The module does not have any proprietary external input/output devices used for entry/output of data. 12. The module does not enter or output plaintext CSPs. 13. The module does not output intermediate key values. 14. The module must be configured to operate in the Approved mode of operation. By default, the module is configured in the Approved mode. If it is not, then the Switch Mode service may be used to invoke the Approved mode of operation. Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 21 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 9 References and Definitions The following standards are referred to in this Security Policy. Table 18 – References Abbreviation Full Specification Name [FIPS140-2] Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 [IG] Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, 28 August 2020 [133] NIST Special Publication 800-133, Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation, Revision 2 June 2020 [186] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 186-4, July, 2013. [197] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 197, November 26, 2001 [198] National Institute of Standards and Technology, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 198-1, July, 2008 [180] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Secure Hash Standard, Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 180-4, August, 2015 [38A] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation, Methods and Techniques, Special Publication 800-38A, December 2001 [38B] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication, Special Publication 800- 38B, May 2005 [38F] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping, Special Publication 800-38F, December 2012 [56Ar3] NIST Special Publication 800-56A Revision 3, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, April 2018 [56Cr1] NIST Special Publication 800-56C Revision 1, Recommendation for Key-Derivation Methods in Key-Establishment Schemes, April 2018 [90A] National Institute of Standards and Technology, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, Special Publication 800-90A, June 2015. Copyright FEITIAN Technologies Co., Ltd, 2021 Document Version 1.0 Page 22 of 22 Feitian Public Material – May be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Table 19 – Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition AAGUID Authenticator Attestation Globally Unique Identifier APDU Application Protocol Data Unit CBOR Concise Binary Object Representation CBC Cipher Block Chaining COS Chip Operating System CPU Core Processing Unit CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECB Electronic Codebook FIDO Fast IDentity Online FIPS Federal Information processing Standard U2F Universal Second Factor