1 February 2016 Copyright © 2016 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Published in the USA. 1 Security Policy 01.02.16 RSA BSAFE® Crypto-C Micro Edition Version 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 Roles, Services, and Authentication This is a non-proprietary Security Policy (for SPARC T4) for RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 (Crypto-C ME). It describes how Crypto-C ME meets the Level 2 security requirements of FIPS 140-2 for roles, services and authentication, the Level 3 security requirements of FIPS 140-2 for design assurance, and the Level 1 security requirements of FIPS 140-2 for all other aspects. It also describes how to securely operate Crypto-C ME in a FIPS 140-2-compliant manner. FIPS 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 - Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules) details the United States Government requirements for cryptographic modules. For more information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program, go to the NIST Web site at http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including the Copyright Notice. Contents: 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................2 1.1 References .........................................................................................2 1.2 Document Organization ....................................................................2 2 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit ...........................................................3 2.1 Cryptographic Module .......................................................................3 2.2 Crypto-C ME Interfaces ....................................................................5 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication ...............................................7 2.4 Cryptographic Key Management .....................................................9 2.5 Cryptographic Algorithms ...............................................................12 2.6 Hardware Instructions .....................................................................14 2.7 Self Tests ..........................................................................................15 3 Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME ..........................................................17 3.1 Crypto Officer and Crypto User Guidance ...................................17 3.2 Roles .................................................................................................18 3.3 Modes of Operation .........................................................................18 3.4 Operating Crypto-C ME ..................................................................19 3.5 Startup Self-tests .............................................................................20 3.6 Deterministic Random Number Generator ...................................20 3.7 Physical Security .............................................................................20 4 Services ......................................................................................................21 4.1 Authenticated Services ...................................................................21 4.2 Unauthenticated Services ..............................................................23 5 Acronyms and Definitions .........................................................................27 2 Introduction RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 1 Introduction The Crypto-C ME software development toolkit enables developers to incorporate cryptographic technologies into applications. Crypto-C ME security software is designed to help protect sensitive data as it is stored, using strong encryption techniques that ease integration with existing data models. Using the capabilities of Crypto-C ME software in applications helps provide a persistent level of protection for data, lessening the risk of internal, as well as external, compromise. Note: In this document, the term cryptographic module, refers to the Crypto-C ME FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module for Level 1 overall security, Level 2 roles, services, and authentication, and Level 3 design assurance. 1.1 References This document deals only with the operations and capabilities of the Crypto-C ME cryptographic module in terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. For more information about Crypto-C ME and the entire RSA BSAFE product line, see: • Information on the full line of RSA products and services is available at www.emc.com/domains/rsa/. • RSA BSAFE product overviews are available at www.emc.com/security/rsa-bsafe.htm. • Answers to technical or sales related questions are available at www.emc.com/support/rsa/. 1.2 Document Organization This Security Policy explains the cryptographic module's FIPS 140-2 relevant features and functionality. This document comprises the following sections: • This section, “Introduction” on page 2 provides an overview and introduction to the Security Policy. • “Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit” on page 3 describes Crypto-C ME and how it meets FIPS 140-2 requirements. • “Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME” on page 17 specifically addresses the required configuration for the FIPS 140-2 mode of operation. • “Services” on page 21 lists the functions of Crypto-C ME. • “Acronyms and Definitions” on page 27 lists the acronyms and definitions used in this document. With the exception of the non-proprietary Security Policy documents, the FIPS 140-2 validation submission documentation is EMC Corporation-proprietary and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. For access to these documents, please contact RSA. Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit 3 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit The features of Crypto-C ME include the ability to optimize code for different processors, and specific speed or size requirements. Assembly-level optimizations on key processors mean that Crypto-C ME algorithms can be used at increased speeds on many platforms. Crypto-C ME offers a full set of cryptographic algorithms including asymmetric key algorithms, symmetric key block and stream algorithms, message digests, message authentication, and Pseudo-random Number Generator (PRNG) support. Developers can implement the full suite of algorithms through a single Application Programming Interface (API) or select a specific set of algorithms to reduce code size or meet performance requirements. Note: When operating in a FIPS 140-2-approved manner, the set of available algorithms cannot be changed. 2.1 Cryptographic Module Crypto-C ME is classified as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module for the purposes of FIPS 140-2. As such, Crypto-C ME must be tested on a specific operating system and computer platform. The cryptographic boundary includes Crypto-C ME running on selected platforms running selected operating systems while configured in “single user” mode. Crypto-C ME is validated as meeting all FIPS 140-2 Level 2 for roles, services, and authentication, Level 3 for design assurance, and Level 1 overall security requirements. Crypto-C ME is packaged as a set of dynamically loaded modules or shared library files that contain the module's entire executable code. The Crypto-C ME toolkit relies on the physical security provided by the host PC in which it runs. 4 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 The following table lists the certification levels sought for Crypto-C ME for each section of the FIPS 140-2 specification. 2.1.1 Laboratory Validated Operating Environments For FIPS 140-2 validation, Crypto-C ME is tested by an accredited FIPS 140-2 testing laboratory on Oracle® Solaris® 10, SPARC T4, part number 527-1437-01. Compliance is maintained in all operating environments for which the binary executable remains unchanged. The CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module or the security strengths of the generated keys when so ported if the specific operational environment is not listed on the validation certificate. Table 1 Certification Levels Section of the FIPS 140-2 Specification Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 1 Overall 1 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit 5 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.1.2 Configuring Single User Mode To configure single user mode for systems running a Oracle Solaris operating system: 1. Log in as the root user. 2. Edit /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to remove all the users except root and the pseudo-users (daemon users). Make sure the password fields in /etc/shadow for the pseudo-users are either a star (*) or double exclamation mark (!!). This prevents login as the pseudo-users. 3. Edit /etc/nsswitch.conf so that files is the only option for passwd, group, and shadow. This disables the Network Information Service (NIS) and other name services for users and groups. 4. Edit /etc/inet/inetd.conf to remove or comment out the lines for remote login, remote command execution, and file transfer daemons. 5. Reboot the system for the changes to take effect. 2.2 Crypto-C ME Interfaces Crypto-C ME is validated as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. The physical cryptographic boundary of the module is the case of the general-purpose computer or mobile device, which encloses the hardware running the module. The physical interfaces for Crypto-C ME consist of the keyboard, mouse, monitor, CD-ROM drive, floppy drive, serial ports, USB ports, COM ports, and network adapter(s). The logical boundary of the cryptographic module is the set of master and resource shared library files, and signature files that comprise the module: • Master shared library: libcryptocme.so • Resource shared libraries: libccme_base.so, libccme_base_non_fips.so, libccme_asym.so,libccme_ecdrbg.so, libccme_ecc.so, libccme_ecc_non_fips.so, libccme_ecc_accel_fips.so, libccme_ecc_accel_non_fips.so, and libccme_error_info.so • Signature files: cryptocme.sig and cryptocme_test_on_use.sig. 6 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 The underlying logical interface to Crypto-C ME is the API, documented in the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition API Reference Guide. Crypto-C ME provides for Control Input through the API calls. Data Input and Output are provided in the variables passed with the API calls, and Status Output is provided through the returns and error codes that are documented for each call. This is illustrated in the following diagram. Figure 1 Crypto-C ME Logical Interfaces Master shared library: cryptocme Cryptographic Boundary Application Data In Data Out Control In Status Out Resource shared libraries: ccme_base ccme_base_non_fips ccme_ecdrbg Operating System (OS) Hardware Software - Runs on Hardware Hardware Run on OS Provides services for OS Provides services for toolkit Signature files: cryptocme.sig and cryptocme_test_on_use.sig Logical Boundary ccme_ecc_non_fips ccme_ecc_accel_fips ccme_ecc_accel_non_fips ccme_ecc ccme_error_info ccme_asym Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit 7 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication Crypto-C ME meets all FIPS 140-2 Level 2 requirements for roles, services, and authentication, implementing both a User role and Crypto Officer role. Role-based authentication is implemented for these roles. Only one role can be active at a time and Crypto-C ME does not allow concurrent operators. 2.3.1 Provider Configuration The application is responsible for enabling Level 2 roles and authentication prior to the module being loaded. The application must supply the R_FIPS140_FEATURE_SL2_roles feature when creating the FIPS 140 provider. To load the cryptographic module with the R_FIPS140_FEATURE_SL2_roles feature: 1. Call R_PROV_FIPS140_new() including R_FIPS140_FEATURE_SL2_roles as one of the provider features. 2. Configure the location of the cryptographic module library files using R_PROV_FIPS140_set_path(). 3. Call R_PROV_FIPS140_load() to load the cryptographic module. The cryptographic module uses a database of role identity information to validate authentication attempts by the operator. The roles database stores a salted message digest of a PIN for each role it authenticates. The roles database can be stored either in memory or in a file. The application must set up a roles database and add authentication data before it can perform Level 2 role authentication. To create the roles database in a file: 1. Load the FIPS140 provider with the R_FIPS140_FEATURE_SL2_roles feature. 2. Set the location of the file by calling R_PROV_FIPS140_set_roles_file() and specify the path to the file. Note: For operating systems that use wide character sets, call R_PROV_FIPS140_set_roles_file_w() instead. 3. Create the file by calling R_PROV_FIPS140_init_roles(). To create the roles database in memory: 1. Load the FIPS140 provider with the R_FIPS140_FEATURE_SL2_roles feature. 2. Initialize the data in memory by calling R_PROV_FIPS140_init_roles(). To set the initial authentication data in the roles database, the call to R_PROV_FIPS140_init_roles() must supply an authentication callback function. The authentication callback function is called once for each type of role to allow the application to set the initial authentication data. 8 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 PIN Data PIN data supplied by the application is hashed using the SHA-512 algorithm to generate 64 bytes of authentication data that is stored in the roles database. To prevent successful random authentication attempts the application must set random PIN data of sufficient security strength. The PIN must contain random data with the equivalent of a minimum of 74 effectively random bits. The actual length of the PIN data depends upon the randomness of the source of PIN data used by the application. The minimum length of the PIN specified in this Security Policy document is sufficient to prevent brute force searching of the PIN value with a probability greater than 1 in 100000 over a period of one minute when the hash calculations are performed by a computing resource with the performance equivalence of a cluster of up to one million Amazon EC2 GPU instances. Other considerations of the application environment might require other PIN lengths. Up to 64 bytes of PIN data can be passed to the module by a call to assume a role. 2.3.2 Crypto Officer Role The Crypto Officer is responsible for installing and loading the cryptographic module. After the module is installed and operational, an operator can assume the Crypto Officer role by calling R_PROV_FIPS140_assume_role() with R_FIPS140_ROLE_OFFICER. The preinstalled authentication callback function will gather PIN data during the call. A message digest of the PIN, generated using SHA-512, is checked against the authentication data held by the roles database. An operator assuming the Crypto Officer role can call any Crypto-C ME function. For a complete list of functions available to the Crypto Officer, see “Services” on page 21. 2.3.3 Crypto User Role An operator can assume the Crypto User role by calling R_PROV_FIPS140_assume_role() with R_FIPS140_ROLE_USER. The preinstalled authentication callback function will gather PIN data during the call. A message digest of the PIN, generated using SHA-512, is checked against the authentication data held by the roles database. An operator assuming the Crypto User role can use the entire Crypto-C ME API except for R_PROV_FIPS140_self_test_full(), which is reserved for the Crypto Officer. For a complete list of Crypto-C ME functions, see “Services” on page 21. Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit 9 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.3.4 Unloading and Reloading the Module A roles database that is stored in memory is erased when the cryptographic module is unloaded. When the cryptographic module is reloaded, the roles database must be recreated before any roles are accessible. For the steps to create a roles database in memory, see “To create the roles database in memory:” on page 7. A roles database that is stored in file remains on the file system when the module is unloaded. When the cryptographic module is reloaded, the application can reuse the existing roles database. To reuse an existing roles database: 1. Load the FIPS140 provider with the R_FIPS140_FEATURE_SL2_roles feature. 2. Set the location of the file by calling R_PROV_FIPS140_set_roles_file() and specify the path to the file. This reads the roles database, if it exists. Note: For operating systems that use wide character sets, call R_PROV_FIPS140_set_roles_file_w() instead. In all cases, when the module is reloaded the application cannot assume any role until it initializes access to the roles database. After access to the roles database is established an application must reauthenticate to each role it assumes. 2.4 Cryptographic Key Management Cryptographic key management is concerned with generating and storing keys, managing access to keys, protecting keys during use, and zeroizing keys when they are not longer required. 2.4.1 Key Generation Crypto-C ME supports generation of RSA, Diffie-Hellman (DH) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) public and private keys. Also, Crypto-C ME uses an HMAC Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) in the generation of asymmetric and symmetric keys used in algorithms such as AES, Triple-DES, RSA, Diffie-Hellman, ECC, and HMAC. 10 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.4.2 Key Storage Crypto-C ME does not provide long-term cryptographic key storage. If a user chooses to store keys, the user is responsible for storing keys exported from the module. The following table lists all keys and CSPs in the module and where they are stored. Table 2 Key Storage Key or CSP Storage Hardcoded DSA public key Persistent storage embedded in the module binary (encrypted). Hardcoded AES key Persistent storage embedded in the module binary (plaintext). AES keys Volatile memory only (plaintext). Triple-DES keys Volatile memory only (plaintext). HMAC with SHA-1 and SHA-2 keys (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) Volatile memory only (plaintext). Diffie-Hellman public/private keys Volatile memory only (plaintext). ECC public/private keys Volatile memory only (plaintext). RSA public/private keys Volatile memory only (plaintext). DSA public/private keys Volatile memory only (plaintext). HMAC DRBG entropy Volatile memory only (plaintext). HMAC DRBG V value Volatile memory only (plaintext). HMAC DRBG key Volatile memory only (plaintext). HMAC DRBG init_seed Volatile memory only (plaintext). Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit 11 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.4.3 Key Access An authorized operator of the module has access to all key data created during Crypto-C ME operation. Note: The Crypto User and Crypto Officer roles have equal and complete access to all keys. The following table lists the different services provided by the toolkit with the type of access to keys or CSPs. 2.4.4 Key Protection/Zeroization All key data resides in internally allocated data structures and can be output only using the Crypto-C ME API. The operating system protects memory and process space from unauthorized access. The operator should follow the steps outlined in the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition Developers Guide to ensure sensitive data is protected by zeroizing the data from memory when it is no longer needed. Table 3 Key and CSP Access Service Key or CSP Type of Access Encryption and decryption Symmetric keys (AES, Triple-DES) Read/Execute Digital signature and verification Asymmetric keys (RSA, DSA - verification only, and ECDSA - verification only) Read/Execute Hashing None N/A MAC HMAC keys Read/Execute Random number generation HMAC DRBG entropy, V, key, and init_seed Read/Write/Execute Key generation Symmetric keys (AES, Triple-DES) Asymmetric keys (RSA, ECDSA, DH, ECDH) MAC keys (HMAC) Write Key establishment primitives Asymmetric keys (RSA, DH, ECDH) Read/Execute Self-test (Crypto Officer service) Hardcoded keys (DSA and AES) Read/Execute Show status None N/A Zeroization All Read/Write 12 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.5 Cryptographic Algorithms Crypto-C ME supports a wide variety of cryptographic algorithms. To achieve compliance with the FIPS 140-2 standard, only FIPS 140-2-approved or allowed algorithms can be used in an approved mode of operation. The following table lists the FIPS 140-2-approved algorithms supported by Crypto-C ME with validation certificate numbers. Table 4 Crypto-C ME FIPS 140-2-approved Algorithms Algorithm Validation Certificate AES CBC, CFB128, ECB, OFB, CTR, and CCM (with 128, 192, and 256-bit key sizes) 2017 AES XTS (with 128 and 256-bit key sizes) 2017 AES GCM with automatic Initialization Vector (IV) generation (with 128, 192, and 256-bit key sizes). For more information, see Chapter 5, Cryptographic Operations in the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition Developers Guide. 2017 Triple-DES ECB, CBC, CFB (64-bit), and OFB (64-bit). 1302 Diffie-Hellman (2048 to 4096-bit key size) and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (224 to 571-bit key size) Non-approved (Allowed in FIPS 140-2 mode). DSA (signature verification only) 642 ECDSA (signature verification only) 292 HMAC DRBG 191 RSA X9.31, PKCS#1 V.1.5, and PKCS#1 V.2.1 (SHA256 - PSS) 1046 RSA encrypt and decrypt (2048 to 4096-bit key size). For key wrapping using RSA, the key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength. Less than 112 bits of encryption strength (key sizes less than 2048 bits) is non-compliant. Non-approved (Allowed in FIPS 140-2 mode for key transport). SHA-1 1767 SHA-224, 256, 384, and 512 1767 HMAC-SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512 1221 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit 13 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 The following algorithms are not FIPS 140-2-approved: • DES • Camellia • MD2 • MD4 • MD5 • HMAC MD5 • DES40 • RC2 • RC4 • RC5 • RSA with key sizes less than 2048 bits • DSA for signature generation • ECDSA for signature generation • DH with key sizes less than 2048 bits • ECDH with key sizes less than 224 bits • ECAES • ECIES • PBKDF1 SHA-1 • PBKDF2 HMAC SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 • Dual EC DRBG • Non-deterministic Random Number Generator (NDRNG) (Entropy) • Non-approved RNG (FIPS 186-2) • Non-approved RNG (OTP). For more information about using Crypto-C ME in a FIPS 140-2-compliant manner, see “Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME” on page 17. 14 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.6 Hardware Instructions Hardware instructions provided by the Oracle SPARC T4 processor are utilized by Crypto-C ME to optimize cryptographic performance. The following table lists and describes the hardware instructions used. Table 5 Oracle SPARC T4 Hardware Instructions used by Crypto-C ME Instruction Description AES_EROUND01 AES encryption operation, on columns 0 and 1 AES_EROUND23 AES encryption operation, on columns 2 and 3 AES_DROUND01 AES decryption operation, on columns 0 and 1 AES_DROUND23 AES decryption operation, on columns 2 and 3 AES_EROUND01_LAST The last round of AES encryption, on columns 0 and 1 AES_EROUND23_LAST The last round of AES encryption, on columns 2 and 3 AES_DROUND01_LAST The last round of AES decryption, on columns 0 and 1 AES_DROUND23_LAST The last round of AES decryption, on columns 2 and 3 AES_KEXPAND1 AES key expansion operation, with RCON AES_KEXPAND0 AES key expansion operation, without RCON AES_KEXPAND2 AES key expansion operation, without SBOX DES_ROUND DES encryption operation DES_IP DES Initial Permutation function DES_IIP DES Inverse Initial Permutation function DES_KEXPAND DES key expansion operation MD5 MD5 message digest operation SHA1 SHA1 message digest operation SHA256 SHA256 message digest operation SHA512 SHA512 message digest operation MPMUL Multiple Precision Multiply operation MONTMUL Montgomery Multiply operation MONTSQR Montgomery Squaring operation XMULX Bitwise multiply on the low 64 bits XMULXHI Bitwise multiply on the high 64 bits Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit 15 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.7 Self Tests Crypto-C ME performs a number of power-up and conditional self-tests to ensure proper operation. If a power-up self-test fails for one of the resource libraries, all cryptographic services for that library are disabled. Services for a disabled library can only be re-enabled by reloading the FIPS 140-2 module. If a conditional self-test fails, the operation fails but no services are disabled. 2.7.1 Power-up Self-test Crypto-C ME implements the following power-up self-tests: • AES, AES CCM, AES GCM, AES GMAC, and AES XTS Known Answer Tests (KATs) • Triple-DES KATs • SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 KATs • HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-224, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA-384, and HMAC SHA-512 KATs • RSA sign/verify test • DSA sign/verify test • Diffie-Hellman and Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman conditional tests • ECDSA sign/verify test • HMAC DRBG KATs • Software integrity test using DSA signature verification. Power-up self-tests are executed automatically when Crypto-C ME is loaded into memory. 2.7.2 Conditional Self-tests Crypto-C ME performs two conditional self-tests: • A pair-wise consistency test each time Crypto-C ME generates an RSA or EC public/private key pair. • A Continuous Random Number Generation (CRNG) test each time the toolkit produces random data, as per the FIPS 140-2 standard. The CRNG test is performed on DRNGs (FIPS 186-2 PRNG - Change Notice 1, with and without the mod q step; Dual EC DRBG; HMAC DRBG; NDRNG (Entropy); Non-Approved RNG (OTP). 16 Crypto-C ME Cryptographic Toolkit RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 2.7.3 Critical Functions Tests Crypto-C ME performs known answer tests for: • MD5 and HMAC-MD5, which are available in modes R_LIB_CTX_MODE_FIPS140_SSL and R_LIB_CTX_MODE_JCMVP_SSL. • Camellia ECB, CBC, CFB, and OFB for key sizes 128, 192, and 256 bits, which are available in modes R_LIB_CTX_MODE_JCMVP and R_LIB_CTX_MODE_JCMVP_SSL. 2.7.4 Mitigation of Other Attacks RSA key operations implement blinding, a reversible way of modifying the input data, so as to make the RSA operation immune to timing attacks. Blinding has no effect on the algorithm other than to mitigate attacks on the algorithm. Blinding is implemented through blinding modes, and the following options are available: • Blinding mode off. • Blinding mode with no update, where the blinding value is constant for each operation. • Blinding mode with full update, where a new blinding value is used for each operation. Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME 17 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 3 Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME This section provides an overview of how to securely operate Crypto-C ME in compliance with the FIPS 140-2 standards. 3.1 Crypto Officer and Crypto User Guidance The Crypto Officer and Crypto User must only use algorithms approved for use in a FIPS 140 mode of operation, as listed in Table 4 on page 12. The requirements for using the approved algorithms in a FIPS 140 mode of operation are as follows: • Bit lengths for an RSA key pair must be between 2048 and 4096 bits in multiples of 512. • Bit lengths for an HMAC key must be between 112 and 4096 bits. • EC key pairs must have named curve domain parameters from the set of NIST-recommended named curves (P224, P256, P384, P521, B233, B283, B409, B571, K233, K283, K409, K571). Named curves P192, B163, and K163 are allowed for legacy-use. • When using RSA for key wrapping, the strength of the methodology is between 112 and 150 bits of security. • The Diffie-Hellman shared secret provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength. • EC Diffie-Hellman primitives must use curve domain parameters from the set of NIST-recommended named curves. Using NIST-recommended curves, the computed Diffie-Hellman shared secret provides between 112 and 256 bits of encryption strength. • You must set the feature, R_FIPS140_FEATURE_no_default_ecdrbg, against the FIPS 140-2 provider prior to loading the module to ensure one of the HMAC DRBG implementations is set as the default PRNG. • When using HMAC DRBG to generate keys, the requested security strength must be at least as great as the security strength of the key being generated. • When using GCM feedback mode for symmetric encryption, the authentication tag length and authenticated data length may be specified as input parameters, but the Initialization Vector (IV) must not be specified. It must be generated internally. • In the case where the module is powered down, a new key must be used for AES GCM encryption/decryption. 18 Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 3.2 Roles If a user of Crypto-C ME needs to operate the toolkit in different roles, then the user must ensure that all instantiated cryptographic objects are destroyed before changing from the Crypto User role to the Crypto Officer role, or unexpected results could occur. The following table lists the roles a user can operate in. 3.3 Modes of Operation The following table lists and describes the available modes of operation. Table 6 Crypto-C ME Roles Role Description R_FIPS140_ROLE_OFFICER An operator assuming the Crypto Officer role can call any Crypto-C ME function. The complete list of the functionality available to the Crypto Officer is outlined in “Services” on page 21. R_FIPS140_ROLE_USER An operator assuming the Crypto User role can use the entire Crypto-C ME API except for R_PROV_FIPS140_self_test_full(), which is reserved for the Crypto Officer. The complete list of Crypto-C ME functions is outlined in “Services” on page 21. Table 7 Crypto-C ME Modes of Operation Mode Filter Description R_LIB_CTX_MODE_STANDARD Not FIPS 140-2-approved. Allows users to operate Crypto-C ME without any cryptographic algorithm restrictions. This is the Crypto-C ME default mode on startup. R_LIB_CTX_MODE_FIPS140 FIPS 140-2-approved. Provides the cryptographic algorithms listed in Table 4 on page 12. R_LIB_CTX_MODE_FIPS140_SSL FIPS 140-2-approved if used with TLS protocol implementations. Provides the same algorithms as R_LIB_CTX_MODE_FIPS140, plus the MD5 message digest algorithm. This mode can be used in the context of the key establishment phase in the TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 protocol. For more information, see section 7.1 Acceptable Key Establishment Protocols in Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/ fips140-2/FIPS1402IG.pdf). The implementation guidance disallows the use of the SSLv2 and SSLv3 versions. Cipher suites that include non-FIPS 140-2- approved algorithms are unavailable. This mode allows implementations of the TLS protocol to operate Crypto-C ME in a FIPS 140-2-compliant manner. Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME 19 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 In each mode of operation, the complete set of services, which are listed in this Security Policy, are available to both the Crypto Officer and Crypto User roles (with the exception of R_FIPS140_self_test_full(), which is always reserved for the Crypto Officer). Note: Cryptographic keys must not be shared between modes. For example, a key generated in R_FIPS140_MODE_FIPS140 mode must not be shared with an application running in R_FIPS140_MODE_NON_FIPS140 mode. 3.4 Operating Crypto-C ME Crypto-C ME operates in R_LIB_CTX_MODE_STANDARD mode by default on startup. The current Crypto-C ME mode is determined by calling R_LIB_CTX_get_info() with R_LIB_CTX_INFO_ID_MODE. To change the module to another mode, call R_LIB_CTX_set_mode() with one of the mode identifiers listed in Table 7 on page 18. After setting Crypto-C ME into a FIPS 140-2-approved mode, Crypto-C ME enforces that only the algorithms listed in Table 4 on page 12 are available to operators. To disable FIPS 140-2 mode, call R_LIB_CTX_set_mode() with NULL to enable R_LIB_CTX_MODE_STANDARD. R_PROV_FIPS140_self_tests_full() is restricted to operation by the Crypto Officer. The user of Crypto-C ME links with the ccme_core and ccme_fipsprov static libraries for their platform. At run time, ccme_fipsprov loads the cryptocme master shared library, which then loads all of the resource shared libraries. For more information, see “FIPS 140-2 Libraries” in Chapter 7, FIPS 140-2 Operations in the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition Developers Guide. The current Crypto-C ME role is determined by calling R_LIB_CTX_get_info() with R_LIB_CTX_INFO_ID_ROLE. Authenticate and switch to a new role by calling R_PROV_FIPS140_authenticate_role() with one of the information identifiers listed in Table 6 on page 18. R_LIB_CTX_MODE_JCMVP Not FIPS 140-2-approved. Provides the cryptographic algorithms approved by the Japan Cryptographic Module Validation Program (JCMVP). R_LIB_CTX_MODE_JCMVP_SSL Not FIPS 140-2-approved. Provides the cryptographic algorithms approved by the JCMVP, plus the MD5 message digest algorithm. Table 7 Crypto-C ME Modes of Operation (continued) Mode Filter Description 20 Secure Operation of Crypto-C ME RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 3.5 Startup Self-tests Crypto-C ME provides the ability to configure when power-up self-tests are executed. To operate Crypto-C ME in a FIPS 140-2-compliant manner, the default shipped configuration, which executes the self-tests when the module is first loaded, must be used. For more information about this configuration setting, see the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition Installation Guide. 3.6 Deterministic Random Number Generator In all modes of operation, Crypto-C ME provides HMAC DRBG as the default deterministic random number generator (DRNG). Users can choose to use a different HMAC DRBG when creating a cryptographic object and setting this object against the operation requiring random number generation (for example, key generation). When DSA is used, the DRBG used internally is always HMAC DRBG. Crypto-C ME also includes a non-approved NDRNG (Entropy) used to generate seed material for the DRNGs. 3.6.1 DRNG Seeding In the FIPS 140-2 validated library, Crypto-C ME implements DRNGs that can be called to generate random data. The quality of the random data output from these DRNGs depend on the quality of the supplied seeding (entropy). Crypto-C ME provides internal entropy collection (for example, from high precision timers) where possible, but it is strongly recommended to collect entropy from external sources. The R_CR_INFO_ID_RAND_ENTROPY_FUNC identifier specifies that additional entropy be available. R_CR_INFO_ID_RAND_ENTROPY_FUNC is set against the R_CR object, which encapsulates the random number generator, and takes a callback function that the random number generator then uses to gather additional entropy if needed. For more information, see the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition API Reference Guide. 3.7 Physical Security Crypto-C ME is validated as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module and is being validated at Level 1 for physical security. The contents of the module, including all hardware, firmware, software, and data (including plaintext cryptographic keys and unprotected CSPs) is protected by the case of the general-purpose computer or mobile device, which encloses the hardware running the module. RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 Services 21 4 Services The following is the list of services, authenticated and unauthenticated, provided by Crypto-C ME. Authenticated services can only be used by users authenticated in the Crypto Officer or Crypto User role. Unauthenticated services can be used by any user. For more information about authentication of roles, see “Roles, Services, and Authentication” on page 7. For more information about individual functions, see the RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition API Reference Guide. 4.1 Authenticated Services R_CR_asym_decrypt() R_CR_asym_decrypt_init() R_CR_asym_encrypt() R_CR_asym_encrypt_init() R_CR_CTX_alg_supported() R_CR_CTX_free() R_CR_CTX_get_info() R_CR_CTX_ids_from_sig_id() R_CR_CTX_ids_to_sig_id() R_CR_CTX_new() R_CR_CTX_new_ef() R_CR_CTX_reference_inc() R_CR_CTX_set_info() R_CR_decrypt() R_CR_decrypt_final() R_CR_decrypt_init() R_CR_decrypt_update() R_CR_derive_key() R_CR_derive_key_data() R_CR_digest() R_CR_digest_final() R_CR_digest_init() R_CR_digest_update() R_CR_dup() R_CR_dup_ef() R_CR_encrypt() R_CR_encrypt_final() R_CR_encrypt_init() R_CR_encrypt_update() R_CR_entropy_bytes() R_CR_export_params() R_CR_free() R_CR_generate_key() R_CR_generate_key_init() R_CR_generate_parameter() R_CR_generate_parameter_init() R_CR_get_detail() R_CR_get_detail_string() R_CR_get_error() R_CR_get_error_string() R_CR_get_file() R_CR_get_function() R_CR_get_function_string() R_CR_get_info() R_CR_get_line() R_CR_get_reason() R_CR_get_reason_string() R_CR_ID_from_string() R_CR_ID_sign_to_string() R_CR_ID_to_string() R_CR_import_params() R_CR_key_exchange_init() R_CR_key_exchange_phase_1() R_CR_key_exchange_phase_2() R_CR_keywrap_init() R_CR_keywrap_unwrap() R_CR_keywrap_unwrap_init() R_CR_keywrap_unwrap_PKEY() R_CR_keywrap_unwrap_SKEY() R_CR_keywrap_wrap() R_CR_keywrap_wrap_init() R_CR_keywrap_wrap_PKEY() R_CR_keywrap_wrap_SKEY() R_CR_mac() R_CR_mac_final() R_CR_mac_init() R_CR_mac_update() R_CR_new() R_CR_new_ef() R_CR_next_error() R_CR_random_bytes() R_CR_random_init() R_CR_random_reference_inc() R_CR_random_seed() R_CR_set_info() R_CR_sign() R_CR_sign_final() R_CR_sign_init() R_CR_sign_update() R_CR_SUB_from_string() RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 22 Services R_CR_SUB_to_string() R_CR_TYPE_from_string() R_CR_TYPE_to_string() R_CR_validate_parameters() R_CR_verify() R_CR_verify_final() R_CR_verify_init() R_CR_verify_mac() R_CR_verify_mac_final() R_CR_verify_mac_init() R_CR_verify_mac_update() R_CR_verify_update() R_PKEY_cmp() R_PKEY_copy() R_PKEY_CTX_free() R_PKEY_CTX_get_info() R_PKEY_CTX_get_LIB_CTX() R_PKEY_CTX_get_memory() R_PKEY_CTX_new() R_PKEY_CTX_new_ef() R_PKEY_CTX_reference_inc() R_PKEY_CTX_set_info() R_PKEY_decode_pkcs8() R_PKEY_delete() R_PKEY_dup() R_PKEY_dup_ef() R_PKEY_EC_NAMED_CURVE_from_string() R_PKEY_EC_NAMED_CURVE_to_string() R_PKEY_encode_pkcs8() R_PKEY_FORMAT_from_string() R_PKEY_FORMAT_to_string() R_PKEY_free() R_PKEY_from_binary() R_PKEY_from_binary_ef() R_PKEY_from_bio() R_PKEY_from_bio_ef() R_PKEY_from_file() R_PKEY_from_file_ef() R_PKEY_from_public_key_binary() R_PKEY_from_public_key_binary_ef() R_PKEY_get_info() R_PKEY_get_num_bits() R_PKEY_get_num_primes() R_PKEY_get_PEM_header() R_PKEY_get_PKEY_CTX() R_PKEY_get_type() R_PKEY_is_matching_public_key() R_PKEY_iterate_fields() R_PKEY_load() R_PKEY_new() R_PKEY_new_ef() R_PKEY_PASSWORD_TYPE_from_string() R_PKEY_PASSWORD_TYPE_to_string() R_PKEY_pk_method() R_PKEY_print() R_PKEY_public_cmp() R_PKEY_public_from_bio() R_PKEY_public_from_bio_ef() R_PKEY_public_from_file() R_PKEY_public_from_file_ef() R_PKEY_public_get_PEM_header() R_PKEY_public_to_bio() R_PKEY_public_to_file() R_PKEY_reference_inc() R_PKEY_RES_CUSTOM() R_PKEY_SEARCH_add_filter() R_PKEY_SEARCH_free() R_PKEY_SEARCH_init() R_PKEY_SEARCH_new() R_PKEY_SEARCH_next() R_PKEY_set_info() R_PKEY_set_provider_filter() R_PKEY_signhash() R_PKEY_store() R_PKEY_to_binary() R_PKEY_to_bio() R_PKEY_to_file() R_PKEY_to_public_key_binary() R_PKEY_TYPE_from_string() R_PKEY_TYPE_public_to_PEM_header() R_PKEY_TYPE_to_PEM_header() R_PKEY_TYPE_to_string() R_PKEY_verifyhash() R_PROV_FIPS140_get_default_resource_ list() R_PROV_FIPS140_get_info() R_PROV_FIPS140_self_tests_full() R_PROV_FIPS140_self_tests_short() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_info() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_pin() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_pin_with_token() R_SKEY_delete() R_SKEY_dup() R_SKEY_dup_ef() R_SKEY_free() R_SKEY_get_info() R_SKEY_load() R_SKEY_new() R_SKEY_new_ef() R_SKEY_SEARCH_add_filter() R_SKEY_SEARCH_free() R_SKEY_SEARCH_init() R_SKEY_SEARCH_new() R_SKEY_SEARCH_next() R_SKEY_set_info() R_SKEY_set_provider_filter() R_SKEY_store() RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 Services 23 4.2 Unauthenticated Services R_add() BIO_append_filename() BIO_cb_cmd_to_string() BIO_cb_post() BIO_cb_pre() BIO_CB_return() BIO_clear_flags() BIO_clear_retry_flags() BIO_copy_next_retry() BIO_ctrl() BIO_debug_cb() BIO_dump() BIO_dump_format() BIO_dup_chain() BIO_dup_chain_ef() BIO_eof() BIO_f_buffer() BIO_f_null() BIO_find_type() BIO_flags_to_string() BIO_flush() BIO_free() BIO_free_all() BIO_get_app_data() BIO_get_buffer_num_lines() BIO_get_cb() BIO_get_cb_arg() BIO_get_close() BIO_get_flags() BIO_get_fp() BIO_get_info_cb() BIO_get_mem_data() BIO_get_retry_BIO() BIO_get_retry_flags() BIO_get_retry_reason() BIO_get_state_cb() BIO_get_state_cb_arg() BIO_gets() BIO_method_name() BIO_method_type() BIO_new() BIO_new_ef() BIO_new_file() BIO_new_file_ef() BIO_new_file_w() BIO_new_file_w_ef() BIO_new_fp() BIO_new_fp_ef() BIO_new_init() BIO_new_init_ef() BIO_new_mem() BIO_new_mem_ef() BIO_open_file() BIO_open_file_w() BIO_pending() BIO_pop() BIO_print_hex() BIO_printf() BIO_push() BIO_puts() BIO_read() BIO_read_filename() BIO_reference_inc() BIO_reset() BIO_retry_type() BIO_rw_filename() BIO_s_file() BIO_s_mem() BIO_s_null() BIO_seek() BIO_set() BIO_set_app_data() BIO_set_bio_cb() BIO_set_buffer_read_data() BIO_set_buffer_size() BIO_set_cb() BIO_set_cb_arg() BIO_set_cb_recursive() BIO_set_close() BIO_set_flags() BIO_set_fp() BIO_set_info_cb() BIO_set_mem_eof_return() BIO_set_read_buffer_size() BIO_set_retry_read() BIO_set_retry_small_buffer() BIO_set_retry_special() BIO_set_retry_write() BIO_set_state_cb() BIO_set_write_buffer_size() BIO_should_io_special() BIO_should_read() BIO_should_retry() BIO_should_small_buffer() BIO_should_write() BIO_state_to_string() BIO_tell() BIO_wpending() BIO_write() BIO_write_filename() R_BASE64_decode() R_BASE64_decode_checked() RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 24 Services R_BASE64_decode_checked_ef() R_BASE64_decode_ef() R_BASE64_encode() R_BASE64_encode_checked() R_BASE64_encode_checked_ef() R_BASE64_encode_ef() R_BUF_append() R_BUF_assign() R_BUF_cmp() R_BUF_cmp_raw() R_BUF_consume() R_BUF_cut() R_BUF_dup() R_BUF_free() R_BUF_get_data() R_BUF_grow() R_BUF_insert() R_BUF_join() R_BUF_length() R_BUF_max_length() R_BUF_new() R_BUF_prealloc() R_BUF_reset() R_BUF_resize() R_BUF_strdup() ERR_STATE_add_error_data() ERR_STATE_clear_error() ERR_STATE_error_string() ERR_STATE_free_strings() ERR_STATE_func_error_string() ERR_STATE_get_error() ERR_STATE_get_error_line() ERR_STATE_get_error_line_data() ERR_STATE_get_next_error_library() ERR_STATE_get_state() ERR_STATE_lib_error_string() ERR_STATE_load_ERR_strings() ERR_STATE_load_strings() ERR_STATE_peek_error() ERR_STATE_peek_error_line() ERR_STATE_peek_error_line_data() ERR_STATE_peek_last_error() ERR_STATE_peek_last_error_line() ERR_STATE_peek_last_error_line_data() ERR_STATE_print_errors() ERR_STATE_print_errors_fp() ERR_STATE_put_error() ERR_STATE_reason_error_string() ERR_STATE_remove_state() ERR_STATE_set_error_data() R_ERR_STACK_clear_error() R_ERR_STACK_free() R_ERR_STACK_get_error_state() R_ERR_STACK_new() R_ERR_STACK_put_error_state() R_ERR_STATE_free() R_ERR_STATE_get_error() R_ERR_STATE_get_error_line() R_ERR_STATE_get_error_line_data() R_ERR_STATE_new() R_ERR_STATE_set_error_data() R_ERROR_EXIT_CODE() R_FILTER_sort() R_FORMAT_from_string() R_FORMAT_to_string() R_ITEM_cmp() R_ITEM_destroy() R_ITEM_dup() R_LIB_CTX_add_filter() R_LIB_CTX_add_provider() R_LIB_CTX_add_resource() R_LIB_CTX_add_resources() R_LIB_CTX_dup() R_LIB_CTX_dup_ef() R_LIB_CTX_free() R_LIB_CTX_get_detail_string() R_LIB_CTX_get_error_string() R_LIB_CTX_get_function_string() R_LIB_CTX_get_info() R_LIB_CTX_get_reason_string() R_LIB_CTX_new() R_LIB_CTX_new_ef() R_LIB_CTX_reference_inc() R_LIB_CTX_set_info() R_LIB_CTX_set_mode() R_lock() R_LOCK_add() R_lock_ctrl() R_LOCK_exec() R_LOCK_free() R_lock_get_cb() R_lock_get_name() R_LOCK_lock() R_LOCK_new() R_lock_num() R_lock_r() R_lock_set_cb() R_LOCK_unlock() R_lock_w() R_locked_add() R_locked_add_get_cb() R_locked_add_set_cb() R_lockid_new() R_lockids_free() R_MEM_clone() R_MEM_compare() RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 Services 25 R_MEM_delete() R_MEM_free() R_MEM_get_global() R_MEM_malloc() R_MEM_new_callback() R_MEM_new_default() R_MEM_realloc() R_MEM_strdup() R_MEM_zfree() R_MEM_zmalloc() R_MEM_zrealloc() R_os_clear_sys_error() R_os_get_last_sys_error() PRODUCT_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_LIST() PRODUCT_LIBRARY_FREE() PRODUCT_LIBRARY_INFO() PRODUCT_LIBRARY_INFO_TYPE_FROM_ STRING() PRODUCT_LIBRARY_INFO_TYPE_TO_STRING() PRODUCT_LIBRARY_NEW() PRODUCT_LIBRARY_VERSION() R_PAIRS_add() R_PAIRS_clear() R_PAIRS_free() R_PAIRS_generate() R_PAIRS_get_info() R_PAIRS_init() R_PAIRS_init_ef() R_PAIRS_new() R_PAIRS_new_ef() R_PAIRS_next() R_PAIRS_parse() R_PAIRS_parse_allow_sep() R_PAIRS_reset() R_PAIRS_set_info() R_passwd_get_cb() R_passwd_get_passwd() R_passwd_set_cb() R_passwd_stdin_cb() R_PROV_ctrl() R_PROV_FIPS140_assume_role() R_PROV_FIPS140_authenticate_role() R_PROV_FIPS140_authenticate_role_with_ token() R_PROV_FIPS140_init_roles() R_PROV_FIPS140_load() R_PROV_FIPS140_load_env() R_PROV_FIPS140_new() R_PROV_FIPS140_reason_string() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_path() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_path_w() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_pin() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_roles_file() R_PROV_FIPS140_set_roles_file_w() R_PROV_free() R_PROV_get_default_resource_list() R_PROV_get_info() R_PROV_PKCS11_clear_quirks() R_PROV_PKCS11_close_token_sessions() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_cryptoki_version() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_description() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_driver_name() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_driver_path() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_driver_version() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_flags() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_info() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_manufacturer_id() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_quirks() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_count() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_description() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_firmware_ version() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_flags() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_hardware_ version() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_ids() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_info() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_slot_manufacturer_ id() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_default_pin() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_flags() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_info() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_label() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_login_pin() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_manufacturer_ id() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_model() R_PROV_PKCS11_get_token_serial_ number() R_PROV_PKCS11_init_token() R_PROV_PKCS11_init_user_pin() R_PROV_PKCS11_load() R_PROV_PKCS11_new() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_driver_name() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_driver_path() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_driver_path_w() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_info() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_login_cb() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_quirks() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_slot_info() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_token_login_pin() R_PROV_PKCS11_set_user_pin() R_PROV_PKCS11_unload() R_PROV_PKCS11_update_full() R_PROV_PKCS11_update_only() R_PROV_reference_inc() RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 26 Services R_PROV_set_info() R_PROV_setup_features() R_PROV_SOFTWARE_add_resources() R_PROV_SOFTWARE_get_default_resource_ list() R_PROV_SOFTWARE_new() R_PROV_SOFTWARE_new_default() R_RW_LOCK_free() R_RW_LOCK_new() R_RW_LOCK_read() R_RW_LOCK_read_exec() R_RW_LOCK_unlock() R_RW_LOCK_write() R_RW_LOCK_write_exec() R_SELECT_ctrl() R_SELECT_dup() R_SELECT_free() R_SELECT_get_info() R_SELECT_set_info() R_STATE_cleanup() R_STATE_init() R_STATE_init_defaults() R_STATE_init_defaults_mt() R_SYNC_get_method() R_SYNC_METH_default() R_SYNC_METH_pthread() R_SYNC_METH_solaris() R_SYNC_METH_vxworks() R_SYNC_METH_windows() R_SYNC_set_method() STACK_cat() STACK_clear() STACK_clear_arg() STACK_delete() STACK_delete_all() STACK_delete_all_arg() STACK_delete_ptr() STACK_dup() STACK_dup_ef() STACK_find() STACK_for_each() STACK_insert() STACK_lfind() STACK_move() STACK_new() STACK_new_ef() STACK_pop() STACK_pop_free() STACK_pop_free_arg() STACK_push() STACK_set() STACK_set_cmp_func() STACK_shift() STACK_unshift() STACK_zero() R_THREAD_create() R_thread_id() R_THREAD_id() R_thread_id_get_cb() R_thread_id_set_cb() R_THREAD_init() R_THREAD_self() R_THREAD_wait() R_THREAD_yield() R_time() R_TIME_cmp() R_time_cmp() R_TIME_CTX_free() R_TIME_CTX_new() R_TIME_CTX_new_ef() R_TIME_dup() R_TIME_dup_ef() R_time_export() R_TIME_export() R_TIME_export_timestamp() R_time_free() R_TIME_free() R_time_from_int() R_time_get_cmp_func() R_time_get_export_func() R_time_get_func() R_time_get_import_func() R_time_get_offset_func() R_TIME_get_utc_time_method() R_TIME_import() R_time_import() R_TIME_import_timestamp() R_TIME_new() R_time_new() R_TIME_new_ef() R_time_new_ef() R_time_offset() R_TIME_offset() R_time_set_cmp_func() R_time_set_export_func() R_time_set_func() R_time_set_import_func() R_time_set_offset_func() R_time_size() R_TIME_time() R_time_to_int() R_unlock() R_unlock_r() R_unlock_w() Acronyms and Definitions 27 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 5 Acronyms and Definitions The following table lists and describes the acronyms and definitions used throughout this document. Table 8 Acronyms and Definitions Term Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard. A fast symmetric key algorithm with a 128-bit block, and keys of lengths 128, 192, and 256 bits. Replaces DES as the US symmetric encryption standard. API Application Programming Interface. Attack Either a successful or unsuccessful attempt at breaking part or all of a cryptosystem. Various attack types include an algebraic attack, birthday attack, brute force attack, chosen ciphertext attack, chosen plaintext attack, differential cryptanalysis, known plaintext attack, linear cryptanalysis, and middle person attack. Camellia A symmetric key algorithm with a 128-bit block, and keys of lengths 128, 192, and 256 bits. Developed jointly by Mitsubishi and NTT. CBC Cipher Block Chaining. A mode of encryption in which each ciphertext depends upon all previous ciphertexts. Changing the Initialization Vector (IV) alters the ciphertext produced by successive encryptions of an identical plaintext. CFB Cipher Feedback. A mode of encryption that produces a stream of ciphertext bits rather than a succession of blocks. In other respects, it has similar properties to the CBC mode of operation. CRNG Continuous Random Number Generation. CTR Counter mode of encryption that turns a block cipher into a stream cipher. It generates the next keystream block by encrypting successive values of a counter. CTS Cipher text stealing mode of encryption that enables block ciphers to be used to process data that is not evenly divisible into blocks, without the length of the ciphertext increasing. DES Data Encryption Standard. A symmetric encryption algorithm with a 56-bit key. See also Triple-DES. Diffie-Hellman The Diffie-Hellman asymmetric key exchange algorithm. There are many variants, but typically two entities exchange some public information (for example, public keys or random values) and combines them with their own private keys to generate a shared session key. As private keys are not transmitted, eavesdroppers are not privy to all of the information that composes the session key. DSA Digital Signature Algorithm. An asymmetric algorithm for creating digital signatures. DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator. EC Elliptic Curve. ECAES Elliptic Curve Asymmetric Encryption Scheme. 28 Acronyms and Definitions RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 ECB Electronic Codebook. A mode of encryption that divides a message into blocks and encrypts each block separately. ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography. ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman. ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. ECIES Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme. Encryption The transformation of plaintext into an apparently less readable form (called ciphertext) through a mathematical process. The ciphertext can be read by anyone who has the key that decrypts (undoes the encryption) the ciphertext. FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards. GCM Galois/Counter Mode. A mode of encryption that combines the Counter mode of encryption with Galois field multiplication for authentication. GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code. An authentication only variant of GCM. HMAC Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication Code. HMAC DRBG HMAC Deterministic Random Bit Generator. IV Initialization Vector. Used as a seed value for an encryption operation. JCMVP Japan Cryptographic Module Validation Program. KAT Known Answer Test. Key A string of bits used in cryptography, allowing people to encrypt and decrypt data. Can be used to perform other mathematical operations as well. Given a cipher, a key determines the mapping of the plaintext to the ciphertext. The types of keys include distributed key, private key, public key, secret key, session key, shared key, subkey, symmetric key, and weak key. MD2 A message digest algorithm that hashes an arbitrary-length input into a 16-byte digest. MD2 is no longer considered secure. MD4 A message digest algorithm that hashes an arbitrary-length input into a 16-byte digest. MD5 A message digest algorithm that hashes an arbitrary-length input into a 16-byte digest. Designed as a replacement for MD4. NDRNG Non-deterministic random number generator. NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology. A division of the US Department of Commerce (formerly known as the NBS) which produces security and cryptography-related standards. OFB Output Feedback. A mode of encryption in which the cipher is decoupled from its ciphertext. Table 8 Acronyms and Definitions Term Definition Acronyms and Definitions 29 RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition 4.0.1 Security Policy (SPARC T4) Level 1 with Level 2 OS Operating System. PBKDF1 Password-based Key Derivation Function 1. A method of password-based key derivation that applies a message digest (MD2, MD5, or SHA-1) to derive the key. PBKDF1 is not recommended for new applications because the message digest algorithms used have known vulnerabilities, and the derived keys are limited in length. PBKDF2 Password-based Key Derivation Function 2. A method of password-based key derivation that applies a Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm to derive the key. PC Personal Computer. PDA Personal Digital Assistant. PPC PowerPC. privacy The state or quality of being secluded from the view or presence of others. private key The secret key in public key cryptography. Primarily used for decryption but also used for encryption with digital signatures. PRNG Pseudo-random Number Generator. RC2 Block cipher developed by Ron Rivest as an alternative to the DES. It has a block size of 64 bits and a variable key size. It is a legacy cipher and RC5 should be used in preference. RC4 Symmetric algorithm designed by Ron Rivest using variable length keys (usually 40-bit or 128-bit). RC5 Block cipher designed by Ron Rivest. It is parameterizable in its word size, key length, and number of rounds. Typical use involves a block size of 64 bits, a key size of 128 bits, and either 16 or 20 iterations of its round function. RSA Public key (asymmetric) algorithm providing the ability to encrypt data and create and verify digital signatures. RSA stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman, the developers of the RSA public key cryptosystem. SHA Secure Hash Algorithm. An algorithm that creates a unique hash value for each possible input. SHA takes an arbitrary input that is hashed into a 160-bit digest. SHA-1 A revision to SHA to correct a weakness. It produces 160-bit digests. SHA-1 takes an arbitrary input that is hashed into a 20-byte digest. SHA-2 The NIST-mandated successor to SHA-1, to complement the Advanced Encryption Standard. It is a family of hash algorithms (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512) that produce digests of 224, 256, 384 and 512 bits respectively. Triple-DES A variant of DES that uses three 56-bit keys. XTS XEX-based Tweaked Codebook mode with ciphertext stealing. A mode of encryption used with AES. Table 8 Acronyms and Definitions Term Definition