Version: 1.2 Page 1 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security FIPS 140 FIPS 140 FIPS 140 FIPS 140- - - -2 Security 2 Security 2 Security 2 Security Policy Policy Policy Policy BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 BlackBerry Security Certifications, Research In Motion Version: 1.2 Page 2 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Table of Table of Table of Table of C C C Contents ontents ontents ontents TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................... 2 LIST OF TABLES......................................................................................................................................... 4 LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................................... 5 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................... 6 2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION ................................................................................. 8 2.1 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................................... 8 2.2 COMPUTER HARDWARE, OS, AND JVM ........................................................................................... 10 2.3 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 10 3 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES.............................................................. 12 4 ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION................................................................................. 13 4.1 ROLES AND SERVICES .................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 SECURITY FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 15 4.3 OPERATOR AUTHENTICATION.......................................................................................................... 17 5 FINITE STATE MODEL ...................................................................................................................... 18 6 PHYSICAL SECURITY ....................................................................................................................... 19 7 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT....................................................................................................... 20 8 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ......................................................................................... 21 8.1 KEY GENERATION........................................................................................................................... 21 8.2 KEY ESTABLISHMENT...................................................................................................................... 21 8.3 KEY ENTRY AND OUTPUT................................................................................................................ 21 8.4 KEY STORAGE................................................................................................................................ 21 8.5 ZEROIZATION OF KEYS.................................................................................................................... 21 9 SELF-TESTS....................................................................................................................................... 22 9.1 POWER-UP TESTS .......................................................................................................................... 22 9.1.1 Tests Upon Power-up ........................................................................................................... 22 9.1.2 On-demand Self-tests........................................................................................................... 22 9.2 CONDITIONAL TESTS....................................................................................................................... 22 9.3 FAILURE OF SELF-TESTS................................................................................................................. 22 10 DESIGN ASSURANCE....................................................................................................................... 23 10.1 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT................................................................................................... 23 10.2 DELIVERY AND OPERATION.......................................................................................................... 23 10.3 DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................... 23 10.4 GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS .............................................................................................................. 23 11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ................................................................................................. 24 Version: 1.2 Page 3 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 11.1 TIMING ATTACK ON RSA ............................................................................................................. 24 11.2 ATTACK ON BIASED PRIVATE KEY OF DSA................................................................................... 24 DOCUMENT AND CONTACT INFORMATION......................................................................................... 30 Version: 1.2 Page 4 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security List of List of List of List of T T T Tables ables ables ables Table 1. Summary of achieved Security Levels per FIPS 140-2 Section..................................................... 7 Table 2. Implementation of FIPS 140-2 Interfaces..................................................................................... 12 Table 3. Module Roles and Services.......................................................................................................... 14 Table 4. Supported Algorithms and Standards .......................................................................................... 16 Table 5. Key and CSP, Key Size, Security Strength, and Access in FIPS mode ...................................... 17 Version: 1.2 Page 5 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security List of List of List of List of F F F Figures igures igures igures Figure 1. BlackBerry Solution Architecture................................................................................................... 6 Figure 2. Cryptographic Module Hardware Block Diagram.......................................................................... 9 Figure 3: Cryptographic Module Software Block Diagram ......................................................................... 11 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. copied in Published by BlackBerry Security 1 1 1 1 Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction BlackBerry® is the leading wireless solution that allows users to sta applications, including email, phone, enterprise applications, and organizer information. The BlackBerry software, advanced BlackBerry wireless devices and wireless network service, providing a seamless solution. The BlackBerry® Enterprise Solution Figure 1. BlackBer BlackBerry® PlayBook Administration Server software tightly integrates with Microsoft® Exchange, IBM® Lotus® Domino®, and Novell® GroupWise® while working with other existing enterprise systems to enable push-based access of wireless email and data. It allows users to securely send and receive email and information from enterprise data stores and applications. BlackBerry® Desktop Software runs on your computer, allowing you to keep your computer smartphone data organized. It synchronizes the email and organizer information between your BlackBerry smartphone, tablet, and your computer. For more information on the BlackBerry solution, visit The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module software module that provides the following cryptographic services to Administration Server. • Data encryption and decryption • Message digest and authentication code generation • Random data generation • Elliptic curve key pair generation • Elliptic curve digital signature generation and verification • Elliptic curve key agreement BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed copied in its entirety without any modification BlackBerry® is the leading wireless solution that allows users to stay connected to a full suite of applications, including email, phone, enterprise applications, the Internet, Short Message Service ( BlackBerry solution is an integrated package that includes innovative software, advanced BlackBerry wireless devices and wireless network service, providing a seamless Enterprise Solution architecture is shown in the following figure. Figure 1. BlackBerry Solution Architecture BlackBerry® PlayBook Administration Server software tightly integrates with Microsoft® Exchange, IBM® Lotus® Domino®, and Novell® GroupWise® while working with other existing enterprise systems to ss email and data. It allows users to securely send and receive email and information from enterprise data stores and applications. BlackBerry® Desktop Software runs on your computer, allowing you to keep your computer ed. It synchronizes the email and organizer information between your BlackBerry and your computer. For more information on the BlackBerry solution, visit y Cryptographic Java Module, hereafter referred to as cryptographic module or module, is a software module that provides the following cryptographic services to the BlackBerry® PlayBook Data encryption and decryption st and authentication code generation Elliptic curve key pair generation Elliptic curve digital signature generation and verification Elliptic curve key agreement Version: 1.2 Page 6 of 30 distributed provided that it is y connected to a full suite of Short Message Service (SMS), integrated package that includes innovative software, advanced BlackBerry wireless devices and wireless network service, providing a seamless architecture is shown in the following figure. BlackBerry® PlayBook Administration Server software tightly integrates with Microsoft® Exchange, IBM® Lotus® Domino®, and Novell® GroupWise® while working with other existing enterprise systems to ss email and data. It allows users to securely send and receive email BlackBerry® Desktop Software runs on your computer, allowing you to keep your computer, tablet, and ed. It synchronizes the email and organizer information between your BlackBerry , hereafter referred to as cryptographic module or module, is a the BlackBerry® PlayBook Version: 1.2 Page 7 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module meets the requirements of the FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1 as shown in Table 1. Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks 1 Cryptographic Module Security Policy 1 Table 1. Summary of achieved Security Levels per FIPS 140-2 Section Version: 1.2 Page 8 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 2 2 2 2 Cryptographic Cryptographic Cryptographic Cryptographic M M M Module odule odule odule S S S Specification pecification pecification pecification The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module is a multiple-chip stand-alone software cryptographic module that operates with the following components: Commercially available general-purpose computer hardware Commercially available Operating System (OS) that runs on the computer hardware A commercially available Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that runs on the computer hardware and OS 2.1 Physical Specifications The general-computer hardware component consists of the following devices: 1. CPU (microprocessor) 2. Memory Working memory is located on the RAM and contains the following spaces (key storage is not deployed in this module): i. Input/output buffer ii. Plaintext/ciphertext buffer iii. Control buffer Program memory is also located on RAM 3. Hard Disk (or disks) 4. Display controller 5. Keyboard interface 6. Mouse interface 7. Network interface 8. Serial port 9. Parallel port 10. Power supply Figure 2 illustrates the configuration of this component. Version: 1.2 Page 9 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Key: Cryptographic boundary Flow of data, control input, and status output Flow of control input Flow of status output Figure 1. Cryptographic Module Hardware Block Diagram Display Terminal Parallel Interface Keyboard Mouse External Source of Power Hard Disk Drive Display Controller Keyboard Interface Mouse Interface Power Supply System Bus CPU Memory Network Interface Serial Interface Parallel Port Network Serial Port Version: 1.2 Page 10 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 2.2 Computer Hardware, OS, and JVM The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module is tested on the following representative combinations of computer hardware and OS, running the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5.0 and 1.6.0 by Sun Microsystems: 1. Solaris 10, 32-bit SPARC (Binary compatible to Solaris 9) 2. Solaris 10, 64-bit SPARC (Binary compatible to Solaris 9) 3. Red Hat Linux AS 5.5, 32-bit x86 (Binary compatible to AS 2.1/3.0/4.0/5.0) 4. Red Hat Linux AS 5.5, 64-bit x86 (Binary compatible to AS 4.0/5.0) 5. Windows Vista, 32-bit x86 (Binary compatible to Windows 98/2000/2003/XP) 6. Windows Vista, 64-bit x86 (Binary compatible to Windows 64-bit XP). 7. Windows 2008 Server, 64-bit x86 The module will run on the JREs 1.3.1, and 1.4.2, and on various hardware and OS such as, 1. Any other Solaris Platforms, 2. Any other Linux Platforms, 3. Any other Windows Platforms, 4. AIX Platforms, and 5. HP-UX Platforms, while maintaining its compliance to the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements. Thus, this validation is applicable to these JREs and platforms as well. 2.3 Software Specifications The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module provides services to the Java computer language users in the form of a Java archive (JAR). The same binary is used for all identified computer hardware and OS because the JVM underneath the BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module will absorb the differences of the computer hardware and OS. The interface into the BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module is through Application Programmer’s Interface (API) method calls. These method calls provide the interface to the cryptographic services, for which the parameters and return codes provide the control input and status output (see Figure 3). Version: 1.2 Page 11 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Key: Cryptographic boundary Data flows Figure 3: Cryptographic Module Software Block Diagram Java Virtual Machine Application Program BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Module Interface (API) Version: 1.2 Page 12 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 3 3 3 3 Cryptographic Cryptographic Cryptographic Cryptographic M M M Module odule odule odule P P P Ports and orts and orts and orts and I I I Interfaces nterfaces nterfaces nterfaces The cryptographic module ports correspond to the physical ports of the GPC that is executing the module, and the module interfaces correspond to the module’s logical interfaces. The following table describes the module ports and interfaces. FIPS 140-2 interface Module Interfaces Module Ports Data Input API Ethernet Port Data Output API Ethernet Port Control Input API Keyboard and Mouse Status Output Return Code Display Power Input Initialization Function The Power Supply is the power interface. Maintenance Not supported Not supported Table 2. Implementation of FIPS 140-2 Interfaces Version: 1.2 Page 13 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 4 4 4 4 Roles, Roles, Roles, Roles, S S S Services, and ervices, and ervices, and ervices, and A A A Authentication uthentication uthentication uthentication 4.1 Roles and Services The module supports User and Crypto Officer roles. The module does not support a maintenance role. The module does not support multiple or concurrent operators and is intended for use by a single operator, thus it always operates in a single-user mode. Service Crypto Officer User Initialization, etc. Initialization   Deinitialization   Self-tests   Show status   Symmetric Ciphers (AES and TDES) Key generation (Triple-DES only)   Encrypt   Decrypt   Key zeroization   Hash Algorithms and Message Authentication (SHA, HMAC) Hashing   Message authentication   Random Number Generation (pRNG) Instantiation   Request   CSP/key zeroization   Digital Signature (DSA, ECDSA, RSA) Key pair generation   Sign   Version: 1.2 Page 14 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Service Crypto Officer User Verify   Key Zeroization   Key Agreement (Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, ECMQV) Key pair generation   Shared secret generation   Key Zeroization   KeyWrapping (RSA) Key pair generation   Wrap   Unwrap   Key Zeroization   Table 3. Module Roles and Services In order to operate the module securely, it is the Crypto Officer’s and the User’s responsibility to confine calls to those methods that have been FIPS 140-2 Approved. Thus, in the approved mode of operation, all roles shall confine themselves to calling FIPS Approved algorithms, as shown in Table 4. Version: 1.2 Page 15 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 4.2 Security Functions The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module supports many cryptographic algorithms. The set of cryptographic algorithms supported by the BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module is shown in Table 4. Type Algorithm FIPS approved or allowed Certificate number Block Ciphers DES (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) TDES (TECB, TCBC, TCFB64, TOFB) [FIPS 46- 3]  # 964 DESX (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) AES (ECB, CBC, CFB128, OFB128, CTR, CCM, CMAC, GCM) [FIPS 197]  # 1411 ARC2 (ECB, CBC, CFB64, OFB64) [RFC 2268] Stream Cipher ARC4 Hash Functions SHA-1 [FIPS 180-2]  # 1281 SHA-224 [FIPS 180-2]  # 1281 SHA-256 [FIPS 180-2]  # 1281 SHA-384 [FIPS 180-2]  # 1281 SHA-512 [FIPS 180-2]  # 1281 MD5 [RFC 1321] MD4 MD2 [RFC 1115] Message Authentication HMAC-SHA-1 [FIPS 198]  # 832 HMAC-SHA-224 [FIPS 198]  # 832 HMAC-SHA-256 [FIPS 198]  # 832 HMAC-SHA-384 [FIPS 198]  # 832 HMAC-SHA-512 [FIPS 198]  # 832 HMAC-MD5 [RFC 2104] pRNG ANSI X9.62 RNG [ANSI X9.62]  # 773 Version: 1.2 Page 16 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Type Algorithm FIPS approved or allowed Certificate number DRBG [NIST SP 800-90]  # 52 Digital Signature DSA [FIPS 186-2]  # 455 ECDSA [FIPS 186-2, ANSI X9.62]  # 179 RSA PKCS1 v1.5 Signature[PKCS #1 v2.1]  # 687 RSA PSS [PKCS #1 v2.1]  # 687 ECQV Key Agreement Diffie-Hellman [NIST SP 800-56A]  # 8 Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman [NIST SP 800-56A]  # 8 ECMQV [NIST SP 800-56A]  # 8 Key Wrapping RSA PKCS1 v1.5 Encryption [PKCS #1 v2.1] RSA OAEP [NIST SP 800-56B]  ECIES [ANSI X9.63] Table 4. Supported Algorithms and Standards The Triple-DES, AES (ECB, CBC, CFB128, OFB128, CTR, CCM, GCM, and CMAC modes), SHS (SHA- 1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512), HMAC-SHS (HMACSHA-1, HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC- HA256, HMAC-SHA-384, and HMAC-SHA-512), pRNG (ANSI X9.62, NIST SP 800-90), DSA, ECDSA, RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 Signature, and RSA PSS algorithms, and NIST SP 800-56A Key Establishment techniques (key agreement) Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, and ECMQV have been independently tested. The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module also supports a NIST SP 800-56B Key Establishment technique (key wrapping), RSA OAEP. In order to operate the module in a FIPS Approved mode of operation only these FIPS Approved or allowed algorithms may be used. DES, DESX, AES CCM* mode, ARC2, ARC4, MD5, MD4, MD2, and HMAC-MD5, ECQV, ECIES and RSA PKCS #1 v1.5 Encryption algorithm are supported as non FIPS Approved algorithms. In order to operate the module in a FIPS Approved mode of operation these algorithms must not be used. Table 5 summarizes the keys and critical security parameters (CSPs) used in the FIPS mode. Version: 1.2 Page 17 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Algorithm Key and CSP Key Size Strength Access AES Key 128-256 bits 128-256 bits Use Triple-DES Key 112 bits 112bits Create, Read, Use HMAC Key 160-512 bits 80-256 bits Use pRNG Seed key, seed 160-512 bits 80-256 bits Use DSA Key pair 1024-15360 bits 80-256 bits Create, Read, Use ECDSA Key pair 160-571 bits 80-256 bits Create, Read, Use RSA Signature Key pair 1024-15360 bits 80-256 bits Create, Read, Use Diffie-Hellman Static/Ephemeral key pair 1024-15360 bits 80-256 bits Create, Read, Use Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Static/Ephemeral key pair 160-571 bits 80-256 bits Create, Read, Use ECMQV Static/Ephemeral key pair 160-571 bits 80-256 bits Create, Read, Use RSA Key wrapping Key pair 1024-15360 bits 80-256 bits Create, Read, Use Table 5. Key and CSP, Key Size, Security Strength, and Access in FIPS mode 4.3 Operator Authentication The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module does not deploy an authentication mechanism. The operator implicitly selects the roles of Crypto Officer and User. Version: 1.2 Page 18 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 5 5 5 5 Finite State Model Finite State Model Finite State Model Finite State Model The Finite State Model (FSM) contains the following states: • Installed/Uninitialized • Initialized • Self-Test • Idle • Crypto Officer/User • Error The following list provides the important features of the state transition: 1. When the module is installed by the Crypto Officer, the module is in the Installed/Uninitialized state. 2. When the initialization command is applied to the module, that is, the module is loaded on the memory, turning to the Initialization state. Then, the module transits to the Self-Test state and automatically runs the power-up tests. While in the Self-Test state, all data output through the data output interface is prohibited. On success, the module enters idle; on failure the module enters the Error state and the module is disabled. From the Error state, the Crypto Officer might need to reinstall the module to attempt correction. 3. From the Idle state, which is entered only if self-tests have succeeded, the module can transit to the Crypto Officer/User state when an API method is called. 4. When the API method has completed successfully, the state transits back to Idle. 5. If the conditional test (continuous RNG test or pair-wise consistency test) fails, the state transits to the Error state and the module is disabled. 6. When the on-demand self-test is executed, the module enters the Self-Test state. On success, the module enters the Idle state; on failure the module enters the Error state and the module is disabled. 7. When the deinitialization command is executed, the module returns to the Installed/Uninitialized state. Version: 1.2 Page 19 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 6 6 6 6 Physical Physical Physical Physical S S S Security ecurity ecurity ecurity Physical Security is not applicable to the BlackBerry Cryptographic Java module at FIPS 140-2 Level 1, as it is a software module only. Version: 1.2 Page 20 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 7 7 7 7 Operational Operational Operational Operational E E E Environment nvironment nvironment nvironment The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module is to run in a single-user operational environment where each user application runs in a virtually separated, independent space. Note: Modern operating systems, such as UNIX, Linux, and Windows, provide such operational environments. Version: 1.2 Page 21 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 8 8 8 8 Cryptographic Cryptographic Cryptographic Cryptographic K K K Key ey ey ey M M M Management anagement anagement anagement The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module provides the underlying functions to support FIPS 140-2 Level 1 key management. The User will select FIPS approved algorithms and will handle keys with appropriate care to build up a system that complies with FIPS 140-2. The Crypto Officer and User are responsible for selecting FIPS 140-2 validated algorithms (see Table 4). 8.1 Key Generation The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module provides FIPS 140-2 compliant key generation. The underlying random number generation uses a FIPS Approved method, ANSI X9.62 RNG or DRBG. 8.2 Key Establishment The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module provides the following FIPS allowed key establishment techniques [5]: 1. Diffie-Hellman 2. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman 3. ECMQV 4. RSA OAEP The Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman and ECMQV key agreement technique implementations support elliptic curve sizes from 160 bits to 571 bits that provide between 80 and 256 bits of security strength. The Diffie- Hellman key agreement technique implementation supports modulus sizes from 512 bits to 15360 bits that provide between 56 and 256 bits of security strength, where 1024 bits and above must be used to provide minimum of 80 bits of security in the FIPS Mode. The RSA OAEP key wrapping implementation supports modulus sizes from 512 bits to 15360 bits that provide between 56 and 256 bits of security strength, where 1024 bits and above must be used to provide minimum of 80 bits of security in the FIPS Mode. It is the Users responsibility to ensure that the appropriate key establishment techniques are applied to the appropriate keys. 8.3 Key Entry and Output Secret (security sensitive) keys must be imported into or exported from the BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module in encrypted form using a FIPS Approved algorithm when crossing the module’s physical boundary. 8.4 Key Storage The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module is a low-level cryptographic toolkit, so it does not provide key storage. 8.5 Zeroization of Keys The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module provides zeroizable interfaces which implement zeroization methods. Zeroization of all keys and CSPs are performed in the finalizing methods of the objects; JVM executes the finalizing methods every time it operates garbage collection. Version: 1.2 Page 22 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 9 9 9 9 Self Self Self Self- - - -t t t tests ests ests ests 9.1 Power-up Tests 9.1.1 Tests Upon Power-up Self-tests are initiated automatically by the module at start-up. The following tests are applied: 1. Known answer tests (KATs): • KATs are performed on Triple-DES, AES, SHA (via HMAC-SHS), HMAC-SHS, RNG, RSA Signature Algorithm, Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, ECMQV, and KDF (via key agreement). For DSA and ECDSA, Pair-wise Consistency Test is used. 2. Software Integrity Test: • The software integrity test deploys ECDSA signature validation to verify the integrity of the module. 9.1.2 On-demand Self-tests The Crypto Officer or User can invoke on-demand self-tests by invoking a function, which is described in the Crypto Officer And User guide in Appendix C of this document. 9.2 Conditional Tests The Continuous RNG Test is executed on all RNG generated data, examining the first 160 bits of each requested random generation for repetition. This ensures that the RNG is not stuck at any constant value. Also, upon each generation of a RSA, DSA, or ECDSA key pair, the generated key pair is tested of their correctness by generating a signature and verifying the signature on a given message as a Pair-wise Consistency Test. Upon generation or reception of Diffie-Hellman, Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, or ECMQV key pair, the key pair is tested of their correctness by checking shared secret matching of two key agreement parties as a Pair-wise Consistency Test.. 9.3 Failure of Self-tests Failure of the Self-Tests places the cryptographic module in the Error state, wherein no cryptographic operations can be performed. The module is disabled. Additionally, the cryptographic module will throw a Java exception to the caller. Version: 1.2 Page 23 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 10 10 10 10 Design Design Design Design A A A Assurance ssurance ssurance ssurance 10.1 Configuration Management A configuration management system for the cryptographic module is employed and has been described in a document that was submitted to the testing laboratory. It uses the Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) or Subversion (SVN) to track the configurations. 10.2 Delivery and Operation Please refer to Section A.1 of Crypto Officer And User Guide in Appendix A to review the steps necessary for the secure installation and initialization of the cryptographic module. 10.3 Development Detailed design information and procedures have been described in documentation that was submitted to the testing laboratory. The source code is fully annotated with comments, and it was also submitted to the testing laboratory. 10.4 Guidance Documents The Crypto Officer Guide and User Guide is provided in Appendix C of this document. This appendix outlines the operations for Crypto Officer and User to verify the security of the module. Version: 1.2 Page 24 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security 11 11 11 11 Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation of of of of o o o other ther ther ther a a a attacks ttacks ttacks ttacks The BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module implements mitigation of the following attacks: • Timing attack on RSA • Attack on biased private key of DSA 11.1 Timing Attack on RSA When employing Montgomery computations, timing effects allow an attacker to tell when the base of exponentiation is near the secret modulus. This leaks information concerning the secret modulus. In order to mitigate this attack, the following is executed: The bases of exponentiation are randomized by a novel technique that requires no inversion to remove. Note: remote timing attacks are practical: 11.2 Attack on Biased Private Key of DSA The standard for choosing ephemeral values in DSA signature introduce a slight bias. Means to exploit these biases were presented to ANSI by D. Bleichenbacher. In order to mitigate this attack, the following is executed: The bias in the RNG is reduced to levels which are far below the Bleichenbacher attack threshold. Change Notice 1 of FIPS 186-2 is published to mitigate this attack: Version: 1.2 Page 25 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Appendix A Acronyms Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction This appendix lists the acronyms that are used in this document. Acronyms Acronyms Acronyms Acronyms Acronym Full term AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API application programming interface CAT compare answer test CBC cipher block chaining CSP critical security parameter CVS Concurrent Versioning System DEMA differential electromagnetic analysis DES Data Encryption Standard DPA differential power analysis EC Elliptic curve ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm ECMQV Elliptic Curve Menezes-Qu-Vanstone FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GPC General Purpose Computer HMAC keyed-hash message authentication code IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers KAT known answer test LCD liquid crystal display LED light-emitting diode OS operating system Version: 1.2 Page 26 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Acronym Full term PIM personal information management PIN personal identification number PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard PUB Publication RIM Research In Motion RNG random number generator RSA Rivest Shamir Adleman SEMA simple electromagnetic analysis SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHS Secure Hash Standard SMS Short Message Service SPA simple power analysis SVN Subversion URL Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus Version: 1.2 Page 27 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Appendix B References Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction This appendix lists the references that were used for this project. The references in this appendix are listed in the order that they are cited in this document. Uncited references are placed at the end of the list in alphabetical order by title. References References References References 1. NIST Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules, FIPS PUB 140-2, December 3, 2002. 2. NIST Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules, Annex A: Approved Security Functions for FIPS PUB 140-2, January 27, 2010. 3. NIST Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules, Annex B: Approved Protection Profiles for FIPS PUB 140-2, June 14, 2007. 4. NIST Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules, Annex C: Approved Random Number Generators for FIPS PUB 140-2, July 21, 2009. 5. NIST Security Requirements For Cryptographic Modules, Annex D: Approved Key Establishment Techniques for FIPS PUB 140-2, October 8, 2009. 6. NIST Derived Test Requirements for FIPS 140-2, Draft, March 24, 2004. 7. NIST Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, June 15, 2010. 8. NIST Frequently Asked Questions for the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, December 4, 2007. Version: 1.2 Page 28 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Appendix C Crypto Officer and User Guide Installation Installation Installation Installation In order to carry out a secure installation of the BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module, the Crypto Officer must follow the procedure described in this section. Installing Installing Installing Installing The Crypto Officer is responsible for the installation of the BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module. Only the Crypto Officer is allowed to install the product. Note: Place the cryptographic module, EccpressoFIPS.jar, in CLASSPATH or as an installed extension. Uninstalling Uninstalling Uninstalling Uninstalling Remove the jar file, EccpressoFIPS.jar, from the computer hardware. Commands Commands Commands Commands Initialization Initialization Initialization Initialization FIPSManager.getInstance().activateFIPSMode() This method runs a series of Self-Tests on the module. These tests examine the integrity of the shared object, and the correct operation of the cryptographic algorithms. If these tests are successful, the module will be enabled. Deinitialization Deinitialization Deinitialization Deinitialization FIPSManager.getInstance().deactivateFIPSMode() This method de-initializes the module.. Self Self Self Self- - - -tests tests tests tests FIPSManager.getInstance().runSelfTests() This method runs a series of Self-Tests, and returns if the tests are successful, otherwise, an exception is thrown. These tests examine the integrity of the shared object, and the correct operation of the cryptographic algorithms. If these tests fail, the module will be disabled. Section A.3 of this document describes how to recover from the disabled state.. Show Show Show Show S S S Status tatus tatus tatus Status can be found by calling FIPSManager.getInstance().isFIPSMode() and FIPSManager.getInstance().requestCryptoOperation(). If both methods return true, the module is in the Idle state. Version: 1.2 Page 29 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security When When When When M M M Module is odule is odule is odule is D D D Disabled isabled isabled isabled When BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module becomes disabled, attempt to bring the module back to the Installed state by calling the deinitialization method, and then to initialize the module using the initialization method. If the initialization is successful, the module is recovered. If this attempt fails, uninstall the module and re-install it. If the module is initialized successfully by this reinstallation, the recovery is successful. If this recovery attempt fails, it indicates a fatal error. Please contact Support immediately. Version: 1.2 Page 30 of 30 BlackBerry Cryptographic Java Module Versions 2.8 and 2.8.1 © 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. This document may be freely copied and distributed provided that it is copied in its entirety without any modification Published by BlackBerry Security Document Document Document Document and and and and C C C Contact ontact ontact ontact I I I Information nformation nformation nformation Version Date Description 1.0 January 06, 2012 Document creation 1.1 June 1, 2012 Updates based on Lab Comments 1.2 June 14, 2012 Added reference to version 2.8.1 Contact Corporate office Security Certifications team (519) 888-7465 ext. 72921 Research In Motion 295 Phillip Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2L 3W8