© Copyright 2021 HID Global This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. HID Global ActivID Applet Suite v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version: 1.7 Date: February 8, 2021 HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 2 Table of Contents References ...........................................................................................................................................................3 Acronyms and Definitions....................................................................................................................................4 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................5 1.1 Versions, Configurations and Modes of Operation ................................................................................6 2 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary ...................................................................................6 2.1 Firmware and Logical Cryptographic Boundary......................................................................................7 3 Cryptographic Functionality..................................................................................................................10 3.1 Critical Security Parameters..................................................................................................................11 3.2 Public Keys ............................................................................................................................................12 4 Roles, Authentication and Services.......................................................................................................12 4.1 Secure Channel Protocol Authentication..............................................................................................13 4.2 Secret Value Authentication .................................................................................................................13 4.3 Symmetric Cryptographic Authentication ............................................................................................13 4.4 Services .................................................................................................................................................14 5 Self-test.................................................................................................................................................16 5.1 Power-on Self-test ................................................................................................................................16 5.2 Conditional Self-tests............................................................................................................................16 6 Physical Security Policy .........................................................................................................................17 7 Operational Environment .....................................................................................................................17 8 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC)...............................................................17 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy.........................................................................................................17 10 Security Rules and Guidance.................................................................................................................18 Table of Tables Table 1 – References......................................................................................................... 3 Table 2 – Acronyms and Definitions ....................................................................................... 4 Table 3 – Security Level of Security Requirements ..................................................................... 5 Table 4 - Approved Mode Indicators ...................................................................................... 6 Table 5 – Ports and Interfaces ............................................................................................. 7 Table 6 – Approved Cryptographic Functions ........................................................................... 10 Table 7 – Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions...................................................... 11 Table 8 – Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions ..................................................................... 11 Table 9 – Critical Security Parameters................................................................................... 11 Table 10 – Public Keys...................................................................................................... 12 Table 11 - Roles ............................................................................................................. 12 Table 12 ‐ Applet Services (Approved Mode)............................................................................ 14 Table 13 ‐ Applet Services (Non-Approved Mode)...................................................................... 15 Table 14 - Access to CSPs by services.................................................................................... 15 Table of Figures Figure 1 – To scale depiction of the Cosmo V8 Module (top, connection pads side) .............................. 7 Figure 2 - Module Block Diagram .......................................................................................... 8 HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 3 References Acronym Full Specification Name [FIPS140-2] NIST, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 [FIPS 180-4] NIST, Secure Hash Standard, FIPS Publication 180-4, March 2012 [FIPS 186-4] NIST, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), FIPS Publication 186-4, July, 2013 [FIPS 197] NIST, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), FIPS Publication 197, November 26, 2001. [GlobalPlatform] GlobalPlatform Consortium: GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.1.1, March 2003, http://www.globalplatform.org GlobalPlatform Consortium: GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.1.1 Amendment A, March 2004 [IG] NIST, Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, last updated 28 August 2020. [INCITS 504-1] INCITS, Information Technology ‐ Generic Identity Command Set ‐ Part 1: Card Application Command Set, Amendment [ISO 7816] ISO/IEC 7816-1: 1998 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts -- Part 1: Physical characteristics ISO/IEC 7816-2:2007 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 2: Cards with contacts -- Dimensions and location of the contacts ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 3: Cards with contacts -- Electrical interface and transmission protocols ISO/IEC 7816-4:2005 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange [JavaCard] Java Card 3.0.1 Classic ‐ Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specifications Java Card 3.0.1 Classic ‐ Virtual Machine (JCVM) Specifications Java Card 3.0.1 Classic ‐ Application Programming Interface (API) Published by Sun Microsystems, May 2009 [PKCS#1] PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard, RSA Laboratories, June 14, 2002 [SP800-38F] NIST, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping, December 2012 [SP800-56A] NIST Special Publication 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, March 2007 [SP800-67] NIST Special Publication 800-67, Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher, Revision 2, November 2017 [SP800‐73‐4] NIST, Interface for Personal Identity Verification (Revised Draft), February 2016 [SP800‐78‐4] Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Sizes for Personal Identity Verification, May 2015. [SP800-90Ar1] NIST Special Publication 800-90A, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, Revision 1, June 2015. [SP800-108] NIST, Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions (Revised), October 2009 [SP800-131A] Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, Revision 2, March 2019 [SP800-133] Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation, Revision 2, June 2020 Table 1 – References HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 4 Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition ACA Access Control Applet API Application Programming Interface ATR Answer To Reset CM Card Manager, see [GlobalPlatform] CSP Critical Security Parameter, see [FIPS 140-2] CVC Card Verifiable Certificate DAP Data Authentication Pattern, see [GlobalPlatform] DPA Differential Power Analysis GP Global Platform HID Human Interface Device (Microsoftism) IC Integrated Circuit ISD Issuer Security Domain, see [GlobalPlatform] KAT Known Answer Test MMU Memory Management Unit NVM Non-Volatile Memory (e.g. EEPROM, Flash) OP Open Platform (predecessor to Global Platform) OPACITY Open Protocol for Access Control, Identification and Ticketing with privacy PCT Pairwise Consistency Test PKI Public Key Infrastructure PUK Pin Unblocking Key RSA Rivest Shamir and Adelman SMA Secure Messaging Anonymous TPDU Transaction Protocol Data Unit, see [ISO 7816] XAUT External Authentication Table 2 – Acronyms and Definitions HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 5 1 Introduction This document defines the Security Policy for the HID Global ActivID Applet Suite on the Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 cryptographic module, hereafter denoted the Module. The Module, validated to FIPS 140-2 overall Level 2, is a single chip smartcard module implementing the JavaCard platform, Global Platform operational environment, with Card Manager as well as the ActivID Applet Suite. The HID Global ActivID Applet Suite is conformant to [SP800-73-4], validated in the NPIVP program (Cert. #41). It is also compliant with the GSC-IS 2.1 standard. The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the Module are as follows: Area Description Level 1 Module Specification 2 2 Ports and Interfaces 2 3 Roles and Services 3 4 Finite State Model 2 5 Physical Security 4 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Key Management 2 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-test 2 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks 2 Overall 2 Table 3 – Security Level of Security Requirements The Module is based on (but not bound to) Cert. # 2303 Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 module, which provides a Global Platform JavaCard operational environment. The Cert. #2303 module included an Oberthur PIV applet suite, which is not available in this Module. In this Module: • The hardware and operating system are unchanged from Cert. #2303 • The ActivID Applet Suite replaces the Oberthur PIV Application Suite with Opacity. Cryptographic services and algorithms that are not available in this configuration have been removed from the security policy and validation process. • This Module is available in one of the three possible packaging options represented in Cert. #2303: the dual interface package. • In accordance with NPIVP [SP800-78-4] requirements, the RSA implementation has been tested for the RSADP and RSASP1 primitives. Note that the RSADP and RSASP1 are subsets of the RSA functionality; the PIV program requires CAVP testing of the primitives for requirements traceability. • The PIV applet has been tested for NPIVP conformance. HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 6 1.1 Versions, Configurations and Modes of Operation Hardware: Oberthur Technologies ‘0F’ OS Firmware: Oberthur Technologies firmware ‘5601’ Application Firmware: HID Global ActivID Applet Suite 2.7.4, comprising: • ASCLIB: • ACA: • GC/PKI/SKI: • PIV EP Wrapper: • SMAv3 (ZKM) library: • SMAv3: The Module provides a FIPS 140-2 Approved mode, which must be maintained by adhering to the procedural controls outlined in Section 10. The platform Answer To Reset (ATR) and the ActivID Applet Suite provide the indicators of the Approved mode, but must be used in conjunction with the administrative guidance set forth in Section 10. Table 4 - Approved Mode Indicators Command and associated elements Expected Response Use of Module Info service to read FIPS Mode data object (tag ‘05’) within the Card Identification data object (tag ‘DF52’) ‘01’ (indicates FIPS mode; set in FIPS 140-2 mode of operation during manufacturing). ACA applet Module Info service (GET PROPERTIES command with tag 24). 0x24 0x02 01 YY, where the 01 (in bold italics) value indicates the FIPS 140-2 Approved mode. 2 Hardware and Physical Cryptographic Boundary The Module is designed to be embedded into lead frames which are then built into plastic card bodies, with a contact plate and contactless antenna connections. The physical form of the Module is depicted in Figure 1; the cryptographic boundary is the surface and edges of the die, with the bond pads providing the physical port connection points. The contactless ports of the Module require connection to an antenna. The Module relies on [ISO7816] and [ISO14443] card readers as input/output devices. Control/data input and status/data output share a common physical port, with the logical separation into interfaces determined by the ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 protocols. HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 7 Figure 1 – To scale depiction of the Cosmo V8 Module (top, connection pads side) Table 5 – Ports and Interfaces Port Description Logical Interface Type VCC, GND ISO 7816: Supply voltage Power RST ISO 7816: Reset Control in CLK ISO 7816: Clock Control in I/O ISO 7816: Input/Output Control in, Data in, Data out, Status out LA, LB ISO 14443: Antenna Power, Control in, Data in, Data out, Status out NC Not connected Not connected 2.1 Firmware and Logical Cryptographic Boundary Figure 2 depicts the Module operational environment. HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 8 Figure 2 - Module Block Diagram The JavaCard, GlobalPlatform and Oberthur APIs are internal interfaces available only to applets and security domains (i.e., Card Manager). Only applet services are available at the card edge (the interfaces that cross the cryptographic boundary). The NVM is separated into segments with different access rules, enforced by the hardware MMU. The MMU is initialized with the correct settings by startup code, and verified by the operating system each time the system starts. The MMU settings cannot be changed at run time. All code is executed from ROM and NVM. The HID Global ActivID Applet Suite 2.7.4 comprises: • ASC Library package – This is the library package that implements functions required by other applets. The library functions are not directly accessible via the cryptographic Module command interface. • Access Control Applet (ACA) – This applet is responsible for Access Control Rules (ACR) definition, access control rules enforcement and secure-messaging processing for all card services. Three off-card entity authentication methods – GP secure messaging, PIN, and External Authentication are included by default in the ACA applet. • SMAv3 (ZKM) Library package - This library implements ECC OnePassDH Key Agreement with Key Confirmation (Key Agreement Role Responder - Key Confirmation Role Provider and Type Unilateral). It is used by SMAv3 applet for OPACITY ZKM Secure Messaging protocol establishment. Use of this package will result in assumption of the non-Approved mode, as specified in Section 10. • SMAv3 Applet – This applet implements the OPACITY ZKM Secure Messaging protocol based on [INCITS 504-1]. This Secure Messaging is initiated through the use of a key establishment protocol, based on a static ECC key pair stored in the applet and an ephemeral ECC key pair generated on the host application. This key establishment is a one-way authentication protocol that authenticates the card to the host application and establishes a set of AES session keys used to protect the communication channel between Firmware Platform Java Applications Layer Hardware Power Mgmt Clock Mgmt Sensors Reset Mgmt RAM MMU NVM CPU AES/DES Engine RSA/ECC Engine NDRNG CRC Timers ISO 7816 (UART) ISO 14443 (RF) Vcc, GND CLK RST I/O (Contact) LA/LB (RF) GlobalPlatform OS JavaCard API Global Platform API ActivID Applet Suite ROM Oberthur API System Applications Layer Card Manager HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 9 the two parties. Use of this package will result in assumption of the non-Approved mode, as specified in Section 10. • PKI/Generic Container/ SKI (PKI/GC/SKI) Applet – The PKI/GC/SKI Applet provides secure storage for PKI credentials, and other data that are required for implementation of card services including single sign-on applications, identity, and benefits information. This applet is responsible for RSA-based cryptographic operations using the RSA private key stored in the PKI buffers. The applet also exposes OTP (One Time Password) services for synchronous or asynchronous authentication. This applet is compliant with GSC-IS 2.1. • PIV EP Wrapper Applet – This Applet aligns with [SP800-73-4] (both at card-edge and data model levels). This Applet is a wrapper on top of the ActivID Applet Suite 2.7.4 (ASCLIB, ACA, GC/PKI/SKI and SMAv3/Lib above). Its purpose is to access the PIV card-edge and objects although objects are physically stored in the GC/PKI/SKI and SMAv3 applet instances. This Applet cannot operate in standalone mode and must interface with the ACA, GC/PKI/SKI and SMAv3/Lib applets and libraries to operate properly. The JavaCard API is an internal interface, available to applets. Only applet services are available at the card edge (the interfaces that cross the cryptographic boundary). HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 10 3 Cryptographic Functionality The Module implements the Approved and Non-Approved but Allowed cryptographic functions listed in Tables 5 and Table 6 below. Algorithm Description Cert # AES AES Key Wrap [FIPS 197] Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm. The Module supports AES-128 keys, and ECB and CBC modes. [SP800-38F] AES Key Wrap, denoted KW and KWP on the AES listing (key establishment method provides 128 bits of encryption strength). AES-KW was tested but is not used. 2910 AES CMAC [SP800-38B] AES CMAC. The Module supports AES-128 keys. 2911 CKG [SP800-133] Section 5.1 Key Pairs for Digital Signature Schemes, Section 6.1 The “Direct Generation” of Symmetric Key Section 6.2 Derivation of Symmetric Keys Vendor Affirmed DRBG [SP 800‐90A] AES‐128 CTR_DRBG. Does not support prediction resistance, supports re‐seed operation and concatenation to provide security strength greater than 128 bits. 537 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm. The module supports the NIST defined P-224, P-256, P-384, and P-521 curves for key pair generation, signature and signature verification. ECDSA was tested but is not used. 526 KBKDF [SP 800-108] CMAC-based KDF with AES-128. 33 KTS [SP800-38F] §3.1 ¶3 conformant key wrapping, using AES Cert. #2910 and AES CMAC Cert. #2911. 2910, 2911 RSA CRT [FIPS 186-4] RSA signature generation. The Module supports 2048-bit RSA keys. 1532 RSADP [SP 800‐56B] SP 800‐56B Section 7.1.2 RSA decryption primitive (as used by the PIV specification). The module supports the RSA‐2048 key pair size, key decryption only. 336 (CVL) RSASP1 RSA signature generation primitive (RSASP1) using off card hash. 1302 (CVL) RSA STD [FIPS 186-4] RSA key generation and signature verification. The module supports 2048-bit RSA keys. 1531 SHA [FIPS 180-4] Secure Hash Standard compliant one-way (hash) algorithms: SHA- 1, SHA-256. 2449 Triple-DES1 [SP 800-67] Triple Data Encryption Algorithm. The Module supports 3-Key encrypt and decrypt in CBC or ECB modes. 1727 Table 6 –Approved Cryptographic Functions 1 Per IG A.13, The same Triple-DES key shall be limited to 216 64-bit data block encryptions; this restriction is to be enforced by the operator. HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 11 Algorithm Description NDRNG [AIS 31] Class P2 Hardware True RNG used to seed the FIPS approved DRBG. Table 7 – Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions Algorithm Description KAS (#91) [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement. The module supports EC Diffie-Hellman with the NIST defined P-256 curve in accordance with the OPACITY protocol. This implementation is not compliant with [SP800-56A] EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement. Table 8 – Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions 3.1 Critical Security Parameters All CSPs used by the Module are described in this section. Key Description / Usage OS‐DRBG‐SEED Entropy input provided by the NDRNG, used to seed the Approved DRBG. OS‐DRBG‐STATE The current AES‐128 CTR_DRBG state. SD-KENC AES-128 Master key used to generate SD-SENC. SD-KMAC AES-128 Master key used to generate SD-SMAC. SD-KDEK AES-128 Sensitive data decryption key used to decrypt CSPs. SD-SENC AES-128 Session encryption key used to decrypt secure channel data. SD-SMAC AES-128 Session MAC key used to verify inbound secure channel data integrity. ACA-SPAK 3-Key TDEA key used by the ACA applet to authenticate the AA role (0-8 keys). ACA-PIN 8 character string PIN used for local PIN verification. ACA-PUK 8 character string PIN Unblocking Key used to confirm authorization to unblock a blocked PIN. ACA-PC 8 character string Pairing Code used to associate a peer device for a virtual contact interface. PKI-GPK RSA 2048 general purpose key with usage determined outside the Module scope. SKI-OTP 3-Key Triple-DES key used by the GC/PKI/SKI applet for one time password generation (0-n keys). PIV-RPAK RSA 2048 PIV Authentication (9A) RSA Authentication Key. PIV-RDSK RSA 2048 PIV Digital Signature (9C) RSA Private Signature Key. PIV-RKDK RSA 2048 PIV Key Management (9D) RSA Key Decryption Key. Up to 5 copies of this key may be stored in retired key locations ‘82’ though ‘86’. PIV-RCAK RSA 2048 PIV Card Authentication (9E) RSA Authentication Key. Table 9 – Critical Security Parameters HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 12 3.2 Public Keys Key Description / Usage PKI-RGPKPUB RSA 2048 general purpose Key with usage determined outside the Module scope PIV-RPAKPUB RSA 2048 PIV Authentication (9A) RSA Authentication Public Key PIV-RDSKPUB RSA 2048 PIV Digital Signature (9C) RSA Signature Verification Key PIV-RKDKPUB RSA 2048 PIV Key Management (9D) RSA Key Decryption Key PIV-RCAKPUB RSA 2048 PIV Card Authentication (9E) RSA Authentication Public Key Table 10 – Public Keys The PIV specifications [SP800-73-4, SP800-78-4] define the generation of asymmetric key pairs for PIV authentication (9A), digital signature (9C), key management (9D, with retired copies in 82-86) and card authentication (9E). When the Manage Content service is called to generate key pairs, the public keys listed above are returned by the PIV applet. An external entity (e.g., a card management system) is responsible for packaging the public key in an X509 certificate and storing it in the corresponding X509 certificate container in the PIV applet. The HID Global ActivID Applet Suite does not make use of the public keys after generation and does not define any other usage of public keys. 4 Roles, Authentication and Services Table 10 lists all operator roles supported by the Module. This Module does not support a maintenance role. The Module supports concurrent operators controlling access to restricted objects and services via the AC applet access control mechanism. The module clears previous authentications on power cycle. Role ID Role Description AA Application Administrator - responsible for configuration of the applet suite data. Authenticated using the Symmetric Cryptographic Authentication method. CH The Card Holder (user) uses the Module for an identity token. Authenticated in the PIV applet using the Secret Value authentication method. CO Cryptographic Officer - responsible for card issuance and management of card data via the Card Manager and ActivID Applet Suite. Authenticated using Secure Channel Protocol authentication. Table 11 - Roles HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 13 4.1 Secure Channel Protocol Authentication The Secure Channel Protocol authentication method is provided by the Secure Channel service. The SD‐ KENC and SD‐KMAC keys are used to derive the SD‐SENC and SD‐SMAC keys, respectively. The SD‐SENC key is used to create a cryptogram; the external entity participating in the mutual authentication also creates this cryptogram. Each participant compares the received cryptogram to the calculated cryptogram and if this succeeds, the two participants are mutually authenticated (the external entity is authenticated to the Module in the CO role). The probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is: • 1/(2^128) = 2.9E‐39 (SD‐KENC/SD‐SENC, using a 128‐bit block for authentication) The Module enforces a maximum of fifteen consecutive failed SCP authentication attempts. The probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one minute interval is: • 15/(2^128) = 4.4E-38 (SD-KENC/SD-SENC, using a 128-bit block for authentication) 4.2 Secret Value Authentication This authentication method compares a value sent to the Module to the stored ACA-PIN or ACA-PUK values; if the two values are equal, the operator is authenticated. This method is used to authenticate to the CH (User) role or to confirm authorization to unblock a blocked PIN. The HID ActivID Applet Suite 2.7.4 does not support the FIPS 201 global PIN option. The strength of authentication for this authentication method depends on both internal and external factors. The Module compares all 8 characters of the ACA-PIN or ACA-PUK value. Based on this, the probability of false authentication of this authentication method is as follows: • 1/(256^8) = 5.4E‐20 Based on the [SP800-73-4] defined maximum count of 15 for failed authentication attempts, the probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one minute period is • 15/(256^8) = 8.1E-19 Please see Section 10 for guidance on required external security procedures associated with the PIV. 4.3 Symmetric Cryptographic Authentication This authentication method decrypts (using ACA-SPAK) an encrypted challenge sent to the module by an external entity and compares the challenge to the expected value. This method is used to authenticate to the AA role. The strength of authentication for this authentication method is based on the strength of ACA-SPAK; only 3- Key TRIPLE-DES are allowed for this key, but the limiting factor is the block size of 64 bits; hence the associated probability of false authentication of this authentication methods is: • 1/(2^64) = 5.4E-20 The execution of this authentication mechanism is rate limited – the module can perform no more than 2^16 attempts per minute. Therefore, the probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one minute period is: • (2^16)/(2^64) = 3.6E-15 HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 14 4.4 Services All services implemented by the Module are listed in the table below. The NR column in the table below indicates unauthenticated services available in the corresponding applet. Where NR and a role are checked, the service governs access to privileged objects based on access control rules and authentication status. Service Role NR AA CH CO Authenticate – Authenticate an operator to a role. X X X Context - Select an applet or manage logical channels. X Get OTP – Obtain a one-time password. X X Lifecycle - Modify the card or applet life cycle status, inclusive of zeroization of all CSPs stored in non-volatile memory. X Logout - Logout all previously authenticated roles X Manage Configuration – Register/unregister applet instances and related information for access control configuration. Set object identifiers associated with applet instances. X Manage Content - Load and install application packages and associated keys and data. Applet Suite (Card Manager); manage applet properties, keys, PINs, pairing codes, and other data associated with the applet. X X X Module Info - Read module configuration or status information. Retrieve applet instance properties, public ACR (access control rule) and associated properties. Retrieve applet instance properties, public ACR (access control rule) and associated properties. Retrieve applet instance properties. X X X X Module Reset - Power cycle or reset; includes Power-On Self-Test and zeroization of all CSPs stored in volatile memory. X PIV Authentication – Authentication of the PIV Application by an external system; requires cardholder consent via PIN verify. X PIV Card Authentication – Authentication of the PIV Card by an external system. X PIV Digital Signature – Sign an externally generated hash value. X PIV Info – Read PIV data objects and applet instance properties. X X PIV System Key Services – Unwrap a key provided by the host. The key is not established into or used by the module. X Secure Channel - Establish and use a secure communications channel. X Sign - Sign an externally generated hash value. X X Table 12 ‐ Applet Services (Approved Mode) HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 15 Service Role NR AA CH CO Opacity Secure Messaging - Establish OPACITY-ZKM Secure Messaging X Table 13 ‐ Applet Services (Non-Approved Mode) Service OS‐DRBG‐SEED OS‐DRBG‐STATE SD-KENC SD-KMAC SD-KDEK SD-SENC SD-SMAC ACA-SPAK ACA-PIN ACA-PUK ACA-PC PKI-GPK SKI-OTP PIV-RPAK PIV-RDSK PIV-RKDK PIV-RCAK Authenticate -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E E -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- Context -- -- -- -- -- E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Get OTP -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- Lifecycle Z Z Z Z Z E E Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Logout -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Manage Configuration -- -- -- -- -- E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Manage Content -- -- W E W E W E E E W Z W E W E W W GZ W Z GZ GZ W Z GZ Module Info -- -- -- -- -- E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Module Reset GE W GE W -- -- -- Z Z -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PIV Authentication -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- PIV Card Authentication -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E PIV Digital Signature -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- PIV Info -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- PIV System Key Services -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- Secure Channel E W E W E E -- GE GE -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Sign -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- Table 14 - Access to CSPs by services G = Generate: The Module generates the CSP. R = Read: The Module reads the CSP (read access to the CSP by an outside entity). E = Execute: The Module executes using the CSP. W = Write: The Module writes the CSP on import or update. Z = Zeroize: The Module zeroizes the CSP. -- = Not accessed by the service. “E” in the secure channel session key columns indicates where secure channel may be used. “Z” in the Lifecycle row indicates key destruction as a consequence of card termination. HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 16 5 Self-test 5.1 Power-on Self-test On power-on or reset, the Module performs self-tests as described in Table 15 below. All KATs must be completed successfully prior to any other use of cryptography by the Module. If any self‐test fails, the system emits an error code (0x6FXX) and enters the SELF‐TEST ERROR state. Test Target Description CRC‐16 Compute CRC 16 from a fixed message and check the result (a critical function test). Firmware Integrity 16-bit CRC performed over all executable code in NVM. DRBG (Cert. #537) Performs a fixed input KAT (inclusive of SP 800-90A health monitoring tests). Triple-DES (Cert. #1727) Performs separate encrypt and decrypt KATs using 3-Key Triple-DES in ECB mode. AES (Cert. #2910) Performs a decrypt KAT using an AES-128 key in ECB mode. SP 800-108 KDF (Cert. # 33) Performs a KAT of SP 800-108 KDF. This self-test is inclusive of AES CMAC (Cert.#2911)and AES encrypt (Cert. #2910) function self-test. SHA-256 (Cert. #2449) Performs a fixed input KAT. RSA CRT (Cert. #1532) Performs RSA CRT signature KAT using an RSA 2048 bit key. ECC CDH (KAS Cert. #48) Legacy – ECC CDH is not used in the Approved mode. Primitive “Z” Computation KAT for [SP 800-56A] Section ECC CDH Primitive using the P-521 curve. ECDSA (Cert. #526) Performs known answer test using the P-224 curve. This self-test is inclusive of the ECC CDH function self-test. Table 15 – Power‐On Self‐Test 5.2 Conditional Self-tests On every call to the DRBG or NDRNG, the module performs the AS09.42 continuous RNG test to assure that the output is different than the previous value. The module performs the SP 800‐90A health monitoring tests for all DRBG functions. If any self‐test fails, the system emits an error code (0x6FXX) and enters the SELF‐ TEST ERROR state. When an ECC or RSA key pair is generated, the Module performs a pairwise consistency test. If the pairwise consistency test fails, the key is cleared, and an error code (0x6600) is returned. The PKI applet instance must be deleted and re-instantiated to be able to attempt a new key pair generation. When new firmware is loaded into the Module using the Manage Content service, the Module verifies the integrity of the new firmware (applet) using MAC verification with the SD-SMAC key. Failure to verify the new firmware results in the BAD APDU error state; the Module returns an error specific to the situation (MAC failure). HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 17 6 Physical Security Policy The Module is a single-chip implementation that meets commercial-grade specifications for power, temperature, reliability, and shock/vibrations. The Module’s physical hardness was tested at ambient temperature only. The Module is intended to be mounted in additional packaging, the plastic card body, covering the back faces of the module. Physical inspection of the epoxied (back) face is typically not practical after packaging. 7 Operational Environment The Module is designated as a limited operational environment under the FIPS 140-2 definitions. The Module includes a firmware load service to support necessary updates. New firmware versions within the scope of this validation must be validated through the FIPS 140-2 CMVP. Any other firmware loaded into this Module is out of the scope of this validation and require a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. 8 Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC) The Module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by part 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B. 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The Module implements defenses against: • Light attacks: The chip includes sensors to detect light attacks. A hardware attack event triggers the KillCard behavior described below. • Invasive fault attacks: The chip includes sensors for fault attacks. A hardware attack event triggers the KillCard behavior described below. • Side-channel attacks (SPA/DPA, timing analysis): The chip implements hardware countermeasures, such as induced clock jitter. The operating system enables the hardware counter measures and implements independent countermeasures in code, such as constant time execution. • Electromagnetic attacks: This includes the defenses against side-channel attacks described above, where the detection mechanism is monitoring chip emissions rather than physical power connections. In addition, the hardware includes sensors to detect electromagnetic attacks, invoking KillCard behavior if detected. • Differential fault analysis (DFA): The operating system provides checks of expected conditions in areas of code deemed sensitive. If the check detects an error, the KillCard behavior is initiated. HID Global ActivID Applet v2.7.4 on Oberthur Technologies Cosmo V8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy © Copyright 2021 HID Global Corporation / ASSA ABLOY AB. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 18 • Card tearing attacks: The operating system implements methods to assure protective measures are completed in the next cycle if the module loses power (i.e., is removed from the reader) before completion of the protective function. The KillCard function logs the detected attack type in a table. The table has a preset limit; when the limit is reached, the module initiates card termination, including overwrite of the CSPs, and the module is no longer operable. 10 Security Rules and Guidance The Module implementation also enforces the following security rules: • No additional interface or service is implemented by the Module which would provide access to CSPs. • Data output is inhibited during key generation, self-tests, zeroization, and error states. • There are no restrictions on which keys or CSPs are zeroized by the zeroization service. • The Module does not support manual key entry, output plaintext CSPs or output intermediate key values. • Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the Module. In addition, the following guidance must be followed to operate the Module within the conditions of the FIPS 140-2 validation. • Per IG A.13, The same Triple-DES key shall be limited to 216 64-bit data block encryptions; this restriction is to be enforced by the operator. • Per [SP800-131], the KAS (Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman) functionality shall not be used in the Approved mode of operation; this includes all Opacity ZKM Secure Messaging services listed in Table 13, as provided by the SMA3v3 Library Package and SMAv3 Applet listed in Section 2.1. • PIV Applet administrators are required to procedurally enforce usage policy that ensures end user’s PIV PIN values meet the conditions as described in [SP80073-4] and that the selected PIN values also meet the FIPS 140-2 security strength of 1/1,000,000.