Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 1 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Microsoft FIPS 140 Validation Microsoft Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Software Versions: 1.0 and 2.0 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version Number 1.2 Updated On October 04, 2023 Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 2 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This document is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs- NonCommercial License (which allows redistribution of the work). To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 3 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Version History Version Date Summary of changes 1.0 September 22, 2021 First Draft 1.1 March 23, 2023 Updated to include Azure Linux Kernel version 2 1.2 October 04, 2023 Draft sent to NIST CMVP Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 4 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). TABLE OF CONTENTS SECURITY POLICY DOCUMENT.....................................................................................................1 VERSION HISTORY..............................................................................................................................3 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................7 1.1 LIST OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE LIBRARIES AND BINARIES ..............................................................7 1.2 VALIDATED PLATFORMS............................................................................................................9 1.3 MODES OF OPERATION.............................................................................................................9 1.4 CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY....................................................................................................11 1.5 FIPS 140-2 APPROVED ALGORITHMS ........................................................................................12 1.6 NON-APPROVED ALGORITHMS .................................................................................................14 1.7 HARDWARE COMPONENTS OF THE CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE..........................................................16 2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES ..........................................................17 3 ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION ..........................................................................17 3.1 ROLES.................................................................................................................................17 3.2 FIPS 140-2 APPROVED SERVICES..............................................................................................17 3.3 AUTHENTICATION..................................................................................................................19 4 FINITE STATE MODEL.........................................................................................................19 4.1 STATE DESCRIPTIONS..............................................................................................................20 5 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................21 5.1 SINGLE OPERATOR.................................................................................................................21 5.2 TRACING .............................................................................................................................21 6 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................21 6.1 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION ..............................................................................................21 6.2 KEY AND CSP MANAGEMENT SUMMARY ....................................................................................22 6.3 KEY AND CSP ACCESS.............................................................................................................23 6.4 KEY AND CSP STORAGE ..........................................................................................................23 Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 5 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 6.5 KEY AND CSP ZEROIZATION .....................................................................................................23 6.6 KEY ESTABLISHMENT AND TRANSPORT .......................................................................................24 7 SELF-TESTS........................................................................................................................24 7.1 POWER-ON SELF-TESTS ..........................................................................................................24 7.1.1 INTEGRITY TESTS..............................................................................................................................24 7.1.2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHM TESTS ...................................................................................................25 7.2 ON-DEMAND SELF-TESTS........................................................................................................25 7.3 CONDITIONAL TESTS...............................................................................................................25 7.3.1 DRBG ...........................................................................................................................................25 7.3.2 ENT..............................................................................................................................................26 7.3.3 KAS-FFC KEY AGREEMENT METHOD..................................................................................................26 Owner Assurance of Public-Key Validity.....................................................................................26 Public Key Validation...................................................................................................................26 DLC Primitives .............................................................................................................................26 7.3.4 KAS-ECC KEY AGREEMENT PROTOCOL...............................................................................................26 Public Key Validation...................................................................................................................26 7.3.5 AES-XTS .......................................................................................................................................26 8 GUIDANCE ........................................................................................................................26 8.1 CRYPTO-OFFICER GUIDANCE ....................................................................................................26 8.1.1 MODULE INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................26 8.1.2 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT CONFIGURATION.......................................................................................26 8.2 USER GUIDANCE ...................................................................................................................27 8.2.1 CTR AND RFC3686.........................................................................................................................27 8.2.2 AES ..............................................................................................................................................27 AES-XTS .......................................................................................................................................27 AES-GCM IV.................................................................................................................................27 8.2.3 TRIPLE-DES....................................................................................................................................28 8.3 HANDLING FIPS-RELATED SELF-TEST ERRORS ..............................................................................28 9 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS.......................................................................................28 10 SECURITY LEVELS...............................................................................................................28 11 ADDITIONAL DETAILS ........................................................................................................29 12 GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................30 Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 6 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 13 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................30 Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 7 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1 Introduction The Microsoft Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API (the “module”) is a general-purpose, software-based cryptographic module. The module provides general purpose cryptographic services that leverage FIPS 140-2-approved cryptographic algorithms. The module runs as part of the operating system kernel, provides cryptographic services to kernel applications through a C language Application Program Interface (API), and provides cryptographic services to user applications through an AF_ALG socket interface. The module is implemented as a set of shared libraries and binary files. This Security Policy covers two versions of module: version 1.0, based on Azure Linux 1.1.1k-5cm1, and version 2.0, based on Azure Linux 1.1.1k-13cm2. Except for the module package name, the security policies and related design elements of the two versions are the same. 1.1 List of Cryptographic Module Libraries and Binaries The module includes the following libraries and binaries in 1.1.1k-5cm1 (version 1.0): Library or Binary Description /usr/bin/sha512hmac Integrity check binary file /usr/lib/hmaccalc/sha512hmac.hmac Integrity check binary HMAC file /boot/vmlinuz- Static kernel binary /boot/.vmlinuz- Static kernel binary HMAC file /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ Loadable kernel cryptography components Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ intel.ko.xz The module includes the following libraries and binaries in 1.1.1k-13cm2 (version 2.0): Library or Binary Description /usr/bin/sha512hmac Integrity check binary file /usr/lib/hmaccalc/sha512hmac.hmac Integrity check binary HMAC file /boot/vmlinuz- Static kernel binary /boot/.vmlinuz Static kernel binary HMAC file /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ Loadable kernel cryptography components Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 9 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ /lib/modules/ The following packages are required for the module to operate in 1.1.1k-5cm1 (version 1.0): Package Name Description kernel- Provides the binary files and integrity check HMAC file for the kernel libkcapi-1.2.0-5.cm1.x86_64.rpm Provides the sha512hmac binary file that verifies the integrity of both the sha512hmac file and the vmlinuz (static kernel binary) file The following packages are required for the module to operate in 1.1.1k-13cm2 (version 2.0): Package Name Description kernel- Provides the binary files and integrity check HMAC file for the kernel libkcapi-1.3.1-2.cm2.x86_64 Provides the sha512hmac binary file that verifies the integrity of both the sha512hmac file and the vmlinuz (static kernel binary) file 1.2 Validated Platforms The module has been validated on the following platforms: Platform Processor Operating System Configuration Azure Compute C2030 Server Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL (Intel x86 64-bit) Azure Linux 1.0 With and without AES-NI (PAA) Virtual Machine on Azure Host Hypervisor, running on Azure Compute C2030 Server Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL (Intel x86 64-bit) Azure Linux 1.0 With and without AES-NI (PAA) Azure Compute C2030 Server Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL (Intel x86 64-bit) Azure Linux 2.0 With and without AES-NI (PAA) Virtual Machine on Azure Host Hypervisor, running on Azure Compute C2030 Server Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8272CL (Intel x86 64-bit) Azure Linux 2.0 With and without AES-NI (PAA) 1.3 Modes of Operation The Microsoft Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API supports three modes of operation: Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 10 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1. FIPS approved mode (“approved mode”): In this mode, only FIPS-approved security functions with sufficient security strength can be used. 2. Non-FIPS approved mode (“non-approved mode”): In this mode, non-approved security functions can also be used. 3. FIPS approved mode with DRBG and CPU Jitter Entropy unavailable: same as “approved mode” but DRBG and Jitter Entropy APIs return error. The module enters the FIPS approved mode after Power-On Self-Tests (POST) succeed. If the POST or Conditional Tests fail, the module goes into an error state. The status of the module can be determined by the availability of the module. If the module is available, then it has passed all self-tests; if it is not available, then it has not passed all self-tests. If the DRBG or CPU jitter entropy self-tests encounter permanent errors, the module enters a second type of error state. The status of the module can be determined by calling the APIs for instantiating and/or generating random numbers using DRBG or CPU jitter entropy: these APIs return an error value. During this second type of error state, cryptographic services other than DRBG or CPU jitter entropy continue to function in approved mode. A non-approved algorithm or an approved algorithm with a non-approved key size will result in the module implicitly entering the non-FIPS approved mode of operation. Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) used or stored in FIPS approved mode are not used in the non-FIPS approved mode, and vice versa. Once the module is operational, the mode of operation is implicitly assumed depending on the security function invoked and the security strength of the cryptographic keys. Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 11 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1.4 Cryptographic Boundary Figure 1 shows the software block diagram for the module, including its interfaces, operational environment, and logical boundary. All components in the orange box are included in the module. Figure 1: Module Software Block Diagram Test Platform User space Kernel space Hardware Cryptographic Module sha512hmac User Application libkcapi Static kernel Loadable kernel object modules Other kernel mechanisms .hmac Processor Algorithm Acceleration functions Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 12 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Figure 2 shows the logical boundary of the module. Figure 2: Module Logical Boundary 1.5 FIPS 140-2 Approved Algorithms The following table presents the approved algorithms that the module may use in FIPS mode, along with the CAVP certificate that covers each. Publication and Algorithm(s) CAVP Certificate (Azure Linux Kernel) 1.1.1k-5cm1 (version 1.0) CAVP Certificate (Azure Linux Kernel on Azure Host Hypervisor) 1.1.1k-5cm1 (version 1.0) CAVP Certificate (Azure Linux Kernel) 1.1.1k-13cm2 (version 2.0) CAVP Certificate (Azure Linux Kernel on Azure Host Hypervisor 1.1.1k-13cm2 (version 2.0) FIPS 197 AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 in ECB, CBC, and CTR modes #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-38B and SP 800-38C AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 in CCM mode #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-38B and SP 800-38C AES-128 in CMAC mode #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-38D AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256 GCM #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 Kernel Crypto API libkcapi Data and status out Data and control in Kernel space User space Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 13 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). NIST SP 800-38E AES-128, AES-256 XTS Mode1 #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-38F KTS AES Cert. #A1755 and HMAC Cert. #A17552 AES Cert. #A1755 and HMAC Cert. #A17552 AES Cert. #A3494 and HMAC Cert. #A34942 AES Cert. #A3494 and HMAC Cert. #A34942 NIST SP 800-38F KTS AES Cert. #A17552 AES Cert. #A17552 AES Cert. #A34942 AES Cert. #A34942 NIST SP 800-38F KTS Triple-DES Cert. #A1755 and HMAC Cert. #A17553 Triple-DES Cert. #A1755 and HMAC Cert. #A17553 Triple-DES Cert. #A3494 and HMAC Cert. #A34943 Triple-DES Cert. #A3494 and HMAC Cert. #A34943 NIST SP 800-67 rev 1 Triple-DES, 168-bit in ECB, CBC, CMAC, and CFB64 Modes #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 FIPS 180-4 SHS SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, and SHA2-512 #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 FIPS 202 SHS SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3- 384, SHA3-512 #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2-384, HMAC-SHA2-512, HMAC-SHA3-224, HMAC-SHA3-256, HMAC-SHA3-384, and HMAC-SHA3- 512 #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 FIPS 186-4 RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 Digital Signature Verification with 2048, 3072, and 4096 Moduli; supporting SHA2-256, SHA2-384, and SHA2-512 #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 FIPS 186-4 RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 Digital Signature Generation with 2048, 3072, and 4096 Moduli; supporting SHA2-256, SHA2-384, and SHA2-512 #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 1 AES XTS must be used only to protect data at rest and the caller needs to ensure that the length of data encrypted does not exceed 220 AES blocks. 2 Key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength 3 Key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 14 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). NIST SP 800-56A rev 3 KAS-ECC (ECDH) Component (P- 256), for Partial Public Key Validation (CVL) #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-90A AES-256 CTR Mode DRBG #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-90A SHA1, SHA2-256 Hash Mode DRBG #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-90A SHA1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2- 512 HMAC Mode DRBG #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-131A rev 1 RSA Signature Primitive (CVL) #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 NIST SP 800-90B ENT (NP) N/A N/A N/A N/A NIST SP 800-56A rev 3 KAS-FFC-SSC, for KAS Initiation (Externally generated) p=2048- bits/q=256-bits key pairs, dhStatic scheme #A1755 #A1755 #A3494 #A3494 1.6 Non-Approved Algorithms The following table presents the non-approved algorithms implemented by version 2.0 based on Azure Linux 1.1.1k-13cm2, and the purpose for which they are used. Purpose Algorithm(s) Notes/Modes CSPs Symmetric Encryption / Decryption AES CMAC CFB 192 and 256-bit AES keys GCM encryption with external IV 128, 192, 256-bit AES keys GMAC 128, 192, 256-bit AES keys DES ECB 56 bits DES keys Message Digest (SHS) SHA-1 (multiple- buffer implementation) N/A N/A Keyed Hash (HMAC) HMAC Keys smaller than 112 bits HMAC keys with size less than 112 bits Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 15 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Signature Generation RSA Using SHA-1 RSA private key Key Generation ECDSA P-192, P-256, P384, curve25519 The PCT is not implemented. ECDSA private key Shared Secret Computation KAS-ECC Shared secret computation KAS-ECC private keys (P-192) KAS-FFC KAS-FFC private keys (smaller than 2048 bits and keys larger than 2048 bits) Random Number Generation ansi_cprng N/A seed The following table presents the non-approved algorithms implemented by version 1.0, based on Azure Linux 1.1.1k-5cm1, and the purpose for which they are used. Purpose Algorithm(s) Notes/Modes CSPs Symmetric Encryption / Decryption AES CMAC 192 and 256-bit AES keys XTS with 192-bit keys 192-bit AES keys GCM encryption with external IV 128, 192, 256-bit AES keys GMAC 128, 192, 256-bit AES keys DES ECB 56 bits DES keys Message Digest (SHS) SHA-1 (multiple- buffer implementation) N/A N/A Keyed Hash (HMAC) HMAC Keys smaller than 112 bits HMAC keys with size less than 112 bits Signature Generation RSA Using SHA-1 RSA private key Key Generation ECDSA P-192, P-256 ECDSA private key Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 16 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The PCT is not implemented. Shared Secret Computation KAS-ECC Shared secret computation KAS-ECC private keys (P-192) KAS-FFC KAS-FFC private keys (smaller than 2048 bits and keys larger than 2048 bits) Random Number Generation ansi_cprng N/A seed 1.7 Hardware Components of the Cryptographic Module The Microsoft Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API is a multi-chip standalone module. The physical boundary of the module is the physical boundary of the computer that contains the module. The following diagram illustrates the hardware components used by the module: Figure 3: Module Physical Boundary / Hardware Components Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 17 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The module is a software module and has no physical ports of its own. The physical ports of the module are interpreted as those on the underlying hardware platform. The logical interfaces are the application program interface (API) through which applications request services. The table below describes the logical interfaces and the physical ports they leverage: Logical Interface Physical Port Description Data Input Keyboard API input parameters from the kernel system calls AF_ALG type socket. Data Output Display API output parameters from the kernel system calls AF_ALG type socket. Control Input Keyboard API function calls API input parameters for control from kernel system calls AF_ALG type socket kernel command line. Status Output Display API return codes AF_ALG type socket kernel logs. Power Input GPC Power Supply Port N/A 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3.1 Roles The module supports two roles: user and crypto officer. The user and crypto officer roles are implicitly assumed by the entity accessing the module services. • User role: performs all services except module installation. • Crypto Officer role: performs module installation and configuration. 3.2 FIPS 140-2 Approved Services Table 5 provides a mapping of the available services, algorithms, Critical Security Parameters, and access types when the module is operating in FIPS Approved mode of operation. See the section, FIPS 140-2 Approved Algorithms, for the CAVP certificate details for each algorithm. The module exposes FIPS approved services using the APIs described by Service Algorithms Notes/Modes CSPs Access Symmetric Encryption / Decryption AES CBC, CCM, CMAC, CTR, ECB, GCM (external IV, 128, 192 and 256 bits AES keys Read Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 18 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). decryption only), GMAC, XTS (XTS mode only with 128 and 256 bits keys) ECB, GCM (internal IV, encryption/decryption) ECB, GCM (external IV, decryption only) Triple-DES CMAC, ECB, CBC, CFB 64 168 bits Triple-DES keys Message Digest (SHS) SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 N/A N/A N/A SHA3-224, SHA3- 256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 Keyed Hash (HMAC) HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA-384, HMAC SHA-512 BS < KS, KS = BS, KS > BS At least 112 bits HMAC keys Read HMAC-SHA3-224, HMAC-SHA3-256, HMAC-SHA3-384 HMAC-SHA3-512 Signature Verification RSA 2048- and 3072-bit signature verification according to PKCS#1 v1.5 using SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 N/A Read Signature Generation RSA SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 2048, 3072, 4096-bit RSA private key Read Component Public Key Validation and Shared Secret Computation KAS-ECC P-256 with SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 P-256-based KAS-ECC private key, Shared Secret Read, Write Authenticated Encryption (KTS) AES-CBC, HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA- 224, HMAC SHA- 256, HMAC SHA- 384, HMAC SHA- 512 CBC and HMAC used with encrypt-then-MAC cipher (authenc) used for IPsec 128, 192 and 256 bits AES keys, HMAC keys 168 bits Triple-DES keys Read Triple-DES-CBC and HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-224, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA-384, HMAC SHA-512 Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 19 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). AES GCM and CCM Random Bit Generation (SP 800-90A DRBG) CTR DRBG With derivation function, with and without prediction resistance function using AES-256 Entropy input string, seed, V, C values and Key (K) Read, Write Hash DRBG With derivation function, with and without prediction resistance function using SHA-1 and SHA- 256 HMAC DRBG With and without prediction resistance function using SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 Entropy Source (SP 800-90B) ENT CPU time jitter entropy source N/A N/A Self-Tests HMAC SHA-512, RSA signature verification Integrity test of the kernel static binary performed by the sha512hmac binary RSA signature verification performs the signature verification of the kernel loadable components N/A N/A Show Status N/A Via verbose mode, exit codes and kernel logs (dmesg) N/A N/A Zeroization N/A N/A All CSPs N/A Installation and Configuration N/A N/A N/A N/A Table 5: Services in the FIPS-Approved Mode of Operation 3.3 Authentication The module does not provide authentication of users. Roles are implicitly assumed based on the services that are executed. 4 Finite State Model The following diagram presents the module’s operational and error states. Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 20 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 4.1 State Descriptions The module has nine distinct states, as shown in the diagram above and described in the list below. Panic error state, no services available POSTs Tests succeeded ? FIPS Approved mode DRBG and Entropy self-tests Power on Tests succeeded ? Approved algorithm and key? Service request Non-FIPS Approved mode DRBG disabled, other services available Power off No No No Yes Yes Yes Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 21 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 1) Power-On State: The module transitions to the Power-On state when the module (kernel) is loaded into memory by the bootloader. 2) Power-On Self-Test (POST) State: After being loaded, the module enters the POST state when “fips=1” is set on the Linux kernel command line and the execution of the kernel begins. The POST state will execute the integrity tests as well as the self-tests. Depending on the test results, the module will either enter FIPS Approved mode state or the Panic error state.. 3) Panic error state: The POST failed or a conditional test failed. No crypto operations may be performed. The module will terminate upon further use. 4) FIPS Approved mode: The POST passed. Approved cryptographic services can now be used. 5) Service request state: a caller is requesting a cryptographic service from the module. 6) Non-FIPS Approved mode: a non-Approved algorithm or key has been used during a service request. 7) DRBG and Entropy self-tests: The module is executing DRBG and/or entropy self-tests. Depending on the test results, the module will return to FIPS Approved mode or enter the DRBG disabled state. 8) DRBG disabled: Same as FIPS approved mode but the DRBG is disabled. 9) Power-off state: the hardware and module has been shut down. 5 Operational Environment The operational environment for the module is the Azure Linux operating system, running on one of the supported hardware platforms specified in the Validated Platforms section. 5.1 Single Operator The underlying operating system of the module is restricted to a single operator. The application that requests cryptographic services is the single user of the module. 5.2 Tracing In FIPS Approved mode, the ptrace system call, the debugger (gdb) and other tracing mechanisms such as ftrace or systemtap shall not be used. 6 Cryptographic Key Management 6.1 Random Number Generation The module employs a SP 800-90A DRBG as a random number generator for the creation of random numbers. In addition, the module provides a Random Number Generation service to applications. The module supports the Hash_DRBG, HMAC_DRBG and CTR_DRBG mechanisms, with security strengths of 128, 192 and 256. For seeding, the module uses a number of entropy input bits equal to 1.5 times the security strength of of the DRBG algorithm. For reseeding, it uses a number of entropy input bits equal to the security strength of of the DRBG algorithm. The entropy input bits are obtained from a SP800-90B compliant CPU time Jitter RNG, implemented within the module's logical boundary. Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 22 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). The module creates a personalization string obtained from the Linux RNG. An application using the DRBG can provide a second personalization string. The bits from both of these personalization strings are used for seeding the DRBG, together with the entropy input from the CPU time Jitter RNG. 6.2 Key and CSP Management Summary The following table summarizes the management of keys or other CSPs by the module. Key / CSP Generation Entry / Output Zeroization AES symmetric keys N/A Keys are passed to the module via API input parameters Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler Triple-DES symmetric keys N/A Keys are passed to the module via API input parameters Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler SP 800-90B DRBG seed material and internal state values V, C, and K Derived from entropy input as defined in SP800-90A N/A Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler HMAC keys N/A HMAC key can be supplied by calling application Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler KAS-FFC domain parameters N/A Domain parameters passed to the module via API input parameters Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler KAS-ECC key pair N/A Key passed to the module via API input parameters Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler Shared secret Generated during the KAS-FFC or KAS-ECC shared secret computation. Keys are passed to the module via API input parameters. Shared Secret is output in plaintext via API output. Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler RSA private key N/A Keys are passed to the module Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 23 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). via API input parameters RSA public key N/A Keys are passed to the module via API input parameters Memory is automatically overwritten by zeroes when freeing the cipher handler Static Kernel image integrity HMAC N/A Key built into the sha512hmac binary during its compilation. Memory is overwritten with zero values when the sha512hmac application exits. Loaded modules signature verification public key N/A RSA public key loaded from a keyring file in /proc/keys/ Memory is overwritten with zero values after the signature verification. Entropy Input Generated internally from SP 800-90B ENT (NP) N/A N/A 6.3 Key and CSP Access When an authorized application is the module user (the User role), it has access to all key data generated during the operation of the module.The module does not support the output of intermediate key generation values during the key generation process. 6.4 Key and CSP Storage Symmetric and asymmetric keys are provided to the module by the appropriate API input parameters and are destroyed when released by the appropriate API function calls. The module does not perform persistent storage of keys. Most keys and CSPs are stored as plaintext in the RAM. The RSA public key used for signature verification of the kernel-loadable components is stored outside of the module’s boundary, in a keyring file in /proc/keys/. The KAS-FFC and KAS-ECC public keys are stored in protected kernel memory. The kernel computes HMAC-SHA-512 values on behalf of the sha512hmac application, for the application binary file and the kernel static image image. sha512hmac compares these values with the expected HMAC values from /usr/lib/hmaccalc/sha512hmac.hmac and /boot/.vmlinuz- 1.cm1.hmac in 1.1.1k-5cm1 (version 1.0) and /boot/vmlinuz- in 1.1.1k-13cm2 (version 2.0). 6.5 Key and CSP Zeroization The application that uses the module is responsible for appropriate destruction and zeroization of the key material. The memory occupied by keys is allocated by regular memory allocation operating system calls. The library provides functions for key allocation and destruction, which overwrites the memory that is occupied by the key information with zeros before it is deallocated. Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 24 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 6.6 Key Establishment and Transport The module supports KAS-FFC and KAS-ECC shared secret primitive computation: • KAS-FFC: shared secret computation provides 112 bits of encryption strength. • KAS-ECC: shared secret computation provides 128 bits of encryption strength. The module provides SP 800-38F compliant key wrapping using AES with GCM and CCM block chaining modes, as well as a combination of AES-CBC for encryption/decryption and HMAC for authentication. The module also provides SP 800-38F compliant key wrapping using a combination of Triple-DES-CBC for encryption/decryption and HMAC for authentication. According to “Table 2: Comparable strengths” in [SP 800-57], the key sizes of AES provides the following security strength in FIPS mode of operation: • AES: key wrapping provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength. • Triple-DES: key wrapping provides 112 bits of encryption strength. 7 Self-Tests FIPS 140-2 requires that the Module perform self-tests to ensure the integrity of the Module and the correctness of the cryptographic functionality at start up. If any self-test fails, it panics the Module, which then enters an error state. In this error state, no data output or cryptographic operations are allowed. The only recovery is to reboot. For persistent failures, you must reinstall the kernel. No user intervention is required during the running of the self-tests. If permanent errors are encountered by the DRBG or CPU jitter entropy self-tests, the Module enters a a second type of error state. During this error state, APIs related to DRBG and CPU Jitter entropy return failure error codes, but other services continue to work in approved mode. 7.1 Power-On Self-Tests The module performs power-up self-tests at module initialization to ensure that the module is not corrupted and that the cryptographic algorithms work as expected. The self-tests are performed without any user intervention. While the module is performing the power-up tests, services are not available and neither input nor output is possible. The module will not return to the calling application until the power-up self-tests are completed successfully. 7.1.1 Integrity Tests The module verifies its integrity through an HMAC SHA-512 calculation that is performed on the sha512hmac utility and static kernel binary. The kernel integrity check passing, which requires the loading of sha512hmac with the self tests, implies a successful execution of the integrity and self tests of sha512hmac. The expected HMAC values are stored in /usr/lib/hmaccalc/sha512hmac.hmac and Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 25 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). /boot/.vmlinuz- in 1.1.1k-5cm1 (version 1.0) and /boot/vmlinuz- 1.cm2.hmac in 1.1.1k-13cm2 (version 2.0). The static kernel loads from the keyring file in /proc/keys/ a Microsoft RSA public key corresponding to the private key used for signing kernel loadable modules. It uses that public key and kernel’s RSA signature verification implementation to verify the integrity of any kernel module files that might be loaded, before allowing the execution of these modules. The fact that the self tests of these cryptographic components are displayed implies that the integrity checks of each kernel component passed successfully. 7.1.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Tests The table below summarizes the power-on self tests performed by the module, which includes the Integrity Test of the module itself, as stated above, and the Known Answer Test for each approved cryptographic algorithm. See the section, FIPS 140-2 Approved Algorithms, for full details on all approved cryptographic algorithms. Algorithm Power-On Tests AES (ECB, CBC, CTR, CCM, CMAC, GCM, GMAC, and XTS modes) KAT, encryption/decryption tested separately Triple-DES (ECB, CBC, and CMAC) KAT, encryption/decryption tested separately RSA signature generation KAT RSA signature verification KAT, also covered by integrity test DRBG (AES CTR, Hash, HMAC) KAT HMAC SHA-1, HMAC SHA-256, HMAC SHA-384, HMAC SHA-512 KAT HMAC SHA3-224, HMAC SHA3-256, HMAC SHA3- 384, HMAC SHA3-512 KAT SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 KAT SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 KAT KAS-FFC Z primitive with 2048 bits KAT KAS-ECC Z primitive with P-256 KAT Static kernel image integrity check Verify expected HMAC SHA-512 value Loaded modules integrity check Verify SHA-512 signature using RSA public key 7.2 On-Demand Self-Tests The Crypto Officer with physical or logical access to the Module can run the POST (Power-On Self-Tests) on demand by power cycling the computer or by rebooting the operating system. During the execution of the on-demand self-tests, services are not available and neither data output nor input is possible. 7.3 Conditional Tests 7.3.1 DRBG The module performs DRBG health tests as defined in section 11.3 of [SP800-90A], Including Instantiate, Generate, and Reseed. These tests are run for each DRBG type (HMAC, CTR, Hash) Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 26 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 7.3.2 ENT The SP800-90B Repetition Count Test (4.4.1) and Adaptive Proportion Test (4.4.2) are performed for the CPU time jitter entropy source. 7.3.3 KAS-FFC Key Agreement Method Owner Assurance of Public-Key Validity This is implemented as specified by SP800-56Arev3 Public Key Validation If Q is provided as part of the domain parameters, a full validation according to SP800-56A section is performed. If Q is not provided, a partial validation according to SP800-56A section is performed. DLC Primitives The module validates the shared secret as specified by SP800-56Arev3 7.3.4 KAS-ECC Key Agreement Protocol Public Key Validation The module performs partial verification for ephemeral keys, per SP800-56A section, and full validation for other keys, per SP800-56Arev3 7.3.5 AES-XTS The module implements the Key_1 ≠ Key_2 test, per IG A.9. 8 Guidance 8.1 Crypto-Officer Guidance To operate the Kernel Crypto API module, the operating system must be restricted to a single operator mode of operation. 8.1.1 Module Installation Crypto Officers use the Installation instructions to install the Module in their environment. The version of the RPM containing the FIPS validated module is stated in section 1. The integrity of the RPM is automatically verified during the installation and the Crypto Officer shall not install the RPM file if the RPM tool indicates an integrity error. 8.1.2 Operating Environment Configuration To configure the operating environment to support FIPS, perform the following steps. • Install the dracut-fips package: Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 27 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). tdnf install dracut-fips • Regenerate the initramfs mkinitrd • Modify the mariner.cfg file: Append fips=1 to variable mariner_cmdline in /boot/mariner.cfg. • Reboot the system. • Check that the file /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled contains 1. 8.2 User Guidance To run in FIPS mode, the Module must be operated using FIPS-approved services with the corresponding FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms. When using the Module, the user shall use memory allocation mechanisms provided by the kernel crypto API. The user shall not use the function copy_to_user() on any portion of the data structures used to communicate with the API. Only the cryptographic mechanisms provided with the API can be used. 8.2.1 CTR and RFC3686 CTR and RFC3686 mode must only be used for IPsec. It must not be used otherwise. 8.2.2 AES There are three implementations of AES: aes-generic, aesni-intel, and aes-x86_64 on x86_64 machines. The additional specific implementations of AES for the x86 architecture are disallowed and not available on the test platforms. AES-XTS The AES-XTS mode was designed for the cryptographic protection of data on storage devices. It must only be used for the disk encryption functionality offered by dm-crypt. AES-GCM IV In case the module’s power is lost and then restored, the key used for the AES-GCM encryption or decryption shall be redistributed. The module generates the 96-bit IV internally randomly with an approved SP 800-90A DRBG, which is compliant with provision 2) of IG A.5. When a GCM IV is used for decryption, the responsibility for the IV generation lies with the party that performs the AES-GCM encryption therefore there is no restriction on the IV generation. Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 28 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 8.2.3 Triple-DES Data encryption with the same Triple-DES key shall not exceed 2^16 64-bit blocks of data. It is the user’s responsibility to make sure that the module complies with this requirement and that the module does not exceed this limit. 8.3 Handling FIPS-Related Self-Test Errors When encountering any Power-On Self-Tests (POST) failure, the Module will panic the kernel and the operating system will not load. Errors occurred during the POST also transition the module into the error state. If the DRBG or CPU jitter entropy self-tests encounter permanent errors, the module enters a second type of error state. During this second type of error state, cryptographic services other than DRBG or CPU jitter entropy continue to function in approved mode, but APIs related to DRBG or CPU jitter entropy return a failure error code. Recover from any of these error states by rebooting the system. If the failure continues, you must reinstall the software package following the directions in section 10.1. The kernel dumps self test success and failure messages into the kernel message ring buffer. After booting, the messages are moved to /var/log/messages. Use dmesg to read the contents of the kernel ring buffer. The format of the ringbuffer (dmesg) output is: alg: self-tests for %s (%s) passed Typical messages are similar to "alg: self-tests for xts(aes) (xts(aes-x86_64)) passed" for each algorithm and sub-algorithm type. 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not implement mitigation of other attacks. 10 Security Levels The security level for each FIPS 140-2 security requirement is given in the following table. Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 29 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 11 Additional Details For more information about FIPS 140 validations of Microsoft products, please see: Azure Linux Kernel Crypto API Security Policy Document © 2023 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved Page 30 of 30 This Security Policy is non-proprietary and may be reproduced only in its original entirety (without revision). 12 Glossary and Abbreviations • AES: Advanced Encryption Standard • CAVP: Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program • CSP: Critical Security Parameter • DES: Data Encryption Standard • DRBG: Deterministic Random Bit Generator • DSA: Digital Signature Algorithm • ECB: Electronic Codebook • HMAC: Hash Message Authentication Code • OS: Operating System • RNG: Random Number Generator • RSA: Rivest, Shamir, Adleman • SHA: Secure Hash Algorithm • SHS: Secure Hash Standard 13 References • FIPS 140-2 Standard, validationprogram/standards • FIPS 186-4, • ANSI X9.52:1998, Action=displaydept&DeptID=80&Acro=X9&DpName=X9,%20Inc • NIST SP 800-38E, 38e.pdf • NIST SP 800-38F SP 800-38F, Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods for Key Wrapping | CSRC ( • NIST SP 800-90A SP 800-90A Rev. 1, Random Number Generation Using Deterministic RBGs | CSRC • NIST SP 800 132 SP 800-132, Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation Part 1: Storag | CSRC ( • NIST SP 800-52 SP 800-52 Rev. 2, Guidelines for TLS Implementations | CSRC ( • NIST SP 800-131A SP 800-131A Rev. 2, Transitioning the Use of Crypto Algorithms and Key Lengths | CSRC (