FireEye, Inc. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version: 1.3 Prepared By: Acumen Security 18504 Office Park Dr Montgomery Village, MD 20886 Phone: +1 (703) 375-9820 FireEye CMS Series: CM2500V, CM7500V FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Document Organization ................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Notices.............................................................................................................................. 3 2. FireEye CM Series: CM2500V, CM7500V................................................................................ 4 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification................................................................................ 5 2.2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces.................................................................... 5 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication................................................................................. 7 2.4 Physical Security............................................................................................................. 14 2.5 Operational Environment............................................................................................... 15 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management ................................................................................... 16 2.7 Cryptographic Algorithm................................................................................................ 19 2.8 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) ................. 22 2.9 Self-Tests ........................................................................................................................ 23 2.10 Mitigation of Other Attacks........................................................................................ 24 3. Secure Operation.................................................................................................................. 25 3.1 Non-FIPS mode of Operation......................................................................................... 25 3.2 Installation...................................................................................................................... 25 3.3 Initialization.................................................................................................................... 25 3.4 Management.................................................................................................................. 26 3.5 Secure Delivery............................................................................................................... 27 3.6 Additional Information................................................................................................... 27 Appendix A: Acronyms.................................................................................................................. 28 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 3 1. Introduction This is a non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the FireEye CM Series virtual appliances: CM2500V, CM7500V. Below are the details of the product validated: Software Version: 8.0 FIPS 140-2 Security Level: 1 1.1 Purpose This document was prepared as Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 validation evidence. The document describes how the FireEye CM Series virtual appliances: CM2500V, CM7500V meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. It also provides instructions to individuals and organizations on how to deploy the product in a secure FIPS- approved mode of operation. Target audience of this document is anyone who wishes to use or integrate this product into a solution that is meant to comply with FIPS 140-2 requirements. 1.2 Document Organization The Security Policy document is one document in a FIPS 140-2 Submission Package. In addition to this document, the Submission Package contains:  Vendor Evidence document  Finite State Machine  Other supporting documentation as additional references This Security Policy and the other validation submission documentation were produced by Acumen Security, LLC. under contract to FireEye, Inc. With the exception of this Non- Proprietary Security Policy, the FIPS 140-2 Submission Package is proprietary to FireEye, Inc. and is releasable only under appropriate non-disclosure agreements. 1.3 Notices This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 4 2. FireEye CM Series: CM2500V, CM7500V The FireEye CM Series: CM2500V, CM7500V (the module) is a multi-chip standalone module validated at FIPS 140-2 Security Level 1. Specifically, the module meets the following security levels for individual sections in the FIPS 140-2 standard: Table 1 - Security Level for Each FIPS 140-2 Section # Section Title Security Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 1 9 Self-Tests 1 10 Design Assurances 1 11 Mitigation Of Other Attacks N/A FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 5 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification The FireEye CM series virtual appliances are a set of management software that consolidates the administration, reporting, and data sharing of the FireEye NX, EX, and VX series in one easy- to-deploy, network-based platform. Within the FireEye deployment, the FireEye CM enables real-time sharing of the auto-generated threat intelligence to identify and block advanced attacks targeting the organization. It also enables centralized configuration, management, and reporting of FireEye platforms. 2.1.1 Cryptographic Boundary The logical cryptographic boundary of the module consists of the FireEye Central Manager Virtual Appliances (CM2500V, CM7500V) running 8.0 version. The figure below shows the logical block diagram (red-dotted line) of the module executing in memory and its interactions with the hypervisor through the module’s defined logical cryptographic boundary. The module interacts directly with the hypervisor, which runs directly on the host system. Figure 1: Logical Cryptographic Boundary The module consists of binary packaged into an executable that can be run in a virtual environment. The module is classified as a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. The physical cryptographic boundary is defined as the hard enclosure of the host system on which it runs and no components are excluded from the requirements of FIPS PUB 140-2. 2.2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The module provides a number of physical and logical interfaces to the device, and the physical interfaces are mapped to four FIPS 140-2 defined logical interfaces: data input, data output, Host Hardware Hypervisor Operating System Cryptographic Provider Central Manager Software FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 6 control input, and status output. The logical interfaces and their mapping are described in the following table: Table 2 - Module Interface Mapping Data Input  Virtual Ethernet Ports,  Virtual USB Ports,  Virtual Serial Ports. Host System Ethernet (10/100/1000) Ports Data Output  Virtual Ethernet Ports,  Virtual USB Ports,  Virtual Serial Ports. Host System Ethernet (10/100/1000) Ports Control Input  Virtual Ethernet Ports,  Virtual USB Ports,  Virtual Serial Ports. Host System Ethernet (10/100/1000) Ports Status Output  Virtual Ethernet Ports,  Virtual USB Ports,  Virtual Serial Ports. Host System Ethernet (10/100/1000) Ports Power NA Power Plug FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 7 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication The following sections provide details about roles supported by the module, how these roles are authenticated and the services the roles are authorized to access. 2.3.1 Authorized Roles The module supports several different roles, including multiple Cryptographic Officer roles, a User role, and an unauthenticated role. Configuration of the module can occur over several interfaces and at different levels depending upon the role assigned to the user. There are multiple types of Cryptographic Officers that may configure the module, as follows:  Admin: The system administrator is a “super user” who has all capabilities. The primary function of this role is to configure the system.  Monitor: The system monitor has read-only access to some things the admin role can change or configure.  Operator: The system operator has a subset of the capabilities associated with the admin role. Its primary function is configuring and monitoring the system.  Analyst: The system analyst focuses on data plane analysis and possesses several capabilities, including setting up alerts and reports.  Auditor: The system auditor reviews audit logs and performs forensic analysis to trace how events occurred.  SNMP: The SNMP role provides system monitoring through SNMPv3.  WSAPI: The WSAPI role supports system administration via a TLS authenticated interface. The Users of the module are the remote IT devices and remote management clients accessing the module via cryptographic protocols. These protocols include, SSH, TLS, and SNMPv3. Unauthenticated users are only able to access the module LEDs and power cycle the module. 2.3.2 Authentication Mechanisms The module supports identity-based authentication. Module operators must authenticate to the module before being allowed access to services, which require the assumption of an authorized role. The module employs the authentication methods described in the table below to authenticate Crypto-Officers and Users. Table 3 - Authentication Mechanism Details Role Type Of Authentication Authentication Strength Admin Password/Username All passwords must be between 8 and 32 characters. If (8) integers are used for an eight digit password, the probability of randomly guessing the FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 8 Role Type Of Authentication Authentication Strength Monitor correct sequence is one (1) in 100,000,000 (this calculation is based on the assumption that the typical standard American QWERTY computer keyboard has 10 Integer digits. The calculation should be 10 ^ 8 = 100,000,000). Therefore, the associated probability of a successful random attempt is approximately 1 in 100,000,000, which is less than 1 in 1,000,000 required by FIPS 140-2. In order to successfully guess the sequence in one minute would require the ability to make over 1,666,666 guesses per second, which far exceeds the operational capabilities of the module. Operator Analyst Auditor SNMP WSAPI User Password/Username or Asymmetric Authentication All passwords must be between 8 and 32 characters. If (8) integers are used for an eight digit password, the probability of randomly guessing the correct sequence is one (1) in 100,000,000 (this calculation is based on the assumption that the typical standard American QWERTY computer keyboard has 10 Integer digits. The calculation should be 10 ^ 8 = 100,000,000). Therefore, the associated probability of a successful random attempt is approximately 1 in 100,000,000, which is less than 1 in 1,000,000 required by FIPS 140-2. In order to successfully guess the sequence in one minute would require the ability to make over 1,666,666 guesses per second, which far exceeds the operational capabilities of the module. When using RSA based authentication, RSA key pair has modulus size of 2048 bit, thus providing 112 bits of strength. Therefore, an attacker would have a 1 in 2^112 chance of randomly obtaining the key, which is much stronger than the one in a million chance required by FIPS 140-2. For RSA-based authentication, to exceed a 1 in 100,000 probability of a successful random key guess in one minute, an attacker would have to be capable of approximately 5.19 X 10^28 attempts per minute, which far exceeds the operational capabilities of the modules to support. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 9 2.3.3 Services The services that require operators to assume an authorized role (Crypto-Officer or User) are listed in the table below. Please note that the keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) listed below use the following indicators to show the type of access required:  R (Read): The CSP is read  W (Write): The CSP is established, generated, modified, or zeroized  Z (Zeroize): The CSP is zeroized Table 4 - Services Service Description Role Key/CSP and Type of Access SSH to external IT device Secure SSH connection between a CM and other FireEye appliances using SSH. User  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  SSH Private Key (R/W/Z)  SSH Public Key (R/W/Z)  SSH Session Key (R/W/Z)  SSH Integrity Key (R/W/Z) Administrative access over SSH Secure remote command line appliance administration over an SSH tunnel. CO  Admin Password (R/W/Z)  Monitor Password (R/W/Z)  Operator Password (R/W/Z)  Analyst Password (R/W/Z)  Auditor Password (R/W/Z)  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  SSH Private Key (R/W/Z)  SSH Public Key (R/W/Z)  SSH Session Key (R/W/Z)  SSH Integrity Key (R/W/Z) Administrative access over webGUI Secure remote GUI appliance CO  Admin Password (R/W/Z)  Monitor Password (R/W/Z)  Operator Password (R/W/Z) FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 10 Service Description Role Key/CSP and Type of Access administration over a TLS tunnel.  Analyst Password (R/W/Z)  Auditor Password (R/W/Z)  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  TLS Private Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Public Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (R/W/Z) Administrative access over WSAPI Secure remote appliance administration over a TLS tunnel. CO  WSAPI Password (R/W/Z)  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  TLS Private Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Public Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (R/W/Z) Administrative access over serial console and VGA Directly connected command line appliance administration. CO  Admin Password (R/W/Z)  Monitor Password (R/W/Z)  Operator Password (R/W/Z)  Analyst Password (R/W/Z)  Auditor Password (R/W/Z) SNMPv3 Secure remote SNMPv3-based system monitoring. CO  SNMP Session Key (R/W/Z)  SNMPv3 password (R/W/Z) DTI connection TLS-based connection used to upload data to the FireEye cloud. User  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z) FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 11 Service Description Role Key/CSP and Type of Access  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  TLS Private Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Public Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (R/W/Z) LDAP over TLS Secure remote authentication via TLS protected LDAP User  Admin Password (R/W/Z)  Monitor Password (R/W/Z)  Operator Password (R/W/Z)  Analyst Password (R/W/Z)  Auditor Password (R/W/Z)  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  TLS Private Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Public Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (R/W/Z) Secure log transfer TLS-based connection with a remote audit server. User  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  TLS Private Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Public Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (R/W/Z) FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 12 Service Description Role Key/CSP and Type of Access Secure HA TLS-based connection with a remote appliance CO  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  TLS Private Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Public Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (R/W/Z) TLS to external IT device Secure connection between a CM and other FireEye appliances using TLS. User  DRBG entropy input (W/R)  DRBG Seed (W/R)  DRBG V (R/W/Z)  DRBG Key (R/W/Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (R/W/Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (R/W/Z)  TLS Private Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Public Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (R/W/Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (R/W/Z) Show Status View the operational status of the module CO N/A Perform Self- Tests Perform the FIPS 140 start-up tests on demand CO N/A Status LED Output View status via the Modules LEDs. Un- auth N/A Cycle Power Reboot of appliance. Un- auth  DRBG entropy input (Z)  DRBG Seed (Z)  DRBG V (Z)  DRBG Key (Z)  Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret (Z)  Diffie Hellman private key (Z)  Diffie Hellman public key (Z)  SSH Session Key (Z) FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 13 Service Description Role Key/CSP and Type of Access  SSH Integrity Key (Z)  SNMPv3 session key (Z)  TLS Pre-Master Secret (Z)  TLS Session Encryption Key (Z)  TLS Session Integrity Key (Z) R – Read, W – Write, Z – Zeroize FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 14 2.4 Physical Security The module is comprised of software only and thus does not claim any physical security. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 15 2.5 Operational Environment The module is installed using a common base image distributed in a compatible hypervisor format (i.e ova, ovm, qcow2). The software image that is used to deploy the VME is common across all models. The tested configuration include. Table 5 – Operating Environment Operating Environment Version Hardware VMware ESXi 6.5 Dell R630 The tested operating environments isolate virtual systems into separate isolated process spaces. Each process space is logically separated from all other processes by the operating environments software and hardware. The module functions entirely within the process space of the isolated system as managed by the single operational environment. This implicitly meets the FIPS 140-2 requirement that only one entity at a time can use the cryptographic module. 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management The following table identifies each of the CSPs associated with the module. For each CSP, the following information is provided,  The name of the CSP/Key  The type of CSP and associated length  A description of the CSP/Key  Storage of the CSP/Key  The zeroization for the CSP/Key Table 6 - Details of Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key/CSP Type Description Storage Zeroization DRBG entropy input CTR 256-bit This is the entropy for SP 800-90 RNG. DRAM Device power cycle. DRBG Seed CTR 256-bit This DRBG seed is collected from the entropy source. DRAM Device power cycle. DRBG V CTR 256-bit Internal V value used as part of SP 800-90 CTR_DRBG. DRAM Device power cycle. DRBG Key CTR 256-bit Internal Key value used as part of SP 800-90 CTR_DRBG. DRAM Device power cycle. Diffie-Hellman Shared Secret DH 2048 – 4096 bits ECDH P-256 The shared exponent used in Diffie-Hellman (DH) exchange. Created per the Diffie-Hellman protocol. DRAM Device power cycle. Diffie Hellman private key DH (DSA) 2048 – 4096 bits ECDH P-256 The private exponent used in Diffie-Hellman (DH) exchange. DRAM Device power cycle. Diffie Hellman public key DH 2048 – 4096 bits ECDH P-256 The public key used in Diffie-Hellman (DH) exchange. DRAM Device power cycle. SSH Private Key RSA (Private Key) 2048 – 3072 bits The SSH private key for the module used for session authentication. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. SSH Public Key RSA (Public Key) 2048 – 3072 bits The SSH public key for the module used for session authentication. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. SSH Session Key Triple-DES 192-bits The SSH session key. This key is created through SSH key establishment. DRAM Device power cycle. AES 128, 256 bits SSH Integrity Key HMAC-SHA1 HMAC-SHA-256 The SSH data integrity key. This key is created through SSH key establishment. DRAM Device power cycle. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 17 Key/CSP Type Description Storage Zeroization HMAC-512 SNMPv3 password Shared Secret, at least eight characters This secret is used to derive HMAC-SHA1 key for SNMPv3 Authentication. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. SNMPv3 session key AES 128 bits SNMP symmetric encryption key used to encrypt/decrypt SNMP traffic. DRAM Device power cycle. TLS Private Key RSA (Private Key) 2048 – 3072 bits ECDSA (Private Key) P-256 P-384 P-521 This private key is used for TLS session authentication. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. TLS Public Key RSA (Public Key) 2048 – 3072 bits ECDSA (Public Key) P-256 P-384 P-521 This public key is used for TLS session authentication. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. TLS Pre-Master Secret Shared Secret, 384 bits Shared Secret created using asymmetric cryptography from which new TLS session keys can be created. DRAM Device power cycle. TLS Session Encryption Key Triple-DES 192-bits Key used to encrypt/decrypt TLS session data. DRAM Device power cycle. AES 128, 256 bits TLS Session Integrity Key HMAC-SHA1 HMAC-SHA256 HMAC-SHA384 HMAC-SHA-1 used for TLS data integrity protection. DRAM Device power cycle. Admin Password Shared Secret, 8+ characters Authentication password for the Admin user role. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. Monitor Password Shared Secret, 8+ characters Authentication password for the Monitor user role. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. Operator Password Shared Secret, 8+ characters Authentication password for the Operator user role. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. Analyst Password Shared Secret, 8+ characters Authentication password for the Analyst user role. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. Auditor Password Shared Secret, 8+ characters Authentication password for the Audit user role. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 18 Key/CSP Type Description Storage Zeroization WSAPI Password Shared Secret, 8+ characters Authentication password for the WSAPI user role. NVRAM Overwritten w/ “00” prior to replacement. 2.7 Cryptographic Algorithm 2.7.1 FIPS-approved Algorithms The following table identifies the FIPS-approved algorithms included in the module for use in the FIPS mode of operation. Table 7 – FIPS-approved Algorithms Algorithm CAVP Cert. # Options Usage Triple-DES 2537 TECB(KO 1 e/d), TCBC(KO 1 e/d) KTS (SP 800-38F) 112-bits (paired with HMAC cert. # 3185) Per SP800-67 rev1, the user is responsible for ensuring the module’s limit to 2^32 encryptions with the same Triple-DES key while being used in SSH and/or TLS protocols Used for encryption of SSH and TLS sessions. TCFB1(KO 1 e/d); TCFB8 (KO 1 e/d); TCFB64(KO 1 e/d); TOFB(KO 1 e/d) Implemented within the module however never used by any service AES 4775 ECB (e/d 128, 256); CBC (e/d 128, 256); OFB (e/d 128); CTR (ext only; 128, 256 ) GCM (KS: AES_128( e/d ) Tag Length(s): 128 120 112 104 96 64 32 ) (KS: AES_256( e/d ) Tag Length(s): 128 120 112 104 96 64 32 ) IV Generated: ( Internal (using Section 8.2.1 ) ) ; PT Lengths Tested: ( 0 , 1024 ) ; AAD Lengths tested: ( 1024 ) ; 96BitIV_Supported GMAC_Supported KTS (SP 800-38F) 128, 256-bits (paired with HMAC cert. # 3185) AES GCM is used as part of TLS 1.2 cipher suites conformant to IG A.5, RFC 5288 and SP 800-52 Used for encryption of SSH, SNMP, and TLS sessions. Used in support of FIPS- approved DRBG. ECB (e/d 192); CBC (e/d 192); CFB1 (e/d 128, 192, 256 ); CFB8 (e/d 128, 192, 256); OFB (e/d 192, 256); CTR (ext only; 192) Implemented within the module however never used by any service FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 20 CCM (KS: 128 , 192 , 256 ) (Assoc. Data Len Range: 0 - 32 ) (Payload Length Range: 0 - 32 ( Nonce Length(s): 7 13 (Tag Length(s): 4 16 ) GCM (KS: AES_192( e/d ) Tag Length(s): 128 120 112 104 96 64 32 ) HMAC-SHS 3185 HMAC-SHA1 (Key Sizes Ranges Tested:KS=BS ) HMAC-SHA256 ( Key Size Ranges Tested:KS=BS ) HMAC-SHA384 ( Key Size Ranges Tested:KS=BS ) HMAC-SHA512 ( Key Size Ranges Tested:KS=BS ) KTS HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384 (paired with either AES cert. # 4775 or Triple-DES cert. #2537) Used for SSH and TLS traffic integrity. Used in support of SSH, SNMP, and TLS key derivation. HMAC-SHA224 ( Key Size Ranges Tested:KS=BS ) Implemented within the module however never used by any service SHS 3916 SHA-256 (BYTE-only) Software load test 3919 SHA-1 (BYTE-only) SHA-256 (BYTE-only) SHA-384 (BYTE-only) SHA-512 (BYTE-only) Used for SSH, SNMP, and TLS traffic integrity. Used in support of SSH, SNMP, and TLS key derivation. SHA-224 (BYTE-only) Implemented within the module however never used by any service RSA 2616 FIPS186-4: 186-4KEY(gen): FIPS186-4_Fixed_e ( 10001 ) ; PGM(ProvPrimeCondition) (2048 SHA( 256 )) (3072 SHA( 256 )) ALG[ANSIX9.31] Sig(Gen): (2048 SHA( 256 , 384 , 512 )) (3072 SHA( 256 , 384 , 512 )) Sig(Ver): (1024 SHA( 1 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (2048 SHA( 1 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (3072 SHA( 256 , 384 )) ALG[RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5] SIG(gen) (2048 SHA( 256 , 384 , 512 )) (3072 SHA( 256 , 384 , 512 )) SIG(Ver) (1024 SHA( 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (2048 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (3072 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) Used for SSH and TLS Session authentication. 2613 FIPS186-4: ALG[RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5] SIG(Ver) (2048 SHA( 256 )) Software load test FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 21 ECDSA 1200 FIPS186-4: PKG: CURVES( P-256 ExtraRandomBits TestingCandidates ) PKV: CURVES( P-256) SigGen: CURVES( P-256: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512) P-384: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512) P-521: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512) SIG(gen) with SHA-1 affirmed for use with protocols only. SigVer: CURVES( P-256: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384) P-384: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384) P-521: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384) Used for TLS Session authentication. PKG: CURVES(P-384 P-521 ExtraRandomBits TestingCandidates ) PKV: CURVES(P-384 P-521 ) Implemented within the module however never used by any service DSA 1286 FIPS186-4: KeyPairGen: [ (2048,256) ; (3072,256) ] Used for Diffie- Hellman Key Generation DRBG 1653 CTR_DRBG: [Prediction Resistance Tested: Enabled; BlockCipher_Use_df: (AES-128, AES-192, AES-256)] BlockCipher_No_df: (AES-128, AES-192, AES-256)] Used in support of SSH and TLS sessions. Used to seed RSA key generation. CVL 1420 TLS( TLS1.0/1.1 TLS1.2 (SHA 256 ) ) SSH (SHA 1 , 256 , 512 ) SNMP SHA1 SSH, TLS, and SNMP Key Derivation. CVL 1419 FFC: (FUNCTIONS INCLUDED IN IMPLEMENTATION: KPG ) SCHEMES: Ephem: (KARole: Initiator / Responder ) FB ECC: ( FUNCTIONS INCLUDED IN IMPLEMENTATION: KPG ) SCHEMES: EphemUnified: (KARole: Initiator / Responder ) EC: P-256 Diffie-Hellman, EC Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement CKG N/A The vendor affirms generated seeds for private keys are generated per SP 800- 133 (unmodified output from a DRBG) 2.7.1 Non-Approved Algorithms Allowed for Use With FIPS-approved services The module implements the following non-Approved algorithms that are allowed for use with FIPS-approved services:  Diffie-Hellman – provides between 112 and 150-bits of encryption strength.  Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman – provides 128-bits of encryption strength.  RSA Key Wrapping – provides 112 or 128 bits of encryption strength.  NDRNG - Internal entropy source providing 256-bits of entropy to the DRBG. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 22 2.8 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) The appliance the module software is resident on is FCC (Part 15 Class-A), CE (Class-A), CNS, AS/NZS, VCCI (Class A) certified. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 23 2.9 Self-Tests Self-tests are health checks that ensure that the cryptographic algorithms within the module are operating correctly. The self-tests identified in FIPS 140-2 broadly fall within two categories  Power-On Self-Tests  Conditional Self-Tests 2.9.1 Power-On Self-Tests The cryptographic module performs the following self-tests at Power-On:  Software integrity  HMAC-SHA1 Known Answer Test  HMAC-SHA224 Known Answer Test  HMAC-SHA256 Known Answer Test  HMAC-SHA384 Known Answer Test  HMAC-SHA512 Known Answer Test  AES-128 ECB Encrypt Known Answer Test  AES-128 ECB Decrypt Known Answer Test  AES-GCM-256 Encrypt Known Answer Test  AES-GCM-256 Decrypt Known Answer Test  TDES Encrypt Known Answer Test  TDES Decrypt Known Answer Test  RSA Known Answer Test  ECDSA Known Answer Test  DRBG Known Answer Test  DSA Pairwise Test  Primitive “Z” Known Answer Test 2.9.2 Conditional Self-Tests The cryptographic module performs the following conditional self-tests:  Continuous Random Number Generator Test (CRNGT) for FIPS-approved DRBG  Continuous Random Number Generator (CRNGT) for Entropy Source  Software Load Test (2048-bit RSA, SHA-256)  Pairwise Consistency Test (PWCT) for RSA  Pairwise Consistency Test (PWCT) for ECDSA  Pairwise Consistency Test (PWCT) for DSA 2.9.3 Self-Tests Error Handling If any of the identified POSTs fail, the module will not enter an operational state and will instead provide an error message and reboot. If either of the CRNGTs fail, the repeated random numbers are discarded and another random number is requested. If either of the PWCTs fail, the key pair or signature is discarded and another key pair or signature is generated. If the Software Load Test fails, the new software is not loaded. Both during execution of the self-tests and while in an error state, data output is inhibited. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 24 2.10 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not claim to mitigate any other attacks beyond those specified in FIPS 140. FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 25 3. Secure Operation The following steps are required to put the module into a FIPS-approved mode of operation. Prior to performing the steps below, the module is in a non-FIPS mode of operation. 3.1 Non-FIPS mode of Operation Prior to performing the steps outlined below, the module will operate in “non-FIPS mode.” All services available in the “non-FIPS mode” are identical to those in the “FIPS approved mode,” however, several defaults, such as, minimum password length is changed. 3.2 Installation There are no FIPS 140 specific hardware installation steps required. 3.3 Initialization 3.3.1 Default Authentication During initial setup, a prompt will be provided to change the default authentication credentials. These credentials must be changed at this point. 3.3.2 Enable compliance configuration options Perform the following steps to enable FIPS 140-2 configuration options on the webUI. 1. Enter the CLI configuration mode: hostname > enable hostname # configure terminal 2. Enable the compliance configuration options on the webUI: compliance options webui enable 3.3.3 Enable FIPS 140-2 compliance There are two methods to enable FIPS 140-2 compliance on the appliance. Compliance may be enabled either through the webUI or through the CLI. Perform the following to enable FIPS 140- 2 compliance through the webUI. 1. On the Web UI, select the Settings tab. 2. Select Compliance on the sidebar. 3. Click Enable FIPS Compliance. 4. Click Save changes to continue. 5. Click Reboot Now Alternatively, perform the following to enable FIPS 140-2 compliance through the CLI. 1. Enable the CLI configuration mode: hostname > enable hostname # configure terminal 2. Bring the system into FIPS 140-2 compliance: FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 26 hostname (config) # compliance apply standard fips 3. Save your changes: hostname (config) # write memory 4. Restart the appliance: hostname (config) # reload 5. Verify that the appliance is compliant: hostname (config) # show compliance standard fips 3.4 Management 3.4.1 SSH Usage When in FIPS 140-2 compliance mode, only the following algorithms may be used for SSH communications. Note: The module itself restricts access to algorithms. No other algorithms are available. Symmetric Encryption Algorithms: 1. 3DES_CBC 2. AES_128_CBC 3. AES_128_CTR 4. AES_128_GCM 5. AES_256_CBC 6. AES_256_CTR 7. AES_256_GCM KEX Algorithms: 1. diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 Message Authentication Code (MAC) Algorithms: 1. hmac-sha1 2. hmac-sha2-256 3. hmac-sha2-512 3.4.2 TLS Usage When in FIPS 140-2 compliance mode, only the following ciphersuites may be used for TLS communications. Note: The module itself restricts access to algorithms. No other algorithms are available. 1. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 2. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 3. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 4. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 5. TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 6. TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 7. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 8. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 27 9. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 10. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 11. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 12. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384 13. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 14. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 15. TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 16. TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 17. TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 18. TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 19. TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA 20. TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA 21. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 22. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 23. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 24. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 25. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA 26. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA 27. TLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA 3.4.3 SNMP Usage When in FIPS 140-2 compliance mode, only AES_128_OFB may be used for SNMP v3 communications. Note: The module itself restricts access to algorithms. No other algorithms are available. 3.5 Secure Delivery The product is delivered via commercial carrier (either FedEx or UPS). The product will contain a packing slip with the serial numbers of all shipped software. The Cryptographic Officer must verify that the serial numbers match the serial numbers listed in the packing slip. Additionally, the Cryptographic Officer must verify that there is are no signs of damage/tampering within the delivered package. Any sign of damage/tampering must be reported to FireEye for guidance. Additionally, the product may be downloaded from the FireEye secure download portal. 3.6 Additional Information For additional information regarding FIPS 140-2 compliance, see the “FireEye FIPS 140-2 and Common Criteria Addendum, Release 1.0.” FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 28 Appendix A: Acronyms This section describes the acronyms used throughout the document. Table 8 - Acronyms Acronym Definition CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CRNGT Continuous Random Number Generator Test CSEC Communications Security Establishment Canada CVL Component Validation List FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard KDF Key Derivation Function NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory POST Power-On Self-Test PWCT Pairwise Consistency Test