Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 1/23 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. Prepared by jtsec Beyond IT Security S.L. Version: 1.14 Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 2/23 Table of content 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................4 1.2 Document Organization....................................................................................................................4 2 Module Specification..................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Modes of Operation and Security Functions ..................................................................................5 2.2 Block Diagram....................................................................................................................................6 2.3 Critical Security Parameters.............................................................................................................7 2.4 Ports and Interfaces..........................................................................................................................8 3 Roles, Authentication and services............................................................................................................9 3.1 Roles and Authentication.................................................................................................................9 3.2 Services..............................................................................................................................................9 4 Physical Security........................................................................................................................................11 5 Operational Environment.........................................................................................................................12 5.1 Tested Configuration......................................................................................................................12 5.2 Operation Rules...............................................................................................................................12 6 Cryptographic Key Management .............................................................................................................13 6.1 Random Number Generation.........................................................................................................13 6.2 Key Generation................................................................................................................................13 6.3 Key Entry and Output .....................................................................................................................13 6.4 Key Storage......................................................................................................................................13 6.5 Key Zeroization................................................................................................................................13 7 Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC)..........................................14 8 Self-Tests....................................................................................................................................................15 8.1 Power-Up Self-Test.........................................................................................................................15 8.2 Conditional Self-Test.......................................................................................................................15 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks......................................................................................................................17 Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 3/23 10 Design Assurance......................................................................................................................................18 10.1 Configuration Management...........................................................................................................18 10.2 Configuration Items Identification Method..................................................................................18 11 Crypto Officer and User Guidance...........................................................................................................19 11.1 Secure Distribution.........................................................................................................................19 11.2 Integrity and Confidentiality Assurance........................................................................................19 11.3 Installation Instructions and Initialization.....................................................................................19 11.4 Secure operation.............................................................................................................................22 12 Glosary and Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................23 Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 4/23 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW This document is the non-proprietary FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for the Treasure Cryptographic Module (Software Version 1.5, Hardware Version: Intel Core i7-6600U). The Treasure Cryptographic Module will alsobe referred to as“themodule”throughthedocument.ThisSecurityPolicyspecifiesthesecurityrules under which the moduleshould operateto meet FIPS 140-2 level 1 requirements. The moduleis classified by FIPS 140-2 as a software-hybrid, multi-chip standaloneembodiment module. The software component of the module is library providing a C-language application programming interface (API) for use by another application which statically links with it. The hardware component of themoduleis CPU which supports AES-NI instruction set, which is invoked for AES operations performed by themodule. The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the moduleareas follow: Security Requirements Security Level Cryptographic ModuleSpecification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 FiniteStateModel 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 1: Security Requirement 1.2 DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION This security policy is onepart of the FIPS 140-2 submissionpackage. The submission packagecontains: - Security policy: This document. - Algorithm certificates:see Section “2.1 Modes of Operation and Security Functions”. - Functionalspecificationanddesigndocumentation:SeeSections“2.2BlockDiagram”and “2.4Portsand Interfaces” and thedocument “Treasure FIPS 140-2 Functional Specification-1.2.pdf” - User guide: See Section “11 Crypto Officer and User Guidance” - Finite statemodel: See thedocument “Treasure FIPS 140-2 FiniteStateModel-1.2.pdf” - Configuration item list: Seethedocument “Treasure FIPS 140-2 Configuration Item List-1.12.pdf” Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 5/23 2 MODULE SPECIFICATION The logical cryptographic boundaryof the moduleis the discreteblockof data and instructionsgenerated from the Treasure object module source code; a single file named fipscanister.o. This object module contains the FIPS enabled operations (AES, ECC, HMAC, RSA, cipher_common, digest, rand, and cipher_key_tools) and the modified versionof theOpenSSL 2.0.16 sourcecode which has been compiled to run in intel SGX environment and has been modified to support the algorithms provided by ADV (Treasure Data Vault). The module is to be run on a general-purpose computer that consists of multiple components, so the physical cryptographic boundary is the general-purpose computer where the module is installed. This includes thecentral processing unit(s), thecache, themain memory, disk drives, network interface cards and peripherals. 2.1 MODES OF OPERATION AND SECURITY FUNCTIONS The module can only be operated in a FIPS 140-2 Approved mode. The module supports the following Approved security functions: Algorithm Modes Certificate [FIPS 186-4] RSA2 GenKey(ANSI X9.31, 2048/3072bits), SigGenPKCS1.5, SigVerPKCS1.5 (2048/3072 and SHA-224 SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 sizesto signatureverification). The module also supports GenKey, SigGenPKCS1.5, SigVerPKCS1.5 (4096 bits) but they have not been CAVP tested. #C608 FIPS 186-2] RSA SigGenPKCS1.5 (4096and SHA-224SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512 sizes to signaturegeneration). #C608 [FIPS 197] AES 128/192/256-bit[SP 800-38C] CCM, [SP 800-38D] GCM, CBC, CTR, OFB, ECB, CFB #C608 [FIPS 186-4] ECDSA - GenKey: curves (P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521) - PKV: curves (P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521) - SigGen:(P-224[SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512], P-256 [SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512], P-384 [SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512], P-512 [SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512]) - SigVer: (P-224 [SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA- 512], P-256 [SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512], P-384 [SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512], P-521 [SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512]) #C608 [FIPS 198] HMAC SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 #C608 [FIPS 180-4] Digest SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 #C608 [SP 800-90] DRBG Hash DRBG (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512) #C608 [SP 800-133] CKG Resulting Symmetric keysand seeds used for asymmetric key generation are an unmodified output from an Approved DRBG. Vendor Affirmed Table 2: Modes of operation and security functions Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 6/23 Algorithm Caveat Use RSA Key Wrapping Provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength Key Establishment NDRNG1 Used to provideseed input into themodule’s Approved DRBG Table 3: Non-Approved but Allowed Algorithm Implementations There are no Non-Approved security functions supported by themodule, because the moduleis always operating in FIPS Approved mode. 2.2 BLOCK DIAGRAM The following block diagram depicts theinformation flows between the moduleand outsideequipment through theinput/output interfaces defined in section 2.4 Ports and Interfaces. Figure 1: Module block diagram 1 The module’s NDRNG produces an estimated 128bits of entropy Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 7/23 Figure 2: Picture of the Intel® Core™ i7-6600U Processor 2.3 CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) encompass all symmetric keys and asymmetric private keys whose disclosure or modification can compromise the security of the cryptographic module. The main responsibility of theprotection of theCSPs relies on thehost hardwareand softwarewhich is outsideof theboundary of this module using themethodology specified in section “6.4 Key Storage”. The following table describes thedifferent types of CSPs used by themoduleand their description: CSP Description RSA SGK RSA (2048/3072/4096bits) signaturegeneration key RSA DK RSA (2048/3072/4096bits) decryption key AES EDK AES (128/192/256bits) encrypt/decryptkey HMAC Key HMAC (256/384/512/1024bits) key EC SGK ECDSA (224/256/384/521bits) signature generation key Hash_DRBG CSPs V (440/888bits), C (440/888 bits), entropy input and seed by default depending on theused SHA size Table 4: List of CSPs used by the module The following tableshows a completelist of thepublic keys used by themodule: Public key Description Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 8/23 RSA SVK RSA (2048/3072/4096bits) signatureverification key RSA EK RSA (2048/3072/4096bits) encryption key EC SVK ECDSA (224/256/384/521bits) signature verification key Table 5: List of the public keys used by the module 2.4 PORTS AND INTERFACES The physical ports of themodulearethesameas thegeneral-purposecomputer on which it is executing. The moduleprovides a logical interface via a C-language application program interface(API). FIPS 140-2 interfaces are mapped to the module’s logical interfaceas follows: FIPS-140-2 Interface Physical Interface Logical Interface Description Data input Network port, Serial port, USB port, SCSI/SATA Controller Input parameters to API calls The module has one input interface that is mapped with the API input parameters to all cryptographic functions. Data output Network port, Serial port, USB port, SCSI/SATA Controller Output parameters from APO calls The modulehas one output interface that is mapped to the API output parameters. Control input Network port, Serial port, USB port, Power button API Function calls Themodulehasonecontrol input interface that is mapped with all API function calls. Status output Network port, Serial port, USB port, Graphics controller Returnvaluesfrom APIcalls The module has one status output interface which is mapped with all API status output parameters and return codes Power Input General purpose computer power Not Applicable Not Applicable Table 6: Module interfaces The output data path is provided by the data interfaces and is logically disconnected from processes performing key generation or zeroization. No key information is outputthrough thedata outputinterface when the modulezeroizes keys.” The control of the physical ports is outsidemodulescope. When themoduleis performing self-tests, or is in an error state, all data output via thedata output interfaceis inhibited. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 9/23 3 ROLES, AUTHENTICATION AND SERVICES 3.1 ROLES AND AUTHENTICATION As it is required, themodule supports theUser and Crypto Officer roles. Only one rolecan be active at a time as the module has been built to disablethreading (by using the compilation option “no-threads” in Therefore, themodule does not allow concurrent operators. In addition, the cryptographic moduledoes not supportauthenticationmechanisms. The following table describes each of the two operator roles support by the module. The roles are implicitly assumed upon theinvocation of themoduleservices: Role Authorized Services User Alltheservices,related to themoduleloading and callinganyof theAPIfunctions,except themodule installation Crypto Officer Secure installation of the Module on the host computer system and calling of any API functions Table 7: Users role and authorized services 3.2 SERVICES After the crypto officer has performed the module installation, each user (User role and crypto officer role) can usethe following services and Keys/CSPs depending its typeof access by using thespecified API function: Authorized Services Roles Description Keys and CSPs API function Access Module Initialization CO Used to initialize themodule. N/A FIPS_module_mode_set() N/A Self-test User, CO Used to perform self-tests. N/A FIPS_selftest() N/A Generatekey User, CO Used to generate symmetric and asymmetric keys. RSA SGK, RSA DK, AES EDK, HMAC Key, EC SGK, RSA SVK, RSA EK, EC SVK aes_keygen() rsa_gen_keypair() ec_gen_keypair() hmac_keygen() W Encrypt User, CO Used to encrypt a block of data with RSA or AES. RSA EK, AES EDK aes_encrypt() aes _ecb_256_encrypt() rsa_public_encrypt() RX Decrypt User, CO Used to decrypt a block of data with RSA or AES RSA DK, AES EDK aes_decrypt() aes _ecb_256_decrypt() rsa_private_decrypt() RX Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 10/23 Generate MAC User, CO Used to generate HMAC HMAC Key hmac_sign() RX Generate signature User, CO Used to generate RSA or EC signatures. RSA SGK, EC SGK rsa_sign() ec_sign() RX Verify MAC User, CO Used to verify HMAC HMAC Key hmac_verify() RX Verify signature User, CO Used to verify RSA or EC signatures. RSA SVK, EC SVK rsa_verify() ec_verify() RX Digest User, CO Used to generate a SHA-1 or SHA-2 message digest. N/A get_digest() N/A Random number generation User, CO Used to generate a random number Hash_DRBG CSPs rgen() RWX Zeroize User, CO Used to destroy all CPSs. All CSPs delete_object() W Get status User, CO Used to get the current status of themodule N/A FIPS_get_module_state() N/A Table 8: Description of authorized services Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 11/23 4 PHYSICAL SECURITY The module is a software-hybrid module that operates on a multi-chip standalone platform which conforms to the Level 1 requirements for physical security. The hardware portion is entirely contained within a hard plastic production-grade enclosure which corresponds to the laptop enclosure that surrounds thecryptographic module. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 12/23 5 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT The cryptographic module operates on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 64-bit running on the Intel® Core™ i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz × 4 processor, hence themodule’s operational environment is modifiable. The operating system segregates user processes into separateprocessspaces. Each process spaceis logically separated fromall otherprocessesby theoperatingsystemsoftwareandhardware, preventingunauthorizedaccess from other running processes. The Module functions entirely within the process space of the calling application in a singlethread satisfying therequirement for a singleuser modeof operation. 5.1 TESTED CONFIGURATION The following table shows the tested configuration that must be deployed in a Lenovo Thinkpad T460s with thefollowing specifications: Element Specifications Laptop Model Lenovo Thinkpad T460s CPU Intel® Core™ i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz× 4 Memory 24GB DDR4 Storage SATA SSD(512 GB) Table 9: Tested configuration to be deployed 5.2 OPERATION RULES Once the application is loaded into memory, themodule is initialized to operatein FIPS modethat is its only modeof operation complying with thefollowing rules: 1. The module is initialized in the FIPS mode of operation using the FIPS_module_mode_set() function call. 2. The replacement or modification of themoduleby unauthorized users is prohibited. 3. The operating system enforces authenticationmethod(s) to prevent unauthorized access to the Moduleservices. 4. Before performing any cryptographic operation, thesystem statusmust beset to READY which means that thepower-up self-test has been successfully completed. 5. The output interface is inhibited if the module state is FIPS_STATE_POWER_ON, FIPS_STATE_SELFTEST or FIPS_STATE_ERROR. 6. All Critical Security Parameters (CSP) are verified as correct and are securely generated, stored and destroyed. 7. All host system components that can contains sensitive cryptographic data (main memory, system bus and disk storage) must belocated in a secureenvironment. 8. The unauthorized reading, writing, or modification of the address space of the Module is prohibited. 9. The operating system is the responsible for multitasking operations so that other processes cannot access theaddress spaceof theprocess containing theModule. 10. The user shall not link multi-threaded applicationsto the ModuleAPI. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 13/23 6 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT 6.1 RANDOM NUMBER GENERATION The module uses an SP 800-90A compliant Hash_DRBG for the generation of random numbers. The module also uses a NDRNG as the sourceof entropy for DRBG seeds. To perform the random number generation, the modulecalls the RAND_bytes() function for symmetric and asymmetric key generation. 6.2 KEY GENERATION The module uses the DRBG defined in Section “6.1 Random Number Generation” for the creation of random data, which is used to generate symmetric keys and seeds for RSA or ECDSA key pair generation. The moduledoes not return intermediatekey generation values. 6.3 KEY ENTRY AND OUTPUT The module does not support manual key entry or intermediate key generation output. The module supports theentry of keys to it via API input parameters in plaintext form. The modulealso supports the output of keys via API output parameters in plaintext form. Themoduledoes not enter or output keys in plaintext format outsideof its physical boundary 6.4 KEY STORAGE Public and private keys are provided to the module by the calling process, and are destroyed when released by the appropriateAPI function calls. Themoduledoes not perform persistent storageof keys. 6.5 KEY ZEROIZATION After using CSPs, symmetric keys and asymmetric keys, the memorywherethey are temporally stored is automatically zeroized by calling the SAFE_FREE() function which replaces its contentwith 0s. The calling application is responsiblefor calling the delete_object() zeroization function, which uses the compare_header() to verify that the ID and type of the key matches properly before zeroizing it. The zeroization function overwrite the memory occupied by keys with 0s and deallocates the memory with theregular memory deallocation operating system call. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 14/23 7 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE/ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMI/EMC) The software runs in a platform that conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, UnintentionalRadiators, Digital Devices, Class A. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 15/23 8 SELF-TESTS 8.1 POWER-UP SELF-TEST Themodulestartsperformingthepower-upself-testafterbeing loadedintomemoryandinitialized.Once themodulestarts theperformanceof thepower-up self-tests, it changes states from the“No Operative” stateto the “Test” state. The power-up self-tests arecomposed of an integrity test of thesoftwareusing HMAC-SHA1 and the KAT (Known Answer Tests), which are a group of tests based on calculating a cryptographic valueand comparing it with a stored previously determined answer. In thecase of ECDSA, it is tested using a pair-wiseconsistency test. To execute the power-up self-test, the module calls the FIPS_selftest() function which performs the integrity test of the module and the KAT for each of the Approved algorithms detailed in the following table: Algorithm Description Integrity test Software integrity test using HMAC-SHA-1. Theassociated function to thistest is FIPS_check_incore_fingerprint(). AES Known answer test. Separate encryption and decryption test using a 128 bitskey and ECB mode. The associated function to this test is FIPS_selftest_aes(). AES CCM Known answer test. Separate encryption and decryption test using a 192 bitskey. The associated function to this test is FIPS_selftest_aes_ccm(). AES GCM Known answer test. Separate encryption and decryption test using a 256 bitskey. The associated function to this test is FIPS_selftest_aes_gcm(). RSA Known answer test. By signing and verifying with 2048bits key and SHA-256. The associated function to this test is FIPS_selftest_rsa(). ECDSA Pair-wiseconsistency test. By signing and verifying using a P-224curve with SHA- 512. Theassociated function to this test is FIPS_selftest_ecdsa(). HMAC Known answer test for HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA- 384 and HMAC-SHA-512. Theassociated function to this test is FIPS_selftest_hmac(). SHA-1 Known answer test. Messagedigest using SHA-1. Theassociated function to thistest is FIPS_selftest_sha1(). All other SHS implementations aretest as a part of the HMAC KAT. DRBG Known answer test. SP 800-90A HASH_DRBG:SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512. Theassociated function to thistest is FIPS_selftest_drbg(). Table 10: Power-Up self-test description Power-on self tests return 1 if all self tests succeed, and 0 if not. If a self-test fails, themoduleenters the error stateand all data output is inhibited. During self-tests, cryptographic functions cannotbe performed until thetests arecomplete. If a self-test fails, subsequent invocation of any cryptographic function calls will fail. The only way to recover from a self-test failureis by power-cycling themodule. 8.2 CONDITIONAL SELF-TEST The moduleperforms thefollowing conditional self-tests: Algorithm Description Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 16/23 RSA Pairwise consistency test for both Sign/Verifyand Encrypt/Decrypt. ECDSA Pairwiseconsistency test for Sign/Verify. Hash_DRBG -Continuous random number generator test as specified by SP 800-90A. - SP 800-90A DRBG Health Tests:Instantiate, Reseed, Generate, and Uninstantiate. NDRNG Continuous Random Number Generation Test Table 11: Conditional self-test description In theevent of a DRBG self-test failurethe calling application mustuninstantiateand re-instantiatethe DRBG per SP 800-90A requirements. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 17/23 9 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS The moduleis not designed to mitigate against attacks which areoutsideof the scopeof FIPS 140-2. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 18/23 10 DESIGN ASSURANCE 10.1 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT Configurationmanagementforthemodule’ssourcecodeis providedbytheGitsourcecodemanagement system. Git provides configuration item version control, change control, flaw remediation tracking and thetracking of sourcecoderevisions. Thesourcecodeis maintained in a privateGit repository withwrite access restricted to authorized developers. 10.2 CONFIGURATION ITEMS IDENTIFICATION METHOD Theinternalversioningofthesourcecodefilesis performedbyGit automaticallyandtheassignedversion and revision are used internally to control the code development, so that it must not be confused with the final released version of thecode that is assigned manually to each sourcefile to allow thecostumer to identifytheversion.Theversionwillbe assignedwiththefollowingformat“Version: X.Y (Date)”, where X is theversion number, Y is therevision number and Dateis therelease dateof themodule. Regardingeach associatedmoduledocumentation,theyaremanuallyversionedbyappendingtheversion and revision to their filenameas follow: Document-X.Y. Each associated moduledocumentation fileis manually assigned a version number which is stated as part of thefile name which uses the following naming convention: - Naming: Name-X.Y, where Name is the unique name of the related document, and X.Y is the version and revision of thedocument. Every new document is starts with version v1.0. - Version Update: When the document is modified and this modification implies major changes, then theX number is incremented. However, if changes and modifications implyminorchanges, then the Y number is incremented. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 19/23 11 CRYPTO OFFICER AND USER GUIDANCE 11.1 SECURE DISTRIBUTION The Treasure Data Vault application, which themoduleis integrated in, is available for downloaded from thevendorwebsiteover HTTPS.Ahash andsignatureof thedownloadareprovidedtoallow thecustomer to verify theintegrity of theapplication beforeproceed with the secureinstallation and configuration. 11.2 INTEGRITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURANCE Due to module being contained within the Treasure Data Vault Application, the only way to verify its integrity is during thefirst run of theapplication. As it is specified in the section below, during thebuild process of the HSMApp, thefipscanister signature is stored in thefipscanister_digest.hex filewhich will beused to verify theintegrity of themodule. To perform the validation, the crypto officer needs to use the incore utility to generate the signatureof thefipscanisterinsidetheHSMEnclave.signed.sobyrunningthefollowingcommand beinginthe‘release’ directory: ./fips/incore -dso./lib/ Once the crypto officer has obtained the signatureof the fipscanister insidethe, he can compare it with the content of the fipscanister_digest.hex filegenerated during thebuild process: Figure 3: Integrityverification of the module 11.3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS AND INITIALIZATION This section details the steps that must be followed by the Crypto Officer to proceed with the secure installation and initialization of themodule after checking that its version is 1.5. As is detailed in section “2 Module Specification” the fipscanister.o is composed of FIPS enabled ciphers and the OpenSSL source code which complies with the standard FIPS 140-2. The fipscanister.o is part of the Treasure Data Vault library ( The ADV application has some dependencies that must be installed prior to proceeding with the application installation, this is because ADV is a security service that runs on Intel’s Software Guard Extension (SGX) technology. Theneeded dependencies are listed below: 1. Intel SGX SDK for Linux ( 2. Intel SGX driver for Linux ( 3. FIPS Enabled SGXSSL for Linux (OpenSSL 1.0.2q ported by Treasure for Intel SGX Environment) 4. Boost C++ Library ( used for logging, encoding/decoding, communication, etc. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 20/23 The following command and instruction must be used to proceed with the installation of the listed dependencies: SGX SDK and SGX driver installation: Step 1: Configurethesystem with theSGX hardwareenabled option. Step 2: Check if matching kernel headers areinstalled: dpkg-query -s linux-headers-$(uname -r) Step 3: Install matching headers: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) Step 4: Build theIntel SGX driver by executing thefollowing command in thedriver path: make Step 5: Install theintel SGX driver with: sudo mkdir -p "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx" sudo cp isgx.ko "/lib/modules/"`uname -r`"/kernel/drivers/intel/sgx" sudo sh -c "cat /etc/modules | grep -Fxq isgx || echo isgx >> /etc/modules" sudo /sbin/depmod sudo /sbin/modprobe isgx Step 6: Install therequired tools to build theIntel(R) SGX SDK: sudo apt-get install build-essential ocaml automake autoconf libtoolwget pythonlibssl-dev sudo apt-get install libssl-devlibcurl4-openssl-devprotobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev debhelper Step 7: Download theprebuilt binaries by running script: ./ Step 8: Build theIntel SGX SDK and SGX PSW: make Step 9: Build theIntel SGX SDK Installer make sdk_install_pkg Step 10: Build theIntel SGX PSW Installer make deb_pkg make deb_sgx_enclave_common_dev_pkg Step 11: Install therequired tool to use Intel(R) SGX SDK: sudo apt-get install build-essential python Step 12: Install theIntel SGX SDK: source ${sgx-sdk-install-path}/environment Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 21/23 cd linux/installer/bin ./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_${version}.bin Step 13: Install the prerequisites for SGX PSW: sudo apt-get install libssl-devlibcurl4-openssl-devlibprotobuf-dev Step 14: Install theIntel SGX PSW: cd linux/installer/deb sudo dpkg -i ./libsgx-urts_${version}-${revision}_amd64.deb./libsgx-enclave-common_${version}- ${revision}_amd64.deb Step 15: Download sourcecodefrom dynamic-application-loader-host-interfaceproject. In thesource code folder, build and install theJHI serviceusing thefollowing commands sudo apt-get install uuid-dev libxml2-devcmake pkg-configlibsystemd-devcmake .;make;sudomake install;sudosystemctl enable jhi FIPS Enabled SGXSSL for Linux: Step 16: After installing the Intel SGX SDK, Intel PSW, Intel SGX driver and PERL. Download OpenSSL packageinto openssl_source/directory. (tar.gz package, e.g. openssl-1.0.2q.tar.gz) Step 17: cd to Linux/ directory and run thefollowing commands to install Intel SGXSSL libraries: make all sudo make install Boost and C++ Library installation: Step 18: Install thelibrary: sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev libc++-devlibcppunit-dev After installing the dependencies, the module can be built and installed, however it’s important to consider that themodulewill be compiled and installed internally during thebuilt and installation of the HSMApp. The HSMApp can be installed in three different modes: pre-release mode, debug mode or production mode. When built in production mode, the signing material (hash of HSMEnclave) has been generated using theIntel SGX tool (sgx_sign) to sign theenclave softwareand then the signatureis attached to the (Thisprocesscanonlybeperformedbywhitelisted signers as the vendor). In addition, this signing process is only necessary to ensure the security of the enclavesoftware, thus it does not affect to themoduleoperation and security. To proceed with the build and installation using the production mode, it is necessary to perform the following steps: Step 19: Generatethesigning material by running thefollowingscript: ./ cleanprod Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 22/23 Step 20: At this point, the signing material (HSMEnclave_hash.hex) has been generated in./release/lib. Now bring it to the signing machine which contains the signer's key that has been whitelisted by Intel. Sign the signing material/s (HSMEnclave_signature.hex) and then bring it back to this build machine (./release/lib). Then run the production releasescript: ./ Thisscriptwillbuildand installtheHSMAppapplication,HSMEnclave.signed.solibrary,whichcontainsthe module, and the FIPS Validation Suite. When it is executed, the (in this case the is loaded with all its libraries (ADV Ciphers, OpenSSL source code compliant with FIPS 140-2, Intel SGX libraries, SGXSSL, etc.) and theincluded fips_premain.c which will beused to performthe FIPS integrity test. During thebuild process, the HSMApp computes thefingerprintof fipscanister.o and writesthesignature file in the variable HMAC_SHA1_SIG defined in the fips_premain.c and also creates a file named as fipscanister_digest.hex to storeits value. Once the signaturefilehas been generated, the scriptpasses it to thesecond build process to set it when the HSMApp loads (in this Finally, the (in this is loaded and initializesthemodulein FIPS modeby executing the fips_set_mode() function which starts thepower-up self-test by calling the FIPS_selftest() function defined in the fips_post.c file. 11.4 SECURE OPERATION After the Crypto Officer installs and initializes themodule as described in the previous section, if all the power-up self-test (listed in section “8.1 Power-Up Self-Test)” are performed successfully, then the module will be in READY stateand will allow the User and Crypto Officer to usethe authorized services and the API functions detailed in the section “3.2 Services” related to any cryptographic operation, key zeroization, obtaining themodulestatusor performing a self-test. To interact with the module, the User and Crypto Officer can use the defined ports in the section “2.4 Ports and Interfaces” without any additional measureor especial behavior, due to the moduleis always operating in FIPS modeand, in addition, it does not return any privatesecret or key component. Apart from that, themodulegenerates IVs internally using theApproved DRBG which areat least 96-bits in length. In the event that modulepower is lost and restored, the calling application must ensurethat any AES-GCM keys used for encryption or decryption are re-distributed. Version: 1.13 Date: 06/02/2020 Treasure Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Treasure Cloud Pte Ltd. PAGE 23/23 12 GLOSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS ADV Treasure Data Vault AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application ProgrammingInterface CBC Cipher Block Chaining CFB Cipher Feedback CO Crypto Officer CPU Central processing Unit CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DK Decryption Key DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECB Electronic Codebook ECC Elliptic CurveCryptographic ECDSA Elliptic CurveDigital SignatureAlgorithm EDK Encrypt/Decrypt Key EMI ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE EMC ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY FSM FiniteStateModel GCM Galois/Counter Mode HMAC Hash-based MessageAuthenticationCode KAT Known Answer Test NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator OFB Output Feedback RAM Random Access Memory SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SGK SignatureGeneration Key SGX SoftwareGuard Extension SVK SignatureVerification Key URI Uniform ResourceIdentifier