FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 1 of 37 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy AWS Key Management Service HSM (Hardware version 3.0, firmware version 1.7.100, 1.7.102 and 1.7.103) Document Version 1.14 May 9th, 2023 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 2 of 37 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................................................4 1.1 About FIPS 140...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 About this Document............................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 External Resources................................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.4 Notices.................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 1.5 Acronyms.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5 2 AWS Key Management Service HSM ..........................................................................................................................................7 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification...................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Validation Level Detail....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 Approved Cryptographic Algorithms ................................................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.3 Non-Approved but Allowed Algorithms........................................................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Module Interfaces............................................................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication..................................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.1 Strength of Authentication .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 2.3.2 Cryptographic Services and Descriptions......................................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.3 Configuration Services and Descriptions.......................................................................................................................................... 20 2.3.4 Audit Log Services and Descriptions ................................................................................................................................................ 28 2.3.5 Show Status..................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 2.3.6 Zeroization....................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 2.4 Physical Security.................................................................................................................................................................. 29 2.5 Operational Environment.................................................................................................................................................... 29 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management......................................................................................................................................... 30 2.6.1 Critical Security Parameters............................................................................................................................................................. 30 2.6.2 Public Keys....................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 2.7 Self-Tests............................................................................................................................................................................. 35 2.7.1 Power-On Self-Tests ........................................................................................................................................................................ 35 2.7.2 Conditional Self-Tests...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 2.7.3 Critical Function Tests...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 2.7.4 On-Demand Self-Tests..................................................................................................................................................................... 36 2.8 Mitigation of Other Attacks ................................................................................................................................................ 36 3 Guidance and Secure Operation...............................................................................................................................................37 3.1 Crypto Officer Guidance...................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.1.1 Module Inspection........................................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.1.2 Initial Configuration......................................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.2 User Guidance..................................................................................................................................................................... 37 3.2.1 General Guidance............................................................................................................................................................................ 37 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 3 of 37 List of Tables Table 1 – Acronyms and Terms...................................................................................................................................................................6 Table 2 – Validation Level by FIPS 140-2 Section ........................................................................................................................................8 Table 3 - FIPS-Approved Algorithms and Certificate Numbers..................................................................................................................10 Table 4 – Approved Cryptographic Functions Tested with Vendor Affirmation ........................................................................................10 Table 5 – Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Algorithms..............................................................................................................11 Table 6 – Interface Descriptions ...............................................................................................................................................................11 Table 7 – Logical Interface / Physical Interface Mapping..........................................................................................................................11 Table 8 – Roles and Authentication ..........................................................................................................................................................12 Table 9 - Cryptographic Services and Descriptions....................................................................................................................................20 Table 10 - Configuration Services and Descriptions ..................................................................................................................................28 Table 11 – Audit Log Services and Descriptions ........................................................................................................................................28 Table 12 - Status Services and Descriptions ..............................................................................................................................................28 Table 13 – Module Keys/CSPs...................................................................................................................................................................34 Table 14 – Public Keys...............................................................................................................................................................................35 Table 15 – Power-On Self-Tests ................................................................................................................................................................35 Table 16 – Conditional Self-Tests..............................................................................................................................................................36 List of Figures Figure 1 – Cryptographic Module Boundary (Front)....................................................................................................................................7 Figure 2 - Cryptographic Module Boundary (Back) .....................................................................................................................................7 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 4 of 37 1 Introduction 1.1 About FIPS 140 Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules specifies requirements for cryptographic modules to be deployed in a Sensitive but Unclassified environment. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) run the FIPS 140-2 program. The National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredits independent testing labs to perform FIPS 140-2 testing; the CMVP validates modules meeting FIPS 140-2 requirements. Validated is the term given to a module that is documented and tested against the FIPS 140-2 criteria. More information is available on the CMVP website at 1.2 About this Document This non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Hardware Security Module (HSM) from Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides an overview of the HSM and a high-level description of how it meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. This document contains details on the module’s cryptographic keys and critical security parameters. This Security Policy concludes with instructions and guidance on running the module in a FIPS 140-2 mode of operation. AWS Key Management Service HSM may also be referred to as the “module” in this document. The AWS Key Management Service HSM is used exclusively by AWS as a component of the AWS Key Management Service (KMS). The module is not directly accessible to customers of KMS. The cryptographic functions of the module are used to fulfill requests under specific public AWS KMS APIs. 1.3 External Resources The AWS website ( contains information on AWS services that utilizes the module. The list of public AWS KMS APIs is found on the AWS documentation website: ( The Cryptographic Module Validation Program website contains links to the FIPS 140-2 certificate and AWS contact information. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 5 of 37 1.4 Notices This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. 1.5 Acronyms Table 1 defines acronyms found in this document: Acronym Term AES Advanced Encryption Standard ANSI American National Standards Institute API Application Programming Interface AWS Amazon Web Services CBC Cipher Block Chaining CCCS Canadian Centre for Cyber Security CDK Customer Data Key CKG Cryptographic Key Generation CMK Customer Master Key CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto Officer CRK Customer Replication Key CSK Customer Supplied Key CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DH Diffie-Hellman DK Domain Key DKEK Domain Key Encryption Key DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECB Electronic Codebook EC Elliptic Curve ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference ENT Entropy Source FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GCM Galois/Counter Mode GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code HBK HSM Backing Key HMAC (Keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code HOSK HSM-to-Operator Session Key HSK HSM Signature Key Pair HSKEK HSM Session Key Encryption Key HSM Hardware Security Module FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 6 of 37 IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface KAS Key Agreement Scheme KAT Known Answer Test KBKDF Key Based Key Derivation Function KDA Key Derivation Algorithm KDF Key Derivation Function KMS Key Management Service KTS Key Transport Scheme MAC Message Authentication Code MD Message Digest NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NMI Non-Maskable Interrupt OAEP Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standards PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme QCDEK Customer Data Encryption Public Key QOEAK Operator Ephemeral Agreement Public Key QOS Operator Signature Public Key RAK Replication Agreement Key RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman RSK Replication Signing Key RWK Replication Wrapping Key SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SP Special Publication Table 1 – Acronyms and Terms FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 7 of 37 2 AWS Key Management Service HSM 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification AWS customers can use the AWS Key Management Service to generate and manage cryptographic keys and operate as a cryptographic service provider for protecting data within AWS. The AWS Key Management Service HSM provides dedicated cryptographic functions for the AWS Key Management Service. The module runs firmware versions 1.7.100, 1.7.102 and/or 1.7.103 on hardware version 3.0 and is classified as a multi- chip standalone cryptographic module. The physical cryptographic boundary is defined as the module case, and the module runs on a non-modifiable operating environment. Figure 1 – Cryptographic Module Boundary (Front) Figure 2 - Cryptographic Module Boundary (Back) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 8 of 37 2.1.1 Validation Level Detail Table 2 lists the level of validation for each area in FIPS 140-2: FIPS 140-2 Section Title Validation Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Overall Level 3 Table 2 – Validation Level by FIPS 140-2 Section FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 9 of 37 2.1.2 Approved Cryptographic Algorithms The module’s cryptographic algorithm implementations have received the following certificate numbers from the Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program (CAVP). Although additional modes and key lengths were included in the CAVP algorithm testing, the table below represents the actual modes and key lengths used by the services of the module. CAVP Cert. Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use AWS Key Management Service Cryptographic Algorithm Library A1908 AES FIPS 197 SP 800- 38A ECB, CBC, CTR 128, 256 Encryption, Decryption A1908 GCM/GMAC1 SP 800- AES 128, 256 Generation, Authentication, 38D Encryption, Decryption A1908 KTS SP800- 38F IG D.9 AES KWP AES GCM 256 Key Transport using AES KWP, Key Transport using AES GCM A1908 DRBG SP 800- 90A CTR DRBG 256 Random Bit Generation A1908 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 SigGen P-256, P-384, P- Signature Generation Component, SigGen Component 521 Signature Verification Component, KeyGen Key Pair Generation, Signature SigVer Generation, Signature Verification, SigVer Component KeyVer Public Key Validation A1908 HMAC FIPS 198-1 SHS 160, 224, 256, 384 and 512 bits Generation, Authentication A1908 RSA FIPS 186-4 PKCS#1 v1.5 and PSS 2048, 3072 and 40962 bits Key Pair Generation, Signature Generation, Signature Verification, Component Test A1908 SHA FIPS 180-4 SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 -- Digital Signature Generation, Digital Signature Verification, non- Digital Signature Applications A1908 CVL FIPS 186-4 ECDSA SigGen Component P-256, P-384, P- 521 Signature Generation Component RSA Signature Primitive - Component Test 1 The AES GCM IV is generated internally in the cryptographic module using the module's Approved NIST SP 800-90A DRBG and the IV length used is at least 96 bits (per SP 800-38D and IG A.5 Scenario 2). 2 RSA 4096 was not tested by the CAVP; however, it is Approved for use per IG A.14, because RSA SigGen / SigVer were tested in accordance with FIPS 186-4 for the 2048 and 3072 bit modulus sizes, and testing for modulus sizes higher than 3072 is not available under CAVS. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 10 of 37 CAVP Cert. Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths, Curves or Moduli Use AWS Key Management Service Cryptographic Algorithm Library A1908 KTS SP 800-56B [SP 800-56B] RSA-OAEP with, and without key confirmation Key sizes: 2048, 3072, and 4096 bits Hybrid Key-Transport scheme incorporating KTS-OAEP and SP 800-38F Key Sizes: 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits Key Transport, Optional RSA encapsulation schemes for protecting keys that customers import into AWS KMS. A1908 KAS SP 800-56A [SP 800-56Arev3] (Cofactor) Ephemeral Unified and (Cofactor) One-Pass Diffie-Hellman schemes without key confirmation ECDH Curve: P384 Key Agreement A1908 KDA SP 800-56C One-step key derivation SHA-256, SHA-384 256 bits, 384 bits Key Derivation AWS Key Management Service Key Derivation Function Library A1910 KBKDF, using Pseudorandom Functions SP 800-108 Counter Mode HMAC-based KDF with SHA-256 256 bits Key Derivation Intel DRNG N/A ENT (P) SP 800-90B Entropy source compliant with SP 800-90B, IG 7.14 Scenario 1A, IG 7.18 and 7.19 384 bits Provides seeding material for the DRBG A1791 Conditioning Components SP 800-90B AES-ECB AES-CBC-MAC Counter DRBG 128 bits Provides seeding material for the DRBG Table 3 – FIPS-Approved Algorithms and Certificate Numbers The following Approved cryptographic algorithms were tested with vendor affirmation. Algorithm IG Reference Use CKG Vendor Affirmed IG D.12 [SP 800-133rev2, Section 5] Seeding for asymmetric key generation uses unmodified DRBG output [SP 800-133rev2, Section 6.1] Symmetric key generation uses unmodified DRBG output Table 4 – Approved Cryptographic Functions Tested with Vendor Affirmation FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 11 of 37 2.1.3 Non-Approved but Allowed Algorithms The module supports the following non-FIPS 140-2 approved but allowed algorithms that may be used in the Approved mode of operation. Algorithm Use RSA Key Transport with PKCS #1 v1.5 [IG D.9] Optional RSA encapsulation scheme for protecting keys that customers import into AWS KMS. Key sizes: 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 150 bits of encryption strength) ECDSA secp256k1 [IG A.2] Curves: secp256k1; ECDSA (signature generation and verification; provides 128 bits of security strength) Table 5 – Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Algorithms 2.2 Module Interfaces Table 6 describes the main interfaces of the module: Physical Interface Description / Use 25 Gigabit Ethernet Port Main session interface for cryptographic services IPMI / Gigabit Ethernet Port Provides power on / off, and query status Power Interface Accept and provide power to the module Table 6 – Interface Descriptions The module provides a number of physical and logical interfaces to the device, and the physical interfaces provided by the module are mapped to four FIPS 140-2 defined logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, and status output. The logical interfaces and their mapping are provided in the following table: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Module Physical Interface Data Input 25 Gigabit Ethernet Port Data Output 25 Gigabit Ethernet Port Control Input 25 Gigabit Ethernet Port IPMI / Gigabit Ethernet Port Status Output 25 Gigabit Ethernet Port IPMI / Gigabit Ethernet Port Power Power Interface Table 7 – Logical Interface / Physical Interface Mapping FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 12 of 37 2.3 Roles, Services, and Authentication Operators of the module may assume the following three roles: Roles Description Authentication KMS Front End Role (KMS-FE) The KMS front end hosts perform actions on behalf of customers of AWS KMS. RSA 2048, 4096 or ECDSA P384 KMS Coordinator Role (KMS-C) Non-public facing KMS hosts perform actions on behalf of KMS administrators in the Administrator Role. RSA 2048, 4096 or ECDSA P384 Administrator Role (Admin) Employees of AWS who are authorized to manage the module. RSA 2048, 4096 or ECDSA P384 Table 8 – Roles and Authentication For FIPS purposes, the KMS Coordinator and Administrator roles serve as the Cryptographic Officer role per FIPS 140-2 requirements. The KMS-Front End role serves as the User role per FIPS 140-2 requirements. The module supports identity-based authentication, and the respective services for each role are described in the following sections. The module does not support a Maintenance role. Services supported by the module may also be referred to as APIs in this document. The module supports authentication using RSA with 2048 and 4096 bit keys, and ECDSA with P-384. Operators of the module are identified by unique Operator Signature Public Key (QOS). The list of operator keys and the role of each operator are configured using either the Initialize or InitializeAndCreateDomain service. Operators interact with the module by submitting digitally-signed commands to the module. The module authenticates operators by verifying the digitally-signed commands submitted to the module. The list of services supported by the module are listed in Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11. Unless otherwise specified, access to services can be configured to require one or more members of one or more roles listed in Table 8. These services are used only by components of KMS to fulfill requests under specific public AWS KMS APIs and cannot be used directly by KMS customers. See for a list of the current public AWS KMS APIs. All unauthenticated services listed do not affect the security of the information protected by the module and are allowed per IG 3.1. 2.3.1 Strength of Authentication Authentication to the module requires RSA (2048- or 4096-bit) or ECDSA (P-384) signature verification. These authentication methods are cryptographically strong and provide between 112 to 192 bits of security. The possibility of a single random authentication attempt succeeding is 2-112 which is far less than the required minimum of less than 1/1,000,000. The possibility of a random authentication succeeding within a one-minute period is 2-80 which is significantly less than 1/100,000. The cryptographic strengths of the digital signatures used for authentication create such difficulty in achieving a successful random authentication attempt that even the theoretical maximum bandwidth of the 25 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 13 of 37 Gb/second Ethernet port, assuming a rate of 232 attempts per minute, is not significant enough to allow a random attempt to succeed within a one-minute period. 2.3.2 Cryptographic Services and Descriptions For all cryptographic services in this section, all key/CSP input and output are encrypted using the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) using 256-bit AES GCM. The use of the HOSK provides transport security between the HSM and other KMS Operators (as defined in Section 2.3 above). HSM Service (API) Roles Description Create KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Generates and encrypts either an HSM Backing Key (HBK) or an Import Wrapping Key (IWK) private key. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: The Create API returns either: • A HSM Backing Key encrypted with the active Domain Key (DKn), or • An Import Wrapping Key (IWK) key pair: a. The IWK private key is encrypted with the active Domain Key (DKn). b. The IWK public key. Key/CSP Generated: • HSM Backing Key • IWK public and private keys Key/CSP Read Access: • Active Domain Key (DKn) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The Create API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 14 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description ImportKey KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Decrypts a Customer Supplied Key (CSK) and re-encrypts it with the active Domain Key (DKn) Key/CSP Input: • The private key of an Import Wrapping Key Pair (IWK) encrypted with the active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • Customer Supplied Key (CSK), encrypted with the public key of the Import Wrapping Key. This may use the wrapping methods as defined in SP 800-56B, using the ephemeral Import Wrapping Envelope Key (IWEK). Key/CSP Output: The Customer Supplied Key, encrypted with the current active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of Domain Key (DKn or DKn-1) used to encrypt the IWK private key • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The ImportKey API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. RefreshKey KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Re-encrypts an HSM Backing Key (HBK) key or Customer Supplied Key (CSK) encrypted with a recent iteration of the domain key (DKn-1) with the active domain key (DKn). Key/CSP Input: HBK or CSK encrypted with a recent iteration of a Domain Key (DKn-1) Key/CSP Output: HBK or CSK encrypted with the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of Domain Key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The RefreshKey API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. Encrypt KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Encrypt an arbitrary set of bytes using the DEK derived from the provided HBK or CSK. Key/CSP Input: A HBK or CSK encrypted with the active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) Key/CSP Output: N/A (encrypted ciphertext) Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of Domain Key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 15 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description Additional Information: The Encrypt API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. Decrypt KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Decrypts ciphertext using the DEK derived from the provided HBK or CSK. Optionally encrypts the plaintext result using the provided QCDEK. Key/CSP Input: • A HBK or CSK encrypted with a Domain Key (DKn) • Ciphertext or encrypted Customer Data Key (CDK) • (optional) Customer Data Encryption Public Key (QCDEK) Key/CSP Output: • Arbitrary data or CDK encrypted using the HOSK • (optional) Arbitrary data or CDK encrypted using the Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) and QCDEK if QCDEK is provided Key/CSP Generated: (optional) Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) if QCDEK is provided Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The Decrypt API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. ReEncrypt KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Decrypts ciphertext using the DEK derived from the provided HBK or CSK, then re- encrypts the resulting plaintext under the DEK from a separately provided HBK or CSK. This operation does not expose the plaintext. Key/CSP Input: • A HBK or CSK encrypted with the active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) used to decrypt the provided ciphertext • A HBK or CSK encrypted with the active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) used to encrypt the resulting plaintext • Ciphertext or encrypted Customer Data Key (CDK) Key/CSP Output: N/A (encrypted ciphertext) Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of Domain Key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 16 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description Additional Information: The ReEncrypt API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. Sign KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Performs an ECDSA or RSA sign operation, or HMAC operation using the provided HBK or CSK Key/CSP Input: HBK or CSK encrypted with the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The Sign API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. Verify KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Performs an ECDSA or RSA verify, or HMAC operation using the provided HBK or CSK Key/CSP Input: HBK or CSK encrypted with the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The Verify API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. EncryptRand omBytes KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Generate a number of random bytes and encrypt it using the DEK derived from the specified HBK or CSK. The random bytes may be used as cryptographic key material as Customer Data Keys (CDK). Key/CSP Input: HBK or CSK encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Output: A number of random bytes that may be used as Customer Data Keys (CDK) encrypted by the HBK or CSK. Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The EncryptRandomBytes API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 17 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description GenerateAnd EncryptRand omBytes KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Generate a number of random bytes for use and encrypt it using the DEK derived from the specified HBK or CSK. The random bytes may be used as cryptographic key material as Customer Data Keys (CDK). Note that the GenerateAndEncryptRandomBytes API will return encrypted versions of the random bytes in 3 forms. Key/CSP Input: • HBK or CSK encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) • Customer Data Encryption Public Key (QCDEK) Key/CSP Output: • A number of random bytes that may be used as Customer Data Keys (CDK) encrypted by the HOSK • A number of random bytes that may be used as Customer Data Keys (CDK) encrypted by the HBK or CSK. • A number of random bytes that may be used as Customer Data Keys (CDK) encrypted using the Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) and QCDEK Key/CSP Generated: Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The GenerateAndEncryptRandomBytes API validates the HSM- to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. GenerateDat aKeyPair KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Generate an asymmetric key pair and encrypt it with the specified HBK or CSK. The asymmetric key pair will be used as cryptographic key material as Customer Data Keys (CDK). Note that the GenerateDataKeyPair API will return encrypted versions of the CDK in 3 forms. Key/CSP Input: • HBK or CSK encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) • (optional) Customer Data Encryption Public Key (QCDEK) Key/CSP Output: • An asymmetric Customer Data Key (CDK) private key encrypted by the HOSK • An asymmetric Customer Data Key (CDK) private key encrypted by the HBK or CSK • (optional) An asymmetric Customer Data Key (CDK) private key encrypted using the Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) and QCDEK Key/CSP Generated: (optional) Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) if QCDEK is provided Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 18 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The GenerateDataKeyPair API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. GenerateDat aKeyPairWith outPlaintext KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Generate an asymmetric key pair and encrypt it with the specified HBK or CSK. The asymmetric key pair will be used as cryptographic key material as Customer Data Keys (CDK). Key/CSP Input: • HBK or CSK encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Output: • An asymmetric Customer Data Key (CDK) private key encrypted by the HBK or CSK Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintext API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. Generate KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Generate a specified number of random bytes, up to 1024 bytes. The random bytes can be optionally encrypted with the Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) and Customer Data Encryption Public Key (QCDEK). Key/CSP Input: (optional) Customer Data Encryption Public Key (QCDEK) Key/CSP Output: None (random bytes optionally encrypted using CDEnK and QCDEK) Key/CSP Generated: (optional) Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) if QCDEK is provided Key/CSP Read Access: • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The Generate API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. GetParamete rsForReplicat ion KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators This API generates a new Replication Agreement Key Pair (dRAK1, QRAK1). The Private Replication Agreement Key (dRAK1) is encrypted with the domain key (DKn). Key/CSP Input: None FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 19 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description Key/CSP Output: • Public Replication Agreement Key (QRAK1) • Private Replication Agreement Key (dRAK1) encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Generated: • Replication Agreement Key Pair (dRAK1, QRAK1) Key/CSP Read Access: • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • Active or a recent iteration of a Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn or dRSKn-1) Additional Information: The GetParametersForReplication API validates the HSM-to- Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. The API also signs all output with the Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn or dRSKn-1). WrapKeyFor Replication KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators This API takes an input a public Replication Agreement Key (QRAK1) generated from an HSM, and generates a new Replication Agreement Key pair (dRAK2, QRAK2). QRAK1 and dRAK2 are combined using the Diffie-Hellmann key exchange to produce a shared secret and derive a symmetric secret key (the Replication Wrapping Key, RWK). The RWK is then used to encrypt an HBK, resulting in a Customer Replicated Key (CRK). Key/CSP Input: • Public Replication Agreement Key (QRAK1) • HBK encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Generated: • Replication Agreement Key Pair (dRAK2, QRAK2) Key/CSP Output: • Public Replication Agreement Key (QRAK2) • Customer Replicated Key (CRK) encrypted by the Replication Wrapping Key (RWK) Key/CSP Read Access: • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • Active or a recent iteration of the Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn or dRSKn-1) • Active or a recent iteration of the Public Replication Singing Key (QRSKn or QRSKn-1) Additional Information: The WrapKeyForReplication API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. The API also verifies input using the Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn or QRSKn-1), and signs all output with the Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn or dRSKn-1). FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 20 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description ImportReplic atedKey KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators This API combines two Replication Agreement Key (dRAK1 and QRAK2) using the Diffie- Hellmann key exchange to produce a shared secret and derive a Replication Wrapping Key (RWK). The RWK is used to decrypt the Customer Replicated Key (CRK), obtaining an HBK, which is then re-encrypted using the Domain Key (DKn). Key/CSP Input: • Private Replication Agreement Key (dRAK1) encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) • Public Replication Agreement Key (QRAK2) • Customer Supplied Key (CSK) encrypted by the Replication Wrapping Key (RWK) Key/CSP Output: • HBK encrypted by the active domain key (DKn) Key/CSP Read Access: • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • Active or a recent iteration of the Public Replication Singing Key (QRSKn or QRSKn-1) Additional Information: The ImportReplicatedKey API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. The API also validates input using the Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn or QRSKn-1). Table 9 - Cryptographic Services and Descriptions 2.3.3 Configuration Services and Descriptions HSM Service (API) Roles Description CreateDomain KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Creates a new domain token for a new domain, but does not join the HSM to the domain yet. Key/CSP Input: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) Key/CSP Generated: • HSM Signature Key Pair (HSK) • HSM Agreement Key Pair (HAK) • Initial Domain Key (DK0) • Replication Signing Key (dRSK0, QRSK0) Key/CSP Output: A Domain Token containing: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 21 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description • Encrypted Initial Domain Key (DK0) • Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSK0) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSK0) Key/CSP Read Access: None IngestDomain KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Joins a domain or receive an updated domain token. Key/CSP Input: A Domain Token containing the following CSPs: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain • Encrypted Domain Keys (DKn) • Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) Key/CSP Generated: None Key/CSP Output: The unmodified input Domain Token Key/CSP Read Access: • HSM Signature Public Key (QHSK) of a known member of the domain • HSM Agreement Private Key (dHAK) • Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) Key/CSP Write Access: • Domain Key (DKn) • Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) Additional Information: When using the IngestDomain API to set up the first domain member, the operator(s) must meet the quorum configuration in the to-be-ingested domain. When using the IngestDomain API to ingest subsequent domains, the operator(s) must meet the quorum configuration in both the first domain, and in the to- be-ingested domain. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 22 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description ForgetDomain KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Deletes domain information as it pertains to a particular domain on the module including all Domain Keys (DKn, DKn-1), effectively leaving the domain. Key/CSP Input: A Domain Token containing the following CSPs: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain • Encrypted Domain Keys (DKn) • Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) Key/CSP Output: The unmodified input Domain Token Key/CSP Read Access: • Domain Key (DKn) • Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) Key/CSP De-Referenced: • Domain Key (DKn) • Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain GetDomain KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Retrieves the current version of the domain token for a specified domain. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: A Domain Token containing: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain • Encrypted Domain Keys (DKn) • Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) Key/CSP Read Access: • Domain Key (DKn) • Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) ChangeDomain KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Modifies the current state of an operational domain. Key/CSP Input: • A Domain Token containing: o List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) o List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 23 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description o List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain o Encrypted Domain Keys (DKn) o Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) o Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) o Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) • HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) and HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of the domain members to be added (optional) • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) (optional) • List of Public Replication Signing Keys (QRSKm, …, QRSKn) (optional) Key/CSP Generated: • Domain Key Encrypting Key (DKEK) • HSM Ephemeral Agreement Key (dE, QE) Key/CSP Output: An updated Domain Token containing the following CSPs: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain • Encrypted Domain Keys (DKn) • Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) Key/CSP Read Access: Domain Key (DKn), HSM Agreement Key (HAK), HSM Signature Key (HSK) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 24 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description Initialize All / unauthenticated Initializes the HSM by generating the HSM Signature Key and HSM Agreement Key and configuring the HSM’s operator and access control using a domain token from another HSM. The Initialize API is only used during the module setup and initialization process. If the HSM is already initialized by a call to either the Initialize or InitializeAndCreateDomain API, the Initialize API will return an error as the HSM cannot be Initialized again without a reboot. Key/CSP Input: One or more Domain Tokens. Each Domain Token contains: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain • Encrypted Domain Keys (DKn) • Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) Key/CSP Generated: • HSM Signature Key (HSK) • HSM Agreement Key (HAK) • HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: None Key/CSP Write Access: • HSM Signature Key (HSK) • HSM Agreement Key (HAK) • HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) • Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) Additional Information: The Initialize API is unauthenticated. Initialize will fail if the HSM is already initialized by a call to either the Initialize or InitializeAndCreateDomain API. InitializeAndCre ateDomain All / unauthenticated Initializes the HSM by generating the HSM Signature Key and HSM Agreement Key, configuring the list of operators, roles and the quorum-based access control ruleset for all services / APIs. The InitializeAndCreateDomain API is only used during the module setup and initialization process. If the HSM is already initialized by a call to either the Initialize or InitializeAndCreateDomain API, the InitializeAndCreateDomain API will return an error as the HSM cannot be Initialized again without a reboot. Key/CSP Input: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) Key/CSP Generated: • HSM Signature Key Pair (HSK) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 25 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description • HSM Agreement Key Pair (HAK) • HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) • Initial Domain Key (DK0) Key/CSP Output: A Domain Token containing: • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) • List of HSM Signature Public Keys (QHSK) of all members of the domain • List of HSM Key Agreement Public Keys (QHAK) of all members of the domain • Encrypted Initial Domain Key (DK0) • Encrypted Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) • Encrypted Private Replication Signing Key (dRSKn) • Public Replication Signing Key (QRSKn) Key/CSP Read Access: None Key/CSP Write Access: • HSM Signature Key (HSK) • HSM Agreement Key (HAK) • HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) • List of Operator Signature Public Keys (QOS) Additional Information: The InitializeAndCreateDomain API is unauthenticated. The InitializeAndCreateDomain API will fail if the HSM is already initialized by a call to either the Initialize or InitializeAndCreateDomain API. Attest KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators The Attest API is used by operators to attest an initialized HSM to ensure that the system is running the correct software, and to obtain an authentic copy of its credentials prior to being added to a domain. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: • HSM Signature Public Key (QHSK) • HSM Agreement Public Key (QHAK) Key/CSP Read Access: • HSM Signature Key Pair (dHSK, QHSK) • Host Agreement Public Key (QHAK) • Operator Signature Public Key(s) (QOS) • HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: If an optional attestation challenge is included in the request, the Attest API requires the use of the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to encrypt all input and output parameters. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 26 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description GetAttestationC hallenge KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators The GetAttestationChallenge API is used by operators to retrieve a token that can be used to validate the identity of another HSM. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None. Key/CSP Read Access: • Active or a recent iteration of domain key (DKn or DKn-1) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The GetAttestationChallenge API validates the HSM-to- Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. GetAttestationI dentity KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators The GetAttestationIdentity API is used by operators to retrieve information to attest the identity of the HSM. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: • HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) • HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Additional Information: The GetAttestationIdentity API validates the HSM-to-Operator Session Key (HOSK) to authenticate the call originates from an authenticated operator. The HOSK is also used to encrypt all input and output parameters. Wipe All / unauthenticated The Wipe API will delete the HSM Signature Key and HSM Agreement Key from volatile memory. The Wipe API will fail unless all previously created domains in the module have been deleted using the ForgetDomain API. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: None Key/CSP De-Referenced: • HSM Signature Key Pair (HSK) • HSM Agreement Key Pair (HAK) • HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) Additional Information: This call is unauthenticated. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 27 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description GetInitialDomai nName All / unauthenticated Retrieves the initial domain name from an initialized HSM that is used as part of the domain creation bootstrap process. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: No access to Keys/CSPs. Additional Information: This call is unauthenticated. DeactivateAndR eboot (This service also performs theself-tests to run after the module is rebooted) All / unauthenticated The DeactivateAndReboot API returns the HSM to the factory state and reboots after verifying the HSM Signature Key and HSM Agreement Key have been deleted by the Wipe API. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: No access to Keys/CSPs. Additional Information: This call is unauthenticated. NegotiateSessio nKey One member from any role Uses a set of identity keys to securely negotiate a session key that can be used between a KMS host and any HSM in the domain. The NegotiateSessionKey API will return encrypted versions of the HSM-Operator Session Key (HOSK) in 2 forms. Key/CSP Input: • Operator Ephemeral Agreement Public Key (QOEAK) Key/CSP Generated: • HSM Ephemeral Agreement Key Pair (dE, QE) • HSM-Operator Session Key (HOSK) Key/CSP Output: • Encrypted HSM-Operator Session Key (HOSK) encrypted with the Domain Key (DK) or HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) • HSM-Operator Session Key (HOSK) encrypted with a 256 bit key derived from the shared secret established using elliptic curve Diffie Hellman key exchange (NIST- P384) using the HSM Ephemeral Agreement Key (QE) and the Operator Ephemeral Agreement Public Key (QOEAK). • HSM Ephemeral Agreement Public Key (QE) Key/CSP Read Access: • Operator Signature Public Key (QOS) • HSM Signature Key (dHSK) Key/CSP Write Access: • HSM-Operator Session Key (HOSK) FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 28 of 37 HSM Service (API) Roles Description UpdateHostCon figuration KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Allows updates of non-security-relevant host configuration. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: Operator Signature Public Key (QOS) Table 10 - Configuration Services and Descriptions 2.3.4 Audit Log Services and Descriptions Service (API) Role Description ListLogs KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Returns a list of audit log file names. Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: Operator Signature Public Key (QOS) GetLog KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Retrieves specified audit log files Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: Operator Signature Public Key (QOS) DeleteLog KMS Front End, KMS Coordinator, Administrators Deletes specified audit log file Key/CSP Input: None Key/CSP Output: None Key/CSP Read Access: Operator Signature Public Key (QOS) Table 11 – Audit Log Services and Descriptions 2.3.5 Show Status The module supports the following APIs to return status information. Status Service (API) Description Ping Returns “healthy” if the module is initialized and has ingested a domain Returns “failure” otherwise Additional Information: This call is unauthenticated. Fips Returns “healthy” if the module is operating in FIPS mode Returns “failure” if the module is not operating in FIPS mode Additional Information: This call is unauthenticated. Table 12 - Status Services and Descriptions FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 29 of 37 In addition, an operator with access to the serial console can obtain hardware status information such as temperature, fan speed, etc. 2.3.6 Zeroization Zeroization is accomplished by powering off the module. 2.4 Physical Security The module is a multiple-chip standalone module and conforms to Level 3 requirements for physical security. The module’s production-grade enclosure is made of a hard metal with no removable cover. Attempts at removal or penetration of the enclosure will have a high probability of causing serious damage to the module (i.e. the module will not function). The baffles installed by AWS satisfy FIPS 140-2 requirements for module opacity. 2.5 Operational Environment The module operates in a non-modifiable operational environment. The module meets Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements for home use as defined by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 30 of 37 2.6 Cryptographic Key Management 2.6.1 Critical Security Parameters Table 13 provides a complete list of Critical Security Parameters used within the module. All keys and CSPs are zeroized by powering off the module. Keys and CSPs Key Description Algorithm and Key Size Generation Input / Output Method Storage HSM Backing Key (HBK) HSM Backing Keys (HBK) can be of two different forms – symmetric or asymmetric keys. The first form is a 256-bit master key, from which specific-use keys may be derived using the SP800-108 CTR key derivation function. The HBK or keys derived from the HBK are used to encrypt CDKs. The second form is an asymmetric private key. The HBK maps to the Customer Master Key construct exposed in the public AWS KMS API. AES GCM 256 bits RSA: 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits ECDSA: curves P-256, P-384, P-521, or secp256k1 Internally usingDRBG, or imported from another member of a Domain Input: Encrypted with the Domain Key using AES GCM. Output: Encrypted with the Domain Key using AES GCM. Volatile memory only Customer Data Key (CDK) Customer data keys are exported by the EncryptRandomBytes, GenerateAndEncryptRandomB ytes, GenerateDataKeyPair, and GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutP laintext APIs. Customer Data Keys (CDK) can be of two different forms – symmetric and asymmetric keys. The use of CDKs are unknown to the module. The customer may obtain the CDK by sending the encrypted CDK to KMS to decrypt under an authenticated and authorized request. For symmetric keys, random bits length specified by customer (in the range of 8 bits to 65536 bits). For RSA: 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits For ECDSA: curves P-256, P-384, P-521, or secp256k1 Internally using DRBG or imported from another member of a Domain Input: Encrypted using AES GCM with the DEK derived from an HBK or CSK. Output: Encrypted in 2 forms by the GenerateAndEncryptRandomBytes and GenerateDataKeyPair APIs: • Encrypted with the DEK derived from an HBK or CSK; and • Encrypted with the HOSK to provide secure transport to the requesting service operator/role. EncryptRandomBytes and GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlain text APIs export the CDK encrypted with the DEK from an HBK or CSK. Volatile memory only FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 31 of 37 Keys and CSPs Key Description Algorithm and Key Size Generation Input / Output Method Storage Data Encryption Key (DEK) A DEK is a per-message key derived from an HBK or CSK using the SP 800-108 KDF in counter mode using HMAC with SHA256. AES GCM 256 bits Derived internally using SP 800- 108 CTR KDF Input: N/A Output: N/A Volatile memory only Domain Key (DK) A Domain Key is shared among all the members of a Domain and is used to encrypt HBKs, CSKs HOSKs AES GCM 256 bits Internally usingDRBG, or imported from another member of a Domain Input: DK encrypted with the DKEK may be imported to other members of a Domain Output: DK encrypted with the DKEK may be exported to other members of a Domain Volatile memory only Domain Key Encryption Key (DKEK) A Domain Key Encryption Key is generated on a Host and is used for encrypting the current set of domain keys when sharing of the domain state between HSM hosts. AES GCM 256 bits Internally usingDRBG or externally by another member of a Domain Input: The DKEK is encrypted with the shared secret generated from the HSM’s Key Agreement Key (QHAK) and another HSM’s Ephemeral Key Agreement Key (dE). Output: The DKEK is encrypted with the shared secret generated from the HSM’s Key Agreement Key (dHAK) and another HSM’s Ephemeral Key Agreement Key (QE). Volatile memory only HSM Agreement Key Pair (dHAK, QHAK) Every initialized HSM has a locally generated Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman agreement key pair used to encrypt/decrypt DKEKs between HSMs. Elliptic Curve Diffie- Hellman agreement key pair on the curve secp384r1 (NIST-P384) Internally using DRBG Input: N/A Output: The public key (QHAK) is exported in plaintext Volatile memory only HSM Ephemeral Agreement Key Pair (dE, QE) These keys are generated in two cases: (i) to establish a HSM-to-HSM encryption key to transport DKEKs in domain tokens; (ii) to establish HSM-to- operator session keys to protect sensitive HSM-operator communications. Elliptic curve Diffie- Hellman keys on the curve secp384r1 (NIST-P384) Internally using DRBG Input: N/A Output: The public key (QE) is exported in plaintext Volatile memory only HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) Encrypts the HSM-Operator Session Key (HOSK) for the following operations: Initialize, InitializeAndCreateDomain, Attest, GetAttestationIdentity, and Wipe. AES GCM 256 bits Internally using DRBG Input: N/A Output: N/A Volatile memory only FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 32 of 37 Keys and CSPs Key Description Algorithm and Key Size Generation Input / Output Method Storage HSM Signature Key Pair (dHSK, QHSK) Every initiated HSM has a locally generated Elliptic Curve Signature key pair used to sign data created on the HSM. Elliptic Curve Signaturekey pair on the curve secp384r1 (NIST-P384) Internally using DRBG Input: N/A Output: The public key (QHSK) is exported in plaintext Volatile memory only HSM- Operator Session Key (HOSK) Operator services establish an AES-256-GCM session key with the HSM to protect communication between operator services and HSMs in the same domain. AES GCM 256 bits. Internally usingDRBG, or imported from an HSM that is a member of the same domain Input: The HOSK is encrypted with the domain key (DK). Output: The HOSK is encrypted in two forms. The first form is encrypted with either the domain key (DK) or the HSM Session Key Encryption Key (HSKEK) using AES GCM. The second form is encrypted using AES GCM with a 256 bit key derived from the shared secret established using elliptic curve Diffie Hellman key exchange (NIST-P384) using the HSM Ephemeral Agreement Key (dE,QE) and the Operator Ephemeral Agreement Public Key (dOEAK, QOEAK). Volatile memory only Import Wrapping Key (dIWK, QIWK) The public key is used by customers of KMS to wrap their CSK for import via the public AWS KMS API. RSA 2048, 3072, and 4096 bits Internally using DRBG or imported from another member of a Domain Input: The private key (dIWK) is encrypted with the Domain Key (DK) using AES-GCM. Output: the private key (dIWK) is encrypted with the Domain Key (DK) using AES-GCM. The public key (QIWK) is exported in plaintext. Volatile memory only Import Wrapping Envelope Key (IWEK) Key generated by a customer of KMS outside the AWS KMS system. Ephemeral key-wrapping-key used to encrypt CSKs for the ImportKey API when AES-KWP is used per SP 800-56B. AES KWP 256 bits Externally by AWS KMS customers Input: IWEK is encrypted using Import Wrapping Key (QIWK) when used with the ImportKey API when the customer imports a CSK into the AWS KMS system. Output: N/A Volatile memory only FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 33 of 37 Keys and CSPs Key Description Algorithm and Key Size Generation Input / Output Method Storage Customer Supplied Key (CSK) Key generated by a customer of KMS outside the AWS KMS system. Customer Supplied Keys (CSK) can be of two different forms – symmetric and asymmetric keys. The first form is a 256-bit master key, from which specific-use DEKs may be derived using the SP800-108 CTR key derivation function. The CSK or DEKs derived from the CSK are used to encrypt CDKs. The second form is an asymmetric private key. The CSK maps to the Customer Master Key construct exposed in the public AWS KMS API. AES GCM: 256 bits RSA: 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits ECDSA: curves P-256, P-384, P-521, or secp256k1. Externally by AWS KMS customers Input: CSK is encrypted using Import Wrapping Key (QIWK) (and, optionally, the ephemeral ImportWrapping Envelope Key (IWEK)) when used with the ImportKey API when the customer imports the key into the AWS KMS system. After import, the CSK is encrypted with the Domain Key using AES GCM. Output: CSK encrypted by a Domain Key (DK). Volatile memory only DRBG (CTR AES) Entropy input (length dependent on security strength) SP800-90A CTR DRBG V (128 bits) AES key ( 256) Internally by ENT Input: Directly from the internal ENT Output: N/A Volatile memory only Replication Signing Key Pair (dRSKn, QRSKn) The private key (dRSKn) is used to sign the outputs of GetParametersForReplication and WrapKeyForReplication APIs. The public key (QRSKn) is used to verify the input of WrapKeyForReplication and ImportReplicatedKey APIs. ECDSA on curve P-384 Internally usingDRBG, or imported from another member of a Domain Input: dRSKn encrypted with the DKEK may be imported to other members of a Domain; QRSKn may be imported by an operator Output: dRKSn encrypted with the DKEK may be exported to other members of a Domain; QRSKn may be exported in plaintext Volatile memory only Replication Agreement Key (dRAKk, QRAKk) Key used for key agreement to derive a Replication Wrapping Key (RWK) ECDH on curveP-384 Internally usingDRBG, or imported from a member of a different Domain Input: QRAKk may be obtained in plaintext from another HSM; dRAKk may be obtained encrypted with the domain key (DKn) from another HSM Output: QRAKk may be exported in plaintext; dRAKk may be exported encrypted with the domain key (DKn) Volatile memory only FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 34 of 37 Keys and CSPs Key Description Algorithm and Key Size Generation Input / Output Method Storage Replication Wrapping Key (RWK) Key used to encrypt an HBK AES GCM: 256 bits Internally derived from a Public Replication Agreement Key (QRAK1) and a Private Replication Agreement Key (dRAK2) Input: N/A Output: N/A Volatile memory only Customer Replication Key (CRK) Customer key that is being transmitted between two HSMs. Customer Replication Keys (CRK) may be of two types: symmetric or asymmetric. CRKs are encrypted with Replication Wrapping Keys (RWK). AES GCM: 256 bits RSA: 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits ECDSA: curves P-256, P-384, P-521, or secp256k1 Internally from an HBK encrypted with a domain key (DKn) Input: CRK may be obtained by decrypting an HBK using a domain key (DKn) and re-encrypting it using a Replication Wrapping Key (RWK) Output: CRK is exported encrypted with a Replication Wrapping Key (RAK) Volatile memory only Customer Data Envelope Key (CDEnK) Ephemeral key used to encrypt plaintext data AESCBC and GCM: 256 bits Internally using DRBG Input: N/A Output: CDEnK is encrypted using Customer Data Encryption Public Key (QCDEK) when used with the Generate,GenerateAndEncryptRan domBytes, GenerateDataKeyPair, and Decrypt APIs. Volatile memory only Table 13 – Module Keys/CSPs 2.6.2 Public Keys Table 14 shows the list of Public Keys used within the module with associated private keys that only exist outside of the module. All Public Keys are generated outside of the module. Public Key Key Description Algorithm and Key Size Input / Output Method Storage Operator Ephemeral Agreement Public Key (QOEAK) Operators establish a session key (HSM- Operator Session Keys) using an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange on the curve secp384r1 (NIST-P384). Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (EC DH) ephemeral key agreement on the curve secp384r1 (NIST-P384) Input: When an operator calls the NegotiateSessionKey service. Output: N/A Volatile memory FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 35 of 37 Public Key Key Description Algorithm and Key Size Input / Output Method Storage Operator Signature Public Key (QOS) Both service operators and human operators have an identity signing key used to authenticate to the HSM. Elliptic Curve Signature (EC DSA) on the curve secp384r1 (NIST- P384), RSA 2048, or RSA 4096 bits Input: The public key (QOS) is imported in plaintext when an administrator calls InitializeAndCreateDomain, CreateDomain, and ChangeDomain. They are also imported by APIs that accepts a Domain Token. Output: The public keys are exported from the HSM in plaintext by APIs that exports a Domain Token. Volatile memory Customer Data Encryption Public Key (QCDEK) A public key provided by an operator or customer for the module to encrypt plaintext data. RSA 2048, 3072, or 4096 bits Input: The public key (QCDEK) is optionally provided when an operator calls Generate,GenerateAndEncryptRandomByt es, GenerateDataKeyPair, and Decrypt. Output: N/A Volatile memory Table 14 – Public Keys 2.7 Self-Tests FIPS 140-2 requires the module to perform self-tests to ensure the integrity of the module and the correctness of the cryptographic functionality at start up. Some functions require conditional tests during normal operation of the module. All of these tests are listed and described in this section. In the event of a self-test error, the module will log the error and enter the error state. Once in the error state, all CSPs are zeroized and the module becomes unusable. 2.7.1 Power-On Self-Tests Power-on self-tests are run upon the initialization of the module and do not require operator intervention to run. If any of the tests fail, the module will not initialize. The module will enter an error state and no services can be accessed by the operator. The module implements the following power-on self-tests: Type Test Integrity Check • 256 bit error detection code (EDC) on all module components Known Answer Tests • AES (Encryption and decryption in ECB mode. Key size: 128 bit) • AES GCM / GMAC (Generation and verification. Key size: 128 bit) • ECC KAS (ECDH) (Primitive Z test. Parameter set: EC P-256) • ECDSA (signature generation and verification. Curve: P-256) • RSA (Signature generation and verification, key transport SP800-56B per IG D.9. Key size: 2048 bits) • HMAC (Generation and verification with SHA-256, SHA-512) • SHS (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512) • SP 800-90 CTR_DRBG • SP 800-108 CTR KDF (HMAC-SHA-256) • KDA (OneStep KDF) (SHA-256) Other tests • Vendor defined health tests, per SP 800-90B Section 4.5 (run over 65,536 consecutive samples) Table 15 – Power-On Self-Tests FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 36 of 37 Each module performs all power-on self-tests automatically when the module is initialized. All power-on self-tests must be passed before a User/Crypto Officer can perform services. The Power-on self-tests can be run on demand by rebooting the module in FIPS-Approved Mode of Operation. With the exception of the Integrity Check, the failure of any power-on self-test will cause the module to an error state where the module will restart. If the Integrity Check fails, the module will enter into an alternate error state where the module will power off. 2.7.2 Conditional Self-Tests Conditional self-tests are tests that run during operation of the module. If any of these tests fail, the module will enter an error state, where no services can be accessed by the operators. The module can be re-initialized to clear the error and resume the FIPS-Approved mode of operation. Each module performs the following conditional self-tests: Type Description Pair-wise Consistency Tests • RSA key pair generation • ECDSA / ECDH key pair generation SP 800‐56A Assurances • Performed per SP 800‐56Arev3 Sections 5.5.2 and 5.6.2 Continuous RNG Tests • Performed on output of entropy source DRBG Health Tests • Performed on DRBG, per SP 800‐90A Section 11.3. SP 800-90B Health Tests • Vendor defined health tests Table 16 – Conditional Self-Tests The module does not perform a firmware load test because no additional firmware can be loaded in the module while operating in FIPS-approved mode. Please see Section 3 for guidance on configuring and maintaining FIPS mode. 2.7.3 Critical Function Tests Known answer tests as described in Table 15 are automatically executed by the module every 24 hours. If any of the tests fail, the module will enter into an error state and no services can be accessed by the operator. 2.7.4 On-Demand Self-Tests On-demand self-tests can be performed by rebooting the module which will perform the power-on self-tests as described in Section 2.7.1. 2.8 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not mitigate other attacks. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy: AWS Key Management Service HSM Document Version 1.14 Copyright 2017-2023 Amazon Web Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved This non-proprietary security policy document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its entirety without modification. Page 37 of 37 3 Guidance and Secure Operation The module only supports FIPS-mode of operation. Beyond initial setup, no specific technical steps are required to configure FIPS-mode of operation. 3.1 Crypto Officer Guidance Only authorized AWS employees may assume the Administrator (Crypto Officer) role. The following section provides a high-level overview to configure the HSM. Members of the Administrator role (Crypto Officer) must follow the AWS internal guidance published in the Operation Guidance for the AWS Key Management Service. 3.1.1 Module Inspection The module must be inspected to verify that no attempts have been made to open the module. The module must be inspected upon initial delivery and after the module reboots due to unscheduled/unexpected power events. If evidence of a tamper is discovered, the module shall be removed from operation immediately. 3.1.2 Initial Configuration When setting up the first HSM member of a new domain, call the InitializeAndCreateDomain service with the list of operators’ Operator Signature Public Keys, their respective roles and the access policy for each service (API) in accordance with AWS internal guidance and procedures. Services / APIs that modify an HSM’s domain membership or configuration must be configured to require a quorum of two Crypto Officers except when adding an HSM that was previously a member of the domain. When setting up subsequent members of an existing domain, the administrator first retrieves domain information from an existing domain member using the GetDomain service. The Initialize service can then be used to initialize the new HSM with the configuration of the existing domain. Ensure each HSM is operating in FIPS mode by calling the Fips status API. 3.2 User Guidance 3.2.1 General Guidance No additional guidance is required to maintain FIPS mode of operation. The only users of the HSM are the front-end hosts of the AWS Key Management Service.