Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Version No: 1 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS Security Level: 1 Document Version: 1 Date: March 31, 2017 Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Prepared For: Prepared By: Technologie Humanware 445, du Parc Industriel Longueuil, (Québec) Canada J4H 3V7 DeltaCrypt Technologies Inc. 261A ch. des Épinettes Piedmont (Québec) Canada J0R 1K0 Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. i Table of Contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Background...................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 Document Organization................................................................................................... 4 2 Module Overview ................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification................................................................................ 4 2.2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces .................................................................... 6 2.3 Roles & Services ............................................................................................................. 7 2.3.1 Roles........................................................................................................................ 7 2.3.2 Services ................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Operational Environment................................................................................................. 9 2.5 Cryptographic Key Management..................................................................................... 9 2.5.1 Algorithm Implementations ...................................................................................... 9 2.5.2 Key Management................................................................................................... 10 2.5.3 Key Generation & Input ......................................................................................... 11 2.5.4 Key Output............................................................................................................. 11 2.5.5 Storage .................................................................................................................. 11 2.5.6 Zeroization ............................................................................................................. 12 2.6 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility...................................... 12 2.7 Self Tests....................................................................................................................... 12 2.7.1 Power Up Self Tests.............................................................................................. 12 2.8 Design Assurance.......................................................................................................... 12 2.9 Mitigation of Other Attacks ............................................................................................ 12 3 Secure Operation................................................................................................................. 13 3.1 Initialization .................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 Crypto Officer Guidance ................................................................................................ 13 3.3 User Guidance............................................................................................................... 13 4 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................. 14 Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. ii List of Tables Table 1 - FIPS 140-2 Section Security Levels................................................................................. 3 Table 2 - Module Interface Mappings.............................................................................................. 7 Table 4 – Services........................................................................................................................... 9 Table 5 - FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations..................................................................... 9 Table 7 - Cryptographic Keys, Key Components, and CSPs........................................................ 11 Table 8 - Acronym Definitions ....................................................................................................... 14 List of Figures Figure 1 – BrailleNote Touch Tablet................................................................................................ 4 Figure 2 – Logical Boundary............................................................................................................ 5 Figure 3 – Physical Block Diagram.................................................................................................. 6 Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 3 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This non-proprietary Security Policy for the Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module describes how the module meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 and how to run the module in a secure FIPS 140-2 mode. This document was prepared as part of the Level 1 FIPS 140-2 validation of the Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module. The following table lists the module’s FIPS 140-2 security level for each section. Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 1 9 Self-Tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 1 - FIPS 140-2 Section Security Levels 1.2 Background Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB) 140-2 – Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules details the requirements for cryptographic modules. More information on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSE) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP), the FIPS 140-2 validation process, and a list of validated cryptographic modules can be found on the CMVP website: More information about the vendor, brand and product line can be found at: Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 4 1.3 Document Organization This non-proprietary Security Policy is part of the Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 submission package. Other documentation in the submission package includes:  Product documentation  Vendor evidence documents  Finite state model  Additional supporting documents The Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module is also referred to in this document as the module or the CM. Please refer to the Acronyms table for additional definitions or description of certain terms used in this document. 2 Module Overview 2.1 Cryptographic Module Specification The CM is a multi-chip standalone software module. The physical boundary of the module is the BrailleNote Touch tablet on which the module is installed. The logical boundary is the Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module which is loaded in the Linux kernel space. The CM always operates in the approved mode. Figure 1 – BrailleNote Touch Tablet Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 5 Figure 2 – Logical Boundary Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 6 Figure 3 - Physical Block Diagram 2.2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The module’s ports and interfaces that are supported when operating in FIPS mode are the same as those of the computer. Please refer to Figure 3 in which interfaces input, output and I/O are represented respectively in yellow, dark blue and green. The tablet has one USB 2.0 physical port Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 7 Table 2 shows how the module’s physical interfaces map to the logical interfaces defined in FIPS 140-2. FIPS 140-2 Interface Logical Interface Physical Interface Data Input Input parameters of API function calls Braille Cells (18 or 32) Camera GPS Keypad Connector Microphones (2) Routine Cursors (18 or 32) Touch Screen USB Connectors (2) WIFI & Bluetooth Data Output Output parameters of API function calls LCD Screen Headphone Keypad Connector Speakers (2) USB Connectors (2) Vibration WIFI & Bluetooth Control Input API function calls N/A Status Output API Return Value and/or Output Kernel Log File(s) LCD Screen (throught command line) Power N/A Power Management Battery Table 2 - Module Interface Mappings 2.3 Roles & Services 2.3.1 Roles The module has two operator roles. Crypto Officer (CO): Performs initialization of the module. User: perform cryptographic operations. Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 8 2.3.2 Services Below is the list of all CM services. Service Operator Description CSP Access Initialize CO CM initialization and self- test launch N/A None Self-Test User, CO Perform self-tests when device boots or restarts Test on algorithms: AES in ECB mode (128, 192 and 256 bits) AES in CBC mode (128, 192 and 256 bits) SHA-256 and SHA- 512 HMAC (with SHA-256 and SHA-512) HMAC-SHA-512 None Show Status User Provide CM status information Read from pseudo files: /proc/fips140_2/fsm /proc/fips140_2/cms None Encryption / Decryption User Encrypt or decrypt using the AES algorithm AES in ECB mode (128, 192 and 256 bits) AES in CBC mode (128, 192 and 256 bits) Can set the key and use it for the life time of the context Message digest User Hash data using algorithm SHA-256 or SHA-512 SHA-256 and SHA- 512 No key use Keyed hash User Generated a MAC (Message authentication code) using the HMAC algorithm with the hashing function SHA-256 or SHA- 512 HMAC (with SHA-256 and SHA-512) Can set the key and use it for the life time of the context Zeroize User CSP bit values set to 0 AES in ECB mode (128, 192 and 256 bits) AES in CBC mode (128, 192 and 256 bits) None Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 9 Service Operator Description CSP Access SHA-256 and SHA- 512 HMAC (with SHA-256 and SHA-512) Table 3 – Services 2.4 Operational Environment The CM operates in a modifiable environment as defined by FIPS 140-2. The environment consists of Android v. 4.4 interfacing with the Linux kernel v. 3.2.0 and the physical tablet BrailleNote Touch on which it runs. The operating system is limited to a single operator operation mode. An application needing cryptographic functions performed by the CM must call via API interface the CryptoAPI kernel module which inputs to the CM. The latter outputs to CryptoAPI which in turn outputs to the calling application. 2.5 Cryptographic Key Management 2.5.1 Algorithm Implementations The list of FIPS-Approved algorithms implemented by the module can be found in Table 5. The module doesn’t implement non-Approved algorithms Algorithm Modes and Key Sizes Validation Number SHS SHA-256 and SHA-512 3676 HMAC HMAC-SHA-256 and HMAC-SHA-512 2962 AES Modes: ECB, CBC, Key Sizes: 128, 192, 256 4464 Table 4 - FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 10 2.5.2 Key Management Key or CSP Type Size Usage Key Storage Key Generation Input Output Zeroization AES CBC mode 128 bits Encryption Decryption In a context in memory (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to CM function fips_e_aes_set_key No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI AES CBC mode 192 bits Encryption Decryption In a context in memory (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to function fips_e_aes_set_key No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI AES CBC mode 256 bits Encryption Decryption In a context in memory (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to function fips_e_aes_set_key No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI AES ECB mode 128 bits Encryption Decryption In a context in memory (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to function fips_e_aes_set_key No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI AES ECB mode 192 bits Encryption Decryption In a context in memory (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to function fips_e_aes_set_key No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 11 Key or CSP Type Size Usage Key Storage Key Generation Input Output Zeroization AES ECB mode 256 bits Encryption Decryption In a context in memory (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to function fips_e_aes_set_key No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI HMAC Using SHA- 256 bits 256 bits Message Authentication Code RAM (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to the CM function fips_e_hmac_setkey No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI HMAC Using SHA- 512 bits 512 bits Message Authentication Code RAM (beyond lifetime of API call) Outside CM Plaintext through an API call to the CM function fips_e_hmac_setkey No API function may retrieve the key from the module The context is destroyed by filling its memory with 0’s using the function crypto_destroy_tfm which is found in the module CryptoAPI Table 5 - Cryptographic Keys, Key Components, and CSPs 2.5.3 Key Generation & Input There is no key generation inside the CM. Keys are input in plaintext through an API call to a CM function. 2.5.4 Key Output Keys are not output from the module. 2.5.5 Storage AES and HMAC key memory allocations occur before calling the CM which sets their value. Only the keys address is input to the CM. Hence, there is no key storage. Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 12 2.5.6 Zeroization Zeroization replaces all CSPs bit value in memory with 0s. The application calling the CM with CSPs initiates zeroization itself right after their use. The calling API functions free the context memory (and thus the CSPs) with function crypto_destroy_tfm from the CryptoAPI module in kernel space. The latter performs zeroization. 2.6 Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility The test device which runs the module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for home use) 2.7 Self Tests 2.7.1 Power Up Self Tests The module performs the following tests upon power up:  CM integrity test using HMAC-SHA 512 bits  KAT Self-tests for all validated algorithms: o AES in ECB mode (128, 192 and 256 bits) o SHA-256 and SHA-512 o HMAC (with SHA-256 and SHA-512) During the self tests, all data output to the data output interface is inhibited. If a self test fails, a kernel panic occurs and the CM prevents data input and output. In order to clear the error state, the operator must power cycle the module 2.8 Design Assurance All source code is stored and maintained in a private server. Releases and revisions will be based on the change log between the changed files and the current files. Configuration management for the module is provided by Visual Source Safe which uniquely identifies each configuration item and the version of each configuration item. Documentation version control is performed manually by updating the document date as well as the major and minor version numbers in order to uniquely identify each version of a document. 2.9 Mitigation of Other Attacks The module does not claim to mitigate any attacks outside the requirements of FIPS 140-2. Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 13 3 Secure Operation The CM is initialized in FIPS mode. No other actions are required on the part of the end user in order to ensure that the CM is operating in a FIPS compliant mode At module load-time, KAT tests and module integrity tests are performed. If an error is detected, the kernel panic state is enabled and the module enters into an error state. The module integrity test is done with HMAC-SHA-512. 3.1 Initialization Under no circumstances can the end-user modify the initialization mode of the CM. 3.2 Crypto Officer Guidance The role is performed by the init application of the tablet. It loads the module at initialization and unloads it at the end. The end user has no control on this role. 3.3 User Guidance The user is any FIPS mode user, whether a physical user or a user program (Ex. fips_ondemand_test) or another kernel module (Ex. dm-crypt). The encryption keys are not created by the CM but are input to it as plaintext. Humanware Kernel Cryptographic Module Security Policy Humanware™ 2017 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 14 4 Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard CA Certificate Authority CBC Cipher Block Chaining CM Cryptographic Module CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto Officer CSE Communications Security Establishment Canada CSP Critical Security Parameter CVS Concurrent Versions System DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography EFP Environmental Failure Protection EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards HMAC (Keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code KAS Key Agreement Scheme KAT Known Answer Test LED Light Emitting Diode NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NRBG Non-Deterministic Random Bit Generator NVM Non-Volatile Memory QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array ROM Read Only Memory RSA Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHS Secure Hash Standard TDES Triple Data Encryption Standard USB Universal Serial Bus Table 6 - Acronym Definitions