Certes Networks, Inc. CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module Software Version: 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS Security Level: 1 Document Version: 1.14 Prepared for: Prepared by: Certes Networks, Inc. Corsec Security, Inc. 300 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 140 13921 Park Center Road, Suite 460 Pittsburgh, PA 15108 Herndon, VA 20171 United States of America United States of America Phone: +1 412 262 2571 Phone: +1 703 267 6050 www.certesnetworks.com www.corsec.com FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 2 of 23 Table of Contents 1. Introduction...........................................................................................................................................4 1.1 Purpose.....................................................................................................................................................4 1.2 References................................................................................................................................................4 1.3 Document Organization ...........................................................................................................................4 2. CFNC Java Crypto Module.......................................................................................................................5 2.1 Overview...................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Module Specification................................................................................................................................6 2.2.1 Physical Cryptographic Boundary................................................................................................7 2.2.2 Logical Cryptographic Boundary..................................................................................................8 2.3 Module Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................9 2.4 Roles and Services ................................................................................................................................. 10 2.5 Physical Security.................................................................................................................................... 12 2.6 Operational Environment...................................................................................................................... 12 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management........................................................................................................... 12 2.8 EMI / EMC.............................................................................................................................................. 15 2.9 Self-Tests ............................................................................................................................................... 15 2.9.1 Power-Up Self-Tests ................................................................................................................. 15 2.9.2 Conditional Self-Tests............................................................................................................... 15 2.9.3 DRBG Health Checks................................................................................................................. 15 2.9.4 Self-Test Failure Handling......................................................................................................... 16 2.10 Mitigation of Other Attacks................................................................................................................... 16 3. Secure Operation .................................................................................................................................17 3.1 Installation............................................................................................................................................. 17 3.2 Configuration......................................................................................................................................... 17 3.3 Initialization........................................................................................................................................... 18 3.4 Operator Guidance................................................................................................................................ 18 3.4.1 Crypto Officer Guidance........................................................................................................... 18 3.4.2 User Guidance .......................................................................................................................... 19 3.4.3 General Operator Guidance ..................................................................................................... 19 3.5 Additional Guidance and Usage Policies ............................................................................................... 19 3.6 Non-FIPS-Approved Mode..................................................................................................................... 20 4. Acronyms.............................................................................................................................................21 List of Tables Table 1 – Security Level per FIPS 140-2 Section.........................................................................................................5 Table 2 – FIPS-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms ..................................................................................................6 Table 3 – Allowed Cryptographic Algorithms.............................................................................................................7 Table 4 – FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Mappings.................................................................................................... 10 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 3 of 23 Table 5 – Mapping of Operator Services to Inputs, Outputs, CSPs, and Type of Access ........................................ 11 Table 6 – Cryptographic Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and CSPs............................................................. 13 Table 7 – Acronyms ................................................................................................................................................. 21 List of Figures Figure 1 – Host Server Physical Block Diagram ..........................................................................................................8 Figure 2 – Module Block Diagram (with Logical Cryptographic Boundary)................................................................9 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 4 of 23 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module (software version: 1.0) from Certes Networks, Inc. (Certes). This Security Policy describes how the CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module meets the security requirements of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-2, which details the U.S. and Canadian government requirements for cryptographic modules. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) website at http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp. This document also describes how to run the module in a secure FIPS-Approved mode of operation. This policy was prepared as part of the Level 1 FIPS 140-2 validation of the module. The CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module is referred to in this document as the CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module or the module. 1.2 References This document deals only with operations and capabilities of the module in the technical terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. More information is available on the module from the following sources: • The Certes website (www.certesnetworks.com) contains information on the full line of products from Certes. • The CMVP website (http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/140val-all.htm) contains contact information for individuals responsible for answer technical or sales-related questions for the module. 1.3 Document Organization The Security Policy document is organized into two primary sections. Section 2 provides an overview of the validated modules. This includes a general description of the capabilities and the use of cryptography, as well as a presentation of the validation level achieved in each applicable functional area of the FIPS standard. It also provides high-level descriptions of how the module meets FIPS requirements in each functional area. Section 3 documents the guidance needed for the secure use of the module, including initial setup instructions and management methods and policies. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 5 of 23 2. CFNC Java Crypto Module 2.1 Overview Certes Networks, Inc. CryptoFlow Solution combines the flexibility and power of virtualized networking with the most secure cryptographic technology. The CryptoFlow Solution is a suite of components consisting of Certes Enforcement Point (CEP) encryption appliances and CryptoFlow Net Creator (CFNC) central security and policy management software. The CEP encryption appliance provides high-speed processing capabilities to protect data travelling over untrusted networks while in transit between sites. The CEP encryption appliances are managed locally via a CLI1 hosted on the appliance itself or remotely via the CFNC GUI2 running on a separate Linux based platform. The CEP CLI is used for initial setup, troubleshooting, and diagnostic tasks CFNC is a web-based management GUI that is used to configure and monitor the CEP encryption appliances, store and deploy policies (or rules), and provide key management and auditing capabilities. The CEP appliances encrypt traffic according to the keys and policies received from the CFNC over a secure channel. The CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 is a cryptographic library embedded in the CFNC application software. The CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 supplies the cryptographic functionality to support TLS3 -secured communication between remote administrators using CFNC and the CEP appliances. The CFNC Java Crypto Module is validated at the FIPS 140-2 Section levels shown in Table 1 below. Table 1 – Security Level per FIPS 140-2 Section Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A4 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC5 1 9 Self-tests 1 10 Design Assurance 1 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 1 CLI – Command Line Interface 2 GUI – Graphical User Interface 3 TLS – Transport Layer Security 4 N/A – Not Applicable 5 EMI/EMC – Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 6 of 23 2.2 Module Specification The CFNC Java Crypto Module is a software module with a multiple-chip standalone embodiment. The overall security level of the module is 1. The module consists of a software cryptographic library. The classes within the library are executed within the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) using the classes of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The Java Security Manager (JSM) is configured within the JVM to ensure the module is operated in a FIPS- Approved mode of operation. The JVM interfaces with the operating system (OS). For FIPS 140-2 conformance testing, the module was tested and found compliant when running on the following environment(s): • Dell PowerEdge R330 XL server with an Intel Xeon E3 v5 processor running CentOS 6.7 The module implements the FIPS-Approved algorithms listed in Table 2 below. Table 2 – FIPS-Approved Cryptographic Algorithms Certificate Number Algorithm Standard Mode / Method Key Lengths / Curves / Moduli Use 5028 AES6 FIPS PUB 197 CBC7, ECB8 128, 192, 256 bits Encryption/decryption NIST SP9 800-38C CCM10 128, 192, 256 bits Encryption/decryption NIST SP 800-38D GCM11 128, 192, 256 bits Encryption/decryption Vendor Affirmation CKG12 NIST SP 800-133 - - Key generation 1573 CVL13 NIST SP 800-135 rev1 TLS v1.2 Key derivation function *No parts of the TLS protocol, other than the KDF, have been tested by the CAVP14 and CMVP. 1574 CVL NIST SP 800-56A ECCCDH15 primitive NIST-defined curves (P-256 and P-384) Shared secret computation 1842 DRBG16 NIST SP 800-90A rev1 CTR-based AES-128, AES-256 Deterministic random bit generation *AES-128 is not used by any of the module’s services 1284 ECDSA17 FIPS PUB 186-4 PKG18, PKV19 P-256, P-384 Key pair generation 6 AES – Advance Encryption Standard 7 CBC – Cipher Block Chaining 8 ECB – Electronics Code Book 9 SP – Special Publication 10 CCM – Counter with CBC-MAC 11 GCM – Galois Counter Mode 12 CKG – Cryptographic Key Generation 13 CVL – Component Validation List 14 CAVP – Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program 15 ECCCDH – Elliptic Curve Cryptography Cofactor Diffie-Hellman 16 DBRG – Deterministic Random Bit Generator 17 ECDSA – Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm 18 PKG – Pairwise Key Generation 19 PKV – Public Key Validation FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 7 of 23 Certificate Number Algorithm Standard Mode / Method Key Lengths / Curves / Moduli Use SIG(gen), SIG(ver) P-256, P-384 Digital signature generation and verification 3342 HMAC20 FIPS PUB 198-1 SHA-256. SHA-384, SHA-512 256, 384, 512 bits Message authentication Vendor Affirmation PBKDF21 NIST SP 800-132 Option 1a with HMAC SHA- 512 - Password to key conversion 4087 SHS22 FIPS PUB 180-4 SHA-123, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 - Message digest The vendor affirms the following cryptographic security methods: • As per NIST SP 800-133, the module uses its FIPS-Approved counter-based DRBG to generate cryptographic keys. The resulting symmetric key or generated seed is an unmodified output from the DRBG. The module’s DRBG is seeded by a GET request to /dev/random, a non-deterministic random number generator (NDRNG) outside the module’s logical boundary. Each GET request returns a minimum of 112 bits of entropy. • As per NIST SP 800-132, the module uses PBKDF2 option 1a (note that keys derived using PBKDF2 may only be used in storage applications). This function takes an input salt that is 128 bits in length with a 128- bit alphanumeric password and produces a random value of 256 bits. The iteration count is 2048. The upper bound for the probability of guessing the password at random is 1/((26+26+10)^16). Table 3 lists the module’s non-FIPS-Approved algorithm implementations that are allowed for use in FIPS-mode. Table 3 – Allowed Cryptographic Algorithms Algorithm Caveat Use NDRNG The module generates cryptographic keys whose strengths are modified by the available entropy Seeding for the DRBG As a software module, the CFNC Java Crypto Module has both a logical cryptographic boundary and a physical cryptographic boundary. The physical and logical boundaries are described in sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2, respectively. 2.2.1 Physical Cryptographic Boundary As a software cryptographic module, the module has no physical components. Therefore, the physical boundary of the cryptographic module is defined by the hard enclosure around the host server on which it runs. 20 HMAC – (keyed-) Hashed Message Authentication Code 21 PBKDF – Password Based Key Derivation Function 22 SHS – Secure Hash Standard 23 The SHA-1 algorithm is only used during installation as a hash for license verification. There are no other uses of this algorithm within the module. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 8 of 23 The host server hardware consists of a motherboard, a central processing unit (CPU), random access memory (RAM), read-only memory (ROM), hard disk(s), hardware case, power supply, and fans. Other devices may be attached to the hardware appliance such as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, DVD24 drive, printer, video adapter, audio adapter, or network adapter. In the validated configuration, the processor is an Intel Xeon processor. Please see Figure 1 below for the host server block diagram and physical cryptographic boundary. Serial I/O Hub Network Interface Clock Generator CPU(s) RAM Cache HDD Hardware Management Power Interface SCSI/SATA Controller PCI/PCIe Slots DVD USB BIOS PCI/PCIe Slots Graphics Controller Plaintext Data Encrypted Data Control Input Status Output Crypto Boundary LED/LCDs KEY: BIOS – Basic Input/Output System CPU – Central Processing Unit SATA – Serial Advanced Technology Attachment SCSI – Small Computer System Interface PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect LED – Light Emitting Diode LCD – Liquid Crystal Display I/O – Input/Output PCIe – PCI express HDD – Hard Disk Drive DVD – Digital Video Disc USB – Universal Serial Bus RAM – Random Access Memory Figure 1 – Host Server Physical Block Diagram 2.2.2 Logical Cryptographic Boundary The logical cryptographic boundary surrounds the cryptographic library executable. The module is the single software component within the logical cryptographic boundary. The cryptographic module is used by the calling application to provide symmetric and asymmetric cipher operation, signature generation and verification, hashing, cryptographic key generation, random number generation, message authentication functions, and secure key 24 DVD – Digital Versatile Disc FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 9 of 23 agreement/key exchange protocols. The module is entirely contained within the physical cryptographic boundary described in section 2.2.1. Figure 2 below shows the logical block diagram of the module executing in memory and its interactions with surrounding software components as well as the module’s logical cryptographic boundary. Java Virtual Machine CentOS 6.7 KEY: Logical Cryptographic Boundary Physical Cryptographic Boundary Data Input Data Output Control Input Status Output System Calls Calling Application Memory Intel Xeon CPU Network Storage Java Runtime Environment Java Security Manager CFNC Java Crypto Module Figure 2 – Module Block Diagram (with Logical Cryptographic Boundary) 2.3 Module Interfaces The module isolates communications to logical interfaces that are defined in the software as an API. The API interface is mapped to the following four logical interfaces: • Data Input • Data Output • Control Input • Status Output The module’s physical boundary features the physical ports of a host server. The module’s manual controls; physical indicators; and physical, logical, and electrical characteristics are those of the host server. The module’s logical interfaces are at a lower level in the software. The physical data and control input through physical FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 10 of 23 mechanisms is translated into the logical data and control inputs for the software module. A mapping of the FIPS 140-2 logical interfaces, the physical interfaces, and the module interfaces can be found in Table 4 below. Table 4 – FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Mappings FIPS Interface Physical Interface Module Interface (API) Data Input USB ports, network interface, serial ports The API call parameters that accept input data for processing through their arguments Data Output Graphics controller, USB ports, network interface, serial ports The API call parameters that return generated or processed data back to the caller Control Input USB ports, network interface, serial ports The API call parameters that are used to initialize and control the operation of the module Status Output Graphic controller, network interface, serial ports, Audio ports, LCD25/LED26s The API call return values indicating the status of the module or service performed Power Input AC27 power interface - 2.4 Roles and Services There are two authorized roles that module operators may assume: Crypto Officer (CO) role and a User role. Authorized operators implicitly assume the set of roles comprised of the CO role and User role when exercising any of the module’s services. The module does not allow multiple concurrent operators in the FIPS-Approved mode of operation. Per section 6.1 of the FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance, the calling application that loaded the module is the only operator. Descriptions of the services available are provided in Table 5 below. Please note that the keys and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) listed in the table indicate the type of access required using the following notation: • R – Read: The CSP is read. • W – Write: The CSP is established, generated, or modified. • X – Execute: The CSP is used within an Approved or Allowed security function or authentication mechanism. • D – Delete: The CSP is zeroized. Input parameters of an API call that are not specifically a signature, hash, message, plaintext, ciphertext, or a key are not itemized in the “Input” column, since it is assumed that most API calls will have such parameters. Values in the “Input” and “Output” columns are sent from the module’s logical boundary via API calls. 25 LCD – Liquid Crystal Display 26 LED – Light Emitting Diode 27 AC – Alternating Current FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 11 of 23 Table 5 – Mapping of Operator Services to Inputs, Outputs, CSPs, and Type of Access Service Operator Description Input Output CSP and Type of Access CO User Show status   Used to determine if the module is ready or returns the current mode of the module None Status None Zeroize/Power-off   Used to unload the module, zeroized CSPs, and power off the environment Power cycle; unload module None All CSPs – D Power cycling   Used to zeroized keys reboot the module, and execute power-up self- tests on demand Power cycle; reload module Status All CSPs – D Data encryption   Used to encrypt data API call parameters Status, ciphertext AES key – R, X AES GCM IV – R, X AES GCM key – R, X Data decryption   Used to decrypt data API call parameters Status, plaintext AES key – R, X AES GCM IV – R, X AES GCM key – R, X MAC28 calculation   Used to calculate data integrity codes for HMAC API call parameters Status, hash HMAC key – R, X Signature generation   Used to generate signature API call parameters Status, signature ECDSA private key – R, X Signature verification   Used to verify a digital signature API call parameters Status ECDSA public key – R, X DRBG   Used for random number and key generation per NIST SP 800-90A rev1 API call parameters Status, generated keys AES key – W AES GCM key – W DRBG Seed – R, W, X DRBG Entropy – R, X DRBG “Key” value – R, W, X DRBG “V” value – R, W, X ECDSA public key – W ECDSA private key – W HMAC key – W Message hashing   Used to generate SHA-2 message digest API call parameters Status, hash None Keyed message hashing   Used to create data integrity code for HMAC and in the PBKDF generation API call parameters Status, hash HMAC key – R, X Shared secret generation   Used to calculate a shared secret suitable for use as input to a TLS KDF API call parameters Status, shared secret ECCCDH shared secret – W 28 MAC – Message Authentication Code FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 12 of 23 Service Operator Description Input Output CSP and Type of Access CO User TLS key derivation   Used to produce TLS session and integrity keys using a shared secret API call parameters Status, TLS keys ECCCDH shared secret – R, X TLS master secret – W, X AES GCM key – W HMAC key – W Password-based key derivation   Used to generate an AES- CCM key using a password and message hash API call parameters Status, key Key store HMAC key – W Key store AES key – W Key store passphrase – R, X 2.5 Physical Security The cryptographic module is a software module and does not include physical security mechanisms. Therefore, per section G.3 of the FIPS Implementation Guidance, requirements for physical security are not applicable. 2.6 Operational Environment The module was tested and found to be compliant with FIPS 140-2 requirements on the following operational environment(s): • Dell PowerEdge R330 XL server with an Intel Xeon E3 v5 processor running CentOS 6.7 All cryptographic keys and CSPs are under the control of the OS, which protects its CSPs against unauthorized disclosure, modification, and substitution. The module only allows access to CSPs through its well-defined API. 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management The module supports the CSPs listed in Table 6 below. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 13 of 23 Table 6 – Cryptographic Keys, Cryptographic Key Components, and CSPs CSP CSP Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use AES key 128, 192, 256-bit key Generated internally via Approved DRBG Output in plaintext Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Encryption, decryption AES GCM key 128, 192, 256-bit key Generated internally via Approved DRBG Output in plaintext Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Encryption, decryption and authentication AES GCM initialization vector29 Minimum 96-bit value Generated externally, input via API call parameter Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Initialization vector for AES GCM DRBG Seed 384-bit random value Generated internally using nonce along with DRBG entropy input Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Seeding material for SP 800-90A DRBG DRBG Entropy Minimum 112-bit value Generated internally30 and passed into the module upon request Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Entropy material for SP 800-90A DRBG DRBG ‘Key’ Value Internal state value Generated internally Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Used for CTR_DRBG DRBG ‘V’ Value 128-bits Generated internally Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Used for CTR_DRBG ECCCDH shared secret 256-bit shared secret Established internally via ECCCDH shared secret computation Output in plaintext Plaintext in volatile memory Zeroized after service completes Used for deriving TLS master secret in TLS KDF ECDSA private key P-256, P-384 curves Generated internally via Approved DRBG Output in plaintext Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Signature generation, decryption ECDSA public key P-256, P-384 curves Generated internally via Approved DRBG Output in plaintext Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Signature verification, encryption HMAC key HMAC 256, 384, or 512-bit key Generated internally via Approved DRBG Output in plaintext Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Message authentication with SHS Key store HMAC key HMAC SHA-512 key Generated internally using PBKDF input parameters Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Used for deriving the key store AES key 29 The module conforms to TLSv1.2 GCM cipher suites as specified in section 3.3.1 of NIST SP 800-52 rev1. When the nonce_explicit part of the IV exhausts the maximum number of possible values for a given session key, a new encryption key will be established per RFC 5246 section and 30 The module employs a non-deterministic random number generator specific to the host operating system, which is outside of the logical cryptographic boundary. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 14 of 23 CSP CSP Type Generation / Input Output Storage Zeroization Use Key store AES key AES-CCM 128, 192, 256- bit key Generated internally using PBKDF Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile memory Unload module, remove/cycle power Used for encryption of key storage Key store passphrase Passphrase used for PBKDF Generated externally, input via API call parameter Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile RAM Unload module, remove/cycle power Used for deriving key store HMAC and AES key TLS master secret 384-bit master secret for TLS Derived internally using the TLS pre- master secret via TLS KDF Never exits the module Plaintext in volatile RAM End TLS session, unload module, remove/cycle power Used for deriving AES and HMAC keys used in TLS FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 15 of 23 2.8 EMI / EMC The CFNC Java Crypto Module was tested on the server listed in section 2.6 above. This server was tested and found conformant to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class A (business use). 2.9 Self-Tests Cryptographic self-tests are performed by the module when the module is first powered up and loaded into memory as well as when a random number or asymmetric key pair is created. The following sections list self-tests performed by the module, their expected error statuses, and the error resolutions. 2.9.1 Power-Up Self-Tests The module performs the following self-tests at power-up: • Software integrity check (using HMAC SHA-256) • Known Answer Tests (KATs) o AES-ECB encrypt KAT o AES-ECB decrypt KAT o AES-CCM generation/verification KAT o AES-GCM generation/verification KAT o CTR_DRBG KAT o ECDSA Signature Generation/Signature Verification o SHA-1 KAT o HMAC (with SHA-256) KAT o HMAC (with SHA-384) KAT o HMAC (with SHA-512) KAT o ECCCDH Primitive “Z” Computation31 test (with P-256 curve) 2.9.2 Conditional Self-Tests The module performs the following conditional self-tests: • Continuous RNG32 Test for the DRBG • Continuous RNG Test for the NDRNG • ECDSA pairwise consistency test 2.9.3 DRBG Health Checks The module performs the following DRBG health checks at power-up and conditionally as needed: • SP 800-90A DRBG Health Checks o SP 800-90 DRBG (CTR) Instantiate Test o SP 800-90 DRBG (CTR) Generate Test 31 The ECCCDH Primitive “Z” Computation KAT is compliant with FIPS 140-2 IG 9.6. 32 RNG – Random Number Generator FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 16 of 23 o SP 800-90 DRBG (CTR) Reseed Test 2.9.4 Self-Test Failure Handling Upon completion of all self-tests, CryptoServicesRegistrar.isInApprovedOnlyMode() is checked. If a successful status of TRUE is returned, then the module is ready to operate in a FIPS-Approved mode of operation. If an error is returned, then the calling application must be rebooted (thus restarting the module) to clear the error state. If rebooting the host server does not result in the successful execution of self-tests, then the module will not be able to operate in FIPS-Approved mode. The CO must contact Certes Networks, Inc. for assistance. 2.10 Mitigation of Other Attacks This section is not applicable. The module does not claim to mitigate any attacks beyond the FIPS 140-2 Level 1 requirements for this validation. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 17 of 23 3. Secure Operation The CFNC Java Crypto Module meets Level 1 requirements for FIPS 140-2. The sections below describe how to configure the CFNC Java Crypto Module as a validated module. If the following steps are not executed, the CFNC Java Crypto Module will be operating outside the scope of this Security Policy and will not be operating as a validated cryptographic module. The following paragraphs describe the steps necessary to configure the CFNC Java Crypto Module as a validated module. Once configured as a validated module, the CFNC Java Cryptographic Library only operates in the FIPS approved mode of operation. 3.1 Installation The module comes factory-installed with Certes’ CFNC application software 33 . Thus, the module has no independent installation steps that end-users must follow. 3.2 Configuration The following steps shall be performed to configure the CFNC Java Crypto Module as a validated cryptographic module.: 1. Open a CLI for the CFNC server. Enter the following command: /opt/scripts/switchToFipsMode.sh 2>&1 | tee switchtofips.log. The following message is displayed: 2. Enter Yes. The following message is displayed: 3. Enter Yes. Process notifications scroll by and the server is restarted. 33 NOTE: While CFNC v5.3 was used for testing, the module is not dependent on any specific version of the calling application. The module can be run using any version of the calling application with which the module is installed. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 18 of 23 Upon restart, all self-tests are automatically performed. Once all self-tests have completed successfully the module is operating in the validated configuration. The calling application can make a call to the CryptoServicesRegistrar.isInApprovedOnlyMode() API to retrieve the system operating status. Additionally, the CO can run the following command to view the log file displaying the operating status of the module: grep -i fips /opt/jboss/server/policyserver/log/server.log | less When properly configured, the module will return the following in response to the grep command: Once the system has been configured according to section 3 of this Security Policy, the module does not allow the use of any non-approved security functions and will only operate in the FIPS approved mode. To restore the module to its original state, the host appliance must be restored to a factory state, which can be done by contacting Certes Customer Support (http://support.certesnetworks.com). If the self-tests do not run successfully, reboot the appliance. If this does not clear the problem, the CO must contact Certes Customer Support for additional assistance. 3.3 Initialization The module’s power-up self-tests are automatically executed when it is loaded into memory for execution by the calling application. Once all power-up self-tests have successfully completed, the module is running in its FIPS- Approved mode of operation. No initialization steps are required. 3.4 Operator Guidance The following sections provide guidance to module operators for the correct and secure operation of the module. As it relates to this module, the calling application (i.e. the product software) takes on the role of both Crypto Officer and User. 3.4.1 Crypto Officer Guidance No specific management activities are required to ensure that the module runs securely; once operational, the module only executes in a FIPS-Approved mode of operation. However, if any irregular activity is observed or the module is consistently reporting errors, then Certes Customer Support should be contacted. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 19 of 23 3.4.2 User Guidance Although the User does not have any ability to modify the configuration of the module, they should notify the CO if any irregular activity is observed. 3.4.3 General Operator Guidance The following provide further guidance for the general operation of the module: • The calling application uses the CryptoServicesRegistrar.isInApprovedOnlyMode() API function to retrieve the operating status of the module. • To execute the module’s power-up self-tests on-demand, the module’s host server can be rebooted/power-cycled. 3.5 Additional Guidance and Usage Policies The notes below provide additional guidance and policies that must be followed by module operators: • As a software cryptographic library, the module’s services are intended to be provided to a calling application. Excluding the use of the NIST-defined elliptic curves as trusted third-party domain parameters, all other assurances from FIPS PUB 186-4 (including those required of the intended signatory and the signature verifier) are outside the scope of the module and are the responsibility of the calling application. • The calling application shall use entropy sources that meet the security strength required for the CTR_DRBG as shown in Table 3 of NIST SP 800-90A rev1. • The module requests entropy through a GET command. Each GET request returns a minimum of 112 bits of entropy. Responses to requests for entropy are blocked by the entropy mechanism until there is sufficient entropy to satisfy the request. If, during power-up self-tests, the minimum entropy strength cannot be met, the module enters a critical error state causing the calling application to shut down, and an error of “Insufficient entropy provided by entropy source” is returned. If rebooting the host server does not result in the successful execution of power-up self-tests, then the module will not be able to operate in FIPS-Approved mode. The CO must contact Certes Networks, Inc. customer support for assistance. • As the module does not persistently store keys, the calling application is responsible for the storage and zeroization of keys and CSPs passed into and out of the module. • If power to the module is lost and subsequently restored, the calling application must ensure that any AES-GCM keys used for encryption or decryption are re-distributed. • In its unconfigured state, the module offers non-compliant implementations of RSA34 and Diffie-Hellman for key exchange and authentication. When the module is installed and configured as per section 3 of this Security Policy, these algorithms are disabled and no longer available for use. 34 RSA – Rivest, Shamir, Adelman FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 20 of 23 3.6 Non-FIPS-Approved Mode When built and distributed as described in this Security Policy, the module does not support a non-Approved mode of operation. FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 21 of 23 4. Acronyms Table 7 below provides definitions for the acronyms used in this document. Table 7 – Acronyms Acronym Definition AC Alternating Current AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Programming Interface BIOS Basic Input/Output System CBC Cipher Block Chaining CCM Counter with CBC-MAC CEP Certes Enforcement Point CFNC CryptoFlow Net Creator CLI Command Line Interface CMAC Cipher-based Message Authentication Code CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Cryptographic Officer CPU Central Processing Unit CS Ciphertext Stealing CSE Communications Security Establishment CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter CVL Component Validation List DEA Data Encryption Algorithm DES Data Encryption Standard DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DVD Digital Video Disc ECB Electronic Code Book ECCCDH Elliptic Curve Cryptography Cofactor Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference /Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GCM Galois/Counter Mode GMAC Galois Message Authentication Code GUI Graphical User Interface HDD Hard Disk Drive FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy, Version 1.14 March 12, 2019 CryptoFlow Net Creator Java Crypto Module v1.0 ©2019 Certes Networks, Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this copyright notice. Page 22 of 23 Acronym Definition HMAC (keyed-) Hash Message Authentication Code IV Initialization Vector JRE Java Runtime Environment JSM Java Security Manager JVM Java Virtual Machine KAT Known Answer Test KDF Key Derivation Function KW Key Wrap KWP Key Wrap with Padding LCD Liquid Crystal Display LED Light Emitting Diode N/A Not Applicable DRNG Deterministic Random Number Generator NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OS Operating System PBKDF Password Based Key Derivation Function PCIe PCI express PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard PKG Pairwise Key Generation PKV Pairwise Key Verification PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme RAM Random Access Memory RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir, Adelman SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SCSI Small Computer System Interface SHS Secure Hash Standard SP Special Publication SRTP Secure Real-time Transport Protocol TLS Transport Layer Security USB Universal Serial Bus Prepared by: Corsec Security, Inc. 13921 Park Center Road, Suite 460 Herndon, VA 20171 United States of America Phone: +1 703 267 6050 Email: info@corsec.com http://www.corsec.com