1 Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Design Assurance Level-3 Good Technology FIPS Crypto on Windows Mobile Version FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy NOVEMBER 3, 2016 2 © Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. All use is subject to license terms posted at www.good.com/legal. GOOD, GOOD TECHNOLOGY, the GOOD logo, GOOD WORK, GOOD FOR ENTERPRISE, GOOD FOR GOVERNMENT, GOOD FOR YOU, GOOD APPCENTRAL, GOOD DYNAMICS, SECURED BY GOOD, GOOD MOBILE MANAGER, GOOD CONNECT, GOOD SHARE, GOOD TRUST, GOOD VAULT, and GOOD DYNAMICS APPKINETICS are trademarks of Good Technology Corporation and its related entities. All third-party technology products are protected by issued and pending U.S. and foreign patents. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. 3 DOCUMENT VERSION CONTROL VERSION DATE AUTHOR (S) DESCRIPTION REASON FOR CHANGE 1.0 11 Jan 2004 Prathaban Selvaraj Good Technology Initial Version 1.1 06 Aug 2005 Richard Levenberg Good Technology Modifications for Windows CE 4.2 1.2 20 Sept 2005 Richard Levenberg Good Technology Key Zeroization update Update for Key Zeroization 1.3 13 Oct 2005 Richard Levenberg Good Technology Minor edits 1.4 25 Oct 2005 Rory Saunders CEAL, CygnaCom Solutions, Inc. Minor edits Incorporated previous NIST/CSE comments 1.5 08 Feb 2006 Rory Saunders CEAL, CygnaCom Solutions, Inc. Minor edits Incorporated previous NIST/CSE comments 1.6 22 Apr 2009 Vasanthan Gunaratnam Good Technology Minor edits Updates for Win CE 5.2 in accordance with IG G.5 1.7 24 June 2009 Krishna Puttagunta Good Technology Minor Edits. Changes required for Design Assurance 3 Certification 1.8 20 Jan 2010 Sriram Krishnan Good Technology Minor Edits. Updates for iPhone 3.0 & 3.1 in accordance with IG G.5 4 1.9 05 May 2010 Sriram Krishnan Good Technology Minor Edits. Updates for iPhone 3.2 and Android 1.6, 2.0 & 2.1 in accordance with IG G.5 2.0 11 Oct 2010 Sriram Krishnan Good Technology Minor Edits. Updates for iPhone 4.0 & 4.1 and Android 2.2 in accordance with IG G.5 2.1 18 Jan 2011 Sriram Krishnan Good Technology Minor Edits. Updates for iPhone 4.2 in accordance with IG G.5 2.2 18 Jan 2011 Sriram Krishnan Good Technology Minor Edits. Updates for iOS 4.3 in accordance with IG G.5 2.3 17 Oct 2011 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits. Updates for iOS 5 in accordance with IG G.5 2.4 13 March 2012 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits. Updates for iOS 5.1 and Windows Phone 7.5 in accordance with IG G.5 2.5 19 Sep 2012 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updates for iOS 6.0 in accordance with IG G.5 2.6 2 Oct 2012 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updates for Android 2.3, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1 in accordance with IG G.5 2.7 22 April 2013 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updates for iOS 6.1 and Android 4.2 in accordance with IG G.5 2.8 16 October 2013 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updates for iOS 7.0, Android 4.3, and Windows Phone 8 in accordance with IG G.5 5 2.9 23 September 2014 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updates for iOS 7.1, 8.0; Android 4.4; Windows Phone 8.1; Windows Pro 8.1 in accordance with IG G.5 2.10 21 November 2014 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Update for iOS 8.1 in accordance with IG G.5 2.11 31 March 2015 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updated for iOS 8.2 and Android 5.0 in accordance with IG G.5 2.12 15 April 2015 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updated for iOS 8.3 in accordance with IG G.5 2.13 12 October 2015 Rick Pitz Good Technology Minor Edits Updated for iOS 8.4 and 9, and Android 5.1 and Android M (6.0) in accordance with IG G.5 2.14 3 May 2016 Rick Pitz Good Technology (Blackberry) Minor Edits Updated for iOS 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 in accordance with IG G.5 2.15 3 November 2016 Rick Pitz Good Technology (Blackberry) Minor Edits Updated for iOS 10.0 and Android 7.0 and 7.1 in accordance with IG G.5 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................7 1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................7 1.2 References ......................................................................................................................7 2. Cryptographic Module Specification ...................................................................................7 3. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces.........................................................................7 4. Roles, Services and Authentication......................................................................................9 4.1 Roles...............................................................................................................................9 4.1.1 The Crypto-Officer Role.........................................................................................9 4.1.2 The User Role..........................................................................................................9 4.2 Services ........................................................................................................................11 4.2.1 Approved Mode Of Operation ..............................................................................13 4.3 Authentication..............................................................................................................13 5. Physical Security................................................................................................................13 6. Operational Environment...................................................................................................13 7. Cryptographic Key Management .......................................................................................14 7.1 Key Generation ............................................................................................................14 7.2 Key Input/Output..........................................................................................................14 7.3 Key Storage..................................................................................................................14 7.4 Key Zeroization............................................................................................................14 7.5 Cryptographic Algorithms............................................................................................14 8. EMI/EMC...........................................................................................................................14 9. Self Tests............................................................................................................................14 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks .............................................................................................15 11. Secure Operation.............................................................................................................15 12. Design Assurance Level 3 Details ...................................................................................15 12.1 Procedures for maintaining security while distributing and delivering versions of the cryptographic modules to authorized operators .................................................................15 7 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The FIPSCrypto on Windows Mobile cryptographic module is a Software Dynamic Link Library (DLL) module that implements the Triple-DES, AES, SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-1 algorithms. This non-proprietary Security Policy describes how the crypto module meets the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 Level 1 and how to securely operate the module. This document also contains the details regarding crypto module required for meeting FIPS 140-2 Level 1 design assurance level 3 certification. The cryptographic module enables Good products to securely establish a continuously synchronized wireless connection to corporate systems. Users can instantly access up-to-date corporate email; secure attachments, contacts, calendar, notes and tasks, and other information when traveling. 1.2 References For more information on Good Technology and the Good products visit http://www.good.com. Detailed information on the FIPS140-2 standard can be found at the NIST web site, http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval. 2. Cryptographic Module Specification The FIPSCrypto on Windows Mobile, version is validated against FIPS 140-2 Level 1, Design Assurance Level-3 to run on Windows CE 5.2 devices. The cryptographic module is a software module. The module was tested on a Samsung SGH-i907 device running a Windows CE operating system version 5.2. The module is classified as a multi- chip standalone module. The logical cryptographic boundary contains the software modules that comprise the FIPSCrypto dynamic link library. The physical boundary of the module is defined as the enclosure of the handheld on which the module executes. 3. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The physical ports to the cryptographic module are standard I/O ports found on the handheld device such as a USB port, wireless infrared radio, and Graphical Display controller. The logical interface to the module is an Application Programming Interface (API). The function calls, that represent the services provided by the module, act as the Control Input Interface. The parameters to the API act as the Data Input Interface. The parameters returned from the API act as the Data Output Interface. The Status Output interface is the error code and return values provided by each function in the API. 8 Interface Logical Interface Physical Port Data Input Parameters to the API Wireless Infrared Radio, Key Pad controller, Graphical Display Controller, USB Port, SD slot port, microphone port, camera port Data Output Parameters returned from the API Wireless Infrared Radio, Key Pad Controller, Graphical Display Controller, USB port, SD slot port, speaker/earpiece/headset port Control Input Exported API calls Key Pad Controller, button controller, USB port Status Output Error code and return values provided by each function in the API Wireless Infrared Radio, Graphical Display Controller, speaker/earpiece/headset port Power N/A Battery Port Table 1 Ports And Interface Mapping Interface Parameters Data Input Key, Key Length, Algorithm Context, Plain text, Cipher-text, Encode/Decode flag, IV, IV Length, Plain text Length, Cipher-text Length, Padding Mode, Counter, Counter length, Hash Input Data, Hash Input Data Length, Num Bytes, Buffer size Data Output Cipher-text block, Algorithm Context, Plain text block, Context, Cipher text, Cipher-text Len, Plaintext, Plaintext Len, Digest, MAC value Control Input Aes_enc_key, Aes_enc_blk, Aes_dec_Key, Aes_dec_blk, SetKey, SetIV, SetCtr, Encode, Decode, getOutputLen, A_DES_EDE3_CBCEncryptInit, A_DES_EDE3_CBCEncryptyUpdate, A_DES_EDE3_CBCEncryptFinal, A_DES_EDE3_CBCDecryptInit, A_DES_EDE3_CBCDecryptUpdate, A_DES_EDE3_CBCDecryptFinal, A_SHAInit, A_SHAUpdate, A_SHAFinal, A_SHACopyContext, SetKey, GetMAC, GetMAC_N 9 Status Output Getfipsenabled, Getfipstestsrun, Getfipstestspassed CRYPTOERR_OK, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDENCODEKEY, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDDECODEKEY, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDKEY, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDDATA, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDIV, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDPADDING, CRYPTOERR_ENCODEFAIL, CRYPTOERR_DECODEFAIL, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDCTR, CRYPTOERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL, CRYPTOERR_FAIL, CRYPTOERR_INVALIDHMACKEY, CRYPTOERR_CANCEL, AE_OUTPUT_LEN, AE_INPUT_LEN Table 2. Interface and Parameter Mapping 4. Roles, Services and Authentication 4.1 Roles The cryptographic module is a single operator software module that supports two authorized roles. Roles User Role Crypto-Officer Role Table 3. Roles 4.1.1 The Crypto-Officer Role The operator takes on the role of a Crypto-Officer to perform tasks like, module installation and zeroization of the module. Other tasks performed by the Crypto-Officer include key entry, initiate the power-on self-tests on demand and check the status of the cryptographic module. The Crypto-Officer role has authorized access to the Triple-DES, AES, SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-1 algorithms. The Crypto-Officer Guide The Good OTA(over the air) Software is used by the Crypto-Officer to install the cryptographic module onto the handheld device in a secure environment via the HTTPS download and secure OTA process. The Crypto-Officer starts up the OTA software, gives PIN and starts download. The OTA application starts the software installation process that copies the cryptographic module onto the handheld. Keys are installed onto the handheld as a part of this process. Upon completion of the installation process the module performs its power-on self-tests and enters an initialized state or error state. The Crypto-Officer can then request services from the module. The Crypto-Officer has the exclusive rights to perform Key Entry operations. . 4.1.2 The User Role An operator can assume the User Role and access the cryptographic algorithms provided in the module, which are AES, Triple-DES, SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-1. 10 The User Guide The User can request services from the cryptographic module using the module’s Logical interface. The User Role has authorized access to the Triple-DES, AES, SHA-1 and HMAC- SHA-1 algorithms. The User can also initiate self-tests and check the status of the module. The cryptographic module provides information about the status of a requested operation to the user through the Status Output Interface. The following status codes are defined for the module. Status Codes Information CRYPTOERR_OK Operation completed successfully. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDENCODEKEY The key used for performing encryption operations is invalid. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDDECODEKEY The key used for performing decryption operations is invalid. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDKEY The key used for performing cryptographic operations is invalid. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDDATA The input data passed to the cryptographic module is invalid. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDIV The Initialization Vector input to the module is invalid. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDPADDING The padding of the encrypted blob is invalid. CRYPTOERR_ENCODEFAIL The encryption operation failed. CRYPTOERR_DECODEFAIL The decryption operation failed. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDCTR The Counter value input to the module is invalid. CRYPTOERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL The size of the buffer passed to the module is too small to perform the requested operation. CRYPTOERR_INVALIDHMACKEY The key used by the HMAC-SHA-1 is invalid. CRYPTOERR_CANCEL The module is in an error state. Check if the power-on self-tests have passed. CRYPTOERR_FAIL The module is in an error state. Check if the power-on self-tests have passed. AE_CANCEL The module is in an error state. Check if the power-on self-tests have passed. AE_OUTPUT_LEN The size of the buffer passed to the module is too small to perform the requested operation. AE_INPUT_LEN The size of the input data is invalid. FIPS enabled : True The module is in the FIPS mode and sets its FIPSenabled flag to True. 11 FIPS tests run : True The module performs its self-tests and sets the FIPStestsrun flag to True. FIPS tests passed : True The module has successfully passed the FIPS self tests and sets its FIPStestspassed flag to true. Table 4. Status Codes The operator of the module can also determine its status from the debugger screen. Enter the debugger screen by typing ‘DEBUG’ on the keypad and then type ‘fips’ on the command line and . Each of the modules’ API functions is tested and the results are printed to the screen. 4.2 Services The services provided by the cryptographic module are listed in the following table. Services Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Role (CO, User, Both) Access (R/W/X) AES Encryption AES secret Key CO, User X AES Encryption: Key Entry AES secret Key CO X AES Decryption AES secret Key CO, User X AES Decryption: Key Entry AES secret Key CO X Triple-DES Encryption Triple-DES secret Key CO, User X Triple-DES Encryption: Key Entry Triple-DES secret Key CO X Triple-DES Decryption Triple-DES secret Key CO, User X Triple-DES Decryption: Key Entry Triple-DES secret Key CO X SHA-1 Hashing N/A CO, User X HMAC-SHA-1 HMAC-SHA-1 Key CO, User X HMAC-SHA-1: Key Entry HMAC-SHA-1 Key CO X Show Status N/A CO, User X Perform Self tests N/A CO, User X Table 5. Services, Roles, Access The following table presents a mapping of each cryptographic service provided by the module to its logical interface and the role assumed by the operator of the module to request those services. Service Logical Interface Role 12 AES Encryption aescrypt.c : aes_enc_blk aescbc.cpp : Encode aescbc.cpp : SetIV aescbc.cpp : getContext aesctr.cpp : SetCtr aesctr.cpp : getContext aesctr.cpp : Encode aesctr.cpp : getOutputLen User, CO AES Encryption: Key Entry aescrypt.c : aes_enc_key aescbc.cpp : SetKey aesctr.cpp : SetKey CO AES Decryption aescrypt.c : aes_dec_blk aescbc.cpp : Decode aescbc.cpp : SetIV aescbc.cpp : getContext aesctr.cpp : SetCtr aesctr.cpp : getContext aesctr.cpp : Encode aesctr.cpp : getOutputLen User, CO AES Decryption: Key Entry aescrypt.c : aes_dec_key aescbc.cpp : SetKey aesctr.cpp : SetKey CO Triple-DES Encryption: Key Entry desedee.cpp : A_DES_EDE3_CBCEncryptInit CO Triple-DES Encryption desedee.cpp : A_DES_EDE3_CBCEncryptUpdate desedee.cpp : A_DES_EDE3_CBCEncryptFinal User, CO Triple-DES deseded.cpp : A_DES_EDE3_CBCDecryptInit CO Decryption: Key Entry Triple-DES Decryption deseded.cpp : A_DES_EDE3_CBCDecryptUpdate deseded.cpp : A_DES_EDE3_CBCDecryptFinal User, CO SHA-1 Hashing gdsha.cpp : A_SHAInit gdsha.cpp : A_SHAUpdate gdsha.cpp : A_SHAFinal gdsha.cpp : A_SHACopyContext User, CO HMAC-SHA-1 Sha1HMAC.cpp : GetMAC Sha1HMAC.cpp : GetMAC_N User, CO HMAC-SHA-1: Key Entry Sha1HMAC.cpp : SetKey CO Show Status FipsCryptoPPC.cpp : getfipsenabled FipsCryptoPPC.cpp : getfipstestspassed FipsCryptoPPC.cpp : getfipstestsrun User, CO Self Tests FipsCryptoPPC.cpp : InitializeFips User, CO Table 6. Services And Logical Interface Mapping 13 4.2.1 Approved Mode Of Operation The module only provides an Approved Mode Of Operation. No special configuration is required to operate the module in a FIPS 140-2 mode. In this mode all authorized roles can call the FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms and services. 4.3 Authentication The cryptographic module is validated at FIPS 140-2 Level 1 and does not provide role authentication for the authorized roles. The operator assumes these roles implicitly when invoking these services. 5. Physical Security The cryptographic module is a software module that operates on the Windows CE 4.2 and/or 5.2 platform. The Windows CE 4.2 and 5.2 handheld devices use production grade components. 6. Operational Environment The FIPS Cypto on Windows Mobile module was tested on Windows CE 5.2 using an ARM-based processor. Good Technology further affirms that the module will operate on any processor supporting Windows CE in accordance with FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance G.5. Windows CE is commercially shipped as Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1 and 6.5. Please NOTE: Good’s crypto library version number ( is unique and is no way relevant to the Good version number or Windows Mobile Operating System version that Good resides on. As per FIPS 140-2 IG G.5 implementation guidance, Good affirms that for the iOS operating system 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.1, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 10.0 for the cryptographic implementation Good uses the same cryptographic source code that was used for Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1 and 6.5 operating systems. As per FIPS 140-2 IG G.5 implementation guidance, Good affirms that for the Android operating system 1.6, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 7.0 and 7.1 for the cryptographic implementation Good uses the same cryptographic source code that was used for Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1 and 6.5 operating systems. As per FIPS 140-2 IG G.5 implementation guidance, Good affirms that for the Windows Phone operating system 7.5, Windows Phone 8 and 8.1, for the cryptographic implementation Good uses the same cryptographic source code that was used for Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1 and 6.5 operating systems. As per FIPS 140-2 IG G.5 implementation guidance, Good affirms that for the Windows Pro operating system 8.1, for the cryptographic implementation Good uses the same cryptographic source code that was used for Windows Mobile 5.0/6.0/6.1 and 6.5 operating systems. 14 7. Cryptographic Key Management 7.1 Key Generation The cryptographic module does not perform key generation. 7.2 Key Input/Output The keys are electronically input into the module in plain-text form by the Crypto-Officer. Keys are not output from the module. 7.3 Key Storage The module does not provide persistent storage for the keys used by the algorithms. The HMAC-SHA-1 key used for the integrity check is hard-coded into the module’s executable code. 7.4 Key Zeroization The keys are stored in memory on the device during the execution of an encryption/decryption or HMAC-SHA-1 calculation. At the completion of the calculation, the keys are zeroized. The other key is the HMAC-SHA-1 key used to perform the integrity check. The operator can zeroize this key by hard resetting the device on which the cryptographic module is operating. 7.5 Cryptographic Algorithms The algorithms implemented by this module are listed below. Algorithm Certificate Number Triple-DES (Triple Data Encryption # 879 Standard) AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) # 1219 SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) # 1122 HMAC-SHA-1 (Keyed-Hashing Message # 712 Authentication Code) 8. EMI/EMC The cryptographic module is a software module. The module runs on Windows CE 5.2 devices. The tested device meets applicable Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Electromagnetic Interference and Electromagnetic Compatibility requirements for business use. 9. Self Tests Power On Tests The cryptographic module performs algorithmic self-tests at startup time to ensure that the module is functioning properly. It also performs an integrity check using an approved HMAC-SHA-1 algorithm to validate the integrity of the module. These tests are initiated 15 without user intervention at startup time or can be initiated by the user by restarting the device. The self-tests consist of a set of known answer tests to validate the working of the AES, Triple-DES, SHA-1 and HMAC-SHA-1 algorithms. 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks The module is not designed to mitigate any other attacks. 11. Secure Operation A configuration management system is set up using CVS (Concurrent Versioning System) to identify each component of the cryptographic module including documentation using a unique identification number. The Crypto-Officer installs the cryptographic module in FIPS 140-2 mode in a secure environment. The module implements only FIPS 140-2 approved algorithms and hence all cryptographic services provided by the module are FIPS 140-2 compliant. All the critical security functions performed by the module are tested at start-up or on demand. The module’s integrity is also tested to prevent tampering, using an approved HMAC-SHA-1 algorithm. 12. Design Assurance Level 3 Details 12.1 Procedures for maintaining security while distributing and delivering versions of the cryptographic modules to authorized operators The FIPSCrypto.dll module is bundled as part of other files used in providing GMM (Good Mobile Messaging) and/or Good Mobile Application software on device. These files are put into self extracting installation file called CAB file which is downloaded and extracted over the air by custom installer. The end user follows the steps outlined below to install the cryptographic module: 1. User gets mail from admin with a secured PIN mentioned in email. 2. Using a browser on device, User goes to https://get.good.com/ and downloads OTA stub. Once downloaded the OTA stub will launch automatically. 3. The OTA stub will ask for PIN and start downloading the CAB file once the PIN is verified. 4. OTA stub extracts the CAB file, the extracted files will include the FIPSCrypto.dll along with other files. The delivery of content from server is done over SSL connection and once downloaded the OTA agent does security checks to ensure that the package is not corrupted or modified. The sequence below explains the internal security operations involved in ensuring integrity of downloaded modules: 16 1. All files including the FIPSCrypto.dll are packaged together in a cab during build time. 2. During build process the Cab is signed by Good private key. 3. The Checksum of cab is computed. 4. Cab is M2M signed. 5. The signed Cab and checksum is uploaded to the publicly hosted webstore . 6. Client side Installer downloads the cab and verifies the checksum along with signature 7. Installer executes the cab for GMM installation 8. Windows mobile, checks the M2M signature of the cab. The above sequences foolproofs and validates that security is ensured by GOOD while distributing and delivering versions of the cryptographic modules to authorized operators through a process that combines SSL, signing of CAB files and verification of check sum when downloaded.