This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 1 Cloudian Cryptographic Module Version 1.0 FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version Number: 1.2 This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 2 Table of Contents 1. Module Overview ..............................................................................................................................3 2. Modes of Operation ...........................................................................................................................4 2.1 Approved and Allowed Cryptographic Functions .......................................................................5 2.2 All other algorithms ...................................................................................................................6 3. Ports and interfaces............................................................................................................................6 4. Roles and Services.............................................................................................................................7 5. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs ...........................................................................................................8 6. Self-tests............................................................................................................................................9 7. References.......................................................................................................................................10 This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 3 1. Module Overview Cloudian Cryptographic Module is an element of Cloudian HyperStore. Cloudian HyperStore is a software-defined object storage platform that provides a secure multi-tenant data store for unstructured data. HyperStore object storage can be deployed and scaled out as a global cluster of nodes to deliver capacity storage which scales seamlessly. It's the industry's most compatible S3 API based object storage solution. The cryptographic module is a software module that is executing in a modifiable operational environment by a general purpose computer. This software module contains a single component: • fipscanister.o FIPS 140-2 conformance testing was performed at Security Level 1. The following configuration was tested by the lab. Table 1.1: Configuration tested by the lab1 Software Component Platform Operating System Processor(s) fipscanister.o Supermicro MicroCloud SYS-5038MR-H8TRF CentOS 7.4 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v3 @ 2.60GHz with AES-NI Dell PowerEdge T140 CentOS 7.4 on VMware ESXi 6.5.0 Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2174G CPU @ 3.80GHz with AES-NI Table 1.2: Module Security Level Statement FIPS Security Area Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 1 The module was also successfully tested without using AES-NI. However configurations without using AES-NI are not relevant to Cloudian. This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 4 FIPS Security Area Security Level Self-tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Figure 1: Block Diagram for Cloudian Cryptographic Module 2. Modes of Operation The mode is selected implicitly based on the services used. In the FIPS approved mode of operation the operator must only use FIPS-approved and allowed security functions listed in Application Virtualizer Hardware Linux Operating System Cryptographic Boundary Cloudian Cryptographic Module fipscanister.o This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 5 the Section 2.1. The Module requires an initialization sequence per IG 9.5. The calling application enables FIPS mode by calling the FIPS_mode_set() function. In the non-FIPS mode of operation the module performs non-approved functions listed in the Section “2.2 All Other Algorithms” of this security policy. These functions shall not be used in FIPS approved mode of operation. 2.1 Approved and Allowed Cryptographic Functions The following approved cryptographic algorithms are used in FIPS approved mode of operation. Table 2.1: Approved Cryptographic Functions. Algorithm CAVP Certificate AES (ECB, CBC, CFB, OFB, CTR, GCM, CCM and CMAC): 128/192/256 bits key AES XTS: 256/512 bits key C1361 SP 800-90A DRBG ( CTR, Hash, HMAC) HMAC (SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) SHS (SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) ECC CDH (CVL), all NIST defined B, K and P curves except sizes 163 and 192 3 key Triple-DES (TECB, TCBC, TCFB, TOFB, CMAC) RSA (FIPS 186-2) SigVer ANSIX9.31, SigVer RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5 , SigVer RSASSA-PSS (as specified on the CAVP Certificate) RSA (FIPS 186-4) SigGen ANSIX9.31, SigGen RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5 , SigGen RSASSA-PSS (as specified on the CAVP Certificate) DSA (FIPS 186-4) (PQG Gen, PQG Ver, Key Pair Gen, Sig Gen, Sig Ver (as specified on the CAVP Certificate) ECDSA (FIPS 186-4) PKG, PKV, SigGen, SigVer (as specified on the CAVP Certificate) The following non-FIPS approved but allowed cryptographic algorithms are used in FIPS approved mode of operation. This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 6 Table 2.2: Non-FIPS Approved But Allowed Cryptographic Functions. Algorithm RSA encrypt/decrypt using RSA with keys ≥ 2048 bits EC DH using all NIST defined B, K and P curves except sizes 163 and 192 2.2 All other algorithms In the FIPS approved mode of operation the operator must not use the functions listed in the Table 2.3. These functions are available in the User role. Table 2.3: Non-Approved Cryptographic Functions Algorithm (FIPS 186-2) RSA GenKey9.31, SigGen9.31, SigGenPKCS1.5, SigGenPSS (FIPS 186-2) DSA PQG Gen, Key Pair Gen, Sig Gen (FIPS 186-4) DSA PQG Gen, Key Pair Gen, Sig Gen (1024 with all SHA sizes, 2048/3072 with SHA-1) (FIPS 186-2) ECDSA PKG, SigGen (FIPS 186-4) ECDSA PKG: CURVES( P-192 K-163 B-163 ) SigGen: CURVES( P-192: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512) P- 224:(SHA-1) P-256:(SHA-1) P-384: (SHA-1) P-521:(SHA-1) K-163: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512) K-233:(SHA-1) K-283:(SHA-1) K-409:(SHA-1) K-571:(SHA-1) B-163: (SHA-1, 224, 256, 384, 512) B-233:(SHA-1) B-283: (SHA-1) B-409:(SHA-1) B-571:(SHA-1) ) (SP 800-56A) (§ ECC CDH (CVL) All NIST Recommended B, K and P curves sizes 163 and 192 RSA encrypt/decrypt using RSA with keys < 2048 bits ANSI X9.31 RNG(AES-128, AES-192, AES-256) 3. Ports and interfaces The physical ports of the module are the same as those of the computer system on which it is executing. The logical interfaces of the module are implemented via an Application Programming Interface (API). The following table describes each logical interface. This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 7 Table 3: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces. Logical Interface Description Data Input Input parameters that are supplied to the API commands Data Output Output parameters that are returned by the API commands Control Input API commands Status Output Return status provided by API commands 4. Roles and Services The module supports a Crypto Officer role and a User Role. The Crypto Officer installs and loads the module. The Crypto Officer also uses the services provided by the module. The User uses the cryptographic services provided by the module. The module provides the following services. Table 4: Roles and Services Service Corresponding Roles Types of Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – Read or Execute W – Write or Create Z – Zeroize Initialize User Crypto Officer N/A Self-test User Crypto Officer N/A Show status User Crypto Officer N/A Zeroize User Crypto Officer All: Z Installation Crypto Officer N/A Random number generation User Crypto Officer DRBG CSPs: R, W Asymmetric key generation User Crypto Officer DSA keys: W ECDSA keys: W Symmetric encrypt/decrypt User Crypto Officer AES key: R Triple-DES key: R Symmetric digest User Crypto Officer CMAC key: R Message digest User Crypto Officer N/A Keyed Hash User Crypto Officer HMAC key: R This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 8 Service Corresponding Roles Types of Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – Read or Execute W – Write or Create Z – Zeroize Key transport User Crypto Officer RSA keys: R Key agreement User Crypto Officer EC DH keys: R, W Digital signature User Crypto Officer RSA keys: R DSA keys: R ECDSA keys: R Table 4: Roles and Services Non-Approved cryptographic services are implementations of Non-Approved algorithms. They are listed in the Section 2.2. 5. Cryptographic Keys and CSPs The table below describes cryptographic keys and CSPs used by the module. Table 5: Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Key Description/Usage Origin Zeroization AES 128/192/256 bits Key AES XTS 256/512 bits key Used during AES/XTS encryption, decryption, generation and verification Upon power cycle the calling application must ensure that any AES-GCM keys are refreshed Generated using DRBG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot Triple-DES (3-Key) Key Used during Triple-DES encryption, decryption, generation and verification Generated using DRBG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot HMAC 160/224/256/384/ 512 bits Key Used during calculation of HMAC Generated using DRBG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot HMAC_DRBG CSPs: V(160/224/256/384/512 bits), Key(160/224/ 256/384/512 bits), and entropy input (length depends on security strength) Used during generation of random numbers Generated using NDRNG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 9 Key Description/Usage Origin Zeroization CTR_DRBG CSPs: V(128 bits), Key(AES 128/192/ 256 bits), seed (232/256/ 320/384 bits) and entropy input (length depends on security strength) Used during generation of random numbers Generated using NDRNG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot Hash_DRBG CSPs: V(440/888 bits), C(440/888 bits), seed (440/888 bits) and entropy input (length depends on security strength) Used during generation of random numbers Generated using NDRNG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot RSA public and private keys (1024 to 16384 bits) Used for Sign/Verify and Key wrapping Provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot DSA public and private keys (1024/2048/3072 bits) Used for Sign/Verify Generated using DRBG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot ECDSA public and private keys (all NIST defined B, K, and P curves) Used for Sign/Verify Generated using DRBG Zeroized during power cycle or reboot EC DH public and private keys (all NIST defined B, K, and P curves) Used for Key agreement Generated by the module or provided by user Zeroized during power cycle or reboot Note: public keys are not considered CSPs The Keys and CSPs are stored in plaintext in RAM within the module. CSPs enter the logical boundary in plaintext via API parameters without crossing the physical boundary. The module does not output CSPs, other than during key generation. However they don’t cross the physical boundary. API commands automatically zeroize temporarily stored CSPs. The calling applications shall use entropy sources that meet the security strength required by [SP 800-90A]. These sources shall return an error if the minimum entropy requirement is not met. Keys and CSPs used in the FIPS Approved mode of operation shall not be used while in the non-FIPS mode of operation. Keys or CSPs shall not be established while in the non-FIPS mode of operation. 6. Self-tests The module performs the following power-up and conditional self-tests. Upon failure or a power- up or conditional self-test the module halts its operation. This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 10 Table 6: Self-Tests Algorithm Test Software integrity KAT using HMAC-SHA1 HMAC KAT using SHA1, SHA224, SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512 to also cover SHA POST AES KAT(encryption/decryption) using ECB, CCM, GCM, and XTS KAT (sign / verify using CMAC) Triple-DES KAT(encryption/decryption) RSA KAT Pairwise consistency test on generation of a key pair DSA Pairwise Consistency Test (sign/verify) Pairwise consistency test on generation of a key pair DRBG KAT Continuous Random Number Generator test ECDSA Pairwise Consistency Test (sign/verify) Pairwise consistency test on generation of a key pair ECC CDH KAT 7. References Table 7: References Reference Specification [ANS X9.31] Digital Signatures Using Reversible Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry (rDSA) [FIPS 140-2] Security Requirements for Cryptographic modules, May 25, 2001 [FIPS 186-2/4] Digital Signature Standard [FIPS 197] Advanced Encryption Standard [FIPS 198-1] The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) [SP 800-38B] Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication This document can be freely distributed in its entirety without modification Page 11 Reference Specification [SP 800-38C] Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CCM Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality [SP 800-38D] Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC [SP 800-56A] Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography [SP 800-67R1] Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) Block Cipher [SP 800-90A] Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators