Rev 1.29 MiniCrypt Security Policy Page 1 of 16 MiniCrypt Firmware Version: 1.6 Document Version: 1.29 15 June 2020 Teledyne Webb Research 49 Edgerton Drive North Falmouth, MA 02556 Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 2 Validation This document may be reproduced only in its original entirety, without revision. Rev 1.29 MiniCrypt Security Policy Page 2 of 16 Table of Contents 1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................3 1.1 Module Description ..................................................................................................3 1.2 Boundary..................................................................................................................4 2 Security Level...................................................................................................................5 3 Modes of Operation..........................................................................................................6 4 Logical Interfaces .............................................................................................................7 5 Access Control Policy.......................................................................................................8 5.1 Roles and Services ..................................................................................................8 5.1.1 User Role.................................................................................................... 8 5.1.2 Crypto Officer Role ..................................................................................... 8 5.1.3 Role Authentication..................................................................................... 9 5.2 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) ..................................................10 5.2.1 Definition of CSPs Access Types...............................................................11 6 Key Management ...........................................................................................................12 7 Operational Environment................................................................................................13 7.1 Hardware Platform .................................................................................................13 8 Self Tests........................................................................................................................13 9 Physical Security............................................................................................................14 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy ...................................................................................15 11 Design Assurance ..........................................................................................................15 11.1 Delivery Guidance..............................................................................................15 11.2 Operator Guidance ............................................................................................15 12 Acronyms and Definitions...............................................................................................16 13 References.....................................................................................................................16 1 Introduction This document specifies the Security Policy for the Teledyne Webb Research MiniCrypt module (MiniCrypt) designed for use with the APF-11 (Autonomous Profiling Float version 11). This Security Policy was produced as part of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 2 validation of the MiniCrypt library, firmware version 1.6. MiniCrypt is a small, low resource utilization library for use in embedded systems. It is intended to provide a secure cryptographic infrastructure for a group of remote data acquisition products offered by Teledyne Webb Research. MiniCrypt provides the following FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic services: • Encrypt and decrypt application data using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) • Ensure message authentication and integrity using Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)-Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)-256 1.1 Module Description MiniCrypt is a standalone Application Programming Interface (API), distributed as a C object signed library image (minicrypt.img.signed). The module, together with its associated application file, are programmed into, and executed directly from, flash memory on the target microcontroller (STM32F103ZGT6). The “minicrypt.img.signed” image must be programmed to a specific memory address: 0x080FB400. As part of self-test processing before any cryptographic operations can be used, MiniCrypt will use HMAC to generate message authentication code given a key and its own code image and compare the generated message authentication code to the message authentication code stored after the code image in flash. If the message authentication code comparison fails, the module cannot be used. MiniCrypt contains only FIPS approved cryptographic algorithms listed in Table 2. Host application developers may call the APIs defined in the “mc_local.h” header file to use the approved cryptographic algorithms. Per FIPS 140-2, the MiniCrypt cryptographic module is classified as an embedded multi-chip firmware cryptographic module. MiniCrypt runs directly on the hardware and any RTOS that might be running on the device is not part of the module’s operational environment. MiniCrypt does not use any OS resources. 1.2 Boundary The physical boundary for the Module (shown in Figure 1) is defined as the APF-11 printed circuit board (PCB) on which the functions of the Module execute. The cryptographic boundary (shown in Figure 2) contains only the MiniCrypt software module, “minicrypt.img.signed”. Figure 1 – Hardware Diagram Showing Controller Containing Cryptographic Module Figure 2 – Firmware Diagram Showing Logical Cryptographic Boundary Physical Boundary minicrypt.img.signed Hardware Application including RTOS Logical Cryptographic Boundary Control Status Data Executes on Hardware Flash Memory 2 Security Level MiniCrypt meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 2 security of FIPS 140-2. Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 2 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 2 Self-Tests 2 Design Assurance 2 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 1 – Module Security Level Specifications 3 Modes of Operation MiniCrypt supports two modes of operation: • Non-approved mode. In this mode, the module can only determine the current mode or enter Approved mode; no cryptographic operations are allowed. • Approved mode. In this module, the module can perform any cryptographic operations. The following FIPS approved algorithms are supported in Approved mode: CAVP Cert. Algorithm Standard Mode / Method Key Lengths Use #C897 AES FIPS 197, SP 800-38A CBC, ECB 128, 192, 256 Data Encryption and Decryption #C897 HMAC FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA-256 112-512 Message Authentication #C897 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-256 N/A Message Digest Table 2 – Approved Algorithms Performing a successful role based authentication via the MC_set_role function is required in order to use any MiniCrypt cryptographic functions or MiniCrypt state altering functions like MC_set_mode. Once a successful role based authentication is achieved, all MiniCrypt API functions can be used. Once authenticated, the API function MC_set_mode can be called to explicitly put the module in and out of Approved mode; this operation executes the power on self-test routines when putting the module in Approved mode. No cryptographic functionality is available unless MiniCrypt is in the Approved mode. With or without authenticating, an application can determine the current operating mode of the module by calling the MC_get_mode function. A return value of MC_MODE_FIPS indicates that the module is in Approved mode. The module does not implement any non-approved cryptographic algorithms. 4 Logical Interfaces All FIPS 140-2 Logical interfaces are defined as the API of the cryptographic module. Control Input to MiniCrypt is through the API function calls. Data Input and Output are provided in the variables passed with the API calls, and Status Output is provided through the returns and error codes that are documented for each call. As a firmware-only module, the module does not have physical ports. For the purpose of the FIPS 140-2 validation, the physical ports are interpreted to be, the physical ports of the hardware platform on which the firmware application, containing the module, runs. FIPS Interface Logical Interface Data Input API input parameters Data Output API output parameters Control Input API input parameters Status Output API return codes Table 3 – Logical Interfaces 5 Access Control Policy 5.1 Roles and Services MiniCrypt supports two authenticated roles: a “Crypto Officer” and a “User” role. Only one role can be active at a time and MiniCrypt does not allow concurrent operators. 5.1.1 User Role An operator assuming the User Role can access the Set AES Key, AES Encrypt, AES Decrypt, SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-256, Get Mode, Set Mode, Get Role, Set Role, and Get Status services. 5.1.2 Crypto Officer Role An operator assuming the Crypto Officer Role can access the Set AES Key, AES Encrypt, AES Decrypt, SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-256, Get Mode, Set Mode, Get Role, Set Role, Get Status, and Run Self-tests services. 5.1.3 Role Authentication MiniCrypt requires a password be provided with the selected role. There is a password associated with the “User” role and another password associated with the “Crypto Officer” role. The application using MiniCrypt provides the plaintext password. It is the application’s responsibility to clear the memory that held any password. The known SHA256 hashed password for each role is stored statically in the MiniCrypt code library. Role Authentication Type and Data Strength of Authentication User Role based password 25 characters (Combination of lower, upper, special and number characters) The probability of guessing the password is greater than or equal to P = 1/94^25 = 1/2.129e49, which is less than 1 in 1,000,000. The MC_set_role command used to perform the User role authentication can be executed approximately 300 times within 1 minute. This means that an attacker has the probability of guessing the User password in one minute as 300/2.129e49 which is much less than the requirement of 1/100,000. Crypto Officer Role based password 28 characters (Combination of lower, upper, special and number characters) The probability of guessing the password is greater than or equal to P = 1/94^28 = 1/1.768e55, which is less than 1 in 1,000,000. The MC_set_role command used to perform the Crypto Officer role authentication can be executed approximately 300 times within 1 minute. This means that an attacker has the probability of guessing the Crypto Officer password in one minute as 300/1.768e55 which is much less than the requirement of 1/100,000. Table 4 – Role Authentication Details 5.2 Definition of Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) The Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) defined for MiniCrypt consists of cryptographic keys and passwords. The module does not persistently store keys. The following keys are supported by the module: • AES Keys: 128, 192 and 256 bit keys used to AES encrypt/decrypt data. • HMAC Keys: For use during HMAC operations. There are two SHA-256 password hashes stored persistently within the logical boundary and plaintext inputs are compared to them. 5.2.1 Definition of CSPs Access Types Table 4 defines the relationship between access to CSPs and the different module services. The types of access shown in the table are defined as follows: Read, Write, or Execute. Services Keys / CSPs Authorized Roles Type of Access AES Encrypt1 AES Key User / Crypto Officer Execute AES Decrypt1 AES Key User / Crypto Officer Execute Set AES Key1 AES Key User / Crypto Officer Write HMAC-SHA-2561 HMAC Key User / Crypto Officer Write/Execute SHA-2561 N/A User / Crypto Officer Execute Get Mode N/A User / Crypto Officer / Unauthenticated N/A Set Mode N/A User / Crypto Officer N/A Get Role N/A User / Crypto Officer / Unauthenticated N/A Set Role Password and SHA- 256 password hash User / Crypto Officer Read/Execute Get Status N/A User / Crypto Officer / Unauthenticated N/A Run Self-tests1 N/A Crypto Officer N/A Table 5 – Key and CSP Access Rights within Services 1 Available in Approved mode only 6 Key Management Cryptographic key management is concerned with generating and storing keys, managing access to keys, protecting keys during use, and zeroizing keys when they are no longer required. MiniCrypt does not currently support key generation. MiniCrypt does not provide long-term cryptographic key storage. Keys are provided through a defined API and stored in volatile (short term) memory in plain text. MiniCrypt accepts key data input from calling application for its cipher and HMAC operations. Key data is supplied as a pointer to a caller-managed data buffer. The calling application maintains responsibility for managing the key buffer memory throughout the operation. MiniCrypt uses context data structures to store cipher and digest state information across multiple API calls. All context data is zeroized when the context structures are destroyed at the conclusion of the cipher or digest operations. CSP Name CSP Type Generation/Input Storage Zeroization AES Key 128, 192, 256 bit AES key Input Volatile memory Cleared upon conclusion of usage HMAC Key 112-512 bit key Input Volatile memory Cleared upon conclusion of usage Crypto Officer Password ASCII password Input Volatile memory Cleared upon conclusion of usage User Password ASCII password Input Volatile memory Cleared upon conclusion of usage SHA-256 Password Hash SHA-256 hash N/A Non-Volatile memory Never cleared Table 6 – Life Cycle of CSPs 7 Operational Environment This module operates in a non-modiable operational environment under the FIPS 140-2 Section 4.6 definitions. 7.1 Hardware Platform For FIPS 140-2 testing, the library was installed into flash memory on STM32F103ZGT6 microcontroller with 1 M Bytes of flash program memory and 96 K Bytes of SRAM data memory using a serial port for human computer interaction. 8 Self Tests The cryptographic module performs the following power up self-tests: A. Integrity Test (HMAC-SHA-256) B. Known Answer tests: a. AES Encrypt KAT b. AES Decrypt KAT c. SHA-256 KAT d. HMAC-SHA-256 KAT 9 Physical Security Since the MiniCrypt module is entirely firmware, the MiniCrypt module depends on protections of the APF-11 printed circuit board (PCB) on which MiniCrypt is installed. The PCB includes an opaque conformal coating used to protect against visual identification of hardware components and allows for detection of any tamper of the underlying circuitry. Figure 3 –APF-11 PCB Front with Conformal Coating Figure 4 – APF-11 PCB Back with Conformal Coating 10 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The module has not been designed to mitigate any specific attacks outside the scope of FIPS 140-2 requirements. 11 Design Assurance 11.1 Delivery Guidance In order to ensure correct operation, the application developer and/or Crypto Officer is responsible for integrating the MiniCrypt library into the target application. One must verify the authenticity of the “minicrypt.img.signed” file using an external SHA256 application. The correct SHA256 hash for MiniCrypt 1.6 “minicrypt.img.signed” file is: d83cfd7f9bb29c14c51a40435bc307bfcae74253ed9cab2062a9c9ce5718d7df 11.2 Operator Guidance Guidance for the operator to bring the module into operational state is as follows: • Program the module into the target system flash memory at address 0x080FB400. • Call API functions per the MiniCrypt Users Guide. • To bring the module into an operational state: o The API function MC_set_role must be called with correct role ID and password for the desired role. Upon a valid role and password combination, the module will enter Approved mode. Reference the MiniCrypt Users Guide for API information and additional details. 12 Acronyms and Definitions The following table lists and describes the acronyms and definitions used throughout this FIPS submission documentation. Term Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard. Specified in FIPS 197. API Application Programming Interface. CBC Cipher Block Chaining. A mode of encryption in which each encrypted block depends upon previous output data. Decryption The restoration of the original plaintext data from a ciphertext. ECB Electronic Codebook. A mode of encryption that divides a message into blocks and encrypts each block separately. Encryption The transformation of input data (called plaintext) into a less intelligible form (called ciphertext) through a mathematical process. FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards. HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code. KAT Known Answer Test. Key A string of bits used in cryptography, to encrypt and decrypt data. Can be used to perform other mathematical operations as well. NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology. SHA-256 Secure Hash Algorithm, 256 bit. Specified by FIPS 180-4. Table 7 – Acronyms and Definitions 13 References 1. [FIPS 140-2] NIST, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 2. [FIPS 180-4] NIST, Secure Hash Standard (SHS), August 2015 3. [FIPS 197] NIST, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), November 26, 2001 4. [FIPS 198-1] NIST, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), July 2008 5. [SP 800-38A] NIST, Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques, December 2001 6. Teledyne Webb Research, MiniCrypt Users Guide, revision 1.6