©NUVOTON TECHNOLOGY CORP. – NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY – MAY BE RE-DISTRIBUTED FREELY IN ITS COMPLETE, UNEDITED FORM NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Revision 1.0.7 NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 2 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Revision Record Revision Date Comments 0.8.0 May 25, 2021 Preliminary version 0.9.0 May 30, 2021 Updated Table 4 according to convention 1.0.0 June 1, 2021 Changes following review 1.0.1 June 3, 2021 Changes following review 1.0.2 September 23, 2021 Streamlined Tables 4 and 5 1.0.3 October 5, 2021 Updated CAVP Certificate in Table 4 1.0.4 October 6, 2021 Removed redundant text from Sections 2.1 and 2.2 1.0.5 December 1, 2021 Changed ENT to ENT (P) in Table 4 1.0.6 January 19, 2022 Added Firmware version 1.0.7 January 11, 2023 Added “Operational Environment” section (1.3). Added reference [3] to “References” section (13). Refined the explanation and added references to [3] in “Authentication” section (4.1). In Table 4: - Changed RSADP entry to CVL. - Changed KTS-AES entry to KTS (global change) and updated the Use column. - In KTS-RSA entry, removed one mode and updated the Use column. - Changed the reference from SP800-56B to SP800-56Br2. - Added DRBG Conditioning Component. - In ENT (P) entry, removed footnote. Added “Key Generation and Entropy” section (5.1). Changed the title of section 2.2 to “Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms” and added a new footnote in Table 5. In Table 8 updated Firmware Update entry and added a footnote. In Table 9, changed “NDRBG” and “NDRNG” to “ENT (P)”. In Table 10, added ENT (P) (Health Test) and changed KDFe to KDA. In Acronym section (12) “SP” changed to “SP800” (NIST Special Publication). Added guidance to “Object Import” section (9.5). NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 3 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Table of Contents 1. MODULE DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................... 5 1.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 5 1.2 APPROVED MODES .................................................................................................................... 8 1.2.1 Approved Mode 1........................................................................................................ 8 1.2.2 Approved Mode 2........................................................................................................ 9 1.3 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................................... 9 2. CRYPTOGRAPHIC FUNCTIONS AND CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS (CSPS).................... 10 2.1 SUPPORTED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FUNCTIONS..................................................................................... 10 2.2 NON-APPROVED, NOT ALLOWED ALGORITHMS............................................................................. 12 3. PORTS AND INTERFACES.................................................................................................. 13 4. ROLES, AUTHENTICATION AND SERVICES......................................................................... 14 4.1 AUTHENTICATION .................................................................................................................... 15 4.1.1 Dictionary Attack (DA) Protection............................................................................. 15 4.1.2 Authorization Strength.............................................................................................. 15 4.1.3 Authorization Token Value Selection ........................................................................ 16 4.2 SERVICES................................................................................................................................ 17 5. KEY AND CSP MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 20 5.1 KEY GENERATION AND ENTROPY................................................................................................. 22 6. SELF TESTS ...................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 POWER-ON SELF TESTS ............................................................................................................ 23 6.2 CONDITIONAL SELF TESTS.......................................................................................................... 24 7. PHYSICAL SECURITY......................................................................................................... 26 8. ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND COMPATIBILITY (EMI/EMC) .............................. 27 9. CRYPTO-OFFICER GUIDANCE............................................................................................ 28 9.1 MODES OF OPERATION............................................................................................................. 28 9.2 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................... 28 9.3 OBJECT AUTHORIZATION........................................................................................................... 28 9.4 OBJECT DUPLICATION............................................................................................................... 28 9.5 OBJECT IMPORT....................................................................................................................... 29 10. OBJECT USER GUIDANCE ................................................................................................. 30 11. DUPLICATE GUIDANCE..................................................................................................... 31 12. ACRONYMS..................................................................................................................... 32 13. REFERENCES.................................................................................................................... 33 NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 4 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Figures Figure 1. LAG019 in QFN32 Package ......................................................................................5 Figure 2. LAG019 in UQFN16 Package....................................................................................5 Figure 3. LAG019 in TSSOP28 Package..................................................................................6 Figure 4. TPM 2.0 Logical Block Diagram.................................................................................6 Tables Table 1. Security Levels............................................................................................................7 Table 2. Approved Mode 1........................................................................................................8 Table 3. Approved Mode 2........................................................................................................9 Table 4. Approved Algorithms.................................................................................................10 Table 5. Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms....................................................................12 Table 6. Ports and Interfaces..................................................................................................13 Table 7. Roles.........................................................................................................................14 Table 8. Module Services .......................................................................................................17 Table 9. Cryptographic Keys...................................................................................................20 Table 10. Power-On Self Tests (POST)..................................................................................23 Table 11. Conditional Self Tests.............................................................................................24 NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 5 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 1. Module Description 1.1 General Description The Nuvoton Trusted Platform Module (“Module”) is a hardware cryptographic module that implements advanced cryptographic algorithms, including symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, as well as key generation and random number generation. The Module is a single-chip module that provides cryptographic services utilized by external applications. The Module meets the requirements of FIPS Pub 140-2. The Module meets commercial-grade specifications for power, temperature, reliability, shock, and vibrations, and includes chip packaging to meet the physical security requirements at Physical Security Level 3. In addition, it meets EMI/EMC Security Level 3. The FIPS 140-2 conformance testing was performed on the following configurations of the Nuvoton NPCT7xx TPM 2.0:  Firmware version:,  Hardware version 1: LAG019 in TSSOP28 package  Hardware version 2: LAG019 in QFN32 package  Hardware version 3: LAG019 in UQFN16 package The TPM2.0 packages are shown below. Figure 1. LAG019 in QFN32 Package Figure 2. LAG019 in UQFN16 Package NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 6 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Figure 3. LAG019 in TSSOP28 Package The physical cryptographic boundary of the Module is the outer boundary of the chip packaging. Figure 4 shows a logical diagram of the Module: Figure 4. TPM 2.0 Logical Block Diagram RNG Power Management NON-VOLATILE Data Processor Crypto Accelerator Code GPIO Peripherals Volatile Data Host Interface (TIS Emulation) SPI Bus GPI0 Physical Presence I2C Bus NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 7 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy The Module was tested to meet overall Security Level 2 of the FIPS PUB 140-2 standard. The Security Level for each section of FIPS PUB 140-2 is specified in Table 1. Table 1. Security Levels FIPS 140-2 Section Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 2 Roles, Services and Authentication 2 Finite State Model 2 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 2 EMI/EMC 3 Self Tests 2 Design Assurance 2 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 8 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 1.2 Approved Modes For some TPM host platforms, it might take too much time to execute all self tests during power up. Therefore, the TPM supports the following two Approved modes. 1.2.1 Approved Mode 1 This mode is the default mode when the TPM powers up. Table 2. Approved Mode 1 Properties Description Definition Transient mode Configuration This mode is the default when the TPM powers up. It assumes a list of basic algorithms (listed in ‘Algorithms used’ row) that are going to be used for basic TPM commands. These algorithms are tested in _TPM_Init, i.e., before the first command is executed. Services available All services that do not use asymmetric cryptography (RSA, ECDSA, ECDH) Algorithms used SHS (SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384) / HMAC / AES / DRBG / KBKDF / KDFe CSPs used Only asymmetric CSPs (RSA and ECC keys) cannot be used Self tests SHS (SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384) / HMAC / AES / DRBG / KBKDF / KDFe and firmware integrity test NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 9 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 1.2.2 Approved Mode 2 This mode is the Approved mode of operation when all CSPs are accessible. Table 3. Approved Mode 2 Properties Description Definition Full Approved mode of operation Configuration There are three ways to move to Mode 2: 1. TPM2_SelfTest(fullTest = YES) command. 2. TPM2_SelfTest(fullTest = NO) command. If the firmware is in Mode 1, the command returns TPM_RC_TESTING. Immediately after that, the firmware runs a self test equivalent to TPM2_SelfTest(fullTest = YES). If a command is received before the TPM has completed self test execution, the TPM will first complete SelfTest and then execute the command. 3. Command that requires Mode 2 (all commands not listed in PTP section, Self Test and Early Platform Initialization). Incremental ST does not move to Mode 2 even if all the algorithm testing is completed using this command. Services available All services Algorithms used All supported algorithms CSPs used All CSPs Self tests SHS (SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384) / HMAC / AES / DRBG / KBKDF / KDFe / RSA / ECDH / ECDSA and firmware integrity test 1.3 Operational Environment The Module’s operational environment is non-modifiable as defined by FIPS 140-2. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 10 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 2. Cryptographic Functions and Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) 2.1 Supported Cryptographic Functions The Module’s cryptographic functions are outlined in Table 4. Table 4. Approved Algorithms CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths/ Curves Use A1961 AES FIPS 197, SP800-38A OFB, CFB, CTR 128 256 Data Encryption and Decryption A1961 RSA FIPS 186- 4, PKCS#1 v2.1 SHA-256, SHA- 384 / RSASSA- PKCS1-v1_5, RSASSA-PSS 2048 3072 Digital Signature Generation SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 / RSASSA-PKCS1- v1_5, RSASSA-PSS 2048 3072 Digital Signature Verification N/A 2048 3072 Key Generation A1961 CVL SP800- 56Br2 RSA Decryption 2048 3072 Key Transport Primitive A1961 KTS-RSA SP800- 56Br2 RSA Encryption and Decryption using RSAES_OAEP mode 2048 3072 Key Transport. The key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 128 bits of encryption strength NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 11 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths/ Curves Use Vendor Affirmed CKG SP800-133 Generation of symmetric keys and seeds when generating private keys for asymmetric key algorithm1 128 256 Key Generation A1961 ECDSA FIPS 186-4 SHA-256 SHA-384 P-256 P-384 Digital Signature Generation SHA-1 SHA-256 SHA-384 Digital Signature Verification N/A Key Generation N/A Public Key Validation A1961 KAS-SSC SP800-56A rev. 3 Full Unified, One Pass DH P-256 P-384 Key Agreement A1961 HMAC FIPS 198-1 SHA-1 / HMAC SHA-256 / HMAC SHA-384 / HMAC 160 256 384 Keyed Message Digest for Message Authentication A1961 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-1 SHA-256 SHA-384 N/A Message Digest A1961 DRBG SP800-90A Block_Cipher_df 256 Conditioning Component A1961 DRBG SP800-90A CTR_DRBG AES- 2562 256 Deterministic Random Bit Generation 1 The resulting symmetric key or generated seed is an unmodified output from the DRBG. 2 The derivation function is not used during instantiation of the CTR_DRBG. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 12 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Lengths/ Curves Use A1961 KBKDF SP800-108 HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384 / CTR3 N/A Key Derivation A1961 KTS SP800-38F HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA256, HMAC-SHA384 / CFB 128 256 Key transport based on the combination of AES (Cert. #A1961) and HMAC (Cert. #A1961). Key establishment methodology provides 128 or 256 bits ofencryption strength. A1961 KDA SP800-56C Rev. 1 SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384 / One- step N/A Key Derivation ENT (P) N/A SP800-90B N/A N/A Seeding/Reseeding the DRBG 2.2 Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms Table 5. Non-Approved, Not Allowed Algorithms Function Use SHA-1 Digital signature generation4 3 For algorithms TPM_ALG_KEYEDHASH and TPM_ALG_SYMCIPHER in [1], part 2. 4 Digital signature generation with SHA-1 should not be used in an Approved Mode. For more details, refer to section 9.1. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 13 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 3. Ports and Interfaces The ports of the Module are:  SPI Bus  I2C Bus  PP (Physical Presence) Pin  Platform Reset  Power The logical interfaces and the mapping of the logical interfaces to the physical ports of the Module are described in the table below. Table 6. Ports and Interfaces Logical Interface Description Physical Ports Control Input Interface Control Input commands issued to the chip SPI Bus I2C Bus PP pin Platform Reset Power Status Output Interface Status data output by the chip SPI Bus I2C Bus Data Input Interface Data provided to the chip as part of the data processing commands SPI Bus I2C Bus PP pin Platform Reset Data Output Interface Data output by the chip a part of the data processing commands SPI Bus I2C Bus Power Interface Power interface of the chip Platform Reset Power The Module does not include a maintenance interface. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 14 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 4. Roles, Authentication and Services The three operation roles implemented by the Module are summarized in the table below. Table 7. Roles Role Acronym High Level Description Crypto-Officer CO Also known as “Object Administrator”; installs and configures the Module, controls certification, changes authorization Object User5 OU Uses the object to execute services Duplicate6 DUP Duplicates an object (if object duplication is allowed) The Module provides three authorization types to identify the role: Password, HMAC and Policy. Password Authorization – A plaintext password value presented to authorize an action or identify a role. A plaintext password may be only appropriate for cases in which the path between the caller and the TPM is trusted or when the password is well known. HMAC Authorization – Proving the knowledge of a shared secret via challenge-response HMAC protocol to authorize an action or identify a role. HMAC key is the shared secret. Policy Authorization – Also known as “Enhanced Authorization”, allows entity-creators or administrators to require specific tests or actions to be performed as authorization method or identity proof. The specific policy is encapsulated in a digest value that is associated with an entity. An entity has a policy that defines the conditions for use of an entity. A policy may be arbitrarily complex. However, the policy is expressed as one (statistically unique) digest called the authPolicy. Both HMAC and Policy authorizations include rolling nonce values as part of the protocol, as a challenge and to prevent a replay-attack. Note: For commands that require Platform Authorization and commands that require a hierarchy authorization, it is possible to require an additional out-of-band authorization. This may use a dedicated pin in the TPM – also known as “Physical Presence” (PP). The TPM maintains a table of the commands that require that PP be asserted to authorize command execution. Only certain commands may be included in this table. 5 For the context of FIPS 140-2, the Object User is mapped to the User role. 6 For the context of FIPS 140-2, the Duplicate User is mapped to the Crypto-Officer role. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 15 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 4.1 Authentication 4.1.1 Dictionary Attack (DA) Protection The TPM incorporates mechanisms that provide protection against guessing or exhaustive searches of authorization values stored within the TPM. The DA protection logic is triggered when the rate of authorization failures is too high. If this occurs, the TPM enters Lockout mode preventing any operation that requires use of a DA protected object. Depending on the settings of the configurable parameters, the TPM can “self-heal” after a specified amount of time or be programmatically reset using proof of knowledge of an authorization value or satisfaction of a policy (i.e., using lockoutAuth). While authorization values that are expected to be high-entropy values will not need DA protection, lockoutAuth is always DA-protected even though it may have high-entropy. 4.1.2 Authorization Strength The Module authenticates operator actions using authorization tokens. Considering the most conservative TPM command throughput on the bus and command execution duration, the number of commands that can be executed per second is 1,000, which is 60,000 attempts per minute. Password and HMAC Authorization Strength When a high-entropy authorization token is used (where DA protection may be disabled), each value, statistically, has the same probability to be chosen. For worst case scenario, assume SHA-1 output values size (160-bit array), producing 2160 different possible values. Thus the probability for one randomly successful attempt is 2-160 = 6.8 * 10-49 < 10-48 which is less than the one in 1,000,000 maximum probability allowed by [3]. At maximum 60,000 trials per minute the probability for success in one minute is 2-160×60,000 = 4.1×10-44 < 10-43 which is less than the one in 100,000 maximum probability allowed by [3]. If a lower entropy authorization token is used (e.g., memorized PIN or password), a combination of password size (i.e., determines size of entropy) and DA protection setting should be selected to meet the FIPS requirements. A requirement of an 8-character password string with TCG’s default DA settings7 (maxTries = 3; recoveryTime = 1,000 seconds) would produce the necessary strength: For the worst case, assume an eight-digit PIN, which has 108 different possible values. Thus the probability for one randomly successful attempt is 10-8 which is less than the one in 1,000,000 maximum probability allowed by [3]. The TCG default DA settings allow three trials before lockout (for duration of over a minute), so the probability for success in less than one minute in these settings would be 10-8×3 < 10-7 which is less than the one in 100,000 maximum probability allowed by [3]. 7 See [1] part 1 NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 16 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Policy Authorization Strength Since policy authorization is expressed as (statistically unique) digest, for worst case scenario, assume SHA-1 output values size (160-bit array), producing 2160 different possible values. The probabilities for randomly successful single and multiple attempts are identical to those calculated in Section 4.1.3 Authorization Token Value Selection TPM permits the creation of objects with NULL authorization (empty buffer). However, to meet the Authorization Strength listed in Section 4.1.2, roles should not use NULL authorization values for CSPs. The TPM Crypto-Officer’s role is to set proper authorization values for the Storage and Endorsement hierarchies (if there is no OS managing these authorization values for the user). The following calculations are done in the same manner as in Section For environments in which DA protection is disabled, a random 40-bit value is sufficient to meet the FIPS 140-2 requirement:  The probability for one randomly successful attempt is 2-40 = 9.1 * 10-13 < 10-12 which is less than the one in 1,000,000 maximum probability allowed by [3].  The probability for success in one minute is 2-40×60,000 = 5.4×10-8 < 10-7 which is less than the one in 100,000 maximum probability allowed by [3]. For environments in which DA protection is enabled and default values are used, a 7-digit PIN is sufficient to meet the FIPS 140-2 requirement:  The probability for a randomly successful attempt is 10-7 which is less than the one in 1,000,000 maximum probability allowed by [3].  The probability for success in one minute assuming three trials by DA protection would be: 10-7×3 < 10-6 i.e. less than the one in 100,000 maximum probability allowed by [3]. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 17 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 4.2 Services Table 8 lists all Module services, the affected CSPs, and the associated roles: Table 8. Module Services Service Description CSP Role Get Status The Module implements a Get Status commands that returns the status of the Module, including success or failure of self tests. Note: This service (e.g., TPM2_GetCapability) does not require authentication None CO, OU, DUP Self Tests The Module runs power-on self tests automatically when powered on and on demand. Note: This service (e.g., TPM2_Selftest) does not require authentication None CO, OU, DUP Encrypt Used to encrypt data Encryption keys, Public storage keys, Platform keys CO, OU, DUP Decrypt Used to decrypt data Encryption keys, Private storage keys, Endorsement keys, Platform keys CO, OU Zeroize Used to zeroize (irreversibly destroy) Module's cryptographic keys and CSPs Encryption keys, Public verification keys, Public storage keys, Private storage keys, Identity keys, HMAC keys, Endorsement keys, Platform keys, DRBG seed, DRBG Entropy Input, DRBG “V”, DRBG Key CO MAC, MAC Verify Used to calculate and verify MAC for data HMAC keys CO, OU NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 18 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Service Description CSP Role Key Generate Used to generate keys Encryption keys, Public verification keys, Public storage keys, Private storage keys, Identity keys, Ephemeral keys, HMAC keys, Endorsement keys, Platform keys, DRBG seed, DRBG Entropy Input, DRBG “V”, DRBG Key CO, OU RSA Verify Used to verify data using RSA Public verification keys, Platform keys, Firmware Update key CO, OU RSA Sign Used to sign data using RSA Identity keys, Platform keys CO, OU ECDSA Verify Used to verify data using ECDSA Public verification keys, Platform keys CO, OU ECDSA Sign Used to sign data using ECDSA Identity keys, Platform keys CO, OU Key Import Used to import keys Encryption keys, Public verification keys, Public storage keys, Private storage keys, Identity keys, HMAC keys, Platform keys CO Key Duplicate Used to export keys Encryption keys, Public storage keys, Private storage keys, Ephemeral keys, HMAC keys, Platform keys CO, DUP Key Agreement Used to derive a key Ephemeral Keys, Endorsement keys, Platform keys CO, OU TPM Identity Used to authenticate TPM Identity to other parties Identity keys CO, OU NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 19 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Service Description CSP Role TPM Endorsement Used to prove to other parties that TPM is a genuine TPM Endorsement keys CO, OU TPM Get Random Used to generate random data Note: This service does not require authentication. DRBG seed, DRBG Entropy Input, DRBG “V”, DRBG Key CO, OU TPM Stir Random Used to add entropy to the random bit generator Note: This service does not require authentication. DRBG seed, DRBG Entropy Input, DRBG “V”, DRBG Key CO, OU Install Module Installs Module HMAC keys, Platform keys CO Firmware Update Updates Module’s firmware. Referred to in [1] as “Field Upgrade”. Requires Platform Authorization. Firmware that is loaded into the Module but is not within the scope of this validation requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation 8 . Firmware Update key CO 8 For further information and instructions on the Firmware Update procedure, contact the platform manufacturer or Nuvoton support. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 20 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 5. Key and CSP Management Table 9 specifies each cryptographic key or CSP utilized by the Module. For access type description, the following acronyms are used: W - Write; the CSP is updated/written by the TPM E - Execute; the CSP is used by the TPM for execution TPM commands that have CSP as input/output parameters shall use parameter encryption. Table 9. Cryptographic Keys Key or CSP Function Usage Service - Access Encryption keys AES KTS KBKDF DRBG CKG Used to: - Wrap keys: for import/duplication, for wrapping keys stored outside the TPM and for session keys (audit or parameter encryption) - Encrypt/decrypt input/output parameters - Decrypt credentials Keys generated using DRBG, derived using KBKDF or securely transported using public/private storage keys. Encrypt - E Decrypt - E Zeroize - W Key Import - E, W Key Generate - W Key Duplicate - E Public verification keys RSASA RSAKG ECDSA ECCKG DRBG Used to verify signatures on data, as service for external application, or as part of Authorization Policy verification. Keys may be generated in the TPM (as part of Identity key generation) or loaded from external source. Zeroize - W Key Generate - W RSA Verify - E ECDSA Verify - E Key Import - W Public storage keys KTS-RSA RSAKG KBKDF DRBG Used to transport keys generated externally or generated by TPM. Keys may be generated in the TPM (as part of Private storage key generation) or imported from external source. Encrypt - E Zeroize - W Key Generate - W Key Import - W Key Duplicate - E Private storage keys KTS-RSA RSAKG KBKDF KTS DRBG Used to transport keys generated externally or generated by TPM. Keys may be generated in the TPM (stored encapsulated or wrapped outside the TPM) or imported from external source. Decrypt - E Zeroize - W Key Generate - W Key Import - E, W Key Duplicate - E NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 21 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Key or CSP Function Usage Service - Access Identity keys RSASA RSAKG ECDSAE CCKG KBKDF KTS DRBG Authorization tokens used to prove TPM identity to other parties. Used to sign information generated or controlled by the TPM. Keys may be generated in the TPM (stored encapsulated or wrapped outside the TPM) or imported from external source. Zeroize - W Key Generate - W RSA Sign - E ECDSA Sign - E Key Import - W TPM Identity - E Ephemeral keys KAS-SSC ECCKG KBKDF KTS DRBG Used to exchange secrets to establish a symmetric key, using One-Pass Diffie-Hellman. Used for: - Encryption of authorization session salt - Secret sharing for duplication - Secret sharing for credentials Keys may be generated in the TPM (stored encapsulated or wrapped outside the TPM) or imported from external source. Key Generate - W Key Duplicate - E Key Agreement - E HMAC keys HMAC KTS DRBG CKG Used to calculate and verify MAC codes for data. Used for: - Ensuring association of credential with a loaded object - Access or usage authorization - Symmetric signing - Audit Keys may be generated in the TPM (stored encapsulated or wrapped outside the TPM) or imported from external source. Zeroize - W MAC, MAC Verify - E Key Generate - W Key Import - W Key Duplicate - E Install Module - W, E Endorsement keys KTS-RSA RSAKG KAS-SSC ECCKG KBKDF DRBG Authorization tokens used to prove to the external parties that TPM is a genuine TPM. Keys may be generated in the TPM or installed during TPM manufacturing. Decrypt - E Zeroize - W Key Generate - W Key Agreement - E TPM Endorsement - E NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 22 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy Key or CSP Function Usage Service - Access Platform keys AES KTS-RSA RSASA RSAKG KAS-SSC ECDSA ECCKG KBKDF DRBG Keys used by the Platform Firmware. Encrypt - E Decrypt - E Zeroize - W Key Generate - W RSA Verify - E RSA Sign - E ECDSA Verify - E ECDSA Sign - E Key Import - E Key Duplicate - E Key Agreement - E Install Module - W, E Firmware Update key ECDSA Used to verify signature on firmware updates. Key installed at the module manufacturing. ECDSA Verify - E Firmware update - E DRBG seed ENT (P) Used to seed the DRBG, generated by the ENT (P). Zeroize - W Key Generate - E TPM Get Random - E TPM Stir Random - W DRBG Entropy Input ENT (P) Used as Entropy input for the DRBG’s seeds, generated by the ENT (P). Zeroize - W Key Generate - E TPM Get Random - E TPM Stir Random - W DRBG “V” DRBG CTR_DRBG’s internal state that is updated each time another block length number of bits of output are produced. Zeroize - W Key Generate - E DRBG Key DRBG CTR_DRBG’s Key. Zeroize - W Key Generate - E 5.1 Key Generation and Entropy The SP800-90A CTR_DRBG is seeded by the vetted conditioning component Block_Cipher_df, defined in SP800-90B; its input is 1024 bits extracted from ENT (P) with entropy of 512 bits (derived from the min-entropy which is 0.5). The result is that the DRBG is initialized at its full security strength of 256 bits, which is sufficient to support the strength of the largest key generated by the Module. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 23 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 6. Self Tests 6.1 Power-On Self Tests The Module implements the following tests during power-on: Table 10. Power-On Self Tests (POST) Cryptography Function Test Type Firmware integrity HMAC using a 128-bit error detection code HMAC FIPS 198-1 KAT using SHA2-384 SHA-1, SHA2-256, SHA2-384 FIPS 180-4 KAT for each SHA type AES Encryption / Decryption (CFB, CTR, OFB) FIPS 197 KAT from SP800-38A KBKDF SP800-108 KAT KDA SP800-56C rev. 1 KAT per IG.D.8 DRBG SP800-90A KAT ENT (P) SP800-90B RCT and APT Health Tests, running over 1024 consecutive samples NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 24 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 6.2 Conditional Self Tests The Module implements the following conditional tests: Table 11. Conditional Self Tests Cryptography Function Condition Test Type POST TPM2_SelfTest(fullTest = YES) and in transition to Approved Mode 2 All tests listed in Table 11 ECDSA sign / verify TPM2_SelfTest(fullTest = YES) and in transition to Approved Mode 2 FIPS 186-4 KAT KAS-SSC TPM2_SelfTest(fullTest = YES) and in transition to Approved Mode 2 SP800-56A rev. 3 KAT RSA sign / verify TPM2_SelfTest(fullTest = YES) and in transition to Approved Mode 2 PKCS#1v2.1, FIPS 186-4 KAT RSA key generation Key Generation Conditional pair-wise consistency check for RSA public-private key pairs each time an RSA key pair is generated, using FIPS 186-4 ECC key generation Key Generation Conditional pair-wise consistency check for ECDSA public-private key pairs each time an ECDSA key pair is generated, using FIPS 186-4 Firmware Load Test Firmware Update Firmware update test during the firmware update. The digital signature is verified on the firmware image using an ECC (SHA2-256) algorithm, utilizing a 384-bit Firmware Update key DRBG New bits are generated SP800-90A Continuous Self Test ENT (P) Upon first use of newly- generated bits SP800-90B Health Test NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 25 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy If a conditional or power-on self test fails, the Module enters an error state where both data output and cryptographic services are disabled. The Module may recover this error state if the power-on self test after reset or power-on succeeds. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 26 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 7. Physical Security The TPM is implemented as a single integrated circuit (IC) device that attaches to standard system PCBs. It is manufactured using de-facto standard integrated circuit manufacturing technologies, producing a device that meets all commercial-grade power, temperature, reliability, shock and vibration specifications. The TPM IC physical package provides hardness, opacity and tamper-evidence protection conforming to FIPS 140-2 Physical Security Level 3. The TPM achieves this level of protection by implementing an enclosure that is both hard and opaque, as shown in the figures in Section 1. This type of IC package ensures that any physical tampering will always result in scratches, chipping or other visible damage on the enclosure. Before the TPM is integrated into a target application system, it must be checked visually for tampering. After it is integrated, typically through soldering onto a PCB, it can be inspected for tampering by opening the application system enclosure and examining the TPM. Module hardness testing was only performed at ambient room temperature; no assurance is provided for Level 3 hardness conformance at any other temperature. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 27 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 8. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC) The Module complies with the EMI/EMC requirements specified in Title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 28 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 9. Crypto-Officer Guidance 9.1 Modes of Operation The TPM has three modes of operation: 1. Approved Mode 1: Described in Section 1.2.1 2. Approved Mode 2: Described in Section 1.2.2 3. Non-Approved Mode: This mode is entered once one of the functions listed in Table 5 is used as cryptographic function. Before entering this mode, all CSPs must be zeroized. For FIPS Compliant mode, (Approved Mode 1 and Approved Mode 2), do not use functions listed in Table 5 as cryptographic functions. 9.2 Installation To install the Module in the Approved Mode of operation, do the following:  The Module must be controlled physically during the installation.  The Module must be connected on the PCB as described in the Module technical specifications. The connection must ensures one-to-one binding with the platform.  The platform on which Module is installed should include BIOS and OS that initialize and control TPM hierarchies and set hierarchy’s authorization value and policy. If the platform does not have such BIOS and OS, the crypto-officer shall install software to manage TPM hierarchies and set the hierarchy’s authorization and policy. 9.3 Object Authorization On object creation or changing object authorization, a password of at least eight characters shall be used. In addition, configure the module to enforce, at a minimum, a DA Setting policy where “maxTries” >=3 and “recoveryTime” >= 1,000. 9.4 Object Duplication The TPM2_Duplicate command allows sending objects to/from the NULL hierarchy, which sends it off-chip unprotected. This is not allowed in FIPS 140-2. The command has an attribute, “encryptedDuplication”, which should always be SET in order to be compliant with FIPS 140-2. This requires an inner symmetric wrapping prior to the object receiving symmetric encryption to go off-chip. This also prevents the new parent from being TPM_RH_NULL (see [1], part 2). When Object is created, set the attribute “encryptedDuplication” in the object. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 29 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 9.5 Object Import The TPM2_Import command allows importing objects from external modules. Import to the TPM only CSPs coming from FIPS-compliant modules in FIPS Compliant mode. In order to ensure that the sensitive area of the CSP being imported is encrypted, the CO should verify that the ‘encryptedDuplication’ attribute is SET for the object being imported. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 30 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 10. Object User Guidance The Object User shall follow the guidance in Sections 9.1, 9.3 and 9.5. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 31 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 11. Duplicate Guidance The Duplicate role shall follow the guidance in Section 9.4. NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 32 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 12. Acronyms AES Advanced Encryption Standard CPU Central Processing Unit CSP Critical Security Parameter DA Dictionary Attack DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GPIO General-Purpose Input Output bus HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit bus LPC Low Pin Count bus OTP One-Time Programmable Memory PCB Printed Circuit Board RAM Random Access Memory RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman SHS Secure Hash Standard SP800 NIST Special Publication (800 Series) SPI Serial Peripheral Interface bus TCG Trusted Computing Group TIS TPM Interface Specification TPM Trusted Platform Module NPCT7xx TPM 2.0 rev 1.59 33 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy 13. References [1] TCG Trusted Platform Module Library Specification Family 2.0 Revision 1.59 https://www.trustedcomputinggroup.org/tpm-library-specification [2] TCG PC Client Specific Platform TPM Profile (PTP) Specification for TPM Family 2.0 Revision 01.05 v14 https://trustedcomputinggroup.org/pc-client-platform-tpm-profile-ptp-specification [3] FIPS 140-2 https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/fips/140/2/final Nuvoton provides comprehensive service and support. For product information and technical assistance, contact the nearest Nuvoton center. Important Notice Nuvoton products are not designed, intended, authorized or warranted for use as components in systems or equipment intended for surgical implantation, atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, or for other applications intended to support or sustain life. Furthermore, Nuvoton products are not intended for applications wherein failure of Nuvoton products could result or lead to a situation wherein personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage could occur. Nuvoton customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Nuvoton for any damages resulting from such improper use or sales. CONTACT INFORMATION For Nuvoton Sales Offices in your region, visit us at: https://www.nuvoton.com/buy/worldwide-sales-offices/ For Cloud Computing Product Line information, contact: CloudComputing@nuvoton.com Please note that all data and specifications are subject to change without notice. All trademarks of products and companies mentioned in this document belong to their respective owners. © 2023 Nuvoton Technology Corporation. All rights reserved www.nuvoton.com