Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.4 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Page 1 of 14 Harris Unified Audio Card FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 1 Validation Document Version 1.4 August 27, 2021 Copyright 2021 L3Harris Technologies, Inc.. All rights reserved. L3Harris retains all title and ownership in any intellectual property in this Security Policy Specification, including any revisions. This Specification is supplied AS IS and may be reproduced only in its original entirety [without revision]. L3Harris makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the specification, and any unintended consequence it may on the user environment. Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.4 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Page 2 of 14 Table of Contents Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Ports and Interfaces ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Modes of Operation....................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Module Validation Level............................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Roles ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 4. Services................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 4.1 User Role Services ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 4.2 Crypto Officer Role Services ........................................................................................................................................ 8 4.3 JTAG Access Role Services.......................................................................................................................................... 8 4.4 Unauthorized Services................................................................................................................................................... 8 5. Policies.................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.1 Security Rules ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.2 Authentication ............................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.3 Access Control and SRDIs ............................................................................................................................................ 9 5.4 Physical Security......................................................................................................................................................... 11 6. Crypto Officer Guidance.................................................................................................................................................... 11 6.1 Show Status................................................................................................................................................................. 11 6.2 FIPS Approved Mode.................................................................................................................................................. 12 7. Self Tests .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 7.1 Power Up Self Tests.................................................................................................................................................... 13 7.2 Conditional Self tests................................................................................................................................................... 13 8. References............................................................................................................................................................................ 14 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.4 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Page 3 of 14 Glossary Term/Acronym Description AES Advanced Encryption Standard CBC Cipher Block Chaining DES Data Encryption Standard DIP Dual In-Line Package DSP Digital Signal Processor ECB Electronic Codebook EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Interference / Electromagnetic Compatibility FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GWB GateWay Base HMAC Hash-based Message Authentication Code IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IP Internet Protocol IV Initialization Vector JTAG Joint Test Action Group KAT Known Answer Test KEK Key Encryption Key KMF Key Management Facility LED Light-Emitting Dio\de MAC Message Authentication Code N/A Not Applicable NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OFB Output Feedback OTAR Over-the-Air Rekeying P25 Project 25 RNG Random Number Generator SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SHS Secure Hash Standard TEK Traffic Encryption Key UAC Unified Audio Card UAS Unified Administration System UKEK Unique Key Encryption Key USB Universal Serial Bus VIDA Voice Interoperability Data Access VNIC Virtual Network Interface Card Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.4 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Page 4 of 14 1. Introduction The Harris Unified Audio Card (UAC) is a multi-channel analog audio gateway used to interface analog radio communication equipment such as conventional base stations to radio systems and other devices on a Voice Interoperability Data Access (VIDA) network. Uses of this module include interfacing radio systems and other devices on an IP-based VIDA network with any other communication equipment that is able to be interfaced to a full duplex 4-wire analog interface. The modules and UAC channels are capable of handling calls from the VIDA network and co-located external equipment. As well, the module can provide 256-bit AES encryption for voice calls passing through it. 2. Overview The Harris UAC is classified as a multi chip embedded module, being a single card housing several processor chips. The UAC card is comprised of a processor and several DSP units. The card contains several ports, including 4-wire balanced-line audio interfaces, Ethernet port, and USB port. The UAC’s cryptographic boundary is comprised of the physical perimeter of the card. No items are excluded from this boundary. This module was validated at level 1. Below is an image of the UAC. Figure 1 UAC Image  Hardware versions  EA-103168-002 Rev. –  EA-103168-002 Rev. A  EA-103168-002 Rev. B Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.4 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Page 5 of 14  EA-103168-002 Rev. C or  EA-103168-002 Rev. D  Firmware versions  MPC-860: SK-007765-007 v R03A08 and  DSP: SK-007765-013 v R03A05 or  MPC-860: SK-007765-007 v R04G01 and  DSP: SK-007765-013 v R04E03 2.1 Ports and Interfaces The UAC provides several physical ports that are provided for interfacing with the module. These physical interfaces can each be mapped to at least one of the logical interfaces (data output, status output, data input and control input). Additionally, the module includes physical ports for providing power to the module. The following table provides a listing of the modules physical ports and the mapping of those ports to the logical interfaces: Table 1 Ports and Interfaces Physical Ports Logical Interfaces Independent Ports Ethernet Port Data input, Data output, Control Input, Status Output USB Port Data input, Data output, Control Input, Status Output RS-232 Data input, Data output, Control Input, Status Output LEDs Status Output DIP Switches and Jumpers Control Input JTAG Data input, Data output, Control Input, Status Output Legacy Key Loader N/A; not active RJ-11 N/A; hardware removed 96-Pin DIN Connectors 4-wire Balanced line audio interfaces Data input and output Auxiliary Input Data input, Status input Auxiliary Output Data output, Control output Pins C1, C31 on J10 and pins A1 and A31 in Jll Power Interface 2.2 Modes of Operation The UAC has two modes of operation: FIPS Approved mode and non-FIPS Approved mode. Section 4 describes services and cryptographic algorithms available in FIPS-Approved mode. In non-FIPS Approved mode, the module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.4 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Page 6 of 14 runs without these FIPS policy rules applied. Section 6.2 FIPS Approved Mode describes how to invoke FIPS Approved mode. The module supports alternating bypass. This mode is always active within the module once the checks have passed during set up, so no status indicator is provided. To transition into bypass, first the module will ensure the packets containing talk group data has a valid message ID and data length. Next, keys passed from the KMF to the talk groups are checked using a checksum to ensure they are correct. If both of these checks are successful, the module will operate in bypass mode. 2.3 Module Validation Level The module meets an overall FIPS 140-2 compliance of security level 1. Table 2 UAC Security Levels Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMI/EMC) 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 3. Roles In FIPS Approved mode, the UAC supports 4 roles: Crypto Officer, User, JTAG Access, and Unauthorized. These roles are implicitly assumed by the actions taken by the operator. 1. Crypto Officer Role: The crypto officer role is accessed for this device when the operator is connected to the module via the command line interface, or the Key Manager and KMF. This role has full access to all commands available to the module, with the exception of key commands over Telnet. Hence, the Crypto Officer role has complete access to the system. 2. User Role: The user role of this module allows the operator access to all normal functionality of the module during access of the VNIC interface and other devices, as well as the booting stage and flash load mode of the module. 3. JTAG Access: This role is assumed when the operated accesses the JTAG ports to perform debugging using Logic Analyzers, JTAG/IEEE 1149.1 boundary-scan equipment, and in-circuit emulation pods. Per FIPS 140-1 IG 3.6, the operator MUST zeroize the module before and after each access of these ports. 4. Unauthorized: This role is assumes when an operator observes the module externally. The only action available to unauthorized operators is observation of the LEDs on the face of the module. While up to 2 operators may access the crypto officer role over the command line interface (one via Telnet, and one over USB/Serial), only one operator may access the module using the Key Manager and KMF at any time. 4. Services The services available to an operator depend on the operator’s role. Unauthorized operators may view externally visible status LED when in proximity of the module but not interfacing with the module using radios or the command Non-Proprietary Security Policy Version 1.4 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. Page 7 of 14 line interface or KMF. For all other services, an operator must access the device as described in section 5.2 Authentication. The following subsections describe services available to operators based on role. Table 3 summarizes the available FIPS-Approved cryptographic functions. Table 4 lists all Non-Approved algorithms within the module. These are broken down into the images that run on the particular processors. Table 3 FIPS Approved Cryptographic Functions Algorithm Cert Label Standard Modes / Key Sizes Usage DSP Firmware 1653 AES FIPS PUB 197 NIST SP 800-38A CBC ( e/d; 128 , 256 ) OFB ( e/d; 256 ) Used for encryption/decryption MPC860 Firmware 1652 AES FIPS PUB 197 NIST SP 800-38A ECB ( e/d; 256 ) CBC ( e/d; 256 ) OFB ( e/d; 256 ) Used for encryption/decryption 1450 SHS FIPS PUB 180-4 SHA-1 (BYTE-only) SHA-256 (BYTE-only) Used for generation of message digests 970 HMAC1 FIPS PUB 198-1 HMAC-SHA1 (KS