iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 1 of 14 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE datAshur Pro 3.0 Non-Proprietary Security Policy FIPS 140-2 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 2 of 14 Contents 1 Definitions and Acronyms..................................................................................................................3 2 Product Overview..............................................................................................................................4 2.1 Validation Level..........................................................................................................................5 3 Modes of Operation...........................................................................................................................5 4 Cryptographic Algorithms ..................................................................................................................5 5 Cryptographic Module Specification ..................................................................................................6 6 Ports and Interfaces ..........................................................................................................................7 7 Roles and Services ...........................................................................................................................8 7.1 Initialization ................................................................................................................................9 7.2 Authentication ............................................................................................................................9 7.2.1 PIN Strength......................................................................................................................10 8 Critical Security Parameters ............................................................................................................10 8.1 Zeroization ...............................................................................................................................11 9 Self-Tests........................................................................................................................................12 10 Security Rules..............................................................................................................................12 11 Physical Security Policy ...............................................................................................................13 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy.................................................................................................13 13 References ..................................................................................................................................14 iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 3 of 14 1 Definitions and Acronyms  AES Advanced Encryption Standard  CMAC Cipher-Based Message Authentication Code  CO Crypto Officer  CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check  CSP Cryptographic Security Parameter  DEK Data Encryption Key  DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator  EBC Electronic Code Book  EC Encryption Controller  EMI Electromagnetic Interference  EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility  FIPS Federal Information Processing Protocol  HMAC Hash-Based Message Authentication Code  KAT Known Answer Test  KEK Key Encryption Key  LED Light Emitting Diode  NDRNG Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator  NVRAM Non-Volatile Random Access Memory  PBKDFv2 Password Based Key Derivation Algorithm Version 2  PIN Personal Identification Number  RAM Random Access Memory  Salt Random value used to improve security of cryptographic algorithms  SC Security Controller  SHA Secure Hash Algorithm  SIV Synthetic Initialization Vector  USB Universal Serial Bus iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 4 of 14 2 Product Overview The iStorage datAshur Pro 3.0 secure USB flash drive is an encrypted storage device that provides a secure way to store and transfer data. User authentication is self-contained via an on-board keypad. User data is protected by hardware-based 256-bit AES encryption to secure sensitive information in the event that the drive is lost or stolen. The data encryption key (DEK) and other cryptographic parameters are generated within the module on first use through the use of a NIST approved DRBG (ref: SP800-90A). The seed for the DRBG is also produced within the module from a hardware-based entropy generator. Table 1: Module Specifications Capacity Hardware Revision EC Firmware Revision SC Firmware Revision 4 GB IS-FL-DA3-256-4 V1.01.10 v1.11 8 GB IS-FL-DA3-256-8 V1.01.10 v1.11 16 GB IS-FL-DA3-256-16 V1.01.10 v1.11 32 GB IS-FL-DA3-256-32 V1.01.10 v1.11 64 GB IS-FL-DA3-256-64 V1.01.10 v1.11 Figure 1: iStorage datAshur Pro 3.0 Cryptographic Boundary Showing Input Buttons and Status LEDs iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 5 of 14 2.1 Validation Level The cryptographic module meets the overall requirements applicable to Level 3 Security of FIPS 140-2. Table 2: Module Security Level Specification Security Requirement Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI / EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of other Attacks N/A 3 Modes of Operation The datAshur Pro 3.0 supports only a single, FIPS approved mode of operation. 4 Cryptographic Algorithms The following algorithms are implemented in all datAshur Pro 3.0 modules: Table 3: Approved Algorithms CAVP Cert. Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Length(s) Use 3749 XTS-AES NIST SP 800-38E ECB 256 Encryption Controller Encryption of user data within storage application only. 1032 DRBG NIST SP 800-90A CTR -- Security Controller Random number generator for encryption keys and salts 3757 AES1 FIPS 197 CMAC ECB CTR 256 Security Controller Block cipher basis of CTR-DRBG. Algorithmic basis of SIV. 3127 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-1 -- Security Controller Algorithmic basis of HMAC-SHA1 2459 HMAC-SHA-1 FIPS 198-1 -- 160 Security Controller Algorithmic basis of PBKDFv2 1 Other modes are also available but not used within the module iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 6 of 14 CAVP Cert. Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Length(s) Use Vendor Affirmation PBKDFv2 NIST SP 800-132 -- -- Security Controller Deriving keys for storage application only. Key encryption key generation. Password is the same as the User/CO PIN with a minimum length of 7 digits 0-9. Depends on HMAC-SHA1. It is conformant to FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance (IG) D.6: the module supports option 2a as documented in NIST SP 800-132, Section 5.4. Table 4: Allowed Algorithms Algorithm Reference Caveat Use SIV RFC 5297 Security Controller Authenticated encryption to verify PIN and encrypt data encryption key. Depends on AES and CMAC-AES. The user PIN is used with PBKFDv2 to produce an encryption key that SIV uses to encrypt or wrap the DEK. Decryption of the encrypted DEK requires the identical PIN used to encrypt it. NDRNG – Entropy source internal to the module The module generates cryptographic keys with 256-bit minimum entropy strength Security Controller Entropy source for seed to CTR-DRBG 5 Cryptographic Module Specification The datAshur Pro 3.0 is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module as defined by FIPS 140-2. It consists of a USB 3.0 capable encryption controller, eMMC memory, a security controller, a non- replaceable battery, and a user interface with three LED and eleven (11) buttons. The module is encapsulated within an opaque, production grade integrated circuit package. The cryptographic boundary is defined by the module's metal enclosure. See Figure 1 and Figure 2. Figure 2: datAshur Pro 3.0 Module Architecture iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 7 of 14 6 Ports and Interfaces The cryptographic module exposes the following physical ports and logical interfaces: Table 5: Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces Physical Port Logical Interface Description USB Port Data input Data output Control input Status output Connects the module to the host computer. Used to exchange decrypted user data as well as control and status information for the USB protocol. There is no direct connection between the USB port and the security controller. When the drive is locked this USB interface is disabled. Alphanumeric Keypad (0-9) Data input Ten alphanumeric labeled buttons that connect to security controller button inputs. Used to enter User or CO PIN. KEY button Control input KEY button that connects to security controller button input. Used to awaken the module from low-power sleep and to control UI flow including participation in selecting the role. Red, green and blue LEDs Status output See Table 6. USB Power External power The USB VBUS (+5) charges the battery and will power the module when it is available. Table 6: LED Status Output LED Behavior Module State Status Description LEDs off Disconnected Low-power sleep mode All three LEDs blink once simultaneously - Awakened from low-power sleep, all LEDs operation and firmware integrity test passed No LEDs illuminate on pressing the KEY button when the module is in low-power sleep. - The battery may be fully discharged in which case it must be charged for at least one minute before being used. Pressing other buttons while pressing KEY or pressing KEY several times quickly may prevent the module from awakening. If the module fails the firmware integrity test, the LEDs will not illuminate. LEDs illuminate two times in circling pattern, red then green then blue. Red LED illuminates and then fades off. Failed Either KAT failed, NDRNG failed a self-test, or the DRBG failed a self-test. Red LED blinking Locked Waiting for User PIN to unlock Red and blue LEDs blinking Locked Waiting for User PIN to unlock. CO PIN is set. Red LED on solidly Locked Module verifying User PIN Green LED on solidly Disconnected Unlocked and ready to connect to PC Green LED on solidly with a single blink every 2 seconds Disconnected Unlocked and ready to connect to PC. Drive configured in read-only mode. Green LED on solidly and blue LED blinking Connected Unlocked, connected to PC via USB, and communicating or transferring data Green and blue LEDs on solidly Connected Unlocked and connected to PC via USB Blue LED blinking Disconnected Ready to accept new User PIN iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 8 of 14 LED Behavior Module State Status Description Green LED blinking after entering new User/CO PIN Disconnected Ready to accept new PIN a second time as confirmation Red and blue LEDs blinking Unlocked and disconnected Ready to accept new CO PIN Red and green LEDs blinking Locked Waiting for CO PIN to unlock. User PIN is set. Red and green LEDs blinking Unlocked and disconnected Unlocked as CO and ready to connect to PC Blue LED blinking Locked No User PIN Blue LED blinking slowly Locked and connected Battery charging Red and green LEDs blinking alternately Disconnected Factory reset initiated. Module waiting for confirmation code. Red LED illuminates and then fades out Disconnected Module locked and disconnected The operator knows that the module is in good working order if, when pressing the KEY button to awaken the module the three LEDs blink simultaneously and one of the non-error states is shown by the module LEDs. 7 Roles and Services The datAshur Pro 3.0 supports level 3 identity-based authentication. Table 7: Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role User ID Authentication Data Description User Identifies as a user by pressing the ‘KEY’ button 7-15 digit PIN User has full access to all services. CO Identifies as a CO by pressing the ‘KEY’ + ‘1’ 7-15 digit PIN CO has full access to all services. Unlocking module as CO will zeroize User PIN. From the factory, the datAshur Pro 3.0 drive comes with a default, preset User PIN of 1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4, a data encryption key generated by the module, and is pre-formatted for immediate use. The datAshur Pro 3.0 supports two distinct and separate roles: User and cryptographic officer. The role is explicitly selected during authentication:  User  Press and release KEY button  Enter correct User PIN  Press and release KEY button  CO  Press and hold '1' button  Press and release KEY button  Release '1' to identify as CO  Enter correct CO PIN  Press and release KEY button iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 9 of 14 Table 8: Services Authorized for Each Role Operator Services ID User role - Open private partition for read/write access of user data - Lock private partition to prevent read/write access to user data - Set User PIN - Read or write private partition with user data 1 2 3 4 CO role - Open private partition for read/write access of user data - Lock private partition to prevent read/write access to user data - Set User PIN - Read or write private partition with user data - Set CO PIN - Zeroize User PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 Unauthenticated (no role required) - Show locked/unlocked status - Show whether or not drive is initialized. - Show whether or not User PIN has been set - Run self-tests - Factory reset to zeroize all CSPs 7 8 9 10 11 7.1 Initialization After zeroization such as a factory reset, the module must be initialized before it will operate in an approved mode. The initialization procedure is as follows:  Awaken drive with KEY press  Enter default PIN, 1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4.  Press and hold the '1' button.  Double press and release KEY button. Release '1' button.  Observe that red and blue LEDs are blinking.  Enter new CO PIN.  Double press KEY button.  Observe that green LED is blinking.  Enter new CO PIN a second time.  Double press KEY button.  Observe red LED is on steadily for a couple of seconds while the CO CSPs are updated. At any point, if the procedure does not appear to execute properly, press and hold KEY button for 3 seconds to power-off the module. 7.2 Authentication The Crypto Officer and User roles authenticate via the module’s keypad interface. The module does not output CO or User authentication data outside of the cryptographic boundary. iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 10 of 14 7.2.1 PIN Strength Authentication strength of both User and CO is determined by PIN that is at a minimum 7 digits long. The probability of a successful, random guess of a PIN is approximately 10^7 or 10,000,000:12 . Both the User and CO are locked-out of the module after ten (10) consecutive failed authentication attempts. The probability of successfully guessing a User or CO PIN before the drive disables the role is 1,000,000:1. A PIN may be up to 15 digits long. 8 Critical Security Parameters Table 9: Critical Security Parameters CSP Use Source Storage Creation / Destruction Access Role CTR-DRBG state (seed, V, key) Generating random values for CSPs Services: Initialization, 1, 2, 11 Entropy generator and CTR- DRBG RAM Created when DRBG is seeded i.e. every time the module initializes Services: Initialization Read Write All Destroyed on lock, unlock, successful generation of CSPs Service: Initialization, 1, 2, 11 Zeroize User PIN/Password Input to PBKDFv2 to allow generation of the User KEK. Services: 1, 2, 3, 6, 11 Keypad entry RAM Created by User Services: 1, 2, 3 Read Write User Destroyed on lock, unlock, timeout Services: 1, 2, 6, 11 Zeroize CO PIN/Password Input to PBKDFv2 to allow generation of the CO KEK. Services: 1, 2, 5, 6, 11 Keypad Entry RAM Created by CO Services: 1, 2, 5 Read Write CO Destroyed on lock, unlock, timeout Services: 1, 2, 11 Zeroize User Salt Input to PBKDFv2 to generate key to wrap DEK. Service: 3, 6, 11 CTR- DRBG NVRAM Created when User changes PIN Services: 3 Read Write User Destroyed on PIN change, zeroization Services: 3, 6, 11 Zeroize CO Salt Input to PBKDFv2 to generate key to wrap DEK. Service: 5, 11 CTR- DRBG NVRAM Created when CO changes PIN Services: 5 Read Write CO Destroyed on PIN change, zeroization Services: 5, 11 Zeroize XTS-AES DEK Encryption of user data Services: 2, 3, 5 CTR- DRBG RAM Created when first password, either User or CO, is set Services: 3, 5 Read Write All Destroyed on lock, timeout, entering low- power mode Services: 2 Zeroize User KEK Encryption (wrapping) of DEK Services: 1, 2 User PIN, User Salt, and PBKDFv2 RAM Created before encrypting or decrypting the DEK. Services: 1, 2 Read Write User Destroyed immediately after use. Services: 1, 2 Zeroize 2 Sequential and repeating PINs are not allowed. For example, the module will reject a PIN of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 or 6-5-4-3-2-1-0. Attempts to define such a PIN will cause the module to indicate an error. iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 11 of 14 CO KEK Encryption (wrapping) of DEK Services: 1, 2 CO PIN, CO Salt, and PBKDFv2 RAM Created before encrypting or decrypting the DEK. Services: 1, 2 Read Write CO Destroyed immediately after use. Services: 1, 2 Zeroize HMAC-SHA-1 PBKDFv2 Services: 1, 2 DRBG RAM Created before encrypting or decrypting the DEK. Services: 1, 2 Read Write All Destroyed immediately after use. Services: 1, 2 Zeroize AES CTR AES CMAC SIV Services: 1, 2 PBKDFv2 RAM Created during authentication to the module, before encrypting or decrypting the DEK. Services: 1, 2 Read Write All Destroyed immediately after use. Services: 1, 2, 11 Zeroize AES CTR DRBG Service: Initialization NDRNG RAM Generated for seeding the DRBG Service: Initialization Read Write All Destroyed immediately after use. Service: Initialization Zeroize 8.1 Zeroization Zeroization is the erasure of CSPs from volatile and non-volatile storage. The module initiates an erase cycle on NVRAM to zeroize CSPs. RAM copies of CSPs are erased by setting the memory to zeros. This process occurs when the module is factory reset or when the module detects a brute-force attack. Factory reset is initiated by the following procedure:  Press and hold '7' button.  Press and release KEY button to awaken drive.  Observe red and green LEDs are lighting alternately.  Enter confirmation code 9-9-9.  Press and hold '7' button.  Press and release KEY button to confirm factory reset.  Observe red and green LEDs on steadily for several seconds while CSPs are zeroized. There are two kinds of brute-force attacks. Ten consecutive failed attempts to unlock the module as the User is the first type of brute-force attack and will zeroize the User authentication credentials, the salts and SIV outputs for the User and the CO. After this type of attack, the CO will be able to unlock the module, recover user data, and permit the setup of a new User PIN. The second kind of brute-force attack is against the CO PIN. Ten consecutive failed attempts to unlock the module as CO will zeroize all CSPs including the CO and User credentials and the DEK leaving the module in the factory reset state. iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 12 of 14 9 Self-Tests When the module awakens from low-power mode, it performs module initialization and runs a sequence of self-tests. If any of these tests fails, the drive will signal an error and enter an error state. The module cannot perform any cryptographic services and is not usable in this state. The module also performs continuous self-tests. Table 10 summarizes the self-tests. Table 10: Self-Tests Self-Test Component When Executed Relevant Certificate Firmware CRC SC Module initialization N/A CTR-DRBG KATs -- Instantiate KAT -- Generate KAT CTR-DRBG Uninstantiate (Includes AES ECB) SC Module initialization CAVP Validation #1032 CAVP Validation #3757 PBKDFv2 KAT (Includes HMAC-SHA-1) SC Module initialization CAVP Validation #3127 CAVP Validation #2459 SIV KAT (Includes AES ECB and CMAC) SC Module initialization CAVP Validation #3757 Firmware CRC EC Module unlocked N/A XTS-AES; encrypt & decrypt EC Module unlocked CAVP Validation #3749 The EC only receives power after a correct PIN has been entered and the module unlocks. Immediately after receiving power, the EC performs its self-tests. If any test fails, the EC will not connect the module data store to the host computer and the SC will return the module to the low-power mode after 30 seconds. The continuous self-tests summarized in Table 11 are performed as required by the FIPS PUB SP-800 90A. Table 11: Continuous Self-Tests Self-Test Component CTR-DRBG Continuous Test SC NDRNG Continuous Test SC 10 Security Rules This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of FIPS 140-2 level 3: 1. The cryptographic module provides two distinct operator roles: User and Cryptographic Officer. iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 13 of 14 2. The cryptographic module provides identity-based authentication. 3. When the module has not been placed in a valid role or is in an error state, the operator shall not have access to any cryptographic service. 4. The operator is capable of commanding the module to perform the power-up self-test at any time by awakening the module from low-power mode. 5. Data output is inhibited during self-tests, zeroization, key generation and authentication. 6. No CSPs are output in any form from the module. 7. The module generates cryptographic keys with 256-bit minimum entropy strength. 11 Physical Security Policy The multi-chip standalone cryptographic module includes the following physical security mechanisms:  Production grade components  Hard, opaque, tamper-evident enclosure with embedded, hard epoxy covering all security relevant components  SC memory protection enabled to prevent read-out of the SC firmware, RAM, or NVRAM The operator should, on a periodic basis, visually inspect the module to determine if it has been compromised. The following steps should be followed:  Grasp module in one hand and lightly pull the lanyard with the opposite hand  If the module separates, the operator should suspect that the module has been tampered  If the module remains intact, no tamper should be suspected Note: The module epoxy hardness testing was only performed at ambient temperature; no assurance is provided for level 3 hardness conformance at any other temperature. 12 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The module has not been designed to mitigate attacks not addressed by the security requirements of FIPS 140-2. iStorage Limited │ DATASHUR PRO 3.0 SECURE USB FLASH DRIVE FIPS 140-2 LEVEL 3 SECURITY POLICY VERSION 1.2 © Prepared by ClevX, LLC on behalf of iStorage Limited May be reproduced only in its entirety and without modifications Page 14 of 14 13 References Reference Number Reference Title [1] FIPS PUB 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules / NIST May 2001 [2] Derived Test Requirements for FIPS PUB 140-2 – Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules [3] Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program / NIST January 2016 [4] NIST SP 800-90A Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators June 2015 [5] FIPS 197 – Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) [6] FIPS 198-1 – The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) [7] FIPS 180-4 – Secure Hash Standard (SHS) [8] NIST SP 800-132 – Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation [9] RFC 5297 Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) Authenticated Encryption Using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)