ViPNet Common Crypto Core Security Policy FIPS 140-2 Level 1 Validation Software Version 1.0 Document Version 1.2 November 5th , 2014 ©2014 Infotecs This document can be reproduced and distributed only whole and intact, including this copyright notice 2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3 2. Cryptographic Module Specification....................................................................................... 3 2.1. Cryptographic Module Description ................................................................................. 3 2.2. Approved Mode of Operation......................................................................................... 5 2.3. Cryptographic Module Boundary.................................................................................... 5 3. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces ........................................................................... 6 4. Roles, Services, and Authentication........................................................................................ 7 5. Physical Security...................................................................................................................... 7 6. Operational Environment........................................................................................................ 8 7. Cryptographic Key Management............................................................................................. 8 7.1. Key Generation................................................................................................................ 8 7.2. Key Entry and Output...................................................................................................... 8 7.3. Key Storage...................................................................................................................... 9 7.4. Zeroization Procedure..................................................................................................... 9 8. Self-Tests ................................................................................................................................. 9 8.1. Integrity Test ................................................................................................................... 9 8.2. Cryptographic Algorithm Tests........................................................................................ 9 8.3. Conditional Tests........................................................................................................... 10 8.4. Critical Function Tests ................................................................................................... 10 9. Design Assurance................................................................................................................... 10 9.1. Configuration Management.......................................................................................... 10 9.2. Delivery and Operation ................................................................................................. 10 9.2.1. Delivery...................................................................................................................... 10 9.2.2. Initialization............................................................................................................... 10 9.2.3. Recovering from a Self-Test Failure........................................................................... 11 10. Mitigation of Other Attacks............................................................................................... 11 3 1. Introduction This document is the non-proprietary security policy for the ViPNet Common Crypto Core. This document was prepared as part of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 1 validation process. This document contains a specification of the rules under which the module must operate and describes how this module meets the requirements as specified in the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB) 140-2 for a Security Level 1 multi-chip standalone module. The purpose of this security policy is:  To provide a specification of the cryptographic functionality that will allow individuals and organizations to determine whether the cryptographic module, as implemented, satisfies a stated security policy  To describe to individuals and organizations the capabilities, protection, and access rights provided by the cryptographic module, thereby allowing an assessment of whether the module will adequately serve the individual or organizational security requirements 2. Cryptographic Module Specification 2.1.Cryptographic Module Description The ViPNet Common Crypto Core (hereinafter referred to as the cryptographic module or module) is a software-only module supporting FIPS-approved cryptographic algorithms. It is available in user space and kernel driver implementations on a wide range of operational systems, including Windows and Android. User space library and kernel library use the same base source code. The module is accordingly implemented and tested as a kernel driver library, a dynamic link library, and a shared-object file library. It is designed with a default entry point (DEP) which ensures that the power-up tests are initiated automatically when the module is loaded. This module provides a C-language application program interface (API) for use by ViPNet applications that require cryptographic functionality. The module contains the following cryptographic functionality:  Symmetric key encryption and decryption  Cryptographic hash function  Message authentication code functions  Random number generation  Key derivation and key wrapping functions The cryptographic module is designed to reside in a number of ViPNet applications, including: 4  ViPNet Network Manager, ViPNet Client, and ViPNet Coordinator operating on Windows  ViPNet Client for Android The above-mentioned applications are components of the ViPNet VPN solution. ViPNet VPN is a highly scalable software-based VPN solution with additional features that go far beyond the classical VPN solutions. The ViPNet technology is designed for deployment over global and local networks, and fully leverages the existing network infrastructure without decreasing network performance. It facilitates the transparent interaction of protected hosts, independently from their location or the way they are connected to a network. The interaction can be established on the basis of client-to-client, client-to-site and site-to-site (VPN tunnel) schemes. ViPNet Network Manager is used to manage the logical structure of the ViPNet network as well as cryptographic keys. ViPNet Coordinator performs functions of a VPN gateway. ViPNet Client provides a comprehensive network protection for VPN users and includes secure communication applications, such as instant messaging and file exchange. More information on ViPNet VPN is available on the Infotecs website at For the purpose of the certification the cryptographic module has been tested on the following platforms:  OE Windows 8.1 64-bit (user space and kernel space) on Dell Inspiron 5537; and  OE Android 4.4 (user space) on Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Infotecs affirms that the module (compiled with the same source code) is also successfully tested in user space and kernel space on Windows 7 32/64-bit, Windows 8 32/64-bit, Debian Linux 6 32-bit and Debian Linux 7 64-bit. The CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module when ported to an operational environment not listed on the validation certificate. The following table lists the security level for each of the sections of FIPS validation. Table 1: FIPS validation security levels Security Component Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security N/A Operational Environment 1 Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI/EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 3 5 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 2.2.Approved Mode of Operation The cryptographic module supports only a FIPS 140-2 approved mode of operation. When the cryptographic module is loaded and initialized, it is set in the FIPS 140-2 approved mode. The cryptographic module supports the following FIPS approved algorithms. Table 2: Supported Algorithms Algorithm Validation Certificate Usage [FIPS 197, NIST SP 800-38A] AES-256 (ECB, CFB 128 and CTR modes) CAVP Cert. #2823 and #2822 Encryption/decryption [NIST SP 800-38B] AES-CMAC CAVP Cert. #2823 and #2822 Message authentication [FIPS 198-1] HMAC with SHA256 CAVP Cert. #1767 and #1766 Keyed hash message authentication [FIPS 180-3] SHA-256 CAVP Cert. #2367 and #2366 Hashing [NIST SP 800-90A] CTR_DRBG CAVP Cert. #484 and #483 Random bit generation [SP 800-108] KDF in Counter Mode, AES-CMAC as PRF CAVP Cert. #22 and #21 Key derivation function [NIST SP 800-38F] AES key-wrap CAVP Cert. #2822 and #2823 Key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 256 bits of encryption strength 2.3.Cryptographic Module Boundary For FIPS 140-2 purposes the cryptographic module is classified as a multi-chip standalone module. The same module (same algorithmic functionality, same services and interfaces) can be compiled as a dll, kernel driver or shared-object file. Therefore the logical cryptographic boundary of the module consists of:  either a Driver file for the operation in Windows kernel mode  or a Dynamic Link Library file for the operation in Windows user space  or a Shared Library file for the operation in Android user space The physical cryptographic boundary of the module is the enclosure of the general purpose computer system on which it is executing. The module performs no communications other than with the process that calls it and does not store any persistent information. 6 Figure 1: Cryptographic module logical diagram 3. Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The physical ports of the module are the same as the general purpose computer system on which it is executing. The logical interface is a C-language application program interface (API). The Data Input interface consists of the input parameters of the API functions. The Data Output interface consists of the output parameters of the API functions. The Control Input interface consists of the actual API functions. The Status Output interface includes the return values of the API functions. Table 3 : Ports and interfaces FIPS Interface Physical Ports Logical Ports Data Input Physical ports of the tested platforms API input parameters Data Output Physical ports of the tested platforms API output parameters and return values Control Input Physical ports of the tested platforms API input parameters Status Output Physical ports of the tested platforms API return values Power Input Physical ports of the tested platforms N/A 7 As a software module, control of the physical ports is outside module scope. However, when the module is performing self-tests, or is in an error state, all output on the logical data output interface is inhibited. 4. Roles, Services, and Authentication The cryptographic module implements both User and Crypto Officer (CO) roles. As allowed by FIPS 140-2 at Security Level 1, the module does not support user authentication for those roles. Only one role may be active at a time and the module does not allow concurrent operators. The User and CO roles are implicitly assumed by the entity accessing services implemented by the module:  User role: Loading the module and calling of any API function. This role has access to all of the services provided by the module.  CO role: Installation of the module on the host computer system. Loading the module and calling of any API function. This role is assumed implicitly when the system administrator installs the module. The services supported by the module and access rights within services are listed in the table below. Table 4: Services and access rights Service Approved security functions Cryptographic keys and/or CSPs Roles Access rights to keys and/or CSPs Symmetric encryption/decryption AES-256 (CTR mode) AES symmetric keys User, CO Execute Keyed hashing (HMAC) HMAC-SHA256 HMAC key User, CO Execute Hashing SHA-256 None User, CO N/A Message authentication AES-CMAC CMAC key User, CO Execute Random number generation CTR_DRBG RNG seed, internal state V and Key values User, CO Write/Execute Key derivation KDF in Counter Mode using AES- CMAC as PRF Input keys, output keying material User, CO Execute Key wrapping AES KW Key, key encryption key User, CO Execute Self-test HMAC-SHA256 Integrity check HMAC key User, CO Execute Zeroization None All keys User, CO N/A Show status None None User, CO N/A 5. Physical Security The cryptographic module is comprised of software only and thus does not claim any physical security. 8 6. Operational Environment The cryptographic module operates under Windows and Android. Windows and Android are defined as modifiable operational environment per the FIPS 140-2. These operational systems segregate user processes into separate process spaces. Each process space is an independent virtual memory area that is logically separated from all other processes by the operating system software and hardware. The module functions entirely within the process space of the application that invokes it. The calling application is the single user of the module even when the operating system supports multiple user sessions. Therefore, the module satisfies the FIPS 140-2 requirement for a single user mode of operation. 7. Cryptographic Key Management The table below provides a complete list of Keys and CSPs used within the module: Table 5 - Keys and CSPs Keys and CSPs Description AES encrypt/decrypt key Used for symmetric encryption/decryption HMAC key 256 bits; used for HMAC-SHA256 keyed hash AES CMAC key 256 bits; used for CMAC generate and verify CTR_DRBG CSPs CSPs for CTR_DRBG as per NIST SP800-90A: seed (384 bits), internal state V (128 bits) and Key (AES-256) values AES Key Wrap key-encryption key 256 bits; key-encryption key as per NIST SP800-38F KDF keying material Keying material (min. 16 bytes, max. 256 bytes) resulting from a key derivation function in Counter Mode using AES-CMAC as pseudorandom function 7.1.Key Generation The cryptographic module does not perform key generation. It implements a NIST SP 800-90A compliant random bit generator that is exclusively used to generate random bits which are used by the calling application. The Key Derivation key used by the module during the key derivation function is always provided to the module by calling application. 7.2.Key Entry and Output The cryptographic module is passed keys and CSPs as API parameters, associated by memory location. The application using the cryptographic module passes keys and CSPs to the module in plaintext within the physical boundary. 9 The module does not output CSPs, other than as explicit results of the KDF services. However, none cross the physical boundary. 7.3.Key Storage The cryptographic module does not perform persistent storage of keys. Keys and CSPs are passed to the module by the calling application. The keys and CSPs are stored in memory in plaintext. Keys and CSPs residing in internally allocated data structures (during the lifetime of an API call) can only be accessed using the module defined API. The operating system protects memory and process space from unauthorized access. 7.4.Zeroization Procedure The module is passed keys as part of a function call from a calling application and does not store keys persistently. The calling application is responsible for parameters passed in and out of the module. The Operating System and the calling application are responsible to clean up temporary or ephemeral keys. All CSPs can be zeroized by power-cycling the module (with the exception of the Integrity key and HMAC digest). 8. Self-Tests The power-up self-tests are executed automatically when the cryptographic module is loaded. If the self-tests are successful, then the module operates in the FIPS Approved mode. If the power-up self-tests fail, the cryptographic module enters an error state. No further cryptographic operations are possible when the module is in an error state. The module can be recovered from a power-up self-test failure only by reload. If the failure persists the ViPNet application encompassing the cryptographic module must be reinstalled. The power-up self-tests may be performed on-demand at any time by reloading the module. 8.1.Integrity Test The module initialization function verifies the integrity of the runtime executable using a HMAC- SHA-256 digest computed at build time. If the digest computed at self-test matches the stored known digest then the algorithm specific Known Answer tests are performed. 8.2.Cryptographic Algorithm Tests Power-up self-tests include the following cryptographic algorithm tests which are conducted for all cryptographic functions using known answers. Table 6: Algorithm specific tests Algorithm Type AES Separate KAT for encrypt and decrypt. CTR, CFB128 and ECB modes AES-CMAC Separate KAT for generate and verify 10 Algorithm Type CTR_DRBG KAT KDF in Counter Mode KAT, AES CMAC as pseudo random function Notice: KAT for HMAC-256 and SHA-256 are available but not run at time of power-up self-tests as allowed by FIPS 140-2 due to integrity check being performed using HMAC-256 and SHA-256. 8.3.Conditional Tests A Continuous Random Number Generator Test is performed for the CTR_DRBG. 8.4.Critical Function Tests Health tests described in Section 11.3 of SP 800-90A: o Instantiate Test o Generate Test o Reseed Test o Uninstantiate Test 9. Design Assurance 9.1.Configuration Management Infotecs performs configuration management of the cryptographic module. A complete revision history of the source code from which the module was generated is maintained in a version control database. 9.2.Delivery and Operation 9.2.1. Delivery The cryptographic module is never released outside of Infotecs as a source code distribution. It is contained within Infotecs source code management repository that can be accessed by engineering to download a copy of the code. It is not possible to make changes to the code and replace it within the repository. When a developer downloads code for integration in a ViPNet product, the code gets integrated into the configuration management structure for that product. The module code is then linked as part of an application build process that is configured to operate in FIPS approved mode. 9.2.2. Initialization The cryptographic module is initialized by loading the module before any cryptographic functionality is available. In User Space the operating system is responsible for the initialization 11 process and loading of the library. In the kernel space the module is invoked during the operating system boot sequence. The module is designed with a default entry point (DEP) which ensures that the power-up tests are initiated automatically when the module is loaded. 9.2.3. Recovering from a Self-Test Failure If the FIPS 140-2 power-up self-tests fail, the module must be reloaded. The ViPNet application encompassing the module is responsible for reloading the module. If the failure persists the ViPNet application encompassing the cryptographic module must be reinstalled. 10.Mitigation of Other Attacks The cryptographic module does not contain additional security mechanisms beyond the requirements for FIPS 140-2 level 1 cryptographic modules.