Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Cryptographic module used in Motorola Solutions Astro APX series and VX series subscribers. Firmware Version: R01.01.02 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Document Version: 1.12 April 18, 2018 Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 2 of 11 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 SCOPE................................................................................................................................................................................3 1.2 DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................................................................3 1.3 FIRMWARE VERSION NUMBER...........................................................................................................................................3 1.4 MODULE OVERVIEW..........................................................................................................................................................3 1.5 CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY ............................................................................................................................................4 2. PORTS AND INTERFACES..............................................................................................................................................5 3. FIPS 140-2 SECURITY LEVELS......................................................................................................................................5 4. MODE OF OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................................5 4.1 FIPS APPROVED OPERATIONAL MODES ............................................................................................................................5 5. OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT..................................................................................................................................6 6. CRYPTO OFFICER AND USER GUIDANCE................................................................................................................7 6.1 ADMINISTRATION OF THE MODULE IN A SECURE MANNER (CO) ........................................................................................7 6.2 ASSUMPTIONS REGARDING USER BEHAVIOR.....................................................................................................................7 6.3 APPROVED SECURITY FUNCTIONS, PORTS, AND INTERFACES AVAILABLE TO USERS.........................................................7 6.4 USER RESPONSIBILITIES NECESSARY FOR SECURE OPERATION .........................................................................................7 7. SECURITY RULES ............................................................................................................................................................7 7.1 FIPS 140-2 IMPOSED SECURITY RULES .............................................................................................................................7 7.2 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS IMPOSED SECURITY RULES..........................................................................................................8 8. IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY.............................................................................................8 9. PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY.....................................................................................................................................8 10. ACCESS CONTROL POLICY..........................................................................................................................................8 10.1 SUPPORTED ROLES........................................................................................................................................................8 10.2 AVAILABLE SERVICES...................................................................................................................................................8 11. SELF-TEST..........................................................................................................................................................................8 12. CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS (CSPS)............................................................................................................9 12.1 CSP ACCESS TYPES ....................................................................................................................................................10 13. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY.........................................................................................................11 Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 3 of 11 1. Introduction 1.1Scope This Security Policy document specifies the security rules under which the Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware module (MSCFM) must operate. 1.2 Definitions ALGID Algorithm Identifier CBC Cipher Block Chaining CFB Cipher Feedback CSP Critical Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard ECB Electronic Code Book EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interface GCM Galois/Counter Mode MSCFM Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module NDRNG Non-deterministic Random Number Generator OFB Output Feedback PEK Password Encryption Key PRNG Pseudorandom Random Number Generator RBG Random Bit Generator RNG Random Number Generator 1.3Firmware Version Number The Cryptographic module has the following FIPS validated firmware version number. Firmware Version Number: R01.01.02 1.4 Module Overview The MSCFM provides firmware based cryptographic solutions. It is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module that runs on a general purpose computer operating environment. This firmware module provides FIPS 140-2 Approved cryptographic functionalities to different applications through Application Programming Interfaces. The following block diagram (Figure 1) shows how the application interacts with the MSCFM, Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 4 of 11 MSCFM runs on the following operating system and hardware platforms:  Motorola APX8000 Radio, Mentor Graphics Nucleus 3.0 (version 2013.08.1) on ARM926EJ-S core of Texas Instrument (TI) OMAP-L138 C6000 DSP+ARM  Motorola APX8000 Radio, Texas Instrument (TI) DSP/BIOS on C674x Megamodule (v4.0) of Texas Instrument (TI) OMAP-L138 C6000 DSP+ARM The cryptographic module also runs on the following operating systems for which operational testing was not performed:  Linux 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.x86_64 GNU/Linux  Linux on OMAP C6000 DSP+ARM Processor Note: the CMVP makes no statement as to the correct operation of the module on the operational environments for which operational testing was not performed. 1.5Cryptographic Boundary MSCFM is part of an application executable binary and delivered to the application as a static library, which is the logical boundary of the cryptographic module. The application linker pulls in required symbols from the static library and puts those symbols into a specific memory location. Table 1: List of FIPS 140-2 Approved Crypto Libraries Library Name Operating System Processor Name libALG_nucleus.lib Mentor Graphics Nucleus 3.0 (version 2013.08.1) ARM926EJ-S core of Texas Instrument (TI) OMAP-L138 C6000 DSP+ARM libALG_dsp.lib Texas Instrument (TI) DSP/BIOS C674x Megamodule (v4.0) of Texas Instrument (TI) OMAP-L138 C6000 DSP+ARM Hardware Operating System Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Application Figure 1: Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 5 of 11 2. Ports and Interfaces Physical ports of the module are provided by the general purpose computer operating system on which the module is running. The logical interfaces are defined as the API of the cryptographic module. All supported APIs in the firmware module support logical interfaces: data input, data output, control input, status output. Table 2: Ports and Interfaces Logical Interface Type Description Control input API entry point and corresponding stack parameters Data input API entry point data input stack parameters Status output API entry point return values and status stack parameters Data output API entry point data output stack parameters 3. FIPS 140-2 Security Levels MSCFM can only operate in an Approved mode at FIPS 140-2 overall Security Level 1. The table below shows the FIPS 140-2 Level of security met for each of the eleven areas specified within the FIPS 140-2 security requirements. Table 3: Security Levels FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements Section Validated Level at overall Security Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Roles, Services, and Authentication 1 Finite State Model 1 Physical Security 1 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 1 EMI / EMC 1 Self-Tests 1 Design Assurance 1 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 4. Mode of Operation The module can only operate in a FIPS 140-2 Approved mode of operation. 4.1FIPS Approved Operational Modes The cryptographic module always starts as FIPS 140-2 Approved mode of operation at overall Security Level 1; there is no configuration setting required during startup. The module supports the following Approved algorithms: Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 6 of 11 Table 4: List of Approved Algorithms CAVP Cert Algorithm Standard Mode/Method Key Length Use 4517 AES FIPS 197, SP 800-38A ECB, OFB, CBC 256 Voice/Data Encryption/decrypt ion 4517 AES FIPS 197, SP 800-38D GCM1 , GMAC (GMAC tested, but not used) 256 Voice/Data Encryption/decrypt ion 5357 KTS[38F] SP800-38F KW 256 Key establishment methodology provides 256 bits of encryption strength 1478 DRBG SP 800-90A CTR_DRBG AES-256 Deterministic Random Bit Generation 4517 KTS IG D.9 GCM 256 Key Wrap 2984 HMAC FIPS 198-1 HMAC-SHA-384 (192 - 1024) (must be multiple of 8) Message authentication, Code Integrity tests 3705 SHS FIPS 180-4 SHA-384, SHA- 512 N/A Message Digest The module supports the following allowed algorithms: Table 5: List of Allowed Algorithms Algorithm Caveat Use AES MAC (Cert. #4517) Vendor Affirmed. Project P25 AES OTAR Provide authentication within P25 APCO OTAR 5. Operational Environment The MSCFM operates and was tested on the following non-modifiable operational environments:  Motorola APX8000 Radio, Mentor Graphics Nucleus 3.0 (version 2013.08.1) on ARM926EJ-S core of Texas Instrument (TI) OMAP-L138 C6000 DSP+ARM  Motorola APX8000 Radio, Texas Instrument (TI) DSP/BIOS on C674x Megamodule (v4.0) of Texas Instrument (TI) OMAP-L138 C6000 DSP+ARM The cryptographic module is compiled on a Linux build server using a corresponding cross compiler and delivered as a static library that is linked into the application binary. During power up of the target device, the cryptographic module calculates HMAC-SHA384 over only 1 The AES GCM implementation complies with IG A.5, Scenario 2. The IV is randomly generated internally using an Approved DRBG, the DRBG seed is generated inside the module’s physical boundary, and the IV length is at least 96 bits. Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 7 of 11 cryptographic .RODATA and .TEXT sections and compares the runtime calculated HMAC against application build time generated HMAC. The cryptographic module will enter into Uninitialized state (which is also considered as Error state) if the HMAC calculation does not match. 6. Crypto Officer and User Guidance 6.1Administration of the module in a secure manner (CO) The firmware based cryptographic module requires no special administration for secure use after it has successfully passed all Power-On Self-Tests. 6.2 Assumptions regarding User Behavior The module has been designed in such a way that no special assumptions regarding User Behavior have been made that are relevant to the secure operation of the unit. 6.3Approved Security Functions, Ports, and Interfaces available to Users Services available to the User role are listed in section 10.2. 6.4User Responsibilities necessary for Secure Operation The module must be loaded successfully and pass code integrity, known answer tests. 7. Security Rules The firmware module enforces the following security rules. These rules are separated into those imposed by FIPS 140-2 and those imposed by Motorola Solutions. 7.1FIPS 140-2 Imposed Security Rules 1. The module does not provide any operator authentication. 2. The module implements all firmware using a high-level language. 3. The module encrypts/decrypts message traffic using AES algorithms. 4. The cryptographic module performs the following self-tests, Power-up Self-Tests:  Cryptographic algorithm tests o AES-256 Encrypt/Decrypt (ECB, OFB, CBC, GCM) KAT o SHA-384 KAT o SHA-512 KAT o HMAC-SHA384 KAT o DRBG KAT  Firmware Integrity Test: HMAC-SHA-384  Critical Functions Tests: N/A Conditional Self-Test: The cryptographic module performs the following conditional self-tests, Random number generation tests:  DRBG Continuous Tests  SP800-90A Health Tests 5. At any time, the application is capable of commanding the module to perform the power-up self-tests by Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 8 of 11 reloading the cryptographic module into memory. 6. The module is available to perform services only after successfully completing the power-up self-tests. 7. Data output shall be inhibited during self-tests and error states. 8. Status information shall not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the module. 9. The module shall not support a concurrent operator. 10. The module enters the Uninitialized state if any Power-up Self-Tests and conditional self-tests fail. The Uninitialized state can be exited by restarting the module. 11. The module does not perform any cryptographic functions while in the Uninitialized state. 12. The module preserves the results of power up and integrity Self-Tests; it can be retrieved out of the module via the module provided API. 13. The module is to be installed on a Motorola radio, which employs OTAR functionality. 14. The module may be power cycled to zeroize all CSPs. 7.2 Motorola Solutions Imposed Security Rules The module does not support multiple concurrent operations. 8. Identification and Authentication Policy As it is a firmware only cryptographic module, it does not provide any identification or authentication method of its own. 9. Physical Security Policy The module is firmware only and operates on a radio that is built with production grade materials. For the purposes of FIPS 140-2, the embodiment is defined as a multiple-chip standalone cryptographic module and is designed to meet Level 1 security requirements. 10. Access Control Policy 10.1 Supported Roles The module supports a User Role and Cryptographic Officer Role; no other roles are supported. 10.2 Available Services Table 6: Available Services Services User Cryptographic Officer . Self-Test X X Show Status X X Initialize X X Initialization Status Query X X Version Query X X Utility X X AES-256 Encryption Voice X X Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 9 of 11 AES-256 Decryption Voice X X AES-256 Encryption Data X X AES-256 Decryption Data X X Key Wrapping X X Key Unwrapping X X Generate OTAR MAC X X SHA384 X X SHA512 X X DRBG X X HMAC-SHA384 X X 12. Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) All CSPs used by the cryptographic module are described in this section. All access to these CSPs by the cryptographic module service are described in Section 12.4. Table 7: Critical Security Parameters CSP Name Description Generation Storage Entry/Output Destruction AES-256 Encrypt key AES Encryption Externally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A Power cycle. An application program that uses the module may destroy the key. AES-256 Decrypt key AES Decryption Externally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A Power cycle. An application program that uses the module may destroy the key. Keyed hash key HMAC SHA384 Message Authentication Code Externally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A Power cycle. SP800-90A seed This is a 384-bit seed value used within the SP800- 90A DRBG. Externally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A The seed is not stored but temporarily exists in volatile memory and is zeroized by power cycling the module. SP800-90A internal state (“V” and “Key”) This is the internal state of the SP800-90A DRBG during initialization. Internally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A The internal state is not stored but temporarily exists in volatile memory and is zeroized by power cycling the module. AES Key Encrypt Key AES Key Wrapping Externally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A Power cycle. An application program that uses the module may destroy the key. AES Key Decrypt Key AES Key Unwrapping Externally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A Power cycle. An application program that uses the module may destroy the key. OTAR MAC Key APCO OTAR MAC Generation Externally Volatile RAM Entry: N/A Output: N/A Power cycle. Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 10 of 11 12.1 CSP Access Types Table 8: CSP Access Type Acronyms Access Type Description S - Store CSP Stores CSP in volatile memory. The module uses CSPs passed in by the calling application on the stack. U - Use CSP Uses CSP internally for encryption / decryption services. Z - Zeroize CSP Zeroize key in volatile memory. The target operating system protects memory and process space from unauthorized access. Keys residing in the Module's internally allocated data structure during the lifetime of the services defined in Table 6: Available Services can only be accessed through APIs defined in the module. The keys can be destroyed in the Module's volatile memory by power cycling or calling appropriate API function calls to overwrite keys. The target applications shall use entropy sources that meet the security strength required for the random number generation mechanism as shown in [SP 800-90A] Table 3 (CTR_DRBG) and set 384 bits of entropy seed into the Module. The assurance of the minimum strength of the generated random bits from the module depends on the strength of the 384 bits of seed provided to the module. The target application collects 3840 bytes from each of 10 different Rx buffers, across all supported signaling modes and varied signal strength inputs, which results in 409.6 entropy bits that is then SHA-384 hashed to provide 384-bits of seed for DRBG initialization. Since entropy is loaded passively into the module, there is no assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys. Table 9: CSP-Services Access Matrix AES-256 Encrypt key AES-256 Decrypt key Keyed hash key SP800-90A seed SP800-90A internal state (“V” and “Key”) AES Key Encrypt Key AES Key Decrypt Key OTAR MAC Key Self Test Show Status Initialize Initialization Status Query Version Query Utility AES-256 Encryption Voice U,S,Z U AES-256 Decryption Voice U,S,Z AES-256 Encryption Data U,S,Z U AES-256 Decryption Data U,S,Z Key Wrapping U,S,Z Services CSP Motorola Solutions Cryptographic Firmware Module Copyright Motorola Solutions, Inc. 2018 Page 11 of 11 AES-256 Encrypt key AES-256 Decrypt key Keyed hash key SP800-90A seed SP800-90A internal state (“V” and “Key”) AES Key Encrypt Key AES Key Decrypt Key OTAR MAC Key Key Unwrapping U,S,Z Generate OTAR MAC U,S DRBG U,S U,S SHA384 SHA512 HMAC-SHA384 U,S 13. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The firmware module is not designed to mitigate any specific attacks outside of those required by FIPS 140-2, including but not limited to power consumption, timing, fault induction, or TEMPEST attacks. Services CSP