REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION ECO DATE APPROVED F Initial Release 2108109 06/02/10 Lee Armstrong G Update for hardware revision change 2109405 07/27/10 Lee Armstrong H Update for hardware revision change. Added details on tamper potting identification. 2119966 11/16/11 G. STRUNK I Update for software release 1.7(23). 2128242 10/16/12 G. STRUNK J Update for software release 1.8(24) 2140731 1/30/2014 G. STRUNK TEXAS INSTRUMENTS INCORPORATED (c) COPYRIGHT 2010-2014 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED DWN/CHK DATE TITLE Security Policy, ENGR DATE DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor 314PH MANU DATE NHA Used On QA DATE SIZE A DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J APPLICATION APVD DATE SCALE NONE SHEET 1 OF 23 Copyright © 2010-2014 by Texas Instruments. May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification. Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor The data in this specification is subject to correction or change as required. DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 2 Table Of Contents 1 REFERENCE DOCUMENTS...................................................................................................................................4 2 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................4 2.1 CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY....................................................................................................................................4 2.2 APPROVED ALGORITHMS...........................................................................................................................................6 2.3 NON-APPROVED ALGORITHMS..................................................................................................................................7 2.4 PHYSICAL PORTS AND LOGICAL INTERFACES............................................................................................................7 3 SECURITY RULES ...................................................................................................................................................8 4 IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION POLICY..................................................................................11 5 ACCESS CONTROL POLICY...............................................................................................................................12 6 ROLES, SERVICES, CSPS.....................................................................................................................................13 7 UNAUTHENTICATED SERVICES ......................................................................................................................18 8 PHYSICAL SECURITY POLICY..........................................................................................................................19 9 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS POLICY................................................................................................22 10 APPENDIX............................................................................................................................................................23 10.1 GLOSSARY/ACRONYMS ...........................................................................................................................................23 Index of Figures FIGURE 1. ENIGMA CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY (TOP VIEW)...............................................................................................5 FIGURE 2. ENIGMA CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY (BOTTOM VIEW) .......................................................................................6 FIGURE 3. LOCATION OF TOP-SIDE POTTED FASTENERS AND MATERIAL INDICATOR LABEL ..............................................20 FIGURE 4. LOCATION OF BOTTOM-SIDE POTTED FASTENERS ..............................................................................................20 DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 3 Index of Tables kTABLE 1. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS.....................................................................................................................................4 TABLE 2. MAP OF PHYSICAL PORTS TO LOGICAL INTERFACES..............................................................................................7 TABLE 3. ROLES AND REQUIRED IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION..........................................................................11 TABLE 4. STRENGTHS OF AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS.................................................................................................11 TABLE 5. MARRIAGE INITIATION SERVICE ..........................................................................................................................13 TABLE 6. MARRIAGE VERIFICATION SERVICE .....................................................................................................................13 TABLE 7. UPDATE TI LOGIN LIST SERVICE .........................................................................................................................14 TABLE 8. UPDATE SECURITY OFFICER LOGIN LIST SERVICE...............................................................................................14 TABLE 9. TLS SESSIONS FOR CRYPTOGRAPHIC OFFICER SERVICE ......................................................................................15 TABLE 10. ZEROIZE VIA TWO-LAYER COMMAND SERVICE.................................................................................................15 TABLE 11. TLS SESSIONS FOR CINEMA SERVER SERVICE ...................................................................................................16 TABLE 12. SHOW MOVIE SERVICE.......................................................................................................................................16 TABLE 13. LOG RETRIEVAL SERVICE ..................................................................................................................................17 TABLE 14. LOAD NEW CODE SERVICE ................................................................................................................................17 TABLE 15. INSPECTION/TESTING OF PHYSICAL SECURITY MECHANISMS ............................................................................19 TABLE 16. TAMPER EVIDENT FASTENER IDENTIFICATION (POTTING MATERIAL COVERING SCREWS.)...............................21 TABLE 17. MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS ......................................................................................................................22 DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 4 1 Reference Documents Document Number Description FIPS 140-2 Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules FIPS 197 Advance Encryption Standard (AES) FIPS 198-1 The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) ANSI X9.31-1998 Digital Signatures Using Reversible Public Key Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry (rDSA) Digital Cinema System Specification (Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC) 1.2 IETF RFC 2246 The TLS Protocol, Version 1.0 FIPS 180-2 Secure Hash Standard Table 1. Reference Documents 2 Introduction The Texas Instruments Enigma Cryptographic Module [Hardware version 2509488 Rev G or Rev H or Rev I; Software version 1.4(19) or 1.5(21) or 1.6(22) or 1.7(23) or 1.8(24); Firmware version 2.12(12)], hereafter referred to as “Enigma” or “cryptographic module”, is a multi-chip embedded cryptographic module designed to protect digital movie content in accordance with Digital Cinema Initiatives V1.2. The Enigma is a Link Decryptor module designed to reside within a host cinema projector. 2.1 Cryptographic Boundary The cryptographic boundary is defined as the outer perimeter of the metal enclosure that encompasses all hardware, software, and firmware that support cryptography and security functions with three multi-pin connector ports exposed as interfaces. The following images define the cryptographic boundary: DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 5 Figure 1. Enigma Cryptographic Boundary (top view) DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 6 Figure 2. Enigma Cryptographic Boundary (bottom view) 2.2 Approved Algorithms The cryptographic module supports the following Approved algorithms: • AES CBC Encrypt/Decrypt (Cert# 1014) • AES ECB Encrypt – Core 1 (Cert# 999) • AES ECB Encrypt – Core 2 (Cert# 1000) • AES ECB Encrypt – Core 3 (Cert# 1001) • AES ECB Encrypt – Core 4 (Cert# 1002) • SHA-1 (Cert# 971) • ANSI X9.31 DRNG with AES 128 core (Cert# 581) • HMAC-SHA-1 (Cert# 568) • RSA (Cert# 487) DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 7 2.3 Non-Approved Algorithms The cryptographic module supports the following non-Approved algorithms: • ECDH – considered as non-security relevant and only used to interoperate with legacy equipment • TI S-box - considered as non-security relevant data obfuscation (plaintext); only used for status and control. • NDRNG – only used to seed the Approved DRNG. • MD5 (within TLS PRF) • RSA key wrap (within TLS): (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) 2.4 Physical Ports and Logical Interfaces The cryptographic module supports the following physical ports: • J1: 120-Pin 0.8mm QSE Series Hi-Speed Socket • J2: 120-Pin 0.8mm QSE Series Hi-Speed Socket • J3: 3-pin, polarized, 2.5mm pitch, header • 12VDC, FPGA, FIPS, ST, SDMT, VS, DCRPT: a series of traces that extend to seven external light emitting diodes (LEDs) • DC power supply circuit/filter: a series of traces that extend to peripheral power related components that are outside of the cryptographic boundary The following table maps of each physical port to the logical interfaces: Physical Port Logical Interface J1, J2 Data Input J1, J2 Control Input J1, J2 Data Output J1, J2, 12VDC, FPGA, FIPS, ST, SDMT, VS, DCRPT Status Output J1, J2, J3, DC power supply circuit/filter Power Table 2. Map of Physical Ports to Logical Interfaces DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 8 3 Security Rules The following specifies security rules under which the cryptographic module shall operate in accordance with FIPS 140-2: • The cryptographic module does not support a non-FIPS mode of operation and only operates in an Approved mode of operation. The method used to indicate the Approved mode of operation is the combination of LEDs displayed in the following pattern with main power applied: o 12VDC LED is illuminated green o FPGA LED is illuminated green o FIPS LED is not illuminated o ST LED is illuminated green o SDMT LED is illuminated green o VS LED is not illuminated o DCRPT LED is not illuminated • The cryptographic module provides logical separation between all of the data input, control input, data output, status output interfaces. The module receives external power inputs through the defined power interface. • The cryptographic module supports identity based authentication for all services that utilize CSPs and Approved security functions. • The data output interface is inhibited during self tests, zeroization, and when error states exist. • When the cryptographic module is in an error state it ceases to provide cryptographic services, inhibits all data outputs, and provides status of the error. • The cryptographic module maintains internal separation of concurrent operators. • When the cryptographic module is powered off and subsequently powered on, the results of previous authentications are not be retained and the cryptographic module requires the operator to be re-authenticated in an identity based fashion. • The cryptographic module protects CSPs from unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized modification, and unauthorized substitution. • The cryptographic module protects public keys from unauthorized modification, and unauthorized substitution. • The cryptographic module satisfies the FCC EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B (i.e., for home use). • The cryptographic module implements the following self-tests: Power-up self-tests o AES CBC Encrypt/Decrypt KAT o AES ECB Encrypt KAT on each of the 4 FPGA cores o SHA-1 KAT o HMAC-SHA-1 KAT o RSA-SHA-1 KAT (signature generation/verification) o DRNG KAT o Firmware integrity test (32-bit checksum verification) DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 9 Critical functions tests • MD5 KAT • TLS PRF KAT • RSA decryption KAT Conditional self-test o Continuous DRNG test o Continuous NDRNG test o Firmware load test (RSA 2048 bit signature verification). • Manual key entry is not supported and the cryptographic module does not implement manual key entry tests. • The cryptographic module does not support bypass capability and does not implement bypass tests. • The module does not support RSA key generation, and does not implement conditional pair-wise consistency tests. • Key generation and split-knowledge processes are not supported. • All maintenance related services (i.e. maintenance role, physical maintenance interface, logical maintenance interface) are not applicable. • There are no components within the cryptographic boundary that are excluded from the requirements of FIPS 140-2. • Plaintext CSP input/output is not supported. • The cryptographic module does not contain dedicated physical ports for CSP input/output • The continuous comparison self-tests related to twin implementations are not applicable. • Upon authenticating into a particular role, it is not possible to switch into another role without re- authenticating. • The cryptographic module does not provide the means to feedback authentication data. • The finite state machine does not support the following states: maintenance, key generation, CSP output. • The requirements of FIPS 140-2 Section 4.6 are not applicable; there exists no support for the execution of untrusted code. All coded loaded from outside the cryptographic boundary is cryptographically authenticated via RSA 2048 bit digital signatures. • The cryptographic module is not a radio, does not support any wireless interfaces or OTAR. • The EFP and EFT requirements are not applicable. • The requirements of FIPS 140-2 Section 4.11 are not applicable; the cryptographic module was not designed to mitigate specific attacks beyond the scope of FIPS 140-2. Following are the additional security rules imposed by the Texas Instruments. • The cryptographic module shall conform to the DCI version 1.2. • The cryptographic module shall support electrical and logical marriage to its host cinema projector. The cryptographic module continuously monitors its electrical connection to the host cinema projector via J1 and J2 connector. The cryptographic module maintains its logical marriage via verification of RSA 2048 bit digital signatures. In the event that the marriage is broken (for example through removal of the cryptographic module from the host cinema DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 10 projector or failed User role authentication attempts during Marriage Verification service) the Show Movies AES keys are zeroized. Additionally, the cryptographic module rejects all attempts to enter Show Movie AES Keys until such a time as the Cryptographic Officer performs another Marriage Initiation service. • The cryptographic module shall continuously monitor the service doors of the projector via the J1 and J2 connectors and respond to the opening of multiple external doors within the host cinema projector. The external doors are not included within the cryptographic module boundary and opening of said doors does not constitute a breach of the cryptographic boundary. When the external doors are opened, the Show Movie AES Keys are zeroized. Additionally, the cryptographic module rejects all attempts to enter Show Movie AES Keys until such a time as the external doors are closed and the cryptographic module receives the Service Door Tamper Termination command. DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 11 4 Identification and Authentication Policy The following constitutes the cryptographic modules identification and authentication policy including an itemization of the roles, type of authentication, and corresponding authentication data. Additionally the strength of each authentication mechanism is specified for random attempts and multiple consecutive attempts within a one-minute period. Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Cryptographic Officer (Security Officer) Identity-Based Username & Password User (ICP) Identity-Based RSA signature verification TI Login List Updater Identity-Based RSA signature verification Security Officer Login List Updater Identity-Based RSA signature verification TI Code Signer Identity-Based RSA signature verification Table 3. Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Username & Password Random attempt: 1 in 92 ^ 10 Multiple attempts during one minute period: 3 in 92 ^ 10. The Enigma will refuse login attempts for one minute after 3 unsuccessful login attempts. RSA signature verification Random attempt: 1 in 2 ^ 112 Multiple attempts during one minute period: 6000 in 2 ^ 112 Table 4. Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 12 5 Access Control Policy Following is a listing of the authorized roles with a description of responsibilities. • Cryptographic Officer (Security Officer) role: this role is responsible for the initialization and administration of the cryptographic module. This role is also responsible for inspection of the implemented physical security mechanisms during marriage initiation. • User role (ICP): this role is responsible for playing movies and periodically checking status. • TI Login List Updater role: this role is responsible for updating the TI Login List. • Security Officer Login List Updater role: this role is responsible for updating the Security Officer Login List. • TI Code Signer role: this role is responsible for updating the executable code that is encrypted with AES and cryptographically authenticated via 2048 bit RSA digital signatures. DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 13 6 Roles, Services, CSPs Following is listing of roles, services, cryptographic keys & CSPs, and types of access to the cryptographic keys & CSPs that are available to each of the authorized roles via the corresponding services. Role Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access Cryptographic Officer (Security Officer) Marriage Initiation: binding the identity of the cryptographic module (Link Decryptor) to the external Integrated Cinema Processor both electronically and logically via RSA signatures. Enigma Public Key (RSA 2048) Output Enigma Private Key (RSA 2048) Use for decryption of TLS Pre-master Secret Security Officer TLS Public Key (RSA 2048) Input, Use for TLS session establishment Security Officer Login List (Usernames and Passwords) Input, Use for authentication via TLS • TLS HMAC Key (160-bit) • TLS AES Key (128-bit) • TLS PRF State (takes the TLS Pre- master Secret, 64-byte random number, 13-byte label – converts to TLS Master Secret) • TLS Pre-master Secret (48-byte) • TLS Master Secret (48-byte) Established via commercially available key establishment protocol TLS 1.0 (protocol version = 3.1); Used with Cipher-Suite “RSA_WITH_AES_128 _CBC_SHA” = {0x00, 0x2F} (RFC 3268). DRNG State (16-byte) Use for random number generation for use in TLS Integrated Cinema Processor Public Key (RSA 2048) Input; Use for signature verification of future marriage verification services Table 5. Marriage Initiation Service Role Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access User Marriage Verification: verify a digital signature from the User to confirm that the logical marriage is still intact. Integrated Cinema Processor Public Key (RSA 2048) Input, Use for signature verification to authenticate the User role Table 6. Marriage Verification Service DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 14 Roles Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access TI Login List Updater Update TI Login List: Verify RSA signature, decrypt the login list received, update the list. TI Login List Update AES Key (128-bit) Use for decryption of TI Login List TI Login List Update Public Key (RSA 2048) Use for signature verification TI Login List (Usernames and Passwords) Input and update CSP AES Key Use for storage Table 7. Update TI Login List Service Roles Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access Security Officer Login List Updater Update Security Officer Login List: Verify RSA signature, decrypt the login list received, update the list. Security Officer Login List Update AES Key (128-bit) Use for decryption of Security Officer login list Security Officer Login List Update Public Key (RSA 2048) Use for signature verification Security Officer Login List (Usernames and Passwords) Input and update CSP AES Key Use for storage Table 8. Update Security Officer Login List Service DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 15 Roles Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access Cryptographic Officer (Security Officer) TLS Sessions for Cryptographic Officer: Establish a TLS session with RSA client certificates, Login (open) by authenticating to the cryptographic module via username, and password. Logout (close) by terminating the session upon completion. Security Officer TLS Public Key (RSA 2048) Input, Use for signature verification Security Officer Login List (Usernames and Passwords) Input, Use for login via TLS • TLS HMAC Key (160-bit) • TLS AES Key (128-bit) • TLS PRF State (takes the TLS Pre- master Secret, 64-byte random number, 13-byte label – converts to TLS Master Secret) • TLS Pre-master Secret (48-byte) • TLS Master Secret (48-byte) Established via commercially available key establishment protocol TLS 1.0 (protocol version = 3.1); Used with Cipher-Suite “RSA_WITH_AES_128 _CBC_SHA” = {0x00, 0x2F} (RFC 3268). DRNG State (16-byte) Use for random number generation for use in TLS Enigma Public Key (RSA 2048). Output Enigma Private Key (RSA 2048) Use for TLS establishment. Self-Test Via Command Over TLS: Allow the Cryptographic Officer to execute self-tests N/A N/A Table 9. TLS Sessions for Cryptographic Officer Service Role Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access Cryptographic Officer (Security Officer) Zeroize via Two-Layer Command All plaintext CSPs. Zeroization (i.e. active overwrite of all memory locations where the CSPs reside) Table 10. Zeroize via Two-Layer Command Service DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 16 Role Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access User TLS Sessions for Cinema Server (port #0x0495): cryptographically process I/O via the TLS protocol and process SMPTE ASM commands via the TLS protocol: - GetTime - QuerySPB - LEKeyLoad - LEKeyQueryID - LEKeyQueryAll - LEKeyPurgeID - LEKeyPurgeAll - PurgeLEKeyID - PurgeAllLEKey - GetEventID - GetEventList - BadRequest • TLS HMAC Key (160-bit) • TLS AES Key (128-bit) • TLS PRF State (takes the TLS Pre- master Secret, 64-byte random number, 13 byte label – converts to TLS Master Secret) • TLS Pre-master Secret (48-byte) • TLS Master Secret (48-byte) Established via commercially available key establishment protocol TLS 1.0 (protocol version = 3.1); Used with Cipher-Suite “RSA_WITH_AES_128 _CBC_SHA” = {0x00, 0x2F} (RFC 3268). DRNG State (16-byte) Use for random number generation for use in TLS Show Movie AES key (128-bit) Input, use for AES ECB, Zeroize. Cinema Server Public Key (RSA 2048) Input, Use for signature verification Enigma Public Key (RSA 2048) Output Enigma Private Key (RSA 2048) Use for TLS establishment. Table 11. TLS Sessions for Cinema Server Service Role Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access User Show Movie: Cryptographically process data with AES ECB using the Show Movie AES key. Show Movie AES Key (128-bit) Use for AES ECB. Table 12. Show Movie Service DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 17 Role Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access User Log Retrieval: obtain forensic log of public identifiers per DCI Spec v1.2. • TLS HMAC Key (160-bit) • TLS AES Key (128-bit) • TLS PRF State (takes the TLS Pre- master Secret, 64-byte random number, 13-byte label – converts to TLS Master Secret) • TLS Pre-master Secret (48-byte) • TLS Master Secret (48-byte) Use existing session parameters. DRNG State (16-byte) Use for random number generation for use in TLS Table 13. Log Retrieval Service Role Service Cryptographic Keys & CSPs Type(s) of Access TI Code Signer Load New Code: update the executable code via RSA signature verification. TI Code Update Public Key (RSA 2048) Input, Use for signature verification of code TI Code Update AES Key (128-bit) Input; Use for decryption of code TI Login List Update AES Key (128-bit) Input and store TI Login List Update Public Key (RSA 2048) Input and store Security Officer Login List Update AES Key (128-bit) Input and store Security Officer Login List Update Public Key (RSA 2048) Input and store CSP AES Key Use for storage Table 14. Load New Code Service DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 18 7 Unauthenticated Services The cryptographic module supports unauthenticated services that do not use Approved security functions, disclose, modify, substitute CSPs or otherwise affect the security of the module as follows: • Show Status: obtain non-security relevant status items. • Self-tests: perform the full suite of power-on self tests by power cycling the cryptographic module. Note that the following unauthenticated services are accessible by connecting to the cryptographic module through ECDH and TI S-box, the use of which is considered non-security relevant data obfuscation from FIPS 140-2 perspective as related to this cryptographic module; this does not provide any security relevant functions and is not used to protect sensitive unclassified data. The I/O therein is obfuscated to support interoperability with existing legacy equipment and is only used to set and retrieve non-security relevant items. Note that all such services are considered to be plaintext with respect to FIPS 140-2, and do not use the Approved security functions, disclose, modify, or substitute CSPs or otherwise affect the security of the module as follows: • RGB Status output: the cryptographic module outputs status of red-green-blue signal. • Black Status output: the cryptographic module outputs a constant signal of black status. • Read Status: output non-security relevant status information. • Run self-tests via command: perform the full suite of power-on self tests on demand. • Ethernet Port Configuration: used to define the MAC address associated with the Ethernet port • Version: used to read the software, firmware, and login list version information. • Set RTC Time: used to read and write the date and time information. • Serial Number: used to read the serial number of the module. • System Reset: used to reset the module. • Input Data Packing Format: used to configure the module’s video input. • Power Mode Select: used to place the module into a low-power mode (or exit a low-power mode). • Security Log: used to retrieve plaintext security log information. • Service Door Tamper Terminate: used to resume monitoring of the service door tamper inputs. DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 19 8 Physical Security Policy The following table describes: • Physical security mechanisms that are implemented in the cryptographic module • Actions required by the operators to ensure that physical security is maintained Physical Security Mechanisms Recommended Frequency of Inspection/Test Inspection/Test Guidance Details Hard, opaque, tamper evident, production grade, non-removable metal enclosure Each time the Marriage Initiation service is performed Inspect all sides of the cryptographic boundary under a bright light for scratches, gouges, scrapes, and other signs of malice. Tamper evident fasteners (opaque potting material covering screws) Each time the Marriage Initiation service is performed Inspect each of the fasteners at the four corners of the cryptographic boundary, top and bottom, under a bright light for scratches, gouges, scrapes, and other signs of malice. See Figure 3, Figure 4, and Table 16 for details on identifying the tamper evident potting material. Tamper detection and response zeroization circuitry N/A Obtain status from the cryptographic module during each use. If a tamper event has occurred send the cryptographic module to the manufacturer. Marriage connection Each time the Marriage Initiation service is performed Inspect the physical connection between the cryptographic module and the external host cinema projector. Ensure that no intervening systems are present at the physical connection (e.g. protruding wires, unauthorized components). External Service door connection Prior to each closure of the external service door. Inspect the physical connection between the cryptographic module and the external host cinema projector. Ensure that no intervening systems are present at the physical connection (e.g. protruding wires, unauthorized components). Table 15. Inspection/Testing of Physical Security Mechanisms DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 20 4 Non-Removable Potted Fasteners Potting Material Indicator Label Location Figure 3. Location of Top-side Potted Fasteners and Material Indicator Label 4 Non-Removable Potted Fasteners Figure 4. Location of Bottom-side Potted Fasteners DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 21 Indicator Label Material Color Example Top Side Screw Potting Example Bottom Side Screw Potting No Label Blue Red Label Red White Label White Table 16. Tamper Evident Fastener Identification (Potting Material Covering Screws.) DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 22 9 Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The cryptographic module was not designed to mitigate any specific attacks beyond the scope of FIPS 140-2. Other Attacks Mitigation Mechanism Specific Limitations N/A N/A N/A Table 17. Mitigation of Other Attacks DLP Cinema® Products Copyright 2010-2014, Texas Instruments Security Policy, DLP Cinema® , Series 2 Enigma Link Decryptor May only be reproduced in its entirety without modification DRAWING NO 2510293 REV J SHEET 23 10 Appendix 10.1 Glossary/Acronyms AES Advanced Encryption Standard ASM Auditorium Security Messages CO Cryptographic Officer CSP Critical Security Parameter DCI Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC DRNG Deterministic Random Number Generator ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard HMAC Hashed Message Authentication Code ICP Integrated Cinema Processor I/O Input/Output KAT Known Answer Test MAC Media Access Control NDRNG Non-deterministic Random Number Generator RGB Red-green-blue RSA Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (public key cryptography algorithm) RTC Real time clock SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SMPTE The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers TLS Transport Layer Security