○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 1 FIPS 140-2 Level-3 Non-propriety Security Policy GO-Trust SDencrypter Version : v5.0 Date : February 05, 2014 Classification : Public ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 2 EDITOR Author Title Sean Huang Senior Engineer Revision History Version Description Date By 0.1 Initial Version 2013/02/04 Sean Huang 0.2 Response for comments 2013/02/08 Sean Huang 0.3 Update 2013/02/23 Sean Huang 1.0 Final Version 2013/03/21 Sean Huang 2.0 Modify per NIST comments 2013/11/13 Sean Huang 3.0 Modify per NIST comments 2014/01/13 Sean Huang 4.0 Modify per NIST comments 2014/01/29 Sean Huang 5.0 Modify per NIST comments 2014/02/05 Sean Huang ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 3 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Security Level ............................................................................................................... 5 2 Cryptographic Module Specification..................................................................................... 6 2.1 Cryptographic Module Boundary.................................................................................. 7 2.2 Hardware ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Firmware...................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 FIPS Approved Mode Services..................................................................................... 10 2.5 Security Functions ...................................................................................................... 11 2.6 FIPS Approved Mode Indicator ................................................................................... 13 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces ....................................................................... 13 3.1 Physical Ports ............................................................................................................. 13 3.2 Logical Interfaces........................................................................................................ 14 4 Roles, Services and Authentication .................................................................................... 15 4.1 Roles .......................................................................................................................... 15 4.2 Identification and Authentication............................................................................... 16 4.3 Services...................................................................................................................... 17 5 Physical Security ................................................................................................................ 20 5.1 Physical Security mechanisms as required by FIPS 140-2 ............................................. 21 5.2 Additional Hardware Security Mechanisms................................................................. 21 6 Operational Environment................................................................................................... 21 7 Cryptographic Key Management ........................................................................................ 21 7.1 Critical Security Parameters and Public Keys............................................................... 21 7.2 Key Generation and Diversification............................................................................. 23 7.3 Key Entry and Output ................................................................................................. 23 7.4 Key Storage ................................................................................................................ 23 7.5 Key Zeroization........................................................................................................... 24 7.6 RNG Seed Values ........................................................................................................ 24 7.7 Protect against unauthorized exploitation .................................................................. 24 7.8 Notice about keys....................................................................................................... 24 ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 4 8 Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility (EMI/EMC)..................................................... 24 9 Self-Tests........................................................................................................................... 25 9.1 Power-up Self-Tests.................................................................................................... 25 9.2 Conditional Self-Tests................................................................................................. 26 10 Design Assurance............................................................................................................... 27 10.1 Configuration Management........................................................................................ 27 10.2 Guidance Documents.................................................................................................. 28 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks ............................................................................................... 28 12 Security Rules .................................................................................................................... 28 12.1 General Security Rules................................................................................................ 28 12.2 Identification and Authentication Security Rules ........................................................ 29 12.3 Access Control Security Rules ..................................................................................... 29 12.4 Physical Security Rules................................................................................................ 30 12.5 Mitigation of Other Attacks Security Rules.................................................................. 30 13 Security Policy Check List Tables......................................................................................... 31 13.1 Roles and required Identification and Authentication................................................. 31 13.2 Strength of Authentication Mechanisms..................................................................... 31 13.3 Services Authorized for Roles ..................................................................................... 32 14 References......................................................................................................................... 32 15 Acronyms .......................................................................................................................... 32 ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 5 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This document describes the non-proprietary security policy for SDencrypter developed by GOTrust Technology Inc., in which illustrates how the cryptographic module meets the requirements for the security level 3 validation specified in the FIPS 140-2 standard. This security policy is part of the evidence documentation package to be submitted to the testing lab. FIPS 140-2 specifies the security requirements for a cryptographic module protecting sensitive information. Based on four security levels for cryptographic modules this standard identifies requirements in eleven sections. For more information about the standard, please visit http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips140-2/fips1402.pdf 1.2 Scope This Security Policy specifies the security rules under which the cryptographic module operates its major properties. It does not describe the requirements for the entire system, which makes use of the cryptographic module. 1.3 Security Level The SDencrypter meets the overall requirements applicable to FIPS140-2 Security Level 3. In the individual requirement sections of FIPS 140-2 the following Security Level ratings are achieved: ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 6 Table 1 – Security Level per FIPS 140-2 Section Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 3 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 4 Finite State Model 3 5 Physical Security 3 6 Operational Environment N/A 7 Cryptographic Key Management 3 8 EMI/EMC 3 9 Self-tests 3 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A 2 Cryptographic Module Specification The GO-Trust SDencrypter, hereafter referred to as SDencrypter, acts as a flexible platform for constructing diversified security services such as secure mobile application, which possessing high performance, streaming encryption and decryption services. The SDencrypter comprises three major components: security element, SDencrypter controller and up to 16 GB of flash memory. The module contains CPUs, ROMs, and RAMs and all these components are packaged in the form factor of microSD card. The entire encryption, decryption, key exchange processing is completed inside the module. Fast “in-chip” processing, using a high-performance, Common Criteria EAL5+ certified security element, supports streaming data encryption, file encryption, key management, secure VPN, and media right protection. High-assurance protection is provided to keys and sensitive data which are encrypted and stored inside the Secure Element. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 7 2.1 Cryptographic Module Boundary The boundary of SDencrypter is the edge of one microSD card. The perimeter of the module forms the cryptographic boundary of this FIPS140-2 Security Level 3 compliant multiple-chip embedded cryptographic module. Physical cryptographic boundary of SDencrypter can be referred to Figure 1, which shows a standard form factor of microSD. SDencrypter is approximately 15mm x 11mm and provides 8 standard contact pins plus 2 extended contact pins. Block diagram of SDencrypter shows as Figure 2. Figure 1 – Physical Boundary of SDencrypter (Top view and Bottom view) Figure 2 – Block Diagram of SDencrypter ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 8 Logical boundary of cryptographic module is shown as Figure 3, which describes firmware module on SDencrypter that provides Approved mode services. Figure 3 – Logical Boundary Diagram 2.2 Hardware SDencrypter is a multiple-chip embedded module that hardware boundary contains CPU, ROM, flash memory, and RAM. No components are excluded from the cryptographic boundary. Here lists important components of SDencrypter:  Secure Element - 32 bit CPU - CPU clock frequency up to 22.5 MHz - 1280 KByte in-chip flash memory (include Boot ROM) - 30 KByte in-chip RAM - 1.8V, 3V, 5V supply voltage ranges - Hardware random number generator HRNG - Three hardware 16 bit timers ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 9 - Hardware security-enhanced DES accelerator EDES - CRC module - SPI Slave Interface - Active shield - Memory protection unit  SDencrypter Controller - 8 bit CPU - 16 KByte flash memory - 36 KByte RAM  NAND Flash Memory - Up to 16 GByte NAND flash memory This security policy emphasizes that all FIPS Approved Mode Services of SDencrypter is performed in Secure Element; in other words, the reader should bear in mind that the processing and storage of CSPs can only happen inside the in-chip flash memory and the in-chip RAM of Secure Element, rather than flash memory of SDencrypter Controller and NANS Flash Memory. 2.3 Firmware SDencrypter contains firmware residing in the module. The firmware is implemented using high level language (C) and comprises the two major parts, which are SDencrypter Controller firmware and Secure Element firmware. 1. SDencrypter Controller firmware: - SD Interface Driver: Receiving command from host module and sending response to host module via the standard SD 2.0 interface. - SPI Dispatcher: Sending command to Secure Element and receiving response from Secure Element via the defined SPI interface. 2. Secure Element firmware ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 10 - SDencrypter Manager: SDencrypter memory initialization and I/O control (SPI interface) - SDencrypter Operation System: SDencrypter file system initialization and management - Approve Mode Services and Operations: Provides all Approved mode services listing in Section 2.4. 2.4 FIPS Approved Mode Services SDencrypter shall not contain Non-FIPS Approved mode services. The module does not implement bypass or maintenance modes. FIPS-Approved mode services includes: - Authentication Services: authentication of roles of Crypto Officer and User  Authentication - Encryption Services: FIPS validated encryption and decryption algorithms  Decryption  Encryption - Signature Services: FIPS validated digital signature generation and verification  MAC  Signature Generation  Signature Verification - CSPs Services: CSPs related operations including CSP generation, key derivation, key wrapping and CSP zeroization  Password Modification  Random Number Generation  Get Key Version  Key Generation  Put Key  Wrap Key  Clear Key - System Services: system layer operation including show status and un-lock user password ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 11  Self-Test  Show Status The details are shown in Table 5. The FIPS-Approved mode services are implemented based on validated security functions shown in Table 2. According to the CAVEAT in the end of Table 2, FIPS-Approved mode of operation provides access to the services which use the security algorithms disallowed after NIST announced transition period that shall not be used. 2.5 Security Functions The following table gives the list of security functions that are provided by the SDencrypter. These security functions can be invoked through related commands shown in Table 5. All of the security functions are included in GO-Trust Cipher Library v1.0. Table 2 – Security Functions Implemented in Module Security Functions Details CAVP Cert. # AES ECB ( e/d; 128 , 192 , 256 ); CBC ( e/d; 128 , 192 , 256 ); #1664 HMAC HMAC-SHA1 (Key Sizes Ranges Tested: KSBS ) SHS (Cert. #1672 HMAC-SHA256 ( Key Size Ranges Tested: KSBS ) SHS (Cert. #1672) #1426 KDF CTR_Mode: (Llength (Min20 Max70) MACSupported( [HMACSHA1] [HMACSHA256] ) LocationCounter( [AfterFixedData] ) rlength( [8] ) ) RNG Val#999; HMAC Val#1426 #7 RNG ANSI X9.31[ Triple-DES-2Key; AES-256Key] #999 ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 12 Security Functions Details CAVP Cert. # RSA FIPS186-2: ALG[RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5]:SIG(gen), SIG(ver): 1024, 2048 ALG[RSASSA-PSS]:SIG(gen); SIG(ver); 1024, 2048 SHS: SHA-1 & SHA-256 Val#1672 FIPS186-3: 186-3KEY(gen): FIPS186-3_Fixed_e , FIPS186-3_Fixed_e_Value PGM (ProbPrimeCondition): 1024 , 2048 PPTT:( C.2 ) ALG[RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5] SIG(gen): (1024 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (2048 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (3072 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) SIG(Ver): (1024 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (2048 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) (3072 SHA( 1 , 224 , 256 , 384 , 512 )) SHA-1 Val#1673; RNG Val#999 #976 SHS SHA-1 (BYTE-only) SHA-256 (BYTE-only) #1672 Triple-DES TECB(e/d; KO 1,2); TCBC(e/d; KO 1,2) #1237 AES Key Wrap Compliant with SP800-38F key wrapping as an Approved key transport method indicated in [IG D.9] AES (Cert. #1664, key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 256 bits of encryption strength) non-Approved CAVEAT: [SP800-131A] describes the transition associated with the use of cryptographic algorithms and key lengths; based on the information included in this publication the usage of following algorithms implemented in this cryptographic module is discouraged as they cannot be used in FIPS mode after the transition period:  HMAC with key lengths < 112 bits, disallowed after 2013.  RSA Key Generation and Digital Signature Generation with keys of length < 2048bits, disallowed after 2013.  SHA-1 for digital signature generation, disallowed after 2013.  Two-key Triple-DES Encryption: acceptable through 2010, restricted use from 2011 through 2015, disallowed after 2015. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 13  Two-key Triple-DES Decryption: Acceptable through 2010, legacy-use after 2010. 2.6 FIPS Approved Mode Indicator SDencrypter provides “Show Status” in system service to indicate the module is under Approved mode. 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The module’s physical interfaces are composed of a set of contact pins providing data input, output, power, control in, status out and clock. No physical covers, doors, openings, physical status indicators and manual control interface are included in the module. 3.1 Physical Ports Figure 4 – SDencrypter assigned pin number Table 3 – Physical Ports Pin Pin Assignment Description Pin1 DATA2 Data line[bit 2] Pin2 DATA3 Data Line[bit 3] Pin3 CMD Command and response Pin4 VCC Supply voltage ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 14 Pin Pin Assignment Description Pin5 CLK Clock Pin6 VSS Supply voltage ground Pin7 DATA0 Data line[bit 0] Pin8 DATA1 Data line[bit 1] Pin9 RFU Reserved for future use Pin10 RFU Reserved for future use 3.2 Logical Interfaces SDencrypter is configured as a slave controller to process and respond to the commands. The I/O ports of the platform provide the following logical interfaces: Table 4 – Logical Interfaces Logical Interface Pin assignment Data Input DATA0, DATA1, DATA2, DATA3 Data Output DATA0, DATA1, DATA2, DATA3 Control Input CMD, CLK Status Output CMD Power VCC, VSS The logical interfaces are kept logically separate when sharing a physical port by the protocols used. Information flows for the data input, data output, control input, and status output interfaces are encapsulated into SD 2.0 commands. 1. For logical interfaces “Data Input” and “Data Output”: They share the same physical ports (DATA0, DATA1, DATA2, DATA3). In this case the logical interfaces are kept logically separate when sharing the same physical ports by the data flow. If data goes into module, the physical ports mean “Data Input”. On the contrary data goes out module; the physical ports mean “Data Output”. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 15 2. For logical interfaces “Control Input” and “Status Output”: They share the same physical ports (CMD). In this case the logical interfaces are kept logically separate when sharing the same physical port by the information flow. If information goes into module, the physical port means “Control Input”. On the contrary information goes out module; the physical port means “Status Output”. 4 Roles, Services and Authentication SDencrypter supports two roles, Crypto Officer (CO) and User, and enforces the separation of these roles by restricting the services available to each one. The cryptographic module enforces the separation of operators using identity-based authentication, which can protect CSPs against unauthorized disclose, modification, and substitution by separation roles. Operator authentication is required while module is powered up, and the operator will be automatically log-out while module is powered down. Operator authentication is proceeded with the verification of operator password. 4.1 Roles  Crypto Officer Role The Crypto Officer role is responsible for initializing the module and managing the security configuration of the cryptographic module. Before issuing a module to an end user, the Crypto Officer initializes the module with keying material and private information. The cryptographic module validates the Crypto Officer identity using password verification before accepting any initialization commands. This role is also authorized to import keys, exchange keys.  User Role ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 16 The User role is available after the cryptographic module has been loaded with a user personality. This role is authorized to read user data and use cryptographic services. The module allows only one operator to assume the User role, and the corresponding “User password” shall be known by one operator (i.e., the User) only. The module does not implement any maintenance interface, thus there is no maintenance role defined. 4.2 Identification and Authentication The module implements identity-based authentication which is accomplished by password entry by the operator. Each password phrase is at least 6 ASCII printable characters in length. The Crypto Officer must change the default value during logon to make the module ready for initialization. During initialization the module allows the execution of only the commands required to complete the initialization process. Before a user can access or operate the module, the Crypto Officer must initialize it with the User password. The Crypto Officer is authorized to log on to the module any time after initialization to change parameters. Feedback of authentication data to an operator is obscured during authentication (e.g., no visible display of characters result when entering a password). The only feedback of authentication is a return code denoting success or failure of the operation. No return code or pointer to a return value that contains password. For Crypto Officer password and User password separate retry counters are managed by the module, which are limited the default maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful password verification attempts to five, meeting the following rules:  If the retry counter has reached zero, all further attempts to verify the corresponding password are rejected (the password is locked), i.e., no more Crypto Officer or User ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 17 authentication, respectively, is possible. The module goes Error state.  Each unsuccessful password verification attempt decreases the corresponding retry counter by one. Successful password verification resets the corresponding retry counter to 5. The strength of the authentication mechanism conforms to the following specifications.  Single password-entry attempt / False Acceptance Rate The probability that a random password-entry (using 94 printable characters) attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is 1/946 =1.45×10 -12 . The requirement for a single–attempt / false acceptance rate of no more than 1 in 1,000,000 (i.e., less than a probability of 10 -6 ) is therefore met.  Multiple password-entry attempt in one minute With the module, the Crypto Officer or User password authentication takes about 0.2 second. The maximum number of tries in one minute is 60/0.2 = 300. There is also a maximum bound of 5 successive failed authentication attempts before system halt occurs. The probability of a successful attack of multiple attempts in a one minute period is no more than 7.24×10 -12 due to the maximum of 5 attempts. This is less than one in 100,000 (i.e., 10-5 ), as required. 4.3 Services The services provided by the module to each role in terms of commands are specified in the table below: Table 5 - The relation between Services and CSPs No. Category Name (CO/User) Description Input Output CSPs Access (U:Use, W:Write) SDencrypter SDencrypter Lite 1. hen tica Authentication (CO/User) User authentication CO password results of authentication CO password: U √ √ ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 18 No. Category Name (CO/User) Description Input Output CSPs Access (U:Use, W:Write) SDencrypter SDencrypter Lite (Crypto Officer or User) or User password User password: U 2. Encryption Decryption (CO/User) Decrypts data via validated security function Ciphertext Plaintext Secure Channel Session Key: U √ √ User AES Session Key: U User Master Key: U User Triple-DES Session Key: U 3. Encryption (CO/User) Encrypts data via validated security function Plaintext Ciphertext Secure Channel Session Key: U √ √ User AES Session Key: U User Master Key: U User Triple-DES Session Key: U 4. Signature MAC (CO/User) Calculates a message digest via hash function (SHA or HMAC) Message MAC value Secure Channel Session Key: U √ User Master Key: U 5. Signature Generation (CO/User) Generates a digital signature with a previously loaded RSA private key Message Signature User RSA Private Key: U √ √ 6. Signature Verification (CO/User) Verifies a digital signature with a previously loaded RSA public key Message and Signature Result of verification RSA Public Key: U √ 7. CSPs Password Modification (CO/User) Change User password CO/ User password Result of Modification CO password: W √ √ User password: W ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 19 No. Category Name (CO/User) Description Input Output CSPs Access (U:Use, W:Write) SDencrypter SDencrypter Lite Secure Channel Session Key: U 8. Random Number Generation (CO/User) Get a random value for external authentication Seed Key and Seed Random number Seed Key: U √ √ Seed: U 9. Get Key Version (CO/User) Get the Version of CSPs CO/User password Key ID Key version CO password: U √ √ User password: U 10. Key Generation (CO) Generate keys CO password User AES Session Key User RSA Private Key User RSA Public Key User Triple-DES Session Key CO password: U √ √ User RSA Public Key: W User AES Session Key: W User RSA Private Key: W User Triple-DES Session Key: W 11. Put Key (CO) Put keys to the module CO password and key to be loaded Result of Put Key CO password: U √ √ Key Encryption Key: U Secure Channel Master Key: W User Master Key: W User AES Session Key: W RSA Public Key: W User Triple-DES Session Key: W 12. Wrap Key (CO) Wrap Key that will be outputted CO password and key to be wrapped Result of Wrap Key CO password: U √ √ Key Encryption Key: U Secure Channel Session Key: U User AES Session Key: U User RSA Public Key: U User Triple-DES Session Key: U ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 20 No. Category Name (CO/User) Description Input Output CSPs Access (U:Use, W:Write) SDencrypter SDencrypter Lite 13. Clear Key (CO) Clear all stored keys CO password Result of Clear Key CO Password: U √ √ All CSPs: W 14. System Self-Test (CO/User) Integrity test and know answer test of validated security function N/A Result of Self-Tests N/A √ √ 15. Show Status (CO/User) Indicate the current status of cryptographic module N/A Result of current status N/A √ √ 5 Physical Security The cryptographic module is multiple-chip embedded module as defined by FIPS 140-2 and is designed to meet security level 3 physical security requirements. And it has following characteristics.  The module is covered by tamper-evident molded epoxy, and no removable covers or doors are implemented to permit physical access.  The module does not contain any ventilation holes or slits.  The opaque coating of module deters direct observation within the visible spectrum.  The tamper-evident hard epoxy enclosure provides evidence of tampering, with high probability of causing serious damage to the module while attempting to probe the inner circuit by removing the hard enclosure. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 21 5.1 Physical Security mechanisms as required by FIPS 140-2 The SDencrypter is in production grade and uses a tamper-evidence epoxy microSD as a physical security mechanism. All card models are constructed identically in terms of locations of types of components, including physical security mechanisms. The chips are covered on one side by epoxy and on the other by substrate. A non-removable, tamper evident epoxy cover that is compatible with microSD card readers surrounds the substrate underneath the chips and the epoxy on top of the chips. The epoxy cover exposes one set of contact pins. The epoxy that covers the otherwise exposed contact pins surrounds the pins. The physical tampering of epoxy cover will result in damage to the epoxy that covers the otherwise exposed contact pins and underlying circuitry with high probability of causing serious damage to the circuitry that the module is not function anymore. The epoxy that covers the otherwise exposed contact pins must be inspected periodically to ensure that physical security is maintained. 5.2 Additional Hardware Security Mechanisms The SDencrypter does not provide additional hardware security mechanism. 6 Operational Environment The FIPS 140-2 Area 6 Operational Environment requirements do not apply to the module in this validation because the module does not contain a modifiable operational environment. 7 Cryptographic Key Management 7.1 Critical Security Parameters and Public Keys The cryptographic module includes system keys and passwords for card administration purposes. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 22 The following table provides a list and description of all CSPs and public keys managed by the module. Table 6 – Critical Security Parameters and Public Keys CSP/ Public Key Type Generated/ Input Output Storage Usage Zeroization Crypto Officer password 6 ASCII printable characters Entered the module in encrypted form No output Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used for Crypto Officer authentication By command or factory reset Key Encryption Key AES-256 Key Hard-coded in the firmware No output Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to wrap keys By command or factory reset RSA Public Key RSA-2048 Entered the module in encrypted form No output Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to verify signature By command or factory reset Secure Channel Master Key AES-256 Key Entered the module in encrypted form No output Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to generate Secure Channel Session Key By command or factory reset Secure Channel Session Key AES-256 Key Generated by KDF function No output Plaintext in in-chip volatile memory Used to protect communication session By power cycle or session termination Seed RNG Seed 128-bit value Generated by HRNG No output Plaintext in in-chip volatile memory Used to seed ANSI X9.31 RNG By power cycle or by command Seed Key RNG Seed Key 256 bit of AES Generated by HRNG No output Plaintext in in-chip volatile memory Used to seed ANSI X9.31 RNG By power cycle or by command User AES Session Key AES-256 Key 1. Generate outside: Entered the module in encrypted form 2. Generate in-chip Output in encrypted form Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to protect User data By command or factory reset User Master Key AES-256 Key Entered the module in encrypted form No output Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to protect User data By command or factory reset User password 6 ASCII printable characters Entered the module in encrypted form No output Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used for User authentication By command or factory reset ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 23 CSP/ Public Key Type Generated/ Input Output Storage Usage Zeroization User RSA Private Key RSA-2048 Internally-generated with FIPS 186-3 key generation No output Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to generate signature By command or factory reset User RSA Public Key RSA-2048 Internally-generated with FIPS 186-3 key generation Output in encrypted form Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to verify signature By command or factory reset User Triple-DES Session Key Triple-DES-192 Key 1. Generate outside: Entered the module in encrypted form 2. Generate in-chip Output in encrypted form Plaintext in in-chip flash memory Used to protect User data By command or factory reset 7.2 Key Generation and Diversification SDencrypter can generate Secure Channel Session Key, RSA key pair, User AES Session Key and User Triple-DES Session Key. Secure Channel Session Key is a 256-bit AES key derived from Secure Channel Master Key using key derivation function (KDF), while RSA key pair generation follows the method shown in FIPS 186-3. Moreover, User AES Session Key and User Triple-DES Session Key are generated following the method given in FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance based on Approved RNG. 7.3 Key Entry and Output Input and output of Keys in SDencrypter shall always be proceeded using the service of Put Key/Wrap Key. Put Key service adopts the key wrapping process called AES key wrap with authenticated encryption (KW-AE) recommended in NIST Special Publication 800-38F. RSA public key, User AES Session Key and User Triple-DES Session Key are allowed to be outputted in encrypted form. 7.4 Key Storage Secure Channel Session Key as well as RNG seed values are stored in volatile memory for ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 24 temporarily usage. Other keys and CSPs that need to be permanently protected are stored in the in-chip flash memory of Secure Element. 7.5 Key Zeroization Keys stored in flash memory can be zeroized by “Clear key” service. Session keys are stored in volatile memory and act as one-time key that cannot be used while the session is done. In addition, SDencrypter can also use “Clear Key” service to zeroize all CSPs. 7.6 RNG Seed Values During power up initialization, the module uses HRNG to compute new Seed and Seed Key values. These seed values are temporarily exists in volatile memory and are zeroized by power cycling the module. These values are not accessible to any user. 7.7 Protect against unauthorized exploitation There are secret keys, private and public keys, and CSPs internal which stored in flash memory and RAM of cryptographic module. It must have the necessary permission when these secret keys and parameters shall be output, modify, or substitute. If the user don’t log into, these secret keys and parameters shall be prohibited from unauthorized operation. 7.8 Notice about keys Not any intermediate key generation values are output from the module upon completion of the key generation process. 8 Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility (EMI/EMC) SDencrypter meets the EMI/EMC requirements according to FCC 47 CFR part 15, subpart B, class B, and received the corresponding certificate of conformity. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 25 9 Self-Tests The module performs both power-up and conditional self-tests. These tests are conducted automatically as part of the normal functions of the SDencrypter. They do not require any additional operator intervention. All data output via the output interface is inhibited while any power-up and conditional self-test is running. Self-Tests failure resulting in the module goes into an Error state. In the error mode, the module no longer responds to further commands, and output any data. To remove the error state you need to return the module to the vendor for servicing. 9.1 Power-up Self-Tests Each time as the SDencrypter is powered up it tests that the cryptographic algorithms still operate correctly and that sensitive data have not been damaged. Resetting the cryptographic module provides a means by which the operator can perform the power-up self-tests on demand. These tests include:  Cryptographic algorithm testing Known Answer Tests (KATs) are conducted for each cryptographic algorithm in one mode of operation. Known input data and answers are stored in flash memory. KATs include following: - AES - ANSI X9.31 RNG - HMAC - KDF - Key Wrapping - RSA ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 26 - SHA - Triple-DES KATs function by separate encrypting, decrypting, hashing, signing or verifying a string for which the calculated output is known and stored within SDencrypter. An encryption, hashing or signature test passes when the calculated output matches the expected (stored in flash memory) value. The test fails when the calculated output does not match the expected value. KATs for ANSI X9.31 RNG function by seeding the ANSI X9.31 RNG with known values and checking that the output matches the pre-calculated value stored within SDencrypter. The module also performs Continuous RNG tests for HRNG and ANSI X9.31 RNG described below.  Firmware integrity testing Firmware of SDencrypter comprises firmware of Secure Element and firmware of SDencrypter Controller. The integrity of firmware of Secure Element is checked with 32-bit checksum is stored in flash memory. And the integrity of firmware of SDencrypter Controller is ensured with 16-bit checksum. If and only if all power-up self-tests are passed successfully, the cryptographic module performs the command procedure according to the first command (received before or after power-up self-tests started) and returns the corresponding response and status word via the data output interface and status output interface. 9.2 Conditional Self-Tests  Continuous RNG Tests: A continuous RNG test is performed during each use of both ANSI X9.31 RNG and HRNG to verify that it is not generating the same value. Each subsequent generation of a 128-bit block will be compared with the previously generated block. The test will fail if any two compared blocks are equal. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 27  Pair-wise Consistency Tests: A pair-wise consistency test is performed on RSA key pair generation. 10 Design Assurance 10.1 Configuration Management SDencrypter product family includes the following two models according to the configuration of firmware. Both of two models satisfied the requirement of FIPS 140-2 Security Level 3. Model Name Secure Element Model Name Secure Element Firmware Version Controller Model Name Controller Firmware No. Firmware Configuration GO-Trust SDencrypter GT-3001 GT-0330 80023802-33860406 Normal GO-Trust SDencrypter-Lite GT-3001 GT-0330 80023802-33860506 Lite 1. Firmware configuration – Normal - Provide full support of Approved mode services. (See Table. 5) - High SPI throughput 2. Firmware configuration – Lite - Provide partial support of Approved mode services. (See Table. 5) - Low SPI throughput SDencrypter-Lite does not provide host module the capability of accessing services like message digest, HMAC and RSA verification. However, the internal operation is not restricted from this limitation. For example, the process of RSA signature generation can still internally use the service of generating message digest. The module was designed and developed using a configuration management system “Subversion” that is clearly ruled and operated. The definition methods, mechanisms and tools that allow identifying and placing under control all the data and information are specified in the configuration ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 28 management document. 10.2 Guidance Documents The “GOTrust SDencrypter_Getting_Started” document was designed to allow a secure operation of the module by its users as defined in the “Roles, Services and Authentication” chapter and in the scope of the Security Policy boundaries. Moreover, this document also defines and describes the steps necessary to deliver and operate the module securely. 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks The GO-Trust SDencrypter is not designed to mitigate any specific attacks outside of those required by FIPS 140-2. 12 Security Rules This section documents the security rules enforced by the cryptographic module to implement the security requirements of this FIPS 140-2 Level 3 module. 12.1 General Security Rules  The module does not support the service that updates firmware and software.  The module restricts all information flow and physical access points to physical ports and logical interfaces that define all entry and exit points to and from the module.  The module logically disconnects the output data path from the circuitry and processes when performing self-tests, key generation, key zeroization, or error states. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 29  Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the module. 12.2 Identification and Authentication Security Rules  The module enforces Identity-Based authentication.  Authenticated operators are authorized to assume either supported role. The module does not allow the operator to change roles.  The module does not support multiple concurrent operators.  The module does not support a maintenance interface or role.  When the module has not been placed in a valid role, the operator does not have access to any cryptographic services.  The module re-authenticates an operator when it is powered-up after being powered-off.  The cryptographic module clears previous authentications on power cycle. 12.3 Access Control Security Rules  While processing a transaction, prior to returning a response, the module will ignore all other inputs to the module. No output is performed until the transaction is completed, and the only output is the transaction response.  The module does not enter plaintext CSPs. Authentication data (e.g. passwords) are protected by Secure Channel Session Key. Authentication data is not output during entry.  The module does not support manual key entry.  The module does not have any external input/output devices used for entry/output of data.  The module does not perform any cryptographic functions while key loading or in an error state. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 30  Power-up self-test is automatically triggered. 12.4 Physical Security Rules  The operator shall check of epoxy package and contact plate, whether the module is physically intact.  The epoxy cover on the same side as the covered pins must also be inspected periodically to determine if there is visible evidence of tampering or if the substrate underneath the two chips has been exposed to ensure that physical security is maintained.  The epoxy cover on the opposite side must also be inspected periodically to determine if there is visible evidence of tampering or if the epoxy covering the top of the two chips has been exposed to ensure that physical security is maintained.  The physical security provided from the hardness of the module's epoxy enclosure is claimed at Operating temperature range (-25°C to +85°C). No assurance of the enclosure hardness is claimed for this physical security mechanism outside of this range. 12.5 Mitigation of Other Attacks Security Rules  The GO-Trust SDencrypter is not designed to mitigate any specific attacks outside of those required by FIPS 140-2. ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 31 13 Security Policy Check List Tables 13.1 Roles and required Identification and Authentication Table 8 - Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data User password verification User password Crypto Officer password verification Crypto Officer password 13.2 Strength of Authentication Mechanisms Table 9- Strength of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism Password verification The module prevents brute-force attacks on its password by using at least 6-character password. And a limit of 5 failed authentication attempts is imposed; 5 consecutive failed authentication attempts causes system halted. According the calculation in Section 4.2.  Single password-entry attempt / False Acceptance Rate The probability that at least a random 6-character password-entry attempt will succeed or a false acceptance will occur is approximately 1.45×10 -12 .  Multiple password-entry attempt in one minute The probability of a successful attack of multiple attempts in a one minute period is no more than 7.24×10 -12 . ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 32 13.3 Services Authorized for Roles Table 10 - Services Authorized for Roles Role Authorized Services User Section 4.3 lists authorized services for this role Crypto Officer Section 4.3 lists authorized services for this role 14 References [FIPS140-2] Security Requirements for Cryptographic modules, May 25, 2001 [SP 800-131A] NIST Special Publication 800-131A: Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, January, 2011 [IG] Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, January 17, 2014 [SD 2.0] SD Specifications Part 1 Physical Layer Specification, Version: 2.0, May 9, 2006 15 Acronyms AES Advanced Encryption Standard CAVP Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Program CBC Cipher Block Chaining CLK Clock CMVP Cryptographic Module Validation Program CO Crypto Officer CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check ○ C 2014 GOTrust Technology Inc. This document may be freely reproduced and distributed in its original entirety without revision. 33 CSP Cryptographic Security Parameter DES Data Encryption Standard DRNG Deterministic Random Number Generator EDES Enhanced DES accelerator EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communication Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standards GND Ground pin HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code HRNG Hardware Random Number Generator (Non-Deterministic Random Number Generator) KAT Known Answer Test KDF Key Derivation Function MAC Message Authentication Code MPU Memory Protection Unit NAND Negated AND RAM Random Access Memory RNG Random Number Generator ROM Read Only Memory RSA Rivest Shamir and Adleman Public Key Algorithm RST Reset pin SD Secure Digital SHA Secure Hash Algorithm SPI Serial Peripheral Interface VCC IC power supply pin VPN Virtual Private Network