Trusted Cyber Technologies Luna T7 Cryptographic Module FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Security Policy - Non-Proprietary 002-500015-001 Revision H 09 April 2021 Please refer to: for additional information regarding use and limitations associated with this document. © 2021 SafeNet Assured Technologies. All rights reserved. Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies and the Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies logo are trademarks and service marks of SafeNet Assured Technologies and/or its subsidiaries and are registered in certain countries. All other trademarks and service marks, whether registered or not in specific countries, are the property of their respective owners. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 2 DOCUMENT CHANGE HISTORY Revision Date Author Reason for Change Sections Affected A 2020-05-01 MFW First issue of document, incorporated internal review comments All B 2020-07-15 MFW Incorporate updates from firmware changes and source code review. All C 2020-07-27 MFW Incorporate more comments from Security Policy review. All D 2020-07-30 MFW Update based on final review comments. All E 2021-02-17 MFW Update based on NIST Coordination comments. All F 2021-03-02 MFW 2nd update based on NIST and evaluator comments. All G 2021-04-07 MFW Integrated 3rd round of NIST comments. Removed r2 from Vendor Affirmation of SP800-56B. 2.7.1 H 2021-04-09 SML Update based on round 4 NIST comment. Changed KDF entry in Table 2-6 to KDA to match certificate entry. Table 2-6 Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................................................5 1.2 Scope........................................................................................................................................................................................5 1.3 Validation Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................5 1.4 Functional Overview .................................................................................................................................................................6 2. Module Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 7 2.1 Module Specification.................................................................................................................................................................7 2.2 Ports and Interfaces..................................................................................................................................................................9 2.2.1 Trusted Path – Backup HSM ..............................................................................................................................................10 2.2.2 Trusted Path – Local PED ..................................................................................................................................................10 2.2.3 Remote PED.......................................................................................................................................................................10 2.3 Roles and Services.................................................................................................................................................................11 2.3.1 Roles ..................................................................................................................................................................................11 2.3.2 Services..............................................................................................................................................................................11 2.4 Authentication .........................................................................................................................................................................14 2.4.1 Activation............................................................................................................................................................................14 2.4.2 M of N.................................................................................................................................................................................15 2.5 Physical Security.....................................................................................................................................................................15 2.5.1 External Event ....................................................................................................................................................................15 2.5.2 PCIe Card Removal............................................................................................................................................................15 2.5.3 Decommission....................................................................................................................................................................15 2.5.4 Secure Transport Mode......................................................................................................................................................15 2.5.5 EMI / EMC ..........................................................................................................................................................................16 2.5.6 Fault Tolerance...................................................................................................................................................................16 2.5.7 Mitigation of Other Attacks..................................................................................................................................................16 2.6 Operational Environment ........................................................................................................................................................16 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management.............................................................................................................................................16 2.7.1 FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations........................................................................................................................16 2.7.2 Non-Approved Algorithm Implementations .........................................................................................................................20 2.7.3 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters ........................................................................................................22 2.7.4 Key Generation...................................................................................................................................................................24 2.7.5 Key Import and Export........................................................................................................................................................25 2.7.6 Zeroization..........................................................................................................................................................................25 2.8 Self-tests.................................................................................................................................................................................26 2.8.1 Power-On Self-Tests ..........................................................................................................................................................26 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests ........................................................................................................................................................27 2.9 Firmware Security...................................................................................................................................................................27 3. Guidance ....................................................................................................................................................... 28 3.1 Identifying The Module Version...............................................................................................................................................28 3.1.1 Checking The Bootloader Version ......................................................................................................................................28 3.1.2 Checking The Hardware Model and Firmware Version ......................................................................................................28 3.2 Approved Mode Of Operation .................................................................................................................................................28 3.2.1 Transitioning to and from FIPS Mode of Operation ............................................................................................................29 Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 4 APPENDIX A. LIST OF TERMS, ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS............................................................. 30 List of Figures Figure 2-1: Luna T7 Cryptographic Module, Top and Bottom Views, With Cryptographic Boundary In Red..............................................7 Figure 2-2: Luna T7 Cryptographic Module, PCI Bracket View ..................................................................................................................7 Figure 2-3: Luna Network HSM T-Series (with T7 Installed), PED and PED Keys.....................................................................................8 List of Tables Table 1-1: FIPS 140-2 Security Levels.......................................................................................................................................................5 Table 2-1: Mapping of FIPS 140-2 Interfaces to Physical and Logical Interfaces.......................................................................................9 Table 2-2: Mapping of FIPS 140-2 Roles to Module Roles.......................................................................................................................11 Table 2-3: Roles and Access Rights by Service.......................................................................................................................................13 Table 2-4: Roles and Required Identification and Authentication.............................................................................................................14 Table 2-5: Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms ................................................................................................................................14 Table 2-6: FIPS-Approved Algorithms, Luna T7 Hybrid (HW/FW) Cryptographic Library ........................................................................17 Table 2-7: FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations, Luna T7 Hardware Cryptographic Engine..........................................................19 Table 2-8: FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations, Luna T7 Firmware Cryptographic Library ..........................................................19 Table 2-9: Non-Approved, But Allowed Security Functions......................................................................................................................20 Table 2-10: Non-FIPS Approved Security Functions................................................................................................................................21 Table 2-11: Keys and Critical Security Parameters Used in the Module ..................................................................................................24 Table 2-12: Zeroization Methods..............................................................................................................................................................25 Table 2-13: Power-On Self-Tests, Module Integrity..................................................................................................................................26 Table 2-14: Power-On Self-Tests, Cryptographic Implementations..........................................................................................................27 Table 2-15: Conditional Self-Tests ...........................................................................................................................................................27 Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 5 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose This non-proprietary document describes the security policies enforced by Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies’ Luna T7 Cryptographic Module. The Luna T7 Cryptographic Module can be used as follows:  A standalone device called the Luna PCIe HSM (T-Series)  An embedded device in the Luna Network HSM (T-Series)  An embedded device in the CipherTrust Manager This document applies to Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Hardware Versions 872-500024-001 and 872-500025-001 with Firmware Version 7.11.1 and Boot Loader Version 2.0.1. 1.2 Scope The security policies described in this document apply to the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module only and do not include any security policy that may be enforced by the host appliance or server. The policy of the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module can be configured for either Password or PED based authentication. The default setting is Password based authentication. The Security Officer (SO) can change the authentication mode between Password and PED. The configuration of the module can be verified by the operator by issuing a ‘show policy’ command. 1.3 Validation Overview The cryptographic module meets all level 3 requirements for FIPS 140-2 as summarized in Table 1-1. Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles and Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Machine Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 Cryptographic Module Security Policy 3 TABLE 1-1: FIPS 140-2 SECURITY LEVELS Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 6 1.4 Functional Overview The Luna T7 Cryptographic Module is a multi-chip embedded hardware cryptographic module in the form of a PCI-Express card that typically resides within a custom computing or secure communications appliance. The Cryptographic Boundary of the module is contained in its own secure enclosure that provides physical resistance to tampering. The Cryptographic Boundary of the module is defined to encompass all components inside the secure enclosure on the PCI-E card. Figure 2-1 depicts the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module and highlights the Cryptographic Boundary, Figure 2-2 shows the ports on the PCI bracket, and Figure 2-3 depicts the Luna Network HSM T-Series appliance with the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module installed and the PED and PED Keys which can be used for authentication. A module may be explicitly configured to operate in either FIPS 140-2 Approved mode, or in a Non-Approved mode of operation. Note that selection of operating in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode occurs at initialization of the Cryptographic Module, and cannot be changed during normal operation without zeroizing the module’s non-volatile memory. Section 3.1 provides additional information for configuring the module in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode of operation. A module is accessed directly (i.e., electrically) over the PCI-Express communications interface. If configured, the Trusted Path PIN Entry Device (PED) can be connected to the module’s Serial PED port for authentication. A module provides secure key generation and storage for symmetric keys and asymmetric key pairs along with symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic services. Access to key material and cryptographic services for users and user application software is provided through the PKCS #11 programming API, which is implemented over the module’s proprietary command interface (ICD). A module may host multiple user definitions or “user partitions” that are cryptographically separated and are presented as “virtual tokens” to user applications. A single “admin partition” exists that is dedicated to the HSM Security Officer role. Each partition must be separately authenticated in order to make it available for use. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 7 2. Module Overview 2.1 Module Specification The Luna T7 Cryptographic Module is a multi-chip embedded hardware module which is available by itself as a Luna PCIe HSM T-Series device, embedded within a Luna Network HSM T-Series appliance, or embedded within a CipherTrust Manager. The Cryptographic Boundary of the module is shown in red in Figure 2-1. 872-500024-001 is the base Luna T7 PCIe Hardware Module shown in Figure 2-1. The 872-500025-001 Hardware Module is identical to the 872-500024-001, except that the 872-500025-001 has additional components within the Cryptographic Boundary to support an additional, quantum entropy source, as outlined in Table 2-9. FIGURE 2-1: LUNA T7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE, TOP AND BOTTOM VIEWS, WITH CRYPTOGRAPHIC BOUNDARY IN RED The Physical Ports on the PCI Bracket are shown in Figure 2-2. Port 1 is the Micro-DB9 for the Serial PED cable and Port 2 is the Type A USB 2.0 port for the Backup HSM. FIGURE 2-2: LUNA T7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE, PCI BRACKET VIEW Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 8 Figure 2-3 shows a Luna Network HSM (T-Series), one of the embedments for the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module, and an external PED device and PED Keys. FIGURE 2-3: LUNA NETWORK HSM T-SERIES (WITH T7 INSTALLED), PED AND PED KEYS Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 9 2.2 Ports and Interfaces The module supports the following physical ports and interfaces:  PCIe interface  Serial PED  USB Host  Power supply  Battery  LED  External event input  Decommission input FIPS 140-2 Interface Physical Interface Logical Interface Data Input PCIe interface Data I/O Luna ICD Logical Trusted Path (Remote PED) Bootloader command protocol Serial PED Physical Trusted Path (Local PED) USB Host Physical Trusted Path (Backup HSM) Data Output PCIe interface Data I/O Luna ICD Logical Trusted Path (Remote PED) Bootloader command protocol Serial PED Physical Trusted Path (Local PED) USB Host Physical Trusted Path (Backup HSM) Control Input PCIe interface Data I/O Luna ICD External event jumper N/A Decommission jumper N/A Status Output PCIe interface Data I/O Luna ICE Logical Trusted Path (Remote PED) Bootloader command protocol Serial PED Physical Trusted Path (Local PED) USB Host Physical Trusted Path (Backup HSM) LED N/A Power 12V 5V, 3.3V, 1.5V, 1.35V, 1V (generated from PCIe 12V supply) N/A 3.6V (battery) N/A TABLE 2-1: MAPPING OF FIPS 140-2 INTERFACES TO PHYSICAL AND LOGICAL INTERFACES Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 10 2.2.1 Trusted Path – Backup HSM If configured, the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module can copy keys, user data, or module data to a Backup HSM that is connected to the Type A USB Host port on the T7. The T7 operates as the USB Host (Root Hub) port and the Backup HSM operates as the USB Device on this interface. It is also possible to clone Luna T7 user objects to remote HSMs across the standard PCIe command and data I/O interface. In both cases, whether the Backup HSM is remote or connected to the module’s USB Host port, the cloning operation is initiated and controlled by the PCIe Host. The PCIe Host issues the commands to initialize the Source and the Target HSM and ensure the secure agreement of the session key that is used to encapsulate the objects passed from the Source to the Target. The Luna T7 Cryptographic Module firmware has been built so that the only driver loaded for the USB Host port is for the Backup HSM. Also, the USB Host driver utilizes a whitelist that will only enumerate a Backup HSM as a USB Device. 2.2.2 Trusted Path – Local PED If configured, the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module can use a Luna PED as an external data input/output device. The Luna PED connects to the module’s Serial PED port and is used to pass authentication data and CSPs to and from the module via a physical trusted path. CSPs and authentication data that are output to the Luna PED are stored in a PED Key (also known as an iKey) USB device connected to the Luna PED. Any PED Key, once data has been written to it, is an Identification and Authentication device and must be safeguarded accordingly by the administrative or operations staff responsible for the operation of the module within the customer’s environment. The following types of PED Keys are used with the Luna PED:  Orange (RPV) PED Key – for the storage of the Remote PED Vector (RPV)  Blue (SO) PED Key – for the storage of Security Officer and Administrator authentication data  Black (User) PED Key – for the storage of User authentication data  Red (Domain) PED Key – for the storage of the cloning domain data, used to control the ability to clone to another cryptographic module or to a backup module  Purple (MTK Recovery) PED Key – for the storage of an external split that allows the MTK to be recovered after a tamper event  White (Audit Officer) PED Key – for the storage of Audit Officer authentication data 2.2.3 Remote PED If configured, the user has the option of operating the Luna PED remotely, connected to a USB port on a management workstation. Remote PED operation extends the physical trusted path connection by the use of a protocol over the PCIe interface that authenticates both the remote PED and the module and establishes a one-time AES-256-CBC/HMAC-SHA-256 key to encrypt the communications between the module and the Remote PED. Once secure communications have been established, all interactions between the cryptographic module, PED, and PED Keys are performed in exactly the same way as they would be when locally connected. The logical path between the module and the Remote PED is secured in the manner described below. At the time the Luna PED is configured for remote use, the module generates a random 256-bit secret, known as the Remote PED Vector (RPV), stores it in its internal parameters area, and writes it to the “Orange” PED Key, also known as the Remote PED Key (RPK), using a locally attached Luna PED. To establish the secure connection, the RPK must be inserted into the Luna PED connected to a management workstation. The PED extracts the RPV, and the PED and the cryptographic module then participate in an ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECC CDH) key agreement session as specified for the Ephemeral Unified Model in SP800-56Ar3. The shared secret is then used in a Two-Step Key Derivation Function with Randomness Extraction per SP800-56Cr1 and SP800-108, with the preshared RPV as OtherInfo to produce the key to be used for the session. An exchange of encrypted random nonces is performed to authenticate both ends of the transmission. All traffic between the PED and the cryptographic module is encrypted and authenticated in the session tunnel using AES-256-CBC and HMAC-SHA-256. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 11 2.3 Roles and Services 2.3.1 Roles The Luna T7 Cryptographic Module supports the following authenticated roles:  HSM Security Officer (SO) o Module-level role o Initializes and configures the module for operation o Creates user partitions o Configures the partition policy settings and performs security administration tasks within the user partition o Performs key management tasks for the admin partition o Performs cryptographic operations for the admin partition o Manages Crypto Officer and Crypto User roles  Audit Officer (AO) o Module-level role o Initializes, configures, and manages secure audit logging  Crypto Officer (CO) o User partition-level role o Performs key management tasks for the user partition o Performs cryptographic operations for the user partition  Crypto User (User) o Optional user partition-level role o Performs cryptographic operations for the user partition The module also supports the following unauthenticated role:  Public User o Module-level and partition-level role which is permitted to access status information and perform diagnostics before authentication The mapping of the cryptographic module’s roles to the roles defined in FIPS 140-2 can be found in Table 2-2. FIPS 140-2 Role Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Role Role Scope Crypto Officer HSM Security Officer (SO) Module / Admin Partition / User Partition Audit Officer (AO) Module User Crypto Officer (CO) User Partition Crypto User User Partition Unauthenticated User Public User Module / Partition TABLE 2-2: MAPPING OF FIPS 140-2 ROLES TO MODULE ROLES 2.3.2 Services All services listed in Table 2-3 can be accessed in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode and non-Approved mode. The services listed in Table 2-3 use the security functions listed in Table 2-6, Table 2-7, Table 2-8, Table 2-9, and Table 2-10. When the module is operating in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode as described in Section 3.2, the non-Approved Security Functions in Table 2-10 are disabled and cannot Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 12 be used for these services. The non-Approved functions in Table 2-10 can only be accessed through the services when the module is in non-Approved mode. Table 2-3: Roles and Access Rights by Service Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type of Access Role SO CO Crypto User AO Public User Show Status N/A N/A X X X X X Self-test N/A N/A X X X X X Initialize Module DRBG State Use X Authentication data, SMK, PSK, KCV Write Configure Module Policy N/A N/A X Create Partition N/A N/A X Initialize Partition DRBG State Use X Authentication data, USK, PSK, KCV Write Configure Partition Policy N/A N/A X Initialize Role Authentication Data, USK, PSK Write X Login Authentication Data, USK, PSK Use X Logout N/A N/A X X X X Reset Role Authentication Data Authentication Data, USK, PSK Write X Change Role Authentication Data Authentication Data, USK, PSK Use, Write X X X X Zeroize Module Authentication data, SMK, PSK, KCV, LKCV, SADK, symmetric keys, asymmetric key pairs Erase X X X X X Delete Partition Authentication data, SMK, PSK, KCV, LKCV, SADK, symmetric keys, asymmetric key pairs Erase X Firmware Update GSK, Root Certificate Use, Write (firmware) X Configuration Update Root Certificate Use X Authentication data, SMK, PSK, KCV, LKCV, SADK, symmetric keys, asymmetric key pairs Erase (may invoke Zeroize) Generate Random Data DRBG State Use X X X X Key Generation DRBG State Use X X Symmetric keys Write Key Pair Generation DRBG State Use X X Asymmetric key pairs Write Domain Parameter Generation DRBG State Use X X Domain Parameters Write Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 13 Table 2-3: Roles and Access Rights by Service Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type of Access Role SO CO Crypto User AO Public User Wrap/Unwrap Symmetric Key Symmetric key, KTS asymmetric or symmetric wrapping key Use, Write (unwrapped symmetric key) X X Wrap/Unwrap Asymmetric Key Asymmetric key, KTS asymmetric or symmetric wrapping key Use, Write (unwrapped asymmetric key) X X Key Agreement Symmetric key, asymmetric key Use, Write X X X X Key Derivation Symmetric key Use, Write X X X X Hash N/A N/A X X X Partition Backup / Restore (Clone) Asymmetric private keys, symmetric keys Transfer/Clone X X DRBG State, ROOT, MIC, HOC, TWC, TUK, KCV Use Remote PED DRBG State, RPV, Ephemeral ECDH private key, Symmetric key, HMAC key Use X X X X Ephemeral ECDH public key Use, Write X X X X Symmetric Encrypt/Decrypt DRBG State, Symmetric keys Use X X X Asymmetric Signature DRBG State, RSA, DSA, ECDSA private keys Use X X X Asymmetric Verification RSA, DSA, ECDSA public keys Use X X X Store Data Object Non-cryptographic data Write X X X X Read Data Object Non-cryptographic data Read X X X X Initialize Secure Audit Logging DRBG State Use X Authentication data, SADK Write Change Audit Officer’s Password DRBG State Use X Authentication data Read, Write Configure Secure Audit Logging N/A Read, Write X Synchronize Module Clock with Host System Clock N/A Write X Verify, Import, and Export Secure Audit Log files SALK Use X Show Secure Audit Log status N/A Read X Import and Export the Wrapped Secure Audit Logging Key SALK Read, Write X TABLE 2-3: ROLES AND ACCESS RIGHTS BY SERVICE Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 14 2.4 Authentication All roles except for the Public User must authenticate to the module by providing their authentication data. Table 2-4 and Table 2-5 explain the type and strength of the authentication data supported for each role. If configured with PED, all roles must authenticate using a PED Key. When a role is initialized under this configuration, a module generates the authentication data as a 48-byte random value and writes it to a PED Key. Two-Factor Authentication, with PED Key plus a Challenge Secret password, is mandatory for the Crypto User role. The additional Challenge Secret password authentication can optionally be assigned to the Crypto Officer role. If configured with Password, all roles must authenticate using a password. When a role is initialized under this configuration, the operator enters the initial password for the role. In FIPS 140-2 Approved mode, the password is delivered to the module encrypted with the module’s Password Encryption Key (PEC) using RSA-OAEP and a random nonce to prevent replay attacks. Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Password Configuration PED Configuration HSM Security Officer Identity-based Password Authentication Token (PED Key) Crypto Officer Identity-based Password Authentication Token (PED Key), plus optional Challenge Secret password Crypto User Identity-based Password Authentication Token (PED Key), plus mandatory Challenge Secret password Audit Officer Identity-based Password Authentication Token (PED Key) Public User Not Required N/A N/A TABLE 2-4: ROLES AND REQUIRED IDENTIFICATION AND AUTHENTICATION Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism PED Key (if configured) 48-byte random authentication data generated when a role is initialized and stored on PED Key. The probability of guessing the authentication data in a single attempt is 1 in 2384 . With a maximum of 3 failed consecutive login attempts per minute for the SO and 10 for other Users, the threshold required by FIPS 140-2 can never be reached. Password User provided byte array (minimum 7 bytes). The probability of guessing the challenge secret in a single attempt is 1 in 256 . With a maximum of 3 failed consecutive login attempts per minute for the SO and 10 for other Users, the thresholds required by FIPS 140-2 can never be reached. TABLE 2-5: STRENGTHS OF AUTHENTICATION MECHANISMS 2.4.1 Activation If PED is configured, the Crypto Officer and Crypto User roles can be configured to use a two-step authentication process. The first stage is termed “Activation” and is performed using a PED Key. Once activated, access to key material and cryptographic services is not allowed until the second stage of authentication, “User Login”, has been performed using the role’s password. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 15 Once activated, a role stays activated until the role is explicitly deactivated, deleted or the module is reset. 2.4.2 M of N If PED is configured, the cryptographic module supports the use of an M of N secret sharing authentication scheme for each of the module roles. M of N authentication provides the capability to enforce multi-person integrity over the functions associated with each role. The M of N capability is based on Shamir’s threshold scheme. The cryptographic module splits the randomly-generated authentication data into “N” pieces, known as splits, and stores each split on a PED Key. Any “M” of these “N” splits must be transmitted to the cryptographic module by inserting the corresponding PED Keys into the Luna PED in order to reconstruct the original secret. 2.5 Physical Security The Luna T7 Cryptographic Module is a multi-chip embedded module as defined by FIPS PUB 140-2 section 4.5. The module is enclosed in a strong metal enclosure that provides tamper-evidence. Any tampering that might compromise a module’s security is detectable by visual inspection of the physical integrity of a module. The HSM Security Officer should perform a visual inspection of the module at regular intervals. Within the metal enclosure, a hard opaque epoxy covers the circuitry of the cryptographic module. Attempts to remove this epoxy will cause sufficient damage to the cryptographic module so that it is rendered inoperable. The module’s enclosure is opaque to resist visual inspection of the device design, physical probing of the device and attempts to access sensitive data on individual components of the device. 2.5.1 External Event The module supports a physical interface for the input of an external event signal. The external event signal is monitored in both the powered-on state and the powered-off state. In the event of an external event signal, the module will erase the Master Tamper Key (MTK) and the Token Variable Key (TVK), log the event, and halt operation. The module can be reset and placed back into operation when the external event signal is removed. 2.5.2 PCIe Card Removal The module detects removal from the PCIe slot in both the powered-on state and the powered-off state. It is treated as an external event as described above. The Master Tamper Key (MTK) and Token Variable Key (TVK) are erased and the event is logged. 2.5.3 Decommission The module supports a physical interface for the input of a decommission signal. The decommission signal is monitored in both the powered-on state and the powered-off state. In the event of a decommission signal, the module will erase the Key Encryption Key (KEK), clear all working memory, log the event, and halt execution. This provides the capability to prevent access to sensitive objects in the event that the module has become unresponsive or has lost access to primary power. The module can be reset and placed back into operation when the decommission signal is removed, however it must be re-initialized. 2.5.4 Secure Transport Mode The Luna T7 Cryptographic Module supports a command that will place the device in Secure Transport Mode that will disable processing with user key data while the device is in transit. This command erases the Master Tamper Key (MTK) stored in nonvolatile memory and sets status indicating the device is in Secure Transport Mode. Once the module reaches its destination, a secure recovery command can be issued, which will reconstitute the MTK. If configured, the Secure Recovery (Purple) PED Key is needed to provide part of the data to reconstruct the MTK. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 16 2.5.5 EMI / EMC The module is FCC Part 15 Class B Compliant for Conducted and Radiated Emissions. 2.5.6 Fault Tolerance If power is lost for whatever reason, the module will maintain itself in a state that it can be placed back into operation when power is restored without compromise of its functionality or permanently stored data. The module will maintain its secure state in the event of data input / output failures. When data input / output capability is restored, the module will resume operation in the state it was prior to the input / output failure. 2.5.7 Mitigation of Other Attacks Timing attacks against the module are mitigated through the use of a hardware accelerator for modular exponentiation operations. The use of these hardware acceleration functions ensures that all RSA signature operations complete in very nearly the same time, therefore making the analysis of timing differences irrelevant. RSA blinding may also be selected as an option to mitigate this type of attack. As described in Sections 2.5.1 and 2.5.3, the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module contains connectors for external signals to indicate tamper or decommission events. Section 2.5.2 also describes how the removal of the card from its PCI-Express slot, whether powered or not, is treated as a tamper event. In all of these cases, corresponding Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) are erased from nonvolatile memory based upon external signals provided by the appliance housing the module, such as the opening of the appliance housing. 2.6 Operational Environment The module uses a non-modifiable operational environment. The requirements for a modifiable operating environment do not apply. 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management 2.7.1 FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations The FIPS-Approved algorithms implemented in the Luna T7 Cryptographic Module can be found in the following tables. Some algorithms are implemented solely in firmware, some are implemented in hardware, and some are implemented in a combination of firmware and hardware. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 17 Table 2-6: FIPS-Approved Algorithms, Luna T7 Hybrid (HW/FW) Cryptographic Library Approved Security Functions Certificate Number Symmetric Encryption/Decryption AES: CFB8 (Encrypt/Decrypt, Key Length: 128, 192, 256 bits) C2010 Asymmetric RSA: Key Generation (186-4: 2048 and 3072-bit Modulo), Signature Generation1 (186-4: 2048 and 3072-bit Modulo, SHA-1/SHA2-224/SHA2-256/SHA2-384/SHA2-512), Signature Verification (186-4: 1024, 2048, and 3072-bit Modulo, SHA-1/SHA2-224/SHA2-256/SHA2-384/SHA2-512) Signature Verification (186-2: 1024 and 1536-bit Modulo, SHA-1/SHA2-224/SHA2-256/SHA2-384/SHA2-512) C2010 RSA (CVL): Decryption Primitive (2048-bit Modulus) C2010 Key Agreement Scheme KAS (SP800-56B): KAS2-basic, RSASVE Generate, Recover per NIST SP800-56B Vendor Affirmed KAS-SSC (SP800-56Ar3): (Cofactor) Ephemeral Unified Model, C(2e, 0s, ECC CDH) Scheme, P-384 (secp384r1) Domain Parameters Vendor Affirmed Key Transport KTS (SP800-56B): KTS-OAEP-Basic, RSA-OAEP Encrypt, Decrypt per SP800-56B, SHA-512 Mask Generation Function Vendor Affirmed Key Derivation Function KBKDF (SP800-108): Counter Mode, CMAC-AES128/192/256 C2010 PBKDF (SP800-132): PKCS#5 PBKDF2, HMAC-SHA-1 per SP800-132 Option 1a Vendor Affirmed KDA (SP800-56Cr1): Extraction-then-Expansion KDF. The two-step key derivation is performed per Section 5.1 of SP800-56Cr1 with AES-128-CMAC as the Auxiliary MAC algorithm for Randomness Extraction and AES-128-CMAC as the Auxiliary PRF-based KDF for Key Expansion. Vendor Affirmed TABLE 2-6: FIPS-APPROVED ALGORITHMS, LUNA T7 HYBRID (HW/FW) CRYPTOGRAPHIC LIBRARY 1 FIPS 186-4 SigGen testing at 4096-bit modulus was not made available until ACVP was later developed and 4096-bit testing was only available in FIPS 186-2 form via CAVS. Hence, this module has been tested for FIPS 186-4 SigGen for modulus less than 4096 (2048 and 3072), but only tested SigGen with FIPS 186-2 at 4096 bits; this was done as an added assurance rather than claiming compliance to FIPS 186-2. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 18 Table 2-7: FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations, Luna T7 Hardware Cryptographic Engine Approved Security Functions Certificate Number Symmetric Encryption/Decryption AES: ECB, CBC, OFB, CTR, CFB128, GCM2 (also GMAC), KW, KWP (All modes above: Encrypt/Decrypt, Key Length: 128, 192, 256 bits) XTS3 (Encrypt/Decrypt, Key Length: 128, 256 bits) C1999 Hashing SHS (Secure Hash Standard): SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 (Byte Only) C1999 Message Authentication Code HMAC: HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-SHA2-224, HMAC-SHA2-256, HMAC-SHA2-384, HMAC-SHA2-512 C1999 AES: CMAC (Generation/Verification, Key Length: 128, 192, 256 bits) C1999 Asymmetric DSA: Parameter Generation (PQGGen, 186-4: 2048/224, 2048/256, 3072/256), Key Generation (186-4: 2048/224, 2048/256, 3072/256), Signature Generation (186-4: 2048/224, 2048/256, 3072/256), Signature Verification (186-4: 1024/160, 2048/224, 2048/256, 3072/256) C1999 ECDSA: Key Generation (186-4), Signature Generation (186-4), Signature Verification (186-4) Curves: B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 Hash Algorithms (all Curves): SHA2-224, SHA2-256, SHA2-384, SHA2-512) C1999 2 The module’s AES-GCM implementation conforms to IG A.5 Technique #2. The IV is generated internally by the module using Approved Hash_DRBG (SHA-256) being generated inside the module's physical boundary. The IV generation supported in FIPS Approved mode is fixed 96-bit size that is generated with the SP800-90A Hash_DRBG (SHA-256) output. Since the IV is generated internally and is random and is fixed 96 bits in length, requirements from IG 7.15 are satisfied. 3 The check for Key_1 ≠ Key_2 is done before using the keys in the XTS-AES algorithm to process data and is in accordance with IG A.9 requirements. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 19 Table 2-7: FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations, Luna T7 Hardware Cryptographic Engine Approved Security Functions Certificate Number Key Transport KTS (AES Cert. #C1999): An implementation has been tested for its compliance with AES KW and/or AES KWP and this mode of AES is used for key wrapping. C1999 Key Generation CKG (Cryptographic Key Generation)4 Vendor Affirmed Random Number Generation – RNG4 4.2 SHS (Secure Hash Standard) SHA-256, Message Length: 8-51200, Increment 8 SHS 2112 DRBG Hash_DRBG, SHA-256 with Prediction Resistance Support Prerequisites: SHS 2112 DRBG 349 TABLE 2-7: FIPS-APPROVED ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTATIONS, LUNA T7 HARDWARE CRYPTOGRAPHIC ENGINE Table 2-8: FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations, Luna T7 Firmware Cryptographic Library Approved Security Functions Certificate Number Symmetric Encryption/Decryption AES: ECB, CBC, OFB (All modes: Encrypt/Decrypt, Key Length: 128, 192, 256 bits) C1998 TDES (Decrypt): CBC C1998 Hashing SHS (Secure Hash Standard): SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 (Byte Only) C1998 TABLE 2-8: FIPS-APPROVED ALGORITHM IMPLEMENTATIONS, LUNA T7 FIRMWARE CRYPTOGRAPHIC LIBRARY 4 Resulting symmetric keys and seeds used for asymmetric key generation are an unmodified output from Approved Hash_DRBG. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 20 Table 2-9: Non-Approved, But Allowed Security Functions Allowed Security Functions Description Random Number Generation NDRNG, Entropy Source #1 5 This entropy source is available on both Luna T7 hardware module variants (872-500024-001 and 872-500025-001). It is the only entropy source available on the 872-500024-001; it can be configured as the entropy source on the 872-500025-001 by a module policy setting under the control of the SO. There is no scenario where both entropy sources are utilized at the same time. It is used for seeding the Hash_DRBG per IG 7.14 scenario 1 (a). This noise source provides 256 bits of entropy for the Hash_DRBG Instantiation and meets the requirements of IG 7.15. 6 NDRNG, Entropy Source #2 5 (Quantum Entropy Source) This entropy source is available only on the T7 872-500025-001 hardware module. It can be configured as the entropy source by a module policy setting under the control of the SO. There is no scenario where both entropy sources are utilized at the same time. It is used for seeding the Hash_DRBG per IG 7.14 scenario 1 (a). The noise source provides 256 bits of entropy for the Hash_DRBG Instantiation and meets the requirements of IG 7.15. 6 TABLE 2-9: NON-APPROVED, BUT ALLOWED SECURITY FUNCTIONS 2.7.2 Non-Approved Algorithm Implementations Non-FIPS Approved security functions are not available for use when the module has been configured to operate in FIPS-approved mode, see Section 3.2. Table 2-10: Non-FIPS Approved Security Functions Symmetric Encryption/Decryption DES Triple-DES (Encrypt) RC2 RC4 RC5 CAST5 Hashing MD2 MD5 Message Authentication Code AES MAC (non-compliant) DES-MAC RC2-MAC RC5-MAC RIPEMD-160 CAST3-MAC CAST5-MAC SSL3-MD5-MAC SSL3-SHA1-MAC HMAC (non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength) 5 There is only one Entropy Source active at any time on any Luna T7 Cryptographic Module. On the T7 872-5000025-001 Hardware Module, where either Entropy Source can be configured as active by module policy, when one source is selected to provide entropy to the DRBG, the other is inactive. There is no mixing of these two Entropy Sources as input data. 6 The entropy source falls within a scenario of IG 7.14 that requires an entropy assessment and meets the requirements of IG 7.15. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 21 Table 2-10: Non-FIPS Approved Security Functions Asymmetric RSA X-509 RSA (non compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength) DSA (non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength) ECDSA (non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength) Generate Key DES Triple-DES RC2 RC4 RC5 CAST3 CAST5 SSL PRE-MASTER Key Agreement ECC (non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength) Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology; non-compliant less than 112 bits) Key Transport RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology; non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength) TABLE 2-10: NON-FIPS APPROVED SECURITY FUNCTIONS Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 22 2.7.3 Cryptographic Keys and Critical Security Parameters Keys and CSPs CSP Type Generation Input / Output Description Challenge Secret 16 character data string SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Output via direct connection to PED Used in Trusted Path Authentication configuration. 16 character random string generated by the cryptographic module and output via the PED display when the user is created. It is input by the operator as the authentication data for a client application login. Random Challenge 64-byte random number SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Output to host using ICD communication path Used in Trusted Path Authentication configuration. A one-time random number generated by the cryptographic module and sent to the calling application for each login. It is combined with the input Challenge Secret to compute the one-time response that is returned to the cryptographic module. Challenge Response 20-byte value N/A Input from host using ICD communication path A 20-byte value used for authentication in the challenge response scheme. It is generated using the challenge secret and the one-time random challenge value. PED Key Authentication Data 48-byte random value SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Input / Output via direct connection to PED Used in Trusted Path Authentication configuration. A 48-byte random value that is generated by the module when the SO or User is created. It is written out to the serial memory device (PED Key) via the Trusted Path. Optional PIN 4-48 character PIN N/A Input on the PED via secure channel. PED does not input or output the PIN. An optional PIN value used for authentication along with the PED key. It must be a minimum of 4-bytes long Cloning Domain Vector / Key Cloning Vector (KCV) 48-Byte value SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Output via direct connection to PED 48-byte value that is used to control a module’s ability to participate in the cloning protocol. It is either generated by the module or imprinted onto the module at the time the module is initialized. The value is output from the original module in the domain onto a PED Key to enable initializing additional modules into the same domain. User Storage Key (USK) AES-256 ECB SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output This key is used to encrypt all sensitive attributes of all private objects owned by the User. Encrypted, as part of the UAV, by the key taken from the PED Key data. Security Officer Master Key (SMK) AES-256 ECB SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output The storage key for the SO. This key is used to encrypt all sensitive attributes of all private objects owned by the SO. The USK/SMK is stored encrypted by an AES key derived from the User/SO PED Key Authentication data. Global Storage Key (GSK) AES-256 ECB SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output 32-byte AES key that is the same for all users on a specific Luna cryptographic module. It is used to encrypt permanent parameters within the non-volatile memory area reserved for use by the module. Secondary Global Storage Key (SGSK) AES-256 ECB SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output It is used to encrypt non-permanent parameters – parameters re-generated for every module initialization. Token or Module Unwrapping Key (TUK) RSA-4096 bit private key FIPS 186-4 RSA Key Generation, input from SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output Current version (v4) of the 4096-bit RSA private key used in the cloning protocol for FIPS mode. It is generated on power-up if it does not exist. Token or Module Wrapping Certificate (TWC) RSA-4096 public key certificate FIPS 186-4 RSA Key Generation, input from SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Output in plaintext using ICD communication path Current version (v4) of the public key certificate used in the KAS2-basic Key Agreement Scheme for the session encryption key as part of the cloning protocol in FIPS mode. It is generated on power-up and signed by the HOK. Password Encryption Key (PEK) RSA-4096 bit private key FIPS 186-4 RSA Key Generation, input from SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output A 4096 bit RSA private key used to decrypt user passwords that are provided to the module. It is generated on power-up if it does not exist. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 23 Keys and CSPs CSP Type Generation Input / Output Description Password Encryption Certificate (PEC) RSA-4096 public key certificate FIPS 186-4 RSA Key Generation, input from SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Output in plaintext using ICD communication path The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the PEK. The PEC is provided to the host as part of the KTS-OAEP-Basic scheme for secure transport of password data. It is generated on power-up and signed by the HOK. U2 Key 32-byte generic secret key SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output 32-byte symmetric key used in conjunction with the authentication code for a firmware update to derive a key used to decrypt the firmware update image when it is loaded into the module. Token or Module Variable Key (TVK) AES-256 ECB SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output It is used to encrypt cached User authentication data when auto-activation is enabled. The non-volatile RAM storing the TVK is actively zeroized in response to a tamper event. Master Tamper Key (MTK) AES-256 ECB SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output The MTK encrypts all sensitive values for use in the cryptographic accelerators. The non-volatile RAM storing the MTK is actively zeroized in response to a tamper event. Key Encryption Key (KEK) AES-256 ECB SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output The KEK encrypts all sensitive values and is zeroized in response to a decommission signal. Root Certificate (ROOT) RSA-4096 public key certificate Loaded at manufacturing Input (at manufacture) and output in plaintext using ICD communication path The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the Thales TCT Root signing key. It is self-signed. Used in verifying Manufacturing Integrity, Firmware, and License Signing Certificates (MIC, FSC, and LSC). Manufacturer’s Integrity Certificate (MIC) RSA-4096 public key certificate Loaded at manufacturing Input (at manufacture) and output in plaintext using ICD communication path Used in verifying Hardware Origin Certificates (HOCs), which are generated in response to a customer function call to provide proof of hardware origin. It is signed by the Root Key. Firmware Signing Certificate (FSC) RSA-4096 public key certificate Delivered with Firmware Update Package Input in plaintext using ICD communication path The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the Firmware Signing Key (FSK). It is input in plaintext as part of the Firmware Update File (FUF). It is signed by the Thales TCT Root signing key. Used to verify Firmware images on initial load. License Signing Certificate (LSC) RSA-4096 public key certificate Delivered with Configuration Update Package Input in plaintext using ICD communication path The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the License Signing Key (LSK). It is input in plaintext as part of the Configuration Update File (CUF). It is signed by the Thales TCT Root signing key. Used to verify Configuration Update images on initial load. Device Authentication Key (DAK) RSA-4096 bit private key FIPS 186-4 RSA Key Generation, input from SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output 4096-bit RSA private key used for a specific PKI implementation requiring assurance that a key or a specific action originated within the hardware crypto module. Device Authentication Certificate (DAC) RSA-4096 public key certificate FIPS 186-4 RSA Key Generation, input from SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Output in plaintext using ICD communication path The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the DAK. It is signed by the HOK. Used for a specific PKI implementation requiring assurance that a key or a specific action originated within the hardware crypto module. Manufacturing Authentication Certificate (MAC) RSA-4096 public key certificate Loaded at manufacturing Input (at manufacture) and output in plaintext using ICD communication path Used in verifying Device Authentication Certificate (DAC). MAC is loaded at manufacturing to provide Manufacturing authentication. Hardware Origin Key (HOK) RSA-4096 bit private key FIPS 186-4 (ANSI X9.31) RSA Key Generation, input from SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output RSA private key used to sign certificates for other device messaging key pairs, such as the TWC. It is generated at the time the device is manufactured. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 24 Keys and CSPs CSP Type Generation Input / Output Description Hardware Origin Certificate (HOC) RSA-4096 public key certificate Loaded at manufacturing Input (at manufacture) and output in plaintext using ICD communication path The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the HOK. It is signed by the Manufacturer’s Integrity Key (MIK) at the time the device is manufactured. Remote PED Vector (RPV) 256-bit secret value SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Output via direct connection to PED A randomly generated 256-bit secret, which must be shared between a remote PED and a cryptographic module in order to establish a secure communication channel between them. Secure Recovery Vector (SRV) Split of AES-256 MTK SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Input / Output via direct connection to PED A split of the MTK that is written to one or more PED Keys using the M of N secret splitting scheme and used to recover the MTK after a tamper event has been cleared. DRBG C 440 bits SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output Hash_DRBG Constant state variable, dependent upon the Seed, that is stored ephemerally in unreadable RNG register space and updated on each Instantiate and Reseed operation in accordance with NIST SP 800-90A. DRBG V 440 bits SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Not Input or Output Hash_DRBG Value state variable that is stored ephemerally in unreadable RNG register space and updated on each Instantiate, Generate, and Reseed operation in accordance with NIST SP 800-90A. DRBG Entropy Input 256 bits Hardware Random Source Not Input or Output The entropy value used to Instantiate and Reseed the approved Hash_DRBG. This value is stored ephemerally in unreadable RNG register space. 256 bits are used for Seed and 128 bits are used for Nonce as needed. An additional 256 bits of random Personalization Data are added on an Instantiate and 256 bits of random Additional Information are added on a Reseed. Secure Audit Logging Key (SALK) 256-bit HMAC SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Input and output encrypted using ICD communication path A 256-bit key used to verify data integrity and authentication of the log messages. Saved in the parameter area of Flash memory. Secure Audit Domain Key (SADK) AES-256 KW SHA-256 Hash_DRBG Input / Output via direct connection to PED A 256-bit key that is used to wrap/unwrap the SALK when it is exported from / imported to the module. It is either generated by the module or imprinted onto the module at the time Audit role is initialized. The value is output from the original module onto a PED Key to enable initializing the Audit role on additional modules into the same domain. TABLE 2-11: KEYS AND CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS USED IN THE MODULE 2.7.4 Key Generation In accordance with FIPS 140-2 Implementation Guidance (IG) D.12, the cryptographic module performs Cryptographic Key Generation (CKG) in compliance with scenario 1 of Section 4 in SP800-133r2. Symmetric cryptographic keys are generated by the direct unmodified output of the module’s NIST SP800-90A DRBG. The DRBG output is also used as a seed for asymmetric key generation. Keys which are generated outside the module and input during the manufacturing process include: Root Certificate (ROOT), Manufacturer’s Integrity Certificate (MIC), Hardware Origin Certificate (HOC), Manufacturing Authentication Certificate (MAC). User passwords for authentication are generated by the operator. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 25 2.7.5 Key Import and Export If PED is configured, the following keys/CSPs use the module’s direct connection to the PED for entry/output: PED Authentication Data, Cloning Domain Vector (KCV), Remote PED Vector (RPV), Secure Recover Vector (SRV), and Secure Audit Domain Key (SADK). In both configurations, the following keys/CSPs use the ICD communication path to the host for entry/output: All certificates, Authentication Nonce, User Password and Secure Audit Logging Key (SALK). The remaining keys and CSPs listed in Table 2-11 are not input to or output from the module. Depending on the configuration of the module, the following methods of key import and export may be available as a service: Key Cloning Key cloning uses a one-time AES key as a session key to wrap (AES-KWP) an object being transferred from one cryptographic module to another. Objects transferred using the cloning protocol may be keys, user data, or module data. The AES session encrypting key is obtained by using KAS2-basic as the key agreement scheme between source and target modules, both of which share their Token Wrapping Certificates (TWCs). Both parties use the agreed upon shared secret in a Two-Step Key Derivation Function with Randomness Extraction per SP800-56Cr1 and SP800-108, with the distributed Key Cloning Vector (KCV) as part of the FixedInput, to derive matching session keys for the wrapping and unwrapping operations. Key Wrap / Unwrap The key wrap operation encrypts an asymmetric or symmetric key value for output, using AES-KW symmetric wrapping key. The unwrap operation takes as input an encrypted symmetric or asymmetric private key and a handle to the key that was originally used to do the wrapping. It decrypts the key, stores it in the module as a key object and returns the handle to the imported key. Note that for both wrap and unwrap operations, the user (or calling application acting on the user’s behalf) never has access to the actual key values – only handles assigned to the key objects in the module. 2.7.6 Zeroization The module supports the following zeroization methods for plaintext keys and CSPs. Zeroization Method Events Description ZM1 - Zeroized by power cycle or module reset Power-on reset initialization and test of RAM space ZM2 - Zeroized in response to physical security measures (Tamper) Erasure of MTK in Nonvolatile RAM ZM3 - Zeroized as part of a Decommission signal Erasure of KEK, TVK, and MTK in Nonvolatile RAM ZM4 - Zeroized via ICD command - Zeroized when moving to/from FIPS 140-2 Approved mode and non-Approved mode of operation - Zeroized when the configured threshold for failed SO login attempts is reached Execution of firmware zeroize function that deletes all user cryptographic objects stored in nonvolatile module memory and deletes all user keys (USK, SMK) and partitions. Module is in its factory reset state and must be re-initialized. TABLE 2-12: ZEROIZATION METHODS Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 26 2.8 Self-tests 2.8.1 Power-On Self-Tests The module provides self-tests on power-up and on request to confirm the firmware integrity, and to check the random number generator and each of the implemented cryptographic algorithms. All interfaces and external operations are disabled until the Power-On Self-Tests complete successfully. Table 2-13: Power-On Self-Tests, Module Integrity Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator Bootloader performs a SHA-1 integrity check of bootloader image Power-on Firmware Module halt Bootloader performs a SHA-256 integrity check of firmware image Power-on Firmware Module halt TABLE 2-13: POWER-ON SELF-TESTS, MODULE INTEGRITY Table 2-14: Power-On Self-Tests, Cryptographic Implementations Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator Luna T7 Hybrid (HW/FW) Cryptographic Library (CAVP Cert. #C2010) Luna T7 Hardware Cryptographic Engine (CAVP Cert. #C1999) Luna T7 Firmware Cryptographic Library (CAVP Cert. #C1998) DRBG Instantiate Function Known Answer Test (KAT) Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged DRBG Generate Function KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged DRBG Reseed Function KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged DRBG Uninstantiate Function KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged SHA-1 KAT Power-on/Request X X Module halt / Error Logged SHA-224 KAT Power-on/Request X X Module halt / Error Logged SHA-256 KAT Power-on/Request X X Module halt / Error Logged SHA-384 KAT Power-on/Request X X Module halt / Error Logged SHA-512 KAT Power-on/Request X X Module halt / Error Logged HMAC SHA-1 KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged HMAC SHA-224 KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged HMAC SHA-256 KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged HMAC SHA-384 KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged HMAC SHA-512 KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged RSA sig-gen KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged RSA sig-ver KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged RSA Encrypt KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged RSA Decrypt KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged DSA sig-gen KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged DSA sig-ver KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged AES KATs (e / d) (ECB, CBC, OFB) Power-on/Request X X Module halt / Error Logged Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 27 Table 2-14: Power-On Self-Tests, Cryptographic Implementations Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator Luna T7 Hybrid (HW/FW) Cryptographic Library (CAVP Cert. #C2010) Luna T7 Hardware Cryptographic Engine (CAVP Cert. #C1999) Luna T7 Firmware Cryptographic Library (CAVP Cert. #C1998) AES KATs (e / d) (CTR, CFB128, GCM, XTS) Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged AES-CFB8 KAT (e / d) Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged AES-CMAC KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged TDES-CBC KAT (Decrypt) Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged ECDSA sig-gen KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged ECDSA sig-ver KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged KBKDF KAT Power-on/Request X Module halt / Error Logged TABLE 2-14: POWER-ON SELF-TESTS, CRYPTOGRAPHIC IMPLEMENTATIONS 2.8.2 Conditional Self-Tests The module automatically performs conditional self-tests based on the module operation. These self-tests do not require operator input to initiate. Table 2-15: Conditional Self-Tests Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator CRNGT test for NDRNG7 Continuous Firmware / Hardware Function Fail / Error Logged RSA – Pair-wise consistency test (asymmetric key pairs) On generation Firmware / Hardware Function Fail DSA – Pair-wise consistency test (asymmetric key pairs) On generation Firmware / Hardware Function Fail ECDSA – Pair-wise consistency test (asymmetric key pairs) On generation Firmware / Hardware Function Fail Firmware load test (4096-bit RSA sig ver) On firmware update load Firmware / Hardware Function Fail / Error Logged Module will continue with existing firmware TABLE 2-15: CONDITIONAL SELF-TESTS 2.9 Firmware Security The Firmware Security Policy assumes that any firmware images loaded in conformance with the policy have been verified by Thales TCT to ensure that the firmware will function correctly. The policy applies to initial firmware loading and subsequent firmware updates. The module does not allow external software to be loaded inside its boundary. Only properly formatted firmware may be loaded. The communication of initial or updated firmware to a target module shall be initiated by a Thales TCT module dedicated to that function. 7 CRNGT, as described in Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2, is only performed for the NDRNG and is not performed for the DRBG as permitted by FIPS IG 9.8 for modules implementing an approved DRBG from NIST SP800-90A. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 28 Firmware shall be digitally signed using the Thales TCT Manufacturing signature key and encrypted using a secret key that can be derived (based on an internally held secret key) by the receiving module for decryption. RSA (4096 bits) PKCS #1 V1.5 with SHA-384 is used as the approved signature method. The unencrypted firmware must not be visible outside a module before, during and after the loading operation. The Bootloader provides a SHA-1 integrity check (160-bit EDC) of itself and a SHA-256 integrity check (256-bit EDC) of the Firmware it loads on each power-on and reset cycle. The module will halt if either integrity check fails. 3. Guidance 3.1 Identifying The Module Version Ahead of putting the module into its approved mode of operation, it is important to identify the hardware, firmware and bootloader versions of the target module and to check these correspond to those listed in Section 1. The following sections provide guidance on checking each element. Any module returning hardware, firmware and bootloader versions not listed in this security policy is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. 3.1.1 Checking The Bootloader Version The bootloader version can be checked by viewing the output from dmesg which can be run on the Linux based host platform following boot of the cryptographic module. The bootloader version will be listed towards the top of the data output on a line similar to below: [hsm] Boot Loader Revision T7 2.0.1. 3.1.2 Checking The Hardware Model and Firmware Version The Luna T7 hardware model and firmware version can be displayed by the lunacm utility running on the module host. The lunacm slot list command provides an output similar to the following, including the hardware model and firmware version: lunacm:>slot list Slot Id -> 3 Label -> Luna T7 Demo Partition Serial Number -> 700021 Model -> Luna T7 Firmware Version -> 7.11.1 Configuration -> Luna PCI (PED) Key Export With Cloning Mode Note: As indicated in Table 2-3, this module supports a Firmware Update service. Any firmware loaded into this module that is not shown on the module certificate, is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. 3.2 Approved Mode Of Operation The cryptographic module is approved when running a FIPS 140-2 certified version of firmware as listed in Section 1. To place the module in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode as defined by FIPS PUB 140-2, the HSM Security Officer must disable the following module policy:  “Execute in non-FIPS operation mode” If the HSM Security Officer attempts to enable or disable this policy, a warning is displayed and the HSM Security Officer is prompted to confirm the selection. If this policy is left in the “enabled” state, the module will be operating in the non-Approved mode. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 29 The HSM Security Officer can confirm that the cryptographic module is in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode by executing the lunacm hsm showinfo command in the administration tools provided with the module. If the module is in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode the following message will be displayed: *** The HSM is in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode. *** When not in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode, the showinfo status will not include that message. 3.2.1 Transitioning to and from FIPS Mode of Operation If the “Execute in non-FIPS operation mode” policy is “enabled”, the Security Officer can use the lunacm tool to change that policy to “disabled” by use of the hsm changepolicy command to place the T7 module in the Approved FIPS Mode of Operation. As noted in Section 2.7.6, this will result in a Software Zeroization (ZM4) that will erase all users, partitions, and cryptographic objects. To complete the process of Zeroization for enabling FIPS Mode, the user should also press the available button or switch to execute a Decommission (ZM3) to erase the contents of nonvolatile RAM and then cycle power to the device to perform a power-up initialization (ZM1) as well. If the need should arise to exit the Approved FIPS Mode of Operation, the process above is repeated, except that the “Execute in non-FIPS operation mode” policy is set to “enabled” to perform the Software Zeroization (ZM4), which is then followed by the Decommission (ZM3) and Power-On Reset (ZM1) zeroizations. Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 30 APPENDIX A. LIST OF TERMS, ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Term Definition ANSI American National Standards Institute CL Cloning (a capability configuration used to allow the secure transfer of key objects from one module to another for backup and restore and object replication purposes). CLI Command Line Interface CO Crypto Officer CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CRT Chinese Remainder Theorem CSP Critical Security Parameter CU Crypto User CUF Configuration Update File DAK Device Authentication Key DH Diffie Hellman DRNG Deterministic Random Number Generator ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman EDC Error Detection Code FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard FUF Firmware Update File GSK Global Storage Key HA High Assurance HOC Hardware Origin Certificate HOK Hardware Origin Key HRNG Hardware Random Number Generator HSM Hardware Security Module KAS Key Agreement Scheme KAT Known Answer Test KDF Key Derivation Function KEK Key Encryption Key MAC Message Authentication Code MIC Manufacturer’s Integrity Certificate MIK Manufacturer’s Integrity Key MTK Master Tamper Key PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect PED PIN Entry Device PIN Personal Identification Number PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standards RNG Random Number Generator RPED Remote PED RPK Remote PED Key RPV Remote PED Vector SA Server-Attached Luna T7 Cryptographic Module Security Policy - Non-Proprietary, 002-500015-001 Rev G Trusted Cyber Technologies Thales Trusted Cyber Technologies 31 Term Definition SADK Secure Audit Domain Key SALK Secure Audit Logging Key SGSK Secondary Global Storage Key SHS Secure Hash Standard SMK Security Officer’s Master Key SO Security Officer SRK Secure Recovery Key TUK Token or Module Unwrapping Key TVK Token or Module Variable Key TWC Token or Module Wrapping Certificate USK User’s Storage Key