© Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 1 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. . Pitney Bowes iButton Postal Security Device (PSD) Hardware Version: DS1955B PB6 – 6.00.02 FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 3 Validation Version 6.00.02 October 24, 2007 © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 2 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Table of Contents INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3 PURPOSE....................................................................................................................... 3 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 3 DS1955B PB6 PSD POSTAL SECURITY DEVICE IBUTTON....................................... 4 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 4 MODULE INTERFACES ..................................................................................................... 5 Input and Output........................................................................................................ 5 ROLES AND SERVICES..................................................................................................... 6 Crypto Officer Role.................................................................................................... 6 Provider Role ............................................................................................................ 7 User Role .................................................................................................................. 9 Un-Authenticated Services...................................................................................... 10 Authentication Mechanisms .................................................................................... 11 PHYSICAL SECURITY ..................................................................................................... 11 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 12 Key Entry and Output.............................................................................................. 14 Key Generation ....................................................................................................... 15 Key Access ............................................................................................................. 15 Key Zeroization ....................................................................................................... 16 SELF-TESTS................................................................................................................. 16 DESIGN ASSURANCE..................................................................................................... 18 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS.................................................................................... 18 FIPS 140-2 OPERATION OF THE PSD IBUTTON....................................................... 19 CRYPTO-OFFICER GUIDANCE ........................................................................................ 19 Initialization ............................................................................................................. 19 Distribution .............................................................................................................. 19 PROVIDER/USER GUIDANCE .......................................................................................... 20 Initialization ............................................................................................................. 20 Zeroization .............................................................................................................. 20 SECURE OPERATION................................................................................................. 20 INITIAL SETUP............................................................................................................... 20 FIPS MODE INDICATOR................................................................................................. 21 ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................. 22 © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 3 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Introduction Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the Pitney Bowes iButton Postal Security Device (PSD) hardware version DS1955B PB6 – 6.00.02. This security policy describes how the DS1955B PB6 PSD iButton meets the security requirements of FIPS 140- 2 as a multiple-chip standalone module. This policy was prepared as part of the Level 3 (with Environmental Failure Testing) FIPS 140-2 validation of the module. FIPS 140-2 (Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 140-2 — Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules) details the U.S. Government requirements for cryptographic modules. More information about the FIPS 140-2 standard and validation program is available on the NIST website at http://csrc.nist.gov/cryptval/. The DS1955B PB6 PSD Postal Security Device is referred to throughout this document as the PSD, PSD iButton, and the module. References This document deals only with operations and capabilities of the module in the technical terms of a FIPS 140-2 cryptographic module security policy. More information is available on the module from the following sources: • The Pitney Bowes website http://www.pb.com/cgi- bin/pb.dll/jsp/Home.do contains information on the full line of products from Pitney Bowes. • The NIST Validated Modules website (http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov/cryptval/) contains contact information for answers to technical or sales-related questions for the module. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 4 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. DS1955B PB6 PSD POSTAL SECURITY DEVICE IBUTTON Overview An iButton® is a small hand held device that can be used to carry information. It is durable enough to be able to withstand everyday wear and tear much like the keys on a key chain. They can be dropped, stepped on, and even sent through the washer and dryer without compromising the information inside of the module. A Postal Security Device (PSD) is an iButton that provides the same physical security of the standard iButton, and can also perform cryptographic functions. It also contains a tamper response system that will respond if the PSD is intentionally tampered with and zeroize all of the critical information contained on the module. The DS1955B PB6 PSD is designed to work within the Pitney Bowes Postage Meter System, where it can create and print indicia while keeping track of how much postage the iButton has used and how much it has remaining. The DS1955B PB6 has been hardened to contain only the functionality necessary to perform the postal services, with only one PSD applet locked on to the module. The DS1955B#PB6 PSD is manufactured for compliance to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (ROHS) Act. A # sign is laser branded within the part number to indicate ROHS Compliance. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 5 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Module Interfaces The cryptographic boundary of the DS1955B PB6 PSD iButton is defined by the stainless steel metal MicroCAN®. There is one physical interface on the PSD iButton that is accessed through the steel lid contact. There are five different logical interfaces on the PSD iButton. The logical interfaces are: Data Input, Data Output, Control Input, Status Output, and Power. The logical interfaces are kept logically separate by the 1-Wire® protocol which controls the physical and logical interfaces. The 1-Wire interface is implemented to control how information enters and exits the module. This interface only allows one communication (input/output) at any one given time, which separates the logically interfaces very efficiently. The physical interface is separated into logical interfaces defined by FIPS 140-2, as described in the following table: Module Physical Interface FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Steel Lid Contact Data Input Interface Steel Lid Contact Data Output Interface Steel Lid Contact Control Input Interface Steel Lid Contact Status Output Interface Steel Lid Contact Power Interface Table 1 – FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces Input and Output All of the input and output to and from the module is done through the use of Application Protocol Data Units (APDU). The APDU is broken down into these sections: • Class (CLA) • Instruction (INS) • Parameter 1 (P1) • Parameter 2 (P2) • Length of Data Command (Lc) • Command Data (Data [Lc]) The first five define what type of command is being issued. The command data portion holds information that is needed to execute the command. Each service that is provided by the module requires a different APDU to execute the service. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 6 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Roles and Services The module supports identity-based authentication. There are three roles in the module (as required by FIPS 140-2) that operators may assume: a Crypto Officer Role, a Provider Role and a User Role. Crypto Officer Role The Crypto Officer role has the ability initialize the module at the factory before having it shipped to the consumer (end-user). Initialization at the factory consists of installing the PSD applet into the ROM of the PSD, running the Power On Self Tests and loading the keys into their specific location in memory in order to prepare the iButton for use by the user. In addition, the Crypto-Officer has access to status functions that return the current status of several of the components of the module. These status functions do not require authentication and are also included in the User Role Services. Descriptions of the services available to the Crypto Officer role are provided in the table below. The Crypto-Officer functionality includes: • Initialization of the module (which includes Running Self Tests on the module.) Initialization for the PSD occurs for the actual country(s) of usage: Initialize – USA, FR, or IT; or German Initialize – Deutsche Post (DP). This affects German specific services for the Provider and User roles. These services are; ProcessGermanPVDMessage, ProcessGermanPVRMessage, PrecreateGermanIndicium, CreateGermanIndicium, GetGermanPSDParameters, GetGermanParamData, and CreateGermanFinalizingFrank • Loading keys onto the module • Generating internal keys (part of the Manufacture Service in the table below) • Distributing the module • Master Erase - Key Zeroization A complete description of the functions available to the Crypto-Officer role (except module distribution service) can be found in the following table (table 2). The distribution of the module is performed by the crypto-officer by shipping the part to the provider or user role. In table 2, the input and output only depict the data part of the APDU. The first five sections defining which command is being issued is implied. In addition to the APDU, every operation also returns a status output indicating the status of the operation. If the operation completed successfully, the status output © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 7 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. reflects this. If the operation is not completed successfully, the output reflects this as well. Role Service Description Input Output Crypto- Officer Get Speed Returns the approximate speed of the processor and co-processor in 1000’s of Hz. None Approximate speeds of the co- processor and the CPU Crypto- Officer Load Provide Key Loads the Provider Public Key onto the module Provider Public Key None Crypto- Officer Initialize Writes the Module’s serial number to memory, resets the ascending and descending registers to 0 Initialize Input Data None Crypto- Officer German Initialize(while operating in non-FIPS mode) Writes the Module’s serial number to memory, resets the ascending and descending registers to 0 German Initialize Input Data None Crypto- Officer Manufacture Loads the secret key that is shared between Pitney Bowes and Maxim/Dallas onto the module Encrypted Secret Key None Crypto- Officer Run Algorithm Gives access to the Cryptographic Algorithms for FIPS Validation Dependant upon the algorithm being executed Dependant upon the algorithm being executed Crypto- Officer Transport Unlock Executes the Self Tests and authenticates the Crypto-Officer to the Module Encrypted Random Variable None Crypto- Officer Master Erase Erases all information from the module, and transitions to the Transport PSD State. Master Erase Data None Table 2 – Crypto-Officer Services, Descriptions, Inputs, and Outputs Provider Role The Provider role can perform status checks, load postal configuration data, and generate key pairs. Service descriptions and inputs/outputs are listed in the table below. The Provider functionality includes: • Loading Postal Configuration Data • Authorizing the module to the host • Generating Keys © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 8 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. • Master Erase – Key Zeroization A complete description of the Provider role services can be found in the following table. In this table, the input and output only depict the data part of the APDU. The first five sections defining which command is being issued is implied. In addition to the APDU, every operation also returns a status output indicating the status of the operation. If the operation completed successfully, the status output reflects this. If the operation is not completed successfully, the status output reflects this as well. Role Service Description Input Output Provider Load Secret Key Replace the current secret exchange key, provide a Keypad Refill Key, or keys specific to the French or German market (non-FIPS mode) Secret Key Data Structure None Provider Generate Keys Generates a DSA Key pair Generate PSD Key Data PSD Public Key Data Structure Provider Load Postal Configuration Loads important module specific postal information to the module Postal Configuration Data None Provider Authorize Authorizes the module to the host PSD Certificate Data None Provider Process PVD Message Accepts a Postage Value Download Message from the host and increments the Descending register accordingly Response Message PB Data Center Status Provider Process PVR Message Accepts the Postage Value Refund message from the host and adjusts the registers accordingly Response Message PB Data Center Status Provider Process Audit Response Resets the Watchdog Timer by giving the PSD a valid response from the Provider Audit Response Message None Provider Verify Hash Signature Verifies a hash signature Verify Hash Signature Structure None Provider Master Erase Erases all information from the module, and transitions to the Transport PSD State. Master Erase Data None Provider Disable PSD Places the PSD in a mode in which it cannot perform any Postal functions. None None Provider Enable PSD Reverts the PSD to a mode in which it can carry out its Postal functions. None None © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 9 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Table 3 - Provider Services, Descriptions, Inputs, and Outputs User Role The User role can perform status checks, basic postal functions, and self tests. Service descriptions and inputs/outputs are listed in the table below. The User functionality includes: • Logging into/out of the module • Creating Indicium • Printing Indicium • Adding/Removing Postage A complete description of the User role services can be found in the following table. In this table, the input and output only depict the data part of the APDU. The first five sections defining which command is being issued is implied. In addition to the APDU, every operation also returns a status output indicating the status of the operation. If the operation completed successfully, the status output reflects this. If the operation is not completed successfully, the status output reflects this as well. Role Service Description Input Output User Commit Transaction Updates the Ascending and Descending registers and outputs the signed indicium None Signed Indicium Data User Create Indicium Creates an Indicium using the input date Postage Value, Date of Mailing, and Rate Category Signed Indicium Data User Pre Compute R Pre computes the R portion of the DSA signature so that the create indicium function can be executed faster None A signed device audit message User Pre Create Indicium Pre-creates the indicium based on the input values, and adjusts the precreated register values Postage Value, Date of Mailing, and Rate Category None User Generate PVD Request Makes a request to the host to download a Postage Value Value of Postage Requested Postage Value Download Request Message User Generate PVR Request Generates a Postage Value Refund Request Message to send to the host None Postage Value Refund Request Message © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 10 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Role Service Description Input Output User Keypad Refill Adds postage to the Descending register Refill amount, and ASCII Combination Data None User Keypad Withdrawal Removes Postage from the Descending register ASCII Combination Data None User User Login Authenticates the User to the module Hash of Login Challenge and User Password None User User Logout Logs the user out, and returns the module to the Full Postal State None None Table 4 – User Services, Descriptions, Inputs, and Outputs Un-Authenticated Services The PSD iButton provides several un-authenticated services. These services consist of basic status inquiries that do not require authentication and are available from any state of operation. The Run Self Tests service is also available from any state in the module, and does not require authentication. These services are detailed in the following table. Role Service Description Input Output All Roles Get State Returns the state that the Module is currently in. None The current state All Roles Create Device Audit Msg Sends the value of the Ascending and Descending registers to the provider None Device Audit Message All Roles Run Self Tests Runs the Self Tests None None All Roles Get Module Status Returns the values of the Ascending and Descending registers None The values of the Ascending and Descending registers All Roles Get Challenge Returns the most recent Login Challenge None The Value in the Login Challenge Variable All Roles Get PSD Parameters Returns the most recent Login Challenge None The Value in the Login Challenge Variable All Roles Set GMT Offset Sets the Local time offset from the GMT Time. GMT offset in seconds None All Roles Get Firmware Version Returns the Firmware Version String None Firmware Version String All Roles Get Free RAM Returns the number of free bytes of RAM None Number of bytes of free ram All Roles Get RTC Returns the value of the Real Time Clock None The number of seconds since the battery was attached © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 11 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Role Service Description Input Output All Roles Get POR Count Returns the number of Power On Resets since the battery was attached None Number of Power On Resets since the battery was attached All Roles Get Random (non-Approved RNG) Returns the number of random bytes requested A request for N bytes of random data N bytes of random data All Roles Get Log Data Returns the contents of a specified log Parameter to indicate which log to return Contents of the appropriate log All Roles Get PSD Key Data Returns the PSD Public Key if the PSD has been authorized None The PSD Public Key Table 5 – Un-authenticated Services, Descriptions, Inputs, and Outputs Authentication Mechanisms Authenticating to the module is done through either challenge response or by asymmetric signature. The Crypto-Officer, User, and Provider authenticate through identity-based authentication, by demonstrating knowledge of their key or PIN (a 128-bit TDES key, 64-bit password/PIN, and DSA key set for the CO, User, and Provider respectively). The types of authentication are listed in the table below. Authentication Type Strength Roles Transport Key Authentication The most recent random login challenge is encrypted using the Transport Key, which is a 2-key Triple-DES Key. The PSD Transport Key is 128 bits. There are 2^128 possible combinations for the transport key, which makes the strength of the key 1/(2^128). Crypto-Officer Role User Password Authentication The User Password is 20 bytes long, and it is hashed with a random challenge that is 8 bytes long. These are both hashed with SHA-1 to create a 20-byte login command used to authenticate the user. Because the password is 64 bits, the strength of this authentication is a 1/(2^64). User Role PSD Certificate Data Authentication The PSD Certificate Data is digitally signed with the provider key. The module verifies the signature with the provider key that was loaded into memory during Initialization and either authorizes the module or does not authorize the module. The strength of this key is based on a 1024 bit DSA key set. DSA is an asymmetric key that is based on the discreet logarithm problem, which is a difficult mathematical function. Provider Role Table 6 – Estimated Strength of Authentication Mechanisms Physical Security The DS1955B PB6 PSD iButton is a multi-chip standalone cryptographic module. The cryptographic boundary for the module is the steel enclosure that makes up the iButton. The PSD iButton is contained inside a steel case that is strong, without any doors or hinges to open to access the © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 12 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. module. It does not have any ventilation holes that allow an unauthorized user to gain access to the module. The iButton has a tamper evident mechanism that zeroizes all information if an attempt to tamper the module has occurred. The United States Postal Service requires that devices involved with the Information Based Indicia Program (IBIP) must meet the physical requirements for FIPS 140-2 Level 3. In addition to the level 3 requirements, all modules must be tested for EFP/EFT, which is a level 4 requirement for FIPS. The DS1955B PB6 conforms to the USPS standard by undergoing EFT Tests in addition to meeting the requirements for a FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Validation. The module has been tested in the temperature range between -100C and 200C and in the voltage range of -14 Volts to +14 Volts. These tests have been conducted by the testing laboratory. The Module has been tested and meets Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requirements for home use with regards to Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) for home use as defined in subpart A of FCC part 15. The PSD iButton also meets European Community (EC) Directives Conformity. The CE Mark EMC/EMI/ESD testing requirements are specified by Application of Council Directive 89/336/EEC Standard to which Conformity is Declared: • EN 55022 • EN 55024 • EN 61000 Cryptographic Key Management The implementations of the FIPS-approved algorithms have the following FIPS algorithm certifications:  SHA-1 (certificate #167)  PRNG (Certificate #86)  Triple-DES in CBC Mode (certificate #185)  Triple-DES MAC (certificate #185 vendor affirmed) © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 13 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice.  DSA (certificate #90) In non-FIPS mode (i.e. for German Indicia Type) the module uses RSA encryption/decryption to transport the mSecret value as part of the Deutsche Post Specification. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 14 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. The module supports the following critical security parameters: Key Key Type Generation Storage Use Kpb 2 key Triple-DES (128-bit) External by manufacturing External – by Pitney Bowes and Dallas Semiconductor Derive Transport Key PSD Transport Key 2 key Triple-DES (128-bit) Internal – set at Dallas prior to shipment using the Transport Key Derivation Algorithm in the Manufacture function at state 0 Plaintext in non- volatile memory Decrypt input data in Transport Unlock function at state 1, and encrypt PSD Secret Exchange Key in Load Secret Key function PSD Secret Exchange Key 2 key Triple-DES (128-bit) External by User or Crypto-Officer Plaintext in non- volatile memory Encrypt/decrypt data between the PSD and the infrastructure Keypad Refill Key 2 key Triple-DES (128- bit) External by User or Crypto-Officer Plaintext in non- volatile memory Compute CBC-MAC for keypad type refill PSD Private Key DSA key set (160-bit) Internal – uses the RNG as specified in FIPS 186-2 Appendix 3, and uses DES as the mixing function G Plaintext in non- volatile memory Digital Signature PSD Public Key DSA key set (1024-bit) Internal – computed from PSD Private Key Plaintext in non- volatile memory Compare public key in Certificate signed by Provider, for operators to verify PSD’s signature Provider Public Key DSA key set (1024-bit) External by Provider Plaintext in non- volatile memory Verify signed messages by Provider French K-Fab- MA Key or Belgian MAC Key 2 key Triple-DES (128-bit) External – computed from a shared secret key and the PSD serial number Plaintext in non- volatile memory Only for PSDs configured for the French or Belgium market – used to encrypt French K-MA Key. For Belgium, the MAC key is stored here, or in place of the French K-MA key. French K-MA Key or Belgian MAC Key 2 key Triple-DES (128-bit) External – loaded upon installation at the customer site Plaintext in non- volatile memory Only for PSDs configured for the French or Belgium market – used to compute a CBC-MAC. For Belgium, MAC key is stored here, or in place of K-Fab-MA key. User Password Password (64-bit) External – Created by User Plaintext in non- volatile memory Use by the User login process Table 7 – Critical Security Parameters Key Entry and Output Keys that are created externally from the module are never transmitted to the module in plaintext. Keys are encrypted with the (2 key [128-bit] TDES) PSD Secret Exchange Key and sent through the physical interface © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 15 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. and are then decrypted and stored in plaintext in Non-volatile RAM. After a key has been stored on the module, it is never output for any reason. Key Generation There are two types of keys that are generated within the module. These keys are the PSD Transport Key, and the PSD DSA key set. The PSD Transport Key is derived using the shared secret key Kpb which is shared between Pitney Bowes and Maxim Integrated Products. This key is generated before the PSD has been shipped to the user, and only the Crypto-Officer has access to the PSD Transport key. The PSD DSA key set is generated during the Generate Keys function, which can be executed in both the Crypto-Officer Role and the User Role. To ensure that the key pair functions properly, a pairwise consistency check is performed on any DSA key set that the module creates before the pair is used. Key Access This is a chart that shows which CSP’s are available to the different roles and what services they are associated with. Role Key Services Associated Type of Access Crypto-Officer Kpb Manufacture Read Only Crypto-Officer PSD Transport Key Transport Unlock Load Secret Key Read Only Crypto-Officer PSD Secret Exchange Key Transport Unlock Load Secret Key Master Erase Read/Write Provider PSD Secret Exchange Key Master Erase Write Only Crypto-Officer Keypad Refill Key Load Secret Key Write Only User Keypad Refill Key Key Pad Refill Read Only Crypto-Officer PSD Private Key Load Secret Key Generate Keys Read/Write Provider PSD Private Key Generate Keys Read/Write Crypto-Officer PSD Public Key Generate Keys Read/Write Provider PSD Public Key Generate Keys Authorize Verify Hash Signature Read/Write Crypto-Officer Provider Public Key Initialize Load Secret Key Write Only Provider Provider Public Key Verify Hash Signature Master Erase Read Only Crypto-Officer French K-Fab-MA Key Load Secret Key Read Only Crypto-Officer French K-MA Key Load Secret Key Read Only User User Password Initialize Read Only © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 16 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. User Login Crypto-Officer German mSecret (while operating in non-FIPS mode) Load Secret Key Read/Write Crypto-Officer Deutsche Post RSA Private Key (while operating in non-FIPS mode) Load Secret Key Read/Write Crypto-Officer Deutsche Post RSA Public Key (while operating in non-FIPS mode) Load Secret Key Read/Write Table 8 – Critical Security Parameter Access Table Key Zeroization Key zeroization can occur in two different ways. The first is through a master erase function call that can be called from any state after the module has been initialized. The master erase function removes all of the keys and critical security parameters from the module, and all of them must be entered again for the module to return to normal operation. The module must be returned to the Crypto-Officer to be reinitialized. The second method of zeroization is from a tamper event. If the module is tampered with, the tamper response system engages and zeroizes all of the information on the module. Once the module has been tampered, it cannot return to normal operation. Self-Tests The module performs the following Power On Self Tests: • CRC32 Firmware Image Tests – This test performs a cyclic redundancy check on the firmware image, and if it does not pass, the test fails. • SHA-1 Known Answer Tests – This test performs a known answer test on the SHA-1 algorithm implemented by the module. • DES/Triple-DES Known Answer Tests – This test performs a known answer test on the DES and Triple-DES algorithms implemented by the module. • PRNG Known Answer Tests – This test performs a known answer test on the PRNG algorithm that is implemented by the module. • DSA Pairwise Consistency Tests – This test creates a DSA key pair, and tests the signing and verification processes with a known message. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 17 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. If one of the Power On Self Tests fail, then the module transitions to the Error state. Once in the error state, successfully passing the self-tests is the only way the module can transition back to the normal mode of operation. The module performs the following Conditional Tests: • RNG Tests – When a new set of random bytes is created, it is compared to the previous set created. If the two sets match, then the test fails. This test is performed for both the approved FIPS 186-2 PRNG and the non-deterministic hardware RNG. • DSA Pairwise Consistency Tests If the conditional tests fail, an error is sent to the status output, and the tests are run again until they are completed successfully. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 18 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Design Assurance Dallas Semiconductor implements ISO-9000 for design insurance. Mitigation of Other Attacks The DS1955B PB6 PSD iButton is designed to mitigate against side channel attacks. The 1-Wire® interface transmits power and I/O, this complicates both monitor triggering and collection of data. Signal to noise on the single point of entry through the cryptographic boundary, obscures listening, and makes reception of critical data signals more difficult. The main processor is running while the coprocessor operates to introduce additional noise during strong source powered operation. This increased operating current may also improve the Signal/Noise ratio. The ROM based PSD application precludes unauthorized operation or plain text attacks. The following patents can provide additional information for mitigating side channel attacks. The patents are available from the United States Patent Office. Patent Number Name Patent Date 4,890,263 Ram with Capability for Rapid Clearing of Data From Memory by Simultaneously Selecting All Row Lines 12/26/89 5,327,564 Timed Access System for Protecting Data in a Central Processing Unit 07/05/94 5,812,004 Current Compensated Clock for a Microcircuit 09/22/98 6,064,740 Method and Apparatus for Masking Modulo Exponentiation Calculations in an Integrated Circuit 05/16/00 6,219,789 Microprocessor with Co-processing Capabilities for Secure Transactions and Quick Clearing Capabilities 04/17/01 6,330,668 Integrated Circuit Having Hardware Circuitry to Prevent Electrical or Thermal Stressing of the Silicon Circuitry 12/11/01 Table 9 – Module Mitigation of Other Attacks Patents © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 19 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. FIPS 140-2 OPERATION OF THE PSD IBUTTON The DS1955B PB6 PSD Postal Security Device has three roles, the Crypto-Officer Role, Provider Role and the User Role. The PSD is powered on only once when the battery is attached during the manufacturing process. The PSD iButton is a FIPS compliant device and is in a FIPS approved mode of operation when initialized with either the USA, France, Italy, or Belgium indicia format. Crypto-Officer Guidance The Crypto-Officer is responsible for the Initialization of the module at the beginning of its life, as well as any re-initializations that may be needed during the life of the module. The Crypto-Officer is also responsible for distributing the module in a secure manner to prevent compromise before the Provider/User obtains the module. The end of the modules life occurs when the lithium battery dies. Initialization The module is manufactured and initialized at the same facility, so the process of the Crypto-Officer obtaining the module from the manufacturing facility is insignificant. When the Crypto-Officer first receives the module, it is powered on and the Power On Self Tests are executed. After the tests have been successfully completed, then the Crypto-Officer authenticates to the module using information that is encrypted with the PSD Transport Key. After the Crypto-Officer has been authenticated, then the module is ready to be initialized. The Crypto-Officer Initializes the PSD by loading keys onto the module to prepare it to be used by users. The Ascending and Descending registers are initialized and the module is prepared to be distributed to the provider/user. Distribution After the PSD has been initialized and is ready to be distributed to providers/users, it is packaged in a secure package. The package shall contain tamper evident labels that indicate if the module has been tampered with before the provider/user receives it. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 20 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. Provider/User Guidance When the provider/user receives the module, they shall ensure that the tamper evident labels are intact, and that there is no evidence that the device has been tampered. If there is any indication that tampering might have occurred, the provider/user shall return the module to the Crypto- Officer. Initialization After the provider/user determines that the module is safe to use, the provider must initialize the module. This involves loading the postal configuration data, and authorizing the module to the host. The postal configuration data includes the zip code, the maximum and minimum postage, and the vital information about the module that separates the module from others of the same type (e.g. serial number, etc.). Zeroization When the module has reached the end of its functional life cycle the provider shall perform a Master Erase on the module. The Master Erase zeroizes all information on the module so no unauthorized access can occur. After the Master Erase, the provider shall return the module back to the Crypto-Officer. If, for any reason, the module no longer functions properly, the provider/user shall return the module back to the Crypto-Officer. SECURE OPERATION The DS1955B PB6 PSD iButton meets Level 3 requirements for FIPS 140-2. The sections below describe how to place and keep the module in FIPS-approved mode of operation. Initial Setup Once the module has been assembled and the firmware applet has been locked onto the modules ROM, depending on the indicia format for which the module has been initialized, the iButton will either be in the FIPS140-2 compliant mode or the non-FIPS compliant mode. The module remains in this mode during the entire life of the module. If the module has been initialized for U.S.A., Italy, France, or Belgium indicia format, it is considered to be in FIPS 140-2 compliant mode. On © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 21 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. the other hand, if the module has been initialized for German post indicia format, it is considered to be in non-FIPS mode of operation. To determine the mode of operation, the user of the module can call the GetPSDParameters function. Field 16 of the return data structure PSD Parameter List Data indicates the indicia type for which the module has been initialized. If the indicia type is U.S.A., Italy, France, or Belgium the module is in FIPS 140-2 compliant mode. If the indicia type is German post, the module is considered to be in non-FIPS mode. The iButton provides strong physical protection of the module, and has a tamper response system that will zeroize all information on the module if it is compromised by physical tampering. The module does not contain any openings, covers, doors, or ventilation holes, and does not require tamper evident labels for FIPS mode. FIPS Mode Indicator The iButton provides the Get State service, which can be used to verify the module is running in a FIPS approved mode of operation. If the Get State service returns the value of 3 to 9, 11, or 12, the module is in a FIPS approved mode of operation. The value 10 indicates the module has been tampered. Values 0 to 2 and 16 indicate a pre-initialized module. If the value returns any value from 13 to 15 or 17 to 22, the module is not operating in a FIPS approved mode and is instead running user the German indicia. © Copyright 2007 Pitney Bowes - Maxim Integrated Products Page 22 of 22 This document may be freely reproduced and distributed whole and intact including this Copyright Notice. ACRONYMS ANSI American National Standards Institute CBC Cipher Block Chaining CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check CSP Critical Security Parameter DES/Triple-DES Data Encryption Standard/Triple Data Encryption Standard DPA Differential Power Analysis DSA Digital Signature Algorithm EDC Error Detection Code EFP Environmental Failure Protection EFT Environmental Failure Testing EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communication Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GMT Greenwich Mean Time IBIP Information Based Indicia Program KAT Known Answer Test MAC Message Authentication Code NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology POST Power On Self Test PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generator PSD Postal Security Device PVD Postage Value Download PVR Postage Value Refund RAM Random Access Memory RNG Random Number Generator ROHS Restriction of Hazardous Substances ROM Read Only Memory RSA Rivest, Shamir, And Adleman SHA Secure Hash Algorithm