Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module Version FIPS 140-2 Non-Proprietary Security Policy Level 1 Validation Document Version 2.0 Prepared By: Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg ii Revision History Version Modification Date Modified By Description of Changes 1.0 2014-09-12 ICSA Labs Initial Document 1.1 2015-02-19 Barracuda Networks Incorporating comments from BAH 1.2 2015-02-19 ICSA Labs Updated block diagram 1.3 2015-02-19 ICSA Labs Formatting correction after updating block diagram 1.4 2015-02-19 ICSA Labs Updated block diagram Updated Table of Contents to include section 7.5 (added in v1.1) 1.5 2015-03-30 Barracuda Networks Updated RSA Certificate number 1.6 2015-04-16 Barracuda Networks Updated section “Cryptographic Key Management” (section 7.2) 1.7 2015-09-21 Barracuda Networks Incorporating comments from CMVP 1.8 2016-08-11 ICSA Labs Added in Dell Power Edge OEs 1.9 2016-11-16 ICSA Labs Updated CAVS certification numbers 2.0 2016-11-22 ICSA Labs Corrected listing of CAVS certification numbers Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg iii Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 PURPOSE.........................................................................................................................................................1 2 CRYPTOGRAPHIC MODULE SPECIFICATION ........................................................................................1 2.1 MODULE OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................................1 2.2 SECURITY LEVELS ..........................................................................................................................................3 2.3 MODES OF OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................3 3 MODULE PORTS AND INTERFACES...........................................................................................................5 4 ROLES, SERVICES, AND AUTHENTICATION ...........................................................................................5 5 PHYSICAL SECURITY...................................................................................................................................14 6 OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENT................................................................................................................14 7 CRYPTOGRAPHIC KEY MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................14 7.1 CRITICAL SECURITY PARAMETERS (CSPS)...................................................................................................14 7.2 KEY GENERATION ........................................................................................................................................14 7.3 KEY ENTRY, STORAGE, OUTPUT ..................................................................................................................15 7.4 ZEROIZATION ...............................................................................................................................................15 7.5 ENTROPY......................................................................................................................................................15 8 EMI/EMC...........................................................................................................................................................15 9 SELF-TESTS .....................................................................................................................................................15 10 DESIGN ASSURANCE.....................................................................................................................................16 11 MITIGATION OF OTHER ATTACKS .........................................................................................................17 12 CRYPTO-OFFICER AND USER GUIDANCE .............................................................................................17 13 ACRONYMS......................................................................................................................................................18 Table of Figures FIGURE 2-1: LOGICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................................2 Table of Tables TABLE 2-1: TESTED CONFIGURATIONS...........................................................................................................................1 TABLE 2-2: SECURITY LEVEL PER FIPS 140-2................................................................................................................3 TABLE 2-3: FIPS APPROVED ALGORITHMS ....................................................................................................................5 TABLE 3-1: FIPS 140-2 LOGICAL INTERFACES...............................................................................................................5 TABLE 4-1: FIPS APPROVED SERVICES WITH ROLES/CSPS..........................................................................................12 TABLE 4-2: NON-FIPS APPROVED BUT ALLOWED CRYPTOGRAPHIC FUNCTIONS ........................................................13 TABLE 7-1: MODULE CSPS ..........................................................................................................................................14 Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This is a non-proprietary Cryptographic Module Security Policy for the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module from Barracuda Inc.. It provides detailed information relating to the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 security requirements for conformance to security Level 1, and instructions on how to run the module in a secure FIPS 140-2 approved mode. 2 Cryptographic Module Specification The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module is a cryptographic software library that provides fundamental cryptographic functions for applications in Barracuda security products that use Barracuda OS v2.3.4 and require FIPS 140-2 approved cryptographic functions. The FIPS 140-2 validation of the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module is comprised of the fips_crypto_module.o file. 2.1 Module Overview The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module is a software-based cryptographic module.Table 2-1 provides a list of platforms, operational systems and processors on which the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module was tested. Hardware Test Platforms Operating System Processor Processor Optimization BNHW002 Barracuda OS v2.3.4 Intel Xeon None BNHW008 Barracuda OS v2.3.4 Intel Xeon AES-NI BNHW003 Barracuda OS v2.3.4 AMD Opteron None BNHW003 Barracuda OS v2.3.4 AMD Opteron AES-NI Dell PowerEdge R320 Barracuda NextGen Firewall and Control Center OS 7 under Microsoft Windows 2012 (64-bit) Hyper-V Intel Xeon None Dell PowerEdge R320 Barracuda NextGen Firewall and Control Center OS 7 under Microsoft Windows 2012 (64-bit) Hyper-V Intel Xeon AES-NI Table 2-1: Tested Configurations Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 2 The logical cryptographic boundary of the module is the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module dynamic library (fips_crypto_module.o). It is contained in the physical boundary of the general purpose computer (GPC) on which the module resides. Figure 2-1 describes the GPC physical boundary, the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module logical boundary, and their relationship. Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 3 Figure 2-1: Logical Block Diagram 2.2 Security Levels Per FIPS 140-2 terminology, the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module is a multi-chip standalone module that meets overall level 1 FIPS 140-2 requirements. Table 2-2 lists the validation levels for each section of the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module: Section Section Title Level 1 Cryptographic Module Specification 1 2 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 1 Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 4 Section Section Title Level 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 2 4 Finite State Model 1 5 Physical Security N/A 6 Operational Environment 1 7 Cryptographic Key Management 1 8 EMI/EMC 1 9 Self-tests 1 10 Design Assurance 3 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A Table 2-2: Security Level per FIPS 140-2 2.3 Modes of Operation The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module has only a FIPS Approved mode of operation. The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module must be initialized with the FIPS_module_mode_on function. The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module will then operate in a FIPS approved mode of operation. Once initialized, the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module supports the FIPS Approved Algorithms listed in Table 2-3: Algorithm Modes CAVS Cert AES-128/192/256 ECB, CBC, CFB1, CFB8, CFB128, OFB, CTR, CCM, CMAC, GCM, XTS 3165 4144 ECC CDH Component  P-224/256/384/521  K-233//283/409/571  B-233/283/409/571 414 948 DRBG  Hash  HMAC  CTR 651 1258 Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 5 Algorithm Modes CAVS Cert DSA (FIPS 186-4)  PQG Generate o (2048, 224): SHA-224/256/384/512 o (2048, 256): SHA-256/384/512 o (3072, 256): SHA-256/384/512  PQG Verify o (1024, 160) : SHA-1/224/256/384/512 o (2048, 224): SHA-224/256/384/512 o (2048, 256): SHA-256/384/512 o (3072, 256): SHA-256/384/512  Key Pair o (2048, 224) o (2048, 256) o (3072, 256)  Signature Generate o (2048, 224): SHA-224/256/384/512 o (2048, 256): SHA-224/256/384/512 o (3072, 256): SHA-224/256/384/512  Signature Verify o (1024, 160): SHA-1/224/256/384/512 o (2048, 224): SHA-1/224/256/384/512 o (2048, 256): SHA-1/224/256/384/512 o (3072, 256): SHA-1/224/256/384/512 911 1125 ECDSA (FIPS 186-4)  PKG Curves: o P-224/256/384/521 o K-233//283/409/571 o B-233/283/409/571  PKV Curves: o (All P, K and B curves)  SigGen Curves with SHA-224/256/384/512: o P-224/256/384/521 o K-233//283/409/571 o B-233/283/409/571  SigVer Curves with SHA-1/224/256/384/512: o P-224/256/384/521 o K-233//283/409/571 o B-233/283/409/571 576 953 HMAC SHA-1/224/256/384/512 1993 2716 RSA (FIPS 186-4)  RSASSA-PKCS1_V1_5: o SigGen: o Mod 2048/3072 SHA-224/256/384/512 o SigVer: o Mod 1024/1536/2048/3072/4096 SHA- 1/224/256/384/512  RSASSA-PSS: o SigGen: o Mod 2048/3072 SHA-224/256/384/512 o SigVer: o Mod 1024/1536/2048/3072/4096 SHA- 1/224/256/384/512 1603, 1690 2259 Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 6 Algorithm Modes CAVS Cert SHA  SHA-1  SHA-224  SHA-256  SHA-384  SHA-512 2618 3412 Triple-DES  Encrypt: 3-Key: ECB/CBC/CFB1/CFB8/CFB64/OFB  Decrypt: 2-Key & 3-Key: ECB/CBC/CFB1/CFB8/CFB64/OFB  CMAC (Generation/Verification) 1803 2264 Table 2-3: FIPS Approved Algorithms In addition to the FIPS Approved algorithms, the module also supports the non-approved but allowed EC Diffie- Hellman (Shared Secret Computation) primitive, and RSA Encrypt/Decrypt for key transport only (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 or 128 bits of encryption strength). The FIPS 186-4 complaint RSA key generation function is FIPS_rsa_generate_key_ex (). The AES XTS mode is only to be used for storage applications. The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module does not support concurrent operators. 3 Module Ports and Interfaces The physical ports of the module include those of the GPC on which the module is executed, but are outside the scope of the FIPS 140-2 validation. The logical interface consists of a C language application program interface (API) through which consumers of the module’s services may exact control, request status, or pass data in/out. The FIPS 140-2 interfaces are described in Table 3-1: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces. The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module API documentation includes all the inputs, outputs, control, and status parameters. FIPS 140-2 Logical Interface Implementation Data Input C-language API with stack and register input parameters Data Output C-language API with stack and register output parameters Control Input C-language API with stack and register control parameters Status Output C-language API with stack and register status parameters Power Interface N/A Table 3-1: FIPS 140-2 Logical Interfaces 4 Roles, Services, and Authentication The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module operates only in FIPS Approved mode and supports operators in either a Crypto-Officer (CO) role or User role. To initialize the cryptographic functions and select an operational role, the consumer of the module supplies a pre-defined password identifying the desired role to the FIPS_module_mode_on() API. As the operator that uses the FIPS module is a software program/application, the pre-defined password of the required role may be set during the application compile time. Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 7 The crypto-officer password is 36 characters in length and the user password is 33 characters in length. The probability of a random successful authentication attempt is 2−(8∗36) for the crypto-officer and is 2−(8∗33) for the user. As the operator is a software application and it is expected to have the password at the application compiletime, f failure to provide a valid password is treated as a module level error and will result in the module entering an error state, which can be cleared only by terminating and restarting the offending application. The password is not entered manually, but passed as a parameter in an API call by the calling application. Hence, there will be only one attempt and it is required to treat invalid password as module level error. The module does not allow for multiple authentication attempts. Since the error state can be cleared by power cycling the module, it would be possible to make one authentication attempt per second and restart the module per attempt. Thus 60 attempts per minute could be made. However since the probability of guessing the password per attempt has probability 1 in 2^ (8*36), it is clear that 60* (1 in 2^ (8*36)) is much less than 1 in 100,000. The module provides the services listed in Table 4-1. Both the CO and the User roles have full read/write/execute/zeroize access to all services. Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 8 Service Standard Roles Description CSPs & Public Keys API AES-128/192/256 Encrypt/Decrypt (Modes: CBC, CFB1, CFB128, CFB8, CTR, ECB, GCM, OFB) AES-128/256 Encrypt/Decrypt (Mode XTS) FIPS 197 SP 800-38A SP 800-38D (GCM) SP 800-38E (XTS) User/CO Symmetric Encryption/ Decryption using the AES encryption Standard AES Encrypt/Decrypt Key (all modes), Generate/Verify key (GCM) FIPS_evp_aes_128_cbc() FIPS_evp_aes_128_cfb1() FIPS_evp_aes_128_cfb128() FIPS_evp_aes_128_cfb8() FIPS_evp_aes_128_ctr() FIPS_evp_aes_128_ecb() FIPS_evp_aes_128_gcm() FIPS_evp_aes_128_ofb() FIPS_evp_aes_128_xts() FIPS_evp_aes_192_cbc() FIPS_evp_aes_192_cfb1() FIPS_evp_aes_192_cfb128() FIPS_evp_aes_192_cfb8() FIPS_evp_aes_192_ctr() FIPS_evp_aes_192_ecb() FIPS_evp_aes_192_gcm() FIPS_evp_aes_192_ofb() FIPS_evp_aes_256_cbc() FIPS_evp_aes_256_cfb1() FIPS_evp_aes_256_cfb128() FIPS_evp_aes_256_cfb8() FIPS_evp_aes_256_ctr() FIPS_evp_aes_256_ecb() FIPS_evp_aes_256_gcm() FIPS_evp_aes_256_ofb() FIPS_evp_aes_256_xts() Triple-DES Encrypt (Modes CBC, CFB1, CFB64, CFB8, ECB, OFB) SP 800-67 User/CO Symmetric Encryption using the Triple-DES encryption Standard Triple-DES Keys Three-key: K1 != K2 != K3 != K1 FIPS_evp_des_ede3() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cbc() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cfb1() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cfb64() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cfb8() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_ecb() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_ofb() Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 9 Service Standard Roles Description CSPs & Public Keys API Triple-DES Decrypt (Modes CBC, CFB1, CFB64, CFB8, ECB, OFB) SP 800-67 User/CO Symmetric Decryption using the Triple-DES encryption Standard Triple-DES Keys Three-key: K1 != K2 != K3 != K1 Two-Key: K1 != K2 != K3 = K1 (Legacy use only) FIPS_evp_des_ede3() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cbc() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cfb1() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cfb64() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cfb8() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_ecb() FIPS_evp_des_ede3_ofb() DSA Signature Verification FIPS 186-4 User/CO Verify a signed message using DSA DSA Public signature verification key FIPS_dsa_verify() FIPS_dsa_verify_ctx() FIPS_dsa_verify_digest() DSA Generate Domain Parameters FIPS 186-4 User/CO L>=2048, N=256 with SHA256 public domain parameters FIPS_dsa_generate_parameters_ex() DSA-2048/3072 Generate Key Pair FIPS 186-4 User/CO Generate 2048 or 3072 bit DSA key pair DSA Private/Public Keys FIPS_dsa_generate_key() DSA Sign FIPS 186-4 User/CO Sign a message using DSA Private Key provided by calling application FIPS_dsa_sign() FIPS_dsa_sign_ctx() FIPS_dsa_sign_digest() RSA Signature Verification FIPS 186-4 User/CO Verify an RSA 1024, 2048 or 3072 bit RSA key signature. Based on PKCS#1 v1.5 or PSS RSA Signature Verification Public Key FIPS_rsa_verify() FIPS_rsa_verify_ctx() FIPS_rsa_verify_digest() RSA Generate Key Pair FIPS 186-4 User/CO Generate 2048 or 3072 bit RSA key pair. Based on ANSI X9.31 RSA Private/Public Keys FIPS_rsa_x931_generate_key_ex RSA Private Key Encrypt FIPS 186-4 User/CO Used for digital signature RSA Private Key FIPS_rsa_private_encrypt() RSA Public Key Decrypt FIPS 186-4 User/CO Used for digital signature verification RSA Public Key FIPS_rsa_public_decrypt() Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 10 Service Standard Roles Description CSPs & Public Keys API RSA Sign FIPS 186-4 User/CO Generate 2048, 3072 bit RSA signature. Based on PKCS#1 v1.5 or PSS RSA Private Signature Generation Key FIPS_rsa_sign() FIPS_rsa_sign_ctx() FIPS_rsa_sign_digest() ECDSA Signature Verification FIPS 186-4 User/CO Verify message signature (uses all SHA sizes including SHA-1 for legacy use) ECDSA Public Signature Verification Key FIPS_ecdsa_verify() FIPS_ecdsa_verify_ctx() Generate Shared Secret (ECC CDH Primitive) SP 800-56A Section User/CO Generate Shared Secret (KAS component). Allows only NIST recommended B, K and P curves. Shared Secret ECDH_compute_key() EC Generate Key Pair FIPS 186-4 User/CO Allows only NIST recommended B, K and P curves. EC Private Key EC_KEY_generate_key() ECDSA Sign FIPS 186-4 User/CO Sign message ECDSA Private Signature Generation Key FIPS_ecdsa_sign() FIPS_ecdsa_sign_ctx() SHA-1/224/256/384/512 FIPS 180-4 User/CO Generate a hash value based on the Secure Hash Standard (SHS) None FIPS_digestinit() FIPS_digestupdate() FIPS_digestfinal() FIPS_evp_sha1 () FIPS_evp_sha224 () FIPS_evp_sha256 () FIPS_evp_sha384 () FIPS_evp_sha512 () Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 11 Service Standard Roles Description CSPs & Public Keys API HMAC-SHA- 1/224/256/384/512 FIPS 198-1 User/CO Generate HMAC- SHA HMAC Key FIPS_hmac_init FIPS_hmac_init_ex FIPS_evp_sha1 () FIPS_evp_sha224 () FIPS_evp_sha256 () FIPS_evp_sha384 () FIPS_evp_sha512 () CMAC AES- 128/192/256 SP 800-38B User/CO Generate CMAC with AES AES Generate/Verify Key FIPS_cmac_init () FIPS_cmac_update() FIPS_cmac_final () FIPS_evp_aes_128_cbc() FIPS_evp_aes_192_cbc() FIPS_evp_aes_256_cbc() CMAC Triple-DES SP 800-38B User/CO Generate CMAC with Triple-DES Triple-DES Keys Three-key: K1 != K2 != K3 != K1 FIPS_cmac_init () FIPS_cmac_update() FIPS_cmac_final () FIPS_evp_des_ede3_cbc() CCM AES-128/192/256 SP 800-38C User/CO Generate CCM with AES AES Encrypt/Decrypt Key FIPS_cipherinit() FIPS_cipher() EVP_aes_128_ccm EVP_aes_192_ccm EVP_aes_256_ccm Reseed DRBG SP 800-90A User/CO Reseed the DRBG from a NDRBG V, Key, and entropy input for HMAC and CTR DRBG; V, C and entropy input for Hash DRBG drbg_ctr_reseed() drbg_hash_reseed() drbg_hmac_reseed() FIPS_drbg_reseed() FIPS_drbg_set_reseed_interval() Get security strength SP800-57, Table 2 User/CO Provides the security strength of the DRBG based on the strength of the underlying DRBG mechanism None FIPS_drbg_get_strength() Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 12 Service Standard Roles Description CSPs & Public Keys API Generate Random Bits; Generate Symmetric Key SP 800-90A User/CO Generate Random Bits as defined in SP800-90A. Supported options: Hash DRBG, HMAC DRBG, no reseed, CTR DRBG (AES), no derivation function. Prediction Resistance supported for all options. Returned Symmetric Key (depends on usage); V, Key, and entropy input for HMAC and CTR DRBG; V, C and entropy input for Hash DRBG. FIPS_rand_bytes() FIPS_drbg_generate Initialization & Operator Authorization User/CO Prepare the module for use in FIPS approved mode for the role associated with “password” Pre-calculated HMAC-SHA-1’s for CO and User role authentications FIPS_module_mode_on(password) Status / Version User/CO Retrieve the current status of the module or version information None FIPS_module_mode() FIPS_incore_fingerprint() FIPS_module_version() FIPS_module_version_text() Zeroize User/CO Zeroize the CSP’s of an algorithm. All symmetric and public key Encrypt/Decrypt algorithms are automatically zeroized when the associated context is released. The DRBG CSP’s may be zeroized by uninstantiating the DRBG or via the fips_drbg_free function. V, Key, and entropy input for HMAC and CTR DRBG; V, C and entropy input for Hash DRBG; Symmetric keys; Pubic /Private Keys fips_drbg_uninstantiate() fips_drbg_free Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 13 Service Standard Roles Description CSPs & Public Keys API Self-Test User/CO Performs integrity test (using HMAC- SHA256) and algorithm self-tests. These are always peformed at power-on and may optionally be run on –demand. None FIPS_selftest() FIPS_selftest_sha1(); FIPS_selftest_aes_ccm(); FIPS_selftest_aes_gcm(); FIPS_selftest_aes_xts(); FIPS_selftest_aes(); FIPS_selftest_des(); FIPS_selftest_rsa(); FIPS_selftest_dsa(); FIPS_selftest_ecdsa(); FIPS_selftest_ecdh(); FIPS_drbg_stick(); FIPS_selftest_hmac(); FIPS_selftest_drbg(); FIPS_selftest_drbg_all(); FIPS_selftest_cmac(); FIPS_check_incore_fingerprint() Table 4-1: FIPS Approved Services with Roles/CSPs Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 14 Service Reference Roles Description CSPs API RSA Public Key Encrypt / Private Key Decrypt IG D.9 User/CO Used to encrypt/decrypt key material for key transport RSA Private Key, Wrapped Key FIPS_rsa_private_decrypt() FIPS_rsa_public_encrypt() EC Diffie-Hellman (Shared Secret Computation) Primitive IG D.8, Scenario 6 User/CO Calculate the shared secret. The ECDH_compute_key () function is same as listed in Table 4- 1. But this entry is for non-Approved (non complaint with SP 800-56A) primitive only. Calculated Shared Secret ECDH_compute_key() Table 4-2: Non-FIPS Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 15 5 Physical Security The physical security requirements do not apply to the Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module because the module is a FIPS 140-2 Level 1 software module and the physical security is provided by the host platform. 6 Operational Environment The module operates on a General Purpose Computer (GPC) which is a modifiable operating system. The module was tested on the platforms defined in Table 2-1. The operating systems on the platforms tested segregate each process into a separate process space that is logically separated from all other processes. The module only allows for single user operation in that each module function is processed in the process space of the calling application (operator). 7 Cryptographic Key Management 7.1 Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) Table 7-1 contains a list of keys/CSPs used in the module. Sections 7.2-7.4 describe the generation, entry, storage, output and zeroization of the keys/CSPs used in the module. CSP Description AES EDK, CMAC, GCM, XTS AES Encrypt/Decrypt Key (all modes), Generate/Verify key (CMAC, GCM) Triple-DES Symmetric Keys Triple-DES Keys Three-key: K1 != K2 != K3 != K1 Two-Key: K1 != K2 != K3 = K1 (Legacy use only) CMAC Generate/Verify Key DSA Sign/Verify Keys Public domain parameters DSA Private/Public Keys RSA Sign/Verify, Encrypt/Decrypt Keys RSA Private/Public Key ECDSA Sign/Verify Keys ECDSA Signature Keys ECC CDH Shared Secret Shared Secret used to derive keying material EC Public/Private Keys Elliptic Curve Private/Public keys HMAC Key Message Authentication Code Key DRBG State V, Key and entropy input for HMAC and CTR DRBG, V, C and entropy input for Hash DRBG CO Auth Digest Digest for Crypto Officer authentication User Auth Digest Digest for User authentication Table 7-1: Module CSPs 7.2 Key Generation The module supports generation of Elliptic Curve, RSA, DSA key pairs and symmetric keys using an approved SP800-90A DRBG. Table 4-1 identifies keys generated by the module. Keys are generated from the output of an SP800-90 compliant random bit generator (DRBG). The entropy input provided to the DRBG originates in the NDRBG of the platform. Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 16 No assurance of the minimum strength of generated keys. In the event Module power is lost and restored the calling application must ensure that any AES-GCM keys used for encryption or decryption are re-distributed. IG D.8 Scenario 5 requires compliance with one or more of the key agreement primitives specified in SP 800-56A. Domain parameters and key sizes shall conform to SP 800-56A. A CVL algorithm validation certificate for a DLC primitive is required (See CVL cert. #414) 7.3 Key Entry, Storage, Output No keys are persisted by the module beyond the lifetime of the API call, except the DRBG CSPs. All keys/keying material is entered into the module from the consuming application (i.e. “operator”) as plaintext parameters in RAM to API functions. Keys/keying material originates within the physical boundary of the module and is not output outside the physical boundary. 7.4 Zeroization Temporarily stored keys and keying material are zeroized automatically by the API functions when complete. CSPs related to random number functions (identified in Table 7-1) may be zeroized via explicit function calls. The operating system protects system memory and process space from access by unauthorized users. CSPs, secret and private keys that are used by the API function are stored temporarily in RAM during the function process. The zeroization is performed by each API function, which calls the function OPENSSL_cleanse at the end of the process. The OPENSSL_cleanse function overwrites the memory space with pseudorandom values that are produced based on the address of the buffer that is being zeroized and an internal counter. 7.5 Entropy Module users (the calling applications) shall use entropy sources that meet the security strength required for the random number generation mechanism. This entropy is supplied by means of callback functions. Those functions must return an error if the minimum entropy strength cannot be met 8 EMI/EMC The module is a software module and was tested on standard GPC platforms that meet the applicable Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) requirements for business use as defined in Subpart B of FCC Part 15. 9 Self-Tests The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module performs the required suite of self-tests upon initialization of the module. The self-tests are performed automatically without operator intervention. The following self-tests are performed: Self Tests: o Software integrity KAT: HMAC-SHA256 o SHA-1 o HMAC- SHA1 KAT o HMAC- SHA224 KAT o HMAC- SHA256 KAT o HMAC- SHA384 KAT o HMAC- SHA512 KAT o AES KAT: ECB mode, Encrypt, 128-bit Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 17 o AES KAT: ECB mode, Decrypt, 128-bit o AES CCM KAT: Encrypt, 192-bit o AES CCM KAT: Decrypt, 192-bit o AES GCM KAT: Encrypt, 256-bit o AES GCM KAT: Decrypt, 256-bit o XTS-AES KAT: Encrypt, 128,256 o XTS-AES KAT: Decrypt, 128,256 o AES CMAC KAT: CBC mode, sign, 128,192,256 o AES CMAC KAT: CBC mode, verify, 128,192,256 o Triple-DES KAT: ECB mode, Encrypt, 3-key o Triple-DES KAT: ECB mode, Decrypt, 3-key o Triple-DES CMAC KAT: CBC mode, generate, 3-key o Triple-DES CMAC KAT: CBC mode, verify, 3-key o RSA KAT: sign, 2048 bit, SHA256 o RSA KAT: verify, 2048 bit, SHA256 o DSA Pairwise Consistency: sign, 2048 bit, SHA384 o DSA Pairwise Consistency: verify, 2048 bit, SHA384 o DRBG SP800-90:  CTR_DRBG: AES 256-bit, with and without derivation function  HASH_DRBG: SHA256  HMAC_DRBG: SHA256 o ECDSA Pairwise Consistency: KeyGen, sign, P-224, K-233 and SHA512 o ECDSA Pairwise Consistency: KeyGen, verify, P-224, K-233 and SHA512 o ECC CDH KAT: Shared secret calculation per section of SP800-56A, IG 9.6 The module also inplements the following conditional tests: Conditional Self-test o DRBG SP800-90 continuous test o DSA: Pairwise Consistency test on each generation of a key pair o RSA: Pairwise Consistency test on each generation of a key pair o ECDSA: Pairwise Consistency test on each generation of a key pair o NDRBG: continuous test The module will enter an error state if any of the self-tests fail and an internal flag is set to prevent any subsequent requests for cryptographic functions. The module must be power cycled to remove it from the error state. Once power cycled the self-test will be run upon initialization. If all tests pass the module will move into an operational state. If any of the self-test fails the module will move back to the error state. The self-tests can be performed on demand by the operator by invoking the FIPS_selftest() function. 10 Design Assurance Barracuda uses Git for configuration management of source code and documentation. All module source code and documentation is maintained on a server that is internal to Barracuda. Git maintains a history of all changes made to documents and source code. The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module is for use inside of Barracuda products. The module is a binary object module and is only distributed to the Barracuda development team as the FIPS 140-2 validated fips_crypto_module.o binary object. The module code has a computed HMAC SHA-256 embedded in it for the software integrity test. If there are any changes to the module or the HMAC SHA-256 the software integrity test will Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 18 fail. The Barracuda development teams work in secure environments with controlled access. The module and the host application are installed on one of the operational environments listed in Table 2-1. 11 Mitigation of Other Attacks This module was not designed to mitigate any specific attacks outside the scope of the FIPS 140-2 requirements. 12 Crypto-Officer and User Guidance The calling application is the operator (crypto-officer or user depending on the password supplied) of the module. The Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module is for use on a GPC. It is the responsibility of the calling application to secure any keys or CSPs passed outside of the logical boundary of the module, to the calling application. The module does not provide any persistent storage of keys or CSPs. Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 19 13 Acronyms Acronym Definition AES Advanced Encryption Standard API Application Program Interface CBC Cipher Block Chaining CFB Cipher Feedback CO Cryptographic Officer CMAC Cryptographic Message Authentication Code CSP Critical Security Parameter CTR Counter DES Data Encryption Scheme DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator DSA Digital Signature Algorithm EC Elliptic Curve ECB Electronic Codebook EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility ECC CDH Elliptic Curve Cryptography Cofactor Diffie-Hellman ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm EDK Encrypt Decrypt Key EMI Electromagnetic Interference FCC Federal Communications Commission FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GCM Galois Counter Mode GPC General Purpose Computer HMAC Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code KAS Key Agreement Scheme KAT Known Answer Test NDRBG Non-Deterministic Random Bit Generator OFB Output Feedback OS Operating System PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard PKG Public Key (Q) Generation PKV Public Key (Q) Validation PQG DSA parameters P, Q and G PSS Probabilistic Signature Scheme RAM Random Access Memory Barracuda Non-Proprietary Security Policy (Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module), Version 1.8 December 8, 2016 Barracuda Cryptographic Software Module © Barracuda Inc. 2015 – This document may be reproduced only in its entirety including this Copyright Notice. pg 20 Acronym Definition RNG Random Number Generator RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman Algorithm RSASSA RSA Signature Scheme with Appendix SHA Secure Hash Algorithm Triple-DES Triple-DES XEX XOR Encrypt XOR XOR Exclusive OR XTS XEX Tweakable Block Cipher with Ciphertext Stealing