This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 1 FIPS 140-2 Security Policy for Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. Armada Mobile Processor Hardware Version: Armada PXA-2128[1] and Armada PXA-610[2] Firmware Version: 2128-1.1[1] and 610-1.1[2] Document Version: 1.6 This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 2 1. Module Description The ARMADA™ mobile processor (models PXA-2128 and PXA-610), also referred to as the Module within this document, is a Marvell’s System-on-Chip (SoC) product that is designed for mainstream Mobile Internet Devices (MIDs), connected consumer products, e-readers, smart phones, media players and new personal information appliances. It delivers the best combination of fast, PC-caliber processing, an uncompromised Internet experience, and full 1080p HD quality video and 3D graphics — all in the lightweight form factors with extended battery life that consumers want. The PXA-2128 and PXA-610 SoCs are equipped with a dedicated security hardware module known as WTM (Wireless Trusted Module) that offers the trusted computing services required for user authentication, identity management, secure storage as well as secure communication. Within WTM, there is a pool of the hardware cryptographic engines that performs at high throughput of the cryptographic operations over a set of FIPS-Approved algorithms, such as AES, TDES, SHA, HMAC, RSA, and EC-DSA. In addition, the on-chip hardware entropy-bit-generator under WTM is a reliable source of the entropy seeding to the FIPS-Approved DRBG schemes. The dedicated WTM secure firmware is responsible for device trusted boot, access control, authentication, and key management. The threat model for the device empowered by the PXA-2128 (and PXA-610) covers the case of the stolen device that is powered down. The confidentiality of the information and data within secure storage of the stolen device must be maintained even if the disk (or FLASH) is removed and attempts are made to recover the data directly from the media. The PXA-2128 (and PXA-610) addresses this problem by wrapping the data with device RKEK based key management hierarchy. The thief of the stolen device is also blocked to access the privileged services since the respective critical sensitive information is under the protection of the secure storage. The PXA-2128 (and PXA-610) is designed to meet requirements of FIPS 140-2 at Security Level 3. The trusted computing and cryptographic boundary of the SoC corresponds to the physical boundary of the chip packaging. Physical ports of the SoC are comprised by hardware pins. The module is covered with a hard opaque tamper- evident material. The hardness testing was performed at ambient temperature. During the manufacturing process the module is configured to only support the Approved Mode of Operation. To indicate the Approved Mode of Operation, the module writes the value corresponding to the Approved mode of operation to external memory. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 3 The test platform integrating PXA-2128 or PXA-610 SoC is the reference design. PXA- 2128 or PXA-610 could be potentially integrated into a system level product (e.g. the mobile phone, or other consumer electronic appliances) by Marvell’s customers targeted for production; however such configuration were not tested during the FIPS 140-2 testing process. Figure 1. A photograph of the Armada PXA-2128 Figure 2. A photograph of the Armada PXA-610 This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 4 The Module’s Security Level Statement is presented in the table below. FIPS Security Area Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks N/A This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 5 2. Roles, Services and Authentication The module provides the following roles: Crypto Officer and User. The Crypto Officer configures the module and manages its cryptographic functionality. The User utilizes cryptographic functionality provided by the module. The table below provides information about authentication mechanisms employed by each role. Role Type of Authentication Authentication credentials and Identity Crypto Officer Identity-based authentication 224-bit password along with 32-bit user ID are used to authenticate the user to import or export the endorsement key to/from the device. The password and user ID are also used to authenticate the user to enroll the OEM Digital Rights Management /Device Management (DRM/DM) Keys (either private or symmetric) into the module. The DRM/DM Keys that are transmitted to the module as a part of the enrollment process are protected using AES encryption. The 224-bit password along with 32-bit user ID are used to authenticate the user to allow generation of a user key. 256-bit digest is used to authenticate the erasure of the keys stored in the secure on-chip OTP storage media (zeroization). RSA or ECDSA public key and PIN are used to authenticate the firmware loading. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 6 Role Type of Authentication Authentication credentials and Identity User Identity-based authentication 224-bit password along with 32-bit user ID are used to authenticate the user to activate the use of the DRM/DM key by loading the key into the respective cryptographic engine. 224-bit password along with 32-bit user ID are used to authenticate the user to activate the use of the previously generated user key by loading the key into the respective cryptographic engine. 224-bit password along with 32-bit user ID are used to authenticate the user to activate the use of the public key by loading the key into the respective cryptographic engine. The module provides the following services. Service Role Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – read or use W – Write or Generate Z – zeroize AES encryption/ decryption User AES Keys: R TDES encryption/ decryption User TDES Keys: R HMAC generation User HMAC Keys: R Digital signature signing and verifying using RSA User RSA Key Pair: R Digital signature signing and verifying using EC-DSA User EC-DSA Key Pair: R Using non-approved, but allowed EC-DH to generate shared key User EC-DH Shared Key: W Run Self Tests Crypto Officer User N/A Reset to factory defaults/Zeroize Keys and CSPs Crypto Officer CO’s password: R All Keys and CSPs: Z Symmetric or asymmetric key generation Crypto Officer RKEK: R SKEK: R Endorsement Key: R CO’s password: R This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 7 Service Role Access to Cryptographic Keys and CSPs R – read or use W – Write or Generate Z – zeroize Newly generated Key: W User’s password: W Enrollment of private or symmetric DRM/DM keys. Crypto Officer Transit Key: R RKEK: R SKEK: R CO’s password: R User’s password: W Newly enrolled key: W Public key activation User Requested public key: W User’s password: R Firmware load Crypto Officer PKCS/EC-DSA public Key: R PIN: R Get status of the module Crypto Officer User N/A Key Import and Export Crypto Officer RKEK: R SKEK: R CO’s password: R Respective Imported key: W Respective Exported key: R Key Activation User Requested Key: R User’s Password: R 3. Security Functions The table below lists approved cryptographic algorithms implemented by the module: This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 8 Algorithm Certificate # AES(ECB/CBC/CTR/XTS) – Key size(128/192/256) 1982 and 2133 TDES (ECB/CBC) 1285 and 1357 SHA(SHA-1/224/256/384/512) 1737 and 1857 HMAC(HMAC-SHA-1/224/256/384/512) 1195 and 1303 RSA (PKCS#1v1.5-Sig(gen/ver))1 1028 and 1102 ECDSA (Sig(gen/ver)/PKG/PKV)2 287 and 323 DRBG (SP800-90 Hash Based – SHA-1/224/256/384/512) 182 and 238 The table below lists non-Approved, but allowed cryptographic algorithms employed by the module Algorithm Usage EC-DH Implements support for EC-DH key agreement algorithm for use by client software AES (Certs. #1982 and #2133, key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides 128 or 256 bits of encryption strength) Protection of keys 4. Key Management The following cryptographic keys are supported by the module: Name and Type Generation or establishment Algorithm Usage RKEK Created at the factory AES Used to encrypt SKEKs 1 The module does not support 1024-bit keys or SHA-1 for Digital Signature Generation 2 The module does not support SHA-1 for Digital Signature Generation This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 9 Name and Type Generation or establishment Algorithm Usage SKEKs Created at the factory or generated after deployment AES Used to encrypt Endorsement keys and user keys Transit Keys Created at the factory AES Used to encrypt private or secret DRM/DM keys during their enrollment. Endorsement Keys Created at factory AES Used to encrypt userid/password of the user of newly generated keys AES user keys Generated by the module or imported into the module or derived through EC-DH AES Used by user TDES user keys Generated by the module or imported into the module or derived through EC-DH TDES Used by user HMAC user keys Generated by the module or imported into the module or derived through EC-DH HMAC Used by user RSA user keys Generated by the module or imported into the module RSA Used by user ECDSA user keys Generated by the module or imported into the module ECDSA Used by user This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 10 Name and Type Generation or establishment Algorithm Usage EC-DH user keys Generated by the module EC-DH Used by user All keys, except for RKEK and Transit Keys, can be imported into/exported from the module. This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 11 5. Self-Tests The module runs power-on self-tests (POST) for the following algorithms: Algorithm Test AES Known Answer Test (Encrypt/Decrypt) TDES Known Answer Test (Encrypt/Decrypt) HMAC Known Answer Test SHS Covered by HMAC Test DRBG Known Answer Test RSA Known Answer Test (Sign KAT/Verify KAT) EC-DSA Known Answer Test The module implements the power-on digital signature (using PKCS#1v1.5 and EC- DSA) check over the firmware image at firmware loading, and it implements the continuous DRBG test for SP800-90. The module also performs the continuous test at runtime over the entropy that is used to seed the DRBG. A pair-wise consistency test is performed whenever the module creates an asymmetric public/private key pair for use by RSA or ECDSA. The module will complete a sign/verify operation on every generated key pair to ensure that key generation is functioning properly. If the operation fails, an error is reported and the key pair is discarded. 6. Crypto Officer Guidance 6.1 Secure Setup Instructions The following steps shall be performed by the Crypto Officer to perform the initial setup of the product: 1. Generate User Keys and SKEKs as needed 2. Export the newly generated keys as needed 3. Enroll DRM/DM keys as needed 4. Export the newly enrolled DRM/DM keys as needed 6.2 Secure Operation The following rules shall be followed by the Crypto Officer to achieve secure operation of the module: This document may be freely distributed in its entirety without modification 12 In case the module needs to be discarded, perform key zeroization, by issuing the WTM_OTP_KEY_ERASURE command followed by the power cycle, before discarding the module. 7. User Guidance 7.1 Secure Operation The following rules shall be followed by the User to achieve secure operation of the module: Generate a strong, non-dictionary based 224-bit password. Output of a FIPS- Approved random number generator can be used to create highly secure passwords. 8. Physical Security The module consists of production-grade components that are covered with a hard opaque tamper-evident material to deter direct observation, probing, or manipulation of the module and to provide evidence of attempts to tamper with or remove the module. The material is opaque within the visible spectrum. The material completely covers the module and deters direct observation, probing, or manipulation of the module.