TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 2/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. Table of Contents References.................................................................................................................................................4 Acronyms and Definitions ........................................................................................................................5 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................6 1.1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces .............................................................. 7 1.2 Firmware and Logical Cryptographic Boundary.......................................................... 9 1.3 Versions and Mode of Operation.......................................................................... 10 2. Cryptographic functionality ......................................................................................................... 11 2.1 Critical Security Parameters ............................................................................... 12 2.2 Public Keys................................................................................................... 13 3. Roles, Authentication and Services........................................................................................ 14 3.1 Secure Channel Protocol Authentication Method....................................................... 14 3.2 Demonstration applet Authentication Method ........................................................... 15 3.3 Services....................................................................................................... 15 4. Self-test....................................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Power-on Self-test........................................................................................... 17 4.2 Conditional Self-tests ....................................................................................... 17 5. Physical Security Policy ........................................................................................................... 18 6. Operational Environment ......................................................................................................... 18 7. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC).............................................. 18 8. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy........................................................................................... 18 9. Security Rules and Guidance.................................................................................................. 18 TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 3/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. Table of Tables Table 1 – References................................................................................................... 5 Table 2 – Acronyms and Definitions.................................................................................. 5 Table 3 – Security Level of Security Requirements ................................................................ 6 Table 4 – Module Physical Ports and Corresponding Logical Interfaces ....................................... 7 Table 5 - Voltage and Frequency Ranges........................................................................... 8 Table 6 – Contactless voltage and Frequency Ranges............................................................ 8 Table 7 – FIPS Approved Cryptographic Functions............................................................... 11 Table 8 – FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions .......................................... 12 Table 9 -Critical Security Parameters ............................................................................... 12 Table 10 –Public Keys................................................................................................. 13 Table 11 - Roles Supported by the Module ........................................................................ 14 Table 12 - Unauthenticated Services................................................................................ 15 Table 13 – Authenticated Services .................................................................................. 15 Table 14 – CSP Access by Service ................................................................................. 16 Table 15 – Power-On Self-Test ...................................................................................... 17 Table of Figures Figure 1 - Physical form and Cryptographic Boundary (P60D144) .............................................. 7 Figure 2 - Module Block Diagram..................................................................................... 9 TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 4/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. References Acronym Full Specification Name [FIPS140-2] NIST, Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, May 25, 2001 [GlobalPlatform] GlobalPlatform Consortium: GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.1.1, March 2003, GlobalPlatform Consortium: GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.1.1 Amendment A, March 2004 GlobalPlatform Consortium: GlobalPlatform Card Specification 2.2 Amendment D, Sept 2009 [ISO 7816] ISO/IEC 7816-1:1998 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts -- Part 1: Physical characteristics ISO/IEC 7816-2:2007 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 2: Cards with contacts -- Dimensions and location of the contacts ISO/IEC 7816-3:2006 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 3: Cards with contacts -- Electrical interface and transmission protocols ISO/IEC 7816-4:2005 Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards -- Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange [ISO 14443] Identification cards – Contactless integrated circuit cards – Proximity cards ISO/IEC 14443-1:2008 Part 1: Physical characteristics ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010 Part 2: Radio frequency power and signal interface ISO/IEC 14443-3:2011 Part 3: Initialization and anticollision ISO/IEC 14443-4:2008 Part 4: Transmission protocol [JavaCard] Java Card 2.2.2 Runtime Environment (JCRE) Specification Java Card 2.2.2 Virtual Machine (JCVM) Specification Java Card 2.2.2 Application Programming Interface Java Card 3.0.1 Application Programming Interface [only for algos ECDSA, SHA2] Published by Sun Microsystems, March 2006 [SP800-131A] Transitions: Recommendation for Transitioning the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths, January 2011 [SP 800-90A] NIST Special Publication 800-90, Recommendation for the Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators (Revised), March 2007 [SP 800-67] NIST Special Publication 800-67, Recommendation for the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (Triple-DES) Block Cipher, version 1.2, July 2011 [FIPS113] NIST, Computer Data Authentication, FIPS Publication 113, 30 May 1985. [FIPS 197] NIST, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), FIPS Publication 197, November 26, 2001. [PKCS#1] PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard, RSA Laboratories, June 14, 2002 [FIPS 186-4] NIST, Digital Signature Standard (DSS), FIPS Publication 186-4, July, 2013 [SP 800-56A] NIST Special Publication 800-56A, Recommendation for Pair-Wise Key Establishment Schemes Using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, March 2007 [FIPS 180-4] NIST, Secure Hash Standard, FIPS Publication 180-4, August 2015 TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 5/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. Acronym Full Specification Name [AESKeyWrap] NIST, AES Key Wrap Specification, 16 November 2001. This document defines symmetric key wrapping, Use of 2-Key Triple-DES in lieu of AES is described in [IG] D.2. [IG] NIST, Implementation Guidance for FIPS PUB 140-2 and the Cryptographic Module Validation Program, last updated 1 August 2016. Table 1 – References Acronyms and Definitions Acronym Definition API Application Programming Interface CM Card Manager, see [GlobalPlatform] CSP Critical Security Parameter DAP Data Authentication Pattern, see [GlobalPlatform] DPA Differential Power Analysis GP Global Platform HID Human Interface Device (Microsoftism) IC Integrated Circuit ISD Issuer Security Domain, see [GlobalPlatform] KAT Known Answer Test OP Open Platform (predecessor to Global Platform) PCT Pairwise Consistency Test PKI Public Key Infrastructure SCP Secure Channel Protocol, see [GlobalPlatform] SPA Simple Power Analysis Table 2 – Acronyms and Definitions TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 6/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 1. Introduction This document defines the Security Policy for the Gemalto TOPDLv2.1 Platform cryptographic module, herein denoted the Module. The Module, validated to FIPS 140-2 overall Level 3, is a single-chip “dual” module (P60D144) implementing the Global Platform operational environment, with Card Manager and a Demonstration Applet. The Demonstration Applet is available only to demonstrate the complete cryptographic capabilities of the Module for FIPS 140-2 validation, and is not intended for general use. The term platform herein is used to describe the chip and operational environment, not inclusive of the Demonstration Applet. The Module is a limited operational environment under the FIPS 140-2 definitions. The Module includes a firmware load function to support necessary updates. New firmware versions within the scope of this validation must be validated through the FIPS 140-2 CMVP. Any other firmware loaded into this module is out of the scope of this validation and requires a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. The FIPS 140-2 security levels for the Module are as follows: Security Requirement Security Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles, Services, and Authentication 3 Finite State Model 3 Physical Security 3 Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 Table 3 – Security Level of Security Requirements TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 7/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 1.1 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces The Module is designed to be embedded into plastic card body, passport, USB key, secure element etc., with a contact plate connection and/or RF antenna. The physical form of the Module is depicted in Figure 1 (to scale). The red outline depicts the physical cryptographic boundary, representing the surface of the chip and the bond pads. The cross-hatching indicates the presence of the hard opaque outer layer shielding. In production use, the Module is wire-bonded to a frame connected to a contact plate (pads CLK, RST, VDD, I/O and VSS) and/or to an RF antenna (pads LA and LB), enclosed in epoxy and mounted in a card body. The Module relies on [ISO 7816] and/or [ISO 14443] card readers as input/output devices. Figure 1 - Physical form and Cryptographic Boundary (P60D144) Contact No. Description Logical interface type VCC Supply voltage Power RST Reset signal Control in CLK Clock signal Control in GND Ground Power I/O Input/output Data in, data out, control in, status out LA LA (Antenna coil connection) Power, Data in, Data out, Control in, Status out LB LB (Antenna coil connection) Power, Data in, Data out, Control in, Status out Table 4 – Module Physical Ports and Corresponding Logical Interfaces TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 8/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. For contact interface operation, the Module conforms to [ISO 7816] part 1 and part 2. The electrical signals and transmission protocols follow the [ISO 7816] part 3. The conditions of use are the following: Conditions Range Voltage 3 V and 5.5 V Frequency 1MHz to 10MHz Table 5 - Voltage and Frequency Ranges For contactless interface operation, the Module conforms to [ISO 14443] part 1 for physical connections, and to [ISO 14443] parts 2, 3 and 4 for radio frequencies and transmission protocols. The external antenna loop required for contactless operation is outside the module cryptographic boundary. The conditions of use are the following: Conditions Range Supported bit rate 106 Kbits/s, 212 Kbits/s, 424 Kbits/s, 848 Kbits/s Operating field Between 1.5 A/m and 7.5 A/m rms Frequency 13.56 MHz +- 7kHz Table 6 – Contactless voltage and Frequency Ranges TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 9/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 1.2 Firmware and Logical Cryptographic Boundary Figure 2 depicts the Module operational environment and applets. Figure 2 - Module Block Diagram The JavaCard API is an internal interface, available to applets. Only applet services are available at the card edge (the interfaces that cross the cryptographic boundary). The Cryptography Libraries implement the algorithms listed in Section 2. The Javacard Runtime Environment implements the dispatcher, registry, loader, and logical channel functionalities. The Virtual Machine implements the byte code interpreter, firewall, exception management and byte code optimizer functionalities. The Card Manager is the card administration entity, allowing authorized users to manage the card content, keys, and life cycle states. The Card Manager behaves similarly to an applet, but is properly represented as a constituent of the platform. The Memory Manager implements functions such as memory access, allocation, deletion and garbage collection. The Communication handler implements the ISO 7816 and ISO 14443 communications protocols in contactless mode and dual mode. Section 3 describes applet functionality in greater detail. TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 10/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 1.3 Versions and Mode of Operation Hardware: NXP P60D144P VA (MPH149) Firmware: TOPDLV2.1 (Filter04), Demonstration Applet version V1.3 The Module implements only an Approved mode of operation, as delivered from the manufacturing environment. The explicit indicator of FIPS mode is available using the Module Information service (specifically, the GET DATA command with tag 0103). The Module responds with a multi-byte data set; the most significant bit of the 5th byte set to 1 is the explicit indicator of the FIPS approved mode. Specifically, the first five bytes will be: FOR MPH149 B0 84 49 53 81 (represented in hexadecimal with the 5th byte shown in bold red font) Where the 5th byte is 1000 0001 (represented in binary, with FIPS Approved mode indicator in bold red font). TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 11/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 2. Cryptographic functionality The Module implements the FIPS Approved cryptographic functions listed in Table 7 below: Algorithm Description Cert # DRBG [SP 800-90A] Deterministic Random Bits Generator (CTR-DRBG based on AES) 900 Triple-DES [SP 800-67] Triple Data Encryption Algorithm. The Module supports the 3-Key options; CBC and ECB modes. Note that the Module does not support a mechanism that would allow collection of plaintext / ciphertext pairs aside from authentication, limited in use by a counter. 1984 Triple-DES MAC [FIPS 113] Triple DES Message Authentication Code. Vendor affirmed, based on validated Triple DES. 1984 Triple-DES Key Wrap [SP 800-38F] Use of approved 3 key Triple-DES for key wrapping, in accordance with SP 800- 38F §3.1 ¶3.; provides 112 bits of security 1984 AES [FIPS 197] Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm. The Module supports 128-, 192- and 256-bit key lengths with ECB and CBC modes. 3543 AES CMAC [SP 800-38D] The Module supports 128-, 192- and 256-bit key lengths. 3543 AES Key Wrap [SP 800-38F] Use of approved AES and AES CMAC for key wrapping, in accordance with SP 800-38F §3.1 ¶3. 3543 KDF AES CMAC [SP 800-108] The Module supports 128-, 192- and 256-bit key lengths 85 RSA [FIPS 186-2] [PKCS#1 v1.5 and PSS] RSA algorithms.  Signature verification using 4096-bit key (any SHA size). [FIPS 186-4] [PKCS#1 v1.5 and PSS] RSA algorithms  Key pair generation using 2048-bit keys  Signature generation using 2048-bit keys using with SHA-2  Signature verification using 1024, 2048-bit and 3072-bit keys (any SHA size) 1822 RSA CRT [FIPS 186-2] [PKCS#1 v1.5 and PSS] RSA CRT algorithm.  Signature verification using 4096-bit key with SHA-2. [FIPS 186-4] [PKCS#1 v1.5 and PSS] RSA CRT algorithm.  Key pair generation using 2048-bit keys;  Signature generation using 2048-and 3072-bit keys with SHA-2;  Signature verification using 1024-, 2048-and 3072-bit keys (any SHA size). 1823 ECDSA [FIPS 186-4] Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm using the NIST defined curves  Key pair generation: P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves  Signature generation: P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves with SHA-2  Signature verification: P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521 curves (any SHA size). 721 CVL (ECC CDH) [SP 800-56A] The Section ECC CDH Primitive using the NIST defined curves: P-224, P-256, P-384 and P-521. 597 SHA-1 SHA-2 [FIPS 180-4] Secure Hash Standard compliant one-way (hash) algorithms. The Module supports the SHA-1 (160 bits), SHA-2 (224- bit, 256-bit, 384-bit, 512-bit) variants. 2921 CVL (RSASP1) [FIPS 186-4] [PKCS#1 v2.1] RSA signature generation primitive using 2048-bit keys. 815 CVL (RSADP) [SP 800-56B] RSA key decryption primitive using 2048-bit keys. 834 Table 7 – FIPS Approved Cryptographic Functions TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 12/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. The Module also implements the FIPS Non Approved but Allowed cryptographic functions listed in Table 8 below: Algorithm Description NDRNG True Random Number Generator. Provides at least 128 bits of entropy. Table 8 – FIPS Non-Approved but Allowed Cryptographic Functions 2.1 Critical Security Parameters All CSPs used by the Module are described in this section. All usage of these CSPs by the Module are described in the services detailed in Section 3. In the tables below, the OS prefix denotes operating system, the SD prefix denotes the Global Platform Security Domain, the DAP prefix denotes the Global Platform Data Authentication Protocol, and the DEM prefix denotes a Demonstration Applet CSP. Key Description / Usage OS-DRBG-EI-KEY AES-128 random key generated by the card during startup is used as a entropy input for the [SP800-90A] DRBG implementation. OS-DRBG-STATE 16-byte AES state V and 16-byte AES key used in the [SP800-90A] CTR DRBG implementation. OS-GLOBALPIN 6 to 16 byte Global PIN value. Character space is not restricted by the module. OS-MKDK AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) key used to encrypt OS-GLOBALPIN value SD-KENC AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) encryption master key used to derive SD-SENC SD-KMAC AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) Security Domain MAC master key, used derive SD-SMAC SD-KDEK AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) Security Domain Sensitive data decryption key. SD-SENC AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) Security Domain Session decryption key used to decrypt secure channel messages. SD-SMAC AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) Security Domain Session MAC key, used to verify secure channel message integrity. SD-SDEK AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) Session DEK key used by the CO role to decrypt CSPs. DAP-SYM AES-128/192/256 (SCP03) key optionally loaded in the field and used to verify the MAC of packages loaded into the Module. DEM-EDK AES-128/192/256 or 3-Key Triple-DES encryption / decryption key used by the Demonstration Applet Symmetric Cipher service. DEM-KAP-PRI P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 ECDSA private key used by the Demonstration Applet Generate Key Pair and Key Agreement Primitives service. DEM-KGS-PRI 2048-bit RSA or P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 ECDSA private key used by Demonstration Applet Generate Key Pair and RSADP Primitive services. DEM-MAC AES-128/192/256 CMAC or 3-Key Triple-DES key used by Demonstration Applet Message Authentication service. DEM-MK 3-Key Triple-DES master key used to encrypt or decrypt Demonstration Applet CSPs exported out of or imported into the Module. DEM-SGV-PRI 2048-, 3072-, 4096-bit RSA or P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 ECDSA private key used by Demonstration Applet Digital Signature service. Table 9 -Critical Security Parameters TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 13/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 2.2 Public Keys Key Description / Usage DEM-KAP-PUB P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 ECDSA public key used by the Demonstration Applet Key Agreement Primitives service. DEM-KGS-PUB 2048-bit RSA or P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 ECDSA public key used by Demonstration Applet Generate Asymmetric Key Pair service. DEM-SGV-PUB 1024-, 2048-, 3072-, 4096-bit RSA or P-192, P-224, P-256, P-384, P-521 ECDSA public key used by Demonstration Applet Asymmetric Signature service. Table 10 –Public Keys TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 14/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 3. Roles, Authentication and Services The Module:  Does not support a maintenance role.  Clears previous authentications on power cycle.  Supports Global Platform SCP logical channels, allowing concurrent operators in a limited fashion. Authentication of each operator and their access to roles and services is as described below, independent of logical channel usage. Only one operator at a time is permitted on a channel. Applet deselection (including Card Manager), card reset or power down terminates the current authentication; re-authentication is required after any of these events for access to authenticated services. Authentication data is encrypted during entry (by SD-SDEK), is stored in plaintext and is only accessible by authenticated services. Table 11 lists all operator roles supported by the Module. Role ID Role Description CO Cryptographic Officer - Role that manages Module content and configuration , including issuance and management of Module data via the ISD authenticated as described in Secure Channel Protocol Authentication below. User User - The user role for FIPS 140-2 validation purposes, authenticated as described in Demonstration Applet Authentication below.. Table 11 - Roles Supported by the Module 3.1 Secure Channel Protocol Authentication Method The Secure Channel Protocol authentication method is provided by the Secure Channel service. The SD- KENC and SD-KMAC keys are used to derive the SD-SENC and SD-SMAC keys, respectively. The SD- SENC key is used to create a cryptogram; the external entity participating in the mutual authentication also creates this cryptogram. Each participant compares the received cryptogram to the calculated cryptogram and if this succeeds, the two participants are mutually authenticated (the external entity is authenticated to the Module in the CO role). The probability that a random attempt will succeed using this authentication method is:  1/2^128 = 2.9E-39 (for any of AES-128/192/256 SD-KENC/SD-SENC, assuming a 128-bit block) The Module enforces a maximum of 255 failed SCP authentication attempts. The probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one minute interval is:  255/2^128 = 7.5E-37 (for any of AES-128/192/256 SD-KENC/SD-SENC, assuming a 128-bit block) TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 15/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 3.2 Demonstration applet Authentication Method This authentication method compares a PIN value sent to the Module over an encrypted channel to be stored OS-GLOBALPIN values; if the two values are equal, the operator is authenticated. This method is used in the Demonstration Applet services to authenticate to the User role. The module enforces OS-GLOBALPIN string length of 6 bytes minimum (16 bytes maximum), allowing all characters, so the strength of this authentication method is as follows: • The probability that a random attempt at authentication will succeed is 1/256^6. • Based on a maximum count of 15 for consecutive failed service authentication attempts, the probability that a random attempt will succeed over a one minute period is 15/256^6. 3.3 Services All services implemented by the Module are listed in the tables below. Service Description Context Select an applet or manage logical channels. Module Info (Unauth) Read unprivileged data objects, e.g., module configuration or status information. Module Reset Power cycle or reset the Module. Includes Power-On Self-Test. Table 12 - Unauthenticated Services Service Description CO User Lifecycle Modify the card or applet life cycle status. X Manage Content Load and install application packages and associated keys and data. X Module Info (Auth) Read module configuration or status information (privileged data objects) X Secure Channel Establish and use a secure communications channel. X Digital Signature Demonstrate RSA (inclusive of RSASP1) and ECDSA digital signature generation and verification. X Generate Key Pair Demonstrate RSA and ECDSA key generation X ECC CDH Primitive Demonstrate EC Diffie-Hellman primitive. X RSADP Primitive Demonstrate RSADP primitive. X Message Authentication Demonstrate Triple-DES Mac and AES CMAC. X Symmetric Cipher Demonstrate use of Triple-DES and AES for encryption and decryption. X Table 13 – Authenticated Services TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 16/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. CSPs Service OS-FRBG-EI-KEY OS-DRBG-STATE OS-GLOBALPIN OS-MKDK SD-KENC SD-KMAC SD-KDEK SD-SENC SD-SMAC SD-SDEK DAP-SYM DEM-EDK DEM-MAC DEM-SGV-PRI DEM-KGS-PRI DEM-KAP-PRI DEM-MK Module Reset ZE W ZE GW -- -- -- -- -- Z Z Z -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Module Info (Unauth) -- -- -- -- -- -- E1 E1 E1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Context -- -- -- -- -- -- Z Z Z -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Secure Channel -- EW E E E E GE1 GE1 GE1 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Manage Content -- -- W E W W W E1 E1 E1 EW -- -- -- -- -- -- Lifecycle Z Z Z Z Z Z Z -- -- -- Z Z -- Z Z Z Z Module Info (Auth) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- E1 E1 E1 Symmetric Cipher -- -- E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ER WZ -- -- -- -- E Message Authentication -- -- -- E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- EW Z -- -- -- -- Digital Signature -- EW E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ER WZ -- -- E Generate Key Pair -- EW E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GER WZ GER WZ E ECC CDH Primitive -- EW E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GER WZ E RSADP Primitive -- EW E E -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- GER WZ -- E Table 14 – CSP Access by Service  G = Generate: The Module generates the CSP.  R = Read: The Module reads the CSP (read access to the CSP by an outside entity).  E = Execute: The Module executes using the CSP.  W = Write: The Module writes the CSP. The write access is typically performed after a CSP is imported into the Module or when the module overwrites an existing CSP.  Z = Zeroize: The Module zeroizes the CSP. For the Context service, SD session keys are destroyed on applet deselect (channel closure)  -- = Not accessed by the service. 1 “E” for Secure Channel keys is included for situations where a Secure Channel has been established and all traffic is received encrypted. The Secure Channel establishment includes authentication to the module. TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 17/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 4. Self-test 4.1 Power-on Self-test On power on or reset, the Module performs self-tests described in Table 15. All KATs must be completed successfully prior to any other use of cryptography by the Module. If one of the KATs fails, the Module enters the Card Is Mute error state. Test Target Description FW Integrity 16 bit CRC performed over all code located in EEPROM. This integrity test is not required or performed for code stored in masked ROM code memory. DRBG Performs SP800-90A Health tests with fixed inputs, inclusive of KAT Triple-DES Performs separate encrypt and decrypt KATs using 3-Key TDEA in ECB mode. AES Performs decrypt KAT using an AES 128 key in ECB mode. AES encrypt is self-tested as an embedded algorithm of AES-CMAC. AES-CMAC Performs an AES-CMAC Generate KAT using an AES 128 key. Note that AES-CMAC Verify is identical to a Generate KAT (perform Generate then compare to the input) hence a single KAT verifies both functions. RSA Performs separate RSA PKCS#1 signature and verification KATs using an RSA 2048 bit key. RSA CRT Performs RSA PKCS#1 signature KAT using an RSA 2048 bit key. RSA CRT signature verification is tested as part of the RSA signature verification KAT as described above. ECDSA Performs separate ECDSA signature and verification KATs using P-224. ECC CDH Performs a KAT for ECC CDH using P-224 keys constituents. SHA-1, SHA-2 Performs separate KATs for SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512. Table 15 – Power-On Self-Test 4.2 Conditional Self-tests On every call to the [SP800-90A] CTR DBRG, the Module performs a stuck fault test to assure that the output is different than the previous value. When RSA or ECDSA key pair is generated the Module performs a pairwise consistency test. When new firmware is loaded into the Module using the Manage Content service, the Module verifies the integrity of the new firmware (applet) using MAC verification with the SD-MAC key. Optionally, the Module may also verify a signature of the new firmware (applet) using the DAP-SYM key; the signature block in this scenario is generated by an external entity using the private key corresponding to the symmetric key DAP-SYM. TOPDLv2.1 Platform FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Module Non-Proprietary Security Policy Ref: R0R25306_TOPDLv2.1_FIPS_SP Rev: 1.3 November 2016 Page 18/18 © Copyright Gemalto 2016. May be reproduced only in its entirety [without revision]. 5. Physical Security Policy The Module is a single-chip implementation that meets commercial-grade specifications for power, temperature, reliability, and shock/vibrations. The Module uses standard passivation techniques. The Module is designed to be mounted in a plastic smartcard or similar package; physical inspection of the epoxy side of the Module is not practical after mounting. The Module also provides a key to protect the Module from tamper during transport and the additional physical protections listed in Section 8 below. 6. Operational Environment The Module is designated as a limited operational environment under the FIPS 140-2 definitions. The Module includes a firmware load service to support necessary updates. New firmware versions within the scope of this validation must be validated through the FIPS 140-2 CMVP. Any other firmware loaded into this module is out of the scope of this validation and require a separate FIPS 140-2 validation. 7. Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility (EMI/EMC) The Module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by part 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B. 8. Mitigation of Other Attacks Policy The Module implements defenses against:  Fault attacks  Side channel analysis (Timing Analysis, SPA/DPA, Simple/Differential Electromagnetic Analysis)  Probing attacks  Card tearing 9. Security Rules and Guidance The Module implementation also enforces the following security rules:  No additional interface or service is implemented by the Module which would provide access to CSPs.  Data output is inhibited during key generation, self-tests, zeroization, and error states.  There are no restrictions on which keys or CSPs are zeroized by the zeroization service.  The Module does not support manual key entry, output plaintext CSPs or output intermediate key values.  Status information does not contain CSPs or sensitive data that if misused could lead to a compromise of the Module. END OF DOCUMENT