Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY Used as a Standalone Device as ‘Thales Luna PCIe HSM’ OR as an Embedded Device in ‘Thales Luna Network HSM’ FIPS 140-2, Level 3 Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 2 Document Information Document Part Number 002-010935-001 Release Date 21st April 2022 Revision History Revision Date Reason R 15th May 2020 Rebranded document to Thales including updating product name throughout. Added Bootloader version 1.1.4. T 18th May 2020 Updated picture of Thales Luna PIN Entry Device. U 18th May 2020 Updated picture of Thales Luna Network HSM. V 18th March 2022 Added hardware part numbers 808-000048-003 and 808-000073- 002. W 18th April 2022 Corrected hardware part number typos Y 21st April 2022 Corrected hardware part number typo Trademarks, Copyrights, and Third-Party Software © 2022 Thales. All rights reserved. Thales and the Thales logo are trademarks and service marks of Thales and/or its subsidiaries and are registered in certain countries. All other trademarks and service marks, whether registered or not in specific countries, are the property of their respective owners. Disclaimer All information herein is either public information or is the property of and owned solely by Thales and/or its subsidiaries who shall have and keep the sole right to file patent applications or any other kind of intellectual property protection in connection with such information. Nothing herein shall be construed as implying or granting to you any rights, by license, grant or otherwise, under any intellectual and/or industrial property rights of or concerning any of Thales’s information. This document can be used for informational, non-commercial, internal and personal use only provided that:  The copyright notice below, the confidentiality and proprietary legend and this full warning notice appear in all copies.  This document shall not be posted on any network computer or broadcast in any media other than by on the NIST CMVP Validation List and no modification of any part of this document shall be made. Use for any other purpose is expressly prohibited and may result in severe civil and criminal liabilities. Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 3 The information contained in this document is provided “AS IS” without any warranty of any kind. Unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing, Thales makes no warranty as to the value or accuracy of information contained herein. Thales hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions with regard to the information contained herein, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. In no event shall Thales be liable, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, for any indirect, special or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever including but not limited to damages resulting from loss of use, data, profits, revenues, or customers, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of information contained in this document. Thales does not and shall not warrant that this product will be resistant to all possible attacks and shall not incur, and disclaims, any liability in this respect. Even if each product is compliant with current security standards in force on the date of their design, security mechanisms' resistance necessarily evolves according to the state of the art in security and notably under the emergence of new attacks. Under no circumstances, shall Thales be held liable for any third party actions and in particular in case of any successful attack against systems or equipment incorporating Thales products. Thales disclaims any liability with respect to security for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages that result from any use of its products. It is further stressed that independent testing and verification by the person using the product is particularly encouraged, especially in any application in which defective, incorrect or insecure functioning could result in damage to persons or property, denial of service or loss of privacy. Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 4 CONTENTS ACRONYMS .........................................................................................................................6 Acronyms and abbreviations............................................................................................................................6 PREFACE.............................................................................................................................8 1 Introduction......................................................................................................................9 1.1 Purpose...........................................................................................................................................9 1.2 Scope ..............................................................................................................................................9 1.3 Validation Overview.........................................................................................................................9 1.4 Functional Overview......................................................................................................................10 2 Module Overview ...........................................................................................................12 2.1 Module Specification .....................................................................................................................12 2.2 Ports and Interfaces ......................................................................................................................13 Trusted Path..................................................................................................................................14 Remote PED .................................................................................................................................15 Secure Messaging.........................................................................................................................16 2.3 Roles and Services........................................................................................................................16 Roles .............................................................................................................................................16 Services.........................................................................................................................................17 2.4 Authentication................................................................................................................................21 Activation.......................................................................................................................................22 M of N............................................................................................................................................23 2.5 Physical Security ...........................................................................................................................23 External Event ...............................................................................................................................23 PCI-E Card Removal.....................................................................................................................23 Environmental Failure Protection...................................................................................................23 Decommission...............................................................................................................................24 Secure Transport Mode.................................................................................................................24 Fault Tolerance..............................................................................................................................24 2.6 Operational Environment...............................................................................................................24 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management ...................................................................................................25 FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations...................................................................................25 Non-Approved Security Functions.................................................................................................27 2.8 Critical Security Parameters ..........................................................................................................29 Key Generation..............................................................................................................................34 Key Import and Export...................................................................................................................34 Key Storage...................................................................................................................................34 Zeroization.....................................................................................................................................35 Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Capability .............................................................35 2.9 Self Tests ......................................................................................................................................35 Power-On Self Tests .....................................................................................................................35 Conditional Self Tests....................................................................................................................37 2.10 Mitigation of Other Attacks ............................................................................................................38 Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 5 3 Guidance .......................................................................................................................39 3.1 FIPS 140-2 Approved Mode of Operation .....................................................................................39 3.2 Firmware Loading..........................................................................................................................39 Acronyms Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 6 ACRONYMS Acronyms and abbreviations Term Definition CO Crypto Officer CSP Critical Security Parameter CU Crypto User DAK Device Authentication Key DAC Device Authentication Certificate DH Diffie Hellman DRBG Deterministic Random Bit Generator ECC Elliptic Curve Cryptography ECDH Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard GSK Global Storage Key HOC Hardware Origin Certificate HOK Hardware Origin Key HSE-BBRAM High-speed erase battery backed RAM HSM Hardware Security Module KAT Known Answer Test ICD Interface Control Design/Document KDF Key Derivation Function KEK Key Encryption Key MAC Message Authentication Code Acronyms Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 7 Term Definition Masking A Thales term to describe the encryption of a key for use only within a Thales cryptographic module. MIC Manufacturer’s Integrity Certificate MIK Manufacturer’s Integrity Key PSK Partition Storage Key PCI-E Peripheral Component Interconnect PEC Password Encryption Certificate PED PIN Entry Device PEK Password Encryption Key PKCS Public-Key Cryptography Standards RNG Random Number Generator RPK Remote PED Key RPV Remote PED Vector SADK Secure Audit Domain Key SALK Secure Audit Logging Key SMK Security Officer’s Master Key SO Security Officer STC Secure Trusted Channel STM Secure Transport Mode TUK Token or Module Unwrapping Key TVK Token or Module Variable Key TWC Token or Module Wrapping Certificate USK User’s Storage Key Preface Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 8 PREFACE This document deals only with operations and capabilities of the Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module in the technical terms of FIPS PUB 140-2, 'Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules', 12-03-2002. General information on Thales HSM alongside other Thales products is available from the following sources:  the Thales internet site contains information on the full line of available products at:  product manuals and technical support literature can be found through the customer support portal at:  technical or sales representatives of Thales can be contacted through one of the channels listed on NOTE: You require an account to access the Customer Support Portal. To create a new account, go to the portal and click on the REGISTER link. Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 9 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This non-proprietary document describes the security policies enforced by Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module and Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module for Thales Luna Network HSM. 1.2 Scope This document applies to Hardware Versions 808-000048-002, 808-000048-003, 808-000066-001, 808- 000073-001 or 808-000073-002 with Firmware Versions 7.0.1, 7.0.2, 7.0.3 or 7.3.3, with Boot Loader Versions 1.1.1, 1.1.2 or 1.1.4 and where:  808-000048-002 and 808-000048-003 correspond to a module with fans on the outside of the metal enclosure factory installed;  808-000073-001 and 808-000073-002 correspond to a module with extra heatsinks installed (instead of fans as pictured);  808-000048-002 and 808-000048-003 are functionally equivalent with the difference being limited to the supply choice for one of the non-security enforcing internal components;  808-000073-001 and 808-000073-002 are functionally equivalent with the difference being limited to the supply choice for one of the non-security enforcing internal components; and  808-000066-001 and 808-000073-001 are alternate part numbers for the same hardware with no functional changes. The security policies described in this document apply to the Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module only and do not include any security policy that may be enforced by the host appliance, client or Thales Luna PED. The Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module can be used as follows:  A standalone device called the Thales Luna PCIe HSM; or  An embedded device in the Thales Luna Network HSM. The security policies described in this document apply to the PED and Password Authentication (FIPS Level 3) configurations of the Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module only and do not include any security policy that may be enforced by the host appliance or server. The module is supplied configured for either Password or PED based authentication selected based on a loaded license file. 1.3 Validation Overview The cryptographic module meets all level 3 requirements for FIPS 140-2 as summarized in the table below: Table 1: FIPS 140-2 Security Levels Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 10 Security Requirements Section Level Cryptographic Module Specification 3 Cryptographic Module Ports and Interfaces 3 Roles and Services and Authentication 3 Finite State Machine Model 3 Physical Security 3 + EFP Operational Environment N/A Cryptographic Key Management 3 EMI/EMC 3 Self-Tests 3 Design Assurance 3 Mitigation of Other Attacks 3 Cryptographic Module Security Policy 3 1.4 Functional Overview The Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module is a multi-chip embedded hardware cryptographic module in the form of a PCI-Express card that typically resides within a custom computing or secure communications appliance. The cryptographic module is contained in its own secure enclosure that provides physical resistance to tampering. The cryptographic boundary of the module is defined to encompass all components inside the secure enclosure on the PCI-E card. A module may be explicitly configured to operate in either FIPS 140-2 Approved mode, or in a non-Approved mode of operation. Note that selection of operating in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode occurs at initialization of the cryptographic module, and cannot be changed during normal operation without zeroizing the module’s non- volatile memory. Section 3.1 provides additional information for configuration the module in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode of operation. A module is accessed directly (i.e., electrically) over the PCI-Express communications interface. If configured, the Trusted Path, Thales Luna PIN Entry Device (PED), can be connected to the module’s USB port for authentication. A module provides secure key generation and storage for symmetric keys and asymmetric key pairs along with symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic services. Access to key material and cryptographic services for users and user application software is provided through the PKCS #11 programming API, which is implemented over the module’s proprietary command interface (ICD). Introduction Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 11 A module may host multiple user definitions or “user partitions” that are cryptographically separated and are presented as “virtual tokens” to user applications. A single “admin partition” exists that is dedicated to the HSM Security Officer role. Each partition must be separately authenticated in order to make it available for use. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 12 2 Module Overview 2.1 Module Specification The cryptographic module is a multi-chip embedded hardware module which is available by itself as a Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module or embedded within the Thales Luna Network HSM. The cryptographic boundary1 of the module is shown in Figure 2-1. The cryptographic boundary is defined as the metal enclosure on the top and bottom sides of the PCI-E card as outlined. The fans depicted alongside the removable backup battery are not included in the cryptographic boundary. Figure 2-1: Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module cryptographic boundary 1 The fans depicted are not included in the physical boundary of the module. The 808-000066-001, 808-000073-001, and 808- 000073-002 variants of the module do not include fans. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 13 Figure 2-2: Thales Luna Network HSM 2.2 Ports and Interfaces The module supports the following physical ports and interfaces:  PCI-E interface  USB port  Serial port  Power supply  Battery  LED  External event input  Decommission input Table 2-1: Mapping of FIPS 140-2 Interfaces to Physical and Logical Interfaces FIPS 140-2 Interface Physical Interface Logical Interface Data Input PCI-E interface Data I/O Luna ICD Logical Trusted Path (Remote PED) Bootloader command protocol USB Physical Trusted Path (Local PED) Serial interface Bootloader command protocol Data Output PCI-E interface Data I/O Luna ICD Logical Trusted Path (Remote PED) Bootloader command protocol Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 14 FIPS 140-2 Interface Physical Interface Logical Interface USB Physical Trusted Path (Local PED) Serial Port Bootloader command protocol Control Input PCI-E interface Data I/O Luna ICD External event jumper N/A Decommission jumper N/A Serial Port Luna Communication Path Status Output PCI-E interface Data I/O Luna ICD Logical Trusted Path (Remote PED) Bootloader command protocol USB Physical Trusted Path (Local PED) LED N/A Serial Port Bootloader command protocol Power 5V and 1.8V (generated from 12V power supply via PCI-E interface) N/A 3.6V battery N/A Trusted Path If configured, the module can use a Thales Luna PIN Entry Device (PED) as an external data input/output device. The Luna PED connects to the module’s USB port and is used to pass authentication data and CSPs to and from the module via a physical trusted path. CSP’s and authentication data that are output to the Luna PED are stored in a PED Key (also known as an iKey) USB device connected to the Luna PED. Any PED Key, once data has been written to it, is an Identification and Authentication device and must be safeguarded accordingly by the administrative or operations staff responsible for the operation of the module within the customer’s environment. The following types of PED Keys are used with the Luna PED:  Orange (RPV) PED Key – for the storage of the Remote PED Vector (RPV);  Blue (Security Officer) PED Key – for the storage of HSM Security Officer, Partition Security Officer and Administrator authentication data2 ; 2 Separate PED Keys can be used when these roles are assigned to different operators Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 15  Black (Crypto Officer) PED Key – for the storage of Crypto Officer authentication data;  Grey (Crypto User) PED Key – for the storage of Crypto User authentication data;  Red (Cloning Domain) PED Key – for the storage of the cloning domain data, used to control the ability to clone to another cryptographic module or to a backup module; and  White (Audit Officer) PED Key – for the storage of Audit Officer authentication data. Figure 2-3: Thales Luna PIN Entry Device and iKey Remote PED If configured, the user has the option of operating the Luna PED remotely, connected to a USB port on a management workstation. Remote PED operation extends the physical trusted path connection by the use of a protocol over the PCI-E interface that authenticates both the remote PED and the module and establishes a one-time AES key to encrypt the communications between the module and the Remote PED. Once secure communications have been established, all interactions between the cryptographic module, PED, and PED Keys are performed in exactly the same way as they would be when locally connected. The logical path between the module and the Remote Luna PED is secured in the manner described below. At the time the Luna PED is configured for remote use, the module generates a random 256-bit secret, known as the Remote PED Vector (RPV), stores it in its internal parameters area, and writes it to the “Orange” PED Key, also known as the Remote PED Key (RPK), using a locally attached Luna PED. To establish the secure connection, the RPK must be inserted into the Luna PED connected to a management workstation. The Luna PED extracts the RPV, and the Luna PED and the cryptographic module then participate in an ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key agreement session. The derived shared secret is then XORed with the RPV to produce the key to be used for the session. An exchange of encrypted random nonces is performed to authenticate both ends of the transmission. All traffic between the PED and the cryptographic module is encrypted using AES 256 OFB. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 16 Secure Messaging Each partition can individually be configured to use a secure messaging feature called Secure Trusted Channel (STC). An STC channel is a cryptographic tunnel established between a partition and a host/client application. The STC channel is designed to provide both confidentiality and integrity on all ICD commands that are sent to the partition. STC for a partition can be configured by registering one or more host/client RSA public keys with a partition. Once configured, the partition will reject any ICD commands3 that are not delivered to the module through an STC channel. An STC channel is established by using the partition STC public key and a registered client RSA key to exchange ephemeral DH public keys (SP800-56B Key Transport), which are in turn used to derive (SP800-56A key agreement) tunnel encryption, decryption and HMAC keys. 2.3 Roles and Services Roles The Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module supports the following authenticated roles:  HSM Security Officer (HSM SO)  Module-level role  Initializes and configures the module for operation  Creates user partitions  Performs key management tasks for the admin partition  Performs cryptographic operations for the admin partition  Manages Administrator role4  Administrator  Optional admin partition-level Crypto Officer like role  Performs key management tasks for the admin partition  Performs cryptographic operations for the admin partition  Audit Officer (AO)  Module-level role  Initializes, configures, and manages secure audit logging  Partition Security Officer (PSO)  User partition-level role  Configures the partition policy settings and performs security administration tasks within the user partition 3 Status commands and commands required to setup an STC channel are allowed to pass outside of the STC tunnel. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 17  Manages Crypto Officer role4  Crypto Officer (CO)  User partition-level role  Performs key management tasks for the user partition  Performs cryptographic operations for the user partition  Manages Crypto User role4  Crypto User (CU)  Optional user partition-level read-only role  Performs cryptographic operations for the user partition The module also supports the following unauthenticated role:  Public User  Module-level and partition-level role which is permitted to access status information and perform diagnostics before authentication The mapping of the cryptographic module’s roles to the roles defined in FIPS 140-2 can be found in Table . Table 2-2 Mapping of FIPS 140-2 Roles to Module Roles FIPS 140-2 Role Thales Luna K7 Role Role Scope Crypto Officer HSM Security Officer Module Audit Officer Module Partition Security Officer User Partition User Administrator Admin Partition Crypto Officer User Partition Crypto User User Partition Unauthenticated User Public User Module/Partition Services All services listed in Table 2-3 can be accessed in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode and non-Approved mode. The services listed in Table 2-3 use the security functions listed in Table 2-6, Table 2-7, and section 2.7.2. When the module is operating in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode as described in Section 3.1, the non-Approved Security Functions in section 2.7.2 are disabled and cannot be used for these services. The non-Approved functions in section 2.7.2 can only be accessed through the services when the module is in non-Approved mode. 4 Role is responsible for managing another role using the services (Initialize Role, Reset Role Authentication Data) as defined in Table 2-3 Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 18 Table 2-3 Roles and Access Rights by Service Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type(s) of Access Role HSM Security Officer Partition Security Officer Crypto Officer Crypto User Public User Audit Officer Administrator Show Status N/A N/A x x x x x x x Self-test N/A N/A x x x x x x x Initialize Module DRBG State Use x Authentication data, SMK, PSK, KCV Write Configure Module Policy5 N/A N/A x Create Partition N/A N/A x Initialize Partition DRBG State Use x Authentication data, USK, PSK, KCV Write Configure Partition Policy5 N/A N/A x Initialize Role Authentication Data, USK, PSK Write x x x Login Authentication data, USK, PSK Use x Logout N/A N/A x x x x x x Reset Role Authentication Data Authentication Data, USK, PSK Write x x x Change Role Authentication Data Authentication Data, USK, PSK Use, Write x x x x x x Zeroize Module Authentication data, SMK, PSK, KCV, LKCV, SADK, symmetric keys, asymmetric key pairs Erase x x x x x x x Zeroize Partition Authentication data, USK, PSK, KCV, LKCV, symmetric keys, asymmetric key pairs Erase x x x x x x x 5 May invoke Zeroize Module service Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 19 Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type(s) of Access Role HSM Security Officer Partition Security Officer Crypto Officer Crypto User Public User Audit Officer Administrator Delete Partition Authentication data, USK, PSK, KCV, LKCV, symmetric keys, asymmetric key pairs Erase x Firmware Update GSK, Root Certificate Use Write (firmware only) x Configuration Update Root Certificate Use x Authentication data, USK, PSK, KCV, LKCV, symmetric keys, asymmetric key pairs Erase (may invoke Zeroize Module and Zeroize Partition) Generate Random Data DRBG State Use x x x x x x Key Generation DRBG State Use x x x Symmetric keys Write Key Pair Generation DRBG State Use x x x Asymmetric key pairs Write Domain Parameter Generation DRBG State Use x x x Domain Parameters Write Wrap Symmetric Key KTS symmetric/asymmetric wrapping key Use (wrapping key) Write (unwrapped key) x x x Unwrap Symmetric Key symmetric key, symmetric/asymmetric unwrapping key Use (wrapping key) Write (unwrapped key) x x x Unwrap Asymmetric Key asymmetric key, symmetric unwrapping key Use (wrapping key) Write (unwrapped key) x x x Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 20 Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type(s) of Access Role HSM Security Officer Partition Security Officer Crypto Officer Crypto User Public User Audit Officer Administrator Key Unmask KCV Use x x x symmetric key, asymmetric key Write Key Agreement asymmetric key, symmetric key Use Write x x x Key Derivation symmetric key Use, Write x x x HASH N/A N/A x x x x Partition Backup / Restore Asymmetric private keys, Symmetric keys Transfer6 x x DRBG State, ROOT, MIC, HOC, TWC, TUK, KCV Use Symmetric Encrypt/Decrypt DRBG State, Symmetric keys Use x x x x Asymmetric Signature DRBG State, RSA, DSA, ECDSA, EDDSA private keys Use x X X x Asymmetric Verification RSA, DSA, ECDSA, EDDSA public keys Use x x x x Store Data Object Non-cryptographic data Write x x x x x Read Data Object Non-cryptographic data Read x x x x x 6 Transfer means moving a key using the cloning protocol from one cryptographic module to another. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 21 Service Cryptographic Keys and CSPs Type(s) of Access Role HSM Security Officer Partition Security Officer Crypto Officer Crypto User Public User Audit Officer Administrator Initialize Secure Audit Logging DRBG State Use x Authentication Data, SADK Write Change Audit Officer’s Password DRBG State Use x Authentication data Read, Write Configure Secure Audit Logging N/A Read, Write x Synchronize Module’s clock with the Host system’s clock N/A Write x Verify, Import, and Export secure audit log files SALK Use x Show secure audit log status N/A Read x Import and Export the Wrapped Secure Audit Logging Key SALK Write, Read x 2.4 Authentication All roles except for the Public User must authenticate to the module by providing their authentication data. Table 2-3 and Table 2-4 explains the type and strength of the authentication data supported for each role. If configured with PED, all roles must authenticate using a PED Key. When a role is initialized under this configuration, a module generates the authentication data as a 48-byte random value and writes it to a PED Key. Optionally, the Crypto-Officer and Crypto-User roles can be configured to use two-factor authentication by also assigning a password to the role. If configured with Password, all roles must authenticate using a password. When a role is initialized under this configuration, the operator enters the initial password for the role. Regardless of configuration (PED or Password), the password is delivered to the module encrypted with the module’s Password Encryption Key (PEC) using RSA-OAEP and a random nonce to prevent replay attacks. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 22 Table 2-3 Roles and Required Identification and Authentication Role Type of Authentication Authentication Data Password Configuration PED Configuration HSM Security Officer Identity-based Password Authentication token (PED Key) Audit Officer Identity-based Password Authentication token (PED Key) Partition Security Officer Identity-based Password Authentication token (PED Key) Crypto Officer Identity-based Password Authentication token (PED Key), plus optional password Crypto User Identity-based Password Authentication token (PED Key), plus optional password Administrator Identity-based Password Authentication token (PED Key) Public User Not Required N/A N/A Table 2-4 Strengths of Authentication Mechanisms Authentication Mechanism Strength of Mechanism PED Key (if configured) 48 byte random authentication data generated when a role is initialized and stored on PED key. The probability of guessing the authentication data in a single attempt is 1 in 2384 . With a maximum of 6000 failed login attempts per minute, the thresholds required by FIPS 140-2 can never be reached. Password User provided byte array (minimum 7 bytes). The probability of guessing the challenge secret in a single attempt is 1 in 256 . With a maximum of 6000 failed login attempts per minute, the thresholds required by FIPS 140-2 can never be reached. Activation If PED is configured, the Crypto-Officer and Crypto-User roles can be configured to use a two-step authentication process. The first stage is termed “Activation” and is performed using a PED key. Once activated, access to key material and cryptographic services is not allowed until the second stage of authentication, “User Login”, has been performed using the role’s password. Once activated, a role stays activated until the role is explicitly deactivated, deleted or the module is reset7 . 7 A module is reset in response to an External Event, Decommission signal and EFP violations, loss of power and a request from a host application. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 23 M of N If PED is configured, the cryptographic module supports the use of an M of N secret sharing authentication scheme for each of the module roles. M of N authentication provides the capability to enforce multi-person integrity over the functions associated with each role. The M of N capability is based on Shamir’s threshold scheme. The cryptographic module splits the randomly- generated authentication data into “N” pieces, known as splits, and stores each split on a PED Key. Any “M” of these “N” splits must be transmitted to the cryptographic module by inserting the corresponding PED Keys into the Luna PED in order to reconstruct the original secret. 2.5 Physical Security The Luna cryptographic module is a multi-chip embedded module as defined by FIPS PUB 140-2 section 4.5. The module is enclosed in a strong metal enclosure that provides tamper-evidence. Any tampering that might compromise a module’s security is detectable by visual inspection of the physical integrity of a module. The HSM Security Officer should perform a visual inspection of the module at regular intervals. Within the metal enclosure, a hard opaque epoxy covers the circuitry of the cryptographic module. Attempts to remove this epoxy will cause sufficient damage to the cryptographic module so that it is rendered inoperable. The module’s enclosure is opaque to resist visual inspection of the device design, physical probing of the device and attempts to access sensitive data on individual components of the device. External Event The module supports a physical interface for the input of an external event signal. The external event signal jumper is monitored in both the powered-on state and the powered-off state. In the event of an external event signal, the module will erase the Token Module Variable Key, reset itself, clear all working memory and log the event. The module can be reset and placed back into operation when the external event signal is removed. PCI-E Card Removal The module detects removal from the PCI-E slot in both the powered-on state and the powered-off state. If the card is removed from the PCI-E slot, the Token Variable Key (TVK) is erased and the event is logged. Environmental Failure Protection The module is designed to sense and respond to out-of-range temperature conditions as well as out-of-range voltage conditions. The temperature and voltage conditions are monitored in both the powered-on state and the powered-off state. In the event that the module senses an out-of-range temperature or over voltage, the module will erase the TVK, reset itself, clear all working memory and log the event. The module can be reset and placed back into operation when proper operating conditions have been restored. Note, under-voltage conditions cannot be reliably distinguished from a power cycle. In the event that the module senses an under voltage, it will clear all working memory and halt operations. The TVK will not be erased. The module can be reset and placed back into operation when proper operating conditions have been restored. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 24 Decommission The module supports a physical interface for the input of a decommission signal. The decommission signal is monitored in both the powered-on state and the powered-off state. In the event of a decommission signal, the module will erase the Key Encryption Key (KEK), reset itself, clear all working memory and log the event. This provides the capability to prevent access to sensitive objects in the event that the module has become unresponsive or has lost access to primary power. The module can be reset and placed back into operation when the decommission signal is removed, however it must be re-initialized. The module can optionally be configure to erase the KEK in response to the External Event signal and EFP violations described above. Secure Transport Mode Secure Transport Mode (STM) allows the integrity of the module to be verified when the module is shipped from one location to another or placed in storage. When a module is placed in to STM, a random string and a fingerprint of the internal state of the module is output from the module. The fingerprint is a SHA-256 digest of the random string, a randomly generated nonce, module CSPs, firmware, module configuration information and non-volatile memory. The nonce is stored in the HSE-BBRAM that is erased in response to an External Event, Decommission signal and EFP violations. While in STM, the module is in a reduced mode of operation which only allows the module to be taken out of STM. If the module has been initialized, only the HSM Security Officer can put the module into STM and take it out of STM. If the HSM is in a zeroized state, only the public user can put the module into STM and take it out of STM. The module can be taken out of STM by entering the random user string. The module will recalculate and output the fingerprint. It is the operator’s responsibility to verify that the fingerprint output matches the fingerprint initially output when the module was put in to STM. Fault Tolerance If power is lost to a module for whatever reason, the module shall, at a minimum, maintain itself in a state that it can be placed back into operation when power is restored without compromise of its functionality or permanently stored data. A module shall maintain its secure state8 in the event of data input / output failures. When data input / output capability is restored the module will resume operation in the state it was prior to the input / output failure. 2.6 Operational Environment The module uses a non-modifiable operational environment. The requirements for a modifiable operating environment do not apply. 8 A secure state is one in which either the cryptographic module is operational and its security policy enforcement is functioning correctly, or it is not operational and all sensitive material is stored in a cryptographically protected form. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 25 2.7 Cryptographic Key Management FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations The FIPS-Approved algorithms implemented by the module can be found in Table 2-6. Table 2-6 FIPS-Approved Algorithm Implementations Approved Security Functions Certificate No. Symmetric Encryption/Decryption AES: ECB, CBC, OFB, CTR, CFB8, CFB128, GCM, XTS, KW, KWP #4753 AES: GCM9 #4754 Triple-DES (3-key): ECB, CBC, OFB, CTR, CFB8, CFB64 #2525 Hashing SHA: SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 (Byte Only) #3896 SHA10 : SHA-256, SHA-512 (Byte Only) #3897 SHA: SHA-1, SHA-384 (Byte Only) #3951 and #3952 Message Authentication Code HMAC: HMAC-SHA-111, HMAC-SHA-224, HMAC-SHA-256, HMAC-SHA-384, HMAC-SHA- 512 #3166 Triple-DES: MAC (based on Certificate No. #2525) (Vendor Affirmed) CMAC #2525 AES: CMAC #4753 Asymmetric RSA: #2597 9 The module generates IVs internally using the Approved DRBG which are at least 96-bits in length. 10 Alternate implementation that is used under certain configurations. 11 Only keys of 112 bits or greater are allowed in FIPS mode when using HMAC-SHA-1. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 26 Approved Security Functions Certificate No. Key Generation, Signature Generation, Signature Verification RSA10 : Key Generation #2598 RSA: Signature Verification, Signature Generation #2631 and #2632 DSA: Parameter Generation, Key Generation, Signature Generation, Signature Verification #1274 DSA10 : Parameter Generation, Key Generation #1275 ECDSA: Key Generation, Signature Generation, Signature Verification Curves: B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, P-224, P-256, P- 384, P-521 #1188 ECDSA10 : Key Generation Curves: B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, P-224, P-256, P- 384, P-521 #1189 ECDSA (CVL): Signature Generation Component Curves: B-233, B-283, B-409, B-571, K-233, K-283, K-409, K-571, P-224, P-256, P- 384, P-521 #1392 RSA (CVL): Decryption Primitive #1431 Key Agreement Scheme ECC: Ephemeral Unified, OnePassDH FCC: dhHybrid1, dhEphem, dhHbryidOneFlow, dhOneFlow #133 FCC10 : dhHybrid1, dhEphem, dhHbryidOneFlow, dhOneFlow #134 Key Transport KTS (AES Cert. #4753) #4753 Key Derivation Function Key-Based Key Derivation Function (KBKDF): Counter Mode #152 Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 27 Approved Security Functions Certificate No. Random Number Generation NIST SP 800-90A DRBG (CTR) AES 256 #1634 Table 2-7 Allowed Security Function for the Firmware Implementation Allowed Security Functions Key Agreement Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) Key Transport RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 152 bits of encryption strength) (based on Certificate No. #2597) RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 112 and 152 bits of encryption strength) (based on Certificate No. #2598)10 AES (key unwrapping; key establishment methodology provides between 128 and 256 bits of encryption strength) (based on Certificate No. #4753) Triple-DES (key unwrapping; key establishment methodology provides 112 bits of encryption strength) (based on Certificate No. #2525) Entropy Source (non-FIPS Approved but Allowed) Hardware Random Number Generator (free-running local oscillators) Non-Approved Security Functions The following Non-FIPS Approved security functions are implemented on the cryptographic module but not available for use when the module has been configured to operate in FIPS-approved mode (see section 3.1 for guidance on configuring FIPS-approved mode):  Symmetric Encryption/Decryption  DES  RC2  RC4  RC5  CAST3  CAST5 Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 28  SEED  ARIA  Hashing  MD2  HAS-160  SM3  Message Authentication Code  AES MAC (non-compliant)  DES-MAC  RC2-MAC  RC5-MAC  CAST3-MAC  CAST5-MAC  SEED-MAC  ARIA-MAC  SSL3-MD5-MAC  SSL3-SHA1-MAC  HMAC (Cert #3166 – non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength)  Asymmetric  KCDSA  RSA X.509  RSA (Cert #2597, Cert #2598 – non compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength)  DSA (Cert #1274, Cert #1275 – non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength)  ECDSA (Cert #1188, Cert #1189 – non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength)  EDDSA  Generate Key  DES  RC2  RC4  RC5  CAST3  CAST5 Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 29  SEED  ARIA  GENERIC-SECRET  SSL PRE-MASTER  BIP32  Key Agreement  ECC (non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength)  Diffie-Hellman (key agreement; key establishment methodology; non-compliant less than 112 bits)  Key Transport  RSA (key wrapping; key establishment methodology; non-compliant less than 112 bits of encryption strength) 2.8 Critical Security Parameters The following table lists Critical Security Parameters (CSP) used to perform approved security function supported by the cryptographic module: Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 30 Table 2-7 Keys and Critical Security Parameters Used in the Module Keys and CSPS CSP Type Generation Input / Output Storage Destruction Description User Password (if PED configuration and Optionally selected) 7 - 64 character data string N/A Input from host using ICD communication path Flash memory encrypted with PSK N/A User provided password input by the operator as a second factor of authentication data. PED Authentication Data (if PED configuration) 48-byte random value AES-CTR DRBG Input / Output via direct connection to PED Not stored On module N/A A 48-byte random value that is generated by the module when a role is created and is written out to the PED key via the Trusted Path. Password (Authentication Data if Password configuration) 7 - 255 character data string N/A Input from host using ICD communication path Not stored On module N/A User provided password input by the operator as authentication data. Key Cloning Domain Vector (KCV) 48-byte random value AES-CTR DRBG Input/Output via direct connection to PED Flash Memory encrypted with PSK N/A 48-byte value that is used to control a partition’s ability to participate in the cloning protocol. It is either generated by the module or imprinted onto the module at the time the module is initialized. The value is output from the original module in the domain onto a PED key to enable initializing additional modules into the same domain. User Storage Key (USK) AES-256 AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with User’s Authentication Data and KEK N/A This key is used to encrypt all sensitive attributes of all private objects owned by the User. Security Officer Master Key (SMK) AES-256 AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with SO’s Authentication Data and KEK N/A This key is used to encrypt all sensitive attributes of all private objects owned by the SO. Partition Storage Key (PSK) AES-256 AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with USK N/A This key is unique per-partition and used to encrypt all CSP that are shared by all roles of a given partition. Global Storage Key (GSK) AES-256 AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with PSK N/A 32-byte AES key that is the same for all users on a specific Luna cryptographic module. It is used to encrypt permanent parameters within the non- volatile memory area reserved for use by the module. Root Certificate RSA-4096 public key certificate Loaded at manufacturing Certificate Output in Plaintext Flash memory in plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the Root Key. It is self-signed. Used in verifying Manufacturing Integrity Certificate (MIC) and firmware updates. Manufacturer’s Integrity Certificate (MIC) RSA-4096 public key certificate Loaded at manufacturing Certificate Output in Plaintext Flash memory in plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the Manufacturing Integrity Key (MIK). It is signed by the Root Key. Used in verifying Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 31 Keys and CSPS CSP Type Generation Input / Output Storage Destruction Description Hardware Origin Certificates (HOCs), which are generated in response to a customer function call to provide proof of hardware origin. Hardware Origin Key (HOK) RSA 4096 bit private key FIPS 186-4 Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with GSK N/A A 4096 bit RSA private key used to sign certificates for other device key pairs, such as the TWC. It is generated at the time the device is manufactured. Hardware Origin Certificate (HOC) RSA-4096 public key certificate Loaded at manufacturing Certificate Output in Plaintext Flash memory in plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the HOK. It is signed by the Manufacturer’s Integrity Key (MIK) at the time the device is manufactured. Password Encryption Key (PEK) RSA 4096 bit private key FIPS 186-4 Not Input or Output Working RAM in plaintext N/A A 4096 bit RSA private key used to decrypt user passwords that are provided to the module. It is generated the first time it is required. Password Encryption Certificate (PEC) RSA-4096 public key certificate FIPS 186-4 Certificate Output in Plaintext Working RAM in plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the PEK. It is created and signed by the HOK the first it is required. Token or Module Unwrapping Key (TUK) RSA-2048 bit private key FIPS 186-4 Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with GSK N/A A 2048-bit RSA private key used in the cloning protocol. Token or Module Wrapping Certificate (TWC) RSA-2048 public key certificate FIPS 186-4 Certificate Output in Plaintext Flash memory plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the TUK. It is signed by the HOK. Used in exchange of session encryption key as part of the handshake during the cloning protocol. Device Authentication Key (DAK) RSA 2048 bit private key FIPS 186-4 Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with GSK N/A 2048-bit RSA private key used for a specific PKI implementation requiring assurance that a key or a specific action originated within the hardware crypto module. Device Authentication Key (DAC) RSA-2048 public key certificate FIPS 186-4 Certificate Output in Plaintext Working RAM in plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the DAK. It is signed by the HOK. Used for a specific PKI implementation requiring assurance that a key or a specific action originated within the hardware crypto module. ECC Manufacturing Integrity Certificate (ECC MIC) ECC P-384 public certificate Loaded at manufacturing Certificate Output in Plaintext Flash memory plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the ECC Manufacturing Integrity Key (ECC MIK). It is self-signed. ECC Hardware Origin Key (ECC HOK) ECC P-384 private key FIPS 186-4 Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with GSK N/A ECC P-384 private key used to sign other device keys and used for a specific PKI implementation requiring assurance that a key or a specific action originated within the hardware crypto module. ECC Hardware Origin Certificate (ECC HOC) ECC P-384 public certificate FIPS 186-4 Certificate Output in Plaintext Flash memory plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the ECC HOK. It is signed by the ECC Manufacturing Integrity Key (ECC MIK). It is used for a specific PKI implementation requiring assurance that a key or a specific action originated within the hardware crypto module. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 32 Keys and CSPS CSP Type Generation Input / Output Storage Destruction Description ECC Device Authentication Key (ECC DAK) ECC P-384 private key FIPS 186-4 Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with GSK N/A ECC P-384 private key. ECC Device Authentication Certificate (ECC DAC) ECC P-384 public certificate Loaded at manufacturing Certificate Output in Plaintext Flash memory plaintext N/A The X.509 public key certificate corresponding to the ECC DAK. It is signed by the ECC HOK. Token or Module Variable Key (TVK) (if PED configuration) AES-256 AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output HSE-BBRAM in plaintext Zeroized in response to physical security measures It is used to encrypt authentication data stored for auto-activation purposes. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 33 Keys and CSPS CSP Type Generation Input / Output Storage Destruction Description Key Encryption Key (KEK) AES-256 AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output HSE-BBRAM in plaintext Zeroized in response to physical security measures The KEK encrypts all sensitive values and is zeroized in response to a decommission signal. Remote PED Vector (RPV) (if PED configuration) 256-bit secret value AES-CTR DRBG Input / Output via direct connection to PED Flash memory encrypted with GSK Zeroized via ICD command A randomly generated 256-bit secret, which must be shared between a remote PED and a cryptographic module in order to establish a secure communication channel between them. DRBG Key AES-256 Hardware Random Source Not Input or Output Working RAM in plaintext Power Cycle 32 bytes AES key stored in the RAM. Used in an implementation of the NIST SP 800-90A CTR (AES) DRBG. DRBG Seed 384 bits Hardware Random Source Not Input or Output Working RAM in plaintext Power Cycle Random seed data drawn from the Hardware RBG and used to seed an implementation of the NIST SP 800-90A CTR (AES) DRBG. DRBG V 128 bits Hardware Random Source Not Input or Output Working RAM in plaintext Power Cycle Part of the secret state of the approved DRBG. The value is generated using the methods described in NIST SP 800-90A. DRBG Entropy Input 384 bits Hardware Random Source Not Input or Output Working RAM in plaintext Power Cycle The 384-bit entropy value used to initialize the approved DRBG. Secure Audit Domain Key (SADK) 48-byte random value AES-CTR DRBG Input/Output via direct connection to PED Flash Memory encrypted with USK N/A A 48-byte value, the first 32-bytes of which are used as an AES KW 256-bit key that is used to wrap/unwrap the SALK when it is exported / imported from / to the module. It is either generated by the module or imprinted onto the module at the time Audit role is initialized. The value is output from the original module onto a PED key to enable initializing the Audit role on additional modules into the same domain. Secure Audit Logging Key (SALK) 256 bit HMAC key AES-CTR DRBG Input / Output encrypted Flash memory in plaintext, Flash memory encrypted with SADK N/A A 256-bit key used to verify data integrity and authentication of the log messages. Saved in the parameter area of Flash memory. Secure Transport Mode (STM) Nonce 992-bits AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output HSE-BBRAM in plaintext Zeroized in response to physical security measures Random value used to create module fingerprint that is used to verify the module’s integrity as part of the Secure Transport Mode feature. Partition STC Private Key 2048-bit private key AES-CTR DRBG Not Input or Output Flash memory encrypted with GSK Zeroized via ICD command A 2048-bit RSA private key used in the STC protocol. Partition STC Public Key 2048-bit public key AES-CTR DRBG Output in Plaintext Flash memory in plaintext Zeroized via ICD command A 2048-bit RSA public key used in the STC protocol. Partition STC Client/Host Public Keys 2048-bit public key N/A Public Key Input in Plaintext Flash memory in plaintext Zeroized via ICD command A 2048-bit RSA public key used in the STC protocol. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 34 Key Generation Symmetric cryptographic keys are generated by the direct unmodified output of the module’s NIST SP 800-90A DRBG. The DRBG output is also used as a seed for asymmetric key generation. Keys which are generated outside the module and input during the manufacturing process include: Manufacturer’s Integrity Certificate (MIC), Hardware Origin Certificate (HOC), ECC Manufacturer’s Integrity Certificate (ECC MIC), ECC Hardware Origin Certificate (ECC HOC), ECC Device Authentication Certificate (ECC DAC). User passwords for authentication are generated by the operator. Key Import and Export If PED is configured, the following keys/CSPs use the module’s direct connection to the PED for entry/output: PED Authentication Data, Cloning Domain Vector, Remote PED Vector (RPV) and Secure Audit Domain Key (SADK). In both configurations, the following keys/CSP use the ICD communication path to the host for entry/output: All certificates, Authentication Nonce, User Password and Secure Audit Logging Key (SALK). The remaining keys and CSPs listed in Table 2 9 are not input to or output from the module. Depending on the configuration of the module, the following methods of key entry and output may be available as a service (see section 2.3.2):  Key Cloning Key cloning uses a one-time AES key as a session key to encrypt an object being transferred from one Luna module to another. Objects transferred using the cloning protocol may be keys, user data, or module data. The AES session encrypting key is obtained by combining the 48 byte cloning domain value (randomly generated by the module) with random one-time data generated by source and target modules and exchanged using RSA 4096-based transport.  Key Wrap / Unwrap The key wrap operation encrypts a symmetric key value for output, using either an RSA public key or a symmetric key (KTS). The unwrap operation takes as input an encrypted symmetric or asymmetric private key and a handle to the key that was originally used to do the wrapping. It decrypts the key, stores it in the module as a key object and returns the handle to the imported key. Note that for both wrap and unwrap operations, the user (or calling application acting on the user’s behalf) never has access to the actual key values – only handles assigned to the key objects in the module. Key Storage The module supports the following storage methods of keys and CSPs within the module:  Stored in flash memory in plaintext  Stored in flash memory encrypted with PED key and KEK if configured, otherwise authentication data and KEK  Stored in flash memory encrypted with Global Storage Key Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 35  Stored in flash memory encrypted with Partition Storage Key  Stored in working RAM in plaintext  Stored in tamperable HSE-BBRAM in plaintext.  Stored in flash memory encrypted with User Storage Key  Stored in flash memory encrypted with Security Officer Master Key  Stored in flash memory in plaintext and encrypted with Audit role’s User Storage Key  Stored in flash memory encrypted with Secure Audit Domain Key For a definition of how each key and CSP is stored, see Table 2-7. Zeroization The module supports the following zeroization techniques for plaintext keys and CSPs:  Zeroized by power cycle of the module  Zeroized via ICD command  Zeroized in response to physical security measures  Zeroized as part of a decommission signal  Zeroized when moving to/from FIPS 140-2 Approved mode and non-Approved mode of operation  Zeroized when the configured threshold for failed HSM Security Officer login attempts is reached  Zeroized (partition) when the configured threshold for failed Partition Security Officer login attempts is reached For a definition of how each key and CSP is zeroized, see Table 2-7. Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Capability The cryptographic module conforms to the EMI/EMC requirements specified by 47 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 15, Subpart B, Unintentional Radiators, Digital Devices, Class B. 2.9 Self Tests Power-On Self Tests The module performs Power-On Self Tests (POST) upon power-up to confirm the firmware integrity, and to check the random number generator and each of the implemented cryptographic algorithms. While the module is running POST, all interfaces are disabled until the successful completion of the self tests. If any POST fails an error message is output, the module halts, and data output is inhibited. These self tests can also be initiated as an operator service but do not require operator input to initiate at power on. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 36 Table 2-8 Power-On Self-Tests – Module Integrity Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator Boot loader performs an RSA 4096- bit SHA-384 signature verification of itself Power-on Firmware Error output and module halt Boot loader performs an RSA 4096- bit SHA-384 signature verification of the firmware prior to firmware start Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt Table 2-9 Power-On Self-Tests – Cryptographic Implementations Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator DRBG Instantiate Function Known Answer Test (KAT) Power-on Firmware Error output and module halt12 DRBG Generate Function KAT Power-on Firmware Error output and module halt12 DRBG Reseed Function KAT Power-on Firmware Error output and module halt12 DRBG conditional tests Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 Triple-DES KATs Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 SHA-1 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 SHA-224 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 SHA-256 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 SHA-384 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 SHA-512 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 HMAC SHA-1 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 HMAC SHA-224 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 HMAC SHA-256 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 HMAC SHA-384 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 12 Module halt only occurs for failures for power-on tests. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 37 Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator HMAC SHA-512 KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 RSA sig-gen KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 RSA sig-ver KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 DSA sig-gen KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 DSA sig-ver KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 Diffie-Hellman KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 AES KATs Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 AES-GCM KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 ECDH KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 ECDSA sig-gen KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 ECDSA sig-ver KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 KDF KAT Power-on/Request Firmware Error output and module halt12 Conditional Self Tests The module automatically performs conditional self tests based on the module operation. These self tests do not require operator input to initiate. Table 2-10 Conditional Self-Tests Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator NDRNG conditional tests13 Continuous Firmware Error output and module halt12 RSA – Pair-wise consistency test (asymmetric key pairs) On generation Firmware Error output DSA – Pair-wise consistency test (asymmetric key pairs) On generation Firmware Error output ECDSA – Pair-wise consistency test (asymmetric key pairs) On generation Firmware Error output 13 CRNGT, as described in Section 4.9.2 of FIPS 140-2, is only performed for the NDRNG and is not performed for the DRBG as permitted by FIPS IG 9.8 for modules implementing an approved DRBG from NIST SP800-90A. Module Overview Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 38 Test When Performed Where Performed Indicator Firmware load test (4096-bit RSA sig ver) On firmware update load Firmware Error output – module will continue with existing firmware 2.10Mitigation of Other Attacks Timing attacks are mitigated directly by the module through the use of hardware accelerator chips for modular exponentiation operations. The use of hardware acceleration ensures that all RSA signature operations complete in very nearly the same time, therefore making the analysis of timing differences irrelevant. RSA blinding may also be selected as an option to mitigate this type of attack. Guidance Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module - NON-PROPRIETARY SECURITY POLICY 002-010935-001 Rev. Y, 21st April 2022, Copyright © 2022 Thales 39 3 Guidance 3.1 FIPS 140-2 Approved Mode of Operation To place the module in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode as defined by FIPS PUB 140-2, the HSM Security Officer must disable the following module policy:  “Allow Non-FIPS Algorithms” If the HSM Security Officer attempts to enable or disable this policy, a warning is displayed and the HSM Security Officer is prompted to confirm the selection. If this policy is left in the “enabled” state, the module will be operating in the non-Approved mode. The HSM Security Officer can confirm that the cryptographic module is in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode by executing the “hsm showinfo” command in the administration tools provided with the module. If the module is in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode the following message will be displayed, “The HSM is in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode”. If the module is not in FIPS 140-2 Approved mode the following message will be displayed, “The HSM is NOT in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode”. In accordance to NIST guidance, operators are responsible for insuring that a single Triple-DES key shall not be used to encrypt more than 2^16 64-bit data blocks. 3.2 Firmware Loading The module performs a firmware load test on all incoming firmware images. The module only allows properly formatted and signed firmware to be loaded. Valid firmware images are digitally signed using the Thales Firmware signature key. RSA (4096 bits) PKCS #1 V1.5 with SHA-384 is used as the approved signature method.